3, MARCH 2012
Active-Power Control of Individual Converter Cells for a Battery Energy Storage System Based on a Multilevel Cascade PWM Converter
Laxman Maharjan, Member, IEEE, Tsukasa Yamagishi, and Hirofumi Akagi, Fellow, IEEE
AbstractThe battery energy storage system is an essential enabling device of the smart grid, because it helps grid connection of massive renewable energy resources. This paper has a brief discussion on a battery energy storage system based on a multilevel cascade pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) converter for its practical use. The active-power control of individual converter cells is presented to make it possible to charge and discharge the battery units at different power levels while producing a three-phase balanced line-to-line voltage. This results in the maximum utilization of battery energy even when the power-handling capabilities of the battery units differ. Experimental results obtained from a 200-V, 10-kW, 3.6-kWh battery energy storage system verify the effectiveness of the presented active-power control. Index TermsActive-power control, battery energy storage systems, multilevel cascade converters, neutral shift.
ASSIVE penetration of renewable energy resources such as wind power and solar power is one of the major drivers of the smart grid in Japan. However, the renewable energy resources are intermittent in nature under the inuence of meteorological uctuations, which may produce a bad effect on grid voltage and frequency stabilization. Battery energy storage systems are indispensable to promote grid connections of massive renewable energy resources, thus making battery energy storage systems crucial in the smart grid. Table I shows some major battery energy storage systems that have already been installed in the world [1][7]. The details for each system include the location, capacity, battery, application, and year of installation. The BEWAG AGs 17-MW 14-MWh system in Berlin, Germany, is the worlds rst large
Manuscript received February 15, 2010; revised May 15, 2010; accepted July 4, 2010. Date of current version February 7, 2012. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor P. Barbosa. L. Maharjan was with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku 152-8552, Japan. He is now with Fuji Electric Europe GmbH, D-63067 Offenbach am Main, Germany (e-mail: [email protected]). T. Yamagishi was with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku 152-8552, Japan. He is now with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Komaki 485-8561, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]). H. Akagi is with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku 152-8552, Japan (e-mail: akagi@ ee.titech.ac.jp). Color versions of one or more of the gures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TPEL.2010.2059045
commercial battery energy storage system. Today, the 40-MW 14-MWh system in Golden Valley, Alaska, USA, and the 8-MW 58-MWh system in Hitachi Factory, Japan are the worlds largest battery energy storage systems in terms of power and energy, respectively. Traditional battery energy storage systems are based on combination of a multipulse (12-, 18-, 24-pulse, and so on) converter with a complicated zigzag transformer [3], [5]. The linefrequency transformer is expensive, bulky, lossy, and prone to failure. The lead-acid battery representing an established and mature technology has been preferable in the traditional systems. However, it has some serious drawbacks, including slow charging time, low energy density, end-of-life environmental concern, and short cycle life. Modern battery energy storage systems are based on the combination of a multilevel converter such as diode clamped and cascade H-bridge topologies with an advanced battery technology, such as lithium (Li)-ion, sodium sulphur (NaS), nickel metal hydride (NiMH), and so on. ABB and Saft have recently developed a 600-kW, 200-kWh battery energy storage system based on a neutral-point clamped (NPC) converter and a Liion battery for the 11-kV distribution system of EDF Energy Networks, U.K. [8]. The multilevel cascade converter [9][14] may be one of the most suitable multilevel topologies for the modern battery energy storage systems. The authors of this paper discussed a battery energy storage system based on the combination of a multilevel cascade PWM converter with multiple NiMH battery units and addressed two key considerations for practical use [15], [16]. Reference [15] described the state-ofcharge (SOC) balancing of the multiple battery units for effective utilization of battery energy, while [16] presented fault tolerance of the cascade converter for enhancing reliability and availability. There are, however, several other issues to be addressed as will be briey explained in the following section. One of them is the active-power control of individual converter cells. Manufacturing tolerances and operating conditions may cause small differences among multiple battery units in the multilevel cascade converter. These differences tend to be magnied over time, thus requiring individual power-handling capability to the battery units. This capability may also be required when one or more of the battery units in the cascade converter are replaced by new ones. For the maximum utilization of battery energy, it would then be necessary to operate one or more battery units at reduced or increased power levels.
This paper presents the active-power control of individual converter cells for a battery energy storage system based on a multilevel cascade PWM converter. This control based on neutral shift1 enables the multiple battery units to operate at different power levels while producing a three-phase balanced line-to-line voltage. Experimental results obtained from a 200-V, 10-kW, 3.6-kWh laboratory system verify the effectiveness of the control method. II. CONSIDERATIONS ON THE BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM Considerations on the battery energy storage system based on a multilevel cascade PWM converter can be categorized as follows: 1) SOC-balancing of battery units: Due to battery-unit tolerances, unequal converter-cell losses, and so on, SOC imbalance may occur among multiple battery units. This may result in reducing the total availability of the battery units and may also cause overcharge/overdischarge of a particular battery unit. An SOC-balancing control is, therefore, indispensable. Tolbert et al. [17] described a switching-pattern-swapping method for SOC balancing in a multilevel cascade converter with staircase modulation for a motor drive. The authors of this paper presented SOC balancing in a multilevel cascade converter with pulsewidth modulation for a battery energy storage system [15]. 2) Fault tolerance: The cascade-converter-based battery energy storage system employs a large number of power switching devices, which increases the chances of failure. Fault tolerance is desirable to maintain continuous operation during a convertercell or battery-unit failure, thus improving the reliability and availability of the system. Wei et al. [18], and Rodriguez et al. [19] described faulttolerant controls for cascade-converter-based motor drives combining converter-cell bypass with neutral shift. Song and Huang
1 Neutral shift means shifting the neutral point of the oating (ungrounded) neutral point of the star-congured cascade converter away from the neutral point of the source or the ac mains.
[20] achieved fault tolerance in a cascade-converter-based STATCOM, placing a redundant converter cell in each phase and bypassing not only the faulty converter cell but also two healthy converter cells in the other two phases. The authors of this paper presented a fault-tolerant control based on neutral shift for a battery energy storage system, which can produce a three-phase balanced line-to-line voltage and achieve SOC balancing of the other healthy battery units during a converter-cell failure [16]. 3) Active-power control of individual converter cells: Production tolerances, uneven temperature conditions, and differences in ageing characteristics may eventually bring one or more battery units to reduced power-handling capacities. Therefore, an active-power control of individual converter cells is indispensable to enable the multiple battery units operate at different power levels. It is also advantageous when one or more of the battery units are replaced by new ones. This paper discusses the issue in detail. 4) Ride-through capability of asymmetrical power system faults: The fault-tolerant controls described in [16], [18][20] dealt with internal faults. However, when the battery energy storage system is connected to a power distribution system, it has to withstand asymmetrical power system failures such as single-line-to-ground (SLG) faults. Ride-through capability of such faults is desirable. The multilevel cascade PWM converter for a battery energy storage system can actively produce an amount of negative-sequence voltage in response to system voltage imbalance, thereby suppressing the negative-sequence current resulting from the system voltage imbalance. 5) Startup method: A simple startup method without using external circuit is important. This paper describes such a procedure for the battery energy storage system based on the method presented in [21] for a cascade-converter-based STATCOM. 6) Cell balancing: Cell balancing is a method of saving weaker cells by adjusting an appropriate amount of charging and discharging on the cells in each battery unit. It is essential for extending battery life and has been investigated in many literatures [22], [23].
Fig. 1. Experimental system conguration of the 200-V, 10-kW, 3.6-kWh downscaled energy storage system based on combination of a three-phase cascade PWM converter with a cascade number N = 3 and nine NiMH battery units with a nominal voltage of 72 V.
7) Optimization between the cascade number and the dc voltage: The cascade number2 affects communication and reliability issues while the dc voltage affects cost and life issues of battery units. Therefore, optimization between them is an important design consideration. 8) Battery cost and life: The cost and life of battery units are the major hurdles in putting large-scale battery energy storage systems into practical use. Comprehensive research and development have to be achieved on cost reduction and life expansion. III. THE 200-V, 10-KW, 3.6-KWH EXPERIMENTAL BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM Fig. 1 shows the system conguration of the 200-V, 10-kW, 3.6-kWh experimental battery energy storage system based on a multilevel cascade PWM converter. Table II summarizes the circuit parameters. The star-congured system has a cascade number N = 3. Each of the nine H-bridge converter cells has a 72-V 5.5-Ah nickel-metal-hybride (NiMH) battery unit connected at its dc link. Each battery unit is equipped with a battery management system (BMS) that provides the functions of monitoring and controlling the respective battery unit to protect it against abnormal operation. Fig. 2 shows the control system of the 200-V system. This is based on a fully digital controller, using a DSP and multiple eld-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The nine converter cells are controlled by phase-shifted unipolar sinusoidal PWM
term cascade number implies the number of cascaded converter cells in a phase.
2 The
Fig. 2.
with a carrier frequency of 800 Hz [21], [24]. The resulting lineto-neutral voltage is a seven-level waveform with an equivalent carrier frequency of 4.8 kHz. IV. ACTIVE-POWER CONTROL OF INDIVIDUAL CONVERTER CELLS Fig. 3 shows the block diagram of active-power control for the battery energy storage system. The active-power control consists of two parts: 1) active-power control of the whole converter cells (represented by dashed lines) and 2) active-power control of individual converter cells (represented by solid lines). The rst one based on the synchronous dq reference frames has the responsibility of the total active-power control. The authors have already described it in detail in [25], where the modulating signals vu O , vv O , and vw O are obtained by applying the inverse dq transformation to the following equation:
vd vq
vS d vS q K
0 LA C
LA C 0 K T
id iq (1)
i id d i iq q
i id d dt. i iq q
where the rst term on the right-hand side represents the positive-sequence voltage with an rms magnitude of Vf M and a phase angle of f with respect to the u-phase voltage. The second term represents the fundamental-frequency zero-sequence voltage with an rms magnitude of V0 and a phase angle of 0 . Both V0 and 0 are adjusted by the active-power control of individual converter cells. The line currents are assumed to contain only the following positive-sequence currents. Iu 1 Iv = Iej ej 23 (5) 2 Iw ej 3 where I=
2 2 Id + Iq 3 Iq Id
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the active-power control of the battery energy storage system consisting of two parts. The part represented by solid lines is the activepower control of individual converter cells, while that represented by dashed lines is the active-power control of the whole converter cells.
(6) , if Id = 0 (7)
Here, vS d and vS q are the d-axis and q-axis components of v, while id and iq are those of i. The d-axis current command i d and the q-axis current command i are given by q p (2) i = d vS d i = q
tan1 , = 2 , 2
q =0 vS d
In a sinusoidal steady-state condition, Id and Iq are equal to the d-axis current id and the q-axis current iq . The u-phase power can be expressed as Pu = Re Vu M I u = Re Vf u M I u + V0 I u . (8)
where p is the total active power command, while the reactive power command of q = 0 ensures unity power factor operation. Note that the rst term on the right-hand side of (1) is a voltage feedforward control, while the third and fourth terms form a current feedback control. The active-power control of the whole converter cells works under the assumption that all the battery units have the same power-handling capabilities. This is, however, not always true as is explained in Section I. Therefore, the active-power control of individual converter cells is introduced, which is based on modifying the output signals from the active-power control of the whole converter cells is such a way that the actual converter-cell powers Pu n , Pv n , and Pw n follow their references with different power levels. Its main function is to calculate the amplitude 2 V0 and phase angle 0 of the zero-sequence voltage v0 to be injected in such a way as to produce a three-phase balanced lineto-line voltage, even when the nine converter cells are operated at different power levels. The following is the detailed analysis of the active-power control of individual converter cells. If the cascade converter voltage is assumed not to contain any negative-sequence voltage, it can be expressed as Vf u M V0 Vu M Vv M = Vf v M + V0 w M f w M V V0 V 1 1 2 (4) = Vf M ej f ej 3 + V0 ej 0 1 2 1 ej 3
The rst term on the right-hand side is the active power related to the positive-sequence voltage included in the u-phase ac voltage of the cascade converter, while the second term is the active power coming from the zero-sequence-voltage injection, which can be expressed as Pu 0 = Re V0 Iu = Re [(V0 (cos 0 + j sin 0 ) I(cos + j sin )] = V0 I cos(0 ). (9)
Similarly, the v- and w-phase powers due to the zero-sequence voltage can be calculated. cos (0 ) Pu 0 cos + 2 0 Pv 0 = V 0 I 3 2 Pw 0 cos 0 3 . (10)
Let Pu n , Pv n , and Pw n be the power commands to the 3N converter cells, where n = 1, 2, . . . N . The three cluster power commands Pu , Pv , and Pw are given by
Pu 1 + Pu 2 + . . . + Pu N Pu Pv = Pv 1 + Pv 2 + . . . + Pv N . Pw Pw 1 + Pw 2 + . . . + Pw N
Each of the cluster power commands can be considered as a sum of two components as follows: Pu Pu Pv = P + Pv , (12) 3 Pw Pw
where P = Pu + Pv + Pw . The rst term on the right-hand side of (12) is the active power due to the positive-sequence voltage. The second term is the active power due to the zerosequence voltage. From (10), it is given by cos(0 ) 2 Pu Pv = V0 I cos 0 + 3 . (13) 2 Pw cos 0 3
Fig. 4. Feedback loop (taking the u-phase as an example) used in the experiment to make the converter-cell powers at the dc side, P u n equal to the respective commands at the ac side, P u n , regardless of the converter-cell losses.
Solving (13) for V0 and 0 results in 1 2 Pv tan1 + if Pu = 0 Pu 3 2 (14) 0 = if P = 0 and P > 0 u v 2 if Pu = 0 and Pv < 0 2 Pu V0 = . (15) I cos(0 ) The zero-sequence-voltage reference is determined as v0 = 2 V0 sin(t + 0 ).
Note that when the power-handling capacities of all the 3N battery units are equal, their active power commands are also equal (Pu n = Pv n = Pw n ). Therefore, the modulating signals would be solely determined by the active-power control of the whole converter cells.
vu O (20) N v (21) vv n = v O N v (22) vw n = w O . N The active-power control of the individual converter cells is basically a feedforward control. However, a feedback loop, as shown in Fig. 4, is used in the experiment to make the 3N converter-cell powers at the dc side, Pu n , Pv n , and Pw n equal to the respective commands at the ac side, Pu n , Pv n , and Pw n , regardless of the converter-cell losses. The proportional gain vu n =
Fig. 5. Experimental waveforms when the battery energy storage system was started. (a) CB1 was turned on at t = 0. (b) CB2 was turned on at t = 30 s. (c) Controller was started at t = 2 min.
K1 and the integral time constant T1 of the PI controller in the feedback loop are set as follows: K1 = 0.1W/W T1 = 10 s. (23)
For simplicity, the feedback loop has been neglected from the earlier analysis. V. WAVEFORMS DURING STARTUP The battery energy storage system requires no external startup circuit. Fig. 1 includes a simple startup circuit consisting of the following two subcircuits:
Fig. 6. Experimental waveforms during ve modes of operation of Table III. (a) Power waveforms of the nine converter cells. (b) Mode I. (c) Mode II. (d) Mode III. (e) Mode IV. (f) Mode V.
1) the ac startup circuit consisting of the three-phase circuit breaker CB1, the three-phase magnetic contactor MC1, and the current-limiting resistor R1 in each phase, and 2) the dc startup circuit consisting of the circuit breaker CB2, the magnetic contactor MC2, and the current limiting resistor R2 in each converter cell. Fig. 5 shows the waveforms during startup. At time t = 0, CB1 was switched on, whereas MC1 as well as CB2 and MC2 in each converter cell remained switched off. Each of the nine capacitors started charging through R1 , and the respective converter cell was operating as a diode rectier. The inrush ac current was limited to 12 A (peak), which was below the rated current of 30 A. At the time of t = 30 s, when the starting ac current decayed to zero, the MC1 as well as nine CB2s were
turned on sequentially. Then, the dc-link voltages reached the battery-unit voltages of 78 V, as shown in Fig. 5(b). The nine starting resistors R2 limit the inrush dc currents when the nine battery units are connected to the dc links and are bypassed by the nine magnetic contactors MC2s in 5 s. At t = 2 min, the controller was started, and the gate signals were provided to the nine converter cells, along with the active power commands. The system thus came to normal operation. VI. EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF ACTIVE-POWER CONTROL OF INDIVIDUAL CONVERTER CELLS Table III summarizes ve modes of operation of the experimental system. For each mode, it gives the nine converter-cell
Fig. 8. Experimental waveforms of the battery current in the u-phase converter-cell numbered 1. (a) Mode I. (b) Mode II. (c) Mode III. (d) Mode IV. (e) Mode V.
Fig. 7. Modulating signals (normalized by respective battery-unit voltages) of u-phase converter-cells numbered 1 and 3. (a) Mode I. (b) Mode II. (c) Mode III. (d) Mode IV. (e) Mode V.
power commands and shows the theoretical values of the amplitude and phase angle of the corresponding zero-sequence voltage v0 . The zero-sequence voltage is determined in such a way as to produce a three-phase balanced line-to-line voltage, even when the nine converter cells are operated at different power levels. Fig. 6(a) shows experimental power waveforms of the nine converter cells for the ve modes of operation in Table III. The nine powers were measured at the dc sides by the respective battery management systems. Mode I represents the condition when the power commands to all the nine converter cells were equal (1 kW each). From mode II to mode V, one of the nine converter-cell power commands was reduced to 50% of its previous value in a ramp of 50 W/s. Fig. 6(b) shows experimental waveforms in mode I. With equal power commands to all the nine converter cells, the zerosequence voltage should be theoretically zero as indicated in
Table III. However, due to the feedback loop of power in Fig. 4, a small amount of zero-sequence voltage was observed. The zero-sequence voltage with a peak of 2 V was in phase with the u-phase current. As a result, the u-cluster drew an additional power of 30 W. The total harmonic distortion (THD) of u-phase current iu was 4.0%. Fig. 6(c) shows the experimental waveforms in mode II. While the power command of the u-phase converter-cell numbered 1 was reduced to 0.5 kW, the zero-sequence voltage was 17 V in amplitude, and out of phase by 180 with respect to the u-phase voltage. A small difference between experimental and theoretical amplitudes was caused again by the power feedback loop. The current THD was 4.8% in this case due to an increased 1.6-kHz ripple. Fig. 6(d) shows the experimental waveforms in mode III. The power command of the v-phase converter-cell numbered 1 was reduced to 0.5 kW, whereas those of the u-phase converter cell numbered 1 and other seven converter cells were kept at 0.5 and 1 kW, respectively. The injected zero-sequence voltage was 18 V in amplitude and in phase with the w-phase voltage. The current THD was 5% in this case. Fig. 6(e) shows the experimental waveforms in mode IV. With equal power commands in the u-, v- and w-clusters (2.5 kW each), the resulting zero-sequence should theoretically be zero. A small amount of zero sequence voltage was, however, observed as in Mode I. The current THD was 4.6%. Fig. 6(f) shows the experimental waveforms in mode V. The power command of the u-phase converter-cell numbered 1 was reduced to 0.25 kW, whereas those of the v- and w-phase
converter cells numbered 1 were kept at 0.5 kW, and those of the other six converter cells were kept at 1 kW. The resulting zero-sequence voltage was 9 V in amplitude, and out of phase by 180 with respect to the u-phase voltage. The current THD was 6%. Since the same ac current ows through the three converter cells in a cluster, the desired sharing of power between the three converter cells in the cluster is achieved by proportionally controlling the ac voltages of the three converter cells. That means that, taking u-phase as an example, the following relation exists as indicated in (17): Vu 2 Vu 3 V u1 = = . Pu 1 Pu 2 Pu 3 (24)
Fig. 7 shows the modulating signals (normalized by respective battery-unit voltages that were assumed equal) of the uphase converter cells numbered 1 and 3 for the ve modes of operation. The power command Pu 3 to the u-phase converter cell numbered 3 was kept constant at 1 kW throughout the ve modes of operation. Then, the power command Pu 1 to the uphase converter cell numbered 1 was changed from 1 to 0.5 kW in mode II, and again from 0.5 to 0.25 kW in mode V. As a result, the ratio of Vu1 to Vu3 was changed from 1 to 0.5 in mode II, and from 0.5 to 0.25 in mode V, as expected. Fig. 8 shows the battery-unit current idcu 1 of the u-phase converter cell numbered 1 for the ve modes of operation. The battery current contained the 100-Hz component as well as the 1.6-kHz component due to PWM. VII. CONCLUSION This paper has described a battery energy storage system based on a multilevel cascade PWM converter with star conguration from a practical point of view. The presented activepower control of individual converter cells enables the multiple battery units to operate at different power levels while producing a three-phase balanced line-to-line voltage. Experimental results based on a 200-V, 10-kW, 3.6-kWh system have veried the effectiveness of the presented active-power control. REFERENCES
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Laxman Maharjan (S06M10) was born in Lalitpur, Nepal, on January 2, 1979. He received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Lalitpur, Nepal, in 2002, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 2007 and 2010, respectively. From October 2004 to March 2005, he was a Research Student in Tokyo Institute of Technology. Since 2010, he has been with Fuji Electric Company Ltd. His current research interests include multilevel cascade converters and energy storage systems.
Tsukasa Yamagishi was born on June 15, 1985. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 2008 and 2010, respectively. Since 2010, he has been with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. His current research interests include multilevel cascade converters.
Hirofumi Akagi (M87SM94F96) was born in Okayama, Japan, in 1951. He received the B.S. degree from the Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, in 1974, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1976 and 1979, respectively, all in electrical engineering. In 1979, he joined the Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Japan, as an Assistant Professor and then Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering. In 1987, he was a Visiting Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, for ten months. From 1991 to 1999, he was a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan. From March to August of 1996, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and then MIT. Since January 2000, he has been a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. He is the author or coauthor more than 100 IEEE Transactions papers and two invited papers published in Proceedings of the IEEE in 2001 and 2004. The total citation index for all his papers in Google Scholar is more than 15 000. He has made presentations many times as a keynote or invited speaker internationally. His current research interests include power conversion systems, motor drives, active and passive EMI lters, high-frequency resonant inverters for induction heating and corona discharge treatment processes, and utility applications of power electronics such as active lters, self-commutated back-to-back systems, and exible ac transmission systems devices. Prof. Akagi served as the President of the IEEE Power Electronics Society from 2007 to 2008, and is currently the Senior Past President. He was elected as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Power Electronics and Industry Applications Societies during 19981999. He was the recipient of the ve IEEE Transactions Prize Paper Awards and nine IEEE Conference Prize Paper Awards, the 2001 IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award, the 2004 IEEE Industry Applications Society Outstanding Achievement Award, and the 2008 IEEE Richard H. Kaufmann Technical Field Award.