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2017, VOL.12 , NO.5, 1269-1281


The Development of Performance Assessment of Stem-

Based Critical Thinking Skill in the High School Physics

Fikroturrofiah Suwandi Putria and Edi Istiyonoa

aPhysics Education Study Program, Graduate School, Yogyakarta State University,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

This research aims to produce an assessment instrument of STEM-based critical
thinking skill which meets the feasibility criteria. This development research refers
to the model developed by Borg & Gall and is modified using the development
model instruments developed by Oriondo & Antonio. The research subjects were
one senior high school Physics teacher, 129 tenth grade students, and 331 eleventh
grade students of senior high school. The data gathering was carried out using self-
evaluation sheets, observation rubric, students’ worksheets (LKPD) and
reportscoring rubrics, and a test instrument on critical thinking skill. The research
results show that the developed performance assessment has fulfilled the content
validity based on the evaluation by 3 experts and 3 practitioners. The reliability of
all the rubrics in the performance assessment is categorized as very high. The Test
on critical thinking skill consisting of 72 items was declared fit usingPCM and the
level of difficulty of the items ranged between -0.69 and 1.14, which implies good
category. The test also had a reliability coefficient of 0.81 and was categorized as
very high and suitable to measure the students whose ability ranged from -1.60 to
1.70 in the logit scale. In addition, teachers and students gave positive responses
to the application of the developed assessment. Therefore, the developed
performance assessment of STEM-based critical thinking skill has fulfilled the
feasibility criteria to be applied in the senior high school physics class.


Performance Assessment, critical thinking skill, Received 21 August 2016
STEM, physics subject Revised 10 March 2017
Accepted 22 March 2017

The development of education in Indonesia conforms with the international
educational framework. Partnership for 21st Century Skills(2013) as one of the
educational frameworks mentions that the 21st Century student
outcomesincluded content knowledge, learning and innovation skills,
information, media, and technology skills, life and career skills. Life skills

CORRESPONDENCE Fikroturrofiah Suwandi Putri [email protected]

Edi Istiyono [email protected]
© 2016 F.S. Putri and E. Istiyono
Open Access terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License apply. The license permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, on the condition that users give exact credit to the
original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if they made any
changes. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

consist of hard skill and soft skill. Therefore, Permendikbud No. 81 A Tahun
2013 states that education as implemented in the school curriculum requires a
balance between hard skill and soft skill.
The research conducted by Widarto, et al. (2012, p.411) shows that senior
high schools focus more on the knowledge aspect and technical skill (hard skill)
whereas the biggest contributing aspect in the work environments is self-
management skill and interpersonal skill (soft skill). Thus, it is urgent to
develop soft skills in education.
One of the important 21st century soft skills according to Wagner (2008) is
critical thinking skill. In line with this opinion, Permendikbud No.64 Tahun
2013 on the content standards states that one of the competences to be
developed in the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum is the competence to
think critically. Based on the regulation, it can be observed that education in
Indonesia tries to develop critical thinking skill to face the challenges of the 21st
Ennis (1996, p.50) defines critical thinking skill as the ability to think
reflectively focusing on the pattern of presenting decision on what is believed
and what is to be done. Research conducted by Qing, et al. (2010) develops the
critical thinking skill through experiment activities. In addition, research
conducted by Ku (2009); and Blattner & Frazier (2012) found that critical
thinking can be assessed through performance assessment. Another previous
research conducted by Sari & Sugiarto (2015) shows that critical thinking skill
can be developed by designing activities to involve learners to solve problems.
Hence, critical thinking skill can be fosteredthrough a performance assessment
designed based on critical thinking skill indicators to assess the problem solving
activities by means of experiment methods.
Nitko & Brookhart (2011, p.246) assert that, “performance assessment
requires student to create a product or demonstrate a process, or both, and uses
clearly defined criteria to evaluate the qualities of student”. Based on the
explanation, performance assessment deals with the learning process
experienced by the learners and the developed product at the end of the learning
process. Therefore, the performance assessment can be used to assess the
classroom learning as a whole.
The performance assessment adopts the classroom assessment model which
has three objectives, namely assessment for learning, assessment of learning,
and assessment as learning (Arends, 2012, p.230). Assessment for learning is
used to improve the learning outcomes aligned with the assessment objectives.
Assessment of learning is used to monitor the knowledge the learners have
accumulated by considering the learner’s self evaluation. Assessment as
learning is used to evaluate the attainment of the learning objectives carried out
from the beginning to the end of the learning. This is the base where a holistic
assessment can improve the learner’s critical thinking skill if the learning
outcomes are adjusted to the indicators of critical thinking skills.
Developing a performance assessment takes a specific approach which can
answer the challenging advancement of science, information, and technology
which refers to the development of critical thinking skill. STEM is one approach
which integrates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the
learning process. The integration in the learning process can encourage the
learners to develop their critical thinking skills. The research conducted by

Becker & Park (2011) showed that there was a significant difference in the
learning outcomes between classes which applied STEM and classes which did
not. Further research conducted by Petrie, et al. (2014:p.1) found that STEM-
based learning exercised the learners’ thinking skills. Thus, the STEM-based
approach in the performance assessment is assumed to have been able to
develop learners’ critical thinking skill.
Based on the explanation, physics learning needs an operational
assessment to measure learners’ critical thinking skills in the classroom
learning process. The indicators of the critical thinking skills are arranged in a
systematic way to construct learners’ knowledge and to exercise their critical
thinking during the learning process. In addition, the learners integrate science,
technology, engineering and mathematics in the physics problem solving
process. Therefore, it is urgent to develop a performance assessment of the
STEM-based critical thinking skill in the physics learning.
Research Methodology
Types of Research
This is a research and development according to the R&D model developed
by Borg& Gall (1983) and is modified using the instrument development method
developed by Oriondo & Antonio (1984). The development process is presented in
Figure 1.
Research Information Collecting


Setting the objectives of the Performance Assessment

Developing the Form of Assessment

Writing the Indicators of Assessment

Drafting the Assessment Document

Develop Preliminary form of Product

Validating the Content of Assessment

Preliminary Field Testing

Assessment Piloting

Main Product Revision

Main Field Testing

Validation and Measurement of Assessment Reliability

Operational Product Revision

Score Interpretation Process


Figure 1. Flowchart of the Performance Assessment Development

Research Subject
The subjects of the preliminary field testing consisted of one Physics teacher
and 32 tenth grade students. The subjects of the main field testing for
assessment sheet were 97 tenth grade students whereas the subjects of the
critical thinking skill test were 331 eleventh grade students. The number of
research subjects in the empirical validity testing of the test instruments was
more than 200 students. This is corroborated by Seon (2009, p.3) who states that
the number of samples to analyze based on Item Response Theory was around
200 to 1000 people. The research subjects were students from several senior
high schools in Yogyakarta whose grades were categorized as low, medium, and
high based on the 2015 National Examination Results. The selection of samples
was made so as to get the results which would show the learners’ low, medium,
and high degree of critical thinking skills.
Techniques and Instruments of Data Gathering
The data gathering technique used in this research was a questionnaire,
observation, test and documentation. The instrument of data gathering
included: (1) the evaluation sheet of the validation instrument and evaluation
sheet of the product; (2) teacher’s response sheet and learners’ response sheet;
(3) self-evaluation sheet; (4) observation rubric; (5) students’ worksheet and
reportscoring rubrics; and (6) test instrument of critical thinking skills.
Technique of Data Analysis
The product feasibility was analyzed based on the experts’ and
practitioners’ judgment, namely by counting the theoretical mean of the criteria
in each developed assessment aspect (Azwar, 2016, p.147-148) as presented in
Table 1.
Table 1. Ordinal Categorization
Theoretical Mean Interval Category
µ ≤ -1.5 𝜎 Very low
-1.5 𝜎<µ ≤ -0.5 𝜎 Low
-0.5 𝜎<µ ≤ +0.5 𝜎 Medium
+0.5 𝜎<µ ≤ +1.5 𝜎 High
+1.5 𝜎<µ Very High
µ : theoretical mean
𝜎 : standard deviation

The content validity of the test instrument was analyzed using the Aiken’s
V formula. According to Aiken (1985, p.139), the Aiken’s V formula criterion to
be fulfilled for 7 raters and 4 numbers of rating was 0.67. If the Aiken’s V
formula obtained from the content validity of the test instruments of the critical
thinking skill was more than 0.67, the instruments were declared valid.
The reliability of the Observation Sheet, Students’ Worksheet Scoring
Sheet, and the Report Scoring Sheet was analyzed using Intraclass Correlation
Coefficient. The intraclass correlation coefficient is related to the alpha

reliability coefficient (Gliem & Gliem, 2003). The alpha reliability coefficient
could be interpreted according to Table 2.

Table2. Category of the Alpha Coefficient

Alpha Category
𝜶 ≥ 0.9 Excellent
𝜶 ≥ 0.8 Good
𝜶 ≥ 0.7 Acceptable
𝜶 ≥ 0.6 Questioned
𝜶 ≥ 0.5 Poor
𝜶 ≤ 0.5 Unacceptable

The empirical validity of the test instrument was counted using Partial
Credit Model (PCM). PCM is a polytomous scoring model derived from theRasch
model in the dichotomous data (Retnawati, 2016, p.49).PCM was used to analyze
the test items which have several steps to solve them. The synchronization of
the test item and the PCM model was interpreted based on the average means of
INFIT Mean of Square (Mean INFIT MNSQ) and the standard deviation
(Hambleton & Swaminathan, 1985, p.36). If the average mean of INFIT MNSQ
was 1.0 and the standard deviation was 0.0 or the mean of INFIT t approached
0.0 and the standard deviation was 1.0, the entire test items were synchronized
with the model. An item or testee/case/person is declared to be suitable to the
model in the range of INFIT MNSQ of 0.77 to 1.30. In addition, the item is
declared to be good when the index of difficulty was more than -2.0 or less than
The reliability of the test instrument was interpreted based on the
Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient. The degree of the Cronbach’s Alpha(𝛼)reliability of
the test item was divided into five-scale range (Sumintono & Widhiarso, 2014,
p.112) as presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Degree of the Test Reliability

Alpha Degree of Reliability
𝜶< 0.5 Unreliable
0.5 <𝜶< 0.6 Less Reliable
0.6 <𝜶< 0.7 Fairly Reliable
0.7 <𝜶< 0.8 Reliable
𝜶> 0.8 Very Reliable

Research Findings
Research Information Collecting Phase
In this phase, the data was gathered through a field study and literature
review. The field study conducted in several senior high schools in Yogyakarta
shows that teachers need an operational assessment in the Physics learning. In
addition, the learning at schools had not integrated the four aspects, namely
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Based on the Partnershipfor
21st Century Skillsand Permendikbud No. 64 of 2013, it was found that critical

thinking skill is a competence that students need to master. Therefore, this

phase provides a picture of the assessment design needed by the schools.

Planning Phase
This phase includes setting the objectives of assessment, development of the
form of the assessment, drafting the assessment indicators, and writing the
assessment document. The objectives of assessment were to construct learners’
critical thinking skills through literature review on the aspects, subaspects, and
indicators of critical thinking skills integrated with STEM. The forms of
assessment were classroom assessment for (1) assessment for learning in the
form of students’ worksheet; (2) assessment of learning in the form of self-
assessment; and (3) assessment as learning in the form of observation sheet,
students’ worksheet and reportscoring rubrics, and the test instrument for
critical thinking skills in the form of two-tier multiple choice.
Further, items referring to the indicators of critical thinking skills had been
adjusted to the basic competence, materials, evaluation technique, and
assessment strategies. The selected competence was adjusted to the curriculum
implemented by the research subject. The lesson materials selected were
temperature, types of heat, melting heat, and the Black’s principles.
After the indicators were made, the prototype of the performance
assessment of the STEM-based critical thinking skill was designed. Before the
drafting of the assessment instrument, validation instrument and product
assessment evaluation sheets were drafted so that the designed product fulfilled
the evaluation criteria and the development principles of performance
The Developing Preliminary Form of Product Phase
In this phase, there were two findings, namely the results of the validation
instrument for product evaluation based on FGD and the results of the product
evaluation based on experts and practitioners. The findings from the FGD
stated that the evaluation instrument of the product assessment can be used
after several revisions. The revised scoring sheets were then used to evaluate
the product of performance assessment for STEM-based critical thinking being
The assessors who assessed the assessment instrument were a Physics
material expert, measurement and evaluation expert, physics education expert,
practitioner or a physics teacher. The assessors evaluated and gave suggestions
related to the developed product. The result of the recapitulated product
evaluation can be seen in Table 4.

Table 4. The Result of Product Evaluation

Instrument of Performance
Theoretical Mean Category
Students’ Worksheets 90.43 High
Self-Evaluation Sheet 31 Very High
Observation Rubric 47 Very High
Students’ Worksheets Scoring Rubric 47.43 Very High

Report Scoring Rubric 47.43 Very High

The content validation of the critical thinking skill test was determined by
counting the Aiken’s V formula coefficient from the experts’ and practitioners’
evaluation. Based on the analysis using Aiken’s V formula Equation, it was
found that each item developed was more than 0.67. Therefore, each item of the
critical thinking skill test instrument was declared valid.
Preliminary Field Testing Phase
In this phase, the learners stated their opinion in terms of the language
that they did not understand in the Students’ Worksheets and the Self-
Evaluation Sheet, whereas the teachers gave their opinion on the language that
they did not understand in the observation sheet, Students’ Worksheet scoring
rubric, and the report scoring rubric.
Main Field Testing Phase
Based on the implementation simulation of the performance assessment in
three classes, the data was found in the form of evaluation from three raters
analyzed using ICC. The analysis result obtains the reliability of the evaluation
sheet which is presented in Table 5. The three evaluation sheets are categorized
as “very high.”
Table 5. Reliability of the Evaluation Sheet
Intraclass Correlation Alpha Reliability
Performance Assessment
Coefficient (ICC) Coefficient
Observation Sheet 0.814 0.929
Students’ Worksheet Scoring 0.948 0.982
Report Scoring Rubric 0.971 0.990

During the implementation simulation of the performance assessment,

teachers were given response sheets to find out what they thought about the
developed assessment. The results of the teachers’ and students’ responses were
analyzed using the descriptive statistics and are presented in Figure 1 and
Figure 2.

Percentage 60
30 Performance Assessment
0 Learning Process

Teachers' Observation of
the Students

Teachers' Opinion

Figure 1. Teachers’ Responses to the Performance Assessment


10 Performance Assessment
Learning Process
Learning Outcomes

Students' Opinion

Figure 2. Students’ Responses to Performance Assessment

In the main field testing phase, the test instrument on critical thinking
skills was tried out and the result can be seen in Table 6.

Table 6. The Result of Test Trial on Critical Thinking Skills

Parameter Estimated Items Estimated Testee
INFIT MNSQ 1.01 ± 0.04 1.01 ± 0.07
OUTFIT MNSQ 1.01 ± 0.04 1.01 ± 0.08
Reliability of estimate 0.81
AverageDifficulty 0.0 ± 0.33

The level of difficulty of the items lies between -0.60 and 1.24 with the
average of 0.0 and the standard deviation of 0.33. The level of difficulty of the
item in each sub-aspect can also be seen in Figure 3, which shows the items
based on the order of difficulty, namely problem identification, data

presentation, discussion, offering solutions, designing procedures, identifying

errors, formulating hypothesis, and drawing conclusions.

Level of Difficulty





Presenting Data

Designing Procedures

Identifying Errors
Interpreting Data

Identifying Problems

Offering Solution

Formulating a Hypothesis

Making Discussion
Drawing Conclution


Interpreting Analyzing Inferencing ElaboratingEvaluating

Aspect and Subaspect

Figure 3. The Level of Difficulty of Each Item per Aspect and Sub-Aspect

In addition, based on the curve of item characteristics in Figure 4, it can be

stated that the test instrument of critical thinking skills is suitable to measure
the students’ ability which ranged from -1.60 to 1.70 in the logit scale.

Figure 4. The Function of Information and SEM

Discussion and Conclusion

The evaluation conducted by the experts and practitioners on the developed
performance assessment on the STEM-based critical thinking skill is declared
suitable to be used. This is evident in the results of the Students’ Worksheets,
self-evaluation sheet, observation rubric, Students’ Worksheet scoring rubric,
and Report Scoring rubric which were categorized from “good” to “very good.”

Somewhere along the line, all the items of the developed test instrument was
classified as “valid” criteria based on the coefficient of the Aiken’s V formula.
The result of the preliminary field testing phase shows that there are some
words in the performance assessment which need to be revised. Further, the
main field testing phase also yielded the characteristics of the test instrument of
critical thinking skills. The instrument was declared fit using PCM model based
on INFIT MNSQ in which all the items were within the range from 0.77 to 1.30.
The reliability coefficient was 0.81 and classified as “very high.” The level of
difficulty of each item was between -0.60 and 1.24 with the average of 0.0 and
the standard deviation of 0.33. The level of difficulty was between -2.00 and the
instrument item was stated to have a good level of difficulty. The test
instrument was suitable to measure students’ ability ranging between -1.60 and
1.70 in the logit scale.
In the main field testing phase, the data obtained from the reliability of the
evaluation sheet was in the form of ICC and alpha. The alpha coefficient of the
evaluation sheet is 0.929 and classified as “very high”; the alpha coefficient of
the Students’ Worksheet scoring rubric is 0.982 and classified as “very high”;
and the alpha coefficient of the report scoring rubric is 0.990 and classified as
“very high.” In addition, the result of this phase is corroborated by the students’
and teachers’ positive responses to the implementation of the performance
The results of the research and discussion provide explanation of the
developed product. Hence, it can be said that the performance assessment of the
STEM-based critical thinking skill has fulfilled the feasibility characteristics
implemented in the Senior High School physics subject.
Limitation and Suggestion
The developed performance assessment has some limitations such as
inefficient use of papers. Thus, it is suggested that the further product
development can be in the form of digital application to be installed in the
students’ and teachers’ gadgets or computers. In addition, this product can be
developed further in other physics materialsbesides the material on heat by
implementing STEM and constructing the critical thinking skills.
This article was written thanks to the facility provided by the Graduate
School Library, Yogyakarta State University, in the process of finding
references. YSU has given support in the form of materials in the research and
publication of this article. I am forever grateful for the assistance provided by
the staff of Yogyakarta State University.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Notes on contributors
Fikroturrofiah Suwandi Putri earned her M.Pd.(Master of Education) in Physics
Education from the Yogyakarta State University Graduate School, Yogyakarta,

Edi Istiyono is a Doctor in the field of Physics education testing and evaluation.
Currently he works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
and the Yogyakarta State University Graduate School, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

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Appendix. Blue Print of the Performance Assessments of the STEM-based Critical Thinking Skills
No. Aspect SubAspect Indicators
1. Interpreting Interpreting the data from the experiment results 1. Interpreting data in the form of tables.
using technology and mathematics skills 2. Interpreting data in the form of graphs.
3. Interpreting data in the form of a proposition of negative-positive relationship
between variables.
4. Interpreting data in the form of correlation coefficient or gradient.

2. Analyzing Identifying problems using the science skill. 1. Identifying problems related to the issue being presented.
2. Identifying problems related to the lesson materials.
3. Identifying problems and presenting them in a concise and clear affirmative

Solving a problem as the basic skill in making 1. Offering solutions related to the identified problems.
experiments using science skills. 2. Offering solutions which can be implemented in the experiment.
3. Offering solutions along with the negative consequences.
4. Offering solutions along with the positive consequences.
Presenting the data of the experiment results using 1. Making tables containing independent and dependent variables according to the
technology skills. experiment using the Excel program.
2. Making graphs with the independent variable in the x axis and dependent
variable in the y axis according to the experiment using the Excel program.
3. Inferencing Formulating the experiment hypothesis using the 1. Formulating a hypothesis in the form of a logical proposition.
science skill. 2. Formulating a hypothesis related to the experiment plan.
3. Formulating a hypothesis supported by a proposition from a relevant source.
4. Formulating a hypothesis containing the correlation between independent and
dependent variables.
Designing the experiment procedures using science 1. Designing an experiment procedure equipped with factors supporting the
and engineering skills. experiments.
2. Designing an experiment procedure which can be used to test the hypothesis.
3. Designing an experiment procedure which can be used to control variables
4. Designing an experiment procedure equipped with a procedure of work safety.
Drawing conclusion based on the experiment using 1. Drawing conclusions related to discussion
science and mathematics skills. 2. Drawing conclusions based on the experiment objectives.
3. Drawing conclusions in the form of mathematical logic.
4. Drawing conclusions in the form of diagrams.
No. Aspect SubAspect Indicators
4. Elaborating Discussion of the experiment results using science 1. Discussing the results supported by two relevant and competent references
and technology skills. (book and Internet).
2. Elaborating the meaning of the experiment data interpretation in the discussion.
3. Elaborating reasons why a hypothesis is accepted or rejected in the discussion.

5. Evaluating Identifying errors in the experiment using science 1. Identifying errors based on the experiment facts.
and technology skills. 2. Identifying errors based on the calculation resultsof the measurement
uncertainty using the Excel program.
3. Identifying errors based on the theory of measurement uncertainty.
4. Identifying errors and offering suggestions.

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