Cluj Napoca 2014 2020 Development Strategy

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Cluj-Napoca: 2014-2020 Development Strategy

The city of Cluj-Napoca defines development in terms of quality of life. Cluj will be an individual
and collective place for achievements, will be a dynamic and competitive city and able to use its
resources in a sustainable way. It will be a good governance model with a transparent
administration and an excellency poll for the academic activity. This accomplishment is based on
the ability of the local authorities, the citizens and the society to define our strategic objective and
how to implement them in order to ensure a high quality of services such as culture, educational
system, health and also reaching a standard of efficiency that could bring the development of a
creative and innovative profile, unique in the region.

Main steps:

Analyzing the most relevant factors of quality at the community level;

Analyzing the quantitative and qualitative data;

Analyzing different strategic plans at an European, national, regional, and local level which are
capable to influence the development of the city;

Analyzing strategic document to identify existing strategic perspectives, implemented objectives

and continuity; this points to ensure the compatibility of future plans and projects;

Analyzing the key-factors;

Measuring the quality of life is an important step in the process of elaborating the development
strategy of a community. First of all, we identify the standards of living of our population, how they
cope with different aspects of their life and how to improve those aspects for themselves and also
for future generations. Needless to say, by measuring the quality of life we can observe and
understand how the population evaluates different aspects and domains of the social life, what they
prioritize and what expectations they have for a better future.

Europa 2020 strategy proposes three major priorities:

1.Intelligent growth: developing an economy based on innovation and knowledge;

2.Sustainability: promoting an ecological, efficient and competitive economy;

3. A favorable growth of inclusion: promoting an economy with a high rate of work force which
will ensure social and territorial cohesions;

The North-West Region understand to valorize and respect the principles of sustainability, their
natural, material and human resources, historical and intercultural traditions, their main purpose
being the development that will make the North of Transylvania one of the most dynamic European

Main Objective: The growth of regional economy by multidimensional development, reducing

disparities and increasing the quality of life at a regional level.

2014-2020 Cluj Strategy:

Main Objective: Developing and promoting Cluj-Napoca as an attractive destination for tourist,
investors and population, based on a sustainable and competitive economy, with a modern
infrastructure and a high quality and diversity of services, accessible to all, with a dynamic
scientifical and cultural life, sustained by qualified work force and responsible citizens.

Specific objectives:

1.The need of competitive economical growth, valorizing the work force and the entrepreneurial
spirit, business services that are adapted to the need of every company;

2.Insuring an educational, medical and modern infrastructure as a base for economical and social

3. By setting high standards in the educational system, we can insure a growth on the business
market, social inclusion and economical development.

4.Insuring a sustainable growth by promoting a more efficient, ecological and competitive economy
from an energetic policy point of view.

5.Insuring a balanced urban development under the aspect of economical and social activities.

6.Improving the accessibility and quality of public services by upgrading our public administration
with a management based on a citizen-public authority agreement and understanding.

Sectorial strategies:

1. Philanthropy and Volunteer Activities in the Context of Development:

The vision of Cluj-Napoca makes reference to a “place of individual and collective achievement,
with active citizens, a creative, complex and dynamic economical environment, able to use
resources in a sustainable way”. A city where an associative behavior is always present and where
public institutions are professional and based on volunteering actions, on cooperation and solidarity,
can stimulate development in each domain and can contribute to a self-helping community.

Long-term vision:
1.Neighborhoods that have access to a data base of non-profit services in their surroundings;

2.Stimulating the long term development by creating collaborative structures on the domains that
affect directly or indirectly the community (professional associations, institutions that offer certain
services-most needed in the community or in a certain area, advocacy organization and fund-rising

3.Vulnerable groups must have direct access to the support services to insure inclusion in the

4.The existence of cooperative structures on different domains that bring together the public,
businesses and non-profit sector for a strategic approach of the issues and opportunities;

Operational principles:

1. Collaboration;

2. Avoiding repetitive actions and services in order to offer high standards in quality and to help
innovate and implement sustainable services for future generations;

3. Initiating certain affairs with expertize organizations and creating a data base with previous

4. Transparency and investments in participative planning and proactive consultance;

5. Insuring the capacity in action at the beneficiary level;

6. Contracting at the service level for different domains of activity;

7. Having a responsible and sustainable approach;

2. Cinematography:

Strategical needs:

1. Creating local sources of financing which will ensure the proper level of funding to develop the
film production of the city;

2. Funding programs that will ensure a complete cycle of instructing the proper personnel in the
cinematographic field;

3. Financing and promoting programs with the purpose of cinematographic education;

4. Corroborating an educational offer with the market’s real needs: actors, technical personnel;

5. Creating in an entrepreneurial vision, a partnership between the municipality and business field,
with the purpose of unlocking private funds for the local projects in the movie industry;
6. Stimulating local productions by introducing benefits from a fiscal view;

7. Creating a specialized infrastructure for the usage of film production;

3. Inclusive Cluj:

Due to the demographical ageing, lack of work and unemployment (especially in the case of young
adults), low income rate and the risk of poverty, is creating a great disadvantage especially for the
minorities (ethnical minorities, rural residents, etc), human resources and social services
infrastructure is inefficient comparing to the rapid grow of the need for such services.
Developers of Cluj-Napoca Municipality understand the importance of a favorable growth of social
inclusion, a growth that is based on insuring proper conditions for every citizen, without taking into
account ethnicity, gender, age, social status, etc.
Ways of intervention:
1.Developing a data base regarding the socio-economical and locative issue;
2.Establishing the methodology for assessing the need of vulnerable groups;
3.Generating an online data base concerning social services in Cluj;
4.Promoting a platform for social inclusion with the role of research and monitor the
implementation of those methods at local and county level;
5.Monitoring and evaluating the results of strategic directions, with the topic of social cohesions;
6.Organizing regular information campaigns on several levels: social service providers, healthcare,
education, beneficiaries (focusing on vulnerable groups) local authorities and decision making in
local inclusion strategy;
7.Establishing studies which analyze the current situation regarding local problems and the impact
analysis of strategies as a response action;
8.Develop and implement applications that allow an overview of all services;
9.Having a national and international partnership;

4. Safe Cluj:

Safe Cluj proposed that according to the public security part to present a centered approach, on
identifying the vulnerabilities, risks and threats that affect the security state in Cluj-Napoca
Municipality and on the other hand the solutions that are appreciated to adorn with them. According
to the Preliminary Analysis of the Development Strategy, the level of public safety can be
established by the following aspects:

The degree of freedom is quite high, reflecting confidence and true values of a state;
At Cluj, is a high level of housing safety and a care for the quality of food and products;
Increasing the level of safety of the municipality- aiming to facilitate access to emergency
Operational programs:
a. Developing a system which can identify the problems regarding public security, controlled by a
local structure according to the Territorial Authority for Public Security;
b. Establishing an operational center for Management of security issues, safety and public order;
c. Professionalize the activities against street crime through the implementation of programs in the
field of crime-prevention that will be attracted by institutions at the local and non-governmental
d. Increasing traffic safety by implementing a strategy for long-term quality of life by discouraging
road traffic in the city center, thus reducing congestion and pollution;
e.Demerging a training program for the public authorities, in collaboration with Cluj Police,
University “Babes-Bolyai”, with the program of Security Studies, etc.;
f.Verifying all the security providers, security and protection companies, in the field of civil
g.Improving the effectiveness of video surveillance by local police departments;
h. Initiating a Promoting Campaign for “Safe Cluj”;

5. Culture:

Most common cultural activities are watching television, listening music and watching movies.
Less frequent activities are reading books and internet usage. At European level, 68 % of
respondents can boast that they have opened at least one book in the past year, while nationally
51% of Romanians allocate time for this activity.
From a cultural perspective, Cluj currently has several advantages over other cities:
- The city with the highest cultural vitality of the country (beside the capital);
- Candidate city for the title of European Capital of Culture;
- Won the title of European Youth Capital 2015;
- Art Museum and Paintbrush Factory - brought the city future nomination as a city of art - Art
Cities of the Future (Cluj is third among 12 cities that define the artistic avant-garde of the XXI
- Two national theaters: the National Theatre Lucian Blaga, Hungarian Theatre, Opera Hungarian,
Romanian National Opera, a national museum: National History Museum Transylvania;
- Cultural and linguistic diversity;
- Social innovation space –dynamic, civic and experimental;
- Creative economy;
- Higher education in the arts - University of Art and Design, Academy of Music
Gheorghe Dima, Babes-Bolyai University - Faculty of Theatre and Television;
There are also a number of issues that pose challenges for Cluj and culture that are relevant to the
strategic planning process:
- Low share of budgetary expenditure reserved culture does not connect with the cultural sector
performance in Cluj-Napoca are high;

- Budgetary limitations of cultural operators - decreases or increases very small budgets - in the
context of public and notable growth in the number of activities;

- Celebrating local culture - the pressure of events - determined an approach for public authorities
or interest sponsors for events with a large number of participants - creates a discrepancy between
festivals (growing rapidly) and cultural activities that runs continuously along the year;

-The low level of cooperation between local cultural institutions, particularly between public and
independent cultural operators;

- Limited opening of authorities towards social processes encoded cultural;

- Reduced cooperation - partnerships, financing - between business and cultural operators;

The need for professionalization the cultural sector can be solved by increasing the training in
cultural management, which coordinates the activities of cultural institutions. Also we can increase
the attention to the real needs of the domain and how to distribute resources in an effective way.

Strategic priorities:

1. Growing the level of participants in cultural activities;

2. Sustainability of the cultural sector;

3. Encouraging creativity-new ways an methods to present culture;

4. Developing an international and national cooperation;

5. The sustainability of infrastructure;

6. A growth in the quality of the performance;

7. The usage of public resources to increase the interest level;

8. Renewing cultural communication ;

6. Participative Democracy:

Participative Governance is becoming the global motto which synthesizes the transition made by
the local public administration. They start to be the operational center of an existing circuit that
brings together actors that can mobilize resources outside public institutions. Local administration
becomes the core that includes a lot of social actors able to mobilize complex resources outside
institutional centers.

Taking into account the political, economical, social and technological context, linked to the
possibility of democratization through active participation, our key-problems are the following:

1. The separation between economical (private sector) and political (public sector) domain:
participative democracy can be a way of remodeling the decision making process in public
2. Democracy in the politic field is uptight in the constitutional and legal system in Romania
regarding a representative key. All decision are established by the chosen representative, but the
deliberative process is legally codified, using the term “decision-making” which can make the
forms of participative democracy to chance into representative democracy.
3. The firm, organization or institution is codified constitutionally in Romania in a hierarchic key.
All decisions are to make by the owners or presidents of the organization. Regarding the democracy
at a firm level, it present an exception in special laws, based on a hierarchic relationships between
employer and employees.

Operational programs:

1. Participative budgeting-is one of the most known instrument of the new forms of democratized
participation of Cluj-Napoca City Hall. The local budget remains for the local council to decide in
partnership with the City Hall.

2. Monitoring and evaluating public projects-a partnership that can be helpful for both parties in
terms of assessing and improving public services and not only. The active members in the process
of implementing the program have the higher state: providers, beneficiary and decision making
have a key-role in this solution.

3. Participative urbanism-one of the key instrument of democratized participation is defining and

finding solutions for public issues with a spatial component. The key-concept of this kind of
urbanism is The Urban Regeneration Plan, an instrument meant to insure the correlation between
different domains and its evolution: technical infrastructure, public and private transportations,
public spaces, utilities (health, education and social services), parking spaces, etc.

4. Participative art and culture;

5. Collective political education using e-governance;

6. Public policy regarding a cooperative move;

7. Social economy;

7. Demography and Human Resources:

A major asset of the municipality in terms of human resources workforce is the high level of
training and experience, number and quality of higher education graduates. Higher education
institutions are an important competitive advantage both nationally and at the level of Central
Europe, already partially exploited by attracting a large number of multinationals.


1. Simulative measures to increase fertility (macro social conditions, combining the professional
and motherhood life);

2. Stimulating immigration (maintaining a positive dynamic in young population, using the

advantage of our Universities which attract foreign students);

3. Measures to reduce mortality;

4. Measures to support the elderly population;

5. Establishment, promotion and development of professional and vocational, education structures;

6. Increasing the skills of adults in the labor market;

8. Urban Development and Spatial Planning:

Urban development is due to the strategies adopted at both public and private investment and
market phenomena, interference and connection. Urban development is continuous and
heterogeneous. Urban development involves recycling the urban territory over the development of
virgin land, the spirit of a compact and efficient city, ensuring a sustainable growth and
development, opposes to the expanded one, resulting from the phenomenon known as urban sprawl.

Programs and measures:

1. Ensuring urban activities by the quality of the built environment, determinant of the quality of
life of the city;
2. Increasing the offer for economic development of the municipality by creating attractive services,
conditions and spatial development;

3. Increasing the performance and competence of management in the domain of real estate, to
insure a balance between public and private interests;

4. Territorial complexity in metropolitan areas;

5. Develop integrated field mobility, in terms of infrastructure and utilities;

9. Local Economy:

Cluj-Napoca is a city of services, with a significant industrial component; the economic balance
sheet conducted in Cluj-Napoca, using the criterion of turnover measure per year, shows that the
service and trade sectors generate more than half-key of the turnover of the municipality.

Overall, the city is in a relatively advanced stage in the development of service-based economy with
a small manufacturing component and highly specialized, focusing on commercial activities.

Businesses trigger local community, provide jobs and support local budgets. Strategic planning
should provide concrete measures to support the local economy, according to the needs of the
business environment, prioritizing the development validated by economic experts and
representatives of the business environment.

Presentation program of business support actions :

CREICA - Regional Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries, will give companies the
opportunity to operate in a unique regional structure of the complexity and diversity of facilities and
services. The center will provide integrated services for business, free support services (help desk)
using the structure of business support staff in the following areas: consulting and IT services, legal
advice, marketing and sales.

Cluj Innovation City - wants to concentrate capital project to stimulate the development of
innovative projects and technologies in IT. The project includes the development of office space,
research laboratories and lecture rooms, public spaces, educational institutions, and hotel
establishments, plus the necessary services for the activity of such business platforms and IT

10.European Dimension of Cluj:

The inevitable challenge that incur in Cluj, through regional and national level, is to integrate the
diversity of cultural identities. On the one hand, cultural identity is the result of constant
remodeling, double membership in the community, rooting in a tradition that has shaped and on the
other hand, as a project, part of the community. This dual membership consists on adhesion,
provisional, with an inevitable milestone of democratic stake, in a city where, we can structure a
new message to Europe.

Given the fact that cities tend to become more heterogeneous, multicultural and most pluralistic on
the political agenda, we must create and inovate more sophisticated strategies of economic
development, environmental friendly, social justice, etc. We share the conviction that
Europeanization will generate pressure towards the modern governance model that allow a flexible
framework where we can find solutions and answers to all this problems.

11. Historical Identity of the City:

Rather than pose as a urbanity millennial by overdoing traditions of Roman settlement, we should
acknowledge and value the importance of assembly of ancient, medieval, pre-modern and modern
legacy as part of a cultural-historical complex and varied foundation and reconfigure a conscious
identity assumed by the whole community. In context, it stressed to specific an important feature - a
city-palimpsest-"Deciphering the urban space, visible today": we should be understood as having its

12.Creative Industries:

In the vision of this strategy, creative industries will become the engines that will transform the city
into a smart city. This process is meant to rethink diversity, inovation and creativity, key factors of
creative industries-in terms of social and urbanity, and the gradual transformation of the city into a
living urban laboratory. Smart cities are buildt by smart citizens and democratization of
participation in creation and social innovation, understood as a collective capacity to redefine and
reinvent itself-becoming a reflective and responsible community. This strategy shows the potential
of Cluj and the ways in which creative industries can propel it into becoming a European laboratoy
in terms of „smart city”, inovation and creativity.

13.Animal Friendly City:

Operational programs:

1. Implementing an educational program for the citizens with the matter of human-animal

2. Programs to raise awareness and to educate the general population about the human-animal

3. Programs to promote the concept of responsible ownership of pets.

4. To improve the urban infrastructure for walking and socialization of animals.

5. Develop a program that facilities and conditions optimal use of guide dogs and therapy animals.

6. Having an insurance for the animal welfare in the urban context.

7. Programs of monitoring the animals.

8. Schedule online behavioral counseling for pet owners.

9. Creating accessibility of the city for animal keepers.

10. Develop a dog park.

11. Develop programs that facilities the animal keepers.

14. IT and E-governance:

E-governance can substantially contribute to the modernization of public administration in Romania

and can provide the tools to transform the interaction between government and citizens, companies,
NGOs or other institutions. It was said from the beginning that e-government should not be
considered as a new bureaucratic layer, but it takes its integration into long-term vision of the way
administration will be conducted.
At present there are many definitions of e-governance, and choosing one of them depends on the
objectives that are targeted in the implementation plan of the various electronic services. Some
focus on providing online services using the infrastructure provided by the Internet, others insist on
using information technologies in administration, and a third group focuses on the role o
technology that can play in transforming the administration.

6 major attributes of e-governance:

Using IT&C, which represents an extension of governance in a general way;

The delivery of information and services - projects / systems implemented must be able to
distribute / deliver all the information / services of interest to citizens;

Transparency and accountability- e-governance must serve all stakeholders (intern or extern
organizations), in the idea of increasing their confidence in this project;

Organizational and structural transformation- any project that includes e-governance may require
the organization to undergo to achieve the objective of the project;

Integration- any user of a e-governance system should have one access point, which requires full
integration of various applications;
Efficient governance-government effectiveness is extremely important in the idea that all of the
above attributes must be managed efficiently;

Using the existing online services:

1.Paying local taxes;

2.Online schedule of marriages;

3.Scheduling online applications for certificates transcript of Romania citizen, residing abroad who
regained Romanian citizenship;

4.Submission and online tracking of applications;

5.Online payment of traffic fines and those granted by the local police to pay other taxes;

6.Online payment of fines under enforcement;

7.Online services implemented through the European project “Integrated information System for
online services in Cluj-Napoca”;

15. Graduate Education:

"Cluj Education Foundation" will be established and supported by the City Council. Its main
function is to attract public and private funding initiatives to support sustainable and innovative
education development. It can become, over time, the main instrument for mobilizing local
resources to educational excellence city.

The main response strategies:

1. Adapting through harmonization of study programs with dynamic development of society, EU

sectoral strategies and concrete labor market needs - increasing the attractiveness of universities as
a provider of knowledge and specialized manpower.

2. Improving communication between universities and businesses - the major strategic project Cluj
Innovation City.

3. Stimulating entrepreneurship in universities by creating business incubators (spinn offs) alumni

with companies and develop the universities competence.

4. Integration Cluj universities using research centers and institutes in related European networks,
access to structural funds and European research projects Technological Development 2014-2020
together with other 891 universities, companies, local authorities (municipalities) to increase the
visibility of universities, companies and local authorities to increase the visibility and prestige
within the European Union.
16.University Education:

The main objective for the development of Cluj-Napoca municipality is the project „Cluj
Innovation City”, which takes into consideration the implementing of an excellency campus in the
metropolitan area. The project objectives are beneficial for all Universities of Cluj-Napoca which
are included into this integrated structure.

Specific objectives:

1. Develop a curricula for each formative cycle and broadening the content of qualifications within
the first cycle, to increase investment resources on the labor market.

2. Orient students on univerity routes in relation with their motivations, capabilities and

3. Organize a system of training in IT and communication for all students from the first year of
study to ensure the access to society tools.

4. Ensure an efficient system to prepare students to obtain certificates of proficiency in at least one
international language.

5. Rethinking and expand the learning system by selecting and organizing educational disciplines.
The widespread introduction of information technologies and communication at all levels of
education ("e-learning" process);

6. Providing a flexible and efficient organizational framework by diversifying methods and means
of continuing education, including by extending the transnational virtual university.

17.Regional Leadership:

The leadership expresses the most comprehensive, yet subtle idea that social influence effective ,
directed towards a composite endpoint can be efficiently directed to the community or communities
only on special paths, professionalized after a specific algorithm.

Cluj-Napoca is the city with the most active community of cyclists in Romania. Both public
institutions and civil society organizations have undertaken over time in many actions to encourage
bicycle use. This is largely due to innovative spirit and dynamic population and the desire to live in
a modern city with a high quality of life. Despite this, the percentage of population using the bike
for daily travel is low. New facilities for cyclists would increase the number of users, which would
be highly beneficial for the development of all factors. Cluj-Napoca City Hall’s interest is to assume
the role of a regional leader on a path to leadership socio-cultural regional and gradually nationally
in a fully controllable field and to offer multiple benefits with minimum costs, promoting cycling as
a lifestyle. The advantages of assuming leadership in this area is not limited to the undeniable
competitive advantages, but we want to go further, toward a long-term gain notoriety for Cluj-
Napoca City Hall. Notoriety, underpinning the production and mobilization of capital, it is able to
convert them into comparative and lasting advantages.

18.Territorial Marketing:

A strategy of territorial marketing is an opportunity to Cluj-Napoca due to the attraction of some

sources of added value to the community: labor - residents and foreign tourists - consumers
accommodation and investors - creators / providers of opportunities and places for work. This
document will focus on human resources.

19.Comunitary Mediation:

Comunitary mediation offers free mediation or with low costs, for public and private institutios and
for citizens, in order to solve certain conflicts in the domain of comunitary politics.

Comunitary mediation has the following social roles:

1. Insuring quality services, regardless of the ability of payment;

2. Insuring a stable framework and systematic dialouge in order to solve disputes at the early stages
of emergence;

3. Suporting citizens and institutions in order to solve problems of a Community nature;

4. Educate the community members about the benefits of alternative resolution methods in order to
solve different disputes;

5. Improving the role of citizens in the exercise of their democratic rights;

6. Develop the process of decision-making and implementation of public policies at the community

20. Environment:

Environmental planning strategies can be implemented depending on the particular components of

urban and financial resources, and the needs of the municipality. The overall objective of
environmental strategy is to increase the quality and standard of life of the population and the
quality of environmental components through sustainable growth by promoting a more efficient,
environmentally friendly and competitive in terms of resource and energy policy.

Following directions can be applied to urban planning:

• Sustainable urban development ("Sustainable Cluj");

• Converting urban environment ("Green Cluj");

• Sustainable use of energy resources ("Energy Efficiency");

• Appropriate management of business strategic planning;

21. Multiculturalism:

1. Establish a working group, under a public-private partnership, to examine the best practices from
different cities of the world on unlocking the potential of diversity.

2. Exploring opportunities to establish strategic links with municipalities that have experience in
harnessing the potential of multiculturalism of procedures for the accession of Cluj-Napoca.

3. Launch a funding program to encourage communication and cooperation in a interethnic,

interreligious and intercultural way.

4. Emphasize the multicultural character of the city in official documents and in contexts that are
present officials.

5. Rethinking history, multicultural identity of Cluj, by reinterpreting the city symbols, places
marked by multicultural; promoting cultural memory and personalities in various local institutions.

6. Develop a strategy valuing the potential of multicultural media.

7. Promotion the advantages of Cluj at a Community level, but also at an individual level.

8. Facilitate mutual understanding of historical ethnic communities in Cluj by various means,

including creating conditions for a joined Multicultural spaces.

9. Creating frameworks of social interaction and representatives to other ethnic communities.


The dramatic drop in birth and fertility, is the result of achieving deficit situation of the population,
according to the general and specific mortality with increasing tendency. Characterized by the
process of aging population with increasing proportion of elderly people and decreasing the birth
rates and fertility, changing the structure of population by age and sex, as well as the percentage of
the working population with changing dependency ratio has implications for social and health to be
taken into account when planning resources and services.

The following main areas of interest for this domain are:

• Open spaces and buildings;

• Safe transport for the elderly;

• Housing for the elderly;

• Social participation for older people;

• Respect and social inclusion;

• Civic participation and employees;

• Information provided to diffrent groups;

• Adapted communities for the elderly and ensuring health services;

• Community Living;

• Representative democracy;

23.Sport and Community:

Our approach is based on highlighting and impose awareness of the competitive advantage that we
have in Cluj-Napoca. It is based primarily on traditional values that sports imposed over time and
the factors responsible stated intention, which is to invest in community sport.

We want to highlight, and especially to redefine and impose the sport community as a gift that Cluj
deserve. We want to emphasize and to convince skeptics about the link between sport and


Young people are the main agents, beneficiaries but also the victims of major social and economic
changes in society, and despite a political and educational system that is too centralized in the
decision-making, and at the local level those decisions can have the greatest impact on their daily
lives. Therefore it is very important for local government to play a role in identifying their needs
and aspirations, while ensuring their active involvement in the economic, civic, social and cultural

This project wants a young loyalty program in the city, in the region, Romania and even Europe
through public events, professional, youth exchanges and training of individual and institutional

The primary mission is to create an appropriate and inclusive framework for the community, so it
can sustain personal and professional development of young people in Cluj-Napoca, Cluj and youth
participation in public life and the sustainable development of local society. This mission underlies
all strategic approach, directing the priority sectors and related content, captured in measures,
programs and actions.

The strategy of tourism development in Cluj-Napoca should present a competitive position and
also, a position able to live up to the standards imposed by both global trends, especially the
Community, and major events for which the city prepares: European Capital of Youth 2015 and the
city candidate for the title of European Capital of Culture in 2021.

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