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General Introduction

Organic farming has emerged as an important priority area globally in View of the growing
demand for safe and healthy food and long term sustainability and concerns on environmental
pollution associated with indiscriminate use of agrochemicals. Though the use of chemical inputs
in agriculture is inevitable to meet the growing demand for food in world, there are opportunities
in selected crops and niche areas where organic production can be encouraged to tape the
domestic export market.

Experiencing the adverse effects of synthetic input dependent agriculture the concept of organic
agriculture is gaining momentum. Almost 31 million hectares of land are currently managed
organically by more than 6,00,000 farmers worldwide, constitutes 0.7 per cent of agriculture
land. India had brought more than 2.5 m land under certification of organics. In these systems
production is based in synergism with nature, which makes systems of unending life i.e.
sustainable. Deteriorative effects of synthetic chemical inputs are obvious, but, at the same time
we need to revive soil health and living which support to sustainable production system. Soil
environment needs to be made congenial for living of useful microbial population, responsible
for continuous availability of nutrients from natural sources. Bio-fertilizers being essential
components of organic farming play vital role in maintaining long term soil fertility and
sustainability by fixing atmospheric di-nitrogen mobilizing fixed macro and micro nutrients or
convert insoluble P in the soil into forms available to plants, there by increases their efficiency
and availability. Currently there is a gap of ten million tonnes of plant nutrients between removal
of crops and supply through chemical fertilizers. In context of both the cost and environmental
impact of chemical fertilizers, excessive reliance on the chemical fertilizers is not viable strategy
in long run because of the cost, both in domestic resources and foreign exchange, involved in
setting up of fertilizer plants and sustaining the production.

Organic agricultural methods are internationally regulated and legally enforced by many nations,
based in large part on the standards set by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture
Movements (IFOAM), an international umbrella organization for organic farming organizations
established in 1972.Organic agriculture can be defined as:

“an integrated farming system that strives for sustainability, the enhancement of soil fertility and
biological diversity whilst, with rare exceptions, prohibiting synthetic pesticides, antibiotics,
synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, and growth hormones.”

Biodynamic agriculture was the first modern system of agriculture to focus exclusively on
organic methods. Its development began in 1924 with a series of eight lectures on agriculture
given by Rudolf Steiner. These lectures, the first known presentation of what later came to be
known as organic agriculture, were held in response to a request by farmers who noticed
degraded soil conditions and a deterioration in the health and quality of crops and livestock

resulting from the use of chemical fertilizers. The one hundred eleven attendees, less than half of
whom were farmers, came from six countries, primarily Germany and Poland. The lectures were
published in November 1924; the first English translation appeared in 1928 as The Agriculture

Organic farming methods combine scientific knowledge of ecology and modern technology with
traditional farming practices based on naturally occurring biological processes. Organic farming
methods are studied in the field of agroecology. While conventional agriculture uses synthetic
pesticides and water-soluble synthetically purified fertilizers, organic farmers are restricted by
regulations to using natural pesticides and fertilizers. An example of a natural pesticide is
pyrethrin, which is found naturally in the Chrysanthemum flower. The principal methods of
organic farming include crop rotation, green manures and compost, biological pest control, and
mechanical cultivation. These measures use the natural environment to enhance agricultural
productivity: legumes are planted to fix nitrogen into the soil, natural insect predators are
encouraged, crops are rotated to confuse pests and renew soil, and natural materials such as
potassium bicarbonate and mulches are used to control disease and weeds. Genetically modified
seeds and animals are excluded.



Research is a careful inquiry or examination to discover new information and to expand and
verify existing knowledge. According to Clifford Woddy, Research is defined as “the process
which includes defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions,
collecting , organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusions and
atlast carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.”


Market acceptance refers to the process by which market parties adopt and support (or otherwise)
the energy innovation. Market acceptance is proposed in a wider sense, including not only
consumers but also investors and, very significantly, intra-firm acceptance. While trusting your
early adopters in the beginning is a great way to develop your process, it is true that they won’t
be able to give you a real measurement of market acceptance. How you determine whether your
product or service meets the needs of enough customers to continue its production or availability
really depends on your industry and your business. Use market size, the valuation of your
solution and the amount of actual business you’ve acquired to get a better determination of your
market acceptance. If you meet the needs of a large number of customers, know that you can
trust in your product! If you don’t, don’t be afraid to tweak your product or even move on
completely, you’ll come up with something else. Therefore it is the responsibility of the
management to know whether they have gave their best performance with regard to their
marketability of the product and also its acceptance in the market. So a study on market
acceptance help to recognize to know whether the organization has succeed identifying the main
assignment ,to maintain an effective sales and also to know the caliber of the staff in planning ,
coordinating, and controlling to ensure that personnel selling activities make their optimum to
the marketing effort.


Scope of marketing research means the possible applications of marketing research in corporate
environment.. The study on market acceptance will be useful for further analysis and case studies
The study intents to analyze the acceptance level of Abtec products as well as the reach of the
concept among potential customers. Thus the study would be incidental in bringing out necessary
modifications for further penetrating in to the market. The market for the Organic products is
very less at present and therefore it as important for the company to have a clear cut idea of this
because it has a major opportunity around the globe. Though the opportunity is very huge, the
scope of the study had to be limited taking just a few of the customers who are representative of
different markets of the company. Thus by way of this study conducted the company will be able
to get a broad idea on the acceptance of the product among those who are already using it in their
products where. thereby take measures to better penetrate the product into the customers and also

the level of reach of the product into the nonusers by which their expectation on level of
understanding can be necessary improvements.


This study has been conducted to know the market acceptance of organic products with special
reference to agro biotech research centre LTD. Poovanthuruthu in kollam region. To know how
much it has influenced the farmers in this modern era with the use of this bio fertilizers and also
to study the marketing of the product via dealers in Kollam region. To know how the
management has worked behind the marketing trend to make this product available to all dealers
and a general awareness among the farmers with the use of this bio fertilizers rather than using
chemicals in this soil.


The objectives of the study are as follows:

Primary objective

● Measurement of market acceptance and reach of organic fertilizers of Abtec in


Secondary objective

● To find out the main competitors of Abtec

● To identify the satisfaction level of Abtec products among retailers in KOLLAM


● To study the nature and characteristics of organic products

● To analyze the influence of price in customer acceptance


The type of research we used in this project study is Descriptive in nature


Following are the sources for the collection of data:

(a) Primary Data (b) Secondary Data

Primary Data

1. Structured Questionnaire

2. Observation

Secondary Data

1. Internal Secondary Data

A. Company’s Internal Records

B. Brochure

C. Newsletters

D. Company Website

E. Notices

2. External Secondary Data

A. Internet

B. Magazines

C. Journals


The details are as follows:

(a) Universe. The universe for the purpose of this report was finite.

(b) The sampling unit were the dealers who were the users of Abtec bio fertilizers and it included
nearby 25 persons in Kollam region itself.

(c) Method of sampling adopted was Simple Random Sampling method because all the dealers
have relatively different levels of satisfaction, idea and awareness of this product, thus a sample
size of 25 was considered to be adequate.


A. Pie Charts


A. The quality of the information highly dependent on the knowledge of the respondents

B. There may be bias in answering certain questions by the respondents

C. The study confined to limited area only and hence the conclusion drawn may be inappropriate.

D. The state of mind and emotion of the respondents at the time of answering the questions also
has an impact.

E. The study has been done on few selected products of Abtec bio fertlizers company..


The study was conducted for a period of 30days.




This study has been conducted in AGO BIO-TECH Research Centre Ltd, situated in Kottayam.
The company is manufacturing and distributing various types of bio-fertilizers and bio
pesticides, suitable for sustainable and organic agriculture in the country. The produce different
bio fertilizers viz. Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Azotobacter, Phosphobacteria, Bio-potash and Bio
control agent like Trichodermasp, Pseudomonos Fluorescence, Beauveria Bassiana, Verticillium
lecanii, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Hirsutella thompsonii, Bacillus subtilis and organic manures like
Bio-Organic Cardamom, Bio-Organic Coconut etc under the trade name ‘ABTEC’. The research
and development wing in the company is developing many more products, which will soon hit
the market. The source of culture are International Crops Research Institute For The Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT), Regional Centre of Organic Farming, Project Directorate of Biological
Control, Indian Institute of Spices Research, Kerala Agricultural University and Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University.
Agro Bio Tech Research Centre Ltd was established in 1993 with the main objective of
manufacturing and distributing quality inputs suitable for organic farming and thus promote eco-
friendly and sustainable agriculture. The company utilizes the main resources like Men, Material
and Money for achieving desired goal.
Agro Bio Tech Research Centre Ltd, the pioneers in the manufacture of Bio fertilizers and Bio-
pesticides in the state of Kerala, India. To meet the arduous task of food and fiber requirement,
agriculture is to be made efficient, economical and sustainable. It is our greed and desire for
higher productivity, that we incline ourselves to the usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
This has not only resulted in causing serious environmental hazard but also destroyed the
ecological balance, thus depleting the microbes irrespective of the fact whether they are
beneficial or harmful. The pesticides residue in food also leads to various diseases like cancer
and alarming rate of increases in such diseases is now shocking the consciences of scientist‘s
worlds over. The only solution that they put forward to protect the universe and our upcoming
generation is nothing but to promote organic farming. Bio-fertilizers and Bio-control agents are
an integral part in performing Organic Farming in its real sense. Appreciations from the farmers
who use the products and the feedback from the field through the sales officers have motivated to
do further research in the field of agriculture and thus increase our product range and production
range and production capability. Now many of the farmers are able to avoid chemical fertilizers
and completely by substituting with bio fertilizers and bio pesticides.


●Agro Bio Tech Research Centre Ltd was established in 1993

●The first Bio-fertilizers unit to get ISO 9001-2000 in Kerala
●The first organization in Kerala to manufacture bio fertilizer (ESTD:1993)
●The first private sector organization in Kerala to sign technology transfer contract with
ICRISAT (International Crop Research Institute For The Semi-Arid Tropics), the international
agricultural research in Kerala to develop Bio potash fertilizer.
●The first organization in Kerala to get Central Insecticide Board accreditation.
●The first organization in Kerala to get Grant and accreditation from the Central Government
●Staff Welfare Society is started for the welfare of the staffs
●Received grant of Rs 10 lakhs from the government of India for further development of
laboratory in 2000
● “Farm Hands” as a system, for giving the assistance to farmers for doing the agriculture
activities, started in 2010.


The company Agro-Tech Research Centre Ltd is managed by group of directors appointed
through the annual general body meeting held every year. The board includes five members. The
board meeting is conducted at every month. The director board members are Mr K J Jacob Mr
Mohandas, Dr D Clarson, Mr K M. Mathen and Mr Bibin Jacob. Mr K J Jacob is the Managing
Director of Agro Biotech Research Centre Ltd. The board meeting is conducted according to the
Agenda prepared earlier on the particular object of the meeting. Resolution is passed according
to the support of the members regarding the subject. A minute is prepared after every meeting.

As a manufacturing unit each and every activities are done systematically. So the unit is divided
into certain department, they are;

●Production Department
●Human resource department
●Finance Department
●Research and Development Department
●Stores Department
●Marketing Department


Improving the farm productivity and minimising the supply chain wastage by using globally
available best technologies such as bio tech precision farming & innovating organic farming
practices & IT tools. Adopting global quality standards to meet global customer needs by

creating awareness about end customer requirements among all stake holders in the entire food
supply chain.


The company is producing hundred percentage natural products. The main vision is to become a
world class organization that represents the farmer community and maximizes their returns
through specialization in agricultural inputs, rural need based products and other diversified
businesses. Taking latest technology in door steps of indian farmers and making indian
agriculture a higly viable economic activity in the global environment.

A. To act as a catalyst to agricultural and rural development by selecting, financing and

managing projects that are both socially desirable and commercially profitable.

B. To deliver products according to customer requirements and achieve a beyond range status in
the market through continuous improvement.


A. To enlarge the business through the method of market segmentation in all over Kerala.

B. To introduce the new products that’s more user friendly & more comfortable for the

C. To implement more promotion strategies for increasing the sales of ABTEC BIO
FERTILIZERS there by the company would like to maximize their profit.

D. To implement more marketing strategies for competing with their competitors in all over



The company is producing a host of bio-fertilizers and bio-control agents including organic
manures under our brand name “ABTEC”. The bio inputs are manufactured in our fully air-
conditioned laboratory under the technical guidance and supervision of expert senior Agricultural
Scientist using modern bio-technological methods. All our products are subjected to strict quality
check in all stages of production.

Range of Organic Products



 ABTECH Azospirillum

ABTECH Azospirillum is available in liquid formulation with a high cell count of 2x 108
cfu/ml. The bacterium lives in dose association with and within the root system of crop plants
and has high Nitrogen fixing capacity.

Recommended crops: Rice, wheat, maize, barley. ragi, sugarcane, rubber, tea, coffee, coconut,
cardamom, pepper, cotton, grapes, turmeric, ginger, banana. vegetables, fruits plants, flowering
plants, vanilla, etc.

Seed Treatment: For seeds mix 10 ml ABTEC Azospirillum / kg of seeds. Seedlings or planting
setts can be dipped for 30 min @ 250 - 500 ml per 50 to 60 litre water before planting. After each
treatment allow the seed / seedling / set to dry in shade for 30 minutes before planting.


● Better crop growth and seedling establishment

● Helps to fix 15-20 kg. N/acre/year
● Increases crop yield by 15 - 20 %
● Helps to reduce N. fertilizer by 20 - 30 %
● Produces significant quantities of growth hormones like gibberellins, cytokinins Indole Acetic
Acid (IAA) etc.

➢ ABTEC Azotobacter

Formulation: Abtec Azotobacter is available in liquid form a high cell count of 2x 109 cfu/ml
cannot tolerate anaerobic condition in soil. Hence, not recommended for wetland Recommended
Soil Application: Mix 5ml of Abtec Azotobacter with 1 kg. Organic manure and apply at the
base. For main field/nursery application (1 acre) mix 1 liter Abtec Azotobacter with 200 kg
organic manure and broadcast when the soil is just wet. For potted plants also Abtec Azotobacter
is very effective.


● Better crop growth & seeding establishment

● Helps to fix 20 kg N/acre/year.
● Increases crop yield by 15-20%.
● Helps to reduce N. fertilizers by 25%.
● Plays a minor role in biological control of crop diseases.

➢ ABTEC Phospho Bacteria

Formulation: ABTECH Bio-potash is available in liquido formulation with high cell

counts of 2x109c.f.u/ml. It can tolerate a wide range of soil pH (3.5-8.5) and
temperature {15-42 C). The bacteria help to mobilize the Insoluble form of potassium for
crop growth at a faster rate. Seventy percent of insoluble potassium is made available to
the crop plants within 25 days of

bio-potash application in soil.

Recommended crop: For all crops in all soil Soil application: Mix 5ml. bio-potash with 1 kg
organic manureand apply at the base when the soil just wet.


● Reduces cost of potash application by 50-60%

● Improves resistance of crop plants
● Resistance to a wide range of soil pH and temperature.
● Suitable to apply all crops
● Improves crop growth and yield by 20-30%
● Compatible with other bio-fertilizers

➢ ABTEC Tricho (Trichodermasp)

Formulation: ABTEC Tricho is available in liquid form with a high spore count of
3xl9‘c.f.u’ml. it is an eco-hiendly biolungicide containing spores, different encymes and

Recommended crop pests: Quick wilt of black pepper, foot not of betel vine, soft rot of
ginger. turmeric Galinga, safedmusli, mpsule not of cardamom, clumprot of cardamom,
panama wilt, fusaxium wilt of cotton, guava, pigeon pea, vanilla, grapes, etc

ABTEC Beauvaria (BeauvariaBassiana)

Formulation:ABTECH Beauvan'a is available in liquid form with a high spore count

3x105c.f.u’ml. It is an entomopathogenic fungus used for controlling insect pests.

Recommended crop pests: Pests belonging to Iepidoptera, coleopteran. Hemiptera,

Hymenoptera and Dipteraileaf eating catapillars of rice, vegetables, vanilla, cotton,
tobacco etc

➢ ABTEC Verticillium (Verticillium Lecanii)

Formulation: ABTEC Verticillium is available in liquid form with a high spore count of
ZXIOSII is an entomopathogenic fungus with Mycoparasrtie action on rust and powdery
mildew fungi. Recommended crop pests: Aphids, scales, whiteflies, thrips, red spider
mites, nematodes etc

➢ ABTECH Hirsutella (HirsutellaThompsoni)

Formulation: ABTECH Hirsutella is available in liquid form with a high spore count of
2x105 c.f.u/ml. It is an acaropathogenic fungus which can kill several eiophytd mites
including the coconut mites

Recommended crop pests: Coconut eriophyid mites (Aceriaguerreronis) and other mites
of vegetables and fruit crops. Method of application: Mix 250 ml. ABTECH Hirsutella in
50 liters of water and Spray on the coconut bunches at bimonthly intervals.

➢ ABTECH Bacillus (Bacillus Subtilis)

Formulation: ABTECH Bacillus is available in liquid formulation with high Cali count
of 2x10^9 . It is an aerobic spore forming bacteria.

Recommended Crops: Cardamom, pepper, vanilla, vegetables, mulberry, coffee,

ornamentals, cotton, grape, potato, cucurbite, etc

➢ ABTECH Paecilomyces (Paecilomyceslilacinus)

ABTECH Paecilomyces is available in liquid form with a high spore count of

2xl0^9c.f.u/ml. It is a soil inhabiting fungi, pathogenic to several root parasitizing
nematodes (Nematopathogenic fungi). They are pathogenic to root knot nematodes of
Jasmine, potato, tomato, chillies, brinjal, bhindi, cowpea, cucurbits, cardamom, pepper,
rice cyst of these Nematodes.

➢ ABTECH Pseudo (Pseudomonas fluorescence)

ABTECH Pseudo is available in liquid form with a high coconut of 2xl0^9c.f.u/ml. They
are a group of gram negative rod shaped, soil inhabiting bacteria coming under plant
growth promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) GROUP. They are characterized by their twin
properties. i.e disease suppression and plant growth promotion. They are antagonist to
several root pathogenic fungi, bacteria, nematodes and several foliar fungal and bacterial

Soil application: Mix 1 liter ABTECH Pseudo (for 1 Acre) with 200 kg organic manure
and apply in moist soil/base of trees@ 1 kg. /pooted plants@ 250 g.

Foliar spraying: Mix 250 ml. ABTECH pseudo in 50 liters of water and spray on the
foliage during evening hours.

➢ Btk (Bacillus thuringiensisserovarkurstaki): Btkare highly specific, eco friendly and

with no effect on humans, wildlife, pollinators and other beneficial an sects.

Formulation: Btk in the form of powder 2x10^7c.f.u/mlgm

Methods of application: Mainly used for foliar spraying. Mix lO-20gm powder in Itr.
Water and spray on the spoilage.These are the main products produces in this company
they are more beneficial to the farmers.
Importance of Organic Fertilizers

The importance of organic gardening and farming has become increasingly popular. People have
become more health conscious and do not want to expose their bodies or the environment to
chemicals and pesticides. These toxins cause numerous health problems and pollute the land. The
importance and value of organic fertilizers cannot be understated. Garden, lawn care and lawn
maintenance are best served by using natural organic products and fertilizers.

Recently, soil degradation has become wide spread everywhere on the earth. Therefore
agriculture depending on chemical fertilizer should be improved from the viewpoint of
substance circulation. Indiscriminate use of synthetic fertilizers has led to me pollution zinc.
Contamination of the soil, has polluted water basins, destroyed micro-organisms and
friendly insects, making the crop more prone to diseases and reduced soil fertility. Demand is
much higher than the availability. It is estimated that by 2020, to achieve the targeted production
of 321 million tons of food grain, the requirement of nutrient will be 28.8 million tons, while
their availability will be only 21.6 million tones being a deficit of about 7.2 million tones.
Depleting feedstock/fossil fuels (energy crisis) and increasing cost of fertilizers. This is
becoming unaffordable by small and marginal farmers, depleting soil fertility due to widening
gap between nutrient removal and supplies, growing concern about environmental hazards,
increasing threat to sustainable agriculture. Besides above facts, the long term use of bio-
fertilizers is economical, eco-friendly, more efficient, productive and accessible to marginal and
small farmers over chemical fertilizers. Organic fertilizer is indispensable to sustainable
agriculture, and it has many advantages compared to chemical fertilizer that consists of inorganic

Diversification of soil biota

More than 10,000 kinds of soil microbes and animals are in the soil ,and these microbes and
animals are using organic matter as staple food. Since organic matter contains

various microbes; applying organic fertilizer into farmland activates microbial growth. The
improvement of the decomposing properties, the variety of soil biota and the plant disease
prevention in the soil can be expected from organic fertilizer application. Soil microbes and
animals mostly produce these effects; while chemical fertilizer damages the activity of beneficial
soil microbes.

Improvement of soil physical properties

Soil to which organic fertilizer is applied forms aggregate structure by soil microbes and animals.
A soil structure that forms such aggregates contributes to improve soil permeability and fertility
in addition to water holding capacity, and this condition then support root growth
in the soil.

Improvement of soil chemical properties

Soil to which organic fertilizer is applied contains many kinds’ of nutrients, such as nitrogen.
phosphorus and potassium. The variety of chemical components, especially micronutrients
produce good taste of foods. Sustainable Agriculture with Organic Fertilizer cornparing to
vegetables or fruits grown only by chemical fertilizer Additionally, organic components in the
soil play a buffering action and increase ion exchange capacity in the same way as clay


A major benefit to consumer of organic food is that it is free of contamination with health
harming chemicals such as pesticides. fungicides and herbicides. As you would expect of
populations fed on chemically grown foods, there has been a profound upward trend in the
incidence of diseases associated with exposure to toxic chemicals in industrialized societies.



Agro Bio-Tech Research Centre Ltd. (ABTEC), one of the first manufacturers of Bio Fertilizers
and Bio Pesticides in India and the pioneers in the state of Kerala, established in 1993 with the

main objective of manufacturing and distributing quality inputs suitable for organic farming and
thus promote eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture. The pesticide residue in food and drinking
water leads to various diseases like cancer, kidney problem etc. We, here at ABTEC are
committed to conserve nature by promoting organic farming. We have received approval and
grant from the National Horticulture Mission ,Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India. Our new
laboratory is well equipped for manufacturing new bio products using latest technologies. Now
we are proud to say that most of our farmers are able to avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides
completely by substituting it with our "Bio-fertilizers, Bio-Pesticides, Bio-Control Agents and
Organic manures"
ABTEC is one of the pioneer organizations to establish a Microbial Inoculant Bio-fertilizers and
Bio-control Agents production unit in India. The commercial production started during the year
1993 at Industrial area, Poovanthuruthu, Kottayam–686012, Kerala. Many innovative
technologies of our own have been developed and adopted to our production system in order to
improve the quality of the products. The present production capacity of the company is to the
tune of 600 MT Bio-fertilizers, 600 MT Bio-control agents, and 10000 MT organic manures.
ABTEC is having MOU with Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) for providing the
technology and mother culture of various Microbial Inoculants. Also we have signed MOU with
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) Coimbatore, International Crops Research Institute
(ICRISAT) Hyderabad, NBAII Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) Bangalore. Our
products are approved by “INDOCERT” for certified organic farming. We have the licence for
the manufacture of Bio-fertilizers from the State Department of Agriculture and Central
Insecticides Board (CIB) registration for Bio-control agents. As a token of our commitment
towards farming community, we regularly organize seminars and workshop for the benefit of
farmers of different regions of Kerala, India. Farm trials with our products are conducted to
demonstrate the impact under the field conditions. We are having state wide network to extend
the advisory service to the farmers as well as to promote the use of microbial inoculants and
organic manures which is getting a commendable response from the farming community. We
have recently started training programs for microbiology students and persons involved in Bio-
inoculants production. Also we are member of ICCOA.

In order to achieve judicial use of agricultural input and to maximize the production, we
undertake soil analysis and advisory service for the benefit of farmers. We have a network of 700
retail outlets throughout Kerala and a team of committed marketing/sales officers stationed in all
districts of Kerala.


Many comparisons has been made with the abtec bio-fertilizers . But here we normally consider
one case. Here the comparisons is been made with the chemical fertilizers.
Thus “Organic farming is a Production system which avoids or largely excludes the use of
synthetically compounded Fertilizers’, pesticides, growth regulators and livestock feed additions.
To the maximum extent feasible, organic farming systems rely on crop rotations, crop residues,
animal manures, legumes, green manures, off-farm organic wastes and aspects of biological pest
control to maintain soil productivity and tilth, to supply plant nutrients and to control insects.

weeds and other pests”. A chemical fertilizer is a substance applied to soils or directly onto plants
to provide nutrients optimal for ‘their growth and development. The essential nutrients contained
in these fertilizers are nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium (NPK), as well as other nutritional
substances in smaller amounts all presented in a form that can easily be absorbed and
metabolized by plants. Chemical fertilizers have become a staple in many yards and gardens, and
can be a key component of a healthy lawn care routine. Read on for some basic information on
chemical fertilizer and how you can use it most effectively in your yard. What makes organic
fertilizers different from chemical fertilizers is that the materials are a by-product of vegetables,
animals or minerals. The decomposing matter from these sources, break down naturally and will
provide nutrients and minerals to the soil. When considering lawn maintenance it is necessary to
make sure that the lawn or garden gets the all of the nutrients that it needs for healthy growth.
Although nutrients are available in regular soil, fertilizers can provide and ensure that plants
have a balanced and sustainable access to the nutrients. Proper lawn care includes providing for
the health of the lawn and garden. One of the benefits of organic fertilizer is that the nutrients are
released more slowly than in chemical fertilizers. This slower process allows the plants to
process the fertilizer in a more natural way and will not result in over fertilizing which could
damage the plants. Another benefit of organic fertilizer in your landscaping and lawn care is that
it will actually help to improve the soil itself. It will help the soil to retain moisture. The organic
substances can break up clayin the soil. The soil drainage and air circulation of the soil can also
be improved. When the soil has the structure and nutrients that it needs, lawn care will be easier.
When considering what sort of organic fertilizer to use, there are a variety of choices. You can
ask your lawn care provider if they use organic fertilizers. Having a compost pile is also a great
way to get-rid of food waste and still contribute to your lawn care and the environment. Other
choices could be blood mean or bone meal. In Toronto, mowing is associated with a healthy
lawn. Lawn maintenance, landscaping and lawn care are a priority and finding the best fertilizer
is key. Natural organic fertilizer is the best choice for the healthy lawn and garden. It is an
important valuable option that will help the soil and the environment is healthy.

Attributes Chemical Fertilizers Organic Fertilizers

Example Ammonium sulphate, ammonium phosphate, Cottonseed meal, blood
ammonium nitrate, urea, ammonium chloride meal, fish emulsion, and
and the like. manure and sewage
sludge, etc.

Advantages Chemical fertilizers are rich equally in three Adds natural nutrients to
essential nutrients that are needed for crops soil, increases soil organic
and always ready for immediate supply matter, improves soil
nutrients to plants if situation demands structure and tilth
improves water holding
capacity, reduces soil
crusting problems reduces
erosion from wind and
water, slow consistent
release of nutrients

Disadvantages Several chemical fertilizers have high acid Have slow release
content they have high acid content they have capability; distribution of
the ability to burn the skin. Changes soil nutrients in organic
fertility. fertilizers is not equal

Rate of Production Immediate supply or slow release Slow release

About Chemical fertilizers are manufactured from Organic fertilizers are

synthetic material made from materials
derived from living things.

Preparation Artificially prepared Prepared naturally. One

can prepare organic
fertilizers,themselves or
can also buy.

Nutrients Have equal distribution of three essential Have unequal distribution

nutrients: phosphorous, nitrogen, potassium of essential nutrients.

Cost Cheap Expensive


Marketing management is the organizational discipline which focuses on the practical

application of marketing orientation, techniques and methods inside enterprises and
organizations and on the management of a firm's marketing resources and activities.
Marketing management employs various tools from economics and competitive strategy to
analyze the industry context in which the firm operates. These include Porter's five forces,

analysis of strategic groups of competitors, value chain analysis and others. Depending on the
industry, the regulatory context may also be important to examine in detail.
In competitor analysis, marketers build detailed profiles of each competitor in the market,
focusing especially on their relative competitive strengths and weaknesses using SWOT analysis.
Marketing managers will examine each competitor's cost structure, sources of profits, resources
and competencies, competitive positioning and product differentiation, degree of vertical
integration, historical responses to industry developments, and other factors.
Marketing management often finds it necessary to invest in research to collect the data required
to perform accurate marketing analysis.


 Marketing strategy
 Implementation planning
 Project, process, and vendor management
 Reporting, measurement, feedback and control systems
 International marketing management

A. Marketing strategy
The implication of selecting target segments is that the business will subsequently allocate more
resources to acquire and retain customers in the target segment(s) than it will for other, non-
targeted customers. In some cases, the firm may go so far as to turn away customers who are not
in its target segment. In conjunction with targeting decisions, marketing managers will identify
the desired positioning they want the company, product, or brand to occupy in the target
customer's mind. This positioning is often an encapsulation of a key benefit the company's
product or service offers that is differentiated and superior to the benefits offered by competitive
products. Ideally, a firm's positioning can be maintained over a long period of time because the
company possesses, or can develop, some form of sustainable competitive advantage. The
positioning should also be sufficiently relevant to the target segment such that it will drive the
purchasing behavior of target customers. To sum up, the marketing branch of a company is to
deal with the selling and popularity of its products among people and its customers, as the central
and eventual goal of a company is customer satisfaction and the return of revenue.

B. Implementation planning

If the company has obtained an adequate understanding of the customer base and its own
competitive position in the industry, marketing managers are able to make their own key
strategic decisions and develop a marketing strategy designed to maximize the revenues and
profits of the firm. The selected strategy may aim for any of a variety of specific objectives,
including optimizing short-term unit margins, revenue growth, market share, long-term
profitability, or other goals. After the firm's strategic objectives have been identified, the target
market selected, and the desired positioning for the company, product or brand has been
determined, marketing managers focus on how to best implement the chosen strategy.
Traditionally, this has involved implementation planning across the "4 Ps" of : product
management, pricing (at what price slot does a producer position a product, e.g. low, medium or
high price), place (the place or area where the products are going to be sold, which could be
local, regional, countrywide or international) (i.e. sales and distribution channels), and

C. Project, process, and vendor management

More broadly, marketing managers work to design and improve the effectiveness of core
marketing processes, such as new product development, brand management, marketing
communications, and pricing. Marketers may employ the tools of business process reengineering
to ensure these processes are properly designed, and use a variety of process management
techniques to keep them operating smoothly. Effective execution may require management of
both internal resources and a variety of external vendors and service providers, such as the firm's
advertising agency. Marketers may therefore coordinate with the company's Purchasing
department on the procurement of these services. Under the area of marketing agency
management (i.e. working with external marketing agencies and suppliers) are techniques such
as agency performance evaluation, scope of work, incentive compensation, RFx's and storage of
agency information in a supplier database. Database is a critical thing to manage, but easy to
allocate. While vendor allocation having complications to resolve but easy to handle.

D. Reporting, measurement, feedback and control systems

Marketing management employs a variety of metrics to measure progress against objectives. It is

the responsibility of marketing managers – in the marketing department or elsewhere – to ensure
that the execution of marketing programs achieves the desired objectives and does so in a cost-
efficient manner. Marketing management therefore often makes use of various organizational
control systems, such as sales forecasts, sales force and reseller incentive programs, sales force
management systems, and customer relationship management tools (CRM). Some software
vendors have begun using the term marketing operations management or marketing resource
management to describe systems that facilitate an integrated approach for controlling marketing
resources. In some cases, these efforts may be linked to various supply chain management
systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), material requirements planning (MRP),
efficient consumer response (ECR), and inventory management systems.

E. International marketing management

Globalization has led some firms to market beyond the borders of their home countries, making
international marketing a part of those firms' marketing strategy. Marketing managers are often
responsible for influencing the level, timing, and composition of customer demand. In part, this
is because the role of a marketing manager (or sometimes called managing marketer in small-
and medium-sized enterprises) can vary significantly based on a business's size, corporate
culture, and industry context. For example, in a small- and medium-sized enterprises, the
managing marketer may contribute in both managerial and marketing operations roles for the
company brands. In a large consumer products company, the marketing manager may act as the
overall general manager of his or her assigned product. To create an effective, cost-efficient
marketing management strategy, firms must possess a detailed, objective understanding of their
own business and the market in which they operate. In analyzing these issues, the discipline of
marketing management often overlaps with the related discipline of strategic planning.

According to Kotler, Philip, marketing concept can be classified in to 5 concept:

1. The Production Concept
2. The Product Concept
3. The Selling Concept
4. The Marketing Concept
5. The Societal Marketing Concept

The Production Concept. This concept is the oldest of the concepts in business. It holds that
consumers will prefer products that are widely available and inexpensive. Managers focusing on
this concept concentrate on achieving high production efficiency, low costs, and mass
distribution. They assume that consumers are primarily interested in product availability and low
prices. This orientation makes sense in developing countries, where consumers are more
interested in obtaining the product than in its features.

The Product Concept. This orientation holds that consumers will favor those products that offer
the most quality, performance, or innovative features. Managers focusing on this concept
concentrate on making superior products and improving them over time. They assume that
buyers admire well-made products and can appraise quality and performance. However, these
managers are sometimes caught up in a love affair with their product and do not realize what the
market needs. Management might commit the “better-mousetrap” fallacy, believing that a better
mousetrap will lead people to beat a path to its door.

The Selling Concept. This is another common business orientation. It holds that consumers and
businesses, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the selling company’s products. The
organization must, therefore, undertake an aggressive selling and promotion effort. This concept
assumes that consumers typically sho9w buyi8ng inertia or resistance and must be coaxed into
buying. It also assumes that the company has a whole battery of effective selling and
promotional tools to stimulate more buying. Most firms practice the selling concept when they
have overcapacity. Their aim is to sell what they make rather than make what the market wants.

The Marketing Concept. This is a business philosophy that challenges the above three business
orientations. Its central tenets crystallized in the 1950s. It holds that the key to achieving its
organizational goals (goals of the selling company) consists of the company being more effective
than competitors in creating, delivering, and communicating customer value to its selected target
customers. The marketing concept rests on four pillars: target market, customer needs,
integrated marketing and profitability.

Distinctions between the Sales Concept and the Marketing Concept:

1. The Sales Concept focuses on the needs of the seller. The Marketing Concept focuses on
the needs of the buyer.

2. The Sales Concept is preoccupied with the seller’s need to convert his/her product into
cash. The Marketing Concept is preoccupied with the idea of satisfying the needs of the
customer by means of the product as a solution to the customer’s problem (needs).

The Marketing Concept represents the major change in today’s company orientation that
provides the foundation to achieve competitive advantage. This philosophy is the foundation of
consultative selling.
The Marketing Concept has evolved into a fifth and more refined company orientation: The
Societal Marketing Concept. This concept is more theoretical and will undoubtedly influence
future forms of marketing and selling approaches.
The Societal Marketing Concept. This concept holds that the organization’s task is to determine
the needs, wants, and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions more
effectively and efficiently than competitors (this is the original Marketing Concept).
Additionally, it holds that this all must be done in a way that preserves or enhances the
consumer’s and the society’s well-being.
This orientation arose as some questioned whether the Marketing Concept is an appropriate
philosophy in an age of environmental deterioration, resource shortages, explosive population
growth, world hunger and poverty, and neglected social services.

Market acceptance and its Role

A product is a goods or service that most closely meets the requirements of a particular market
and yields enough profit to justify its continued existence. As long as cars are manufactured
companies such as Michelin that produce tires fill the market need and continue to be profitable.
The product market acceptance menaces certain that should require for every product to satisfy
the Customer's quality expectations and gain the Customer's acceptance of the final
product. The Acceptance Criteria can be prioritized. Some criteria that should be considered

● Target dates
● Major functions
● Appearance
● Personnel level required to use the product
● Performance levels
● Capacity, accuracy and availability
● Reliability
● Repair times
● Development costs
● Running costs
● Security
● Ease of use

The Product Acceptance Plan describes how the customer will evaluate the deliverable artifacts
from a project to determine if they meet a predefined set of acceptance criteria. It details these
acceptance criteria, and identifies the product acceptance tasks that will be carried out, and
assigned responsibilities and required resources. As with any new product launch or line
extension, it is critical during the early stages to monitor product acceptance amongst consumers.
Early indications allow for fine-tuning of the marketing mix to maximize year one sales
opportunities and establish a solid foundation for growth. It is important for marketers not only
to understand who is purchasing the product, but equally, the extent to which consumer
perceptions impact actual consumer purchase dynamics. As marketers, there are many factors we
need to consider when evaluating new product success:

● How many consumers have purchased?

● How many consumers have returned to re-purchase?
● What is the demographic composition of trialists?
● What was the source of volume gains

A product achieving market acceptance is making sure customers need the product's benefits.
Maybe not! There are four absolutely critical steps for a start-up’s product to achieve market
acceptance, only one of which relates to customer need. Ignoring any of the steps practically
guarantees your product will collect dust in your warehouse.

Four steps to for a start up's product to achieve market acceptance

1. Start-ups need to make products compatible with existing practices.

2. Start-ups need to find markets predisposed to accepting innovations.

3. Start-ups need to avoid financially or physically risky products.

4. Start-ups need to serve an unfilled customer need.

Market Acceptance of Organic Fertilizers

Agriculture used to be a “way of life” in India with mutual social benefits. Each farm unit used
to be organic in real sense having Trees including fruit trees, Vegetable cultivation, Animals
rearing including milking, Poultry, and the crops cultivation with villager’s participation. The
trees used to attract birds, the birds excretion in the field used to create earthworms, which in
turn used to make soil healthy. The useful soil microbes were created by addition of Farm yard
manure and sowing of pulses. These healthy soils used to be transferred in other crop fields
before sowing of main cereal crop. The productivity was not an issue due to subsistence farming
and less population pressure. But after Independence, the increasing population and
fragmentation of farm holdings led to innovations in agriculture, which slowly started converting
into commercial form and the green revolution altogether changed the pattern of Indian
agriculture from traditional to scientific with improved seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides etc.
Over the period the cattle population started declining with farm mechanization and the modern
agriculture compelled for heavy usage of chemicals for enhancing farm productivity, creating a
misbalance in the nature & environment and adversely affecting the natural flora & fauna. The
situation has worsened over the years with consistent negligence and now it is alarming not only
for Indian soils but also with human/ animals’ health. The Governments are seriously concerned
about soil health particularly for some of the states like Punjab, Haryana, and UP etc and
launched an integrated approach towards nutrients management with a focus on addition of Bio-
fertilizers and Compost. Today, the organic food production is drawing attention globally. Tb:
demand of organic foods is growing by leaps and bounds especially in the developed countries.
in the last decade , organic farming in India has also attracted a number of farmers. Most of the
farmers are cultivating organic produce successfully, but still it has to get a momentum.

Marketing Challenges & Options in bio-fertilizer business:

In spite of being cost effective input, the Bio-fertilizers have not been accepted by the
farmers completely till now. Some of the reasons/constraints for low acceptance of Bio-fertilizer
are narrated below. However, the product modification as “Liquid form” has overcome few
limitations and has provided opportunities for Marketers.

Marketing Challenges

● Bio-fertilizers are living microorganisms which die in case of high temperature.

● The shelf life of bio-fertilizer is limited to 6-12 months in powder form.
● The Bio-fertilizers are used before sowing and delay in dispatches leads to inventory
carry over and expiry of product.

● Some of the bio-fertilizers are crop specific as well as location specific and therefore
its efficacy does not remain same at different locations due to difference in agro-
climatic conditions & soil Delphic factors.
● Soil characteristics like high nitrate, low organic matter, less available phosphate, high
soil acidity or alkalinity, high temperature as well as presence of high agro-
chemicals or low micro-nutrients contribute to failure of inoculants or adversely affect its
● The change in cropping pattern by farmers also adversely affects the sales.
● Supply of Sub-standard or spurious material by some of the manufacturers also
adversely affect the credibility of the Bio-fertilizers, being a new product.
● Some firms are selling organic manures as Bio-fertilizers. Some organizations mention
shelf life as two years/one year despite norm of maximum 3-6 months.
● Naturally occurring soil micro flora and fauna also often inhibits the growth of
introduced inoculums due to competition.
● Lack of awareness of the farmers regarding benefits of bio-fertilizers.
● There is no magic effect of bio-fertilizer & its impact is not visible in standing crop
and therefore farmer is not convinced with the benefits of bio-fertilizer use.

Segmentation Approach in Fertilizer Marketing

Segmentation is considered an effective marketing management strategy. Products prices

distribution and promotions can be segmented for increased impact. For instance the planters,
farmers with large holdings respond differently to different marketing mix as compared to small,
marginal farmers and those farmers cultivating UN irrigated areas. The field survey has revealed
that the needs, capabilities attitudes with regard to fertilizer use from small, medium, large
farmers and planters are different. Further the requirements of farmers with irrigated facilities
and those that are cultivating dry land vary too much. The type of products required, the prices
that they can afford.
A Communication needs, technology transfer from these target groups are different, there is
adequate demand from these segments to develop systems tailored to the specific needs. The
survey has also revealed that the facilities meant for small and marginal farmers and those
cultivating dry lands are being largely availed by other segments of farmers due to in adequate
monitoring. Bulk movement using paper bags introducing 20 kg 5 kg bags for the specific needs
of farmers help stimulating consumption from the sector.

Market acceptance quality

Service Quality
Service quality is essential for an organization’s survival and growth. Interest in service quality
emerged in 1903. Ever since, the topic has attracted substantial attention among researchers and

practitioners (Gronroos, 2001). Service quality is a form of attitude representing a long-run,
overall, evaluation, which is different from customer satisfaction, a more short term, transaction
specific judgment. The level of customer satisfaction is a result of the customer’s comparison of
the service quality expected in a given service encounter with perceived service quality. This
implies that satisfaction assessments require customer experiences while quality does not
(Caruana, Money and Berthon, 2000).

Customer’s perception of quality:

Quality of a particular service is whatever the customer perceives it to be. Service quality as
perceived by the customer may differ from the quality of the service actually delivered. Services
are subjectively experienced processes where production and consumption activities take place
simultaneously. Interactions, including a series of moments of truth between the customer and
the service provider occur. Such buyer-seller interactions or service encounters have a critical
impact on the perceived service. The customer will also be influenced by the way in which
technical quality the outcome of the process is transferred to him and this will have an impact on
the process experience For instance, if the service provider shares a positive or favorable image
in the minds of the customers, minor mistakes will probably be overlooked or forgiven.
However, if the image is negative, the Impact Of any mistake will often be considerably greater
than it otherwise would be. This entire combination shall lead to total quality.

The Perceived Service Quality approach

Marketing communication includes advertising, direct mail, sales promotion, websites, internet
communication and sales campaigns. These are directly under the control of the company unlike
the image and word of mouth factors which are indirectly controlled by the company. Image of
the company plays a central role in customer perception of service quality. Thus, it is imperative
that image be properly managed. External impact on these factors could possibly occur, but they
are a basically a function of the previous performance of the firm, supported by for instance
advertising. Lastly, the needs of the customers as well as the values that determine the choice of
customers also impact on their expectations. Thus, the level of total perceived quality is not
determined simply by the level of technical and functional quality dimensions, but rather by the
gap between the expected and experienced quality.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a measure of how products

and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction
is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported
experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals.
The Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) endorses the definitions, purposes, and
constructs of classes of measures that appear in Marketing Metrics as part of its ongoing

Common Language in Marketing Project.n a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 71
percent responded that they found a customer satisfaction metric very useful in managing and
monitoring their businesses. It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is often
part of a Balanced Scorecard. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for
customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a
key element of business strategy.


The term descriptive research refers to the type of research question, design, & data analysis that
will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, while inferential statistics try to
determine cause and effect relationship.

Three main purposes of research are to:-

 Describe
 Explain
 Validate findings


Pie charts are basically used for representing the data in pictorial form. Simply they are used for
diagrammatical representation of data in data analyses section


Sample size means the number of units we selected from a population. The process of selecting a
sample from a population is called sampling.



A. Measurement of market acceptance and reach of organic fertilizers of Abtec in


1. The Consumer feel that the price of ABTEC products are:

Table 3.1
Criteria Number of respondents percentage
Reasonable 14 61 %
Somewhat reasonable 4 17%
Not Reasonable 4 17%
Very high 3 5%

very hi gh; 5.17%

not reas onabl e; 17.24%

Reas ona bl e; 60.34%

s omewhat rea s onabl e; 17.24%

Reas ona bl e s omewhat reas onabl e not rea s onabl e very hi gh


1. Almost 61 percent of the people are claiming that the price of the product is
reasonable. And hence there is a good movement if the product.

2. 17 percent of them claim that the price is not reasonable and somewhat
might be due to less awareness about the product and its quality too.

3. Last but not least as some of all the dealer says the price is quite high.

2. The Customer prefer ABTEC brand more than any other brand in my store:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 10 40%
Agree 6 24%
Neutral 4 16%
Disagree 3 12%
Strongly Disagree 2 8%

disagree; 12.00%
strongl y di s agree; 8.00%
strongly agree; 40.00%

neutral; 16.00%

agree; 24.00%

strongl y agree agree neutral di s agree strongl y di s agree


1. Almost 40 percent agree that they prefer abtec products than any other products .I hope
they might have like the quality and quantity. And we believe that using of this abtec
product has resulted in good outputs.

2. And only few people like 15 to 20% people won’t agree with the products. It might be
due to less awareness or else it can be the influence of other chemical fertilizers.

3. But in an overall aspect we can see that most of the people prefer this product .And
hence it has earn some marketability acceptance in the market.

3. The Customer is brand sensitive:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Yes 18 85 %
No 7 15%

No; 15.09%

Yes; 84.91%

Yes No


1. Almost 85 percent customers are brand sensitive its because they know that they are
dealing with the farming sector so best quality of fertilizers would result in good output
and also good revenue. So this brand oriented customers are also there in this sector.

2. And only 15 percent people are least bothered about the brand. They just want to
purchase fertilizers and are not worried about the outcome of these fertilizers and hence
they don’t give much importance.

4. The Customer is concerned about quality and price:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Always 18 77 %
Sometime 4 17 %
Never 3 6%

Never; 5.98%
Sometime; 17.09%

Al ways
Always; 76.92%


1. Almost 77 % customers are very much concerned about the price and and quality of a
product. It’s because they know that their output in this farming sector depends on the
type of fertilizers they are using. If they are using the best product this would result in a
good output with greater revenue to them and also the company will be able to achieve
their target in achieving huge customers.

2. And only few people are concerned about the price and quality it mainly show those
people who are just doing their farming activities in small area they are not focusing on
huge return or output just satisfying basic needs. And some people often do are concerned
about the price and quality in this sector too.

5. If a customer does not mention any brand we recommend ATEC products:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agree 14 56 %
Agree 4 16 %
Neutral 2 8%
Disagree 2 8%
Strongly Disagree 3 12 %


Strongly disagree;
Disagree; 8.00% Strongl y agree
Neutral; 8.00% Neutral
Strongly agree; 56.00% Di sa gree
Strongl y di s agree

Agree; 16.00%


1. 56 % of the dealer as well as customers often do recommend this brand .its because
they know quality and importance of the product. Since they are dealing with lots of
people who are involved in this farming activity. So its good because some people are not
that much aware of the product so definitely this would help the dealer to introduce this
product and to tell about its usage.

2. And some dealers won’t recommend this product, it might be due to different
can be personal motive or something else. So this would deal with it. Its completely
depending on the personal interest of recommending and not recommending.

3. And some of the people are in doubt with regard to which product has to be used. Its
not their fault but rather they are not that much aware of the bio fertilizers.
6. The reason for recommending ABTEC products is due to:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Increased yield 8 32 %
Good plant growth 2 8%
Maintain soil fertility 6 24 %
Eco-friendly 7 28 %
Good root formation 2 8%

Good root formation; 2; 8.00%
Increased yield; 8; 32.00%
Eco friendly; 7; 28.00%

Good plant growth; 2; 8.00%

Maintain soil fertility; 6; 24.00%

Increas ed yi el d Good pl a nt growth Ma i ntai n s oi l fertil i ty

Eco fri endl y Good root formation


1. Almost 32 % says that it has resulted in increasing the yield and maintaining soil
fertility. Definitely it’s a good impact about this product. Since in this modern era all are
mainly focusing on the chemical fertilizers where as abtec mainly focus on the bio
fertilizer which is good for the soil to produce good output with good margin profit.

2. And definitely in this modern era all the chemical fertilizer are destroying the crops
and making the soil infertile the abtec product has resulted eco-friendly and very much
supportive to the soil and the products which growing in the farm . almost 28 % people
are recommending since it is eco-friendly.

7. We are satisfied with the delivery process of ABTEC:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Very much 20 82 %
Moderately 3 12 %
Not 2 6%

not ; 5.74%
moderately; 12.30%

very much
moderatel y

very much; 81.97%


1. Almost 82 % of customer are satisfied with the delivery process of abtec products on
time. Definitely this has resulted a good acceptance of the product on behalf of its
customer. And it has made ensure its capacity and ability in all the techniques which is
essential for a company to have.

2. And only few people are not satisfied with the delivery process like around 6 %. .It
might be due to remote areas and the non-availability of transportation to transfer the
products to the destination.

8. The company used to maintain good relationship with us:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Yes 22 87 %
No 3 13 %

no ; 12.70%

yes; 87.30%


1. 87 % customers says that the company maintain good relationship. It might be due to
the offers which is been provided by the company to its regular customers also best
quality of products. So this in maintaining a good cooperate relationship.

2. And only few like around 13 % people say that its not because it completely depend on
the personal factor of the customer and also their loyality towards certain company
3. But in an overall aspect the company has played a good role in maintaining a good
bond with the customers and also made it’s product wide available through out the

9. These organic fertilizers and pesticides are able to avoid chemical fertilizers
Criteria Respondents Percentage
Yes 22 87 %
No 3 13 %

No; 12.70%


Yes; 87.30%


1. Almost 87 % of people support this that using of bio fertilizers and pesticides are able
to reduce chemical fertilizers usage. Because of the chemical fertilizers this has resulted
in huge loss to fertility of soil & damage to crops. So this usage of bio fertilizers will
improve the soil fertility and will result in less degradation.

2. And on the other hand side 13 % of people are telling it won’t. Because most of the
people just want to create huge output in less period of time so they depend more on
chemical fertilizers and not depending much on bio-fertilizers.

3. From the above graph we can see that most of the customers are preferring bio
fertilizers since it eco friendly.

10. Company provide samples, provide testing facilities for soil nutrients:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Always 18 85 %
Sometime 7 15 %


a l ways
s ometime



1. 85 % people say that the company usually do the soil testing facilities so that it help
the customers to know the the soil chemical level and nutrients level and to implement
organic fertilizers based on the soil test. So definitely this test help to know the level and
to make aware people about the soil.

2. 15 % says that It doesn’t do. It might be due to various reasons. It depends on various
issues and psychological factors

11. The Bio-pesticides are capable for controlling pests and pathogens:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Not useful 5 23 %
Somewhat useful 6 27 %
Useful 8 23 %
Very useful 6 27 %

not us eful
s omewhat
not useful; 22.73% us eful
very useful; 27.27%
us eful
very us eful

somewhat useful; 27.27%

useful; 22.73%


1. Almost 23 to 27 % people say that bio fertilizer are more enough to kill pest. The ratio
clearly define it and hence it’s a good impact without the use of the chemical fertilizer,
bio fertilizer are doing their best performance and also it will be helpful to generate
healthy crops without making much destructions to the soil.

2. And 23 % of people say that it’s not useful. Hence it can be because of the daily usage
of chemical fertilizer which has resulted in better impact for them generating more output
is mandatory instead of creating healthy output. And hence it also depend on the factor
like nature, attitude and systematic tradition which they have been following from the

12. Do you agree that the company provides sufficient promotion for organic agriculture:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Agree 15 70 %
Neutral 5 23 %
Dis-agree 5 7%

dis-agree; 6.54%

neutral; 23.36%

a gree
agree; 70.09% di s -agree


1. Almost 70 % people agree with the statement that the company promotes organic
farming. And hence its true.

2. 23 % say it promotes and de-promote. It depends on type of farming.

3. 7 % disagree with the statement.

13. The company provides training/information to customers about usage of products:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Yes 19 86 %
No 6 14 %





1. Almost 86 % people say that the company is providing training and other facilities with
regards to usage of bio fertilizer product. For this company usually test the soil and find
out the nutrients level and do recommend which bio fertilizer has to be used in this soil.
And various class is been done to give correct step by step procedure about the usage of
products. Hence company management on their behalf are trying their best to promote
their product as much as they can.

2. 14 % of people say that they are not receiving it It might be due to various factors. It
depends on the interest of the customer and their needs .

14. The position of ABTEC is good in market:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Agree 20 86 %
Dis-agree 5 14 %



a gree di s -agree


1. Almost 86 % people do agree with the statement that the position of abtec products is
good in the market. It might be due to the marketing strategy, various plans, promotion
which has been put forward by the company management in order to attain a good
position in the market. Definitely the company is still trying its best in order to attain the
rest 14 % fulfillment.

2. And almost 14 % people are telling it’s not. Because it might be due to several reasons.
There are lot of companies which are competators in this market field. So all company
will be trying out their best to influence customers in one way or the other.

15. What brands other than ABTEC are you dealing:

Criteria Respondents Percentage

Deepa Farms and Input 6 24 %
PVT ltd
Greenland Agrocares 5 20 %
Prakriti Biotech 5 20 %

Bacto Agro Culture Care 4 16 %
PVT ltd
Greenfert Agro Research 5 20 %
Centre PVT ltd

20.00% 24.00%

Deepa Farms and Input PVT l td

Greenl a nd Agrocares
16.00% Prakri ti Biotech
20.00% Bacto Agro Cul ture Ca re PVT l td
Greenfert Agro Res ea rch Centre
PVT l td


1. 24 % have sale of Deepa farms and input PVT ltd products on sale.

2. 20 % have sale of Greenland Agrocares products on sale.

3. 20 % have sale of Prakriti Biotech products on sale.

4. 16 % have sale of Bacto Agro Culture Care PVT ltd on sale.

5. 20 % have sale of Greenfert Agro Research Centre PVT ltd on sale.



This study has been conducted in AGO BIO-TECH Research Centre Ltd, situated in Kottayam.
The company is manufacturing and distributing various types of bio-fertilizers and bio
pesticides, suitable for sustainable and organic agriculture in the country.

The produce different bio fertilizers viz. Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Azotobacter,

Phosphobacteria, Bio-potash and Bio control agent like Trichodermasp, Pseudomonos
Fluorescence, Beauveria Bassiana, Verticillium lecanii, Paecilomyces lilacinus, Hirsutella
thompsonii, Bacillus subtilis and organic manures like Bio-Organic Cardamom, Bio-Organic
Coconut etc under the trade name ‘ABTEC’. The research and development wing in the
company is developing many more products, which will soon hit the market. The source of
culture are International Crops Research Institute For The Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT),
Regional Centre of Organic Farming, Project Directorate of Biological Control, Indian Institute
of Spices Research, Kerala Agricultural University and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.

This product is well known for its growth, efficiency to produce more crops, reliability, nutrients
and environment friendly. Due to these factors it has gained its market acceptance in all aspects.
And has resulted in good acceptance among its customers in this farming sector.and the company
has tried its level best in order to assure its availability at all time.

“A study on market acceptance of abtec products in Kollam region.” is a study with a basic
objective of measuring the sales and acceptance of marketing product of abtec company. This
study has been done on the basis of information with regard to sales and market acceptance of
this product among the dealers and customers in Kollam region in an overall aspect.

In this project we have taken 25 as sample size. And the following study has been done
through which it has helped in Descriptive study. The pie charts have also been mentioned in
order to describe the actual sale and acceptance of the product in that particular Kollam region.

Finally, we came to know that its very necessary to know the background/genesis of
the topic/subject first, so as to understand the requirement/problem at hand and then consider its
present status and future prospects so as to arrive at a suggested set of
solution/recommendations/suggestion so vital.


1. Almost 61 percent of the people are claiming that the price of the product is reasonable. And
hence there is a good movement if the product.

2. 17 percent of them claim that the price is not reasonable and somewhat might be
due to less awareness about the product and its quality too.

3. Almost 40 percent agree that they prefer abtec products than any other products .I hope they
might have like the quality and quantity. And we believe that using of this abtec product has
resulted in good outputs.

4. And only few people like 15 to 20% people won’t agree with the products. It might be due to
less awareness or else it can be the influence of other chemical fertilizers.

5. But in an overall aspect we can see that most of the people prefer this product .And hence it
has earn some marketability acceptance in the market.

6. Almost 85 percent customers are brand sensitive its because they know that they are dealing
with the farming sector so best quality of fertilizers would result in good output and also good
revenue. So this brand oriented customers are also there in this sector.

7. And only 15 percent people are least bothered about the brand. They just want to purchase
fertilizers and are not worried about the outcome of these fertilizers and hence they don’t give
much importance.

8. Almost 77 % customers are very much concerned about the price and and quality of a product.
It’s because they know that their output in this farming sector depends on the type of fertilizers
they are using. If they are using the best product this would result in a good output with greater
revenue to them and also the company will be able to achieve their target in achieving huge

9. And only few people are concerned about the price and quality it mainly show those people
who are just doing their farming activities in small area they are not focusing on huge return or
output just satisfying basic needs. And some people often do are concerned about the price and
quality in this sector too.

10. 56 % of the dealer as well as customers often do recommend this brand .its because they
know quality and importance of the product. Since they are dealing with lots of people who are
involved in this farming activity. So its good because some people are not that much aware of the
product so definitely this would help the dealer to introduce this product and to tell about its

11. And some dealers won’t recommend this product, it might be due to different can
be personal motive or something else. So this would deal with it. Its completely depending on the
personal interest of recommending and not recommending.

12. Almost 32 % says that it has resulted in increasing the yield and maintaining soil fertility.
Definitely it’s a good impact about this product. Since in this modern era all are mainly focusing
on the chemical fertilizers where as abtec mainly focus on the bio fertilizer which is good for the
soil to produce good output with good margin profit.

13. And definitely in this modern era all the chemical fertilizer are destroying the crops and
making the soil infertile the abtec product has resulted eco-friendly and very much supportive to
the soil and the products which growing in the farm . almost 28 % people are recommending
since it is eco-friendly.

14. 85 % people say that the company usually do the soil testing facilities so that it help the
customers to know the the soil chemical level and nutrients level and to implement organic
fertilizers based on the soil test. So definitely this test help to know the level and to make aware
people about the soil.

15. 15 % says that It doesn’t do. It might be due to various reasons. It depends on various issues
and psychological factors

16. Almost 86 % people say that the company is providing training and other facilities with
regards to usage of bio fertilizer product. For this company usually test the soil and find out the
nutrients level and do recommend which bio fertilizer has to be used in this soil.

17. 14 % of people say that they are not receiving it It might be due to various factors. It
depends on the interest of the customer and their needs.

18. Almost 86 % people do agree with the statement that the position of abtec products is good in
the market. It might be due to the marketing strategy, various plans, promotion which has been
put forward by the company management in order to attain a good position in the market.
Definitely the company is still trying its best in order to attain the rest 14 % fulfillment.

19. And almost 14 % people are telling it’s not. Because it might be due to several reasons. There
are lot of companies which are competators in this market field. So all company will be trying
out their best to influence customers in one way or the other.


From the project study we can get into a conclusion that the company is a bit far from making its
products awareness among the people, but often do trying to maintain its popularity through
several programmes. For the sake of its development, a few recommendations are as follows:-

 The awareness of the product should be made among the customers via newspapers ,
journals and articles.

 Open discussion must be conducted as an open air programme in order to make people
aware of its maintenance cost and performance of the product.

 Promotion through celebrities should be made essential, today in this modern era
celebrities play a major role in influencing the customers.

 In order to ensure a constant or a hike level of sale and market acceptance, the company
should provide some offers in the product such as festival offers, discount, free soil check
up etc.

 The company officials itself should come in to the open air discussion and should deal
with the new customers and should try to motivate them in purchasing the product.

 The company should offer some surprise rewards for its customers so that this could also
play a major role for satisfying the customers and also it would result in popularity of the
product through existing customers.

 The company should often conduct some farming events to make this product awareness
and to attract the customers.

 From the project study we can suggest that the company try to build its brand image not
only among the organice farmers but also among the whole class of farmers who are
involved in different activities.

 The company should introduce their products , its price, and should display its mixtures
which has been used to develop the products which will be affordable and helpfull for
the customers to know and buy the products.



We, students of Good Shepherd College, Kottayam currently doing a project work
KOLLAM REGION,” as a part of our academic curriculum (B.Com Model II
Finance & Taxation).We request you to participate in our study and also we assure
you that the data generated shall be kept confidential.
Name :
Age :
Gender :
Mobile No :

1. The Consumer feel that the price of ABTEC products are:

Reasonable Not Reasonable

Somewhat reasonable Very high

2. The Customer prefer ABTEC brand more than any other brand in my store:

Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree

3. The Customer is brand sensitive:

Yes No

4. The Customer is concerned about quality and price:

Always Sometime


5. If a customer does not mention any brand we recommend ATEC products:

Strongly Agree Agree

Neutral Disagree

Strongly Disagree

6. The reason for recommending ABTEC products is due to:

Increased yield Good plant growth

Maintain soil fertility Eco-friendly

Good root formation

7. We are satisfied with the delivery process of ABTEC:

Very much Moderately


8. The company used to maintain good relationship with us:

Yes No

9. These organic fertilizers and pesticides are able to avoid chemical fertilizers

Yes No

10. Company provide samples, provide testing facilities for soil nutrients:

Always Sometime
11. The Bio-pesticides are capable for controlling pests and pathogens:

Not useful Somewhat useful

Useful Between Useful

Very useful

12. Do you agree that the company provides sufficient promotion for organic

Agree Neutral


13. The company provides training/information to customers about usage of


Yes No

14. The position of ABTEC is good in market:

Agree Disagree

15. What brands other than ABTEC are you dealing:

Deepa Farms and Input PVT ltd Greenland Agrocares

Prakriti Biotech Bacto Agro Culture CarePVT ltd

Greenfert Agro Research Centre PVT ltd




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