Jurnal Viskositas

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Nama : Nafisa Mahdafikia

NPM : 1714221017
Prodi : Ilmu Kelautan
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Perikanan dan Kelautan
Tugas : Membuat Anotated Biography dari 5 Jurnal

Causes and Effect Of Coral Bleaching In The Ocean


Coral bleaching is a change in the color of coral reefs to white which is caused by
the loss of microalgae in corals which function to give color to corals. Coral
bleaching at sea has increased in the past 10 years which is the main cause of
coral bleaching is an increase in sea water temperatures arising from global
warming. Then solar radiation and coral diseases can also cause coral bleaching.
Coral bleaching that occurs has an impact on coral fish populations and the rapid
colonization of turf algae. This research was conducted by observing reef fish,
microalgae, bacteria, solar radiation and sea water temperature. From this research
we can find out that bacteria cannot cause coral bleaching. The purpose of this
journal is to find out the causes and effects of coral bleaching on marine

1. Brown, B. E. (1997). Coral bleaching: causes and consequences. Coral reefs.

16(1), S129-S138.

This journal tell us about how coral bleaching can occur and causes of coral
bleaching, which most cases of coral bleaching are caused by temperature.
Otherwise it can also be caused by solar radiation and coral desease. We know
that in recent years the temperature of sea water has increased which caused by
global warming. Coral bleaching was also marked by reduce production of
zooxanthellae which causes damage to the marine ecosystem. The role of
zooxanthellae is to symbiosis of corals by providing all of their photosynthesis
results. This means that the corals get nutritional intake which can make them live
longer. From this journal we can reduce coral bleaching with do activities that can
reduce global warming such as reforestation, and reduce air pollution. I think this
journal is good because it explain about the causes of coral bleaching but the
information of this journal is not complete for the readers.
2. Gates, R. D., Baghdasarian, G., & Muscatine, L. (1992). Temperature stress
causes host cell detachment in symbiotic cnidarians: implications for coral
bleaching. The Biological Bulletin, 182(3), 324-332.

This journal tell us about high temperatures and low temperatures can be a trigger
for coral bleaching. Otherwise, temperature of sea water also causes the loss of
zooxanthellae from the host. Zooxanthellae are located in vacuole in the host
endoderm cell which that supports the supply of nutrients for coral growth. Beside
that this journal explain what is the mechanism for releasing from the host cell
including exocytosis, apoptosis, necrosis, nor pinch-ing off. low salinity can also
cause the release of zooxanthellae. In my opinion, the information from this
journal is complete because it explains the release of zooxanthellae from host
cells and the main cause of coral bleaching but this journal but this journal only
explains the main causes of coral bleaching so the readers do not know of other
causes of coral bleaching.

3. Ainsworth, T. D., Fine, M., Roff, G., & Hoegh-Guldberg, O. (2008). Bacteria
are not the primary cause of bleaching in the Mediterranean coral
Oculina patagonica. The ISME journal, 2(1), 67.

This journal describe about mass coral bleaching has occurred over the past 20
years, with the hypothesis that the V. shiloi bacteria cause coral bleaching are
based on research on coral reefs in the Mediterranean Sea, oculina patagonica. But
after research it turned out that bacteria V. shiloi does not affect coral bleaching
because no evidence to support for the Bacterial Bleaching Hypothesis. even if
there is a role for bacteria in coral bleaching it is followed by an increase in sea
water temperature such as Vibrio coralliilyticus which causes tropical coral
bleaching. In my opinion this journal is good to explain the presence or absence of
the role of bacteria in coral bleaching so the readers can know the role of bacteria
for coral bleaching in the Mediterranean Sea such as Vibrio coralliilyticus and V.
Shiloi, but the journal does not explain in detail why corals cannot affect coral
4. Garpe, K. C., Yahya, S. A., Lindahl, U., & Öhman, M. C. (2006). Long-term
effects of the 1998 coral bleaching event on reef fish assemblages.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 315, 237-247.

This journal explain about long term effect that occurred after coral bleaching in
1998. the effect that arises is the rapid colonization of turf algae and damaging the
reef fish ecosystem. Six years after coral bleaching occurred, the herbivorous
population declined significantly and then the diversity of species and the number
of fish also decreased significantly. The conclusion of this journal is that habitat
structure influences the composition of fish assemblage on coral reefs and there is
nothing sign of habitat recovery from coral bleaching. From this journal we can
learn that coral bleaching can give a negative impact on the marine ecosystem.
So, in my opinion this journal is good because from here we can maintain the
sustainability of the marine ecosystem. But it would be better if explained what
was done to prevent coral bleaching.

5. Booth, D. J., & Beretta, G. A. (2002). Changes in a fish assemblage after a

coral bleaching event. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 245, 205-

This journal tell us about coral bleaching that occurred in 1997 - 1998 on the
Great Barrier Reef. Coral bleaching occurs because of the increased sea water
temperature of El Niño Southern Oscillation. Then coral bleaching causes an
increase in algal populations and cause habitat loss from coral fish. So, the coral
fish population decreases. With the reduction in coral fish population will cause
damage to the marine ecosystem. In my opinion this journal has provided fairly
complete information about effect of coral bleaching, but this journal not
explained in detail how did it happen. I think the writer must provide more
information so that readers can understand what has been conveyed in the journal
and give many examples of the effects of coral bleaching.

From the five journals we can conclude that coral bleaching has no positive
impact but has many negative impact for marine ecosystem both short and long
term. The main cause of coral bleaching is an increase in sea water temperatures
due to global warming and many other causes. I think we as humans can reduce
coral bleaching by not doing activities that can cause global warming which
triggers an increase in sea water temperature.

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