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(For the candidates admitted from the academic year 2018-19 onwards)

Introduction to research - Meaning and Importance of Research – Purpose of research in
Yoga education – Evolution of knowledge - New Inventions- Principles- Concepts – Creations –
Pfroblems in research: Criteria for locating problems - Hypothesis : Definition, Formulation of
Research Hypothesis – Plan of research.

Qualitative and Quantitative Research - Types of research: Basic, Applied research,
Practical research, Philosophical research, Historical research - Methods of Research:
Descriptive method, Comparative method, Inductive method, Deductive method, Evaluation
method. Experimental Research: Design, Sampling and its types,Case Study, Survey through
questions and interview -Sources: Primary and Secondary

Characteristics of Research - Qualities of a Research person: Knowledge regarding the Subject,
Enthusiasm for Research, Perseverance, Deep observation, Honesty in sincerity with regard to
the work, Impartial Approach, Research Culture, Hard work, Patience, Research Morality -
Research subjects and Social requirements – Utility of the Research – Aiming for human uplift -
Pathanjali, Thirumoolar, Vivekanandhar, Vallalar - comparison with Vethathitri Maharishi.

Statistics – Types of Statistics – Measures of Central Tendencies (Mean, Median and
Mode) – Measures of Variablities (Range, Percentiles, Quartile Deviation and Standard
Deviation) - Probability curve or Bell Shape curve - Correlation : Types of Correlation -
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) – Analysis of Co. Variance (ANCOVA) –Role of statistics in
Research. Soft ware used in statistics - Excel, SPSS etc.

Thesis format: Preface of Research – Chaptering the Topic – Internal divisions and paraphrasing
- Quotes, Style and Symbolic denotations - Preliminary Section, Main Body of Thesis-
Conclusion and recommendations, Bibiliography, Appendices - Library Sources - Internet
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 2 of 30

Reference Books
1. David H Clarke, and Clarke H. Harrison. “Research Processes in Physical Education”. New
Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc. 1984.
2. T.A Baumgartner, and Strong, C.H. “Conducting and Reading Research in Health and Human
Performance”. New York; Brown and Benchmark; 1994
3. C.K. Kothari, “Research Methodology Methods and Techniques”, New Delhi; wiley Eastern
LIMITED, 1993.
4. Harry E. Garre. “Statistics in Psychology and Education”. Bombay: Allied Private Ltd. 1958.
5. Clarke, David. H and H. Harrison Clarke. Research Process in Physical Education. Research and
Health. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1984.
6. Herman J. Ader Research Methodology in the life, Behavioural social and Gideon J. Mellebeegh
Sciences (SAGE publications).
7. Rummond, A; Research methods for Therapists. 1996 Campling, J and Nelson,
8. Robin Monro: Yoga research bibliography scientific studies on yoga and meditation (Yoga
biomedical trust, England 1989).
9. Michael Cohen: Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Legal Boundaries and regulatory
Perspective (1997)
10. A manual for Writers of Research Papers, Thesis and Dissertations, Wayne C Booth and others,
University of Chicago
11. Scientific Social Surveys and Research , Paulin V Young, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
12. Research Methodology, C.R.Kothari, New age International Publishers, New Delhi.
13. Ma;tpay; newpfs; - F.nt.ghyRg;gpukzpak;>mDuhjhgjpg;gfk;>nrd;id
14. Ma;tpay; mwpKfk; - jkpoz;zy;>kPdhl;rpGj;jfepiyak;>kJiu.

Paper – II
Philosophy and Growth of Yoga

Unit – I
Evolution of Universe: Big Bang theory - Timeline – Hubble‟s law - expansion of Universe -
Cosmic microwave back ground radiation - Abundance of primordial elements - Dark matter -
Dark energy - Theories regarding evolution of Universe: Theory of Permanence, Pulsating
theory, Theory of Creation, Theory of Transformation propounded by Vethathiri Maharishi –
Universal magnetism - Evolution of Living beings - Bio-magnetism -Charles Darvin - Voyage
and the Theory of Natural Selection – Period of evolution – Origin of new species – Evolution of
man – Impact of evolution on society.

Unit – II
Indian Philosophy: Meaning of philosophy, Greatness of Indian philosophy, Vedas, Upanishads
Bhagwad Geetha, The Six Darsans - Philosophies that accept the Vedas: Nyaya, Vaiseshika,
Sankhya, Yoga, Meemamsa, Vedanta (Advaitha, Duvaitha, Vishishtathvaitha) – Philosophies
that do not accept the Vedas: Lokayata, Jainism, Buddhism - Siddha Philosophy: Yoga in ancient
Tamilnadu, Equality, Siddha philosophy, Lifestyle of Siddha sages, Siddha Literature, Moral
concepts of Siddha - Thirumanthiram of Thirumoolar.
Unit – III
Yoga: Definition, meaning of yoga – yoga, a Science – Yoga, an Art – Origin and growth of
Yoga – Yoga during in Vedic period - after the Vedic period – Bhagwad Gita, Bible, Q‟uran,
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Buddhism – Comparision between Pathanjali yoga sutras and Thirumandiram – Yoga for the
modern age - Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) formulated by Sri Vethathiri Maharishi.

Unit – IV
Mind: Biomagnetism is mind – Mind waves and their functions – Ten stages of the mind –
Imprints of habit and imprints of knowledge – Stages of the mind – Three states of the mind –
Sleep, dreams and prognostication - Introspection: Genetic centre –power of thoughts –
Neutralization of Anger – Benefits of Blessings- Types of meditation: Agna, Shanthi, Thuriyam,
Nine centre– Anatomy and Physiology: Brain – structure – functions – definition -understanding
the brain through science.

Unit – V
Perfection of Consciousness: Who am I? – Self realization – God realization – Order of Function
– Cause and effect – Law of Nature – Awareness – Karma yoga – Duty consciousness –
Gratitude – 10 principles of Karma Yoga – Love and compassion– Services to society –
Individual peace, Family peace and World peace.

Reference Books:
1. Mind, Vethathiri maharishi, Vethathiri publication, Erode, 1st Ed – 1999
2. Bio – Magnetism - Vethathiri maharishi, Vethathiri publication, Erode, 1st Ed – Apr 1993,
2nd Ed – Mar 1995
3. Body, Life – force and Mind : Vethathiri Maharishi – Ist Edition 2006, 2nd Edition May
2006 - Vethathiri publications
4. Manavalakalai Part 1 : Vethathiri Maharishi - Ist Edition Oct 1983, 49th Edition June 2016 –
Vethathiri Publications
5. Unified force - Thathuvagnani Vethathiri Maharishi – Ist Edition Sep 1995, 3rd Edition April
2004 - Vethathiri Publications.
6. History of the universe and living beings - Thathuvagnani Vethathiri Maharishi _ Ist Edition
2004, 2nd Edition April 2013 – Vethathiri Publications.
7. Journey of Consciousness - Thathuvagnani Vethathiri Maharishi – Ist Edition 1992, 7th
Edition Dce 2013 – Vethathiri Publications.
8. Universal magnetism - Thathuvagnani Vethathiri Maharishi – Ist Edition April 1992, 3rd
Edition Jan 2004 - Vethathiri Publications.
9.Bio magnetism - Thathuvagnani Vethathiri Maharishi – Ist Edition April 1993, 6th Edition Jan
2016 - Vethathiri Publications.
10.Genetic centre, Vethathiri Maharishi, 4th Edi. June 2009, Vethathiri Publications, Erode.
11. Nahfk; jpahdk; KOik ey tho;T (jkpo; gjpg;G)> lhf;lH. r. nrag;gpufhrk;> lhf;lH.
gh. Mde;jp.
12. Sound Health through yoga (English version), Dr.Chandrasekaran, November 1999,
Madurai - Prem Kalyan Publications.
13. Teaching of Yoga (English version), Svami Omkaranamda Giri, 2016, A.P.H.
Publishing Corporation, New Delhi.
14. Chandrasekaran.K (English version), 1999, Sound Health through yoga, Sedapati,
Tamilnadu, Premkalyan Publications.
15. Vethathirian Principles of life – Vethathiri Maharishi – Ist Edition 2002, 2nd Edition Aug
2010 - Vethathiri Publications
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Paper - III Special paper


UNIT- I: Introduction to Life Forms

Difference between living and Nonliving things – Difference between plants and animals -
General and Special characteristics of Plants - General and special characteristics of animals.

UNIT- II : Structure and functions of Living Beings

Three types of body (Physical body, Astral body and Causal body) -- Three types of circulations
(Blood, heat and air) - Structure and functions of the body: Systems in the body – (skeletal,
muscular, circulatory, respiratory, nervous and digestive systems).

UNIT – III. Physical Health

Purpose of life : Healthy life – Good health – Competitive world – Mental stress – Relationship
between body, life-force and mind - Harmonious Relationship – Each one affecting the others -
Food and Medicines - Physical Exercises: Maintenance of body cells – Balanced circulation of

UNIT – IV. Food for a Spiritual Existence

Sattvic, Raasic and Tamasic – Simple and balanced diet - fruits, vegetables, greens –Vegetarian
food – Eating in time - Importance of fasting – Measure and method in five aspects, viz. food,
work, rest, sex and thoughts.

UNIT – V. Diseases and SKY

Diseases (Diabetes, Blood Pressure and Mental Tension) – Reasons behind disease: Natural and
man-made reasons - Systems of medicine (Allopathy, Siddha, Ayurveda, Unani and
Homeopathy) - Food as a medicine – role of food in treating ailments. SKY as form of treatment.

References :
1. Yoga Practice I - The World Community Service Centre - Vethathiri Publications, Erode,
1st Ed - 2009, 4 th Edition 2012
2. Mind, Vethathiri maharishi, Vethathiri publication, Erode, 1st Ed - 1999

3. Simplified Physical Exercises - Vethathiri Maharishi, 1st Edition 1977, 44th Edition Aug
2015, Vethathiri Publications.
4. Yoga for Modern Age - Vethathiri Maharishi, 1st Edition 1972, 19th Edition Octo 2015 -
Vethathiri Publications.
5. Body, Life - force and Mind : Vethathiri Maharishi - Ist Edition 2006, 2nd Edition May
2006 - Vethathiri publications
6. Sound Health through Yoga, Dr. K. Chandrasekaran, Prem Kalyana Publications,
7. Karma Yoga - Vethathiri Maharishi - Ist Edition 1986, 4th Edition 2004 - Vethathiri
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Paper - III 2. Natural Resources and Human Resources

Unit 1
Natural resources – Classification – forests – wild animals – living and nonliving resources –
types of natural resources - advantages of forestland – reasons behind destruction of forests –
their its-effects – water resources – mineral resources – energy resources – land resources -
protection of environment, soil and water – proper management - Agriculture – Present situation
- food resources – world food problem – natural resources and man – Nature and human life –
energy resources – benefits.

Unit 2
Health and Hygiene – Definition – Physical, mental and social wellbeing - Indicators of health –
death and disease – long life – systems of healthcare – ill effects of poor hygiene – diseases on
account of poor hygiene – spread of diseases – sanitation - personal and Communal hygiene –
practices which determine hygiene – Remedial measures – Importance of healthcare - Human
resource development for health - Prevention and management of communicable and non
communicable diseases.

Unit 3
Environmental studies: meaning and definition – parts of environment - types of environment –
Nature - man-made factors thet affect environment – factors that affect environment –
importance of environmental studies – benefits - need for public awareness – types of pollution -
air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and food pollution - their ill-its effects - measures to
control pollution - Recycling process - Solid waste management - Role of individual in
Prevention of pollution

Unit 4
Food and Health – types of food – Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic food - fast food - tastes and
preferences – colour, taste and artifial flavouring – Advertisement – attractive pricing –
adulterants - Physical and psychological problems – ways to avoid – cultural circumstances –
changes in culture - addiction to alcohol and drugs – social and other ill effects - Cell phones and
media – individual and social awareness – programmes to improve awareness - prevention and
care - healthcare awareness programme and counseling – explanations regarding body, mind and
soul - Yoga and meditation techniques.

Unit 5
Personality development - features - types - factors determining personality - traits - elements -
stress, self confidence - ego - its causes and effects - personality test - value education - its
importance - personal values - social values - its kinds - self awareness, self development - cause
and effect relationship - motivational techniques - Social values - National welfare - value
education system

1. “Environmental studies”, N. Arumugam and V. Kumaresan, Saras publications, Second
edition, 2010.
2. “Human Resource Management”, Shashi K. Gupta and Rosy Joshi, Kalyani publishers,
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3. “General Awareness”, Prof. S. Muthaiah, M. Ramalakshmi and P. Senthilkumar,

Aayiram publications, 2010.
4. “Environmental Studies”, Dr. V. M. Selvaraj, Bavani publications, 2007
5. “Soft skills of personality development”, C.S.G. Krishnamacharyulu and Lalitha
Ramakrishnan, Himalaya publishing house, 2011.
6. “Social value education”, Dr. R. Pon murugan and S. Rose Catherin, Sadhana
publications, 2008.
7. “Environment‟‟ , A. Piramanayagam, Akila, Ganesh Publications . 2011.
8. „‟Social issues‟‟, Dr. N. Kannan, Tamil Nadu State Higher Education Mantram, Chennai.
9. „‟ Social Problems‟‟- A Modern Approach., Beeker, Horward .S.

Paper - III 3. Vethathirium and History of Tamil Culture

Unit – I
Women according to Sangam literature: Motherhood - Chastity - Courage - Charitable -
Friendship - Valuus of women according to Vethathirium.

Unit – II
Virtue according to moral literature: Thirukural, Naladiar, Pazhamozhi, Aasarakkovai,
Thirikadugam, Aelathi Morality according to Vethathirium.

Unit – III
Piety and life style of Tamils - Philosophical ethics according to Siddha sages - Thirumoolar,
Konganar, Idaikadar, Pathanjali, Thirugnanasambanthar, Thirunavukkarasar, Sundarar,
Nayanmars, Alwars. Concept of God in Vethathirium – Meditations.

Unit – IV
Epics: Ethics in Religions - Philosophical tenets - Saiva, Vaishnava, Jainism, Buddhism -Ethical
values according to Vethathirium.

Unit –V
Religious devotees: Thayumanavar, Vallalar, Arunagiriar, Pattinathar, Pamban Swamigal,
Kumaragurubarar, Sivagnana Swamy - Vethathiri Maharishi and his Gurus: Thiruvalluvar,
Thirumoolar, Thayumanavar and Vallalar.

Reference :
1. nghpa Guhzk; - jpU tp. fy;ahz Re;judhh;> Kjy; gjpg;G> 1993> Nrf;fpohh; Muha;r;rp
ikak;> nrd;id
2. rq;f ,yf;fpak;> gj;Jg;ghl;L %yKk; ciuAk; - c.Nt. rhkpehj Iah;> Vohk; gjpg;G>
1974. rhkpehj Iah; E}y; epiyak;> nrd;id
3. jpUke;jpuk; - tp. ,uhehjgps;is> jpUney;Ntyp> njd;dpe;jpa irt rpj;jhe;j
E}w;gjpg;Gf; fofk;> nrd;id

4. jpUthrfk; - Rthkp rpj;gthde;jh> Ie;jhk; gjpg;G> ,uhkfpU~;z jNghtdk;> jpUr;rp

5. Njthuk; - Gyth; - gp. uh. eluhrd;> 1996> y~;kp epiyak;. jpUr;rp.
6. rq;f ,yf;fpaq;fs; tuyhW - k.uh.fsQ;rpak;> R.rz;Kf Re;juk;> Kjy; gjpg;G> 2010
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 7 of 30

fhtpah ntspaPL> nrd;id

7. rq;f ,yf;fpak; - GwdhDW - F.Nt. ghyRg;ukapzk;> %d;whk; gjpg;G> 2007
epA nrQ;Rhp Gf; `T];> nrd;id
8. gjpnzd; fPo;f;fzf;F E}y;fs; - Gjpa gjpg;G> 2007> jkpo; epiyak;> nrd;id
9. ehyhapuj; jpt;ag; gpuge;jk; - t.j. ,uhkRg;ukzpak;> Kjy; gjpg;G> 2000 Ky;iy
epiyak;> nrd;id
10. gl;bdj;jhh; ghly;fs;> %d;whk; gjpg;G> 2005> fq;if Gj;jf epiyak;>
11. rpj;jh; ghly;fs;> mU.,uhkehjd;> gjpide;jhk; gjpg;G> 2010> nrd;id> gpNukh gpuRuk;>
12. fk;g ,uhkhazk;> ghy fhz;lk; fk;gd; mwepiyak;> nrd;id
13. rpyg;gjpfhuk;> e.K Ntq;flrhkp ehl;lhh;> Kjy;; gjpg;G> 2005> rhujh gjpg;gfk;>
14. kzpNkfiy> e.K Ntq;flrhkp ehl;lhh;> xsit.R.Jiurhkp gps;is> ehd;fhk; gjpg;G>
2011> rhujh gjpg;gfk;> nrd;id
15. jpUtUl;gh> vl;Lj;njhFjp> m.khzpf;fk; - %d;whk; gjpg;G 2003 th;j;jkhdd; gjpg;gfk;>
16. jpUf;Fws; - [p.A. Nghg;>W.H.Drew, John Lazarus, %d;whk; gjpg;G> 2012> Fkud;
gjpg;gfk;> nrd;id
17. jpUg;Gfo; - fpUhghze;j thhpahh;> ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G> 2004> Ff= thhpahh; gjpg;gfk;>
18. gpuk;kQhdk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - Kjw;gjpg;G 1996 - Ie;jhk; gjpg;G 2001 - <NuhL -
Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;
19. Ntjhj;jpupaj;jpd; ,iwepiy tpsf;fk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G
mf;NlhgH 2003 - <NuhL - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;
20. kdk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> Kjy; gjpg;G 1999> 18 k; gjpg;G 2017> Ntjhj;jphp
21. kdtsf;fiy njhFjp ,uz;L> Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> 28 tJ gjpg;G> 2016>Ntjhj;jphp
22. tho;tpay; tpOkpaq;fs;>Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> xd;gjhk; gjpg;G> 2011>Ntjhj;jphp

Paper - III 4. Vethathirium and Tradition of Tamil siddhas

Unit – I
Physical exercises: Practices for physical health, yoga practices propounded by the Siddha sages
and Vethathiri Maharishi.

Unit – II
Breathing Exercises: Introduction, Pranayama, Kapalapathi, Ashwini Mudra propounded by the
Tamil siddha sages and Vethathiri Maharishi.

Unit – III
Kayakalpa practices – Ashta Mahasiddhis of Siddha sages, Kaya Kalpa according to Vethathiri
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Unit – IV
Mdeditation practices: Introduction – Meditation practices propounded by the Siddha sages and
Vethathiri Maharishi.

Unit –V
Perfection: Salvation and Divine vision according to Siddha sages – Concept of saranagathi –
Faith in God – Names - Concept of God according to Vethathiri Maharishi

Reference Books:
1. rq;f ,yf;fpaq;fs; tuyhW - k.uh.fsQ;rpak;> R.rz;Kf Re;juk;> Kjy; gjpg;G> 2010
fhtpah ntspaPL> nrd;id
2. jpUke;jpuk; - tp. ,uhehjgps;is> jpUney;Ntyp> njd;dpe;jpa irt rpj;jhe;j
E}w;gjpg;Gf; fofk;> nrd;id
3. rpj;jh; ghly;fs;> mU.,uhkehjd;> gjpide;jhk; gjpg;G> 2010> nrd;id> gpNukh gpuRuk;>
4. jkpo;ehl;Lr; rpj;jh;fs; fz;l Md;kPf xUikg;ghL> Kidth;. S.R.V. MlyuR> Kjy;
gjpg;G> 2002> Xk; rf;jp gjpg;gfk;> Nfhak;Gj;J}h;.
5. rpj;jh; jj;Jtk; - f.ehuhazd;> ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G> 1990> jkpo; Gj;jfhyak;> nrd;id>
6. Nahf rpj;jp ,ufrpaq;fs;> vd;. jk;kz;z nrl;bahh;> (rptuh[ Nahfp) ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G.
2008>= ,e;J gg;spNf~d;]>; nrd;id
7. rpj;jh;fspd; fhafw;gfiy - fhdkQ;rhp rk;gj; Fkhh;> ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G> 2008
fPjhQ;ryp gpuRuk;
8. rpj;jh;fspd; Nahfnewp> n[fhjh> Kjy; gjpg;G> 2010> nre;jkpo; gjpg;gfk;> nrd;id
9. rpj;jh;fs; fw;WjUk; rhfhf;fiy> NtZ rPdpthrd;> ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G> 2012> tp[ah
gjpg;gfk;> Nfhak;Gj;J}h;
10. rpj;jh;fs; fz;l ,iwik - rp. v];.KUNfrd;> Kjy; gjpg;G> 2008> rq;fh; gjpg;gfk;>
11. vspaKiw clw;gapw;rp> Ntjhj;jpup kfup\p> 84Mk; gjpg;G 2012> Ntjhj;jphp
12. Nahfhrdk; - VISION,Kjy; gjpg;G 2007> 13 Mk; gjpg;G 2015><NuhL>Ntjhj;jpup
13. kdk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> Kjy; gjpg;G 1999> 18 k; gjpg;G 2017> Ntjhj;jphp
14. capu; tsKk; kd tsKk; - VISION -Kjy; gjpg;G 2007> 7 Mk; gjpg;G Mf];l; 2015
Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;><NuhL
15. kdtsf;fiy njhFjp xd;W> Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> 50 tJ gjpg;G> 2017>Ntjhj;jphp

16. kdtsf;fiy njhFjp ,uz;L> Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> 28 tJ gjpg;G> 2016>Ntjhj;jphp


17. kdtsf;fiy njhFjp %d;W> Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> 20 tJ gjpg;G> 2016>Ntjhj;jphp


18. tho;f;if ts cah;T gbfs;>Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> 17 tJ gjpg;G> 2017>Ntjhj;jphp


19. QhdKk; tho;Tk;>Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> gjpdhd;fhk; gjpg;G> 2008>Ntjhj;jphp

M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 9 of 30


Definition – Nature –Purpose and limitations of Therapeutic yoga - Concept of Health - Concept
and reasons behind diseases - Yogavasishtha and evidence on the disease - Patanjali‟s views on
cleansing – Reasons behind diseases - medical perspective on disease - disorder and dysfunction
- Psycho neuro immunological aspect of disease – balance between Pathophysiology stress and
disease - levels of imbalance that lead to health problems - relationship with Naturopathy-Yoga
therapy - Clinical Psychology – Communal medicine - tools of Yoga therapy - Regulation of
Food - Yama – Niyama – Asana – Pranayama – Meditation – circumstances and medicines –
systems of medicine - philosophy of therapeutic yoga - preparing the body for therapeutic yoga


Allergic Rhinitis - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – Tuberculosis - Coronary Heart
Disease - Angina Pectoris - Hypertension – Myocardial Infarction (All these must be studied
with etiology, pathology and yogic treatment)


Diabetes Milletus-Type1 Type 2 – Thyroidism – Obesity - Menstrual disorders – Dysmenorrhea
– Amenorrhea – Oligomenorrhea – Menorrhagia - Pre menstrual syndrome - Menopause and
Perimenopausal syndrome - Condition of Women during pregnancy - Polycistic ovary syndrome
(All these must be studied with etiology, pathology and yogic treatment)


Dyspepsia – Gastritis - Peptic Ulcer - Irritable bowel Syndrome - Ulcerative colitis – Cancer -
Back pain - Arthritis (All these must be studied with etiology, pathology and yogic treatment)


Headache – Migraine -Tension Headache – Epilepsy - Parkinson‟s disease – Neurosis –
Psychosis - Anxiety disorders – Obsessive/ compulsive disorders - Phobias and Depression –
Schizophrenia - Bipolar effective disorder (These must be studied with etiology, pathology and
yogic treatment)

Kasibhatta. Satyamurty 2018 Therapeutic yoga- APH PUBLISHING CORPORATION, NEW
R.Alagappan 2017 Medicine for AYUSH students –Jaypee brothers Medical Publishers
R.Sreevani 2016 A Guide to Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing-Jaypee Brothers
Vivek Jain 2015 Community Medicine-Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
T.V.Devarajan L Vijayasundaram 2016 Clinical Medicine Made Easy- Jaypee Brothers
Shamantakamani Narendran et al 2013 Yoga for Pregnancy –Swami Vivekananda yoga
R.Nagarathna H R Nagendra 2014 Yoga for Obesity Swami Vivekananda yoga prakashana
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 10 of 30

R.Nagarathna H R Nagendra 2014 Yoga for Digestive Disorders-Swami Vivekananda Yoga

R.Nagarathna H R Nagendra 2016 Yoga Practices for Anxiety and Depression
H.R.Nagendra et al 2016 Yoga and Cancer
R.Nagarathna H R Nagendra 2016 Yoga for Hypertension and Heart Diseases

Paper - III 6. Elements of Physical Health and Fitness

Physical Education Introduction and Definition - Aim and Objectives of Physical
Education – Philosophies of education : Idealism, Naturalism, Pragmatism, Realism, and
Existentialism – Biology of Physical activity – Growth and Exercises – Benefits of physical
exercises - Exercise and good health – Sociological : Basis of physical education – Socialization
Process – natural and men and physical activities of men - sports as cultural heritage of mankind.

Posture - Good posture - Value of good posture - Important physical postures -
Reasons for improper posture - Preventive measures - Deformities on account of improper
postures – Basic body types: Sheldon type (Endomorhp – Mesomorph – Ectomorph),
Krestchmer type (Pyknic , Athletic – Asthenic)
Physical Exercises - Effect of physical exercises: Muscular System , Circulatory System,
Respiratory System , Nervous System and Digestive System.

Physical Fitness - Components of Physical Fitness - Components of health related
fitness – Stress Management: Yoga, Deep breathing, Progressive muscle relaxation and
meditation – Sport-related injuries – Health Education: Aims and Objectives, Principles of
Health Education - Importance of Health Education – Life-style diseases : Peptic ulcer, diabetes,
hypertension and heart attack.

First Aid: Principles and aims of First Aid – First step in First Aid – RICE - Know the
reason for diseases – Food and Nutrition –Vitamins & Deficiencies – Balanced Diet – Food
Guide – Malnutrition – Diet for obesity and underweight – Body Mass Index calculation –

1. Clark, David H.Harrison Clarke, Research Process in Physical Education , Recreation and
Health, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., 1982
2. Dev Sharma, vyas and Granth Singh, Physical and Health Education, New Delhi: Asha
Prakasham Gren Publication, 1968
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 11 of 30

3. John, The First Book of Physical Fitness, London: Himemman Education of Book Limited,
4. Mathews, Donald K., Measuring in Physical Education, Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders
Companys, 1973.
5. Lumpkin, Angela, Physical Education – A Contemporary Introduction, Saint Louis: Times
Mirror/Mosby College Publication, 1986.


Unit : 1
Nature – Knowing about almighty Nature, and its Order of Function that has made it manifest in
the form of the tiny energy particle as well as the huge stars and planets - its invisible but vast
powers – confusion regarding its existence and functions – Brahmagnana propounded by
Vethathiri Maharishi.

Unit : 2
Knowing about the structure and worth of the human body and mind - nature of pain and
pleasure - their reasons - nature of the mind and its inner and exterior potentials - Lack of
respect for Nature and human life – Theroy of magnetism according to Vethathiri Maharishi.

Unit : 3
Attraction for and use of unnecessary things – rituals and festivals - Economic disparity –
Introspection practices: Analysis of Thoughts, Moralization of Desires - Neutralisation of Anger
- Eradication of Worries

Unit : 4
Political confusion and corruption – venality - religious intolerance due to non-realisation of the
truth - The soul and its condition before birth and after death - Medtation - All types of
meditation propounded by Vethathiri Maharishi

Unit : 5
Failure to realise the greatness of womankind – ignoring the greeatness of labour - proliferation
of weapons and wars - lack of spiritual education to understand and safeguard the greatness of
human values - Human values and value education provided by Vethathiri Maharishi

Reference Book :
1. Vethathirian Principles of life - Vethathiri Maharishi - Ist Edition 2002, 2nd Edition Aug
2010 - Vethathiri Publications
2. Logical solutions for the problems of Humanity, Vethathiri maharishi, Vethathiri
publication, Erode,, 1st Ed -1998, 2nd Ed - 1999
3. Prosperity of India, Vethathiri maharishi, Vethathiri publication, Erode, 1980, 3 rd
Ed - Oct 2007
4. Blue print for World Peace, Vethathiri maharishi, Vethathiri publication, Erode,, Reprinted
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 12 of 30

5. Karma Yoga - Vethathiri Maharishi - Ist Edition Mar 1986, 4 th Edition June
2004 - Vethathiri Publications
6. Journey of Consciousness - Vethathiri Maharishi - Ist Edition 1992, 6 th Edition Nov 2011
- Vethathiri Publications


UNIT. I. Origin and Growth of SCIENCE (Physics)

Physics definition - Ancient ideas regarding cosmology- Growth and development of science-
cosmology in ancient Egypt - Cosmology in India - Copernican theory – Galileo - Johann Kepler
and his three laws - era of Newton.

Unit. II. Particle physics

Atoms and subatomic particles –Rutherford‟s model of the atom - The four fundamental forces
of physics - Elementary particles and forces - Quarks with colour and flavor – Radioactivity -
Standard Model.

Unit III Gravity

Gravitation - Newton‟s Law of Gravitation – three laws of Newton - Origin of the Universe -
Discoveries of Albert Einstein - Special Theory of Relativity and General theory of Relativity -
Singularity, Naked Singularity, Black holes and its types - Light and its properties.

Unit IV Quantum Mechanics

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - Dual nature of light – Quanta - wave theory - Michael
Faraday‟s Experiment - Young‟s double slit experiment - Wolfgang Pauli‟s exclusion principle -
Uncertainty principle of Heisenberg - Schrodinger cat paradox - Quantum entanglement -
Quantum Super position and Quantum tunneling - Quantum Eletrodynamics and Quantum

Unit. V Recent Theories

Quantum Gravity - Theory of Everything - Symmetry and Super symmetry – String theory,
Superstring theory - M-Theory - Dark matter and Dark energy - Multiverses theory - Plasma

Reference Books
1. The World of Physics I,II,III ... Author- Jefferson Hane Weaver. Publisher's - Simon
and Schuster, New York, New York 10020.

Publisher's - John Wiley and Sons, Inc New York, Edition - Thirty fourth Wiley Easter
Reprint, July 1990.


Publisher's Phoenix
Books, Indian Publisher's - Jaico Publishing House, Fort Mumbai 400 001.
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 13 of 30


Publisher's BantamPress in Great Britain, Bantam Edition - 1997 reprinted, Printed by - Cox &
Wyman Ltd, Reading, Berkshive.


STEPHENHAWKING, Publisher's Bantam Press, a division of Transworld Publishers,
Edition - Bantam Books edition published in 1994.


MLODINOW. Publisher's---Transworld Publishers, London W55SA, Edition-- First Edition
2010, Bantam Edition 2011.

7. VISIONS.......Author -MICHIO KAKU, Publisher's -- Anchor Books, a division of

Random House, Inc New York, USA. Edition - First Anchor Books Edition. October 1998.

8. ... THE FUTURE OF THE MIND Author - MICHIO KAKU Publisher's Penguin,
Random House, UK. Edition - First Published by Double day in United States of America,
Published inPenguin Book in 2015.
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 14 of 30

ghujpahh; gy;fiyf;fofk;: NfhaKj;J}h; 641 046

NahfKk; kdpj khz;Gk;
epiwQh; (M.Phil)kw;Wk; Kidth; (Ph.d) -ghlj;jpl;lk;

jhs; - I
Muha;r;rp newpKiwfs;
myF -1
Ma;tpay; mwpKfk; - Muha;tpd; nghUSk;>Kf;fpaj;JtKk; - Nahff;fy;tpapy;
Ma;T Nehf;fk; - mwptpd; ghpzhk tsh;r;rp - Gjpafz;Lgpbg;Gfs; - nfhs;iffs; -
Nfhl;ghLfs; - Mf;fq;fs; - Ma;Tr;rpf;fy;: rpf;fiyf; fz;lwpAk; mbg;gilf; $Wfs;; -
fUJNfhs;;: tiuaiw> cUthf;fk; - Ma;Tj;jpl;lk;.

myF -2
msTkw;Wk;juk; rhh;e;j Ma;Tfs; - Ma;T tiffs;: mbg;gil Ma;T> gad;ghl;L
Ma;T>nray; Ma;T> jj;Jt> tuyhw;W Ma;T- Ma;T Kiwfs;: tpsf;ftpay;
Ma;TKiw>xg;gPl;LMa;TKiw>ca;j;Jzh; Ma;TKiw> nrYj;Jepiy
Ma;TKiw>kjpg;gPl;lha;TKiw>NrhjidMa;TKiw>Nrhjid tbtikg;G: khjphp
Ma;TKiw> jdpahs; Ma;T>fsMa;T>tpdhepuy; kw;Wk; Neh;fhzy; - Mjhuq;fs;:
Kjd;ik kw;Wk; Jizik.

myF -3
Ma;tpd; gz;Gfs; - Ma;thshpd; jFjpfs;: Ma;Tg;nghUs; gw;wpamwpT>Ma;tpy;
Mh;tk;>tplhKaw;rp>Ez;Nzhf;F>Ma;TNeh;ik>eLTepiyik>Ma;Tehfhpfk;> fLk; ciog;G>
nghWik>Ma;TxOf;fk; - Ma;Tg;nghUz;ikfSk; rKjhaj; NjitfSk; - Ma;tpd;
gad;ghL - khDlNkd;ikNaFwpf;Nfhs; - nka;apay; mwpQh;fs;:
gjQ;ryp>jpU%yh;>tpNtfhde;jh;>ts;syhh; - xg;gPlL
; Nehf;fpy; Ntjhj;jphpkfhp~p.

myF - 4
Gs;sptptuk; - Gs;sptptuj;jpd; tiffs; - mstPLfs; (ruhrhp> ,ilepiy> KfL) -
khWghl;bd; msitfs;: tPr;R>rjtpfpjk;>fhy;khd tpyfy;> jutpyfy; - epfo;jfTtisT -
xl;LwT-xl;Lwtpd; tiffs; - khWghl;bd; gFg;gha;T (mNdhth) -JizkhWghl;bd;
gFg;gha;T (md;Nfhth) - Ma;tpy; Gs;spapaypd; gq;F - Gs;spapaypy; nkd;nghUspd;
gad;ghL- vf;n]y;> v];gpv];v];.

myF - 5
Ma;Ntl;bd; fl;likg;G: Ma;Ntl;bd; Kd;Diu>jiyg;Gf;Nfw;w ,ay; gFg;G
cs;jiyg;Gk; gj;jpg;gphpg;Gk;> Nkw;NfhSk; mbf;Fwpg;Gk;>nkhopeilAk; FwpaPLfSk;>
Kjw;gFjp> Kjd;ik clw;gFjp> Ma;Ntl;bd; KbTfSk;> Nkyha;Tk;> JizE}w;gl;bay;>
gpd;dpizg;G> E}yf %yq;fs;> tiyj;js %yq;fs;.

Reference Books
1. avid H Clarke, and Clarke H. Harrison. “Research Processes in Physical Education”. New
Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc. 1984.
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 15 of 30

2. T.A Baumgartner, and Strong, C.H. “Conducting and Reading Research in Health and
Human Performance”. New York; Brown and Benchmark; 1994
3. C.K. Kothari, “Research Methodology Methods and Techniques”, New Delhi; wiley
4. LIMITED, 1993.
5. Harry E. Garre. “Statistics in Psychology and Education”. Bombay: Allied Private Ltd.
6. Clarke, David. H and H. Harrison Clarke. Research Process in Physical Education.
Research and Health. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1984.
7. Herman J. Ader Research Methodology in the life, Behavioural social and Gideon J.
Mellebeegh Sciences (SAGE publications).
8. Rummond, A; Research methods for Therapists. 1996 Campling, J and Nelson,
9. Robin Monro: Yoga research bibliography scientific studies on yoga and meditation
(Yoga biomedical trust, England 1989).
10. Michael Cohen: Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Legal Boundaries and
regulatory Perspective (1997)
11. A manual for Writers of Research Papers, Thesis and Dissertations, Wayne C Booth and
others, University of Chicago
12. Scientific Social Surveys and Research , Paulin V Young, Prentice Hall of India, New
13. Research Methodology, C.R.Kothari, New age International Publishers, New Delhi.
14. Ma;tpay; newpfs; - F.nt.ghyRg;gpukzpak;>mDuhjhgjpg;gfk;>nrd;id
15. Ma;tpay; mwpKfk; - jkpoz;zy;>kPdhl;rpGj;jfepiyak;>kJiu.

jhs; - II
jj;JtQhdKk; Nahff;fiytsh;r;rpAk;
myF- 1
gpugQ;rghpzhkk;:ngUntbg;GNfhl;ghL-fhythpir - `G/y; tpjp-gpugQ;rk; tphptiljy; -
gpugQ;rgpd;GyEz;diyfjph;tPr;R-Muk;gfhyjdpkq;fs; - fUiknghUs; - fUikMw;wy; -
gpugQ;rj; Njhw;wk; gw;wpgy;NtWNfhl;ghL: -
epiyNfhl;ghL>mjph;TNfhl;ghL>gilg;GNfhl;ghL>Ntjhj;jphpkfhp~papd; Nfhl;ghL-thd;fhe;jk;
caphpdg; ghpzhkk;: - rPtfhe;jk; - rhh;y]; lhh;tPd; - flw;gazk; - ,aw;ifj;
Njh;TNfhl;ghL- ghpzhkfhythpir - rpw;wpdq;fspd; Njhw;wk; - kdpj ,d ghpzhkk; -
rKjhaj;jpy; ghpzhkj;jpd; jhf;fk;.

myF - 2
,e;jpajj;Jtk;: tpsf;fk; - ,e;jpajj;Jtj;jpd; rpwg;G - Ntjq;fs; - cgepljq;fs; -
fPij- MW jhprdq;fs; - Ntjj;ij Vw;Fk; gphpTfs;:
epahak;>itNrbfk;>rhq;fpak;>Nahfk;> kPkhk;ir> Ntjhe;jk;
(mj;itjk;>Jitjk;>tprp~;lhj;itjk;) Ntjj;ijkWf;Fk; gphpTfs;: cyfhajk;> rkzk;>
ngsj;jk; - rpj;jh; jj;Jtk;: goq;fhyjkpoh; Nahfk;> rkj;Jtk;> rpj;jh; jj;Jtk;>
rpj;jh;fspd; tho;f;ifKiw>rpj;jh; ,yf;fpak;>rpj;jh;fspd; mwnewp Nfhl;ghL-jpU%yhpd;
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 16 of 30

myF - 3
Nahfk;: tiuaiw>tpsf;fk; - Nahfk; xUmwptpay; - Nahfk; xUfiy-Nahfhtpd;
Njhw;wKk; tsh;r;rpAk; - Ntjfhyj;jpy; Nahfk; - Ntjfhyj;jpw;Fg; gpd; Nahfk; -
gftj;fPij>iggps;>Fuhd;> ngsj;jk; - gjQ;rypNahfKk; jpUke;jpuKk; xg;gpLjy; - jw;fhy
Nahfh - Ntjhj;jphpkfhp~papd; Fz;lypdpNahfk;.

myF - 4
kdk;: rPtfhe;jNk kdk; - kd miyr;RoYk; mjd; nray;ghLfSk; - kdk; mwpthf
,aq;Fk; 10 gbepiyfs; - gof;fg; gjpTk; tpsf;fg; gjpTk; - kdk; ,aq;Fk; epiyfs; -
kdj;jpd; %d;W epiyfs; - J}f;fk;> fdT> tUq;fhyk; czh;jy; - mfj;jha;T:
fUikak; -vz;zj;jpd; typik-rpdk; jtph;j;jy; - tho;j;Jk; gaDk;- mfj;jtj;jpd; gy
tiffs; - Mf;fpid>Jhpak;>rhe;jp>xd;gJikak; - clw;$W ,ay;:%is - mikg;G -
,af;fk; - tpsf;fk; - tpQ;Qhdj;jpd; thapyhf %isiamwpe;Jnfhs;Sjy;.

myF -5
mwptpd; KOikNgW: ehd; ahh;? -jd;dpiytpsf;fk; - ,iwepiyczh;jy; -
,af;fxOq;F - nray;tpisTj;jj;Jtk; - ,aw;ifr; rl;lk; - tpopg;Gepiy-fh;kNahfk; -
flikAzh;T>ed;wpAzh;T> fh;k Nahfhtpd; gj;Jnfhs;iffs; - md;Gk; fUizAk; -
rKjhanjhz;L - jdpkdpj mikjp> FLk;g mikjp> cyfmikjp.

Nkw;Nfhs; E}y;fs;:
1. Yoga - Basic and applications - Swami Vivekananda yoga prakashna - 2004
2. Karma Yoga - Thathuvagnai Vethathiri maharishi - 3 rd Edition - 1995
3. Satyamurty.K, 2013, Social Yoga System, Guntur AP, Vedadri centre for Brahmajnana.
4. vdJ tho;f;if tpsf;fk; - jj;JtQhdp Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - %d;whk; gjpg;G -
<NuhL - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;.
5. capu; tsKk; kd tsKk; - VISION -Kjy; gjpg;G 2007> 7 Mk; gjpg;G Mf];l;
2015 - <NuhL - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;>
6. gpuk;kQhdk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - Kjw;gjpg;G 1996 - Ie;jhk; gjpg;G 2001 -
<NuhL - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;
7. Ntjhj;jpupaj;jpd; ,iwepiy tpsf;fk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G
8. mf;NlhgH 2003 - <NuhL - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;
9. gpugQ;rr; rupj;jpuKk; capupdq;fspd; tuyhWk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - Kjw;gjpg;G
2004 - <NuhL - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;
10. flTSk; fUikaKk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - Kjw;gjpg;G 2003 - <NuhL Ntjhj;jpup
11. ehd; ahH? - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - Kjw;gjpg;G 2003 - <NuhL - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;
12. Nahfk; jpahdk; KOik ey tho;T (jkpo; gjpg;G)> lhf;lH. r. nrag;gpufhrk;>lhf;lH.
gh. Mde;jp.
13. Sound Health through yoga (English version), Dr.Chandrasekaran, November 1999,
Madurai - Prem Kalyan Publications.
14. Teaching of Yoga (English version), Svami Omkaranamda Giri, 2016, A.P.H. Publishing
Corporation, New Delhi.
15. Chandrasekaran.K (English version), 1999, Sound Health through yoga, Sedapati,
Tamilnadu, Premkalyan Publications.
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 17 of 30

jhs; - III Special paper

1. Nahf rpfpr;irAk; cly; eyDk;
myF - I
caphpdq;fspy; mikg;Gk; ,af;fKk; Xh; mwpKfk;: caphpdq;fs;: capUs;sit>
capuw;wit NtWghLfs; - jhtuq;fs;> tpyq;Ffs; NtWghLfs; - jhtuq;fs; kw;Wk;
tpyq;Ffs;: nghJthd kw;Wk; rpwg;G ,ay;Gfs;

myF - II
%d;W cly;fs; (gUTly;> Ez;Zly;> fhe;j cly;) - %d;W Xl;lq;fs; (,uj;j Xl;lk;>
ntg;g xl;lk;> fhw;Nwhl;lk;) - clyikg;Gk;> ,af;fKk; - gy;NtW cWg;G kz;lyq;fs;
(vYk;G> jir> ,uj;jXl;lk;>Rthrk;> euk;G kw;Wk; czT ghij kz;lyq;fs;)

myF - III
cly;eyd;: tho;tpd; Nehf;fk;> eytho;T> cly;eyk; - Nghl;b cyfk; - kdghjpg;Gfs; -
cly;> caph;> kdk; ,af;f cwTfs; - xj;j cwT xd;wpdhy; xd;W ghjpg;G - czTk;
kUe;Jk; - clw;gapw;rpfs; clw;rpw;wiw mikg;G guhkhpg;G - rPuhd fhe;j Xl;lk;.

myF - IV
Md;kfP tho;tpw;fhd czT : rhj;tPf jhkr> uN[h - vspa kw;Wk; rPuhd czT -
goq;fs;> fha;fwpfs;. fPiufs; - irt czT - fhyj;jhy; cz;zy; - cz;zh Nehd;Gk;
mjd; NjitAk; - Ie;jpy; msTKiw - czT> ciog;G> cwf;fk;> Gydpd;gk;> vz;zk;

myF - V
Neha;fs; (ePhpopT> ,uj;j mOj;jk;> kd mOj;jk;) - Neha;fSf;fhd fhuzq;fs; -,aw;if
kw;Wk; nraw;if fhuzq;fs; - gy;NtW kUj;Jt Kiwfs; (mNyhgjp> rpj;jh>
MAh;Ntjk;> Adhdp> XkpNahgjp) - czNt kUe;J - Neha; jPh;j;jypy; cztpd; gq;F -
jPh;T - vspa Kiwclw;gapw;rpfs;

Nehf;fPl;L E}y;fs;:
1. vspaKiw clw;gapw;rp> Ntjhj;jpup kfup\p> 84Mk; gjpg;G 2012> Ntjhj;jphp gjpg;gfk;>
2. capu; tsKk; kd tsKk; - VISION -Kjy; gjpg;G 2007> 7 Mk; gjpg;G Mf];l;
2015 - <NuhL - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;>
3.Nahfhrdk; - VISION,Kjy; gjpg;G 2007> 13 Mk; gjpg;G 2015><NuhL>Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;
4. Yoga for Modern Age - Vethathiri Maharishi, 1st Edition 1972, 19th Edition Octo 2015 -
Vethathiri Publications.
5. Sound Health through Yoga, Dr. K. Chandrasekaran, Prem Kalyana Publications,
6. Karma Yoga - Vethathiri Maharishi - Ist Edition 1986, 4th Edition 2004 - Vethathiri
7. kdk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> Kjy; gjpg;G 1999> 18 k; gjpg;G 2017> Ntjhj;jphp
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 18 of 30

jhs; - III 2. ,aw;if tsKk; kdpjtsKk;

myF - 1
,aw;if tsq;fs; : tiffs; - fhLfs; - fhl;L tpyq;Ffs; - capUs;s tsq;fs;>
capuw;w tsq;fs; - ,aw;if tsq;fspd; gphpTfs; - fhLfspd; gad;fs; - fhLfs;
mopf;fg;gLjy; fhuzq;fs; - ghjpg;Gfs; - ePh;tsq;fs; - fdpktsq;fs; - Mw;wy;
tsq;fs; - epytsq;fs; - Rw;Wr;#oy; ghJfhg;G>epy> ePh; Nkyhz;ik - tptrhak; -
jw;Nghija epiy-czT tsq;fs; - cyf czTg; gpur;rpidfs; - kdpjDk; ,aw;if
tsKk; - kdpj tho;f;ifr; Row;rpAk; ,aw;ifAk; - Mw;wy; tsk; - gad;fs;.

myF - 2
RfhjhuKk; J}a;ikAk; : tiutpyf;fzk; -cly;> kd> r%f eyk; - Rfhjhuj;jpw;fhd
Rl;bf; fhl;bfs; - ,wg;G> Neha; jhf;Fjy; - ePz;l tho;f;if - Rfhjhu ey mikg;G -
Rfhjhu eytpay; gpur;ridfs; - #oy; Nfl;lhy; Vw;gLk; Neha;fs; - Neha;fs; guTk;
tpjk; - J}a;ik - jdpkdpj J}a;ik> rKjha J}a;ik - Rfhjhuj;ij eph;zapf;Fk;
fhuzpfs; - Rfhjhuj;jpy; kdpjts Nkk;ghL J}a;ik ghjpg;gpw;fhd fhuzq;fs; - jPh;Tfs;
- jdpkdpj nghJ eyk; Ngzypd; mtrpak;.
myF - 3
Rw;Wr;#oy; : nghUs;>,yf;fzk;- Rw;Wr;#oypd; $Wfs;> tiffs; - ,aw;if -
kdpjdhy; cUthf;fg;gl;l Rw;Wr;#oy; - Rw;Wr;#oiy ghjpf;ff;$ba fhuzpfs; - Rw;Wr;
#oy; fy;tpapd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; - gad;fs; - nghJ tpopg;Gzh;tpd; Njitfs; -
Rw;Wr;#oy; khR - tiffs; - fhw;W> ePh;> kz;>czT> jplf;fopT> ,iur;ry; khRgLjy; -
mjd; tpisTfs; - khRgLjiy fl;Lg;gLj;jf;$ba topKiwfs;.

myF - 4
czTk; cly; MNuhf;fpaKk; : czT tiffs; - rhj;tPf> jhkr> uN[h czT
tiffs; - rhj;tPf czT>Jhpj czTfs; - J}z;l fhuzq;fs; - epwk;> Rit nraw;if
kzk; - tpsk;guk; - fth;r;rp tpiy. fyg;glk; - cly; eyghjpg;Gfs; - cly; kw;Wk; kd
hPjpahd - jtph;f;Fk; Kiwfs; - fyhr;rhu #oy; - ehfhPf khw;wk; - kJ gof;fk;> Nghijg;
nghUs; mbik- tpisTfs; rKjha rPh;NfL - Clfq;fs; miyNgrp - jdp kdpj> r%f
tpopg;Gzh;T - tpopg;gzh;T jpl;lq;fs; - cly;ey guhkhpg;gpd; mtrpak; - mwpTiu
gfh;jy; - czT> cly;> kdk;> caph; tpsf;fk; mspj;jy; - Nahfh kw;Wk; jpahd

myF - 5
MSik Nkk;ghL: jd;ikfs; - tiffs; - Fzhjprpaq;fs; - eph;zapf;Fk; fhuzpfs; -
ew;gz;Gfis tsh;j;J nfhs;sy; - MSik $Wfis tsh;r;rp mila nra;jy; - kd
mOj;jk;> jd;dk;gpf;if>Nrhfk;> kdr;Nrhh;T> ftiy>jd;Kidg;G - MSikia mstply;
- kjpg;Gzh;T fy;tp - mtrpak; - Nehf;fq;fs; - tiffs; - jd;dpiy Nkk;ghLed;ndwp
kjpg;Gzh;T - nray; tpisT ePjp czh;fy;tp - Cf;Ftpj;jy; Kiwfs; - r%f eyk;>
njrpa eyk; fhj;jy; - gz;ghl;L fy;tp ,ize;j eilKiw fy;tp Kiw.

1. “Environmental studies”, N. Arumugam and V. Kumaresan, Saras publications, Second
edition, 2010.
2. “Human Resource Management”, Shashi K. Gupta and Rosy Joshi, Kalyani publishers,
3. “General Awareness”, Prof. S. Muthaiah, M. Ramalakshmi and P. Senthilkumar,
Aayiram publications, 2010.
4. “Environmental Studies”, Dr. V. M. Selvaraj, Bavani publications, 2007
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 19 of 30

5. “Soft skills of personality development”, C.S.G. Krishnamacharyulu and Lalitha

Ramakrishnan, Himalaya publishing house, 2011.
6. “Social value education”, Dr. R. Pon murugan and S. Rose Catherin, Sadhana
publications, 2008.
7. “Environment‟‟ , A. Piramanayagam, Akila, Ganesh Publications . 2011.
8. „‟Social issues‟‟, Dr. N. Kannan, Tamil Nadu State Higher Education Mantram, Chennai.
9. „‟ Social Problems‟‟- A Modern Approach., Beeker, Horward .S.

jhs; - III– 3. Ntjhj;jphpaKk; jkpo;g; gz;ghl;L tuyhWk;

rq;f ,yf;fpaq;fs; $Wk; ngz;ik - jha;ik - fw;G - tPuk; - nfhil - el;G -
Ntjhj;jphpak; $Wk; ngz; kjpg;G

ePjp ,yf;fpaq;fs; $Wk; mwk; - jpUf;Fws; - ehybahH - gonkhop - Mrhuf; Nfhit -
jphpfLfk; - Vyhjp - Ntjhj;jphpak; $Wk; mwg; gz;Gfs;
gf;jpAk; jkpoH tho;tpaYk; - rpj;jHfs; $Wk; jj;Jt newpKiwfs; - jpU%yH -
nfhq;fzH - ,ilf;fhlH - gjQ;ryp - Njthu %tH - ehad;khHfs; - Mo;thHfs;
Ntjhj;jphpa flTl; nfhs;if - jtq;fs;

myF- IV
fhg;gpaq;fs; %Wk; rka newpfs; - jj;Jtf; Nfhl;ghLfs; - irtk;> itztk;> rkzk;>
ngsj;jk; - Ntjhj;jphpak; $Wk; tho;tpay; newpfs;
myF- V

rkar; rhd;NwhHfs; - jhAkhdtH – ts;syhH - mUzfphpahH - gl;bdj;jhH - ghk;gd;

Rthkpfs; - FkuFUguH - rptQhdRthkp - Ntjhj;jphp kfhprpAk; mtHjk; FUkhUk;
Nehf;fPl;L E}y;fs;
1. nghpa Guhzk;- jpU tp.fy;ahz Re;judhh;>Kjy; gjpg;G> 1993>Nrf;fpohh; Muha;rr
; p
ikak;> nrd;id
2. rq;f ,yf;fpak;> gj;Jg;ghl;L %yKk; ciuAk; - c.Nt. rhkpehj Iah;> Vohk; gjpg;G>
1974. rhkpehj Iah; E}y; epiyak;> nrd;id
3. jpUke;jpuk; - tp. ,uhehjgps;is> jpUney;Ntyp> njd;dpe;jpa irt rpj;jhe;j
E}w;gjpg;Gf; fofk;> nrd;id
4. jpUthrfk; - Rthkp rpj;gthde;jh> Ie;jhk; gjpg;G> ,uhkfpU~;z jNghtdk;> jpUr;rp
5. Njthuk; - Gyth; - gp. uh. eluhrd;> 1996> y~;kp epiyak;. jpUr;rp.
6.rq;f ,yf;fpaq;fs; tuyhW - k.uh.fsQ;rpak;> R.rz;Kf Re;juk;> Kjy; gjpg;G> 2010
fhtpah ntspaPL> nrd;id
7. rq;f ,yf;fpak; - GwdhDW - F.Nt. ghyRg;ukapzk;> %d;whk; gjpg;G> 2007
epA nrQ;Rhp Gf; `T];> nrd;id
8. gjpnzd; fPo;f;fzf;F E}y;fs; - Gjpa gjpg;G> 2007> jkpo; epiyak;> nrd;id
9. ehyhapuj; jpt;ag; gpuge;jk; - t.j. ,uhkRg;ukzpak;> Kjy; gjpg;G> 2000 Ky;iy
epiyak;> nrd;id
10. gl;bdj;jhh; ghly;fs;> %d;whk; gjpg;G> 2005> fq;if Gj;jf epiyak;>
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 20 of 30

11. rpj;jh; ghly;fs;> mU.,uhkehjd;> gjpide;jhk; gjpg;G> 2010> nrd;id> gpNukh gpuRuk;>
12. fk;g ,uhkhazk;> ghy fhz;lk; fk;gd; mwepiyak;> nrd;id
13. rpyg;gjpfhuk;>e.K Ntq;flrhkp ehl;lhh;> Kjy;; gjpg;G> 2005> rhujh gjpg;gfk;>
14. kzpNkfiy> e.K Ntq;flrhkp ehl;lhh;> xsit.R.Jiurhkp gps;is> ehd;fhk; gjpg;G>
2011> rhujh gjpg;gfk;> nrd;id
15. jpUtUl;gh> vl;Lj;njhFjp> m.khzpf;fk; - %d;whk; gjpg;G 2003 th;j;jkhdd; gjpg;gfk;>
16. jpUf;Fws; - [p.A. Nghg;>W.H.Drew, John Lazarus, %d;whk; gjpg;G> 2012> Fkud;
gjpg;gfk;> nrd;id
17. jpUg;Gfo; - fpUhghze;j thhpahh;> ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G> 2004> Ff= thhpahh; gjpg;gfk;>
18. gpuk;kQhdk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - Kjw;gjpg;G 1996 - Ie;jhk; gjpg;G 2001 - <NuhL -
Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;
19. Ntjhj;jpupaj;jpd; ,iwepiy tpsf;fk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G
mf;NlhgH 2003 - <NuhL - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;
20. kdk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> Kjy; gjpg;G 1999> 18 k; gjpg;G 2017> Ntjhj;jphp
21. kdtsf;fiy njhFjp ,uz;L> Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> 28 tJ gjpg;G> 2016>Ntjhj;jphp
22. tho;tpay; tpOkpaq;fs;>Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> xd;gjhk; gjpg;G> 2011>Ntjhj;jphp

jhs; - III - 4. Ntjhj;jphpaKk; jkpo;r;rpj;jH kuGk;

clNyhk;Gk; Kiwfs; - rpj;jHfs; $Wk; Nahfg; gapw;rpfs; - Ntjhj;jphpak; $Wk; Nahfg;

%r;Rg; gapw;rp Kiwfs; - jkpo;r; rpj;jHfSk; Ntjhj;jphpAk; - gpuhzhahkk; - fghygjp -
m];tpdp Kj;jpiu

fhafy;gg; gapw;rp Kiwfs; - rpj;jH $Wk; ml;lkhrpj;jpfSk; Ntjhj;jphp $Wk;

jtq;fs; - rpj;jH $Wk; jtg; gapw;rpAk; Ntjhj;jphp $Wk; jtq;fSk;

KOikg;NgW - rpj;jH $Wk; Nkhl;rk;> jpUtbf;fhl;rp - ruzhfjpj; jj;Jtk; - ,iw
ek;gpf;if -ehk &gq;fs; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p $Wk; ,iw jj;Jtq;fs;

Nehf;fPl;L E}y;fs;:
1. rq;f ,yf;fpaq;fs; tuyhW - k.uh.fsQ;rpak;> R.rz;Kf Re;juk;> Kjy; gjpg;G> 2010
fhtpah ntspaPL> nrd;id
2. jpUke;jpuk; - tp. ,uhehjgps;is> jpUney;Ntyp> njd;dpe;jpa irt rpj;jhe;j
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 21 of 30

E}w;gjpg;Gf; fofk;> nrd;id

3. rpj;jh; ghly;fs;> mU.,uhkehjd;> gjpide;jhk; gjpg;G> 2010> nrd;id> gpNukh gpuRuk;>
4. jkpo;ehl;Lr; rpj;jh;fs; fz;l Md;kPf xUikg;ghL> Kidth;. S.R.V. MlyuR> Kjy;
gjpg;G> 2002> Xk; rf;jp gjpg;gfk;> Nfhak;Gj;J}h;.
5. rpj;jh; jj;Jtk; - f.ehuhazd;> ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G> 1990> jkpo; Gj;jfhyak;> nrd;id>
6. Nahf rpj;jp ,ufrpaq;fs;> vd;. jk;kz;z nrl;bahh;> (rptuh[ Nahfp) ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G.
2008>= ,e;J gg;spNf~d;]>; nrd;id
7. rpj;jh;fspd; fhafw;gfiy - fhdkQ;rhp rk;gj; Fkhh;> ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G> 2008
fPjhQ;ryp gpuRuk;
8. rpj;jh;fspd; Nahfnewp> n[fhjh> Kjy; gjpg;G> 2010> nre;jkpo; gjpg;gfk;> nrd;id
9. rpj;jh;fs; fw;WjUk; rhfhf;fiy> NtZ rPdpthrd;> ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G> 2012> tp[ah
gjpg;gfk;> Nfhak;Gj;J}h;
10. rpj;jh;fs; fz;l ,iwik - rp. v];.KUNfrd;> Kjy; gjpg;G> 2008> rq;fh; gjpg;gfk;>
11. vspaKiw clw;gapw;rp> Ntjhj;jpup kfup\p> 84Mk; gjpg;G 2012> Ntjhj;jphp
12. Nahfhrdk; - VISION,Kjy; gjpg;G 2007> 13 Mk; gjpg;G 2015><NuhL>Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;>
13. kdk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> Kjy; gjpg;G 1999> 18 k; gjpg;G 2017> Ntjhj;jphp
14. capu; tsKk; kd tsKk; - VISION -Kjy; gjpg;G 2007> 7 Mk; gjpg;G Mf];l; 2015
Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;><NuhL
15. kdtsf;fiy njhFjp xd;W> Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> 50 tJ gjpg;G> 2017>Ntjhj;jphp

16. kdtsf;fiy njhFjp ,uz;L> Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> 28 tJ gjpg;G> 2016>Ntjhj;jphp


17. kdtsf;fiy njhFjp %d;W> Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> 20 tJ gjpg;G> 2016>Ntjhj;jphp


18. tho;f;if ts cah;T gbfs;>Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> 17 tJ gjpg;G> 2017>Ntjhj;jphp


19. QhdKk; tho;Tk;>Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p> gjpdhd;fhk; gjpg;G> 2008>Ntjhj;jphp



Bahf rpfpr;ir Kiwfs;

myF - IKd;Diu
tpsf;fk; - ,aw;if - Nahf rpfpr;ir Kiwfspd; Nehf;fKk;> tuk;Gk; - Rfhjhuj;ij
gw;wpa fUj;Jf;fs; - Neha;ff
; hd fhuzq;fs; kw;Wk; mjid gw;wpa fUj;Jf;fs; - Nahf
trp~;lhpd; Neha; kPjhd Mjhuk; - gjQ;ryp ghh;itapy; Rj;jpfhpg;G - Neha;ff
; hd
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 22 of 30

fhuzq;fs; - Neha;ff ; hd kUj;Jt Kw;Nghf;F ghh;it - NfhshWfs; kw;Wk; gpwo;rr

; p
my;yJ nraypog;G - cstpay;> euk;gpay;> Neha; jLg;ghw;wy; ,itfspd; mk;rq;fs;
kw;Wk; Neha; khjphpfs; - clw;$W> kdmOj;j Neha; ,tw;wpw;fpilNaAs;s rkepiy -
ntt;NtW tifahd gphpTfs;> Vw;wj;jho;Tfs;> cly; NfhshWfis Nehf;fp nry;tJ
gw;wp - ,aw;if kUj;Jj;jpw;F ,ilNa cs;s cwT - Nahf rpfpr;ir - kUj;Jt
cstpay; - r%f kUj;Jtk; - Nahf rpfpr;ir fUtpfs; - czT cl;nfhs;tjpy;
fl;Lg;ghL - epakk;> ,akk;> Mrdk;> gpuzhahkk;> jpahdk; tho;f;if #o;epiyAk;
kUe;JfSk; - kUj;Jt Kiwfs; - Nahf rpfpr;ir KiwfSk; jj;JtKk; - cliy
Nahf rpfpr;irf;F jahh; gLj;Jjy;

myF - IIRthr NfhshWfs; kw;Wk; ,UjaNfhshWfs;

xt;thik my;yJ ehrp mow;rp - EiuaPuy; milg;G Neha; - fhrNeha; - ,jaNeha; -
khh;G Klf;Ftyp - cah; ,uj;j mOj;jk; - khuilg;G (Neha;ff
; hd fhuzq;fs;>Nehapay;>
Nahf top Kiwfs;)

myF - IIIehskpy;yhr;Rug;gp - tsh;rpij khw;wq;fs; - kfg;Ngwpay; kw;Wk; kfsph; cly;

ePhpopT Neha; - tif 1> tif 2 - ijuha;L Rug;G FiwghL - cly; gUkd; -
khjtplha; NfhshWfs; - typAld; $ba khjtplha; - khjtpyf;fpd;ik - xOq;fw;w
khjtplha; - ngUk;ghL - khjtplha; fhyj;jpd; Kd; FwpFzq;fs; - ,Wjp khjtpyf;F
kw;Wk; mjd; Kd; FwpFzq;fs; - ngz;fspd; fh;gf;fhy epiyfs; - rpidg;ig ePh;f;fl;b
(Neha;ff; hd fhuzq;fs;>Nehapay;> Nahf top Kiwfs;)

myF - IV,iug;ig Fly; - jir kw;Wk; vYk;G rhh;e;j NfhshWfs;

nrhpkhdkpd;ik - ,iug;ig nfhshWfs; - tapw;Wg; Gz; Neha; - Fly; vhpr;ry; Neha; -
ngUq;Fly; Gz; - Gw;Wneha; - KJFtyp - %l;Lthjk; (Neha;ff; hd
fhuzq;fs;>Nehapay;> Nahf top Kiwfs;)

myF - Veuk;gpay; kw;Wk; kd eyNfhshWfs;

jiytyp - xw;iwj; jiytyp - tpiug;G jiytyp - fhf;fha; typg;G - eLf;F thjk; -
euk;G kz;ly ghjpg;ghd Neha;fs; - kdNeha;fs; - kdgjl;lk; - kpf tpUg;Gila fl;lha
rPh;NfL - gak; kw;Wk; jho;T kdg;ghd;ik - kdgpj;J - gpsTgl;l kdNeha; - ,UKid
gaDs;s rPh;FiyT (Neha;ff ; hd fhuzq;fs;>Nehapay;> Nahf top Kiwfs;)

Kasibhatta. Satyamurty 2018 Therapeutic yoga- APH PUBLISHING CORPORATION, NEW
R.Alagappan 2017 Medicine for AYUSH students –Jaypee brothers Medical Publishers
R.Sreevani 2016 A Guide to Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing-Jaypee Brothers
Vivek Jain 2015 Community Medicine-Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
T.V.Devarajan L Vijayasundaram 2016 Clinical Medicine Made Easy- Jaypee Brothers
Shamantakamani Narendran et al 2013 Yoga for Pregnancy –Swami Vivekananda yoga
R.Nagarathna H R Nagendra 2014 Yoga for Obesity Swami Vivekananda yoga prakashana
R.Nagarathna H R Nagendra 2014 Yoga for Digestive Disorders-Swami Vivekananda Yoga
R.Nagarathna H R Nagendra 2016 Yoga Practices for Anxiety and Depression
H.R.Nagendra et al 2016 Yoga and Cancer
R.Nagarathna H R Nagendra 2016 Yoga for Hypertension and Heart Diseases
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 23 of 30

Paper -III 6. cly; eyk; kw;Wk; MNuhf;fpa Kiwfs;

myF -1
clw;fy;tpapd; mwpKfk; kw;Wk; tiuaiu - clw;fy;tpapd; Nehf;fk; kw;Wk;
nfhs;iffs; - fy;tpapd; jj;Jtq;fs; : fUj;jpay; Nfhl;ghL> ,aw;if Nfhl;ghL>
gad;topf; Nfhl;ghL> fUj;J nka;ikikapay; Nfhl;ghL>Gwnka;k;ik kWj;j tho;tpay;
nka;k;ikf;Nfhl;ghL - cly; nray;ghL caphpay; : tsh;rr ; p kw;Wk; clw;gapw;rp>
clw;gapw;rpapd; ed;ikfs;> clw;gapw;rp kw;Wk; ey;tho;T - r%ftpay;: clw;fy;tpapd;
mbg;gil - r%fikakhf;fy; nray;Kiwfs; : kdpjdpd; ,aw;if nray;ghL kw;Wk;
clw;nray;ghLfs;> kdpj ,dj;jpd; tpisahl;L kw;Wk; fyhr;rhu ghuk;ghpak;
myF - 2
Njhuiz - ey;y Njhuiz - ey;y Njhuizapd; kjpg;Gfs;- - Kf;fpa Njhuiz
epiyfs; - Njhuizf; Fiwghl;bd; fhuzq;fs; - jtwhd Njhuizia jLf;Fk;
Kiwfs; - nghJthd Njhuizf; FiwghLfs; - mbg;gil cly; mikg;G gphpTfs; :
n~y;ld; tifg;ghL (vd;Nlhkhh;g;- nkNrhkhh;g; - vfl;Nlhkhh;g;) fpnu];l;rn
; kh; tifg;ghL
(gpf;dpf; - mj;nybf; - V];njdpf;)

myF- 3
Njfg; gapw;rpfSk; NjfKk; - clw;gapw;rpapdhy; Vw;gLk; tpisTfs;:
jirkz;lyk;> ,uj;j Xl;l kz;lyk;> Rthr kz;lyk;> euk;G kz;lyk;> - nrhpkhd

myF - 4
clw;jFjp - clw;jFjpapd; mq;fq;fs; - cly; eyk; rhh;e;j jFjpapd; mq;fq;fs;
- kd mOj;j Nkyhz;ik: Nahfh> Mo;e;j Rthrk;> Kw;Nghf;fhd jir jsh;T El;gk;
kw;Wk; jpahdk; - tpisahl;L fhaq;fs; - cly;eyf;fy;tp: Fwpf;Nfhs;fs; kw;Wk;
Nehf;fq;fs;> clw;eyf;fy;tpapd; Nfhl;ghLfs;> cly;eyf;fy;tpapd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; -
tho;f;ifKiw Neha;fs;: tapw;Wg;Gz;> ePhpopt Neha;> ,uj;j mOj;j Neha; kw;Wk;
khuilg;G Neha;.

myF- 5
KjYjtp : Fwpf;Nfhs;fs;> nfhs;iffs; kw;Wk; Nfhl;ghLfs;> KjYjtpAld; Kjypy;
nra;a Ntz;baJ -RICE - Nehapd; jd;ikawpjy; - czT kw;Wk; Cl;lrj;Jf;fs; -
itl;lkpd;fs; kw;Wk; FiwghLfs; - rhptpfpj czT- czT topfhl;b - Cl;lj;rj;J
FiwghL - clw;gUkd; kw;Wk; Fiwe;j vilf;fhd czTfs; - cly; MNuhf;fpaj;jpw;F
Vw;gLk; mghaj;ij fzf;fpLjy; - BMI fzf;fpLjy; - Neha;j;jLg;ghw;wy;.

1. Clark, David H.Harrison Clarke, Research Process in Physical Education , Recreation and
Health, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., 1982
2. Dev Sharma, vyas and Granth Singh, Physical and Health Education, New Delhi: Asha
Prakasham Gren Publication, 1968
3. John, The First Book of Physical Fitness, London: Himemman Education of Book Limited,
4. Mathews, Donald K., Measuring in Physical Education, Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders
Companys, 1973.
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 24 of 30

5. Lumpkin, Angela, Physical Education – A Contemporary Introduction, Saint Louis: Times

Mirror/Mosby College Publication, 1986.

Paper -III 7. r%f rpf;fy;fSk; jPh;TfSk;

myF - 1
,aw;ifia - Ez;tpz;Jfs; Kjy; ngUq;Nfhs; tiuapyhd gUg;nghUs;fspd; ,af;f xOq;ifAk;>
ghh;itf;Fg; Gyg;glhj kiw nghUl;fshf cs;s mtw;wpd; ,aw;if Mw;wiyAk; mwpjy; -
vy;yhk; ty;y ,iwepiyiag; gw;wpAk;> mjd; ,Ug;G> ,af;fk; kw;Wk; Mw;wiyg;
gw;wpAk; cs;s Fog;gk; - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp\papd; gpuk;k Qhdk;

myF - 2
kdpj clYk; kdKk; rhh;e;j nray;fisAk; kjpg;GfisAk; mwpjy; - ,d;g Jd;gj;jpd; ,ay;G -
mtw;wpw;fhdcz;ikf; fhuzq;fs; - kdjpd; jd;ikAk; mjd; mfepiy kw;Wk; Gwepiy nray;
ty;yikfSk; - ,aw;iffiaAk; kdpj tho;f;ifapd; kjpg;igAk; mwpahikapdhy; gpwiu kjpahj;
jd;ik - Ntjhj;jphp kdhp\papd; fhe;jj; jj;Jtk;

myF - 3
Njitaw;w nghUl;fs;> nray;fs;kw;Wk; rlq;F Kiwfs; kPJ MirAk;> gad;gLj;JjYk; -
nghUshjhu Vw;wj;jho;T - mfj;jha;T: vz;zk; Muha;jy;> Mir rPuikj;jy;> rpdk;
jtph;j;jy;> ftiy xopj;jy;

myF - 4
murpay; Fog;gq;fSk;> yQ;r CoYk; - rkaj; njhlh;ghd rfpg;Gj; jd;ikapd;ik -
gpwg;gpw;F Kd;Dk; ,wg;gpw;Fg; gpd;Dk; caphpd; epiy kw;Wk; Md;khtpd; ,Ug;G>
,af;fk;> tpisTfs; Mfpa jd;ikfis mwpjy; - jtk; - xd;gJ jtq;fs; -

myF - 5
ngz; kjpg;ig czh;jy;> ciog;ghspfs; Nkd;ikapidg; czh;jy;; - Nghh;f;fUtpfspd; cw;gj;jp
kw;Wk; Nghh;fspd; ngUf;fk; - kdpj tsj;jpd; Nkd;ikiaAk; Nkk;ghl;ilAk;
Ngzpf;fhg;gjw;fhd Md;kPff; fy;tp - Ntjhj;jphp kfhp\papd; gilg;Gfspy; kdpj kjpg;Gk;
tho;tpay; tpOkpaq;fSk;

Nehf;fPl;L E}y;fs;
1. r%f rpf;fYf;fhd Ma;Tj;jPHTfs; - mUs;je;ij Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - <NuhL -
Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;> Kjw;gjpg;G: 1998> ,uz;lhk; gjpg;G - [_d; 2002
2. Ntjhj;jpupak; - jj;JtQhdp Ntjhj;jphp kfhp~p - <NuhL - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;> 2001
3.Prosperity of India - Ntjhj;jpup kfup\p,Kjy; gjpg;G Mf];l; 1980> 3 Mk;
gjpg;G mf;Nlhgu; 2007 - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;;.
4. cyf rkhjhdk; Ntjhj;jpup kfup\p,Kjy; gjpg;G 1957> 9 Mk; gjpg;G
Vg;uy; 2015 - Ntjhj;jpup gjpg;gfk;;.
M.Phil./Ph.D. Yoga for Human Excellence (2018-19 onwards)Page 25 of 30

Paper - III –8.gpugQ;rj; Njhw;wj;jpd; nfhs;iffSk; Nfhl;ghLfSk;

myF - 1 tpQ;Qhd Njhw;wKk;> tsh;r;rpAk;:
tpQ;Qhd Njhw;wKk;> tsh;r;rpAk; (,aw;gpay;) – thdtpay; gw;wp Kd;Ndhh;fs; ghh;it
– tpQ;Qhd tsh;r;rpAk;> Nkk;ghLk; - thdtpy; gw;wpa vfpg;jpa fUj;Jf;fs; - ,e;jpa
thdtpay; - Nfhg;gh;dpf]; Nfhl;ghLfs; - fypypNah – [hd; nfg;yh; mth;fspd; %d;W
tpjpfs; - epa+l;ldpd; rpe;jidfs;.

myF - 2 Jfs; ,aw;gpay;:

mZ kw;Wk; mjd; gFjp nghUl;fs; - &jh;/Nghh;bd; mZ mikg;G - ,aw;gpaypd; ehd;F
mbg;gil tpirfs; - mbg;gilj; Jfs;fSk; tpirfSk; – epwk; kw;Wk; Rit nfhz;l Fthh;f;;];; -
fjphpaf;fk; - epiyahd khjphp.

myF - 3 <h;g;G:
<h;g;G: GtpaPh;g;G> epa+l;ldpd; %d;W <h;g;G tpjpfs;> gpugQ;rj; Njhw;wk;>
My;gh;l; Id;];Bd; fz;Lgpbg;Gfs;> rpwg;Gr; rhh;gpay; kw;Wk; nghJr; rhh;gpay;
Nfhl;ghL> xUikg;ghL> Gtp <h;g;G xUikg;ghL> fUe;Jis kw;Wk; mjd; tiffs;> xsp
kw;Wk; mjd; gz;Gfs;.

myF - 4 Fthz;lk; ,af;ftpay;:

Fthz;lk; ,af;ftpay; mwpKfk;: xspapd; ,ul;il ,ay;G> Fthz;lk; miyf; Nfhl;ghL> ikf;fy;
/ghuNl ghpNrhjid> naq;]pd; ,ul;ilg; gpsT ghpNrhjid> nthy;g;fhq; ghypapd; tpyf;fy;
nfhs;if> n`rd;ngh;fpd; epr;rakw;w nfhs;if. \;Nuhbq;fh; $w;wpd; rhj;jpak;> Fthz;lk;
Efh;T> Fthz;lk; #g;gh;epiy kw;Wk; FilT> Fthz;lk; kpd;dpaf;f tpir> Fthz;lk; epw

myF - 5 Fthz;lk; <h;g;G:

Fthz;lk; <h;g;G: midj;jpd; Nfhl;ghL – rkr;rPh; kw;Wk; kPr;rkr;rPh; Nfhl;ghL – ruf;
Nfhl;ghL kw;Wk; kPr;ruf; Nfhl;ghL>M vk;. Nfhl;ghL – fUk;nghUs; kw;Wk; fUik
Mw;wy; - gyepiyf; Nfhl;ghL – gpsh];kh ,aw;gpay;.

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1. The World of Physics I,II,III ... Author- Jefferson Hane Weaver.Publisher's - Simon
and Schuster, New York, New York 10020.

Publisher's - John Wiley and Sons, Inc New York,Edition - Thirty fourth Wiley Easter
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by - Cox & Wyman Ltd, Reading, Berkshive.


STEPHENHAWKING, Publisher's Bantam Press, a division of Transworld Publishers,
Edition - Bantam Books edition published in 1994.


MLODINOW. Publisher's---Transworld Publishers,London W55SA, Edition-- First Edition
2010, Bantam Edition 2011.

7. VISIONS.......Author -MICHIO KAKU,Publisher's -- Anchor Books, a division of

Random House, Inc New York, USA.Edition - First Anchor Books Edition. October 1998.
8. ... THE FUTURE OF THE MIND Author - MICHIO KAKUPublisher's Penguin,
Random House, UK.Edition - First Published by Double day in United States of America,
Published inPenguin Book in 2015.
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1. jpUke;jpuk; - jpU%yh;>
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fhe;jp tpj;ahyak;
gjpg;G – 1997.

5. Kg;nghUs; ,ay;G – mUiz tbNty; Kjypahh;. Rp

jUkGuk; MjPdk; ntspaPL
gjpg;G – 1994.

6. rpj;jh; ghly;fs; - mwpnthsp f. m.

th;j;jkhdd; gjpg;gfk;
gjpg;G – 2006.

7. cz;ik tpsf;fk; - mUs; ee;jp rptk;

Mde;juhrd;. M (ciuahrphpah;)
gjpg;G – 1996.

8. rpj;jh;fs; tuyhW - ,uhkr;re;jpud;. v];.gp.

jhkiu E}yfk;
gjpg;G – 1999.

9. jpUehTf;furh; Njthuk;
jyKiwg; gjpg;G> fhrp klk;
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10. njhy;fhg;gpak; - nghUsjpfhuk;

irtrpj;jhe;j E}w;gjpg;Gf; fofk;
nrd;id – 1972

11. ehyhapuj; jpt;tpag; gpuge;jk;

it. K. Nfh. gjpg;G
jpUr;rp – 1968.

12. jpUKiwfspy; irt rpj;jhe;jk; - itj;jpaehjd;. F

jpUthtLJiw Mjpd irtrpj;jhe;j
Neh;Kfg; gapw;rp ikak;
jpUtpil kUJ}h;
Kjw;gjpg;G – 1999

13. gd;dpUjpUKiw tuyhW – f. nts;is thuzd;

rhujh gjpg;gfk;
Kjw;gjpg;G – 2008.

14. jpUtUl;gad; - Kj;Jf;Fkhurhkpj; jk;gpuhd; Rthkpfs;

= FkuFUguh; gjpg;gfk;
jpUg;gde;jhs; ntspaPL

15. rptQhd Nghjk; - nka;fz;lhh;

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16. = rptk`h Guhzk; - mU. uhkehjd;

gpNukh gpuRuk;
nrd;id – 24
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17. mWgj;J %th; fijfs; - mU. Uhkehjd;

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nrd;id – 24.
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18. tpy;ypAk; rptDk; - uha. nrhf;fypq;fk;

mofg;gh fy;Y}hp ntspaPL
Kjw;gjpg;G – 1960.

19. rptQhdrpj;jpahh; Rgf;fk; - itj;jpaehjd;. F

jpUthtLJiw MjPd irtrpj;jhe;j
Neh;Kfg; gapw;rp ikak;
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20. jpUf;Fwspy; irtrpj;jhe;jk; - itj;jpaehjd;. F

jpUthtLJiw MjPd irtrpj;jhe;j
Neh;Kfg; gapw;rp ikak;
jpUthtLJiw– 609 803.
Kjw;gjpg;G – 1997.
21. rpj;jhpay; - Ma;T khiy – ghpksh NjNte;jpud;
Ng&uhjPdk; jkpo;f;fy;Y}hpAk;
jUkGuk; rpj;j kUj;Jt ikaKk;
,ize;J elj;Jk;
Rpj;jhpay; Ma;T khehL.
Kjw;gjpg;G – 2005.

22. rptid mwpe;jth; rPtid mwpth; - kQ;Rsh. Fp

nre;jkpo; gjpg;gfk;
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23. irtrpj;jhe;j Qhd Nghjk; - kiwkiy mbfs;

kzpthrfh; gjpg;gfk;
Kjw;gjpg;G – 2006.

24. rq;f ,yf;fpak; - kzthsd;. m

epa+ nrQ;Rhp Gf; `T]; (gp) ypl;.
mk;gj;J}h; - nrd;id – 600108.
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27. irt rkak; - Kidth;. g. mUzhr;ryk;

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Kjw;gjpg;G – 2002.

28. gf;jp ,yf;fpak; - Kidth;. g. mUzhr;ryk;

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Kjw;gjpg;G – 2002.

29. jpUke;jpu khiy – Gyth; Nfhtp. ,yf;Fkzd;

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,uhkypq;fh; gzpkd;wk;
Kjw;gjpg;G – 1967.

31. ,e;jpaj; jj;Jt Qhdk; - fp. ,yl;Rkzd;

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irtrpj;jhe;jg; ngUkd;w ntspaPL
kapyhg;g+h; - nrd;id – 600 004.

33. ehad;khh; tuyhW – fypahzRe;judhh;. tp

G+k;Gfhh; gjpg;gfk;
nrd;id – 600 108.

34. ypq;fGuhzk; - fhh;j;jpNfad;

fphpbNubq; Vn[d;rp (gp) ypkpl;.
Kk;ig kw;Wk; nrd;id.

35. irt Mfkq;fs; - Rgh uj;jpdk;. v];.gp.

jpUney;Ntyp njd;dpe;jpa irt rpj;jhe;j E}w;gjpg;Gf; fofk;
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36. rpt jj;Jtk; - Rthkp rpj;gthde;jh;

= uhkfpU~;z jNghtdk;
Kjw;gjpg;G – 2002.

37. Ntjq;fspd; tbtq;fs; - Rthkp `h;~hde;jh;

= uhkfpU~;z klk;
kapyhg;g+h; - nrd;id – 4

38. jkpo;r;rpj;jh; kuG – fzgjp. b.vd;.

utp gg;spNfrd;];
nrd;id – gjpg;G – 2007.

39. Nghfh; ghly;fs; - (,uz;L njhFjp)

utp gg;spNfrd;];
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