Interchange Intro Level Scope and Sequence

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The document provides an overview of the structure and content of an English language textbook, including the units, grammar, vocabulary, and skills covered in each section.

The units cover greetings, personal information, locations, times, daily activities, homes, jobs, directions, past activities, plans and biographical information.

Listening, speaking, reading and writing activities are included to practice the target language through tasks like introductions, describing objects and people, asking and answering questions, reading passages and comparing answers with peers.

Cambridge University Press

978-1-316-62014-4 — Interchange Intro Student's Book with Online Self-Study and Online Workbook
Jack C. Richards
More Information

Plan of Intro Book

Titles/Topics Speaking Grammar
What’s your name? Introducing yourself and friends; Possessive adjectives my, your,
Alphabet; greetings and leave- saying hello and good-bye; asking for his, her; the verb be; afirmative
takings; names and titles of address; names and phone numbers statements and contractions
numbers 0–10, phone numbers, and
email addresses
Where are my keys? Naming objects; asking for and giving Articles a, an, and the; this/these,
Possessions, classroom objects, the locations of objects it/they; plurals; yes/no and where
personal items, and locations in a questions with be; prepositions of
room place: in, in front of, behind, on,
next to, and under

UNIT 3 PAGES 16–21

Where are you from? Talking about cities and countries; The verb be: afirmative and negative
Cities and countries; adjectives of asking for and giving information statements, yes/no questions, short
personality and appearance; numbers about place of origin, nationality, irst answers, and Wh-questions
11–103 and ages language, and age; describing people
UNIT 4 PAGES 22–27
Is this coat yours? Asking about and describing clothing Possessives: adjectives our and their,
Clothing; colors; weather and seasons and colors; talking about the weather pronouns, names, and whose; present
and seasons; inding the owners of continuous statements and yes/no
objects questions; conjunctions and, but, and
so; placement of adjectives before

UNIT 5 PAGES 30–35

What time is it? Asking for and telling time; asking Time expressions: o’clock, A.M., P.M.,
Clock time; times of the day; about and describing current noon, midnight, in the morning/
everyday activities activities afternoon/evening, at 7:00/night/
midnight; present continuous
UNIT 6 PAGES 36–41
I ride my bike to school. Asking for and giving information Simple present statements with
Transportation; family relationships; about how people go to work or regular and irregular verbs; simple
daily routines; days of the week school; talking about family members; present yes/no and Wh-questions;
describing daily and weekly routines time expressions: early, late, every
day, on Sundays/weekends/weekdays

UNIT 7 PAGES 44–49

Does it have a view? Asking about and describing houses Simple present short answers;
Houses and apartments; rooms; and apartments; talking about the there is, there are; there’s no, there
furniture furniture in a room isn’t a, there are no, there aren’t any
UNIT 8 PAGES 50–55
Where do you work? Asking for and giving information Simple present Wh-questions with do
Jobs and workplaces about work; giving opinions about and does; placement of adjectives after
jobs; describing workday routines be and before nouns


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-62014-4 — Interchange Intro Student's Book with Online Self-Study and Online Workbook
Jack C. Richards
More Information

Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading Interchange Activity

Linked sounds Writing a list of names, phone “Celebrity classmates”: Introducing

Listening for the spelling of names, numbers, and email addresses yourself to new people
phone numbers, and email addresses PAGE 114

Plural -s endings Writing the locations of objects “Find the differences”: Comparing
Listening for the locations of objects two pictures of a room
PAGE 115

Syllable stress Writing questions requesting “Let’s talk!”: Finding out more about
Listening for countries, cities, and personal information your classmates
languages; listening to descriptions PAGE 118
of people

The letters s and sh Writing questions about what people “Celebrity fashions”: Describing
Listening for descriptions of clothing are wearing celebrities’ clothing
and colors PAGES 116–117

Rising and falling intonation Writing times of the day “What’s wrong with this picture?”:
Listening for times of the day; “Message Me!”: Reading an online Describing what’s wrong with a
listening to identify people’s actions chat between two friends picture
PAGE 119

Third-person singular -s endings Writing about your weekly routine “Class survey”: Finding out more
Listening for activities and days of the “What’s Your Schedule Like?”: about classmates’ habits and routines
week Reading about someone’s daily PAGE 120

Words with th Writing about your dream home “Find the differences”: Comparing
Listening to descriptions of homes; “Unique Hotels”: Reading about two two apartments
listening to people shop for furniture interesting hotels PAGE 121

Reduction of do Writing about jobs “The perfect job”: Figuring out what
Listening to people describe their “Dream Jobs”: Reading about two job is right for you
jobs unusual jobs PAGE 122

Plan of Intro Book vii

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-62014-4 — Interchange Intro Student's Book with Online Self-Study and Online Workbook
Jack C. Richards
More Information

Titles/Topics Speaking Grammar

UNIT 9 PAGES 58–63
I always eat breakfast. Talking about food likes and dislikes; Count and noncount nouns; some and
Basic foods; breakfast foods; meals giving opinions about healthy and any; adverbs of frequency: always,
unhealthy foods; talking about foods usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever,
you have and need; describing eating never
UNIT 10 PAGES 64–69
What sports do you like? Asking about free-time activities; Simple present Wh-questions; can
Sports; abilities and talents asking for and giving information for ability; yes/no and Wh-questions
about abilities and talents with can


UNIT 11 PAGES 72–77

I’m going to have a party. Asking about birthdays; talking about The future with be going to; yes/no
Months and dates; birthdays, plans for the evening, weekend, and and Wh-questions with be going to;
holidays, festivals, and special days other occasions future time expressions

UNIT 12 PAGES 78–83

How do you feel? Describing health problems; talking Have + noun; feel + adjective;
Parts of the body; health problems about common medications; giving negative and positive adjectives;
and advice; medications advice for health problems imperatives


UNIT 13 PAGES 86–91

How do I get there? Talking about stores and other places; Prepositions of place: on, on the
Stores and things you can buy there; asking for and giving directions corner of, across from, next to,
tourist attractions between; giving directions with
UNIT 14 PAGES 92–97
I had a good time. Asking for and giving information Simple past statements with regular
Weekends; chores and fun activities; about weekend and vacation and irregular verbs; simple past
vacations; summer activities activities yes/no questions and short answers


UNIT 15 PAGES 100–105

Where were you born? Asking for and giving information Statements and questions with the
Biographical information; years; about date and place of birth; past of be; Wh-questions with did,
school days describing school experiences and was, and were
UNIT 16 PAGES 106–111
Can I take a message? Describing people’s locations; Prepositional phrases; subject and
Locations; telephone calls; invitations; making, accepting, and declining object pronouns; invitations with Do
going out with friends invitations; making excuses you want to…? and Would you like
to…?; verb + to


© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-62014-4 — Interchange Intro Student's Book with Online Self-Study and Online Workbook
Jack C. Richards
More Information

Pronunciation/Listening Writing/Reading Interchange Activity

Sentence stress Writing about mealtime habits “Planning a party”: Choose snacks for
Listening for people’s food “It’s a Food Festival!”: Reading about a party and compare answers
preferences foods people celebrate PAGE 123

Pronunciation of can and can’t Writing questions about sports “Hidden talents”: Finding out more
Listening for people’s favorite sports “Awesome Sports Records”: Reading about your classmates’ hidden talents
to watch or play; listening to people about itness records from around the PAGE 124
talk about their abilities world

Reduction of going to Writing about weekend plans “Take a guess”: Making guesses
Listening to people talk about their “Happy Birthday to You!”: Reading about a classmate’s plans
holiday plans about birthday customs in different PAGE 125

Sentence intonation Writing advice for health problems “Problems, problems”: Giving advice
Listening to people talk about health “Do You Know Your Body?”: Reading for some common problems
problems; listening for medications interesting facts about your body PAGE 126

Compound nouns Writing directions “Giving directions”: Asking for

Listening to people talk about “A Tour of Palermo, Buenos Aires”: directions in a neighborhood
shopping; listening to directions Reading about popular tourist PAGE 127, 128
attractions in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Simple past -ed endings Writing about last weekend “Past activities”: Comparing your
Listening to people talk about their “Did You Have a Good Weekend?”: classmates’ childhoods
past summer activities Reading about four people’s PAGE 129
weekend experiences

Negative contractions Writing questions about a “This is your life”: Finding out more
Listening for places and dates of birth person’s life about your classmates’ lives
”Who is Marina Chapman?”: PAGE 130
Reading about a woman’s life

Reduction of want to and have to Writing about weekend plans “The perfect weekend”: Making plans
Listening to phone conversations “Austin City Limits!”: Reading about with your classmates
about making and changing plans events at a festival PAGE 131

Plan of Intro Book ix

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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