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Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Statement of Objectives
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitation of the Study

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework
Conceptual Paradigm
Definition of Terms
Research Design
Data Gathering Procedures

This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, statement of

objectives, significance of the study and scope and limitation of the study. It also highlights a

review of existing literature, as well as the gaps found.

Background of the Study

Knowing what a character is before discussing them is important, personality itself.

Character refers to qualities or personality. People with character are those a part of the story.

According to Duffy and Petit (1953: 24), "Character is a person." One of the most crucial

components of a short tale, or even a play, is the character. Characters are an essential

component of both short tales and movie plots. This is because plot is more than just a string of

uncharacteristic events that serve to define characters.

The connection to CG Jung's theories of archetypes is tenuous in these two publications

(Hreko et al., 2015; Cullum et al., 2017). Archetypes can be portrayed as abstract examples of

classes, conceptual models integrating form and process, and/or implicit mental models. The

connection to Jung's theories is considerably more obvious in other articles. Wilkinson (2015)

aspires to improve landscape design by better comprehending the nuanced interactions between

people and nature. She advises using Jung's theory of archetypes as one method of enhancing

this understanding.
Any collection of written works is called literature, but the term is also used more

explicitly to refer to writings that are specifically regarded as works of art, particularly prose

fiction, theater, and poetry (Oxford Learner's Dictionaries, 2022). Recently, the concept has been

expanded to include television shows, which are now goods that not only entertain but also

educate and uplift, frequently requiring a rigorous cognitive exercise from viewers (Biasio,


According to Nordquist (2019), a character in a literary work is a person who is typically

portrayed through characterization. Character analysis is the evaluation of a character's

characteristics in relation to their function in the narrative and the conflict they encounter,

including their actions and speech

As far as the desired narrator of the book is concerned, the primary character is, in

Nugriyantoro's opinion, a character. He is the most significant character, both as a subject of

events and as a foreshadowing figure (Nugriyantoro, 2005: 176-177). Consequently, the

protagonist and antagonist are terms used to describe the main character in a narrative. Through

the aforementioned quotation, it can be inferred that the main character is a type of character

who frequently reappears and seems to control every aspect of the novel's events. Regarding the

definition of the terms "active-passive in doing anything," each of them can act as either a

subject with the power to do something or as an object that is subject to treatment by the subject

or circumstances and is subject to 12 consequences as a result. In other words, the primary

character serves as both subject and object. This kind of character is crucial to the story and

cannot be disregarded.
Statement of the Problem

While in literature mostly you can looked into the characters in terms of gender, you can

also looked how they be in the story how they will grow and matured inside of the story.

This study is generally aim to identify the same characteristics and same strategy the

author’s use in Palanca awards year 2011, 2012, 2013,2015,2016. The study will also aim to

answer the following problem

1. What are the types of characters that are common in the five stories.

 Protagonist

 Antagonist

 Round Character

 Flat Character

 Static Character

 Foil Character

2. How do the writers begin their stories.Do they have the same approach of beginning the

stories? Or they use to

 Begin with a action or dialogue

 Ask a question
 Describe the setting

 Begin with background information

 Main character introduce himself or herself

3. How do the authors end their stories ? Do they have the same ending? What style of ending

the story they have? Do they have common style of ending their stories

 Provide a twist in a Tale

 End on an Epilogue

State of the Objectives

The main objetive is to analyze how the author used their character in the short story winner of

Palanca Award.

Specificaly analayze and aim to

1. Identify what is the type of character the author's commonly used in the five stories.

a. Protagonist , Round Character and Antagonist

b. dialogue, improvement

2. Determined the character archetypes of the main character of the author

Significance of the study

The purpose o this study is to analyze all types of character used in the five short stories and

what is the most important and commonly by all the author's to with the palanca awards. It also

important to recognize the message of all the five story to fully analyzed and understand what the

author's thinking and what is the main purposed of the whole short stories,

This study can also used for future researcher of different types of a character in any diffrent

short stories.

Scope and limitation of the Study

This study will focus on 5 winner’s of Palanca Award of year 2011, 2012,

2013,2015,2016. It will focus analyzing the different and commonly use type of character of

author use in their short stories


This chapter explains how the study will be conducted. For a thorough explanation of the

process, this chapter includes the theoretical and conceptual framework, conceptual paradigm,

definition of terms, research design, and the data gathering procedures.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

There are different types of character that can describes the main character of the stories and

various specific function throughout the plot and these functions are what determines which

archetypes or types of character they fit into it.

And here I got 6 types of character by Terry W. Erwin II

1. Protagonist. The character whose goal and transformation drives the story. This type

of character sacrifices something to undergo a psychological transformation. He

battles through obstacles that would stopped him at the beginning of the story. He

shows his transformation through concrete changes in action, attitude, values,

clothing or habits.

2. Antagonist. The character who sets off in pursuit of his goal in a way that propels

the protagonist into action.

3. Round character. He is a well-developed character who demonstrates varied and

sometimes contradictory traits. Round characters are usually dynamic or developing

character ( change in some way over the course of a story).

4. Flat character. This character reveals only one, maybe two personality traits in a

story/ novel and the trait/s do not change. Stock character is a special kind of flat
character who is instantly recognizable to most readers

5. Static character. This character remains primarily the same throughout a story/

novel. Events in the story do not alter a static character’s outlook, personality,

motivation, perception and habits.

6. Foil character. This character is used to enhance another character through contrast.

Cinderella’s grace and beauty as opposed to her nasty, self centered stepsister is an


Conceptual Paradigm

Palanca Award Winner’s of year

2011, 2012, 2013,2015,2016

Author Intention to the Character Commonly used

main Character
Definition of Terms
In Britannica Dictionary Definition of Characters is the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves,
someone who have personality usually singular. He rarely shows his true character that of a kind
and sensitive person this is a side of her character that few people ever seen.

Character analysis is a way to use clues from the story to learn more about the characters. It is
important because it helps us understand the story and the people in it. It helps make the people
in the story real and more interesting. By knowing the the commonly use character of all the
author in 5 major short stories winner's

Research Design
Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data(e.g)., text,
video or audio) to understand concepts, opinions or experiences (Pritha,2022). It can be used to
gather in-depth insight into a problem or generate new ideas for research. Qualitative research is
commonly used in the humanities and social science, in subject such as anthology, sociology,
education, health science, history and more

Data Gathering Procedures

The gathering procedure shall have four phases.
Phase I - Researching about the Palanca Award Winners and Year’s
Phase II - Read the Short Stories twice until you totally understand the meaning of the
Phase III - Know all the commonly used types of character by the author in their main
character in the stories to win the palanca award
Phase IV - Conduct and collect more data and information to seek for the future

Budgetary Plan
  In making thesis study, sources of information are needed. But
due to the situation we had today, we are in the amidst of
pandemic, the researcher will only look for resources online.

Total cost of

Program of Works
Paper Name


________ ________
________ ________
________ ________

* Overall Similarity

*Excluded from Similarity Report


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