Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 028-19

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February 22, 2019


SUBJECT : Prescribing the Use of Bureau of Internal Revenue Printed


TO : All Internal Revenue Officials, Employees and Others Concerned

The Bureau of Internal Revenue is committed to support our government's

program in improving our country's competitiveness and ease of doing business
ranking by implementing reforms that address issues in the area of "starting a
business" related to this Bureau. This is in relation to Republic Act (R.A.) No. 11032
otherwise known as Ease of Doing Business and E cient Government Service Delivery
Act of 2018. This Circular is being issued to prescribe the use of the Bureau of Internal
Revenue Printed Receipt/Invoice (BPR/BPI) as one of the reforms in starting a
business. This will allow new business taxpayers to immediately start its business
operations while waiting for the printing or delivery of its receipts/invoices by the BIR-
accredited printers. TIEHSA

I. Issuance of Receipts or Sales Invoices

Pursuant to Section 237 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC), as
amended by R.A. No. 10963 otherwise known as the "Tax Reform for Acceleration and
Inclusion (TRAIN)" Act, all persons subject to an internal revenue tax shall, at the point
of each sale and transfer of merchandise or for services rendered valued at One
hundred pesos (P100), issue duly registered receipts or sale or commercial invoices.
II. Use of BPR/BPI
New business registrants are required to secure Authority to Print (ATP)
principal receipts/invoices upon registration with the BIR. However, in order for them to
immediately commence business operations after registration, they shall be allowed to
secure BPR/BPI at the time of registration from the New Business Registrant Counter
(NBRC) in the meantime that their receipts are being printed. They shall be allowed to
use said BPR/BPI for a period of fteen (15) days from the date of registration, hence,
the number of booklets to be issued shall be limited to the estimated number of
transactions for such period. However, new business registrants may opt not to avail of
the BPR/BPI and make use of their own receipts/invoices covered by the ATP issued
during registration. TacSAE

The BPR/BPI shall be issued as principal evidence in the sale of goods and/or
properties and/or services or lease of properties. It can be used as a supporting
document in claiming expenses as deduction from ordinary gross income or claim as
input tax credit, subject to existing rules and regulations on invoicing requirements for
taxation purposes.
III. Printing of BPR/BPI
Only the BIR is allowed to print and issue the BPR/BPI. A separate revenue
issuance shall be issued prescribing the format to be used in printing the BPR/BPI to
conform with existing revenue issuances. All existing BPR in the BIR o ces that do not
comply with the format showing required information are deemed invalid and subject
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for appropriate disposal/destruction. TDAcCa

All internal revenue o cers and employees are hereby enjoined to give this
Circular a wide publicity as possible.
Date Issued: February 26, 2019.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue

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