Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 028-19
Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 028-19
Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 028-19
The BPR/BPI shall be issued as principal evidence in the sale of goods and/or
properties and/or services or lease of properties. It can be used as a supporting
document in claiming expenses as deduction from ordinary gross income or claim as
input tax credit, subject to existing rules and regulations on invoicing requirements for
taxation purposes.
III. Printing of BPR/BPI
Only the BIR is allowed to print and issue the BPR/BPI. A separate revenue
issuance shall be issued prescribing the format to be used in printing the BPR/BPI to
conform with existing revenue issuances. All existing BPR in the BIR o ces that do not
comply with the format showing required information are deemed invalid and subject
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for appropriate disposal/destruction. TDAcCa
All internal revenue o cers and employees are hereby enjoined to give this
Circular a wide publicity as possible.
Date Issued: February 26, 2019.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue