Review On Condition Assessment and NDT of Building

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IJSART - Volume 3 Issue 3 MARCH 2017 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052

Review on Condition Assessment and NDT of Building

Manish Rameshrao Bhatkar1, Prof. V. K. Gajghate2
1, 2
Department Of Civil Engineering
1, 2
G.H.Raisoni College of Engineering, Hingana Road, Nagpur

Abstract- as we know that we are facing the problems against commonly used method now a days so it very applicable to all
the cracking, shrinkages, seepages, etc. to overcome this user and hence to improve the strength of building is
difficulty there are several techniques. NDT, which means Non commonly used. Test procedure is well known described in
Destructive Testing which helps to improve the structural IS: 13311 Part1 1992.
damages after proper testing.
Also the Rebound hammer is usefull to detect the
I. INTRODUCTION changes in concrete such as cracks, shrinkages, and seepages.
This test is moniterated to the elastic mass depends on the
NDT is the test performing on the actual structure or principal which on the hardness of surface of rebound. Test
object without damaging to get strength.NDT allows material procedure is described in IS: 13311 Part2 1992.
to be examined without changing properties or destroying
their usefulness.NDT gives quality assurance when it used Objective:
properly. NDT can be easily investigated for New and old
structure also. Thus, NDT methods are extremely valuable in 1) Strength properties
condition assessment of building or structure such as bridges 2) Durability
highways etc. 3) Density
4) Elastic properties
NDT is nothing but a non destructive testing which is 5) Moisture content
generally been used for gaining the actual strength of building 6) Extent of visible cracks
or a material or member of structure.non destructive testing is 7) Position &condition of steel reinforcement
gradually using in construction to check the actual report of 8) Concrete cover over the reinforcement
strength. Hence this method is used in actual structure to
improve the strength and to recommend that the structure is The standard range of RCC building can be
capable to resist the further structure. considered as 50-60 years approximately depending upon the
use & importance. But many of building observed that
NDT truly received a great importance in terms of distressing of structure & need to improve performance of
engineering value and is growing intention during recent builing depending upon the extent of deterioration of the
years. Non destructive evalution of concrete are well known structure.
and extensively used. It is very important to use the non
destructive technique. The main objective of NDT is to Purpose:
determine the strength as well as to avoid the damages or the
activity of structural components. The NDT gives the brief 1) Determining compressive strength
idea about the condition assessment of the building and 2) Determining unit formation and homogeneity of
performing the various techniques. concrete.
3) Calculating integrity surface in comparison to other
Condition assessment of building which gives the parts.
brief idea about the damages, shrinkages, etc. of building. 4) Identifying cracks in wall, voids and other
Depending upon condition the suitable methods are incompleteness.
conducted, not only one method is applicable to do but also 5) Supervising the structural changes in concrete wrt time.
the more over methods are adopted.
Ultra sonic pulse velocity (UPV) is more usefull non
destructive test, which are so familiar now-a-days and gives chapter gives the idea about the previous work done
the correlation between RH number and UPV reading and to in condition assessment of building and NDT of building.
strength of concrete. Ultrasonic pulse velocity is also most Condition assessments in earlier studies are presented and

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IJSART - Volume 3 Issue 3 MARCH 2017 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052

roles of NDT discussed. Application of test and tools were IV. CONCLUSION
discussed such as RHT, UPVT & Corrosion test.
Based on above paper it concludes that the testing are
CONDITION ASSESSMENT OF STRUCTURE carried on existing structure to get the final strength after
repairing. Chemicals and reactor are the responsible material
Literature review of previous work presented as below. in remedial measures hence it is very important factor in
building repairing.
S. Bhaskar (2006) this paper carried out the
reservoir assessment which is 30 years old by NDT REFERENCES
method. Outcomes were efficient and reconstructable
given by NDT. This includes visual observation and [1] IS : 13311 ( Part 2 ) : 1992 Non-destructive Testing of
documentation, ultrasonic pulse velocity testing on Concrete Methods of Test, Part 2 Rebound Hammer,
columns. For corrosion activity Half call test were BIS, New Delhi.
performed. Based on test result, it is found that
distressing in structure due to voids, honeycombing [2] IS: 13311 ( Part 1 ) : 1992 Non-destructive Testing of
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suggested to improve repair strength and Velocity, BIS, New Delhi.
performance of structure.
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Jochen H. Kurz (2012) this paper studied that National Seminar on Non- Destructive Evaluation,
the combination of different NDT method for proceedings of Indian Society of Non-Destructive
material characterization, flaw detection. Therefore, Testing.
multi-sensor system is necessary with high degree
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D. Breysse (2008) In this paper, combination of sensor systems, 18th World Conference on Non
several NDT to determine the actual RC structure. destructive Testing, 16-20 April 2012, Durban, South
They clearly focus on the valuation of water ratio and Africa.
concrete character.
Akash Jain (2013) They applied the practical [6] Waleed F. Tawhed and Sarah L. Gassman (2002)
examination on the effect of concrete mix material Damage Assessment of Concrete Bridge Decks using
and related technique. RH and UPV of concrete are Impact-Echo Method,ACI Materials Journal, V. 99, No.
examined. They estimating concrete strength by 3, May-June 2002.
using UPV. From an experimental study they derives
the reading UPV and Rebound number gives brief [7] Dr. Akil Ahmed, Prof. Mehtab Alam, and Dr. Asif Husain
idea about compressive strength. (2013)Investigation of Structural Failure of a RC Hotel
under Construction, International Journal of Chemical,
III. DISCUSSION Environmental & Biological Sciences (IJCEBS) Volume
1, Issue 3, ISSN 2320-4079.
Studied above research paper testings were carried
out on the actual structure and gives the remedial measures [8] IS: 456:2000 Indian Standard Plain And Reinforced
hence it gives last attempts to get strength of building or a Concrete - Code Of Practice (Fourth Revision).
existing structure. By using the different methods to check the
strength and capacity of structure.

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