Nursing School US

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Dear Mia and Friends,

From our conversation, we were able to have an initial assessment of

what steps the team needs to take to answer the need for financing,
which is from our book, is just one of the intermediate end parts of the
whole “selling” process that we need to start working on:

1. To have a Marketing Plan for the (a.) investor, for the (b.) primary
target market and (c.) for the other stakeholders
2. The Marketing plan must have the following elements:
a. Who is our Primary Target Market
b. How are we going to position our School in their minds (We
want to be in their consideration set during the time that they
will be mulling to enroll for Nursing School)
c. Thus, we need to do:

1) Market Segmentation: How large is the undergrad pie, on a

per County/per City level; the relevant demographics, then
we go to:

(2) Consumer Behavior Analysis--we do some basic surveys; we

need to know their sensitivity to Price, School-related
Expenses, Transportation to and from the School. Does the
community (thru past graduates, or by reputation) have Brand
Loyalty with existing Nursing schools? To what degree? We
have to know at what price—total school expenses including
Opportunity Costs—do we get them to enroll?
(3) After Segmentation, we should have a very clear idea of
how large our market is, where are we going to get them (is
the pie growing or are we going to take it away from existing
competition? Who are the competition? How long have they
been operating? Average enrollees for the past 3 years?), how
does the market behave, and thus, we can be able to device a
logical and creative communications plan to backup our Sales
Projections.<-----The Investor will look heavily into these
numbers and information. We do this right, we convince them
that we can deliver the numbers.

(4) Next is we then create the Culture; we create the

Necessary Images—what we call Collaterals—that our team will
be using for the different Touch Points that we will agree upon
based on our financing and agreed upon tactics.

Touch Points are the points of interaction for the Customers.

In it’s generic sense, Customers mean the Investor, the
Fullerton, California residents; the government regulators – in
short, the general public.

The examples of our Touch Points: Billboard, Indoor Ads,

Flyers, Website, Web Ads, Blogs, Youtube Content, Facebook
Live, Instagram, Twitter, mass emailing, text blasts, Power
Point Presentations, Company Profile, Brochures

(5) Upon identification of our target numbers and upon

creation of how we want to reach out to them so that we can
have a piece of their MIND SHARES, we then have to input
everything in our Sales Projections, at least two, three years.
The Sales Projections will lead us to create a Pro Forma
Income Statement and one of the important Statements, the
Statement of Cash Flow.

We are only laying it on how we do pitching or idea or

business selling. As we have come across investors who are
really numbers savvy. And some bring in their Finance Guys.
We may convince the creative marketer’s mind of the investor,
but can we convince his/her financial and logical mind?

3. Up to this point, pre-investor, we should set aside some funds.

Because this will be the initial backbone of our communications.
The Investor’s Pitch we were talking about is a verb actually, we are
speaking of a series of ongoing acts of seeking out the targeted
investor groups and sending out our stories. The Marketing Plan
then, will not only be only a creative undertaking on our team’s
end, it must also contain the cause and effect, the logic of
answering the Whys and the Hows of the investor; If we do this,
this will most likely happen, If we do this, the market will most
likely respond this way-------WHY? What is your knowledge of the
market, what market insights do you speak of to make that logical

4. During the course of our Marketing Plan creation, we will of course

go into the following questions as well:
a. Who are the identified Venture Capitalists in our area?
b. What do they require mostly? (From just asking around, doing
Cold Calls)
c. Are there any BIG Expositions or Events for Startups that
maybe we can join into? (Because of the Pandemic, we will of
course watch out for online events, and maybe targeted
emails to these people—we have to set 1000 video
conferences—pardon my exaggeration.
d. What media would be best to float our investor
To summarize on how we can help you:
1. We will be your pre-launch Consultants. We will help you craft your
Marketing Plan. Through consultation. You will do most of the
legwork on your end. We are here to act as pseudo-investors,
grading the progress of your work. We will help you squeeze every
ounce of creativity from everyone’s brains and put everything there
in the Marketing Mix. We will have a shining finished product.

2. Do not fret or worry about any fee negotiation, we are in Solidarity

mode, our team discussed that we will only probably be charging
you for the Consultations. It could be on an agreed schedule based
on the pace of your output. And another thing, whatever creative
items that we need to procure as feed to our Touch Points will
always be cheaper here. You can always check. We can have a
graphic artist here do some of the Collaterals – very affordable than
hiring one there, we can do things on a per job basis. There are a
lot of jobbers here. A website is very much cheaper here. The IT
guys are very good though.
3. Thus, partially in addressing your qualms of distance, we are
confident that we can help you birth that comprehensive and
working Marketing Plan that, since it will be done creatively and
logically, will surely create a space in the MINDS of investor groups,
the students, and the market. And that Space will entail them to
make calls to our team. And then we should be able to receive
those calls and give our best answers – then the best and most likely
outcome will materialize—which is PEOPLE buying into our idea.
4. We can cross the bridge later should you want to continue our
consultation engagement, by then we would have a very clear idea
of the business environment, and then will surely be better at
advising you on how to compete and thrive—but that is for the
Yours truly,

Tony and Vanj

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