Investors Perception and Investment Pattern

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(A study with reference to stock market investors in

Godavari Districts of Andhra Pradesh)

Researcher: E. APPA RAO


1. Age:
a) Below 20 years b) 21-30 years c) 31-40 years d) 41-50 years e) 51-60 f) Above 60
2. Gender:
a) Male b) Female
3. Marital Status:
a) Married b) Unmarried
4. Educational Qualification:
a) Xth or below b) Inter c) Graduation d) Post Graduation e) Professional Degree
5. Technical/Professional Education:
a) Commerce/CA/CS/ICWA b) Medical c) Engineering d) Law
e) Management f) Any other (Please specify)
6. Occupation:
a) Agriculture b) Govt. employee c) Private employee d) Business & profession e) House Wife
7. Annual Income (Rupees in lakhs):
a) Below 3 b) 3-6 c) 6-12 d) 12-24 e) Above 24
8. Annual savings (Rupees in lakhs):
a) Below 2 b) 2-5 c) 5-10 d) 10-20 e) 20 Above
9. Residence:
a) Rural b) Urban c) Semi- Urban
10. Total number of family members
a) Below 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) Above 5
11. Total number of earning members
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5
12. Tax Status:
a) Tax payer b) Non Tax payer
1. Please give your “Awareness & Adoption “of Various Savings Schemes.

Have You
Savings Schemes Do You Know
1.National savings certificate Yes/no Yes/no
2.Indira Vikas Patra/ Kisan Vikas Patra Yes/no Yes/no
3.Provident fund Yes/no Yes/no
4.Mutual fund schemes Yes/no Yes/no
5.Insurance Schemes Yes/no Yes/no
6.Chits Yes/no Yes/no
7.Bank fixed deposits Yes/no Yes/No
8.Company fixed deposits Yes/no Yes/no
9.Company shares Yes/no Yes/no
10.Bonds/debentures Yes/no Yes/no
11.Govt. Securities Yes/no Yes/no
12. Postal saving schemes Yes/no Yes/no
13.Purchase of real estate/ fixed Assets Yes/no Yes/no
14.Any other (please specify) Yes/no Yes/no

2. Please rank the following sources of information for your investment.
Information source Rank Information source Rank
1.Magazines 7.Local News Papers
2.National news papers 8.Brokers/ Agents
3.Friends & Relatives 9.Internet
4.TV& Radio Advertisements 10.Advertisements by MF Org.
5.My official Source 11.Road Shows / Exhibitions
12.Any other ( Please specify)
6.Cinema Slides

3. Give preference to your present savings ( 1 to 10)

Savings particulars Rank
a) National savings certificates
b) Fixed Deposits
c) Insurance Schemes
d) Shares/Debentures
e) Postal Savings Schemes
f) Chits
g) Mutual Funds
h) Provident Fund, Pension and Retirement
i) Real estate/ Fixed assets
j) Any other (Please specify)

4. What is your main purpose for saving? Give answers on a 5 point scale where 5 stand
for high preference and 1 stand for low Preference.
a) Safety for Future 5 4 3 2 1
b) Capital Appreciation 5 4 3 2 1
c) Regular returns 5 4 3 2 1
d) Speculative Gains 5 4 3 2 1
e) Tax Benefits 5 4 3 2 1

5. In your Opinion which investment is Safe? Rate them on the following scale.( Give 5
-absolutely safe, 4- reasonably safe, 3- moderately safe, 2- safe, 1- don‟t know.)

1.Bank deposits 5 4 3 2 1
2.Insurance 5 4 3 2 1
3.Shares&Debentures 5 4 3 2 1
4. Mutual Funds 5 4 3 2 1

5.Post Office schemes 5 4 3 2 1
6. Derivatives 5 4 3 2 1

6. In your opinion which investment gives more benefits? Please give ranks

Investment particulars Rank

a) Cash/Savings Deposits at Bank
b)Fixed Deposits in Bank
c) Insurance Schemes
d) Shares/Debentures
e)Postal Savings Schemes
f) Chits
g) Mutual Funds
h) Provident Fund, Pension and Retirement Plans

7. How frequently do you expect returns?

a) Less than 1 year b) 1 year to 5 years c) Greater than 5 years

8. Please “Rank” the following Motives of your Investment.

(Write no.1to 13 for best to worst as per your personal preference)
S.No Motives Rank S.No Motives Rank
1 Regular income 8 Life insurance Benefits
2 Tax savings 9 Availing loan facility
3 More income/ profit 10 Easy to sale/ Transfer
4 Capital appreciation 11 Convenient to Operate /
5 (growth)
Safe return of capital & Use
12 Purchase Real estate
6 interest for old age
Savings Any other (please
7 Emergency need of funds specify)

9. What is your preference for probable future savings plan?
(Please rank the following schemes from no. 1 to 11 in order of your preferences)

Schemes Ranks Schemes Ranks

7.Company shares &
1.National savings certificates
2.Indira/Kisan Vikas Patra 8.Postal savings
3.Provident fund 9.Bank deposits
10.Purchase of real estate/ fixed
4.Unit linked insurance plan
5.MF schemes
11.Any other (please specify )
6.Insurance policies

10. Give your opinion regarding Behaviour & Attitude of managers & staff of your
brokerage firms. (Please give tick mark in appropriate box)

S.No Behaviour Very Satisfied Not Satisfied

1 Courtesy
2 Efficiency
3 Interest in work
4 Attitude
5 Helpful
6 Presence
7 Solving investment grievance
8 After sale services


1. What is the source of advice, when you invest in stock market

a) On the advice of broker/ consultant

b) On the advice of friends and relatives
c) On the basis of self- assessment and knowledge
d) Partially brokers and partially self
e) Any other (Please specify)

2. From how long you are investing in stock market?

a) Less than 2 years b) 2 to 5 years c) 6 to 10 years d) 11 to 15 years e) Above 15


3. Why do you invest in stock market?

a) For quick short term gain

b) For high long term gain
c) Regular dividend income
d) Liquidity and safety
e) Any other (Please specify)

4. What attracts you towards stock market?

a) High return b) Speculation c) Dividend d) Liquidity e) Any other ( Please specify)

5. What percentage of your savings is invested in stock market?

a) Less than 20% b) 20-40% c) 40 -60% d) 60-80% e) 80-100%

6. Please rank purpose of investment in stock market

S.No Purpose Rank

1 Regular income
2 More income/ profit
3 Capital appreciation (growth)
4 Purchase real estate
5 Easy to withdraw
6 Savings for old age
7 Easy to sale/ transfer

7. Are you Bullish or Bearish on present stock market?

a) Bullish b) Bearish c) Stable

8. Is market movement affects your investment pattern at present?

a) Yes b) No

9. Are you a trader or investor?

a) Trader b) Short term investor c) Long term investor

10. If you are a Trader, what induces you to trade in a particular stock?

a) Tips b) News c) Insider Information d) Past Experience e) Street

Talk / Rumours
f) Brokers Advice g) Internet h) Any other (Please specify)

11. If you are an Investor, what induces you to invest in a particular stock?

a) Tips b) News c) Insider Information d) Past Experience e) Street

Talk / Rumours
f) Brokers Advice g) Internet h) Any Other (Please specify)

12. If you are an Investor, what induces you to stay in a particular Stock?

a) Dividend Paying b) Organic Growth c) Inorganic Growth d) Future Prospects

e) Any other (please specify)

13. According to you, what are the factors leading Indian Stock Market to rise?
your preference on a 5 point scale where 5 stand for high influence
and 1 stand for low

a) FDI& FII 5 4 3 2 1
b) Retail investors 5 4 3 2 1
c) Government policies 5 4 3 2 1
d) Rise in national income 5 4 3 2 1
e) Good corporate results 5 4 3 2 1
f) Retail investors 5 4 3 2 1

14. What sources of funds do you utilize to invest or trade in the Stock Market?

a) Personal Savings b) Loans c) Pledging d) Any other (Please specify)

15. What kind of stocks do you trade or invest in? Give your preference on 3 point
3 -high preference, 2 -medium preference 1 - Low preferences.

a) Large caps 3 2 1
b) Mid-caps 3 2 1
c) Small caps 3 2 1

16. In which sectors do you invest most? Please give ranks

Sectors Ranks
Information technology
Oil and gas
Power & infrastructure
Any other ( please specify)

17. What kind of risk appetite do you prefer?

a) High b) Medium c) Low d) No Risk / Safe


18. What is your basic nature is:

a) Cautious b) Objective c) Optimistic d) Competitive

19. Which is the risk management technique do you use mostly?

a) Switching b) Averaging c) Locking d) Cut loss

20. In case your share value gives negative returns over a period of time, you would

a) Withdraw money from your investment

b) Wait till recover the loss and then withdraw money
c) Withdraw part and invest in alternative strategies
d) Invest more as the market has become cheap.

21. Please give ranking to the following reasons for incurring losses in case of some
company‟s shares. (1- most preferable cause, 5- least preferable cause)

Reason Rank
a) Due to lack of sufficient infrastructure/ knowledge

b) Dishonest of companies in reporting results

c) Manipulation in the stock by operators

d) Corrupted company management

e) Ineffective rules and regulations of securities market

f) Any other ( Please specify)

22. Are you a panic buyer or seller while investing or trading in a stock?

a) Yes b) No c) Depends on Stocks

23. What kind of investing or trading do you adopt?

a) High Risk - High Return b) Low Risk - High Return c) Low

Risk - Low Return

24. Which market gives you good returns on your investments?

a) Primary Market b) Secondary Market


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