Community Involvement in The Beach Tourism Industry in The Province of Batangas, Philippines

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International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-2, Mar - Apr, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620

Community Involvement in the Beach Tourism

Industry in the Province of Batangas,
Dr. Sherry Joy Abanilla-Del Mundo, LPT

College of Arts and Sciences , Batangas State University, Philippines

Email id: [email protected] m

Abstract— This study looked into the extent of community their own country whereas in international tourism, the
involvement in the beach tourism industry in the Province barriers exist in travelling destinations beyond national
of Batangas, Philippines in the specific areas of peace boundaries where both has incoming and outgoing
and security, marketing and promotion and implications on a country's balance of payments. Today,
environmental protection. tourism is not only a concept of enjoyment or travelling
The descriptive method of research was utilized or passing the holidays, but also a means of development
using a self-constructed questionnaire in order to gather for developed, developing and underdeveloped countries.
the data needed for the study. The research settled on Tourism brings in large amounts of income into a local
restricting the paper sample size to 400 respondents as economy in the form of payment for goods and services
based from a matrix which showed the actual number of needed by tourists, accounting for 30% of the world's
the participants, resort owners, resort managers, trade of services, and 6% of overall exports of goods and
domestic tourists and foreign visitors as well as the services. It also creates opportunities for employment in
residents of the municipalities under focus. Except for the the service sector of the economy associated with tourism.
Provincial Tourism officials and staff, all other The service industries which benefited from tourism
respondents were identified from the four selected include transportation services, such as airlines, cruise
municipalities of the Province of Batangas. ships, and taxicabs; hospitality services, such as
The results of the study revealed that Batangas, accommodations, including hotels and resorts; and
Philippines is a beach tourism haven which gives high entertainment venues, such as amusement parks, casinos,
regard to a quiet and peaceful community, is beaming shopping malls, music venues, and theatres. Undoubtedly,
with pride of the existence of such beach tourist tourism holds the promise of increased employment and
destinations in their respective localities and advocates income opportunities, particularly for Filipinos living in
the protection and preservation of the environment. the coastal and rural areas of the country. Yet, it is an
Keywords — beach tourism, peace and security, industry built upon the most fragile of natural and cultural
marketing and promotion, environmental protection, environments, where the most inconsequential and
resort owners and managers, Province of Batangas, innocent of human gestures can easily wreak havoc on the
Philippines. site’s resources. This is the challenge of sustainable
tourism development. Tourism is expected to become an
I. INTRODUCTION even more important weapon in the Philippines’
According to the Tourism Society and the United economic arsenal. However, both our tourist markets and
Nations World Tourism Organization Statistics the Philippine tourism industry itself have become more
Guidelines of 2010, tourism is the generic term used to aware of the negative environmental and social costs
cover both demand and supply that has been adopted in associated with tourism development. The country has
various forms and is used throughout the world. thus begun to recognize the need to adopt new
Tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries as development approaches in order to come up with tourist
well as the major source of foreign exchange earnings and products that are environmentally sensitive and
employment for many developing countries. It is a leisure economically viable. (WTO, 2005)
activity which involved a discretional use of time and CALABARZON is one of the regions of the Philippines
money. Recreation is often the main purpose for and also part of the Metro Luzon Urban Beltway or
participation in tourism (Ghosh, 2001) either domestic or simply Luzon Urban Beltway. It is also designated as
international. In domestic tourism, people move within Region IV-A and its regional capital is Calamba City in Page | 440

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-2, Mar - Apr, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
Laguna. The region is composed of five provinces, and international tourists. Relative to the issues that the
namely: Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon. province is beautifully surrounded by seas, mountains and
The region’s name is a portmanteau of the names of these rivers, the protection and management of its endowed
provinces. The region is located in southwestern Luzon, beauty and gift of nature have been recommended to be
just south and west of Metro Manila and is the second preserved and sustained. The many beaches famous for
most densely populated region. CALABARZON can be excellent diving spots that is ideal for observing marine
positioned as a tourism destination through the life, fiestas, festivals, the world’s lowest volcano, and
development of its potential tourism assets; particularly other outstanding attraction potential for ecotourism sites
those based on the environment, history and culture, the and activities. (Mejia, Festijo, Borbon and Barlan, 2013).
rehabilitation and restoration of existing tourism The coastal or beach tourism and recreation are important
attractions, improvement of access infrastructure, and the parts of the largest and most rapidly growing activity in
provision of basic facilities and services required to ease the world (Houston, 1995). This topic embraces the full
travel movements. The provinces are endowed with range of tourism, leisure and recreational oriented
diverse and rich natural resources, warm and hospitable activities that take place in the coastal zone and the off
people, with unique attractions that could initially be of shore coastal waters across the world/globe. They include
national significance. (Lancion, 1999) coastal tourism development, for instance, the hotels,
The beach tourism industry, also popularly known as resorts, restaurants, food industry, vacation homes,
coastal tourism industry, in Batangas is considered a second homes and so on, the infrastructural facilities
budding investment on this part of the region. Batangas as supporting coastal development like retail businesses,
part of the CALABARZON Region is rich in Filipino marinas, dive shops, fishing tackle stores, recreational
traditions and tourist destinations. Making the province boating harbors, beaches, fishing facilities, boating,
famous in beaches, food and native products would create cruises, swimming, snorkeling and diving as well as
jobs and opportunities to promote the culture and sustain public and private programs affecting the aforementioned
the good character of the Filipinos. Tourism has effect on activities (Houston, 1995).
the social, economic, environmental, cultural heritage and However, the relationship between coastal areas and
arts (Aguda, Tamayo & Barlan, 2013) of certain tourist tourism is as old as tourism itself. Early tourists favored
destinations. It is a fast growing industry that has become seaside locations and made journeys to fashionable resorts
a top priority of the economic agenda of a number of to bathe in sea water to take advantage of its alleged
countries. It is believed that tourism can be used as a tool curative powers. This was a major departure in the
to solve problems like unemployment and poverty in eighteenth century from a time when the sea and co ast
developing countries. Batangas is a province of the were revered as places and even feared (Lenček and
Philippines located on the southwestern part of Luzon in Bosker, 1999). For them, “the beach historically speaking
the CALABARZON region. Its capital is Batangas City is a recent phenomenon. In fact, it took hundreds of years
and it is bordered by the provinces of Cavite and Laguna for the seashore to be colonized as the preeminent site for
to the north and Quezon to the east. Across the Verde human recreation and the coast continues to be one of the
Islands Passages to the south is the Island of Mindoro and most important environments for tourism in contemporary
to the west lies the South China Sea. Batangas is one of times building on its established heritage”. Hall and Page,
the most popular tourist des tinations near Metro Manila. (2005) observed that; “The coastal environment is a
The province has many beaches and famous for excellent magnet for tourists although its role in leisure activities
diving spots only a few hours away from Manila. Found has changed in time and space, as coastal destinations
in the province is world-known dive sites that are ideal have developed, waned, been reimaged and redeveloped
for observing marine life, and outstanding for macro in the twentieth century. Beach tourism is becoming a
photography. Located only 110 kilometers south of highly competitive business as nations actively seek to
Metropolitan Manila, it is very accessible by land or by draw increased numbers of visitors and increased foreign
sea. It reigns as the most culturally preserved sites of the earnings to the shores. However, given today’s rapid pace
Spanish colonial era in the Philippines. Batangas is also of communication, the existence of poor water quality or
generally accepted by linguists as the ‘Heart of the degraded or eroding beaches is quickly communicated
Tagalog Language. Poetically, Batangas is often referred among networks of travel agents and others in the tourism
to by its ancient name Kumintang. Batangas is located on marketing business. Despite increased awareness of the
the southwestern part of Luzon in the CALABARZON economic and environmental significance, it is only in
Region. Batangas City being its capital is blessed with its recent years that a substantial body of research has
accessibility to neighboring provinces such as Laguna, emerged. Furthermore, beach tourism is considered to be
Cavite and Quezon and its proximity to Metro Manila. one of the fastest growing areas of present day tourism
This makes the place more accessible to both domestic which is epitomized by the ‘3Ss’-sun, sand and sea. In Page | 441

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-2, Mar - Apr, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
order to create safe, stable and attractive coastal the said tourism industry along items as peace and
environment with clean waters and healthy coastal security, marketing and promotion, and environmental
habitats, it is necessary to develop well managed and protection.
sustainable beach tourism. Wong (1993) argued that “it
has been established that tourism is environmentally III. METHODOLOGY
dependent and the unique character of coastal The study used the descriptive method of
environment gives to various types of tourism research in order to determine the profile and extent of
development. While there is increasing recognition of the community involvement in the beach tourism industry in
coastal environment as a tourism resource, there is also the Province of Batangas. According to Calderon (2008),
the need to consider the sustainability of the environment as cited by Alberto et al (2011), the descriptive method
as it continues to open up to the full gamut of tourism which is also known as statistical research, describes data
activities”. He pointed out that although there are many and characteristics about the population or phenomenon
studies on coastal tourism, they tend to emphasize the being studied. Often the best approach prior to writing a
tourism system rather than the interaction of tourism and descriptive research such as this is by conducting a survey
environmental systems. Tourism and recreation-related investigation which was a method undergone by the
development is one of the major factors shaping researcher.
development patterns in coastal zones of the nation and The researcher settled on restricting the paper
the world. Indeed, virtually all coastal and ocean issue sample size to 400 respondents as based from information
areas affect coastal tourism and recreation directly or given by PTCAO to the researcher which showed the
indirectly. Clean water, healthy coastal habitats, and a actual number of the participants randomly selected from
safe, secure and enjoyable environment are clearly the municipalities of Mabini, Nasugbu, Lian and San
fundamental to successful coastal tourism. Similarly, Juan. The number of respondents identified was divided
bountiful living marine resources (fish, shellfish, by way of the following representations: Provincial
wetlands, coral reefs and so on) are of critical importance Tourism officials and staff, resort owners, resort
to most recreational experiences. Security from risks managers, domestic tourists and foreign visitors and
associated with natural coastal hazards such as storms residents of the municipalities under focus. Except for the
surge, hurricanes, tsunamis and the like is a requisite fo r Provincial Tourism officials and staff, all other
coastal tourism to be sustainable over the long term respondents were identified from the four selected
(Wong, 1993). This study focused on the Province of municipalities of the Province of Batangas. The number
Batangas as its locale. The province is part of the of participants to answer the questionnaire was based
CALABARZON portmanteau which is also known as from the formula presented below:
Region IV-A. Separating from MIMAROPA in 2002,
CALABARZON can be positioned as a tourism 400(n) / total number of sample per municipality
destination by virtue of Executive Order No. 103 through X total sample size per municipality
the development of its potential tourism assets =
particularly those based on the environment, history and actual number of participants
culture. ( m)
As Batangas is a 34-municipality province, Mabini, Lian, A self – constructed survey questionnaire was
Nasugbu, and San Juan are the foremost beach used as the main data gathering instrument for the study.
destinations of most tourists in this part of the region. A The questionnaire was composed of two main sections.
matrix from the Provincial Tourism and Cultural Affairs The first section contained the profile of the respondents.
Office (PTCAO) of Batangas reflects the top ten resorts The second part was the survey proper that explored on
and the municipalities located in the province according the extent of the involvement of the community to the
to tourist arrival from 2012 to 2016. In this light, this beach tourism industry in the tourist destinations in
paper specifically explored on the involvement of the Batangas. Secondary data were collected and interpreted
community in the beach tourism industry in the Province as they were provided by the Provincial and Municipal
of Batangas. Tourism Offices of the areas under focus. Simple
statistical tools were used such as percentage, average,
II. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY and frequency. To fulfill the objectives of the study, data
1. Determine the profile of the beach tourism industry in were analyzed descriptively. The interpretation of the
the Province of Batangas in terms of years of existence, total responses of all respondents as to the extent of
classification, population, geographical dispersion, and involvement of the community in the beach tourism
sources of livelihood. industry in their locales used the following scale: 1.00 –
2. Verify the extent of involvement of the community in 1.49 as Very Low, 1.50 – 2.49 as Low, 2.50 – 3.49 as Page | 442

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-2, Mar - Apr, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
Moderate, 3.50 – 4.49 as High and 4.50 – 5.00 as Very Population
High. The table below presents the profile of the beach
tourism industry in Batangas in terms of population.
The beach tourism profile considered in this Table.3: Profile of the Beach Tourism Industry in
study are years of existence, class, population, Batangas in Terms of Population
geographical dispersion and sources of livelihood. Population Projected
NSO Population Projected
Years of Existence Municipality Census NSO Growth
The table below shows the profile of the beach 2010 - Census Rate
tourism industry in Batangas in terms of years of 2015 2016
existence. Mabini 44, 391 48, 720 1.38%

Table.1: Profile of the Beach Tourism Industry in Nasugbu 122, 483 140, 402 2.21%
Batangas in Terms of Years of Existence Lian 45, 943 50,155 1.97%
San Juan 94, 291 104, 589 2.18%
Municipality Years of Existence
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority, 2015
Mabini 101 As the presented data reflect, the Municipality of
Nasugbu 167 Nasugbu is the most populous in the NSO Census of
Lian 104 2010, NSO Census of 2015 and in the projected
San Juan 171 population NSO Census of 2016. It also has the highest
Source: MPDC Reports 2016, Municipalities of Mabini, projected growth rate of 2.21%. The Municipality of San
Nasugbu, Lian and San Juan Juan followed next. The least populous municipality
appears to be Mabini with a projected growth rate of
The presented data shows that San Juan is the 1.38% per year as compared with the second least
oldest of the four municipalities under scrutiny as it has populous Lian with a projected growth rate of 1.97% per
existed for one hundred seventy one (171) years, followed year.
by Nasugbu which has existed for one hundred sixty Geographical Dispersion
seven (167), third is Lian at one hundred four years (104) The accessibility of Batangas to all points of
and the Municipality of Mabini which age as a town is origin in the Southern Tagalog area made it a potential
one hundred one years (101). tourism hub for beach lovers and nature adventurers
Class seeking for thrilling engagements and activities. Mabini
The table below illustrates the profile of the sun can be accessed through the STAR Tollway and the
and beach tourism industry in Batangas in terms of SLEX pass through, Nasugbu can be reached th rough
classification. either the Batangas tollways or the pass through having
Cavie as a starting point. Lian on the other hand is just a
Table.2: Profile of the Beach Tourism Industry in good two or three kilometers away from Nasugbu while
Batangas in Terms of Classification San Juan which is on the Eastern part of the province of
Municipality Class Batangas can be accessed through Lipa City or Batangas
Mabini First class City. Truly, the municipalities under focus are accessible
to beach enthusiasts who may want to experience the
Nasugbu First class
beauty of the province.
Lian Third class
Sources of Livelihood
San Juan First class
The presented table below illustrates the sources
Source: MPDC Reports 2016, Municipalities of Mabini, of livelihood the residents of the areas under focus are
Nasugbu, Lian and San Juan engaged into.

With the presented data, these explain that all

three (3) municipalities in focus namely Mabini, Nasugbu
and San Juan are first class municipalities while Lian is
third class in classification. Page | 443

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-2, Mar - Apr, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
Table.4: Profile of the Beach Tourism Industry in sources of livelihood. There are commonalities as to the
Batangas in Terms of Sources of Livelihood sources of living as discussed which feature the native
Municipality Agriculture Formal products being produced by each municipality and the
and Fishing Employment services and expertise which may be provided to the
Related visitors of the beach tourism destinations in their
Mabini Hog/swine work in respective areas.
raising, poultry factories, EXTENT OF INVOLVEMENT OF THE
backyard firms, resorts, IN BATANGAS
vegetable health Peace and Security
raising and facilities, Table 5 shows the extent of involvement of the
selling, , deep educational community in the beach tourism industry in Batangas in
sea fishing and institutions terms of peace and security.
selling OFWs
Nasugbu Hog/swine Table.5: Extent of Involvement of the Community in the
raising, poultry Beach Tourism Industry in terms of peace and security
raising, sugar
cane growing [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
The AW
and sugar
community…. VL L M H VH M
g, salt and involved in
sardine making ensuring the
1 4 40 183 172 4.30
Lian Hog/swine safety of visitors
raising, poultry in the place
raising, sugar 2. helps in
cane growing ensuring peace
and sugar and security in
making the place by
backyard 1 6 44 182 167 4.27
means of
vegetable organizing a task
raising and force for the
selling, salt and purpose
bagoong 3. involves itself
making on trainings
San Juan Hog/swine concerning their
raising role as guardians 1 9 60 181 149 4.17
backyard and protectors of
vegetable visitors in the
raising and place.
selling, pottery 4. forms
making emergency
banig making, services to be
vinegar 1 13 46 171 169 4.24
able to serve and
making, assist travelers
bagoong and and tourists.
salt making
5. formulates
ordinances/ laws
Source: PPDC Reports 2016, Provincial Planning and on tourism 7 14 47 162 170 4.19
Development Office security and
other measures.
As can be gleaned from the table, the residents
Mean 4.23 (High Involvement)
of the municipalities under focus are engaged into formal
VL- very low involvement; L -low involvement, M-
employment, agriculture related and fishing related
Moderate involvement, H –High involvement, VH- Very
high involvement Page | 444
International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-2, Mar - Apr, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
With four hundred (400) participants from the media.
areas under study in the Province of Batangas, the 2. helps in the
indicators used in order to reveal the extent of distribution of
involvement to the peace and security aspect of the beach fliers and
tourism industry of the community in Batangas were able brochures about 5 10 88 152 145 4.06
to show the following results: The community is highly the tourist
involved in ensuring the safety of local and foreign destinations in
visitors in the place where the beach tourist destinations their area.
are located with one hundred eighty three (183) 3. joins and
participants. The community also showed high to very organizes festivals
high involvement in ensuring peace and security in and events that
specific beach destinations by means of organizing a task further promote the 2 12 74 165 147 4.11
force for the purpose of upholding the safety of tourists tourism
coming to the place. destinations in
The community also showed willingness to their place.
involve itself on trainings concerning their roles as 4. speaks highly of
guardians responsible for protecting visitors in the place. their tourist
One hundred seventy one (171) respondents believed that attractions to the
the community near the sun and beach tourist destinations local and foreign
are very willing to form emergency s ervices (ex. visitors and
provision of ambulance, fire truck, barangay becomes the most
patrol/service) and groups (ex. barangay police, 1 11 68 172 148 4.14
effective medium
barangay officials, barangay tanod) to be able to serve for the marketing
and assist travelers and tourists; and, also showed very and promotion of
high involvement in formulating ordinances and laws the tourist
about tourism security and protection measures. destinations in
With a mean of 4.23, the data strongly disclosed their place
that the residents of the Province of Batangas were highly 5. assists the local
involved with the concerns on peace and security of the government in the
beach destinations in the areas under study. Further, the protection and
following data also revealed the high regard of the sustainability of
Batanguenos to protect their visitors and make them feel 4 8 67 175 146 4.13
tourist destinations
safe during their stay in particular places offering through the
excellent beach experiences in the province. enforcement of
local ordinances.
Marketing and Promotion
Mean 4.13(High Invol vement)
VL- very low involvement; L -low involvement, M
Table 6 shows the extent of involvement of the
Moderate involvement, H –High involvement, VH- Very
community in the sun and beach tourism industry in
high involvement
Batangas in terms of marketing and promotion.

The table above illustrates the extent of the

Table.6: Extent of Involvement of the Community in the
involvement of the community in the sun and beach
Beach Tourism Industry in Batangas in Terms of
tourism industry as to marketing and promotion. The
Marketing and Promotion
following are the results of the survey: the community
[1] [3] [4] [5] exhibited very high involvement in promoting the
Indicators ] AW potential tourism offerings of the place to the local and
foreign tourists through tour guides, fliers, broadcast and
The community…
print media with one hundred seventy five (175)
1. promotes the respondents, high involvement was also shown by means
potential tourism of the residents helping in the distribution of fliers and
offerings of the brochures about the tourist destinations in their area as
1 7 64 153 175 4.24
place through tour answered by one hundred fifty two (152) respondents, the
guides, fliers, community also was highly involved in joining and
broadcast and print Page | 445

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-2, Mar - Apr, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
organizing festivals and events that further promote the resorts clean and
tourism destinations in their place, speaking highly of hygienic.
their tourist attractions to the local and foreign visitors Mean 4.14(High Invol vement)
and becomes the most effective medium for the marketing VL- very low involvement; L -low involvement, M
and promotion of the tourist destinations in their place by Moderate involvement, H –High involvement, VH- Very
speaking only good things about these tourist attractions high involvement
and in assisting the local government in the protection
and sustainability of tourist destinations through the The table above illustrates the extent of the
enforcement of local ordinances with frequencies of 165, involvement of the community in the sun and beach
172 and 175 respectively. tourism industry as to environmental protection. The
With a mean of 4.13, the results only divulge indicators used were able to reveal that in the
that the community near and around the sun and beach environmental aspect, the community exhibited high
tourist destinations are highly involved in marketing and involvement in preserving the environment particularly
promoting the sun and beach tourism industry in the the marine life around the areas where the sun and beach
Province of Batangas. This also shows the pride of the tourism is active and functional with a frequency of 169,
residents and community dwellers of the existence of sun preserving the natural “feel” and “look” of the resorts
and beach tourist destinations in the areas under focus. near their houses and residences by properly labeled trash
Environmental Protection cans and bins for tourists’ wastes with a frequency of 169,
Table 7 shows the extent of involvement of the the restoration and preservation of the natural setting of
community in the sun and beach tourism industry in the sun and beach destinations in their place with a
Batangas in terms of environmental protection. frequency of 176, the utilization of environment-friendly
Table.7: Extent of Involvement of the Community in the materials and biodegradable utensils during their picnics
Sun and Beach Tourism Industry in Batangas in Terms of and party time with a frequency of 155 and in keeping the
Environmental Protection vicinity of the beach resorts clean and hygienic by means
Indicators [1 [2 [3 of collecting improperly disposed trash from tourists and
[4] [5]
] ] ] visitors with a frequency of 164.
The community… V V AWM With a mean of 4.14, the residents near and around the
L H sun and beach tourist destinations in the Province of
Batangas are highly involved in the environmental
protection of its waters and marine life. This further
1. helps in preserving shows that even if the residents and community dwellers
the environment
15 are already open to the development and progress of their
particularly the marine 1 12 66 169 4.15 places, they still have a high regard to the protection and
life around the sun and preservation of the environment which nurture the beauty
beach tourism
and bounty of these sun and beach havens.
2. helps in preserving Having presented individually the extent of
the natural “feel” and involvement of the community in the sun and beach
16 tourism industry in the Province of Batangas, the table
“look” of the resorts 1 11 56 169 4.21
3 below shows the summary of the findings as to the
near their houses and
residences. residents’ involvement in maintaining peace and security,
3. helps in the marketing strategies and promotion of the said sun and
restoration and beach tourist destinations and the involvement of the
preservation of the 15 community in the environmental protection of the places
1 12 61 176 4.16 with sun and beach tourism industry.
natural setting of the 0
beach destinations in
their place. Table.8: Summary of the Extent of Involvement of the
Community in the Sun and Beach Tourism Industry in
4. encourages tourists
to utilize environment-
friendly materials and 1 13 81 155 4.10
0 Extent of
biodegradable utensils Area of concern Mean
during their picnics involvement
5. helps in keeping the 14 Peace and security 4.23 High
2 14 74 164 4.10 Marketing and
vicinity of the beach 6 4.13 High
promotion Page | 446

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-2, Mar - Apr, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
Environmental to the visitors of the sun and beach tourist destinations in
4.14 High
protection their respective areas.
4.17 High
With the presented tabulated summary, the IN BATANGAS
residents of the province are highly involved in all areas Peace and Security
of concern with means of 4.23 for peace and security,
4.13 for marketing and promotion and 4.14 for In the extent of involvement of the community in
environmental protection. This may mean that the terms of peace and security, it was found out that the
residents of Batangas give high regard to a quiet and residents of the province are highly involved in the said
peaceful community, are beaming with pride of the area of concern with a mean of 4.23.
existence of the sun and beach tourist destinations in their Marketing and Promotion
respective localities and advocates the protection and In the extent of involvement of the community in
preservation of the environment. terms of marketing and promotion, it was found out that
FINDINGS the residents of the province are highly involved in the
The following are the finding revealed by the said area of concern with a mean of 4.13.
study. Environmental Protection
Years of Existence In the extent of involvement of the community in terms of
In terms of years of existence, San Juan is the environmental protection, it was found out that the
oldest of the four municipalities under scrutiny as it has residents of the province are highly involved in the said
existed for one hundred sixty nine (169) years, followed area of concern with a mean of 4.14.
by Nasugbu which has existed for one hundred sixty five
(165), third is Lian at one hundred two years (102) and V. CONCLUSIONS
the Municipality of Mabini which age as a town is ninety With all the presentations above as to the status of the
nine years (99). sun and beach tourism industry in the Province of
Class Batangas, the following conclusions were reached by the
As to class, all three (3) municipalities in focus researcher:
namely Mabini, Nasugbu and San Juan are first class 1. The beach tourism industry in the province is
municipalities while Lian is third class in classification. already thriving and progressive.
Population 2. The accessibility of the province via its diversion
As far as population is concerned, the roads, road widening projects and construction
Municipality of Nasugbu is the most populous in the NSO of alternate routes for visitors to easily reach the
Census of 2010, NSO Census of 2015 and in the place is advantageous to the province’s sun and
projected population NSO Census of 2016.It also has the beach tourist destinations.
highest projected growth rate of 2.21%. The Municipality 3. The residents of the province fully understand
of San Juan followed next. The least populous their opportunities to a number of sources of
municipality appears to be Mabini with a projected livelihood which the sun and beach tourist
growth rate of 1.38% per year as compared with the destinations in their respective localities had
second least populous Lian with a projected growth rate offered them.
of 1.97% per year. 4. The sun and beach tourism industry in the
Geographical Dispersion province can give the residents better job
When it comes to geographical dispersion, all opportunities even without going out of their
the municipalities under focus can be reached localities for work.
conveniently by sun and beaches fanatics because of their
accessibility to the public. VI. RECOMMENDATIONS
Sources of Livelihood 1. Tie-up among the concerned local government
The residents of the municipalities under focus units and other related agencies must be
are engaged into formal employment, agriculture related strengthened in order to foster the progress and
and fishing related sources of livelihood. There are development of the sun and beach tourism
commonalities as to the sources of living as discussed industry in the province.
which feature the native products being produced by each 2. The community must be kept involved with the
town and the services and expertise which may be provide concerns of the said industry in order for the
resort owners and managers to be able to work Page | 447

International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences (IJELS) Vol-4, Issue-2, Mar - Apr, 2019 ISSN: 2456-7620
hand in hand with them for the benefit of both
parties involved.
3. The municipal officers must be in constant
communication and coordination with the
Provincial Tourism Office in terms of the
promotional strategies and marketing of the sun
and beach tourism industry.
4. The community must be made aware of their
important responsibilities as keepers of peace
and security, protector of their environment and
the most effective marketing and promotion icon
of their locality.

[1] Lekner, A. and Bosker D., 1999, “Tourism and
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[2] Corina B. Mejia (2013), “Involvement of the
Community in Promoting Marine Biodiversity as
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[3] Leslie Allaine E. Aguda (2013), “Effects of
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[4] Lancion C.(1999) Fast Facts About Philippine
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[5] Local Government Units Annual Accomplishment
Reports of the Municipality of Mabini.
[6] Local Government Units Annual Accomplishment
Reports of the Municipality of Lian.
[7] Local Government Units Annual Accomplishment
Reports of the Municipality of Nasugbu
[8] Local Government Units Annual Accomplishment
Reports of the Municipality of San Juan.
[9] MPDC Reports, Municipality of Mabini
[10] MPDC Reports, Municipality of Lian
[11] MPDC Reports, Municipality of Nasugbu
[12] MPDC Reports, Municipality of San Juan
[13] Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
[14] Provincial Government Units of the Province of
[15] World Tourism Organization (WTO) (2005).
Yearbook of Tourism Statistics. Madrid Page | 448

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