Key Performance Indicator For Measuring and Improving Quality of Construction Projects

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 05 | May -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Key Performance Indicator for Measuring and Improving Quality of

Construction Projects
Shahrukh S. Shaikh1, Milind M. Darade2
1Post Graduation Student Civil Engineering Department, Savitribai Phule Pune University
Dr. D Y Patil School of Engineering and Technology , Lohegaon
Pune, Maharashtra 412105, India
2Assistant Professor Civil Engineering Department, Savitribai Phule Pune University

Dr. D Y Patil School of Engineering and Technology, Lohegaon

Pune, Maharashtra 412105, India
Abstract - Construction projects are a balance between Building owners also need to be educated as to what is
cost, time and quality. It is possible to have high quality and quality assurance so that they can begin using their voice to
low cost, but at the expense of time, and conversely to have encourage adaptation of this approach to protect their
high quality and a fast project, but at a cost. If both time and investments and reduce the cost of construction. The quality
money are restricted, then quality is likely to suffer. High assurance and quality control is having broad meaning as
quality is not always the primary objective for the client; time per as various sectors are concerned. In general to
or cost may be more important. It is only realistic to specify a understand this concept of quality, we formulate four
very high standard of quality if the budget is available to questions as follows,
achieve that standard. The need for Key Performance 1. What is mean by Quality?
Indicators (KPI) in construction projects has increased
considerably in recent times due to significant changes, 2. How it is achieved?
advancements in technology and high expectation of the users. 3. What is Quality Assurance?
The KPI maintain uniformity in construction process and
ensure more economical utilization of materials resulting in 4. What is Quality Control?
significant reduction in cost to the users. This type of study has When we are talking about quality about anything, either it
become necessary when the construction industry is is service or any product; one word should come in mind as
encountering a quality issues day by day. Critical parameters response i.e. YES or NO. There should not be any response to
or key indicators are necessary to introduce at planning stage differentiate quality viz; fair quality, moderate quality, quite
when PQP is preparing which divert us to concentrate for poor or quite good quality. Ultimately the presence of quality
quality. is important. So in general we can define the quality in
In this project work, critical parameters are considered in the different ways as follows,
planning stage and study is carried out. The study is done by
using questionnaire and Delphi techniques on quality of 1. Quality is conformance to requirements or
certain important activities. This study leads to know critical specifications
parameters or key indicators of an activity and their 2. Quality is fitness for use
contribution. These indicators can be used for internal
qualitative improvement which ultimately improves business, 3. Quality is the degree to which a set of inherent
reputation. characteristics fulfills requirements
Considering the significance of construction, there are three-
Key Words: Construction Projects, Key Performance fold meaning in construction, which are getting job done on
Indicators, PQP, Quality time, ensuring that the basic characteristics of the final
product comply with the requirements and getting the job
1. INTRODUCTION done within budget. It has been a merging dispute over
The construction industry has been struggling with quality clients' dissatisfaction towards Indian construction industry
issues for many years, and the cost to our economy is performance in terms of completing the project within
dramatic. The cost could potentially be reduced significantly budgeted cost and time frame given and foremost, the
if the industry were to embrace the concept of quality quality of the end product. There is an increasing demand
assurance that has been used with great success by many towards high quality of construction constructed by Indian
other sectors of the economy. The construction industry is Construction Industry. The major indicator to measure and
unique, and therefore, the application of quality assurance determine the quality of construction is high quality of
requires an approach that meets the needs of the industry. workmanship where it determines the success of
construction. In early 1980's, quality began to emerge as a
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2133
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 05 | May -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

key management focus in United States. Indian construction Mirosław J. Skibniewski and Saumyendu Ghosh(October
industry has realized on the aggressive competition in both 2009)explored that the identification of key performance
regional and international industry. To ensure their position indicators (KPIs) is an essential first step in developing a
in emerging international market, the construction industry proper performance measurement framework.[9]
must impose higher quality levels in trying to achieve
internationally accepted quality levels. 3. PROJECT QUALITY PLAN

In construction industry, quality should be implemented "Project Quality Plan" can be defined as a set of activities
throughout the life cycle of the project as a preventive action. planned at the beginning of the project that helps achieve
Quality issues also have to be taken into consideration in the quality objectives. It is a live document that is used and
construction project management in order to eliminate any updated regularly throughout the project life or contract
unnecessary problems before it occurs or towards lean period. It must comply with ISO 9001 standards and
construction. Lean construction means to eliminate the specifications of the project.
unnecessary system or approaches and continually
improvement.  The PQP clearly defines

2. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR  Project or contract objectives.

What is a Key Performance Indicator? Key Performance  Resources to be used i.e. organizational structure.
Indicators (KPI) are compilations of data measures used to  Personnel responsibilities and authorities
assess the performance of a construction operation. They are
the methods management uses to evaluate quality of a Process controls to be used to deal with work and risks
particular task. These evaluations typically compare the involved, including quality procedures, and ITP‟s and
actual and estimated performance in terms of effectiveness, associated checklists, with method statement. Methods to be
efficiency, and quality in terms of both workmanship and used to monitor and audit implementation. Methods to be
product. used to identify nonconformities, and implement corrective
and preventive actions. Methods to be used for document
Generalized models exist for implementing and monitoring control and records management including maintaining,
construction activities, but they fail to identify which securing/protecting/storing, identifying, retrieving and
indicators will accurately portray the changes in otherwise controlling records for the periods required and
performance. Instead of reporting and disseminating every then their disposal.
piece of information gathered on the job, a more simplified
method should be used to gather only that data which 4. RESEARCH GAP
directly predicts performance for the task to be measured.
1. Critical activities are identified in the project.
A KPI is a measure of a factor critical to success. The existent
Necessary actions are defined.
literature on Key Performance Indicators in Construction
Industry focuses primarily on performance measurement 2. But, the key factors which are affecting to quality of
systems. activity is not identified
David Arditi and H. Murat Gunaydin(March 1999) 3. This may lead to the achieving less quality and time
investigated the differences in the perceptions of entry-level spent, resources require for correction. Key
professionals and long-time practitioners with regard to performance indicators are necessary to know for
process quality in building projects with Delphi process and any activity before it starts.
a questionnaire survey are conducted.[4]
Robert F. Cox; Raja R. A. Issa, M.ASCE; and Dar
Ahrens(April 2003) Studied that there is a great need in the 1. Setting out objectives
construction industry for identifying a set of common
indicators to be used by construction executive and project 2. Literature survey
managers in measuring construction performance at the 3. Site Visits
project level.[17]
4. Identification of critical activities and factors
K. N. JHA & K. C. IYER (November 2006) examined the affecting to it
factors that adversely affected the quality performances of
projects were: conflict among project participants; hostile 5. Finding importance of factor in terms of grade
socio-economic environment; harsh climatic condition; PM’s Corrective actions for respective key factor
ignorance & lack of knowledge; faulty project
conceptualization; and aggressive competition during

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 05 | May -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

6. METHODOLOGY 4. Reinforcement Work

Methodology adopted for this study is shown in flow chart: 5. Concrete And Masonry Work
6. Footing Work
7. Brickwork Masonry Work
8. Formwork
9. Painting Work
10. Plastering Work
11. Plumbing and Sewerages Work
12. Electrical Work
6.1 Planning
6.1.1 Planning and Site Organization
Careful forethought and planning are required for sound site
organization. Consideration must be given to the efficient
use of available space at the site during building operations
in order to ensure that all building activities move smoothly
with minimal interference or delay. The proper choice of
suppliers and subcontractors plays an important part in
achieving desired quality and efficiency.
Fig-1: Methodology in Primary Stage 6.1.2 The Construction Process and Supervision
Reliable standards must be maintained throughout the
whole construction process in order to ensure that the built
work is durable, is functionally sound and aesthetically
satisfying. Simple time-tested methods that have proved
effective in ensuring quality can be employed to make sure
that problems do not develop later, which can be expensive
and difficult to rectify. Close supervision of craftsmen and
workers employed by the main contractor on the site is
essential to make certain that all the elements that make up
the building conform to acceptable standards of quality. The
work of sub contractors too requires planning and
supervision to ensure quality is maintained in all aspects of
construction, including services.
6.1.3 Health and Safety
Health and safety are factors that must be pursued with as
much vigorous other management objectives. Ensuring the
well-being and safety of all workers or visitors at
Fig-2: Methodology for Study construction sites will improve performance; minimize
accidents and illness which in turn will reduce disruption of
Following activities are selected for this study: work as well as consequent expenses.
Activities listed below are the major contributors towards The following checklist is prepared so that building
quality, aesthetics and cost. This is the main reason for their contractors and supervisors can make sure that essential
selection. Negligence in executing these activities may be a steps are taken to ensure maintenance of quality control
serious threat to the structure. throughout the building process.
Selected Activities Are, Note: In checking out the Yes/No response to each question,
1. Planning it is important that if the answer is No, follow-up corrective
action is needed.
2. Excavation Work
3. Plinth Filling Work

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2135
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 05 | May -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

6.2 Excavation Work Portland cement - The cement and water form a paste that
coats the aggregate and sand in the mix. The paste hardens
The process of removing rock or earth from a solid, broken,
and binds the aggregates and sand together.
or unconsolidated layer of soil by means of an excavator,
bulldozer, scrapper or any similar type of machine refers to Water- Water is needed to chemically react with the cement
the term excavation. In construction industry, earthwork is (hydration) and too provide workability with the concrete.
broad term used for excavation which includes the entire The amount of water in the mix in pounds compared with
work cycle from digging, transportation and dumping of the amount of cement is called the water/cement ratio. The
earth from construction site to the dumping area. lower is the w/c ratio, the stronger the concrete. (Higher
strength, less permeability).
6.3 Plinth Filling Work
Aggregates- Sand is the fine aggregate. Gravel or crushed
The sides of concrete and masonry in foundation trenches or
stone is the coarse aggregate in most mixes.
in the column pits should be filled with suitable excavated
material. Filling should be done in layers, and compacted 6.5 Brick Masonry Work
with steel rammer or with wooden logs. The approved
The common materials of masonry construction are brick,
excavated material, which has been stocked, shall be cleaned
stone, marble, granite, limestone, cast stone, concrete block,
of all rubbish, large size stone, vegetation etc.
glass block, stucco, tile, and cob. Brick is the most commonly
Filling should be done in layers each layer being of 15cm to used material in masonry work around the world. The
20cm.Each layer is watered and compacted with heavy materials used, the quality of the mortar and workmanship,
rammers of wooden logs or steel. If the area of refilling is and the pattern in which the bricks are assembled can
large then either electric operated or fuel operated significantly affect the durability of the overall masonry
compactors are used to compact the filling material. construction.
The process of filling in plinth, watering and compaction Different methods of lying of Brick masonry is followed
shall be carried out till the required level is reached so as to around the world which is as follows:
form a thoroughly compacted base. While compacting due
 English bond,
care is taken to protect the foundation columns, plinth walls,
etc., which are already constructed.  Flemish bond,
If the depth of filling exceeds more than 1m then for  Stretching bond,
economy purpose building rabbit may be allowed as a filling
material for further depth, the procedure being the same.  Heading bond,
Under no circumstances black cotton soil shall be used for  Garden wall bond,
filling in plinth and footing pits.
 Facing bond,
6.4 Column, Slab & Beam and Footing
 Raking bond,
6.4.1 Reinforcement
 Dutch bond,
Concrete has good compression strength but has low tensile
strength and ductility. To counterbalance this, concrete is  English cross-bond,
reinforced with steel bars to increase its tensile strength and
 Zig-Zag bond,
ductility. Reinforcement is provided basically in all structural
members which contributes towards strength of structure  Silver lock’s bond Formwork
mainly slabs, walls, beams, columns, foundations, frames and
more. 6.6 Formwork

As per IS 456:2000, the structure can be under reinforced or Formwork is a temporary structure of mold into which
balanced but cannot be over reinforced. In case of over reinforcement bars are placed and concrete is poured. It is
reinforced, the structure may fail without any signs of cracks upheld in position till concrete sets and removed /
and hence should be avoided. Maintaining a quality becomes dismantled after it. Formwork systems used concrete frame
crucial for stability of structure. construction have continued to develop significantly. The
major innovations have focused on on-site efficiency of
Master checklist of the above activity was prepared on the production, health and safety, and environmental issues,
basis of Checklists collected from Construction firms and few driving the concrete construction industry towards ever-
from online portals. increasing efficiency.
6.4.2 Concreting The modern formwork systems listed above are mostly
A hard, strong construction material consisting of sand, grav modular, which are designed for speed and efficiency. They
el, pebbles, broken stone, or slag in a mortar or cement are designed to provide increased accuracy and minimize
matrix. waste in construction and most have enhanced health and

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2136
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 05 | May -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

safety features built-in Formwork is also responsible for its  When washbasin and bathroom are at some
aesthetical value as it going take the shape of the mold and distance from stack, it may be cheaper and simpler
should be placed with intense care. to combine their waste pipe in to one pipe.
Master checklist of the above activity was prepared on the  Any bend in waste pipe should be of large radius.
basis of Checklists collected from Construction firms and few
from online portals.  Pipe works in branch connections should be
arranged to allow free drainage of system.
6.7 Painting Work
 Connections with main or branch pipes should be
Painting is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or arranged in a way that can prevent cross flow from
other medium to a surface (support base). The medium is one appliance to another.
commonly applied to the base with a brush. Preparing your
walls with primer before you paint is the best way to ensure  Branch connections should be of large radius along
a lasting finish. Priming not only adds to the durability of the the invert.
paint job it also saves you time, especially if you have the  Minimum diameter of soil and waste stacks should
primer tinted the same color as the finish coat. There are be 100 and 75 mm respectively.
also several new interior paint options that now include
paint and primer in one, saving you time by hiding and  Covered pipes or hard to find pipes along internal
sealing previously painted and uncoated surfaces without face of walls should be of cast iron.
the use of a separate primer.
 On ground floor all pipes including those laid on
Tinting primer improves the color of your paint and reduces external face of the wall should be of cast iron also.
the number of coats needed to achieve the truest color or
 Sufficient condition should be made to access all
hue. Primer is formulated to adhere to a variety of surfaces
pipe works.
and seals them to prevent stains and discoloration from
bleeding through the final coat. The finish coat sticks more  Embedding of joints in walls should be avoided.
effectively to a primed surface than it does to plaster, wood
or an earlier coat of paint.  All appliances connected to stack should be trapped
6.8 Plastering Work
 The soil, waste and building sewer pipes should not
Plasterwork refers to construction or ornamentation done be reduced in diameter in the direction of flow.
with plaster, such as a layer of plaster on an interior or
exterior wall structure, or plaster decorative moldings on  Cast iron fittings and branches for waste pipes
ceilings or walls. This is also sometimes called pargeting. The should be of same quality.
process of creating plasterwork, 6.10 Electrical Work
called plastering or rendering, has been used in building
construction for centuries. All electrical works shall be carried out by adequately skilled
and licensed supervisors and trained technicians. Primary
6.9 Plumbing and Sewerages Work attention shall be given to safety of the installation and
Proper pipe work for sewerage and plumbing work ensures conformity to prevailing regulations. Particular attention
hygienic conditions in any building. All connections with shall be given to the neatness in the appearance of the
main or branch pipes should be arranged in a way that can installation which is to be achieved by judicious planning of
prevent cross flow from one appliance to another. Soil, waste runs and cables, the locations of light fittings, fans, switches,
and building sewer pipes should be of sufficient diameter in socket outlets etc. and making good any surfaces, framework
the direction of flow. Keep in following tips while designing or other elements in the building in the process of execution
and executing layout of sanitary pipes for the drainage of a of electrical installation.
building. Master checklist of the above activity was prepared on the
 In sewer line minimum gradient should be 1 in 57 basis of Checklists collected from Construction firms and few
for 100 mm diameter pipe and 1 in 100 for 150 mm from online portals.
diameter. 6.11 Master Check List
 Pipe works and appliances should be arranged in a Master checklists are prepared from collected checklists
way that allows close grouping of connections with from site, expert views & interviews. Following checklists
water closet near main soil pipe. are prepared for further study.
 Branch pipes should be kept short to reduce noise.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2137
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 05 | May -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

7. Data Collection

To determine and analyze the set of perceived Key

Performance Indicators (KPIs) utilized by construction
executives and project managers in the construction
industry, 40 construction sites were targeted with the
intention of determining KPIs among construction industry.
Differences in the perceived importance of performance
indicators were also determined according to the number of
years of construction experience each respondent possessed.
The approaches used for data collection are direct
interviews or filling questionnaires, discussions with
implementation consultants and representatives from
selected construction sites. Data were collected from
construction projects sites with annual construction volumes
Fig-3: Excavation
ranging from 20Cr to 200 Cr.
8. Result and Discussions
1. This study indicates the correct testing procedure to
After collecting data from 40 sites data recorded into a excel maintain the quality for an activity. This gives
sheet so that to assess in matlab. For all major activity which related checks for overall quality.
gives major contribution in quality are recorded and 2. This study gives an integrated checklist for an
analyzed using matlab and some of the results & discussion activity which is used at different site by different
(sample) are shown as under. organization. This may leads to easiness in external
Table-1: Results and Discussion quality audit.
Sr. Activity Vital % Important Needed 3. PQP is most important document is rearranged with
No. % % contents & key indicators for an activity & their
1 Planning 54 41 5
4. This paper gives a key factors involved to improve a
2 Excavation 14 48 38 quality of an activity.
3 Plinth Filling 43 36 21 5. Relative comparison says the relative index within
4 Reinforcement 18 55 27 checks which is most important to concentrate on it.

5 Concreting 47 51 2 6. Specified activities which are contributing to cost and

aesthetic more are segregated and master checklist gives
6 Footing 45 38 17 and general view to maintain quality of particular activity.
7 Brick Masonry 9 73 18 7. Responses collected from professionals rates checks gives
8 Formwork 39 44 17 the vitality of an individual check.
9 Painting 46 47 7 8. The vital checks require more concentration to improve
quality, e.g. for excavation vital checks are inspection of site
10 Plastering 40 51 9
by concerned authority before starting of work, protection
11 Plumbing 18 35 47 of employees from cave-ins while entry and exit of
12 Electrical 25 63 13 excavated area, etc.
9. This study gives a percentage contribution for every group
of checks come under following heads.(Vital, Important,
8.1 Excavation Needed).
For Excavation, 14% activities are vital which are means while
execution 48% checks are important to concentrate.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2138
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 05 | May -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2139

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