Most Repeated Mcqs in PPSC Past Papers

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1-Clash of civilization is written by ?

Samuel Huntington

2-War and Peace is written by?

Leo Tolstoy

3-Pride and prejudice is written by?

jane Austin

4-India Wins Freedom Is written by?

Abu ul Kalam azad

5-Who was the chief editor of "Zamindar?

Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

6-First viceroy of the subcontinent was?

Lord Canning

7-Last viceroy of subcontinent?

Lord Mountbatten

8-OIC came into Existence?


9-HOw many states are there in USA?


10-SAARC headquarters?

11-UNO established on?

24th oct-1945

12-Surah Without Bismillah?

Surah Tauba
13-Anarkali Is wriiten by?
Imtiaz Ali Taj

14-RAja Ghidh Is written by?

Bano Qudsiya

15- Partition of Bengal Took place in ?


16-Suez Canal Connects ?

Mediterian and red sea

17. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in?


18.Pakistan became UNO member in?

30 sep 1947

19. Who was viceroy at time of partition of Bengal?

Lord Curzon

20. First Constitution of Pakistan was made in?

23 March 1956

21. UNO formed in?

24 oct 1945

22. Longest river of world?


23. Largest Desert of world?


24. Largest island of world?


25. Largest ocean of world?

Pacific Ocean
26- Jaundice is the disease of:
A) Lungs B) Pancreas C) Liver

27- The organ effected by the virus of Hepatitis is?

A) Kidneys B) Lungs C) Pancreas D) Liver

28- scurvy is due to lack of?

(vitamin c)

29- Interfax is the news agency of?


30--fasting became farz -------------------

2 hijri

31--gazwa tabook---------------------
9 hijri

32--who wrote hudaibiya-----------------

Hazart Ali (R.A)

33-- Ringitt is the currency of ------Malaysia88--Digital computer invented by--------------John


34. Allama Iqbal delivered his famous address at Allahabad in:

1930 (

35. Author of “Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained” was:

( John Milton

36. “Khateeb-ul-Amnbia” kis paighmber ka laqab tha?

Hazrat Shoaib A.S)


1. Pakistan and China connect with? Khunjrab Pass
2. Height of K-2 is- 8611 meters
3. Asia covers land area of world is- 5%
4. Sindh separated ? Govt of India Act 1935
5. Pakistan and India boundary line was made by? Rad cliff
6. Thickest layer of earth? Mantle
7. Which is the smallest and fastest planet – Mercury
8. The smallest bird is – Humming bird
9. The largest insect is – Allasa
10. Which is the fastest bird- Indian Swift- speed 200 km
11. Which metal has the highest electrical conductivity- Tungsten
12. Which is land locked country? Nepal
13. CNG? Compressed Natural Gas
14. Quran Pak completed in? 23 years
15. New name of Burma? Myanmar
16. Lolyd Muhammaden authored by? Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
17. Hormuz lies between? Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf
18. Who abolished one unit? Yahya khan
19. Largest animal in the world is – Blue whale
20. Which country leads in the production of Zinc – Canada
Read More: 1000+ Important General Knowledge MCQs for Jobs in Pakistan
1. Ga is the symbol for which element? Gallium
2. A nephron is the functional unit of which organ in the human body? Kidney
3. In which country is the ancient city of Tarsus? Turkey
4. The Khyber Pass links which two countries? Afghanistan and Pakistan.
5. A men purchase book of 440 and sold in 400? Loss 40
6. Daily wages of worker is 200 increased by 10%? 220
7. Hexagon ? Six sided
8. Income tax rate is 10% if tax deducted is 1500 what will be the income? 15000
9. 1,2,4,7,11,16,22……… ? 29
10. A boy purchase pen for Rs.80 and sold for 40? Loss Rs. 40
11. More elastic? Steel
12. Diamond is the form of? Carbon
13. 1st constitution assembly dissolved by? Governor General Malik
14. Blood is cleaned by? Liver
15. Baqrah surah means? Cow
16. 4cm square area? 16cm2
17. 3% of 2000? 60
18. If 16 men complete work in 10 days how much days required completing work by
8 men ? 20 days.
19. If 45% students fail and 550 pass total number of students? 1000
20. Four side equal ? Square
Also read: 230+ Repeated NTS MCQs with answers
1. Animals Who kill other for food is called ? Predator
2. Jaddah seaport is on? Red sea
3. All that glitters is not Gold.
4. Between 200-300 A.H – 6 Hadith books were written.
5. SAARC has 8 members.
6. In which state is Harvard University? New Jersey.
7. What is measured by an ammeter? Electric current.
8. First Constitution of Pakistan was made in? 23 March 1956
9. What is the name of a person, plant or animal which shuns the light? Lucifugous.
10. What, in field of optics, is biconvex? A lens which is convex on both sides.
11. What, in internet terminology, does SMTP stand for? Simple Mail Transfer
12. The Gobi desert extends over which two countries? China and Mongolia.
13. How is October 24 1929 remembered? Black Thursday.
14. The River Danube flows into which sea? The Black Sea.
15. Which strait separates the North and South islands of New Zealand? Cook Strait.
16. What, in internet terminology, does FTP stand for? File Transfer Protocol.
17. War and Peace is written by? Leo Tolstoy
18. Pride and prejudice is written by? jane Austin
19. Pakistan became UNO member in? 30 sep 1947
20. Who was the chief editor of “Zamindar? Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
Also Read: Important PAK Studies MCQs for Jobs in Pakistan
1. First viceroy of the subcontinent was? Lord Canning
2. Last viceroy of subcontinent? Lord Mountbatten
3. OIC came into Existence? 1969
4. How many states are there in USA? 50
5. SAARC headquarters: Kathmandu
6. UNO established on? 24th oct-1945
7. Surah Without Bismillah? Surah Tauba
8. A narkali Is wriiten by? Imtiaz Ali Taj
9. RAja Ghidh Is written by? Bano Qudsiya
10. Partition of Bengal Took place in ? 1905
11. Suez Canal Connects ? Mediterian and red sea
12. Quaid-e-Azam joined Muslim League in? 1913
13. India Wins Freedom Is written by? Abu ul Kalam azad
14. Who was viceroy at time of partition of Bengal? Lord Curzon
15. Clash of civilization is written by? Samuel Huntington
16. UNO formed in? 24 oct 1945
17. Longest river of world? Nile
18. Largest Desert of world? Sahara
19. Largest island of world? Greenland
20. Largest ocean of world? Pacific Ocean
Also Read: Important Islamiat MCQs For Jobs in Pakistan
1. Who, in World War II, were Axis Power? Germany, Italy. Japan.
2. Which scientist used kites to conduct electrical experiments? Benjamin
3. What is the longest river in France? Rhine
4. What is Autralia’s largest city? Sydney
5. Which term meaning ‘lightning war’ was used to describe military tactics used by
Germany in World War II? Blitzkrieg
6. Scurvy is due to lack of? vitamin C
7. Interfax is the news agency of? Russia
8. Fasting became farz: 2 Hijri
9. Gazwa tabook: 9 Hijri
10. Who wrote hudaibiya: Hazart Ali (R.A)
11. Allama Iqbal delivered his famous address at Allahabad in: 1930
12. Author of “Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained” was: John Milton
13. First Muslim woman who went to space by Russian Aircraft – Anousheh Ansari –
18th September 2006
14. Country with the largest area in world – Russia
15. Which river in the world carries maximum volume of water – Amazon
16. Longest canal in the world is – Beloye More Baltic
17. Which is the smallest country in the world – Vatican city
18. Which is the world’s largest mountain range – Andes
19. Largest producer of silk is- China
20. Largest oil refinery is located at – Jamnagar Refinery- India
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1. Angel Falls the world’s highest water fall is in – Venezuela
2. Deepest lake in the world is – Lake Baikal- Russia (Siberia)
3. Area with the least sunshine is – South pole
4. Area of Asian continent is – 4,38,20,000 sq km
5. Which is the deepest sea in the world – Caribbean
6. Largest lake of the world is – Caspian sea
7. Largest penininsula of the world is – Arabian peninsula 32,37,500 sq km
8. River Nile falls in which sea – Mediterranean Sea
9. Which is the most populous city in the world – Shanghai
10. Which is the most densely populated city of the world – Manila
11. Which is the least populous city of the world – Vatican
12. Smallest republic is Nauru and its population is – 10,000 persons (area 2129
13. Largest concrete dam of world is in USA its name is – Grand Coulee Dam
14. Rohunsky Dam is the highest dam in the world located in – Tajikistan
15. World’s oldest parliament is of – Iceland
16. Largest airport of the world is – King Abdul Aziz International Airport
17. Which is world’s busiest airport – Chicago O’Hare International Airport
18. Airport located at the highest altitude is – Lhasa Airport 4363 meter height
19. Which is the largest railway station in world – Grand Central Terminal – New
20. World’s highest railway station is – Condor Station Bolivia
Read More Best Schools in Pakistan
1. Which is the university with tallest building in world – Moscow State University
2. The longest canal of the world is – Beloye More (in Baltic sea)
3. Area wise the largest city of the world is – Kiruna – in Sweden – 8732 sq km
4. Largest delta of the world is – Sundarbans
5. Largest museum of the world is- British Museum
6. Saltiest sea of the world is- Mediterranean sea
7. Coldest place of the world is- Vostok – Antarctica
8. Driest place of the world is- Death Valley (California)
9. Smallest part of the matter discovered by scientists- Quark
10. Longest platform of the world is- The Loop USA
11. Longest rail tunnel of the world is – Saikan – Japan
12. Longest road tunnel of the world is- St Gohtard (Sweden)
13. Country with the oldest underground railway system is- England
14. Fastest animal of the world is- Cheetah
15. Animal which has longest life span- Tortoise
16. Two rivers form the largest delta of world are- Ganges-Barhamputra
17. Shortest river of the world is – Reo (Montana) 98 km
18. Ringitt is the currency of: Malaysia
19. Which province of Afghanistan is the highest opium producer- Helmand
20. In which city biggest square Tiananmen is situated- Beijing – China

1. Which Indian religion was founded by Guru Nanak? Mughal

2. What is the capital of Austria? Vienna
3. What in printing do the letters ‘U.C’ stand for? Upper case.
4. Which eye infection is sometimes called pinkeye? Conjunctivitis
5. What sort of creature is an iguana? A lizard.
6. What, politically, does UDI stand for? Unilateral declaration of independence.
7. Wagga Wagga is a city in which Australian state? New South Wales.
8. What do the initials FBI stand for? Federal Bureau of Investigation.
9. What type of citrus fruit is a shamouti? Orange.
10. Which astronomical unit os distance is greater, a parsec or a light year? A parsec.
11. What in Russia is Izvestia? A newspaper.
12. In the MG motor car, what do the letters MG stand for? Morris Garages.
13. What part of the body consists of the duodenum, the jejunum and the ileum? Small
14. What kind of foodstuff is Monterey Jack? (It was also a cartoon’s name ‘What’s
for breakfast?’
15. Who wrote Black Beauty? Anna Sewell.
16. What is the capital of Poland? Warsaw.
17. In medicine, what does the acronym SARS stand for? Severe Acute Respiratory
18. The Kyukyu Island chain lies between which two countries? Japan & Taiwan.
19. Which explorer discovered Victoris Falls in Africa? David Livingstone.
20. Which war lasted 16 years longer than its name implies? The Hundred Year’s
Read More: Important 500+ Everyday Science MCQs for Jobs in Pakistan
1. Which is the shallowest of the Great Lakes? Lake Erie.
2. Sinhalese is a language spoken in which country? Sri Lanka.
3. In economics, whose law states that: ‘bad money drives out good
money’? Gresham’s
4. What in Scotland is the meaning of the prefix ‘Inver’? River mouth.
5. Which African country was formerly called French Sudan? Mali.
6. Which sport was originally called ‘soccer-in-water’? Water polo.
7. What does the acronym NAAFI stand for? Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes.
8. On which river does Berlin stand? River Spree.
9. What type of clock was invented in 1656 by Christian Huygens? The pendulum
10. In which desert is the world’s driest place? Atacama (Chile).
11. Which is the world’s saltiest sea? The Red Sea.
12. Which is the least salty? The Baltic Sea.
13. Which nun won the Nobel prize for peace in 1979? Mother Teresa.
14. Which scientist was named ‘Person of the Century’ by Time Magazine? Albert
15. Who sailed in Santa Maria? Christopher Columbus.
16. What name is given to the stiffening of the body after death? Rigor mortis.
17. Addis Ababa is the capital of which country? Ethiopia.
18. Which American science-fiction writer wrote Fahrenheit 451? Ray Bradbury.
19. What food is also called garbanzo? Chick-pea.
20. What is the quality rating for diesel fuel, similar to the octane number for
petrol? Catane number.
Also read: 100 Electrical Engineering NTS MCQs For various
Electrical/Electronics JOBs
1. What is the first book of the New Testament? The Gospel according to Saint
2. What name is given to the time taken for half the atoms in a sample of a
radioactive isotope to decay? Half-life.
3. Who was president of Kenya from 1964 to 1978? Jomo Kenyatta.
4. Which German author wrote the anti-war novel All Quiet on the Western
Front? Erich Maria Remarque.
5. Who was the first British sovereign to make regular use of Buckingham Palace
when in residence in London? Queen Victoria.
6. What is meant by the musical term andante? At a moderate tempo.
7. In a bullfight, what is the mounted man with a lance called? A picador.
8. Which Dutch explorer discovered New Zealand? Abel Tasman.
9. Who became first black world heavyweight boxing champion in 1918? Jack
10. What does the abbreviation RAF stand for? Royal Air Force.
11. The Golden Arrow was a famous train that ran from Paris to which
destination? Monte Carlo.
12. What centigrade temperature is gas mark 6 equal to? 200 degrees C.
13. Most immigration country is – USA
14. Which country has most telephone subscribers – USA
15. Country with largest natural gas reserves – Russia
16. Most spoken language in the world is – Chinese
17. Which is the Biggest library in the world- Library of Congress
18. Ocean which has the biggest commercial activity in world is – Atlantic Ocean
19. Which is the most recent state to join the USA- Hawai
20. Country with largest foreign exchange reserves – japan
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1. Largest automobile manufacturing center in the world is in – Detroit
2. Largest postal network in the world is in – India
3. The first railway line was laid in – England
4. Largest man made canal in the world is – Panama canal
5. Longest optical fiber cable of the world is landed between – London and new
6. Who produced the first automobile – Henry Furd
7. World’s freest economy with lowest taxes – Hong kong
8. World’s largest nuclear power station is situated in – Canada
9. World’s largest uranium producer is — Canada
10. World’s largest paper producer is – USA
11. Lowest per capita income in South Asia is of – Nepal
12. First country to impose ban on sale of all forms of tobacco – Singapore
13. Largest artificial lake of world is in Arizona, USA – Lake Mead
14. First Muslim Woman Judge in America – Charlene Mekled
15. World’s first stock exchange market is – Hamburg
16. World’s largest under sea railway tunnel is between – France and England
17. Which country first gave women a right to vote in 1893 – Newzealand
18. World’s largest irrigation canal is – Indira Gandhi Canal
19. Largest producer of diamond in world is – Bostwana
20. Largest railway station of the world is- Grand Central Terminal, New York
Also Read: Top Best Engineering Universities of Pakistan
1. Gibralter is known as – Smallest colony
2. Which country has oldest anthem of world – Japan
3. Which is the largest of animals – Blue whale
4. Lowest populous Muslim country is- Maldives (area wise also)
5. Largest Muslim country area wise- Kazakhstan
6. Largest Muslim country population wise- Indonesia
7. Muslim country with highest per capital income- Kuwait
8. Quid-e-Azam’s mother tongue was – Gujrati
9. Which SAARC Member Country has Largest Literacy Rate – Sri Lanka
10. Mancher lake situated in – Jamshoro
11. What name is given to the programs run by a computer, as opposed to the
hardware – software
12. Which is known as City of Skyscrapers – New York
13. World environment day is on – 5th June
14. The largest planet is – Jupiter
15. Where the biggest Salt Mine located in Pakistan – Mangora
16. The most beautiful stone-Marble is extracted from which province of Pakistan –
17. In which country are the headquarters of the multinational company Nestle –
18. Which is the national flower of Pakistan – Jasmine
19. What is the standard monetary unit of Turkey – Lira
20. The Second largest city of Pakistan is – Lahore

Try to avoid mistakes.Many answers are wrong.
For example:
Mancher lake is situated in Jamshoro(Sindh).Many others are wrong as well.
AUGUST 8, 201

List of Important Abbreviations, Very Useful for

different Tests & Interviews.
1. POLICE polite obedient loyal intelligent caution efficient
2. TEACHER truthful efficient administrator characters higher examiner responsible
3. ENGLISH England national guidance language international society harmony
4. PSO Pakistan state oil
5. PDA Pakistan development Authority
6. UHF ultra high frequency. 10 CV Mistakes must be removed
7. PEC Pakistan engineering council
8. PAEC Pakistan atomic energy commission
9. COMPUTER common operate machine particular used for trader examination research
10. MBBS bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery
11. WAPDA water and power development Authority
12 PASCO Pakistan agriculture service and corporation
13. M.A Master of art
14. TEA taste energy and admitted
15. Eat energy and taste
16. MBA master business administration
17. bachelor of commerce
18. BBA bachelor business administration
19. MIT master in technology
20. LLB bachelor of law
21. NADRA national and database remote Access
22. NADRA national database and residence authority
23. WHO world health organization
24.FWO food world organization
25. NATO north Atlantic treaty organization
26. ATM Automatic teller machine
27. PTCL Pakistan telecommunication limited
28. ISI inter service intelligence
29. SZABIST shaheed Z.A Bhutto institute science and technology
30. PA Pakistan airline
31. ARMY adult rule module and youth
32. NPN negative positive negative
33. SSP senior superintend of police
34. TEAM together everyone achieve more
35. MPA member provisional Assembly
36. FIR first information report
37. OGDC oil gas development corporation
38. CNG compress natural gas
39. TCS technological communication supply or service
40. SAARC south Asia association regional
41. VISTA volunteers in service to America
42. BBC British board and corporation
43. RADAR radio direction and ranging
44. NOC no objection certificate
45. NGO non government organization
46. MCB Muslim bank commercial
47. NA national assembly
48. LC leaving certificate
49 .BYE be with you every time or beside you every time
50. DATE data and time evolution

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