CSR and Ethics Assignment
CSR and Ethics Assignment
CSR and Ethics Assignment
Cohort B
1) https://www.slideshare.net/CodelaxyLtd/corporate-social-responsibility-of-apple
2) https://research-methodology.net/apple-corporate-social-responsibility-csr/
3) https://www.greenpeace.org/archive-international/en/campaigns/climate-change/cool-
4) https://www.slideshare.net/Al-aminSardar/apple-csr
5) https://www.apple.com/in/legal/policies/Apple_India_2015_CSR.pdf
There are three stakeholders in this situation one is the management of HI-power mower
company and the second stake holder is Marcus Lim the cost accountant of the company and
the last stake holder is Ray Pon who is the production manager for 18 horsepower super cut
In this case Marcus Lim should be ethical to the company as he is the cost accountant of the
company and he should not be unethical as Ray Pon asked him to help in fixing his problem.
According to (competence) IMA standards Marcus Lim should provide the correct figures
which he has computed. According to (confidentiality) IMA standards Marcus Lim’s staff
should have been not disclosed about the new product costs to Ray Pon until the information
reaches the management. It is unethical to beg Marcus to change the figures in activity based
costing to make Ray Pon’s super cut model profitable. The ethical way for Ray Pon is to keep
a word to the management as soon as possible about the problem he is facing so that the
management can find any alternative solution for his problem and he will be in his safer side.
In this situation Marcus has to give first priority to the company by doing his work
perfectly and not to his friend by helping him to safeguard his job as the company
would have trusted Marcus in this case as he is the cost accountant and it is ethical to
keep all the information private until the final report is submitted to the management
and it is unethical to alter the figures just to safe guard his friends job. He has to think
about the status of the company. If he does a rite job by being honest and trustworthy
the company may make good profits and Marcus may get promoted.
Marcus should first tell Ray Pon about the mistake he has done by getting to know the
information from his department. And he should not accept to alter the figures. He
should rather tell Ray Pon not to interfere in Marcus work. Marcus has to do justices
to the company by not helping his friend in this situation. He has to advice his friend
and get him to the rite track rather than violating the ethical rules. Marcus has to make
him relalise about doing justice for his work and the company he is getting paid from.
He has to tell him not to be upset or worried for this and start working better in further
and to make pre precautions plans before. So that he will not face this kind of
problems in further and there will be no need of thinking unethical or violating the
ethical rules.