Module XXX

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Directions: Fill in each part of the App Lesson with your own original ideas.

look at the sample provided on the class website. Provide 3 to 4 apps/steps for students
to complete along with a creative title, helpful description, and relevant SC teaching

• There must be one app per step.

• Android apps can be use as long as all included apps are from the same
• Lessons must cohesively link together 3 to 4 apps going from one focus/step of
the lesson to another.
• Lessons may include direct instruction provided the lecture contents are
• Lessons may utilize web browser apps like Chrome or Safari to access website-
based tools. Link to the website in the write-up and the web browser app in the
iTunes web link area.
• The final step in lessons must have students create a learning
artifact from a creation-based app (presentation, video, etc.) or screenshot
of progress from a skill-based app that students would submit to the teacher
for assessment.

By: Courtney Hallam

Title: Coordinate Planes in the Real World

Relevant SC Standards:

5.G.1 Define a coordinate system.

a. The x- and y- axes are perpendicular number lines that intersect at 0 (the
b. Any point on the coordinate plane can be represented by its coordinates;
c. The first number in an ordered pair is the x-coordinate and represents the
horizontal distance from the origin;
d. The second number in an ordered pair is the y-coordinate and represents
the vertical distance from the origin.
5.G.2 Plot and interpret points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane to represent
real world and mathematical situations.

Description: This app lesson will develop grade 5 geometry students’ coordinate
planes knowledge.
Instructional Objective:

• Students will be able to identify and explain all parts of a coordinate system.
• Students will be able to interpret a coordinate system and relate the data to real
world examples.

Step 1 Math Vocabulary Cards, by the Math Learning Center: Students will be able to
review their math vocabulary words for this lesson (x-axis, y-axis, ordered pair,
coordinate plane, quadrant). They just type the words in, and the flashcards pop up. The
flashcards have the word on them, a definition, and a picture to go along with it. The use
of the photo is going to be very beneficial in a special education classroom as students
would be able to visualize the term and what they are reading.

Step 2 ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard: Students will join our classroom on the app
and watch a video that I import. In the video I will use an example equation and develop
a word problem that goes along with it. I will do this for five examples, so that the
students have ideas for step 3. I will use the voice recording option so that I can explain
what I am doing and how I came up with the problem. By doing this, students can see
what I am doing as I write everything out and draw examples pictures for them. I will
then graph the functions and explain how they work with the real-life situation that I
came up with.

Step 3 Geometry Pad: Students will be given a random equation for them to graph. The
app starts them off with a blank piece of graph paper. The students must draw in their
own axes and plot their own points. They can use the pencil on the app for drawing as
well as the various other note tools. Students will then label the parts of the graphs using
the words: x-axis, y-axis, origin, and ordered pair. Using the equation given to them,
students will come up with a real-life scenario or mathematical example that relates to
the data given. The students can then save their work as a picture (or take a screenshot)
and share it via email, course management system, or they can print it.

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