Thermo Scientific Taq Dna Polymerase With KCL Buffer: Description

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Thermo Scientific Taq DNA Polymerase

with KCl Buffer
Description: An ultrapure recombinant thermostable Taq DNA polymerase
obtained by high level expression of the Taq DNA polymerase
gene in E. coli. It is licensed and optimized for use in the
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process.

Enzyme Source: Thermus aquaticus

Concentration: 5 units/µl

Unit Definition: One unit of enzyme is defined as the amount that will incorporate
10nmoles of dNTPs into acid insoluble material in 30 minutes at
74°C under the analysis conditions below.

Associated Taq DNA polymerase has 5' to 3' polymerization and

Activities: exonuclease activity but lacks 3' to 5' exonuclease activity

Kit Pack Size (cap color)

Contents A B
Taq DNA Polymerase 50 µl (clear) 10 x 50 µl (clear)
Reaction Buffer II 1.25 ml (clear) 10 x 1.25 ml (clear)
MgCl2 1.25 ml (clear) 10 x 1.25 ml (clear)

Taq DNA 100 mM KCl

Polymerase: 20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 (at 25°C)
0.1 mM EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)
1 mM DTT (dithiothreitol)
0.5% Tween® 20
0.5% Nonidet® P40
50% (v/v) Glycerol

Reaction 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3 (at 25°C)

Buffer II (10X): 500 mM KCl

MgCl2 25 mM MgCl2

Storage Store Taq DNA polymerase at -20°C. Shipped on ice within the
Conditions: UK and on dry ice for international and within the US.

Example of Mix and spin down the solutions prior to use

Volume Final Concentration 1X
Taq DNA Polymerase (5U/µl) 0.125 µl 0.625 U
10X Reaction Buffer II 2.5 µl 1X
dNTP Mix (20mM) 1 µl 0.2 mM of each nucleotide
MgCl2 (25mM) 1.5 µl* 1.5 mM*
Primer forward (10µM each) 1.25 µl* 0.5 µM*
Primer reverse (10µM each) 1.25 µl* 0.5 µM*
Water (PCR Grade) Variable
DNA Template 0.5 – 10 0.5 – 125 ng
Total volume 25 µl
*Scale up or down the volume and concentration as appropriate
MgCl2 concentration is usually between 1.5 and 4.0mM

Example of Temp. Time Number of cycle

Program: Initial Denaturation 94°C 2 min 1 cycle
Denaturation 94°C 20 sec
30 to 40
Annealing 50-65°C 30 sec
Extension** 72°C 60 sec
Final Extension 72°C 5 min 1 cycle
**Increase length of time inproportion to size of amplicon, Taq DNA Polymerase
extends at approximately 1000 bp/min.


Analysis 25mM TAPS, pH 9.3 (at 25°C)

[tris-(hydroxymethyl)-methyl-amino-propane sulfonic acid, sodium salt]
Conditions: 50mM KCl
2mM MgCl2
1mM β-mercaptoethanol
250µM of each: dCTP, dGTP, dTTP
250µM [3H] dATP (0.05 Ci/mmol)
1.25µg/µl activated salmon sperm DNA
Water added to a total volume of 50µl. Incubated at 74°C for 10 minutes.

Ordering AB-0192/KCl/A Taq DNA Polymerase 250 units

Information: AB-0192/KCl/B Taq DNA Polymerase 10 x 250 units
All sizes are supplied with 10X Reaction Buffer II and 25mM MgCl2.

For technical information or troubleshooting contact Thermo Scientific Genomics Tech Support:

Troubleshooting: Email Phone

North America (US, Canada, Techservice.genomics

+1 (800) 235-9880
Central/South America)

Europe (EU, Middle East, Africa) Techservice.emea.genomics (+) 44 1372 840410

Other Countries


Use of this product is covered by US patent 6,127,155 and corresponding patent claims of unexpired patents outside the US, if any, and
claims outside the US of unexpired patents corresponding to US 4,889,818 and 5,079,352. The purchase of this product includes a limited,
non-transferable immunity from suit under the foregoing patent claims for using only this amount of product for the purchaser’s own
internal research. No right under any other patent claim (such as the patented 5’ Nuclease Process claims in unexpired counterparts of US
Patents Nos. 5,210,015 and 5,487,972 outside the United States) and no right to perform commercial services of any kind, including
without limitation reporting the results of purchaser's activities for a fee or other commercial consideration, is conveyed expressly, by
implication, or by estoppel. This product is for research use only. Diagnostic uses under Roche patents require a separate license from
Roche. Further information on purchasing licenses may be obtained by contacting the Director of Licensing, Applied Biosystems, 850
Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, California 94404, USA.

Revised January, 2011. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.

Literature Code: AB-0192/KCL-v1

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