Quality Assurance in Building Construction: A Questionnaire Survey of Occupants

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Quality Assurance in Building Construction: A Questionnaire Survey of


Article · April 2015


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2 authors:

Pravin Mane Jalindar Patil

Dr. D.y. patil institute of engineering, management and research SELF EMPLOYED


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www.ijemr.net ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962

Volume-5, Issue-2, April-2015

International Journal of Engineering and Management Research
Page Number: 269-273

Quality Assurance in Building Construction: A Questionnaire Survey of

Pravin P. Mane1, Jalindar R. Patil2
Department of Civil Engineering, RMDSSOE, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, INDIA

ABSTRACT means such as quality planning, quality control, quality

Quality assurance is one of the aspects of quality assurance and quality improvement, within the quality
management system (QMS). The Quality Management system”. Meanwhile, the definition of quality system
System in construction industry refers to quality planning, according to ISO 8402 is “the organizational structure,
quality assurance, quality control. QMS have many responsibilities, procedures and resources needed to
applications in the construction industry and could be implement quality management”.
implemented either at the company level or at the project
Combining the definitions of ‘quality system’ and
level. The questionnaire survey has been carried out by
authors with occupants of residential building/flat. The aim ‘quality management’ thus concludes that QMS is the
of survey is to find barriers in implementing QMS at interaction of people, processes and documentation to meet
construction projects. The quality management in both customer’s stated and implied needs. The result
construction projects means maintaining the quality of would be a reduction in inefficiencies and waste, improved
construction works at the required standard so as to obtain work practices, increased morale and the opportunity for a
customer’s satisfaction that would bring long term greater market share. All these benefits are achieved
competitiveness and business survival for the companies (Tan through the implementation of QMS which ones should
& Abdul-Rahman, 2005). The importance of the interviews perceive it as a wide-scale failure prevention programme
will help to justify the potential of integrating within the
that will lead to costs savings. Most organizations today
context of construction management.
view quality more as a process rather than a product. To be
more specific, it is a continuously improving process
Keywords— assurance, management, occupants, quality. where lessons learned are used to enhance future products
and services in order to retain existing customers; win back
lost customers and welcome new customers. Therefore,
I. INTRODUCTION companies today are developing and integrating quality
improvement processes in the companies management
Quality assurance starts with the fulfilling needs system. The construction industry is being viewed with
of customers. Quality control starts with identifying poor quality and compared to other sectors like the
customer needs and ends only when customer is fully manufacturing and service sectors (Wan Yusoff, et al.,
satisfied. In the present study customer considered is the 2006; Kubal, 1994; Kanji and Wong, 1998; Wong and
occupants of building/flat after possession. It is necessary Fung, 1999). Because of the poor workmanship of the end
to fulfill their requirement in the construction of product, a lot of criticisms have been directed to
building/flat. As per principle of ISO 9001 customer construction industry. Furthermore, the processes, people,
satisfaction is important. The present study has been materials are also under pressure for better quality in
carried out with the view of customer satisfaction in construction.
construction industry by conducting questionnaires in the In the construction industry, contractors have to
pimpri region of Maharashtra state, India. collect much external and internal information as
ISO 8402, the vocabulary of quality defined information input for quality management. The external
quality management as “all activities of the overall information required includes the customer’s requirements
management function that determine the quality policy, on quality.
objectives and responsibilities, and implement them by

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www.ijemr.net ISSN (ONLINE): 2250-0758, ISSN (PRINT): 2394-6962

construction has lagged behind other industries in

II. LITERATURE REVIEW implementing total quality management because of its
inability to accurately determine customer requirements
and successfully transform these requirements into the
Customer satisfaction is considered to affect completed facility (Ahmed and Kangari 1995).
customer retention and, therefore, profitability and
competitiveness (Anderson and Sullivan 1993). According
to Jones and Sasser (1995), complete customer satisfaction III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
is the key to securing customer loyalty and generating
superior long-term financial performance. It is also The methodology for the work consists of three
apparent that high customer satisfaction leads to the step model. The first step is quality planning, second step
strengthening of the relationship between a customer and a is quality control and third step is quality assurance. In
company, and this deep sense of collaboration has been the first step the questionnaires have been prepared by
found to be profitable (e.g. Storbacka et al. 1994). authors considering quality aspects of construction project.
In order to measure customer satisfaction in The yes/no type questionnaire have been prepared by
construction, the main subjects must be identified. A authors. The study describes the views of occupants of
customer may be defined as the owner of the project and building and / or flat. In second step the interviews of
the one that needs the constructed facility. In simple terms, occupants of building have been conducted by the author.
the customer is the buyer of the product or service. Kamara For the work occupants selection criterion is that “at the
(2000) describes the ‘customer’ as a body that incorporates time of interview the period after possession should not
the interests of the buyer of construction services, exceed two years”.
prospective users and other interest groups. The interviews have been conducted based on
Customer satisfaction can be used for evaluation above questionnaire with the occupants of building and / or
of quality and ultimately for assessment of the success of a flat. Here the respondents have to mark their response in
company’s quality improvement programme. According to terms of yes or no.
Torbica and Stroh (2001), a quality improvement effort In the analysis of data responses of all the
will lead to a higher product and service quality. questions have been studied and the findings have
Perceived quality precedes satisfaction, which is mentioned in the subsequently continued.
closely related to the customer’s behavioral responses
(Bitner et al, 1990; Cronin and Taylor, 1992). Ojasalo IV. DATA COLLECTION AND
(1999) associates service quality with the words ANALYSIS
“evaluation” and “opinion”, and satisfaction with the word
“feeling”. The number of persons interviewed is 60. From
There has been a quite obvious increase in the 60 occupants only 45 occupants responded for the
emphasis on a firm’s ability to produce high-quality interview. The persons interviewed categorically belong to
products and/or provide high-quality services. the middle income group.
Identification of high-quality products or services can be The table 1 shows the details of questions asked
achieved by measuring customer satisfaction with these to respondents and percentagewise analysis of data
products or services. The concept of customer satisfaction collected during the interviews with occupants of building
transforms all industries from production centralized to and / or flat. The views of authors have been described in
customer based. discussion section of paper.
A company must periodically measure customer
satisfaction in order to learn how satisfied its customers TABLE 1: PERCETAGEWISE ANALYSIS OF DATA
are. Torbica and Stroh (2001) argue that, in construction,
the extent of customer satisfaction is only known late in Sr.No. Description of % of % of
the project when most of the customer’s money has questions "Yes" "No"
already been spent. When companies know which Have you seen all the
attributes of a service or product affect customer drawings and
satisfaction, their challenge is to modify their current 1 57.5% 42.5%
specifications before
offering in a way that would lead to maximum customer construction?
satisfaction. Have you checked
Customer satisfaction is one of the key elements 2 quality of materials 52.5% 47.5%
in total quality management (TQM), an approach that during construction?
emphasizes overall satisfaction through the continuous Is quality of material
improvement of products. Construction companies are 3 used during 48.0% 52.0%
adopting TQM to improve their performance. However, construction is as per

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specification? in the flat / building?

Have you checked Are you facing water
4 quality of materials 52.5% 47.5% 22 logging problem in flat 47.5% 52.5%
used during possession? / building?
Have you got Is electrification is as
23 46.5% 53.5%
5 possession in time as 52.5% 47.5% per drawing?
given by builder? Are you facing echoes
24 52.5% 47.5%
Is the openings of your in your flat / building?
6 47.5% 52.5%
flat is as per drawings? Any other point you
Are the room sizes as want to share regards
7 47.0% 53.0%
per drawing? 25 with quality of 0.0% 100.0%
Are there any additional construction of your flat
8 changes requested by 60.0% 40.0% after possession.
you for your flat?
Is your construction is V. DISCUSSIONS
as per drawing and
9 57.5% 42.5%
specification as shown The table 2 shows the views of authors based on
to you? the analysis of data. It also shows the barriers in
Is builder allowing such implementing QMS in construction site. As per responses
10 type of changes after 49.0% 51.0% given by respondents, the measure data considered for the
your request? work is “the questions whose percentage of no response is
After your request for more than 51%”. Customer satisfaction is important (Mane
changes, is builder done P. P. & Patil J.R., 2015).
11 52.5% 47.5%
it as per quality The questions for which the percentage of no
standards? response is more than 51% as per views of respondents
Is there any rework shows that the following are the factors required to give
12 needed after possession 47.0% 53.0% more attention for fulfillment of QMS in construction site.
within 6 month? • Use of quality materials in construction should be
Have you seen quality as per specification.
control documents for
52.5% 47.5% • Openings of flat/buildings should be as per
materials used for drawings.
construction? • Room sizes as per drawings.
Have you visited site of • The changes in the flat and / or building should be
14 construction at regular 52.5% 47.5% as per request from customer.
interval? • The changes in the building and / or flat should be
Is there any change in strictly after preparation of drawings and
your flat construction specifications.
15 done by builder without 45.0% 55.0% • Avoid any rework in the structure.
drawings and • There should be proper maintenance system.
specifications? • Follow structural drawings strictly and carefully.
Have you found any • Do not change electrification of flat/building.
defect in your flat
• Provide proper inside drainage of flat/building.
16 regarding quality of 55.0% 45.0%
construction of any
The detailed analysis of above points states that
the drawing and specifications is an important quality
Have you faced any document on construction site. The percentage of yes
17 47.0% 53.0%
maintenance problem? responses shows that the involvement of people and / or
Have you faced any customers and / or occupants of building are important in
18 47.5% 52.5%
structural problem? maintaining QMS in construction projects. It also shows
Have you faced any that there is awareness of occupants of building towards
19 plumbing defect in your 57.5% 42.5% the QMS in construction.
Is there need of doing
20 52.5% 47.5%
any renovation work?
21 Are there any leakages 52.5% 47.5%

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TABLE 2: COMMENTS OF AUTHORS Is there any rework needed after possession

5 53
within 6 month?
Sr. Description of questions % of Is there any change in your flat construction
No "No 6 done by builder without drawings and 55
. " specifications?
Is quality of material used during 7 Have you faced any maintenance problem? 53
1 52
construction is as per specification? Have you faced any structural problem?
Is the openings of your flat is as per 8 52.5
2 52.5 Are you facing water logging problem in flat
drawings? 9
3 Are the room sizes as per drawing? 53 / building? 52.5
10 Is electrification is as per drawing? 53.5
Is builder allowing such type of changes after
4 51
your request?

Figure 1: Factors Influencing QMS as per Authors Analysis

importance to quality in construction. The study also

The figure 1 indicates that factors influencing the proves that customer focus and involvement of people are
QMS. These factors are found out based on analysis of important aspects in the successful construction project.
data collected through interviews of the occupants of Survey also suggests the factors influencing QMS and
building. initiates in finding barriers in implementing QMS at
construction projects.
VI. CONCLUSION For future study following points may be
For successful implementation of QMS in • The same survey may be carried out for more
building construction customer satisfaction is important. number of customers.
The needs of customers have shows that they are giving

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• The questionnaires may be collected from lower [14] Torbica Z.M. and Stroh R.C. (2001). “Customer
and higher income group. Satisfaction in Home Building.” Journal of Construction
• The questionnaires may be collected from Engineering and Management, Jan/Feb, pp. 82-86.
customers with civil engineering background.


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