CJR Pragmatics

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 Journal 1
The first article is entitled “Speech Acts Analysis of the Main Character in Shrek Movie
Script” written by Fifin Dwi Isnawati, Syamsul Anam, and Sabta Diana. This article is the first
volume, number three. Article which is written in 2015 wonder the speech acts in one of fantasy
movie. An article which is published by Publika Budaya objectives to describes types of speech
acts and to analyze the most dominant speech acts produced by the main character Shrek movie.
Not only that, the author also wonder the purpose of Shrek as the main character used those
speech acts. This article used qualitative and quantitative methods.

 Journal 2
The second article also focus on speech act analysis. This article is entitled “Speech Act
in Indonesian Television Talk Show (Content Analysis Research in Mata Najwa Talk Show at
Metro TV). The volume of this article is 1, number 2. An article that is written in 2015, written
by Tressyalina, Sakura Ridwan. This qualitative research objectives to understand
comprehensively about implementation of direct and indirect speech act in Mata Najwa talk
shows on Metro TV. The data were collected through indirect participant using observation
andsome document study were video recordings of audio-visual from www.matanajwa.com
pages. as the result of the study, the direct speech act mad was more dominant than indirect
speech act.

II. Interpretative Recount

The first article discusses about speech act in main character of Shrek movie cartoon.
This is a qualitative and quantitative research. qualitative research is applied to analyzed the data
in the form of the text. While quantitative research is used to count a member of speech acts used
by Shrek to conclude which types of speech acts is dominantly used. The technique of collecting
data in this research is documentary study. There are 50 utterances and all are categorized such
as; 22 directives (44 %), 15 representatives (31 %), 8 expressives (16%) and 5 commissives
(9%). It can be seen that the dominant type of speech act is directive speech act. Certainly Shrek
used them with the different purposes. Shrek uses directives speech act because he wants to
express what he really wants. The analysis shows that Shrek uses some acts of warning more
often than other acts because he is not confident with his physical appearance. The purpose of
Shrek uses representative because he wants to represent a situation or condition that can be
assumed as truth or falsity. Shrek also uses expressive because he wants to represent his feelings
or to express psychological statement. It makes him represent his feelings and emotions. The last
one is commissives speech act. Shrek uses these because he wants to comment himself to some
future course of action.
The second article focus on direct and indirect speech in Mata Najwa talk show. As a
filed of interview, mechanism of Mata Najwa talk show move around questioning and
answering, so that this talk show consist of direct and indirect speech act. Based on research
purpose about direct and indirect speech act, so the using of speech act founded in various
sentence, both in the mode of declarative, interrogative, and imperative. Direct speech act in the
form of sentence be used based on the sentence mode, at the same time indirect speech act be
used with to do irregularities mode. The purpose irregularaties mode to do request for
justification, request to continue statement unfinished, and requesting response or confirmation
toward fact or conclusion given in order to their perspectives or actions can be understood. This
is happens because the use in holding up question as the identification to the problem discussed
in Mata Najwa talk show.

III. Evaluation

 The strength
In the first article, one of the strength of it is the author uses theories which appropriate
with the discussion. Theory of I mean is theory by Austin. Theories is important in research
because without theories, our research will be hesitated by the readers. The author is able to
discuss the theories. I mean the author can elaborate the point of the theory. For example in
introduction, the first paragraph and the fifth line, the author gives theory from Austin. And in
the next paragraph, the author explain the theory by relating it with Shrek character. The IMRaD
components are complete. IMRaD is the characteristics of a reliable article, so if you want to
review an article, you should see the IMRaD, it is complete or not. In the second article, the
IMRaD is also complete and also used good theories.

 The weakness
The first article doesn’t serve the examples of sentences that show the types of speech
act. It is difficult for reader to decide whether this result is true or not because the authors don’t
give sentences that show that those are the sentences of this types of speech act. While in the
second journal, the weakness is placed in the way the author discussed it. There is comparison
whether the declarative are more dominant than imperatives. The authors focus on imperative
and declarative speech act but don’t give the presentation of the usage. And also the way authors
discuss their research is twisted, they are not to the point in saying what they want to convey.

IV. Evaluative Summation

Both articles are good. The differences are in their weakness and the use of theories. The
first journal which is discusses speech act in Shrek movie uses theories of Austin as the main
resource, while the second article uses theories of Yule and Searle. The first article is lack of
examples while the second article is full of examples in explanation. In the first article, the
author makes comparison or presentation of what they get while the second article is none. And
the last comparison is the way authors discuss the discussion. In the first article, the authors
explains it clearly, and to the point. While in the second article, authors explain it twisted (not to
the point), to many basa basi.

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