427-Article Text-2079-3-10-20200725
427-Article Text-2079-3-10-20200725
427-Article Text-2079-3-10-20200725
DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v6i2.427
Article Info Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop Problem-Based Learning student
Received : April 20th, 2020 worksheets on bioremediation material to facilitate students authentic problem solving
Revised : June 5th, 2020 skills. The development used a procedural development model called ADDIE (Analysis,
Accepted : June 12th, 2020 Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The subjects in this study were
Biology Students at Surabaya State University. Data collection used validation, observation,
and test techniques. Student worksheets quality measurement obtained by a rating scale
instrument in the form of a validation sheet. The developed teaching materials were in the
form of Semester Learning Design, Unit Of Lectures, Student worksheets, and problem
solving skills-based question for evaluation purposed. This developed teaching materials
had been validated by experts, with scores of SLD 3.36, UOL scores 3.44, Student
worksheets were 3.36 respectively. In addition, the average score of practicality and
effectiveness in pre-test and post-test of the developed teaching materials were 4.00, 1.85,
and 3.40 respectively. All the developed teaching materials were in very good
qualifications. Based on data analyzed, it could be concluded that the developed student
worksheets on bioremediation material was valid so that it can facilitate authentic problem
solving skills in Biology Students at State University of Surabaya and is feasible to be used
as a teaching learning materials.
Citation: Wahyuni, S., Rahayu, Y.S., & Indana, S. (2020). Development of Problem-Based Learning Student Worksheets to
Facilitate Students’ Problem Solving Skills. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA), 6(2), 162-165. doi:
solve negative effect of environment change that problems on the field of study, finding the goals of
happen (Yulianto, 2017). development, finding object of development,
Others of the material subjects in ecotoxicology identifying components which is needed on
which can facilitate on overcoming and solving waste development, and arrange plans for implementation
are bioremediation and Phytoremediation. and application of the development. The second step is
Bioremediation is a technique about how to process design. This step consists of two activities, they are
waste by using microorganism to degrade chemical designing the whole component on product, and
compound which is environmentally safe (Puspitasari, arranging the goal of product development. The third
2016). step is development. On this step, researcher develop
Considering the importance of this study subject research instrument, develop product based on the
toward human circle life, it is expected that a teacher is design, and do some revision. The fourth step is
able to design study source by applying relevant model implemented, during this step researcher implement
on teaching learning process somehow that can and apply the product by using one group pretest and
facilitate problem solving skills, one of which is posttest design. The last step is evaluated. This step is
Problem Based Learning (PBL), it is a teaching learning applied on each ADDIE step to achieve suggestion
process model that is designed based on authentic from lecturer and validator, somehow that it produces
problems that direct students to do investigation aimed a research product that is valid and proper to be
to accelerate problem solving skills (Arends, 2013). implemented as teaching learning tools.
Based on meaningful teaching learning theory The design applied during the implementation
Ausubel (1968) a contextual teaching learning process was one group pretest and posttest design, as shown:
which correlate material subjects with daily life will be
much more meaningful for the students, and will U1 L U2
provide students with problem solving skills.
According to a research by Argaw et al (2017), it is Figure 2. Scheme One Group Pretest-Postest Design
stated that teaching learning process based on problem (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005)
can increase and accelerate problem solving skills and Information:
can also motivate students to study more active so the U1 : Pretest, to know the problem solving skills of the
academic prestation can increase. students before application.
The aim of this study was to develop student L : Application to the students using teaching learning
worksheets based on problem based learning on materials based on problem based learning.
bioremediation material subject to facilitate problem U2 : Posttest, to know the problem solving skills of the
solving authentic skills in order to help students to find students after application.
solution on environment problem.
Research Subjects
Method The population of the research object was the
students of biology study program on the even
The type of the research is development research semester who take ecotoxicology course. The research
using ADDIE model. ADDIE model is a development sample consists of 15 students which was conducted on
research model consist of several steps, they are: March in Universitas Negeri Surabaya.
analyze, implement, and evaluate (Branch, 2009).
Data Collections
Research Designing The technique of data collection on this research
was validation technique. Validation technique was
applied to achieve both qualitative and quantitative
data. The quantitative data was in a form of score
which is given by both validator (who are experts in
both material subjects and teaching learning media) to
developed student worksheets by using validation
sheet to various aspect of student worksheet.
Validation sheet uses scoring range between 1 to 4 with
the category of 1, 2, 3, and 4 were worse, less good,
Figure 1. ADDIE model scheme (Branch, 2009) good, and excellent respectively. While the qualitative
Figure 1 it can be seen that ADDIE development data is in a form of suggestion given by validator that
model consists of five steps. The first step is analyzed. can be used to revise the developed student
This steps consists of five steps, they are observing worksheets.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) July 2020, Volume 6, Issue 2, 162-165
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) July 2020, Volume 6, Issue 2, 162-165