Eldro Thruster Brake Catalouge

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Electro-hydraulic Thrusters ...……………………………………………... 2-5
Field of Applications
Range of types
Design and method of operation
Characteristic features
3 phase AC Thruster ………………………………………………………...
Electrical Design
Mechanical Design
Additional Equipment

DC Thruster…………………………………………………………………... 8-9
Electrical Design8-9
Mechanical Design
Additional Equipment

Flame- explosion proof Thruster ………………………………………….. 10-11

Electrical Design
Mechanical Design
Additional Equipment


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Electro-hydraulic Thrusters
Fields of application
The field of application of elector hydraulic thruster it ensures safety for man and machine in the event
includes wide range of applications in the of power failure.
mechanical engineering industry, materials lifting
and handling REMSO thrusters brake have been able to maintain
As the requirements with respect to driving power, their leading position in terms of functional
controllability and availability have clearly reliability, service life and availability.
increased, the advanced electrical engineering and Precise manufacture and continuous control during
electronics have become ever more important the whole manufacturing cycle, improvements in
catering for these demands. The components of structural design to cope with increasing
modern systems are electrical and electronic, the requirements when used in regions with extreme
mechanical safety brake, with the electrohydraulic climatic conditions as well as technical innovations
brake thruster, still has the most important role to are the main elements which reinforce the high
play: reputation worldwide.

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Design and Method of Operation

The functional unit of the Thruster the hydraulic transmission impact of the external force
consist of electric motor and closed principle, at each end position of (braking spring or weight).
hydraulic system assembled the piston, motor power Except for the starting and
coaxially. The thrust is generated consumption decreases relative to running down phases of the
with the working fluid of the power intake for lifting action. motor, the lifting and
hydraulic system which serves as the Simultaneously the pressure within lowering speeds are linear.
operating medium. the thruster reaches its maximum As the motor is free from
value. mechanical over-loads, the
Method of Operation The driving motor is therefore less only external constraints is
In the switched-off state (de- loaded when the piston is at rest. In the ambient temperature.
energised), the piston with the piston that way the Thruster becomes The response times depend
rod is at its lowest position due to insensitive to mechanical overloads on the magnitude of the load
external load. When energized , the e.g. blocking of the brake. The as well as on the viscosity of
electric motor drives the centrifugal result of all these factors is that the working fluid injected,
pump and delivers the working fluid electrical thermal protection is which in turn is effected by
under the piston and produces there unnecessary. The asynchronous the ambient temperature.
hydraulic pressure, As a result of this motor can be wound for any
pressure, the piston travels along its suitable line voltages, but the The centrifugal pump impeller
path against the internally fitted supply frequency must be has vanes and is equally
braking or re-setting spring or maintained at 50Hz because the efficient in both directions.
against an external load. The work performance of the centrifugal Therefore, the supply leads to
resulting from the product of ‘force x pump is highly sensitive to motor the motor is star connected,
distance’ is transmitted via the piston speed. When the thruster is in the with internal star point.
rod and the pressure lug to the device connected state the piston returns
to be operated. In accordance with to its original position under the

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Types and their range.

Mechanical limit switch



Inductive limit switch

Type „pressure-tight

Type „pressure-tight

Damping spring(d-
Braking spring (c-
Standard version

Lowering valve
Lifting valve
Lifting force

proof EEx II
DC version




N mm kg kg kg kg N
Ed 23/5 220 50 10 - - - 180 • • • • •

Ed 30/5 300 50 14 - 28 27 270 • • • • •

Ed 50/6 500 60 23 27 50 40 460 • • • • •

Ed 80/6 800 60 24 27 50 40 750 • • • • •
Ed 120/6 1250 60 39 43 84 58- 1200 • • • • •
Ed 185/6 1850 60 39 - - 58 1900 • • • • •

Ed 200/6 2000 60 39 43 84 59 1900 • • • • •

Ed 301/6 3000 60 40 43 85 46 2700 • • • • •

Ed 50/12 500 120 26 31 57 46 - - • • • •

Ed 80/12 800 120 27 31 57 58 - - • • • •

Ed 121/12 1250 120 39 44 84 58 - - • • • •

Ed 201/12 2000 120 39 44 84 60 - - • • • •

Ed 301/12 3000 120 40 44 86 - - - • • • •

Ed 185/16 1850 155 40 - - - - - • • • •

Ed 301/15 3000 150 50 - - - - - • • • •

Ed 350/20 3500 200 50 - - - - - • • • •

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Characteristic Features

Remso Thrusters through their • Soft and smooth operation due rotate in either direction.
electrohydraulic mechanism, to the hydraulic principle.
• Overloading during operation
their suitability to integrate into
• Fast response (short regulating not possible.
brake systems and simple
electrical commissioning • Suitable for adjusting length of
procedure, offer for a wide • High switching frequency: up stroke from outside as required.
to 2000 cycles per hour.
range of applications the • Stepless prolongation of lifting
following advantages: • Low noise and does not emit and/or lowering times by the
• High reliability. electrical disturbances fitting of valves.

• Compact, light weight and • Reversing operation without • Universal applications also in
elegant design. restrictions. hazardous areas in which there
• Simple installation and is danger of occurrence of
• Long service life with
dismantling. explosion.
minimum maintenance due to
low wear operation under • No reversing contactors
continuous self lubrication. required as the motor may

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Standard range
3 phase AC Thruster
Electrical Design
3 ph AC squirrel cage motor, Voltages and Frequencies 9-pole terminal board. Connection
Insulation class F. • 215/400 V, 50-60 Hz, 3 ph AC screws Protective conductor
• 290/500 V, 50-60 Hz, 3 ph AC terminal M4. Earthing screw M6
Modes of Operation • 400/750 V, 50-60 Hz, 3 ph AC (outside on terminal box.)
• Continuous operation and • All units are on principle star
intermittent service with 60 % (Y) connected . Special windings Motor Circuit Breakers
duty cycle. 110 V - 690 V, 3 ph AC and 60. When protecting the units by motor
• >40 °C ambient circuit breakers the thermal trigger
temperature . Terminal Box should be set at least on 1.5 times
6-pole terminal board, with heater the rated current for all types.

Mechanical Design
Working fluid Safety Measures
Hydraulic oil suitable for its • Dust proof double seal. • Piston rod tube to protect
working, filled at factory. • Double seal to oil chamber. against the ingress of foreign
• Piston rod chromium plated bodies
to size.

Additional Equipment

Lifting or Lowering Valve seconds and for long stroke units

Built-in lifting and/or lowering of approx. 0.15 to 0.4 seconds. Re-setting Spring
valves for stepless prolongation The valves are adjusted from the Operation similar to c-spring, re-
of normal lifting or lowering outside. setting force is, however, lower (on
times. request).
The adjustable minimum values Braking Spring (c-Spring)
obtain a level of 10-25 times the The c-spring generates the braking Damping Spring (d-Spring)
standard values. Built-in valves force. The specified force of the c- For a periodic transient of the
result in increased lifting and spring applies for 1/3 of the piston brake.Only effective in conjunction
lowering times for short stroke rod’s rated lift stroke or 2/3 of the with a built-in braking spring. No
units of approx. 0.05 to 0.25 rated lower stroke. limit switch can be annexed in this

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case. There is no alteration in the approx. 15 %. supply and temperature regulator.
mounting distance.
Heater Limit Switches
High-Speed Lowering Circuit For operation below – 25 °C a For electrical indication of the
By means of motor capacitors, or heating element must be release or closing positions of the
by shortcircuiting the stator installed; also to be used as a brake, mechanical or inductive
winding and inserting a contactor. stand-by heater. The customer limit switches can be fitted as
The lowering times are reduced by has to provide a separate power standard.

Technical Data
L i f t i n g f or c e

at S3 – 60 %


duty cycle3)
Thrust N cm

s p r i n g f or c e

at 400 V/50

Duty rating
Stroke mm

Weight kg


Hz2 ) A

2) W


Short-stroke units
Ed 23/5 220 50 1100 180 165 0.5 2000 10
Ed 30/5 300 50 1500 270 200 0.5 2000 14
Ed 50/6 500 60 3000 460 210 0.5 2000 23
Ed 80/6 800 60 4800 750 330 1.2 2000 24
Ed 121/6 1250 60 7500 1200 330 1.2 2000 39
Ed 185/64) 1850 60 11100 1900 450 1.3 2000 39
Ed 201/6 2000 60 12000 1900 450 1.3 2000 39
Ed 301/6 3000 60 18000 2700 550 1.4 1500 40
Long-stroke units
Ed 50/12 500 120 6000 – 210 0.5 1200 26
Ed 80/12 800 120 9600 – 330 1.2 1200 27
Ed 121/12 1250 120 15000 – 330 1.2 1200 39
Ed 201/12 2000 120 24000 – 450 1.3 1200 39
Ed 301/12 3000 120 36000 – 550 1.4 900 40
Ed 185/16 1850 155 29600 – 450 1.3 400 40
Ed 301/15 3000 150 45000 – 550 1.4 400 50
Ed 350/20 3500 200 70000 – 550 1.4 400 50
Units up to 6300 N lifting force 200 mm stroke on

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DC Thruster
Electrical Design
Motor Voltages and Frequencies terminal M4. Earthing screw M6
DC Shunt-wound motor. Insulation Rated power up to formfactor 1.05 (outside on terminal box).
class F. Standard voltage 215V DC Special
windings 24 V - 500 V DC on Motor Circuit Breakers
Modes of Operation request. When protecting the units by motor
Continuous operation and circuit breakers the thermal trigger
intermittent service with 60 % duty Terminal Box should be set at least on 1.5 times
cycle. 6-pole terminal board. Connection the rated current for all types.
screws M4. Protective conductor

Mechanical Design

Assembly Dimensions The base mounting is 90° Safety Measures

As per the dimension. rotatable. The top pressure lug is • Double seal to oil chamber.
rotatable with all types. • Dust proof double seal.
Mounting Positions • Piston rod chromium plated to
Vertical: piston rod uppermost. Working fluid size.
Hydraulic oil suitable for smooth • Piston rod tube to protect
Mounting Options except units working, filled in factory. against the ingress of foreign
with limit switches bodies.

Additional Equipment

Lifting or Lowering Valve Re-setting Spring

Built-in lifting and/or lowering long stroke units of appox. 0.2 to Operation similar to c-spring, re-
valves for stepless prolongation 0.4 second. The valves are setting force is, however, lower
of normal lifting or lowering adjusted from the ouside. (on request).
times. The adjustable minimum
values obtain a level 10-20 times Braking Spring (c-spring) Limit switches
the standard values. Built-in The c-spring generates the For electrical indication of the
valves in setting ‚open‘ result in braking force. The specified release or closing positions of the
increased lifting and lowering force of the c-spring applies for brake, mechanical or inductive
times for short stroke units of 1/3 of the piston rod‘s rated lift (contactless) limit switches can
approx. 0.1 to 0.2 second and for stroke or 2/3 the rated lower be fitted as standard.

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Technical Data
Type Lifting Stroke Thrust Braking Lifting Lowering Power con-Current Duty rating Weig
force mm N cm spring time s time s umption2) con- at S3 – 60 ht kg
N force (c- sumption at 220 V % duty
spring)1) DC2) W A cycle3) c/h
Short-stroke units
Eg 50/6 500 60 3000 460 0.4 0.5 350 1.6 1000 27
Eg 80/6 800 60 4800 750 0.5 0.4 330 1.5 1000 27
Eg 121/6 1250 60 7500 1200 0.6 0.5 330 1.5 1000 43
Eg 201/6 2000 60 12000 1900 0.7 0.4 430 2.0 1000 43
Eg 301/6 3000 60 18000 2700 0.8 0.4 470 2.2 800 43
Long-stroke units
Eg 50/12 500 120 6000 – 0.5 0.8 350 1.6 600 31
Eg 80/12 800 120 9600 – 0.8 0.6 330 1.5 600 31
Eg 121/12 1250 120 15000 – 1.0 0.7 330 1.5 500 44
Eg 201/12 2000 120 24000 – 1.2 0.6 430 2.0 500 44
Eg 301/12 3000 120 36000 – 1.4 0.6 470 2.2 400 44

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Flame-, Explosionproof
Electrical Design
Motor Voltages and Frequencies Terminal box
3 ph AC squirrel cage motor, • 400 V, 50 Hz, 3 ph AC Enclosure IP 54, DIN 40050 (IEC
Insulation class F. • 500 V, 50 Hz, 3 ph AC 529)
• 690 V, 50 Hz, 3 ph AC 3 supply terminals with connection
Modes of Operation • All units are on principle screws
Continuous operation S1 and star (Y) connec- M4. Protective conductor terminal
intermittent service S3-60 % • ted at delivery. M4.
duty cycle. • Special windings 110 V - Earthing screw M6 (outside on
. 1000 V, 3 ph AC terminal
• on request, 60 Hz design on box.)

Mechanical Design
Mounting Options for Units • Dust proof double seal.
Assembly Dimensions: without Limit Switches: • Double seal to oil chamber.
As per dimensions. The base mounting can be rotated • Piston rod protection tube and
in steps of 90° (indicate when lifting marks with units Ed 121,
Mounting positions : ordering). The top pressure lug is Ed 201, Ed 301.
Vertical: piston rod uppermost rotatable.
Horizontal and intermediate Hydraulic fluid:
positions. Rating plate to be on Safety Measures: The hydraulic fluid is filled at
top. • Piston rod should be chromium factory for principle.
plated to size.

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Additional Equipment
Lifting or Lowering Valve long stroke units of appox. 0.2 to Damping spring (d-spring)1)
Built-in lifting and/or lowering 0.4 second. The valves are For a periodic transient of the
valves for stepless prolongation adjusted from the ouside. brake, this assists the brake to close
of normal lifting or lewering smoothly. Effective only in
times. The adjustable minimum Braking spring (c-spring) conjunction with a braking spring.
values obtain a level 10-20 times The c-spring generates the No limit switch can be annexed in
the standard values. Built-in braking force. The specified this case.
valves in setting ‚open‘ result in force of the c-spring applies for
increased lifting and lowering 1/3 of the piston rod‘s rated lift Main application: Applies only to
times for short stroke units of stroke or 2/3 the rated lower units with 60 mm stroke
approx. 0.1 to 0.2 second and for stroke.


Technical Data

Type Lifting Stroke Thrust Power Duty Weight

force consumption2) Current rating at
consumption S3 – 60
force (c-
at 400 V2) % duty
N mm N cm N W A c/h kg
Short-stroke units
Ed 30/5 300 50 1500 270 180 0,43 1500 27
Ed 50/6 500 60 3000 460 275 1,2 1500 47
Ed 80/6 800 60 4800 750 280 1,2 1500 48
Ed 121/6 1250 60 7500 1200 280 1,2 1500 70,5
Ed 201/6 2000 60 12000 1900 385 1,3 1500 70,5
Ed 301/6 3000 60 18000 2700 470 1,3 1000 70
Ed 50/12 500 120 6000 – 275 1,2 900 57
Ed 80/12 800 120 9600 – 280 1,2 900 58
Ed 121/12 1250 120 15000 – 280 1,2 900 71
Ed 201/12 2000 120 24000 – 385 1,3 900 71
Ed 301/12 3000 120 36000 – 470 1,3 600 72

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