Watertight Doors: Awareness

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Watertight doors


Watertight sliding doors

1. Introduction and
lessons learned

2. Technical, operational and

maintenance issues

3. Summary and
Safety onboard
In the 21st century

• Safety onboard is better than ever.

• The future of seafaring continues to evolve in response to
economic, political, demographic, and technological
• The maritime industry work actively to improve safety
• Marine transportation can be considered one of the safest
means of passenger transport overall.

Safety onboard has been improved

through a combination of technology,
cultural & training improvements
and regulations
Safety onboard
Modern vessels are equipped with an array of safety innovations

Source: www.cruisemapper.com
Safety onboard
Decline in total losses worldwide – 2006 to 2015

Large shipping losses have declined by 45% Foundered (sunk or submerged) is the main cause of loss
over the past decade, driven by an accounting for half (50%) of all losses over the past decade.
increasingly robust safety environment and Grounding is the second major cause (20%)
self regulation. Fire is the third major cause (10%)
Collision is the fourth major cause (7.3%)

Source: Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty, Safety and Shipping Review 2015

Watertight doors are important in case of foundering,
grounding, collision and contact damages.
Awareness topic
Power operated watertight sliding doors

Safety of the ship Safety of the people

- Increase the integrity of the watertight doors as a barrier in case of internal flooding or
water ingress after damage.
- Create a better understanding of how the watertight doors are designed, and should be
operated and maintained during normal and emergency conditions.
- Promote situational awareness of officers and crew members passing through these doors.
- Prevent accidents and injuries from happening.
Watertight sliding doors
Awareness target and relevance

Highly relevant for

• passenger vessels (cruise/ferry/RoPax)
• offshore vessels and units
• special purpose vessels Source: www.wftv.com

• large container vessels

while at sea and navigating in
• restricted visibility
• harsh weather
• icy waters
• congested waters Source: www.ntsb.gov
• close to land
• uncharted areas
or during periods of
• lay-up
7 • tow
Source: www.nps.gov Source: www.offshore.no
Basic buoyancy and stability theory
Hydrostatic stability

A vessel floats in a stable position

when hydrostatic stability is
buoyancy = weight of the vessel
• Positive stability is the vessel’s
ability to roll back to the
initial position after being
exposed to a heeling
• A vessel will capsize if the
sum of heeling moment
become greater than the
righting moment
Basic buoyancy and stability theory
Watertight bulkheads

A vessel will sink when:

weight of the vessel > buoyancy

That is why watertight bulkheads

are installed to limit the spread of
water inside the vessel

The sinking stops when:

water level inside the vessel
compartment = the sea level
Basic buoyancy and stability theory
Damage stability = loss of buoyancy due to flooding of spaces

• Filling a compartment from the

outside will increase the vessel’s
weight, the vessel will sink deeper to
provide more buoyancy; and
• the centre of gravity shifts as weight
increases. The vessel will heel, trying
to balance weight and buoyancy
• If the compartment is open to the
sea, the buoyancy of that space
and its contents will eventually be
lost. In this situation the buoyancy will
not be able to prevent a capsize if
equilibrium cannot be found at a
larger angle.

The ship's volume should be divided by watertight bulkheads
to avoid the spread of water and loss of stability.
Lessons learned
From major accidents

1912 - The TITANIC collided with an iceberg,

which punctured the ship's hull and water
flooded in.
2007 - The Explorer, struck an unidentified
submerged object, reported to be ice,
Source: www.wikipedia.org
which punctured the ship’s hull and water
flooded in.
Lessons learned:
- Ship’s need to be designed so that the
flooding of compartments would not
jeopardize the buoyancy and stability of
the ship.
- Both Titanic and Explorer stayed afloat for
many hours due to the watertight
bulkheads, but eventually the ship sank.
Source: www.wikipedia.org
What are the main risks
Power operated watertight sliding doors

Loss of vessel stability and buoyancy

in case of watertight doors left open or leaking during water
ingress or internal flooding

Injury to crew and personnel

in case of being trapped in the door due to lack of competence,
misuse or lack of training.

Fire onboard
in case of watertight doors left open smoke and fire might spread
through the vessel causing injury to both people and vessel

Failure of the watertight barrier
Flooding through an open watertight door

Door size (2m * 0.8 m): 1.6 m2

Head of water: 4m
Flow rate: = 8.5 m3/s
Source: www.iunat.iupui.edu

5 minutes to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool

13 Keeping watertight doors closed is vital!
Safety of the ship
Why openings in the watertight bulkheads?

Watertight bulkheads
• may limit the commercial use of spaces on
• make it difficult for the crew to move around
between the spaces
Therefore, watertight doors are fitted in the
watertight bulkheads.
In certain conditions, some watertight doors
can remain open or be opened for limited
periods of time while at sea.

Saving the ship has priority!

The bridge can take control of all
watertight doors and close them.
Safety of the personnel
Another key priority

To safely passing through of a power operated watertight

door can easily be achieved by:
- having competence on the correct
operating and maintenance procedures.
- having both hands free to operate the
controls and not carry any heavy load
through a closed door unassisted.
- open the door fully before passing through
and never to pass through a moving door.
- stay aware of the situation when the
“DOORS CLOSED” mode has been
activated on the bridge.
- fully appreciate the crushing power of
watertight doors. There are many reports
of serious injuries and deaths.
Managing conflicting goals
Safety of the ship and personnel

Safe operation Operational performance

and commercial pressure
Safety levels, as indicated by Regulators:
• International vs. domestic trade
• New vs. older vessels
• Different vessel types and sizes
• Regulations vs. real case experiences and simulations
Watertight doors shall be as few as possible and be kept closed while at sea
However, aspects of:
• safe operation of the machinery
• crew and passenger evacuation
• working environment
mixed with the survivability requirements of the vessel after flooding

Poor operating and maintenance procedures and
training schemes may lead to misjudgements!
Large passenger ships
Number of watertight doors

Today’s norm is an extensive use

of watertight doors in the
transverse bulkheads on large
passenger vessels; in the engine
room, service areas and crew
quarters below the waterline.
Flag Administrations may permit
certain pre defined watertight
doors to remain open while at
sea, if considered absolutely
necessary for the safe and
effective operation of the ship.

Watertight doors
Latest trends

“Some 20 years ago, the International Safety Management Code, adopted by IMO, represented a step-change in the
establishment of a safety culture in shipping. The time has now come to generate another step-change. This will not be
achieved through legislative measures alone. We must generate a new impetus in shipping to go beyond compliance with
regulations and explore industry-wide mechanisms to ensure the safety culture is embedded throughout the entire
industry,” IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu.

IMO - updating regulations

• Amendments to SOLAS regulation II-1/22 – limiting the number of watertight doors permitted to
remain open during navigation.
• Introduction of the POLAR Code – provide measures to maintain watertight integrity during
vessel operation in the harsh and icy environment of the Artic.

Focus area
• Port State Control have found watertight doors with missing portions of gaskets, `hydraulic oil
leaking, inoperable audible alarm and the means of doors closed indication at all remote
operating positions found to be in a fault condition.
• Recent Shelf State inspections of offshore units, have observed several instances where
designated watertight doors – which are to be closed at sea - have been routinely left open.
Technical, operational
and maintenance issues

Part 2
Technical, operational and maintenance issues

1. Watertight sliding doors

- Typical door types and locations

2. Watertight integrity
- Requirements for internal openings

3. Bridge control
- “Local Control” and “Doors Closed”

4. Operation and maintenance

- Challenging conditions, drills and
Power operated watertight sliding doors
Not a new invention

Titanic had 12 power operated watertight

doors on the lower decks:
• vertically sliding and made of heavy
cast iron
• powered by gravity and braked by
two hydraulic cylinders
• closing time of 25-30 seconds
• locked by wedges in the frame
• remotely operated from the bridge
with local warning bell sounding
• manual operation adjacent to the
door and above the bulkhead deck
• automatic operated by a float under
the floors
• indication panel on the bridge was
later installed on the other Olympic-
class liners.
Source: www.encyclopedia-titanica.org
Power operated watertight sliding doors
Today’s design

Modern power operated watertight doors:

• horizontally sliding and made of steel
• powered by hydraulic cylinders or
electric motors
• closing force of several tonnes
• closing time between 20-40 seconds
• locked by wedges or pins in the frame
• watertight by «steel to steel» or
«rubber gasket»
• remotely closing from the bridge with
local warning alarm and light
• manual and emergency operation
adjacent to the door (and above the
bulkhead deck on passenger ships)
• digital system for indication and
22 control and monitoring CCTV Digital Control Systems
Power operated watertight sliding doors
Typical door and location

RoRo and
RoPax ferries
Local operation handle
and instruction for use.
Hydraulic cylinder for
Emergency operation
handle and pump

Power operated watertight sliding doors
Typical location

Large passenger vessel

Modern type doors below the bulkhead deck.
Typical working areas for crew, galley, laundry etc.

Regulators may allow for certain pre-defined

watertight doors to be opened while at sea.

Such considerations would be if the door:

- is essential to the safe operation of the machinery
- or to permit passage of passengers and crew
- or to permit work in the immediate vicinity

Dimensions: 1.2 x 2 meter

- horizontal stiffeners, for strengthening the door
- flush-type, thus no obstruction for the users

Dimensions: 0.9 x 2 meter

- mounted in corridor of crew cabins
- upper handle is for emergency operation
24 - lower handle is for normal operation
- flush-type
Power operated watertight sliding doors
Typical location

Container ships
• Fore and aft passageways under
deck and in engine room
bulkheads leading to pipe- and

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Offshore vessels and units

• Below cargo deck on offshore
service and construction vessels,
special purpose vessels, crane
vessels, oil exploration vessels.
• In lower part of pontoons in
offshore units.
Power operated watertight sliding doors
Water tightness

For water tightness the doors .. or may seal by being wedged

may use a rubber O-ring type into the door frame “steel to steel”
of packing or a wider rubber-lip
type packing

Power operated watertight sliding doors
Sliding on wheels and rails

The watertight sliding doors

slide sideways on wheels
running on a set of rails.

Door function might

be compromised by
worn wheels or rails.

Power operated watertight sliding doors
Movement and closing power

Either by hydraulic power .. or electric power

normally a 2 ton cylinder normally a 1 ton electric motor

The regulations do not specify the power to be used

28 only under what circumstances the door should be able to close
Power operated watertight sliding doors
Back-up power

3 movements of the door in case of black-out

and hand-powered generator for local emergency operation

close-open-close close-open-close

Backup power stored in .. or electric battery

29 hydraulic accumulator and emergency switchboard
Power operated watertight sliding doors
Normal local operation

• The doors have individual control handles on each side of the door.
• The Opening and Closing of the door shall be in the direction of the
door movement and shall be clearly marked on the control handles.
• The closing time shall be between 20-40s.
• The control handles are located at least 1.6m above the floor on
passenger ships.

Control handle Control handle

direction direction
Door closing Door opening
direction direction
1.6 m

1.6 m
Closing time
20-40 sec.


Hold both handles in the open position while passing through!

Power operated watertight sliding doors
Emergency operation locally and above the bulkhead deck

• For passenger ships, it is also required

to be able to close the doors from an
accessible position above the
bulkhead deck.
• This remote location is to have means
of indicating whether the doors are
open or closed.
• The time necessary for the complete
closure of the door by hand gear is not
to exceed 90s with the ship in an
upright position.
• The doors must be able to be
operated using a hand-operated
generator locally by the door.

Power operated watertight sliding doors
Instructions for use - Local control, remote control and emergency operation

If the door moves, you do not!
Power operated watertight sliding doors
Typical location onboard

Engine room
bulkhead door
A wide door may close
with a higher speed than
a narrow door.

33 Instructions for use

partly painted over.
Power operated watertight sliding doors
The dangers during local operation

It is essential that crew feel confident when manually

operating and passing a power operated watertight door,
so that the risk of injury is avoided
High risk will be
Low risk observed

Power operated watertight sliding doors
Investigations after personnel injuries

Root cause investigations:

• Door not fully opened before passing through.
• Door alarm and light found not working.
• Door closing to fast.
• Door has not been maintained and tested.
• Door not complying with the regulations.
• Door handle was installed incorrectly.

Most accidents to personnel happen when the doors

are in bridge control, “doors closed” mode.

Watertight integrity
Requirements for internal openings in the watertight bulkheads

Passenger- and cargo ships

“The number of openings in watertight
bulkheads shall be reduced to the minimum
compatible with the design and proper
working of the ship”
SOLAS Ch. II-1, Part B-2 Reg. 13 and 13.1

Mobile offshore units

“The number of openings in watertight
subdivisions should be kept to a minimum
compatible with the design and safe
operation of the unit”
MODU Code Ch.3 Reg. 3.6.1
Watertight integrity
Bridge control

Cargo ships
Doors which are used while at sea must be:
• capable of being remotely closed from the bridge
• indicators are to be provided at the control position
showing whether the doors are open or closed
• an audible alarm is to be sounding when doors are closing.
SOLAS Ch. II-1, Part B-2 Reg. 13.1.3

Mobile Offshore Units

Doors which are used during the operation of the unit
while afloat should be:
• remotely controlled from the central ballast control station
• open/shut indicators should be provided at the control
• and be provided with an alarm system (e.g., light signals)
• the remote operated doors should also meet SOLAS Ch. II-
1, Part B-2 Reg. 13.1
MODU Code Ch.3 Reg. 3.6.5

Source: www.oilandgasinvestor.com
Watertight integrity
Bridge control

The bridge control on passenger ships:

• close all doors simultaneous from the bridge in 60 seconds
• diagram showing the location of all doors
• red light for fully open and green light for fully closed
• “master mode switch” for “local control” mode and “doors closed” mode
• local audible alarm distinct from any other alarm in the area
• sounding whenever the door is closed remotely, at least 5 seconds, but
not more than 10 seconds before the door begins to move
• shall sound until the door is fully closed
• may be supplemented by visual signal at the door
SOLAS Ch. II-1, Part B-2 Reg. 13.5.1, 13.6, 13.7, 13.8
Note: Passenger ships built before 01.02.1992 have no definitions for red and green functions, and
may have push buttons instead of a “master mode switch” and there is no such requirement for
cargo ships and mobile offshore units.

Bridge central operating console
Modern offshore supply vessel

Master mode switch

Local control
• Will allow any door to be locally
opened and closed.
• Doors will stop moving when the
local operating lever is released
locally at the door.
• To be used during normal

Doors closed
• Will close all open doors, after
a 5-10 second delay with
audible alarm sounding and in
some cases warning light DOORS CLOSED
flashing. Shall only to be used
• Doors may still be opened but
in an emergency
will close automatically if the
operating lever is released or for testing purposes
locally at the door.
Bridge central operating console
RoPax ferry from 1981

• Damaged light door 14?

• Doors can be closed and
opened from the bridge!
• No “master mode switch”
for changing between
bridge and local control.
• No definition of red and
green indicators.
• The push buttons for
closing and opening doors
are all black.

Operational issues
Example of incorrect priorities concerning the safety of the ship

This watertight door has;

• Instructions stating:
“The door is to be
closed before leaving
quay side”.
• The door operation
handle is locked inside
a cabinet.
• The key to the cabinet
is kept on the bridge!
• The door is an
emergency exit.

How to close the door locally in case of water ingress
or escape in case of emergency?
Operational issues
Example of issue concerning the safety of the ship

Watertight doors in a crew corridor was found left permanently open by

manipulating magnet switches in the coaming.

The audible bell and light alarms will not work

and doors will indicate as closed on the bridge!
Operational issues
Passenger ships – doors which may be opened during navigation

IMO circular MSC.1/Circ.1380

• The circular categorizes these doors into: A, B, C and D doors.
• A, B and C doors, although allowed to be opened, should be kept
closed in certain situations.
o The limitations are to be included on the damage control plan.
o The actual categorization shall be posted on each side of the door.

The recommendations leave room for individual interpretations.

• may reduce the needed respect for essential doors to be kept
closed at sea.
• confusing for crew to have four different categories of watertight

43 Hence effective training and familiarization is very important.

Operational issues
Challenging conditions

General rule:
Keep the doors closed while at sea!

Above all when navigating:

• with restricted visibility
• in areas of high traffic density
• in congested waters
• near coastal waters
• in heavy weather
• in icy waters
• shallow water
• when the Master feels that the
conditions are risky and dangerous.

Operational issues
Emergency preparedness

• Drills and inspections:

o shall take place every week and
entered in the log-book with explicit
record of any defects which may be
• The doors should be:
o checked before leaving port.
o operated daily during the safety
o able to operate from both local and
remote places. I.e. bridge and ship
control center.

Maintenance issues
Power operated watertight sliding doors

Safety critical equipment containing:

• structural parts
• means of tightness
• mechanical parts
• hydraulic parts
• electric parts
to be maintained and controlled in
accordance with the manufacturer’s

Work orders:
Recent inspections have revealed that
planned maintenance work orders only
46 referred to makers instructions, with no
specific instructions at all.
Maintenance issues
Important items to be checked

Work order templates have been prepared

• Inspect for structural damage, frame and surrounding steel
structure (cracks, indentations, corrosion).
• Inspect the watertight integrity (gaskets, electrical
components, penetrations of pipes and leads).
• Ensure the hand crank for emergency operation is easily
• No loose or unsecured items in the vicinity of the door, such
as loose floor plates, trolleys, pallet jacks etc.
• Operating instructions are posted clear and easy to see.
• Test of local and remote operation and alarms (remote
closing and emergency power with 3 movements on stored
• Vessel specific instructions are posted and mention under
which conditions the door may be open.

Maintenance issues
Service by the manufacturers

Summary and

Main learning points
Crew preparedness

• Ask for onboard training on the function and operation of a watertight door.
• Keep doors closed while at sea.
• Open the door fully before passing through.
• Beware when the master mode switch has been set to “doors closed”
• Participate in the regular drills.
• Keep situational awareness when passing through these doors.

Main learning points
Management contribution

• Promote keeping watertight doors closed while at sea.

• Use the “doors closed” mode is only in an emergency or for testing purposes.
• Host regular onboard training and drills for crew preparedness.
• Implement the proper maintenance procedures for the watertight doors.
• Improve monitoring to quantify impact of watertight doors explicitly.
• Make sure the current and upcoming regulatory requirements are applied.
• Consider going beyond minimum regulatory compliance.
• Motivate a prudent culture onboard for the proactive and safe use of
watertight doors.

Main learning points
Industry contribution

Manufacturers, class society and Flag Administration representatives should:

• Verify that critical door functions are tested regularly.
• Verify that doors are maintained by competent personnel, e.g
manufacturer or trained company personnel.
• Verify that onboard training program is available to the crew.
• Verify that that watertight doors are identified as safety critical equipment.
• Improve design guidelines for expedient pass through and safe operation.
• Assess the watertight doors impact on vessels stability and safe return to
port in case of accidents or during internal flooding.

For further guidance…
Publications of relevance

Guide on watertight doors on passenger
ships which may be opened during
navigation - MSC.1/Circ.1380 guidelines
Draft amendments to SOLAS regulation II
1/22 and draft MSC Circular on guidance
on watertight doors on passenger ships
which may be opened during navigation
- SDC, 2nd session, 16-20 February 2015

Study assessing the acceptable and practicable risk level of passenger ships related to
damage stability, undertaken by DNVGL - www.emsa.europa.eu/damage-stability-study


Technical note on stability barrier management for large passenger ships - Ocean
Legal notice
2017 © Gard AS. All rights reserved.

This presentation has been made in collaboration with DNV-GL. The presentation is not
meant to constitute an operational tool. It is intended purely as awareness material
and guidance to be used at user’s own risk, and no warranties or representations are
given nor are any duty of care or responsibility accepted by Gard or DNV-GL for any
consequences whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from compliance with or
reliance on any guidance or advice contained in the presentation even if caused by
a failure to exercise reasonable care on the part of any of the aforementioned parties.

Thank you for
your attention!

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