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Tracer Study on Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Graduates of a Polytechnic College in the

Philippines from 2007 to 2010

-Virginia V. Pontillas (REE, MET)

Education in the Philippines is of great importance because it is considered as the primary

avenue for upward social and economic mobility. Recognizing this fact, the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) is mandated to the national government’s commitment to transformational leadership
that puts education as the central strategy for investing in the Filipino people, reducing poverty, and
building national competitiveness that shall promote, among others, relevant and quality education which
is accessible to all.

The Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges is a public school in the Philippines created anchored
on the feasibility study and approved as a bill later known as Batas Pambansa Blg. 512. Foremost, the
College was tasked to primarily provide higher technological, professional, and vocational instruction, and
training in fisheries, trade and technology, arts and sciences, as well as short term technical and vocational
courses. The existence of the college in the region was justified by offering a “unique” curriculum, that is,
a ladderized one where in any year level finished corresponds to an earned diploma or certificate.

The present tracer study is a significant means of evaluating the results of the education and
training provided at the college. This gives basic information regarding the level of employment,
unemployment among graduates, the first and current position of graduates and the correspondence
between educational qualifications and required work skills. The results that will be derived will indicate
whether there is a mismatch between the provided education and trainings by the college and the
requirements of the workplace. It is desired that these results will serve as basis for future revision of
curriculum, if necessary

The BSEE graduates are majority male; although less than 50% of them are not professional
licensed nevertheless they are employed and with permanent and regular jobs. Only one pursued
graduate study although many attended various trainings and seminars related to their work. Most of the
respondents are employed in Metro Manila and are working related to the degree earned and the present
job is their second job. The average salary is Ph 20 000 – 30 000 and mostly are working with the present
employment for 3 – 5 years now. They commonly found their first job within 3 to 6 months after
graduation, and through direct hire or walk-in mode of application. For their first employments, most of
the respondents worked in a Design and Inspection nature of company and were hired for entry-level
positions such as staff or cadet engineers and some worked in the professional/technical and supervisory
position after their first job. A great percentage of the respondents hopped from one job to another
because of insufficient salary and for a new challenge while those who remained found job satisfaction
amidst low salary. As for graduate factors, respondents found the knowledge attribute satisfactory while
skills and attitude very satisfactory in performing their job as required from them. Meanwhile, they agreed
that the college enhanced their skill to perform electrical wiring and other tasks as electrical practitioners.
On the other hand, they implied that the college has a poor placement program and linkages whereby can
help the graduates land for employment. The respondents’ extent of application of knowledge attribute
shows relationship when they are grouped according to professional registration but not significant with
both skills and attitude. Interestingly the perception of school factors and professional registration has
significant relationship.

Tracer Study Of Engineering Graduates Of One Higher Education Institution In The Philippines For
Academic Year 2009-2012
(Dotong,Chavel et.al.,2016)

The rapid growth in commercial and manufacturing industries has brought to the academic
community a huge transformation from traditional way of delivering instruction to the most fascinated
and modern methods of teaching and learning activities. College graduates must possess the character
and values that would lead the companies to the higher degree of accomplishments. The realization of
corporate mission depends on the technical skills next to the work attitude of the employees that needs
to be

Communication skills, teamwork, problem solving and decision making skills are the common
required employability skills needed to possess by newly graduates in order to deal with real-world
problems (Zaharim et al., 2012, as cited in Yusoff, et. al, 2012). Meanwhile, Six (6) key generic skills in use
are identified by Morley and Harvey (2001): communication, application of numbers, information
technology, working with others, improving own learning and performance and problem solving. In
addition to relevant skills, employers seek employees who have the personal values, characteristics, and
personality traits that spell success. Good personal values are what make the foundation for a good
employee (Loretto, 2012). Graduate-respondents considered perseverance and hard work, honesty and
love for truth, professional integrity, supportiveness, love for God, punctuality, efficiency and courage as
work-related values with very much contribution to job placement (Laguador & Dotong, 2013) nourished
by the Higher Educational Institution.

The researchers are presently conducting the third period for 2009 – 2012 graduates and
completed in 2013, which includes the four engineering programs of LPU: Bachelor of Science (BS) in
Computer Engineering (CpE), BS Industrial Engineering (IE), BS Mechanical Engineering (ME) and BS
Electronics Engineering (EcE) and intends to assess the relevance of the curricula, knowledge and skills
acquired by the graduates for their employment; identify the personal and professional characteristics
and job placement of the Engineering graduates. This study will look after the mission of LPU-B to provide
the students equal and appropriate knowledge and skills applicable to the graduates’ future employment.
Similarly, the findings of the study will serve as the bases for the researchers to improve, update or
enhance the Engineering curricula to make it more responsive to the needs of the industries.

There were 95.54 percent gainfully employed engineering graduates from 2009 to 2012 with
regular status working as associate professionals in the Philippine manufacturing companies related to
their college degrees who found their first job as walk-in applicants and stayed on their jobs for more than
three (3) years. Career challenge is foremost reason of the engineering graduates for accepting and
staying for the job and majority of them were receiving almost P10,000 to less than P15,000 per month.

Communication skill is considered the foremost competency learned in college that found very
useful to their job placement along with hard work, professional integrity, perseverance, love for God,
efficiency and supportiveness to their present job. Mathematics is deemed to be the foremost relevant
general education course to the job placement of engineering followed by languages. In terms of
professional courses, MS Office Application is considered very relevant for CpE followed by Computer
Troubleshooting/ Maintenance; electronics and digital communications for ECE; Industrial Quality Control
and personnel management for IE; and Industrial and Power Plant Engineering for ME.
Department Chairs must informally monitor the employment status of the graduates several
months after graduation to have an updated annual employment rating and they should not wait for three
to four years before conducting another tracer study. The university must strengthen its job placement
program through sending letter of recommendations to industry linkages to assist the graduates for their
potential employers.

Communication skill must be further intensified especially to engineering students whose field of
specialization is not directly associated to writing and public speaking. This can be achieved through giving
them enough classroom exercises and activities designed to enhance the confidence of the students in
both writing and oral communications.

Engineering students must also be encouraged to pursue advanced studies through attending
graduate school and participating actively in various professional organizations as one of the measures of
Program Educational Objectives.

Faculty Members teaching mathematics must prove to the students its significance, relevance and
usefulness to future employment so that they would have better understanding and enhanced interest
towards developing their problem solving and analytical thinking skills. Meanwhile, Faculty members who
are teaching professional courses must update their technical skills related to the subjects being taught
through attending seminars and conferences as well as enhancing their teaching methodologies aligned
with Outcomes-Based Education requirements.

Incorporate methods of research in software engineering subject, design project and feasibility study

Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines

Fatima Nicetas Rabang-Alonzo

Architecture as a discipline deduces from knowledge and skills from the sciences, humanities,
and fine and applied arts. It applies itself to providing shelter to all activities of man in all places under
varying conditions, understanding each place within distinctive physical, historical, cultural, social,
political, and virtual environments. Our built environment is formed and transformed as a result of
architectural proposals done by engaging with the spaces, buildings, cities, and landscapes where we live.
Architectural study is centered on design.

The Bachelor of Science (BS) in Architecture program is a 5-year academic curricular program
compliant with CHED Memorandum Order No. 61, s. 2006: Policies, Standards, and Guidelines for
Architecture Education with the goal to train and develop students’ proficiency on the theories, practices,
and techniques of the architectural profession. The curriculum includes courses or fields of study related
to architecture such as interior design, landscape architecture, urban design, urban planning, regional
planning, environmental planning, housing, real estate development, educational management, business
management, project management, construction management and technology, building administration
and maintenance, engineering, and architectural research, as embodied in RA 9266 and the Architects’
National Code

It is on this premise that this research was conducted. The UNP College of Architecture hopes
to trace the employment competitiveness of its graduates along place of employment, work status, and
work assignments. The results will provide a basis for the College to continue improving its curriculum,
teaching methods, approaches, and the learning styles of students as well.

The study aimed to determine the employment status of the graduates- both RLAs and
underboard- of the College of Architecture, University of Northern Philippines, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur from
School Years 2001 to 2011 in terms of year of graduation, place of employment, work assignment, and
work status, and work related to the degree.

On the other hand, Navarro, et al., (2003) in their study stated that employability is a measure of
the productivity of education because it is reflective of the economic value added to the person who
underwent the educative process; that one of the indicators that a school has fulfilled its mission
statement is through the employability of its graduates, adding that employability is usually measured in
terms of waiting time.

Further, Navarro, et al. mentioned Santillan’s (1988) study where majority of graduates gained
employment ranging from 10-12 months after graduation and that the most needed qualification was the
Bachelor’s degree or title. Said study recognized that employability is affected by two economic factors
that affect jobhunting: 1) scarcity of employment opportunities and 2) manpower needs of the community
that may not relate to the skills training of graduates. The study also affirms that these concerns directly
relate to the country’s brain-drain characterizedby a large number of graduates seeking employment
abroad because of lack of employment in the home country.

Most of the respondents are CAD Technician/Operators, a work assignment in high demand now in
the design and construction industry especially for the younger batch of graduates armed with very good
skills in the latest CAD softwares. Majority of the respondents work as contractual, a preference of the
respondents who do not want to stay long in their present job and have the option to get out when
opportunity for greener pastures are available for them.
Majority are employed in architecture-related jobs. This encompasses the employment of all
graduates, both ALE passers who provide professional services in accordance with RA 9266, and the
underboard who perform architectural works under the supervision of an architect and can work in jobs
related to architectural practice but cannot use the title “Architect” or enjoy the rights and privileges of

The UNP College of Architecture should continue to attract enrollees to the BS Architecture
program by sustaining its good reputation as a producer of quality graduates competitive with other
Philippine and foreign schools particularly those from the ASEAN. This can be achieved by regularly
enhancing the curriculum and qualifications of its faculty to match the global needs of the industry. An
immediate action would be the inclusion of latest softwares in the CAD courses to arm graduates with this
particular technical skill. Consistently also, the College must imbue in the students the values of a good
architect. The result would be increased demand for and faster employment of UNP graduates as overseas
contract workers and as employees of well-known architectural firms in Manila and in the locality. Their
excellent training and education will likewise allow them to make good choices in their employment.

While the UNP graduates find good Architecture-related employments, the College should
encourage and inspire all graduates to take the Architect’s Licensure Examination. Passing the ALE should
be the ultimate goal of completing the 5-year academic program in architecture in order to legally practice
the profession and to fully enjoy employment as an architect with the rights and privileges accorded in
being as one


 Tracer Study on Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Graduates of a Polytechnic College

in the Philippines from 2007 to 2010

Pontillas, V. V. (2018, May 15). Tracer Study on Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Graduates of a Polytechnic College in the Philippines from 2007 to 2010. Retrieved from

 Tracer Study Of Engineering Graduates Of One Higher Education Institution In The Philippines
For Academic Year 2009-2012
De Castro, E., & Laguador, J. (2016, January). TRACER STUDY OF ENGINEERING GRADUATES OF

 Employment Status of Architecture Graduates of the University of Northern Philippines

Rabang-Alonzo, F. N. (2013, December/January). Employment Status of Architecture Graduates
of the University of Northern Philippines.

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