Circulars/Notifications: Legal Update

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Legal Update

Given below are the important Circulars and Notifications issued by the CBDT, CBEC and
FEMA besides those related to GST, issued since the publication of the last issue of the journal,
for information and use of members. Readers are requested to use the citation/website or
weblink to access the full text of desired circular/notification. Feedback and suggestions on this
column can be submitted at [email protected]
DIRECT (Matter on Direct Taxes has been
contributed by the Direct Taxes GDWHG
TAXES Committee of the ICAI) In exercise of the powers conferred by Section
I. NOTIFICATIONS 10(10)(ii) of the Income tax Act, 1961, the Central
([FHSWLRQQRWLğHGIRUWKHSXUSRVHVRI Government, having regard to the maximum
FODXVH LL RIWKHSURYLVRWR6HFWLRQ  amount of gratuity payable to employees, has vide
YLLE  LQ VXSHUVHVVLRQ RI 1RWLğFDWLRQ 1R  GDWHG this notification specified ` 20 lakhs as the limit
1RWLğFDWLRQ1RGDWHG for the purposes of the said sub-clause in relation
to employees who retire, or become incapacitated
Where a company, other than a company in which before retirement, or expire on or after 29.03.2018,
public are substantially interested, issues shares at or whose employment is terminated on or after
a premium to a person being a resident, Section 29.03.2018.
56(2)(viib) brings to tax in the hands of such
company, the difference between the aggregate The complete text of the above Notifications can
consideration received for such shares as exceeds be downloaded from the link below:
the fair market value of the shares under the head http://w w w.income t a xindia s/
“Income from Other Sources”. communications/notifications.aspx
However, such provision would not be attracted II. PRESS RELEASES / INSTRUCTIONS / OFFICE
where the consideration for issue of such shares MEMORANDUM
is received by a company from a class or classes 2UGHUXQGHUVHFWLRQ  IRUH[WHQVLRQRIGXHGDWHIRU
of persons as may be notified by the Central ğOLQJRI,75V$XGLW5HSRUWIRUWKH$<LQUHVSHFW
Government in this behalf. RI.HUDOD5HJLRQŋ2UGHU )1R,7$,, GDWHG
Accordingly, in exercise of such powers conferred 
and in supersession of Notification No. 24/2018, In the aftermath of order of the Hon’ble Kerala
dated 24.05.2018, the Central Government has, High Court in WP Nos. 35382, 32954, 33135 &
vide this notification, notified that the provisions of 37052, dated 19.12.18, the taxpayers of Kerala
Section 56(2)(viib) shall not apply to consideration have filed condonation petitions before the CBDT
received by a company for issue of shares that under section 119(2). In these petitions, it has been
exceeds the face value of such shares, if the said submitted that general extension of one month
consideration has been received from a person, for filing returns and audit reports till 31.10.18
being a resident, by a company which fulfils the requires further relaxation in case of taxpayers
conditions specified in para 4 of the notification of Kerala since during the devastating floods of
number G.S.R. 127(E), dated 19.02.2019 issued August, 2018 many traders and businessmen had
by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in lost the documents/accounts leading to delay
the Department for Promotion of Industry and in finalisation of accounts and consequential
Internal Trade and files the declaration referred to difficulties in filing of income-tax return and tax-
in para 5 of the said notification of the Department audit report by 31.10.18.
for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade.
On due consideration of the matter, the CBDT,
This notification shall be deemed to have come
to mitigate the genuine difficulties faced by the
into effect from 19.02.2019.
taxpayers in Kerala, in exercise of its powers
 0D[LPXP DPRXQW RI JUDWXLW\ H[HPSW DV SHU 6HFWLRQ under section 119(2), has directed that in case of



Legal Update
taxpayers of Kerala for whom the due date for filing Accordingly, Ms. Pragya S. Saksena IRS 87004 has
return of income and report of audit pertaining to been co-opted as Member vide office order of even
assessment year 2018-19 was 31.10.18, all returns number dated 21.12.2018.
of income and reports of audit which are filed As per the Order dated 26.11.2018, the Task Force
till 28.2.19 shall be deemed to have been filed by so reconstituted is required to submit its report to
31.10. 18. the Government by February 28, 2019.
Further, in partial modification of orders of The term of the Task Force is extended by three
the CBDT dated 24.09.18 & 08.10.18 in F.No. months, i.e., the Task Force shall now be required
225/358/2018/ITA.II. in accordance with to submit its report by 31.05.2019.
relaxation in para above, all returns of income filed
between 01.10.18 to 31.10.18 by the taxpayers of The complete text of the above Order can be
Kerala for whom the due date for filing of return of downloaded from the link below:
income was 31.10.18, shall not be liable to levy of http s ://w w w.incometa xindia ist s/
interest as per provisions of Section 234A. Latest%20News/Attachments/301/Task-Force-
The returns by taxpayers of Kerala covered in this for-drafting-a-New-Direct-Tax-Legislation-
order, if not processed till now, shall be processed in Extension-of-term-28-02-2019.pdf
accordance with the directions contained in paras 3. TIEA between India and Brunei signed on
above. If the return has already been processed, 28.02.2019 – Press Release, dated 28-02-2019
the same would be rectified by the CIT-CPC, The Government of Republic of India and the
Bengaluru or the concerned jurisdictional income- Government of His Majesty the Sultan And Yang
tax authority, as the case may be, in exercise of Di-Pertuan Of Brunei Darussalam signed an
statutory powers under section 154 in accordance Agreement for the Exchange of Information and
with the directions in paras above. Assistance in Collection with respect to Taxes
This order is applicable only to those taxpayers (TIEA) on 28.02.2019 at New Delhi. The Agreement
of Kerala who were required to file their income- was signed by Mr. P. C. Mody, Chairman, CBDT
tax return and report of audit for assessment year on behalf of India and Dato Paduka Haji Sidek Ali,
2018-19 by 31.10.18. High Commissioner of Brunei Darussalam to India
The complete text of the above order can be on behalf of Brunei Darussalam.
downloaded from the link below: The Agreement enables exchange of information,
http s ://w w w.incometa xindia ist s/ including banking and ownership information
Latest%20News/Attachments/300/Order_119_ between the two countries for tax purposes.
MiscComm_29_2_19.pdf It is based on international standards of tax
transparency and exchange of information and
2. Task Force for drafting a New Direct Tax enables sharing of information on request as well as
Legislation - Extension of term till 31.05.2019 on automatic basis. The Agreement also provides
– Office Order (F. No. 370149/230/2017), dated for mutual assistance in collection of tax revenue
28-02-2019 claims between both countries.
In order to review the existing Income-tax The Agreement will enhance mutual co-operation
Act, 1961 and to draft a new direct tax law in between India and Brunei Darussalam by providing
consonance with economic needs of the country, an effective framework for exchange of information
the Government had constituted a Task Force vide in tax matters which will help curb tax evasion and
Office Order of even number dated 22.11.2017. tax avoidance.
The Task Force has since been reconstituted under The complete text of the above Press release can
Shri Akhilesh Ranjan, Member (Legislation), be downloaded from the link below:
CBDT vide Office Order of even number dated
26.11.2018, other terms and conditions of the http s ://w w w.incometa xindia ist s/
Office Order dated 22.11.2017 remaining the same Press%20Releases/Attachments/747/
except that the Task Force was authorised to co- PressRelease_TIEA_between_India_
opt any person as Member, if considered necessary. Brunei_28_2_19.pdf THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT APRIL 2019 99


Legal Update
4. Signing of Bilateral Agreement for Exchange would not be required to do local filing of the CbC
of CbC reports between India and the USA – Reports of their international groups in India.
Press Release, dated 15-03-2019 The complete text of the above Press release can
Section 286(4) requires that a constituent entity be downloaded from the link below:
of an international group, resident in India, other http s ://w w w.incometa xindia ist s/
than a parent entity or an alternate reporting entity Press%20Releases/Attachments/748/
of an international group, resident in India, shall PressRelease_Signing_Bilateral_Agreement_
furnish the Country-by-Country (CbC) Report India%20_USA_15_3_2019.pdf
in respect of the said international group for a
reporting accounting year within the period as
(Matter on Indirect Taxes has been contributed
may be prescribed, if the parent entity of the said
by the GST & Indirect Taxes Committee of ICAI)
international group is resident of a country or
territory — INDIRECT 1. GST
Õ where the parent entity is not obligated to TAXES Mentioning details of inter-state
file the CbC Report; supplies made to unregistered
Õ with which India does not have an persons in GST returns
agreement providing for exchange of the A registered supplier is required
CbC Report; or to mention the details of inter
Õ where there has been a systemic failure of -state supplies made to unregistered persons,
the country or territory and the said failure composition taxable persons and UIN holders in
has been intimated by the prescribed Table 3.2 of FORM GSTR-3B. Further, the details
authority to such constituent entity. of all inter-state supplies made to unregistered
persons where the invoice value is up to ` 2.5 lakhs
Vide Notification in GSR 1217 (E) dated 18.12.2018 (rate-wise) are required to be reported in Table 7B
w.e.f. 18.12.2018, amendments to the Income-tax of FORM GSTR-1 but the number of registered
Rules 1962 have been carried out to provide that persons has not reported the details of inter-state
the period for furnishing of the CbC report (local supplies made to unregistered persons in Table 3.2
filing) shall be twelve months from the end of the of FORM GSTR-3B. However, the said details have
reporting accounting year. been mentioned in Table 7B of FORM GSTR-1.
Further, vide Circular No. 9/2018, dated 26.12.2018, Non-mentioning of the said information results in:
CBDT as a one-time measure, in exercise of powers
conferred under section 119, extended the period (i) non-apportionment of the due amount of
for furnishing of the CbC Report (local filing) in IGST to the State where such supply takes
respect of reporting accounting years ending on or place; and
before 28.02.2018 up to 31.03.2019. (ii) a mis-match in the quantum of goods
The absence of an agreement between India and or services or both actually supplied in
USA till now entailed a possibility of local filing a State and the amount of integrated tax
of CbC Reports in India. However, a Bilateral apportioned between the Centre and that
Competent Authority Arrangement, along with State, and consequent non-compliance
an underlying Inter-Governmental Agreement, of sub-section (2) of Section 17 of the
for exchange of CbC Reports between India and Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act,
the USA has now been finalised and will be signed 2017.
on or before 31.03.2019. This would enable both The Central Government vide Circular no
the countries to exchange CbC Reports filed 89/08/2019-GST dated the 18th Feb, 2019 has
by the ultimate parent entities of International clarified that apportionment of IGST collected
Groups in the respective jurisdictions, pertaining on inter–state supplies place is based on the
to the financial years commencing on or after information reported in Table 3.2 of FORM
01.01.2016. As a result, Indian constituent entities GSTR-3B. Accordingly, persons making inter-State
of international groups headquartered in USA, supplies to unregistered persons shall report the
who have already filed CbC Reports in the USA, details of such supplies both in Table 3.2 of FORM



Legal Update
GSTR-3B and Table 7B of FORM GSTR–1 and the common portal, suppliers have reported such
contravention of any of the provisions of the Act supplies as intra-state supplies and discharged
or the rules made there under attracts penal action central tax and state tax on such supplies instead
under the provisions of Section 125 of the CGST of integrated tax.
Act. Therefore, the Central Government vide Circular
Comment: It appears that the consequence of no. 91/10/2019-GST dated 18th Feb, 2019 in view
penalty ought not to be the reason for correctly filing of revenue neutral position of such tax payment
the returns. Care must be taken to file returns with and that facility to correctly report the nature
correct and complete information. of transaction in FORM GSTR-1 furnished on
[Circular no 89/08/2019-GST dated the the common portal was not available during the
18th Feb, 2019] period July, 2017 to March, 2018, has clarified that
the suppliers who have paid central tax and state
Compliance of Rule 46(n) of the CGST Rules, tax on such supplies, during the said period, would
2017 while issuing invoices in case of inter-state be deemed to have complied with the provisions
supply of law as far as payment of tax on such supplies
It has been brought to the notice that a number is concerned as long as the amount of tax paid as
of registered persons (especially the banking, central tax and state tax is equal to the due amount
insurance and telecom sectors, etc.) are not of integrated tax on such supplies.
mentioning the place of supply along with the As per circular 3/1/2018-IGST dated 25 May 2018,
name of the State in case of a supply made in the w.e.f. 1st April 2018 the supply of goods before their
course of interstate trade or commerce. clearance from the warehouse would not be subject
Therefore, in order to ensure uniformity in the to the levy of integrated tax.
implementation of the provisions of law , the Central Comment: This is a welcome relief to trade and
Government vide Circular No. 90/09/2019-GST industry. Similar instances have occurred in the case
dated 18th Feb, 2019 has clarified that all registered of outbound intermediary services where IGST has
persons making supply of goods or services or both been paid. While there is compelling similarity, this
in the course of inter-State trade or commerce shall circular expressly applies to warehoused goods only.
specify the place of supply along with the name of Another instance where incorrect taxes have been
the State in the tax invoice. paid are cases where debonding of warehoused goods
The provisions of Sections 10 and 12 of the on which BCD+IGST has been paid whereas circular
Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 may 50/2018-Customs dated 6 Dec 2018, which states
be referred to in order to determine the place of that ‘duties foregone on import’ only need to be paid
supply in case of supply of goods and services but on depreciated values.
respectively. Contravention of any of the provisions Reference to premise – ‘revenue neutral’ position
of the Act or the rules made there under attracts of payment of taxes – stated in this circular, is
penal action under the provisions of Sections 122 interesting and may be kept for future reference while
or 125 of the CGST Act. addressing bona fide errors in payment of taxes.
Comment: This is a very important information [Circular no. 91/10/2019-GST dated 18th Feb, 2019]
that industry needs to take care as it affects flow of
Exemption from obtaining registration w.e.f.
revenue to the appropriate State based on the Place
April 1, 2019
of Supply information.
The Central Government vide Notification No.
[Circular No. 90/09/2019-GST dated 18th Feb, 2019]
10/2019-Central Tax dated 07th March, 2019
Clarification regarding tax payment made exempted under section 23 of CGST Act, category
for supply of warehoused goods while being of persons who are engaged in exclusive supply
deposited in a customs bonded warehouse of goods and whose aggregate turnover in the
Supply of warehoused goods while deposited in financial year does not exceed ` 40 lakh, except in
custom bonded warehouses had the character of case of -
inter-state supply as per the provisions of IGST Act, i. Persons compulsorily required to be
2017. But, due to non-availability of the facility on registered under section 24 of the said Act; THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT APRIL 2019 101


Legal Update
ii. Persons engaged in making supplies of the Comment: Previously, 5/2017 was issued under
following goods: section 23(2) which exempted those who are entirely
supplying exempted goods or services but are liable
S. Tariff item, sub- Description
to registration only due to their liability to tax under
No. heading, heading
9(3). It is to be noted that where aggregate turnover
or Chapter
1. 2105 00 00 Ice cream and includes income by way of interest or discount on
other edible loans and advances the benefit of this exemption
ice, whether or notification CANNOT be taken. ‘Exclusively
not containing engaged in supply of goods’ is a condition of the
cocoa. notification and Section 22 can be invoked if this
2. 2106 90 20 Pan masala condition is violated on any day in the year and tax
from ` 20 lacs upto the date when this condition
3. 24 All goods, i.e.
stands breached may become due without any
Tobacco and
availability of input tax credit.
tobacco [Notification No. 10/2019-Central Tax dated
substitutes 07th March, 2019]
iii. Persons engaged in making intra-State Due dates for furnishing FORM GSTR-1 for the
supplies in following 10 States/ Union months of April, May and June, 2019
Territories:- The Central Government vide N No. 11/2019 – CT;
™ Northeastern States: Arunachal N No. 12/2019 – CT; N No. 13/2019 – CT dated
Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, 07th March, 2019 has notified the due dates for
Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, furnishing the details of outward supply of goods or
Uttarakhand services or both in FORM GSTR-1 and summary
of inward and outward supply in FORM GSTR-3B
™ Southern States: Telangana
for the period April to June, 2019 as follows:
™ Union Territory: Puducherry
Form Due Date
iv. Persons opting for voluntary registration
under section 25(3) or such registered GSTR 1 (aggregate 31st July, 2019
persons who intend to continue with their turnover of up to 1.5 crore
registration under the said Act. rupees)
However, w.e.f. 1st Feb, 2019 Govt. has made GSTR 1 (aggregate 11th day of the month
the amendment to Section 22 of the CGST Act turnover of more than 1.5 succeeding such
to increase the threshold exemption limit for crore rupees) month
registration from ` 10 lakhs to ` 20 lakhs for certain GSTR 3B 20th day of the month
specified states. succeeding such
Present position is as follows:
[Notification No. 11/2019 – Central Tax and
S.No. Threshold State Notification No. 12/2019 – Central Tax dated
1. Upto ` 10 lakhs Manipur; Mizoram; Nagaland; 07th March, 2019]
Extension in the limit of threshold of aggregate
2. Upto ` 20 lakhs Specified States turnover for availing Composition Scheme to
Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, ` 1.5 crores
Himachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, W.e.f. 1st April, 2019, the Central Government vide
Sikkim and Uttarakhand. Notification No. 14/2019 – Central Tax dated 07th
Other than Specified States March, 2019 notified that an eligible registered
/ UT person, whose aggregate turnover in the preceding
Telangana, Puducherry financial year did not exceed ` 1.5 crores, may opt
to pay tax under Composition scheme. However,
3. Upto ` 40 lakhs All States other than 1 & 2 the said aggregate turnover shall be ` 75 lakh in



Legal Update
case of persons registered under following States:- S. Tariff item, sub-heading, Description
™ Arunachal Pradesh No. heading or Chapter
1. 2105 00 00 Ice cream and
™ Manipur other edible
™ Meghalaya ice, whether or
not containing
™ Mizoram cocoa.
™ Nagaland 2. 2106 90 20 Pan masala
3. 24 All goods, i.e.
™ Sikkim Tobacco and
™ Tripura manufactured
™ Uttarakhand substitutes
Further, the option of composition scheme under Comment: Amendment to Section 10 increasing the
section 10 of the CGST Act shall be restricted in threshold is now implemented.
case of such person who is a manufacturer of the [Notification No. 14/2019 – Central Tax dated
goods, the description of which is specified in the 07th March, 2019]
adjacent table:
New scheme for supplier of services with a tax rate of 6%
W.e.f. April 1, 2019 the Central Government vide Notification No. 2/2019-Central Tax (Rate) dated 07th
March, 2019 notified Composition scheme in case of intra-State supply of goods or services or both, at
the rate along with the conditions specified below:
Description of supply Rate (per Conditions
First supplies of goods 3 1. Supplies are made by a registered person, -
or services or both up to (i) whose aggregate turnover in the preceding financial year
an aggregate turnover of was ` 50 lakh or below;
` 50 lakhs made on or
after the 1st day of April (ii) who is not eligible to pay tax under sub-section (1) of
in any financial year, by a Section 10;
registered person. (iii) who is not engaged in making any supply which is not
leviable to tax;
(iv) who is not engaged in making any inter-state outward
(v) who is neither a casual taxable person nor a non-resident
taxable person;
(vi) who is not engaged in making any supply through an
electronic commerce operator who is required to collect
tax at source under section 52; and
(vii) who is not engaged in making supplies of:
a. Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not
containing cocoa.
b. Pan masala
c. Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT APRIL 2019 103


Legal Update
2. Where more than one registered persons are having same
PAN, central tax on supplies by all such registered persons is
paid at the given rate.
3. The registered person shall not collect any tax from the
recipient nor shall he be entitled to any credit of input tax.
4. The registered person shall issue, instead of tax invoice, a
bill of supply.
5. The registered person shall mention the following words at
the top of the bill of supply, namely: -
‘Taxable person paying tax in terms of Notification No.
2/2019-Central Tax (Rate) dated 07.03.2019, not eligible to
collect tax on supplies’.
6. Liability to pay central tax at the rate of 3% on all outward
supplies notwithstanding any other notification issued
under section 9 or Section 11 of said Act.
7. Liability to pay central tax on inward supplies on reverse
charge under sub-section (3) or sub-section (4) of Section 9 of
said Act.
Explanation: For the purposes of this notification, the
expression “first supplies of goods or services or both” shall, for
the purposes of determining eligibility of a person to pay tax
under this notification, include the supplies from the first day
of April of a financial year to the date from which he becomes
liable for registration under the said Act but for the purpose of
determination of tax payable under this notification shall not
include the supplies from the first day of April of a financial
year to the date from which he becomes liable for registration
under the Act.
It may be noted that while computing aggregate [Notification No. 2/2019-Central Tax (Rate) dated
turnover in order to determine eligibility of a 07th March, 2019]
registered person to pay central tax at the rate of Clarification related to treatment of sales
3%, value of supply of exempt services by way of promotion scheme under GST
extending deposits, loans or advances in so far as
the consideration is represented by way of interest The Central Government vide Circular No.
or discount, shall not be taken into account. 92/11/2019-GST dated 07th March, 2019 clarified
the following issues raised with respect to tax
Comment: Another welcome relief to Service treatment of sales promotion schemes under GST:-
Providers that is modelled on the SSI-scheme under
Central Excise laws. Exemption runs from April 1. Free samples and gifts
2019 till Turnover reaches ` 50 lakhs. This is an Since the consideration is an important element of
optional facility through a rate notification that is
the definition supply, therefore the samples which
‘notwithstanding’ any other rate notification issued.
That is, this notification overrides 11/2017-CT(R). are supplied free of cost, without any consideration,
As it is optional, registered person should carefully do not qualify as “supply” under GST, except where
consider the conditions before opting for the same. the activity falls within the ambit of Schedule I of
the said Act.
This facility and composition under section 10
operate as mutually exclusive. Thus, traders and Further, clause (h) of sub-section (5) of Section
manufacturers of goods and restaurant service 17 of the said Act clarified that input tax credit
providers who are eligible for composition (even if shall not be available to the supplier on the inputs,
not opted) will not enter this facility. input services and capital goods to the extent they



Legal Update
are used in relation to the gifts or free samples. be no mention of effect under Rule 37 to Recipient
However, where the activity of distribution of gifts when such financial / commercial credit notes
or free samples falls within the scope of “supply” as are issued.
per Schedule I of the said Act, the supplier would [Circular No. 92/11/2019-GST dated
be eligible to avail of the ITC. 07th March, 2019]
2. 'Buy one get one free' offer
TCS would not be includible in the value of
It may appear at first glance that in case of offers supply under GST
like “Buy One, Get One Free”, one item is being
“supplied free of cost” without any consideration. The Central Government vide Corrigendum to
In fact, it is not an individual supply of free goods Circular No. 76/50/2018-GST dated 31st December,
but a case of two or more individual supplies 2018 has clarified that Tax collection at source
where a single price is being charged for the entire (TCS) is not a tax on goods but an interim levy
supply. on the possible “income” arising from the sale of
goods by the buyer and to be adjusted against the
Taxability of such supply will be dependent upon final income-tax liability of the buyer. Accordingly,
as to whether the supply is a composite supply for the purpose of determination of value of supply
or a mixed supply and the rate of tax shall be under GST, Tax collected at source (TCS) under
determined as per Section 8 of the said Act. And, the provisions of the Income tax Act, 1961 would
ITC shall be available to the supplier in relation to not be includible as it is an interim levy not having
such supply. the character of tax.
3. Discounts including ‘buy more, save more’ Comment: It is a welcome relief that Government
offers has issued this Corrigendum that ‘taxable value’
Discounts offered by the suppliers to customers under section 15 will not include TCS imposed
including staggered discount under buy more, save under Income-tax Act. With TCS having been
more scheme and post supply / volume discounts introduced on certain new articles like motor cars,
established before or at the time of supply shall be the previous circular had caused lot of distress to
excluded to determine the value of supply provided industry.
they satisfy the parameters laid down in sub-
[Corrigendum to Circular No. 76/50/2018-GST
section (3) of Section 15 of the said Act, including
dated 31st December, 2018]
the reversal of ITC by the recipient of the supply as
is attributable to the discount. Further, the supplier
shall be entitled to avail the ITC for such inputs,
input services and capital goods used in relation to FEMA (Matter on FEMA has been
contributed by CA. Manoj Shah,
the supply. Mumbai and CA. Hinesh Doshi,
4. Secondary Discounts Mumbai)

Value of supply shall not include any discount Revised Trade Credit Framework
by way of issuance of credit note(s), except A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 23
in cases where the provisions contained in dated 13/03/2019
clause (b) of sub-section (3) of Section 15 of
the said Act are satisfied. There is no impact The principal regulations governing ECB and
on availability or otherwise of ITC in the hands Trade Credits have been rationalised and notified
of supplier. on 17th December 2018 through Notification No.
Comment: This is a much needed clarification FEMA 3R/2018-RB. The new ECB framework
that is issued before filing Annual Returns. was issued on January 16, 2019 vide A.P. (DIR
Financial / commercial credit notes are now Series) Circular No. 17. The Trade Credit (TC)
well understood and permitted except that framework based on the aforementioned
output tax adjustment is clearly barred if the notification is now issued. TC can be raised
conditions of 15(3) are not satisfied. Although in any freely convertible foreign currency or
credit to Supplier is not restricted, there seems to Indian Rupee. THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT APRIL 2019 105


Legal Update
The salient features of Trade Credit (TC) framework are listed herein as follows :
Sr. Parameters FCY denominated TC INR denominated TC
1. Forms of TC Buyers’ Credit and Suppliers’ Credit
2. Eligible Borrower Person resident in India acting as an importer
3. Amount under automatic Up to USD 150 million or equivalent per import transaction for
route oil/gas refining & marketing, airline and shipping companies. For
others up to USD 50 million or equivalent per import transaction.
4. Recognised Lenders a. Suppliers Credit – Supplier of goods located outside India.
b. Buyers Credit – Banks, financial institutions, foreign equity
holders located outside India and financial institutions in IFSC
located in India.
Note: Participation of Indian Banks and NBFC (operating as IFSCs)
shall be subject to prudential norms issued by concerned regulatory
department of RBI. Foreign branches/subsidiaries of Indian Banks
are permitted as recognised lenders only for FCY TC.
5. Period of TC Capital Goods – up to 3 years from date of shipment
Non Capital Goods – up to 1 year or operating cycle whichever is
lower. For shipyards/shipbuilders it will be up to 3 years.
6. All in cost p.a. Benchmark rate plus 250 bps
7. Exchange Rate Change of currency of FCY For conversion to Rupee,
TC into INR TC can be at the exchange rate shall be the
exchange rate prevailing on the rate prevailing on the date of
date of the agreement between settlement.
the parties concerned for
such change or at an exchange
rate, which is less than the
rate prevailing on the date of
agreement, if consented to by
the TC lender.
8. Hedging provision The entities raising TC are The overseas investors are
required to follow the guidelines eligible to hedge their exposure
for hedging, if any, issued by the in Rupee through permitted
concerned sectoral or prudential derivative products with AD
regulator in respect of foreign Category I banks in India.
currency exposure. Such entities The investors can also access
shall have a board approved risk the domestic market through
management policy. branches / subsidiaries of Indian
banks abroad or branches
of foreign banks with Indian
presence on a back to back basis.
9. Change in currency of Change of currency of TC from Change of currency from INR
borrowing one freely convertible foreign to any freely convertible foreign
currency to any other freely currency is not permitted.
convertible foreign currency as
well as to INR is freely permitted.



Legal Update
Trade Credits in Special Economic Zone the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
(SEZ)/Free Trade Warehousing Zone (FTWZ)/ platform.
Domestic Tariff Area (DTA): Role of ADs:
TC can be raised by a unit or a developer in a SEZ a. Prime responsibility of ensuring adherence
including FTWZ for purchase of non-capital and to the TC policy lies with the importer.
capital goods within an SEZ including FTWZ or b. ADs are expected to ensure compliance with
from a different SEZ including FTWZ subject to applicable parameters of the TC policy /
compliance with parameters given at paragraph provisions of Foreign Exchange Management
2 above. Further, an entity in DTA is also allowed Act, 1999 by their constituents.
to raise TC for purchase of capital / non-capital
goods from a unit or a developer of a SEZ including c. As the Reserve Bank has not prescribed any
FTWZ. format or manner in which TC arrangements
/ loan agreements are to be documented,
TC transactions in respect of SEZs and DTAs as ADs may consider any document to
permitted above should also be in compliance with satisfy themselves with the underlying TC
applicable provisions of SEZ Act, 2005 as amended arrangement.
from time to time. For TC transactions related to
d. ADs should ensure that there is no double
SEZ, date of transfer of ownership of goods will be
financing on account of these transactions
treated as TC date. As there will be no bill of entry
between a unit or a developer in a SEZ
for sale transactions within SEZ, the inter unit
including FTWZ for purchase of non-capital
receipt generated through NSDL can be treated as
and capital goods within an SEZ including
an import document.
FTWZ or from a different SEZ including
Security for TC: FTWZ. ADs should also ensure that for
a. Bank guarantees may be given by Ads import of non-capital goods, the period
on behalf of importer not exceeding the of TC, as applicable, is lower of operating
amount and period of TC. cycle or one year (three years for shipyards /
b. TCs may also be secured by overseas
guarantee issued by foreign banks/ Key Changes in New Trade Credit Framework:
overseas branches of Indian banks. a. Rupee Denominated TC introduced.
b. The limits for TC under approval route have
c. Importer may also offer movable assets
been increased to USD 50 millions from
/immovable assets (excluding land in
erstwhile limit of USD 20 millions.
SEZs)/corporate or personal guarantee.
c. Foreign Equity Holders are covered as
Reporting requirements: TC transactions are Eligible Lenders under Buyers Credit route.
subject to the following reporting requirements:
d. All in cost has been reduced to benchmark
Monthly reporting: AD Category I banks are rate plus 250 bps.
required to furnish details of TCs like drawal, e. Period of TC for capital goods has been
utilisation, and repayment of TC approved by all reduced to up to 3 years.
its branches, in a consolidated statement, during
f. Change in Currency of TC is also permitted.
a month, in Form TC to the Director, Division of
International Trade and Finance, Department The detailed guidelines can be referred to in the said
of Economic Policy and Research, RBI, Central circular.
Office, Fort, Mumbai – 400 001 (and in MS-Excel
file through email) so as to reach not later than 10th Voluntary Retention Route (VRR) for Foreign Portfolio
day of the following month. Each TC may be given Investors (FPI) investment in debt
a unique identification number by the AD bank. A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 21 dated
Quarterly reporting: AD Category I banks 01/03/2019
are also required to furnish data on issuance of A reference is invited to the discussion paper on
bank guarantees for TCs by all its branches, in a ‘Voluntary Retention Route’ (VRR) for investments
consolidated statement, at quarterly intervals on by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) released by the THE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT APRIL 2019 107


Legal Update
Reserve Bank on October 05, 2018. The VRR scheme Regulation Act, 2010 (FCRA) and we understand
has been finalised after taking into consideration the that any misrepresentation made or false
comments and views received. The detailed VRR information furnished by us in this behalf would
scheme can be referred to in the said circular. render the approval granted under the Foreign
Exchange Management (Establishment in India
(VWDEOLVKPHQWRI%UDQFK2IğFH %2 /LDLVRQ2IğFH /2  of a branch office or liaison office or a project office
 3URMHFW 2IğFH 32  RU DQ\ RWKHU SODFH RI EXVLQHVV LQ or any other place of business) Regulations, 2016,
India by foreign entities automatically as void ab initio and such approval by
the Reserve Bank shall stand withdrawn without any
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 20 dated further notice”.
At present any applications received from a Non Investment by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) in Debt
Government Organisation, Non Profit Organisation,
Body/Agency/Department of Foreign Government A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 19 dated
for opening a BO or LO or PO are to be forwarded to 15/02/2019
RBI for prior approval. In terms of paragraph 4(f ) (ii) of the AP (DIR Series)
This has been reviewed and it has been advised that Circular No. 31 dated June 15, 2018 no FPI shall have
if such an entity is engaged, partly or wholly, in any an exposure of more than 20% of its corporate bond
of the activities covered under Foreign Contribution portfolio to a single corporate (including exposure to
(Regulation) Act, 2010 (FCRA), it shall obtain a entities related to the corporate). As announced in
certificate of registration under the said act and shall paragraph 10 of the Statement on Developmental and
not seek prior permission of RBI. Regulatory Policies of the Sixth Bi-monthly Monetary
Policy Statement for 2018-19 dated February 07,
Form FNC is also modified and following phrase shall 2019, in order to encourage a wider spectrum of
be added to Declaration in Part II clause (ii) at the end: investors to access the Indian corporate debt market,
“We will not undertake either partly or fully, any it has been decided to withdraw this provision with
activity that is covered under Foreign Contribution immediate effect.


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