PAST PAPER Custom Inspector - 2005

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PAST PAPER – 2005 (Batch-1)

1. How many permanent members the Security Council have? 5

2. F.B.I in USA stands for? Federal Bureau of Investigation
3. Pakistan is situated in: South Asia
4. Copenhagen is the capital of: Denmark
5. Yen is the currency of: japan
6. Gwadar is situated in________: Balochistan
7. The Headquarters of the International Court of justice is situated in: Hague
8. The final of 1992Cricket World Cup was held in: Melbourne
9. The constellation of seven bright stars is known as: The Great Bear
10. World Trade Organization is the new name of: GATT
11. The City of Seven Hills is: Rome
12. Beijing is the new name of : Peking
13. Which country is not the member of SAARC: Myanmar
14. Which of the following is the Military Alliance: NATO
15. Name the most polluted City out of the following? Mexico
16. Who invented the printing press? Johann Gutenberg
17.The nearest planet to the sun ? Mercury
18. Who discovered America? Christopher Columbus
19. The largest desert of the world is? Sahara Desert
20. Sound cannot travel through? Vacuum
21. According to 1998 census the literacy rate in Pakistan is: 45% (60per)
22. Census is held in Pakistan after every: Ten years
23. In the subcontinent first census was held in: 1881
24. In which sector largest Labour force is attached in Pakistan: Agriculture
25. The largest spoken language in Pakistan is: Punjabi
26. What is the ratio of Punjabi speaking population? 48%
27. What is the total length of first railway track? 169KM
28. What is the total length of track of Pakistan Railway? 11881 km (in 2018)
29. Karakoram highway connects Pakistan with: China
30. What is the total length of Gwadar Motorway: 892Km
31. What is the total length of Lahore Islamabad motorway: 375Km
32. Abdul Qadeer Khan nuclear laboratories was setup in Kahuta in: 1976
33. Toot oil and natural gas field is located in: Punjab
34. Pakistan placed in the world population wise on number: 6
35. Karachi is Populated city According to 1998 census is : Number 1
36. Which is the largest jungle of Pakistan? Juniper (Ziarat)
37. The current growth rate of population in Pakistan is: 2.4% (in 2018)
38. What is the current literacy rate of Pakistan: 60% (in 2018)
39. How many radio stations were working in Pakistan at the time of partition of sub-continent: 3
40. When was the first woman bank established in Pakistan: December 2, 1989
41. The current constitution of Pakistan was introduced in : 1973
42. Luck now Pact was signed in: 1916

Prepared By: Faizan Ch – MBA, M. Phil Finance

Mob: 0321-7430036

43. The first round table conference was held in: London
44. All India Muslim League was found in: 1906
45. Who led the Simla Deputation: Sir Agha Khan
46. When did Ouaid-e-Azam loin the Muslim League: 1913
47. Who wrote ”India Wins Freedom”: Abdul Kalam Azad
48. Who was the first chief justice of Pakistan: Abdur Rashid
49. Objective resolution was passed in: 1949
50. Who inaugurated the state bank of Pakistan: Quaid -e-Azam
51. Who wrote Pakistan's National Anthem: Hafeez Jalandhari
52. Who proposed the name of Pakistan: Ch Rahmat Ali
3. Indus Basin Treaty Was signed in: 1960
54. Who presented the Lahore Resolution: Maulvi Fazal-e-Haq
55. The first census of Pakistan was held in: 1951
56. The British Government accepted the Muslim League's demand for Pakistan on: 3rd June 1947
57. Total area of Pakistan is: 796096 Km
58. The national game of Pakistan is: Hockey
59. Who wrote the famous Pamphlet captioned "Now Or Never”: Ch Rahmat Ali
60. Lake Shaiful Muluk is situated in: Kaghan
61. Choose the correct spelling: Receive
62. Relieve
63. Succeed
64. Mr. Allan was immediately promoted when his boss saw how he was: Assiduous
65. We had a beautiful view of the valley through the: Window
66. That was an edition of the book : Abridged
67. His reply was such_____ expected him to give: as
68. She never _____ to him in the past: Wrote
69. He is grateful his friends______: to
70. I take much delight reading poetry_____: in
71. I can see____ your game: Through
72. Choose synonyms; Arrogance : Haughtiness
73. Annihilate:______Efface
74. Cumbersome:____Awkward
75. Exemplify:____ Illustrate
76. Choose antonyms; Capricious: ___ Unchanging
77. Entice:____Repel
78. Frantic:_____Sane
79. Melancholy:_____Cheerfulness
80. The number of Allah's attributes are: 99
81. Ominous:______Promising
82. The Zaboor was revealed on: Hazrat Dawood
83. The recitation of first Kailmah is called : Tahleel
84. Hazrat Jaffar Tayyar was martyred in the battle of: Moota
85. The surah revealed upon the Holy Prophet is: Surah AI-Alaq
86. The book of Hadith "Mavata" was written by: lmam Malik
87. Who claimed to be prophet during the period of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique: Muselima Kazzab
88. Al-Hudabiyah agreement was signed in: 628

Prepared By: Faizan Ch – MBA, M. Phil Finance

Mob: 0321-7430036

89. Hazrat Muhammad(SAW) died on: june 8, A.D. 632

90. Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique became the caliph of Islam in: AD 632
91. Which is the longest Surah of the Holy Quran: Surah-Al-Baqra
92. Sha'ban is which month of Islamic Calendar: 8th
93. The Holy Quran comprises: 114 Surah
94. How many verses are there in the Holy Quran: 6666
95. The pillars of Islam are: 5
96. Ahmad Bin Baytar was a: Botanist
97. Al Zahrawi was the court physician of: AI-Hakim I:
98. Siyassat -Namah was composed by: Nizam-UI-Mulkl
99. The word "Maliaka" means: Messenger
100. Which Surah doesn't begin with "Bismillah": Surah-Tauba

Prepared By: Faizan Ch – MBA, M. Phil Finance

Mob: 0321-7430036

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