Cellular Manufacturing in Industry
Cellular Manufacturing in Industry
Cellular Manufacturing in Industry
Everyone can mention that some companies are more successful than other companies and they
can meet their customers’ requirement with almost no setup time and no waste. Cellular
manufacturing gives materials and components ability to get a smooth flow during the production
process. It also helps to increase the production velocity and make it more flexible. Cellular
manufacturing pushes the company to produce a variant type of features at the same time and
reducing the production time that can be taken for a single product. I will explain during this paper
the concept which can help us to meet the customers’ requirement with no waste. This paper will
cover the basic concept of cellular manufacturing, which is the best way to apply lean
Key words: Cellular manufacturing, one-piece, lean manufacturing, Manufacturing flexibility.
Cite this Article: Hayder Kareem Sakran, Hasanein Majeed Mahbuba and Ali Saleh Jafer, A
Review of a Basic Concept of Cellular Manufacturing. International Journal of Design and
Manufacturing Technology 8(1), 2017, pp. 30–37.
In 1950s, researchers found that identify and group the same parts of manufacturing should be done
together to take a big advantage of their similarities during manufacturing and mass production. Using this
approach helped to create a group of similar parts; this helps to reduce setup time. This technique of
manufacturing was tamed as a group technology. [1], [2]
Cellular manufacturing is an application of the group technology concept which helps companies to
build an aviary of production to their customers with as little waste as possible. [2]
The cellular manufacturing is arranged in a sequence that supports a smooth flow of material and
component through the process with minimal transport or delay.
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A Review of a Basic Concept of Cellular Manufacturing
Cellular manufacturing allows companies to provide their customers with the right product at the exact
time. It does this by grouping similar product into families that can be processed on the same equipment in
the same sequence.
Cellular manufacturing has big benefits, which include WIP reduction, space utilization, lead time
reduction, productivity improvement, and quality improvement, enhance flexibility and visibility.
In this paper, I will explain the basic concept of cellular manufacturing, which is mainly in lean
Cellular manufacturing is working on the principle that similar things should be manufactured similarly
that means the things which have the same design attributes such as size, shape, etc..And manufacturing
attributes such as length, diameter, surface finish, tolerance etc. These things should be together because
that can help us to work with groups not with individual parts. Therefore, working with different groups is
better than working with individual parts. We can make group by collecting the parts which are similar to
one group such as machines, tools and equipment, which required processing these groups. So that can
give us a big advantage. Consequently, if we collected these many individual parts to make one group that
means we will have one problem, and it is easy to find a solution for this problem more than if we have
many individual problems. So that will save time and effort. Cellular manufacturing is an approach which
can be brought to tolerate in any plan where underlying similarities exist. It goes by grouping of parts and
There are many things can make the lean cell better than the traditional job shop setup such as:
Flexibility: the key function-design requirement for manufacturing system is flexibility. Manufacturing
cell is designed for flexibility. It is typically arranged in U-shape, so workers can move from a machine to
machine, loading and unloading part, with the shortest walk distance. Machines in a cell are at least single-
cycle automatics, so that they can complete the machine cycle untended, turning off automatically when
finished. The cell usually includes processing needed for a complete part or assembly.
Manufacturing flexibility considers:
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Hayder Kareem Sakran, Hasanein Majeed Mahbuba and Ali Saleh Jafer
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A Review of a Basic Concept of Cellular Manufacturing
Table 1 The Benefits of cellular manufacturing after the First Two Months of Operation. [3], [4]
Criteria Job Shop CMS
Work in process $590,000 $116,336 $473,664 (80%)
Finished goods $880,000 $353,167 $526,833 (60%)
Refractory supplies $8,333/month 0 $8,333 (100%)
Lead time 14 days 2 days 12 days (86%)
Late orders 100 4 96%
Scraps 22% 14% 8%
Direct labor 198 145 53 employees (27%)
Mfg. Space (sq. ft.) 45,000 20,000 25,000 sq. ft. (56%)
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Hayder Kareem Sakran, Hasanein Majeed Mahbuba and Ali Saleh Jafer
1- Production rate
2-Operator utilization
3-Machine utilization
5-Component standardization
6-Good service to customer
7-Good communication
1-Material handling
2-Work-in-process inventory
3-Throughput time
4-Setup time
7-Waiting time
8-Lead time
9-Cycle time
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A Review of a Basic Concept of Cellular Manufacturing
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Hayder Kareem Sakran, Hasanein Majeed Mahbuba and Ali Saleh Jafer
The goal of this review is to get a basic understanding about the cellular manufacturing and how it can help
the companies to improve its production and to reduce its waste. Therefore, the best concept to apply lean
manufacturing is using a cellular manufacturing approach, which can help us to take the waste out.
Furthermore, it has many effective ways to improve the manufacturing.
This paper has shown the basic concept of cellular manufacturing such as the objectives and the
benefits of cellular manufacturing, which can achieve to meet the customers required.
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