Condition Assessment of RCC ESR Using NDT Methods

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International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890(online),2347-5013(print)

Volume No.5 Issue: Special 3, pp: 617-620 27-28 Feb. 2016

Condition Assessment of RCC ESR Using NDT Methods

Vaibhav S.Umap1 , Y R M Rao2

Dr. Rajendra Gole Institute of Technology and Research, Amravati, M.S. India
Karunya University, Coimbatore, T N and former Chairman Central water Commission, M.S. India
Email: [email protected]

Abstract- Abstract: Concrete is considered as a durable and develop new methods. The paper present is intended to
material but it is still potentially vulnerable to deterioration, provide an overview of the principles of various NDT methods
unless certain precautions are taken. Life enhancement of being used in practice, and to summarize their applications and
distressed concrete structures depend on number of factors limitations. The emphasis is placed on methods that have been
such as design, detailing, materials used in the original applied to measure physical properties other than the strength
construction, quality control, environment as well as periodic of concrete in structures, to detect flaws or discontinuities and
inspection and regular maintenance. The assessment of to provide data for condition evaluation [3]. This paper
concrete structures consists of not only evaluation of the discusses the assessment of old overhead Reinforced Cement
present condition but also prediction of the cause of Concrete (RCC) reservoirs as a case study useing NDT
deterioration and its residual life. Hence, it is essential to have methods. The main aim of the paper is to highlight the
importance and significance of different test methods
accurate assessment of physical, chemical and
employed to assess the present condition of RCC structures.
electro-chemical properties to enhance the existing life of the
This paper also presents the rational and systematic approach
structure. If the cause of deterioration is predicted and a for the interpretation of test results for arriving at an
proper assessment of the structure is made, it may be economical repair procedure and rehabilitation measures.
economically feasible to repair the distressed structure and Necessary repair measures are suggested to enhance the
prolong its life. The estimation of mechanical properties of service life of the structure.
concrete can be carried out by several methods namely
destructive and non-destructive. In this context, the crushing 1.1Typical Condition Deterioration Curve :
of the samples is the usual destructive test to determine the The simple and more advanced approaches to condition
concrete strength. The rebound hammer test is used in the assessment allow the development of predictive decay curves
field of non-destructive tests to determine respectively .The for assets as shown in Fig.1. The slight improvement in
result obtained from the given data, exact assessment will be condition at the start of an asset's lifecycle reflects the normal
found out of the given water tank. improvement in performance after a short teething period [11].

Keyword Concrete, Condition assessment, Carbonation,

Corrosion, Service life;

1. Introduction
Deteriorating infrastructure continues to be a growing
concern. Accurate information on the condition of concrete in
a existing structure is critical to evalaluate its safety and
serviceability. This information is required by decision makers
to determine if repair or replacement is necessary and to select
optimum repair techniques where conditions require. (ACI
Committee 207). Assessment of quality of concrete is
necessary to ensure that the quality of execution is satisfactory Figure 1: Typical Condition Deterioration Curve [11]
and also to identify any deficiencies so that they can be This paper describes the systematic visual inspection of
rectified. This can be achieved only by conducting some various RCC ESR’s in Amravati region along with
in-situ tests on the structures besides visual inspection. These photographs and interpretation of results of various
tests have been developed with a primary objective of non-destructive tests such as rebound hammer. Chemical tests
evaluating the condition of in- situ concrete quickly. The of concrete samples were carried out to determine the pH,
in-situ tests are either non-destructive or partially destructive carbonation and chloride content of concrete. This paper also
[1, 2]. Rebound hammer test, Cover survey, Carbonation test, presents and describes detailed investigation of RCC ESRs at
pH test and chloride contein test are mostly used for the Amravati region. Tests were carried out at columns, beams,
assessment of existing concrete structures [3, 4]. It is dome periphery, and dome slab of RCC ESR’s. The results of
important to note that almost all the NDT methods indirectly carbonation, pH and chloride content were presented in tabular
estimate the concrete strength and strength obtained by these form. Data interpretation was carried out in accordance with
methods, in most of the cases, is comparable. Even then, no various reference codes.
single method can be said to be fully reliable and therefore, 1.2 Basic methods for NDT of concrete structures: The
more than one method should be used and results should be following methods with some typical applications, have been
correlated [1]. Non-destructive testing technologies are used for the NDT of concrete [13].
evolving and research continues to enhance existing methods

NCASE@2016 doi : 10.17950/ijer/v5i3/021  Page 617 

International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890(online),2347-5013(print)
Volume No.5 Issue: Special 3, pp: 612-616 27-28 Feb. 2016
• Visual inspection, which is an essential precursor to 3.1) Visual inspection/observation
any intended non-destructive test. An experienced civil or
structural engineer may be able to establish the possible a) Blackish patches were seen on dome periphery.
cause(s) of damage to a concrete structure and hence identify Blackish pat on as shown in fig.1.2
which of the various NDT methods available could be most b) Longitudinal cracks were seen on beam B2, as
useful for any further investigation of the problem. shown in fig.1.5.
• Half-cell electrical potential method, used to detect c) Spaling of concrete observed on beam column joint
the corrosion potential of reinforcing bars in concrete. as shown in fig. 1.6.
• Schmidt/rebound hammer test, used to evaluate the d) Craze cracks and severe spalling of concrete were
surface hardness of concrete. seen on beam B9 and B3 as shown in fig.1.4, 1.6 respectively.
• Carbonation test, pH test and chloride contain test
used to determine whether moisture has reached the depth of
the reinforcing bars and hence corrosion may be occurring.
• Covermeter testing used to measure the distance of
steel reinforcing bars beneath the surface of the concrete and
also possibly to measure the diameter of the reinforcing bars.
2. Case Study

1- Condition Assessment Of RCC ESR At Kurha

2.1 Salient features
a) Period of construction : 1986-87
b) Investigation year : 2015
c) Location : At. kurha. Tah. Tivsa.
d) Owned and maintained : Grampanchayata, Kurha
e) Total period of use : 29 yrs.
f) Is water tank under use? : Yes Fig3 Top spherical dome, Bottom spherical slab, Craze cracks,
g) Capacity : 1,25,000 liters
h) Staging height : 3.6 m Longitudinal cracks, Spaling of concrete, spalling of concrete
i) Column Shape : Circular
j) Number of column : 6 No’s 3.2) pH test
k) Bracing levels : Three stages The standard value of pH for fresh concrete is 11-13.
l) Structure/Geometry of tank: Tank with top As shown in graph (fig 1.7) the pH value of was gradually
spherical dome, cylindrical/ vertical wall, conical dome and reduced to about 8.0 to 10.23 through a process called
bottom spherical. carbonation. Whereas Kurha water tank have a low pH value
m) Is the tank being maintained? : Tank is being therefore each components carbonated and ready to receive
maintained regular. flooring adhesive should have a pH of about 8.0. This means
• Detail drawing of RCC ESR at Kurha shown in fig. the surface of the concrete has had minimal moisture vapour

fig1.7 spalling of concrete

3.3) Result of condition index

Table 1 Result of condition index/condition ranking (CI) of

Fig2 Drawing of RCC ESR at Kurha

3. Results

NCASE@2016 doi : 10.17950/ijer/v5i3/021  Page 618 

International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN:2319-6890(online),2347-5013(print)
Volume No.5 Issue: Special 3, pp: 612-616 27-28 Feb. 2016


Weighting of component of
Avg. comp. strengthby rebound

Avg. cover thickness by rebar

Avg. potential difference by

Condition Index of water Tank

From Table 3.1 condition ranking/ condition index of

Condition Index of each

65.10 it is interpreted that present condition RCC ESR at


Degree (Dmax)
kurha is good. Degree of deterioration of this ESR is medium.

Relevancy (R)
Parameter (a)

( CIi x wi )
Extent (E)
Cracks, slight corrosion and spalling of concrete are the
deterioration aspects observed on some components of ESR.
Working function of ESR is not affected. It is recommended to
Test location

water tank
repair the defected components of ESR.

1 Co 19. 1 -260 8 2 4 4 3 4 3
l- 00 5 3. 5
C1 7 0.
2 Co 22. 1 -170 8 2 2 2 2 8 7
l- 00 6 7. 0
C2 5 0.
3 Co 19. 2 -250 8 2 3 2 2 8 6
l- 00 2 4. 7
Fig 4. Cr value for each component of Structure
C3 3 5.
4 Co 18. 3 -230 8 2 4 3 3 5 4
l- 00 8 0. 0
C4 7 6.
5 Co 21. 2 -430 8 2 2 2 3 7 5 0 It has been seen that detailed visual inspection and Non
Destructive Testing (NDT) plays an important role in
l- 00 5 1. 7
condition assessment of RCC ESR. From visual inspection, we
C5 8 5. have observed the various damages occurred due to
6 Co 22. - -430 8 2 4 3 3 5 4 construction faults and because of factors affected with respect
to time. This gives the information about less than average
l- 00 0. 0
condition of the RCC ESR for further usage. The Schmidt
C6 7 6. hammer provides an inexpensive, simple and quick method of
7 Be 18. 1 -365 6 2 4 3 3 5 3 obtaining an indication of concrete strength. The Selected
water tanks are nearly 30 years old, thus the strength is nearly
am 00 8 0. 0
to an average value of requirement. It is observed that the pH
- 7 4. value of the water tank is low as compared to standard pH
8 Be 19. 5 -230 6 2 2 4 2 8 4 value. So repair measure works are required except kurha
am 00 0 1. 8
water tank. Based on the test results, it was found that the
distressing of the supporting structure was mainly due to voids,
- 2 7. honeycombing and carbonation of concrete.
9 Be 18. 3 -310 6 2 4 2 2 8 4 REFERENCES
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