5.3 Program Evaluation: TH TH
5.3 Program Evaluation: TH TH
3 Program Evaluation
Candidates design and implement program evaluations to determine the overall effectiveness of
professional learning on deepening teacher content knowledge, improving teacher pedagogical
skills and/or increasing student learning. (PSC 5.3/ISTE 4c)
Artifact: GSAPS Review/Current Reality
The Current Reality of Professional Learning and GSAPS artifact was completed in
Professional learning and Innovation, ITEC 7460. A complete review of the vision for
technology, needs assessment, professional learning centers, school improvement goals, funding,
diversity, and collaboration were conducted on Feldwood Elementary School. Overall, the school
is working hard to ensure best practices are implemented which aided in their improvements on
Math and Language Arts schools but there is always room for improvements as it pertains to
school culture and diversity.
After reviewing the SIP, engaging in conversations with stakeholders, and generating the
artifact to summarize such, it was found that Feldwood administrators would like their faculty to
become acclimate with the current technology tools and plan. In addition, the plan includes
designing and implementing projected-based learning enhanced with technology for 4th and 5th
grades. In addition, needs assessment surveys were sent to collect information from teachers and
administrators. Support is offered via iTeach specialists and from administration to assist
teachers with content knowledge, pedagogical stills, and student learning. Overall,
completion of the artifact highlights the need to adequately review and monitor technology goals
within schools and how they impact learning on all levels.
While completing this artifact, I reviewed several documents and engaged in
conversation with stakeholders on every level. It was both overwhelming and enlightening to
learn about so much behind the scenes that schools must consider when establishing a vision,
goals, and the plans of implementation. In addition, there are challenges from all perspectives
depending on the level. For educators, consistency is key while administrations must analyze the
vision and path from a wider approach. Overall, I learned how closely aligned Feldwood’s
professional learning community is with their goals and the path to success. In the future, I
would like to have presented my findings back to the stakeholders involved. From the closing
conversations I would ask how all stakeholders could ensure they are continuously monitoring
progress on their level and what other improvements can be made.
The completion of this artifact directly impacted school improvement. Through
continuous conversations and review of documents, Feldwood Elementary is working extremely
had toward success on multiple levels. As previously stated, through collective support and
effort, their Math and Language Arts scores improved from the previous year. Despite having a
low CCRPI score of 55.7, Feldwood is focused on academic improvements, culture shifts, and
student achievement. Continued monitoring of their test scores and CCRPI in the coming years
can showcase the impact of this artifact.