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Maxmarking 2 User Manual v2.0.

Maxphotonics Co., Ltd.

Maxmarking 2
User Manual
Version: v2.0.1

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Maxmarking 2 User Manual v2.0.1

I. Overview ···························································································································4
1.1 Maxmarking 2 Software Introduction····································································································4
1.2 Manual Explanation ·····································································································································6
II. File ····································································································································6
2.1 Create ···························································································································································7
2.2 Open·····························································································································································7
2.3 Close ····························································································································································8
2.4 Save and Save as··········································································································································8
2.5 Import Vector Diagram ································································································································9
2.6 System Setting ···········································································································································10
2.7 Recent File ·················································································································································15
2.8 Clear Recent File ·······································································································································15
III. Edit ································································································································15
3.1 Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete·······················································································································16
3.2 Undo and Redo ··········································································································································16
3.3 Select All and Select Inverse ·····················································································································16
3.4 Group and Ungroup ···································································································································16
3.5 Combine and uncombine ···························································································································17
IV. Drawing ··························································································································17
4.1 Straight Line ··············································································································································18
4.2 Circle ·························································································································································20
4.3 Rectangle ···················································································································································22
4.4 Polygon ······················································································································································23
4.5 Arc ·····························································································································································24
4.6 MultiLine ···················································································································································26
4.7 Text ····························································································································································26
4.8 Image ·························································································································································34
4.9 Import Vector Diagram ······························································································································35
4.10 Barcode ····················································································································································36
4.11 Delayer ·····················································································································································38
V. Modify ·····························································································································38
5.1 Array Copy ················································································································································39
5.2 Go to Origin ···············································································································································40
5.3 Convert to MultiLine ·································································································································41
5.4 Break up MultiLine····································································································································42
5.5 Transform···················································································································································42
5.6 Plastic·························································································································································46
5.7 Align ··························································································································································48
5.8 Offset ·························································································································································49

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5.9 Trim ···························································································································································50
5.10 Split Text ··················································································································································51
VI. View ·······························································································································51
6.1 Translation, Zoom In, Zoom Out and Zoom Pick······················································································52
6.2 Display ·······················································································································································53
6.3 "Ruler", "Grid" and " Center Cross Line"··································································································53
6.4 Object·························································································································································53
6.5 Parameter ···················································································································································54
6.6 Property ·····················································································································································57
VII. Special ··························································································································60
VIII. Marking ······················································································································61
IX. Laser ······························································································································63
9.1 Rotary Marking ··········································································································································63
9.2 Split Marking ·············································································································································64
9.3 Pedal Marking Mode ·································································································································64
X. Help ·································································································································64
10.1 Help ·························································································································································65
10.2 Update······················································································································································65
10.3 About ·······················································································································································65

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Maxmarking 2 User Manual v2.0.1

1.1 Maxmarking 2 Software Introduction
Maxmarking 2 is an industrial laser marking software which is developed by Maxphotonics Co. Ltd.
and applicable to middle and small-sized enterprises. It has the advantages of being simple, flexible,
efficient and practical and is a significant innovation of the formerly marking software.
Maxmarking 2 software is simple in installation, the user just need to copy the installation package
to the hard disk and double click the executable program of Maxmarking 2. exe under the folder for

1.1.1 Operating environment

The operating environment requirements of the software are as follows:
(1) Operating system
Windows XP SP3 and version above
(2) Hardware requirements
CPU: 1.5GHz & above
Internal storage: 2GB or more
Hard disk: Free space of above 1G
1.1.2 Software functions
This software has the following functions:
 Drawing and marking of basic geometric figure;
 Support the design and marking of text, picture, vector diagram and barcode;
 Support the marking of variable text, serial number, date and file imported;
 Support the function of text replacement and conduct increasing, decreasing and reset operation
on the serial number text.
 Support the marking of vector diagram (formats such as dxf, dwg and plt) and bitmap (formats
such as jpg, gif and png);
 Powerful node adjust function and graphic editing function;
 Support the operation of graphic modeling (welding, trim and intersect) and transformation (pan,
size, rotation, tilt, zooming and mirror image);
 The barcode supports various fonts (TrueType font, SHX mongline font and barcode font);
 The barcode supports the reversal mode, rectangular mode and circle mode;
 There are 256 pen numbers (layers), so different objects can be set with different marking
 Strong filling function. Four kinds of filling types (line, douleline, bow and annular filling) are

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 The marking parameters can be adjusted conveniently, and a parameter base is set for choosing
and using directly;
 The galvanometer image can be adjusted, and the red light on the marking effect is corrected;
 Support the marking of rotation angle and partition angle;
 Support the pedal marking mode to facilitate using.
1.1.3 Interface description
Startup interface:
When the program starts running, the startup interface (Figure 1-1) is displayed, and the program
performs the initialization operation in the background.

Figure 1-1 Maxmarking 2 Startup Interface

Main interface
The main interface of Maxmarking 2 is shown in the Figure 1-2 and mainly comprises the system
toolbar, object list, attribute bar, drawing board, drawing toolbar, marking parameter list, status bar
and marking control bar.

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Figure 1-2 Maxmarking 2 Main Interface


1.2.1 Content arrangement

This manual will introduce the usage of software according to the sequence of the Maxmarking 2
main interface menu bar and mainly comprises nine parts: "File", "Editing", "Drawing", "Modify",
"View", "Special", "Marking", "Laser" and "Help".
1.2.2 Other statements
The right of software is reserved by Maxphotonics Co. Ltd., and any organization or individual shall
not copy and modify the contents of the software without the company's permission and authorization.


The menu bar of file mainly realizes the common operation of files, such as the function of "Create",
"Open", "Close", "Save", "Save as", "Import vector diagram", "System setting", "Recent file" and
"Clear recent file", see Figure 2-1.

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Figure 2-1 "File" Menu Bar


The function "Create" is used for creating a new marking document, the system will open a new
operating window during creation, and name in sequence: New Graph 1, New Graph 2...

The toolbar icon that the function "Create" corresponds to is , and the same operation effect
can be realized after clicking the icon.

2.2 OPEN

The function "Open" is used for opening the "mps" files saved on the hard disk. When choosing the
submenu of "Open", the software will pop up a window opening the file (Figure 2-2), which require
you to choose the file path to open.

The toolbar icon that the function "Open" corresponds to is , and you cannot open the file
which does not conform to the file format of mps.

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Figure 2-2 "Open" submenu


The "Close" submenu is mainly used for closing the marking document which is being operated
currently, if the document has been saved, it will be saved directly and closed. If the new document
is not saved, a window will pop up that requires you to save the path before closing.


The "Save" submenu is saved in the marking document which is being drawn and edited with the
current file name, "Save as" is to save the marking document which is being drawn and edited
currently (Figure 2-3), and both can realize the function of document saving.

The toolbar icon that "Save" corresponds to is .

If the current file has its own name already, it will use the file name to save the current editing

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document during the operation "Save", or a save dialog box will pop up (Figure 2-3), which requires
you to choose the path, file name and saving type of the file to be saved (edit file or execute file).
No matter whether the current file has the file name, the "Save as" command always pop up a file
dialog box which requires you to provide new file name for saving; at the moment, the old file will
not be overlapped.
There are two file saving types of "Save as" which are respectively the edit file and the execute file,
wherein the execute file can be used for marking on the mobile terminal APP directly.

Figure 2-3 "Save as" submenu


The "Import vector diagram" submenu is used for importing the vector diagram document to be
marked, and the imported file format it supports is AutoCAD (*. dxf&*.dwg), PLT (*. plt), SVG (*.
svg) and Adobe Illustrator (*.ai). Figure 2-4 is the submenu window of "Import vector diagram".

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Figure 2-4 "Import vector diagram" Submenu


The "System setting" submenu is mainly used for setting the system parameters. You can set some
basic attributes through the command during operation of software, including common parameters,
color, work space, move & rotation and language selection, as shown in Figure 2-5.

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Figure 2-5 "System Setting" Submenu

2.6.1 Common parameters

In the "Common" parameters, some software common parameters are mainly set, which mainly
Unit type: It refers to the unit type that the software uses during display of coordinate and distance,
and the system default unit type is "mm".
Horizontal/vertical paste offset: when you use the function of copy/paste, you can define the
horizontal/vertical offset of the new generated object (the pasted object) relative to its original
Grid: whether to display the view grid.
Grid interval: distance between the defined grid lines.
2.6.2 Color
Set the colors of the elements such as the background, work space, cross center line and grid, change
corresponding colors by double clicking the color bar and it will take effect after clicking "Apply"
and "OK". You can also click "Recover default color", all color set is restored to the system default
state, which is shown as the Figure 2-6.
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Figure 2-6 System Color Setting

2.6.3 Work space

The work space refers to the rectangular frame in the software main interface, and the rectangular
frame corresponds to the effective work area of the actual device. All graphs drawn and edited in the
rectangular frame will be processed during actual processing, and the graphs outside the rectangular
frame will not be processed due to the dimensional limit.

The attribute setting of the work space includes whether to display the positions of the work space,
the cross center line and the size (width and height), which is shown in Figure 2-7.

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Figure 2-7 Setting of Work Space

2.6.4 Move & rotation

The parameter setting of the keyboard move & rotation mainly includes the fine tuning distance, large
adjusting proportion and rotation angle.

Fine tuning distance: it refers to the movement distance of the object selected by the keyboard each
time when using the direction key on the keyboard to move the graphs.

Large adjustment proportion: it refers to the movement distance of the object selected by keyboard
each time by using the direction key on the keyboard to move the graphs while pressing the shift key.

Rotation angle: it refers to the angle rotated of the object selected by keyboard each time by using
the direction key on the keyboard to move the graphs while pressing the Ctrl key.

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Figure 2-8 Setting of Move & Rotation

2.6.5 Language
You can set the language for the software in the system setting "Language", including simplified
Chinese, English and Chinese Traditional, and click "Apply" and "OK" after selection, and the
corresponding language version can be switched after restarting the software, which is shown in
Figure 2-9.

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Figure 2-9 Language Settings


"Recent file" in the file lists recent files the user opened recently, with five files at most. If the software
has never opened or saved any .mps files, it would not appear in the file list, and the menu item is not


"Clear recent file" is used for clearing any .mps files the user opened or saved recently. If the software
has never opened or saved any .mps files, it would not appear in the file list, and the menu item is not


"Edit" menu mainly implements common editing operations of marking objects, generally including
functions of "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Delete", "Undo", "Redo", "Select all", "Select inverse", "Group",

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"Ungroup", "Combine" and "Uncombine" .


"Cut" is to delete the selected graph object, and then copy it to system clipboard. "Paste" function can
be used to copy the graph in clipboard to the current graph.
"Copy" will copy the selected graph object to the system clipboard, and retain the original graph
Corresponding shortcut keys of "Cut" "Copy" and "Paste" is Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V.
"Delete" is to delete the selected graph completely.


In the graphic editing operation, "Undo" is used to cancel the current operation to the last state of
operation if the current operation is unsatisfying. After canceling the current operation, "Redo"
function can be used to recover the cancelled operation.

The corresponding toolbar icon of "Undo" menu is , and the corresponding toolbar icon of

"Redo" menu is . As same as most other softwares, the shortcut keys of "Undo" and "Redo" are
Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y.


The submenu of "Select all" (Ctrl+A) will select all graphs with the shortcut key of Ctrl+A and the

corresponding toolbar icon is .

The submenu of "Select inverse" (S) will select the unselected objects and cancel the selection of

selected objects. Its corresponding toolbar icon is .


"Group" (Ctrl+G) is to combine the selected objects together as a new graph object. The grouped
graph objects can be selected, copied, pasted, filled and modeled like other graph objects, and the

object attributes can be reset; its corresponding toolbar icon is .

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"Ungroup" (Ctrl+K) will recover the grouped graph to the object type before grouping, and the

previous object attribute is unchanged, with the corresponding toolbar icon of .

For example, the previous graphs are circle and rectangle. After clicking "Group", the object type will
become "Group", and the grouped graphs can be edited as the current attribute (Figure 3-1). After
clicking "Ungroup", the grouped objects will recover to the previous object type, i.e., the circle and
rectangle attribute will not be changed.

Figure 3-1 Effects after "Group" of circle and rectangle shape


"Combine" (Ctrl+L) is to firstly convert all selected graphs into diversity lines, and then combine
them to a new object type. The combined graphs would clear all attributes of the previous objects,

and the toolbar icon is .

"Uncombine" (Ctrl+K) is to dissolve the combined objects. The dissolved graphs are all multiline

types, and the toolbar icon is .


The Drawing menu bar can add and draw geometric figures in common use like straight line, circle,

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rectangle, polygon, arc and multiline as well as editing adjusting node, word, image, vector diagram,
barcode and delayer.
All operations in the menu bar have one-to-one correspondence with drawing toolbar icons in the
view area. You can draw the graph you want rapidly with the small icons on drawing toolbar as shown
in Figure 4-1.
Note: when drawing all graphs, once you click the right mouse button, it means to cancel the
current selected function, namely to complete the drawing. It will be back to the state of the
current graph being selected by default, and this will not be explained again hereinafter.

Figure 4-1 Drawing Operations


If you want to draw a straight line, select the command of "Line" in the drawing menu or click the

icon .

First, click the left mouse button to select the icon , drag to draw in the drawing board. It needs
to click the left mouse button again at the break point and then continue to drag to draw. When finish
drawing, click the right mouse button to "End" as shown in Figure 4-2.

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Figure 4-2 Line

If you need to set the coordinate for the straight line, click "Input coordinate" and the window of
Figure 4-3 will pop up, then you can set the X and Y coordinates for the straight line.

Figure 4-3 Line Coordinate Setting

You can also set the position, dimension, filling attribute and whether the straight line is closed in
the attribute list of the straight line, and just click the "Apply" button as shown in Figure 4-4.

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Figure 4-4 Line after Being "Closed"

Note: the position dimension and filling attributes as the common attributes of all objects will
be chiefly introduced in the section of "6.6 Attributes" and will not be explained again


If you want to draw a circle, select "Circle" in the drawing menu or click the icon , and then you
can drag to draw with the mouse in the drawing board, and click the right mouse button to complete
the drawing.
When the circle is in the selected state, the name and style of this selected object will appear in the
object list. You can directly rename the object and you can also click the right mouse button to conduct
such operations as copy, paste, cut, delete to the object. In addition, the settings of position dimension,
filling, diameter and angle are also included in the attribute list of circle as shown in Figure 4-5.
Diameter X (Y): set the diameter of the circle.
Same diameter: if checked, it means to be a circle and otherwise the object will be an ellipse.
Start angle: it refers to the angle of the starting position relative to the center point of the circle.
End angle: it refers to the angle of the ending position relative to the center point of the circle.

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Clockwise: if checked, the direction of the current circle is clockwise and otherwise the direction of
the default circle is anticlockwise.

Figure 4-5 Attribute List of Circle

For example, set the start angle to 30 and the end angle 180, check "Clockwise", click "Apply" button,
and the result is shown in Figure 4-6.

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Figure 4-6 Sector of Customized Setting


If you want to draw a rectangle, select the "Rectangle" command in the drawing menu or click the

icon . Under the command, draw a rectangle, press the left mouse button and drag to draw a
rectangle, and click the right mouse button to complete the drawing.
After the rectangle is selected, the rectangle attributes will be displayed in the attribute toolbar, as
shown in Figure 4-7.

Figure 4-7 Rectangle Attributes

Rounded corner degree: it refers to the smooth degree of each corner of a rectangle (unit: %) with
the maximum of 100. When the smooth degree is set to 100%, after clicking "Apply", the left and
right sides of a rectangle will become smooth semicircle (Figure 4-8).

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Figure 4-8 Effect Drawing of Rectangle with 100% Smooth Degree


If you want to draw a polygon, select the "Polygon" command in the drawing menu or click the icon

. Under the command, draw a polygon, press the left mouse button and drag to draw a rectangle,
and click the right mouse button to complete the drawing.
After the polygon is selected, the polygon attributes will be displayed in the attribute toolbar, as shown
in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9 Polygon Attributes

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Sides: it refers to the number of sides of a polygon with the minimum of 3. The more the number of
sides, the closer to a circle of a polygon drawn
Star: whether to draw a star with the specified number of vertex angle (corresponding to the number
of sides).
Star ratio: it refers to the ratio of the vertex angle of a star to the interior angle with the maximum
of 100%.
Set the number of sides to 5, check "Star", set the star ratio to 0.5, click "Apply", and the star pattern
will be drawn as shown in Figure 4-10.

Figure 4-10 Star

4.5 ARC

If you want to draw an arc, select the command "Arc" in the drawing menu or click the icon .
Under the command to draw an arc, press the left mouse button and drag to draw an arc. Click the
right mouse button to complete the drawing. After the arc is selected, the relevant attributes of the arc
will be displayed in the attribute bar on the left side (Figure 4-11).

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Figure 4-11 Arc

If you check the "Closed", click "Apply" and the arc will become a closed graphic as shown in Figure

Figure 4-12 Closed Arc

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When you want to draw a multiline, select the "Multiline" command or click icon " " in the
drawing menu, hold the left mouse button and drag in the drawing board to draw a multiline, and
click the right mouse button to finish it. Please note, long press the left mouse button to adjust and
draw the corner radian of the curve, as shown in Figure 4-13.

Figure 4-13 Multiline

After you select "Closed" and click the "Apply" button, the current graph will turn into a closed

4.7 TEXT

The MAXMARKING 2 software supports to enter text directly in the work space and the font type
contains True type, SHX mongline font and barcode font. You can set up the text according to these
various font types provided by the system.

If you want to input the text, select "Text" command or click the icon in the drawing menu.

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Figure 4-14 Text

Under the drawing text command, press the left mouse button to create the text object and the
parameters of the text will appear in the left attribute list. You can edit the text content needed to be

input, click the icon to set the font, bold, italic, font height, orientation, spacing, etc.; for instance,

you can select the True type and then input "Maxphotonics", select the "LiSu" and "bold", click
"Apply" and the result is shown in the figure above (Figure 4-14).
4.7.1 Arc text

In the pop-up window of , in addition to the commonly used parameter settings of the text, there

are also parameter settings of the arc text.

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Figure 4-15 Parameter Settings of the Text

Radius X, Radius Y: set the long and short radiuses of arc text.
Datum angle: angle offset from the horizontal axis X based on the starting point of the text.
Angle Incr: angle offset between two adjacent fonts.
Within the arc: to arrange the text within the arc.

Figure 4-16 Arc Text

4.7.2 Variable text

You can also, in the text attribute list, manage and set up the variable text which means the text

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dynamically changed according to the regulations defined by users during the marking process. Select
the "Variable", click the "Manage" and the following window (Figure 4-17) will pop up.
Text: changeless elements of the text content during marking process.
SN: elements changed on fixed increment during the marking process.
Date: elements with which the system automatically obtains the date information from the computer
during the marking process.
File: it supports to import files of txt and excel format and to set and mark its variables.
TCP: set the IP address, port, command, display value, etc. to transmit and mark the data.
Serial Port: set the port, baud rate, data bits and other parameters of the device to transmit and mark
the data.
You can also add, delete, move up and down the elements of variable text, and custom the marking
order of various text elements.

Figure 4-17 Variable Text

 Fixed text elements

Click the button, add the fixed text, enter the text content, then click "Apply", and the preview

will be shown.
 SN
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When you click on the serial number elements, the parameter definition of serial number will be
shown automatically in the dialog box, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 4-18 Serial Number Parameters

Starting Num: it means the first number needs to be marked currently.

Max Num: it means the largest number needs to be marked currently, and the default largest number
of the system is 999999999.
Curr Num: it means the serial number needs to be marked currently.
Incr Num: it means the increment of number while being marked. This increment may be negative,
which means the serial number currently being marked is decreasing.
For instance, set the number increment as 3, if the starting number is 100, the next number will be
added with 3 based on the former one, 100, 103, 106, 109..., when it meets the largest number, the
system will turn it back to the starting number 100 automatically and continue the cycle.
MK Num: it means that the system will mark the serial number for the specified times before moving
on to the next.
Curr MK: it means the current marking times of every serial number.
Bits: set the digit of the current serial number.
Pad Char: when the starting number cannot reach the given serial number digits, you can use the
padding character to meet the requirement.
Mode: it means the base mode of serial number, mainly decimal, hexadecimal (upper), hexadecimal
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(lower) and special base. Within those, you can customize the special base according to your needs,
as shown in Figure 4-19.

Figure 4-19 Special Base Setting

Filter Num: it means to filter out specified number during the marking process. There are two kinds
of circumstances, if there is a * in front of the number, it means to filter out all numbers whose
mantissa contain this number; if there is no *, it means only to filter out the serial number of this
For instance, if you set the filtering number as "*8", it means to skip all numbers ended with 8, 08,
18, 28, 38... and if you set the filtering number as "8", it means just to skip "8" and then to move on
to the next number.
 Date
When you click on a date element, parameter definitions of the date will be shown in the dialog
box, as shown in Figure 4-20.

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Figure 4-20 Date Parameters

Date Style: it means the style of marking the date. There are lots of date types provided by the system
and you can select the appropriate one according to your needs.
Cust Format: you can customize the date type in the input box.
Offset: it means that when the system obtains date information from the computer, it needs to add
the given offset date to reach the date which needs to be marked. The offset value can be set in the
forms of year, month and day.
For example, if you need to mark the variable text content of "Maxphotonics Laser 008 March2016",
with a requirement of unchanging fixed text and skipping operation of serial number and date

according to specified regulations. Firstly, click the button, input " Maxphotonics Laser" in the

fixed text and then click "Apply"; then, click the , select the serial number, set the skipping

regulations in parameter dialog box, set the starting number and the current number as 8, digit as 3,

padding character as 0 and other parameters as default, click "Apply"; click the again, select the

date element, set the date type as "March2016", the offset value as 0, click "Apply" and the preview
will be shown as " Maxphotonics Laser 008 March2016" (Figure 4-21), finally, click "OK".

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Figure 4-21 Variable Text Settings of Multiple Elements

 File
You can choose file of txt and excel format to import, and then set the variable text by setting the
starting row number, column number, increment, current row number and whether to reset
automatically, etc.

Figure 4-22 Variable Text Settings of File Imported

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If you want to mark the bitmap, select "Image" command or click the icon in the drawing menu.
The system will pop up a dialog box as shown in Figure 4-23 to require the user to select the bitmap
which needs to be input. Bitmap formats supported by the system contain: bmp, jpg, png and tif.

Figure 4-23 Import Images

When you select certain image, the commonly used parameters of bitmap will be shown in the left
attribute list, including resolution, reversal, gray scale, dot, contrast, brightness, gamma value, etc.
(Figure 4-24)
DPI: It means the amount of the projection points that compose the image. It is also called as
resolution frequency. The higher the resolution is, the clearer the image is.
Reverse: flip the color value of every point in the image.
Gray scale: turn the color image into gray scale image of 256 level.
Drill: it means that whether the laser is always on or just for a given time when marking every pixel
of the bitmap.
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Contrast: it is the measurement of the varied brightness level of the brightest white color and the
darkest black color in an image.
Bright: it refers to the physical quantity of measuring the luminous light (reflecting) on the surface
of the light emitting body (reflecting body).
Gamma value: the relationship between the value of input and the brightness of display output while
processing the image, influencing the color distribution from high light part to darkened color on the
Bidirectional scan: the way of scanning the marked bitmap is bidirectional back and forth.

Figure 4-24 Image Attributes


Import of vector diagram can be realized by selecting "Import vector diagram" command in the

drawing menu or by clicking icon. Vector diagram formats supported by the current system
include: plt, dwg, ai, svg and dxf. Figure 4-25 shows the imported vector diagram.

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Figure 4-25 Vector Diagram


When selecting "Barcode" during drawing, or clicking on icon, there will be barcode type after
clicking the drawing board, all attributes of the barcode will be shown if selected, as shown in Figure
4-26. In spite of relevant parameters settings for position dimension and filling, barcode text and
variables management are also included in the attribute list of barcode.

Figure 4-26 Barcode

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Font type: including True Type, SHX mongline font and barcode font.
Font Name: font setting, over 20 types of font can be chosen, including Code25/93, EAN 8/13 + 2/5,
EAN 128, UPC A/E +2/5.

Barcode setting: after clicking , the following windows will pop up, allowing the setting of such
related parameters as if the barcode is reverse, rectangle mode, circle mode, the blank area after
reversal and text displayed.

Figure 4-27 Barcode Setting

Reverse: set the current barcode to reversal or not.

Rectangle mode: barcode is composed of and displayed by rectangles.
Circle mode: barcode is composed of and displayed by circles.
Blank: when the barcode is reversed, the dimension of space area of the top, bottom, left and right
Display Text: whether to show identifiable text below the barcode.
Font Type: text font to be displayed currently.
Height: average height of text
Width: average width of text
X Offset: offset coordinate of X in the text
Y Offset: offset coordinate of Y in the text

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Note: there is a barcode input box below the , enter the content and click "Apply" . If you want to operate

the variable text, check the "Variable", click "Manage" button to set the variable text. See detailed direction

in 4.7.2, no additional explanation here.


This function refers to the waiting time between the currently finished graph for marking and the
operation on the next object with the unit of ms. As shown in Figure 4-28, you can set up the
waiting time and click "Apply".

Figure 4-28 Delayer Setting

As shown in Figure 5-1, the major operations in the "Modify" menu bar include "Array copy", "Return
to the origin", "Change to multiline", "Scatter multiline", "Curve editing", "Transformation",
"Modeling", "Alignment", "Offset" and "Pruning", "Separation of the text".

Figure 5-1 "Modify" Menu Bar

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Array copy is all about selecting objects in a specific manner, including matrix arrays and circle arrays.

Figure 5-2 Matrix Array

Column Number: the number of the columns of rectangular arrays after copying.
Line Number: the number of the rows of rectangular arrays after copying.
Column spacing: distance between every two columns.
Line spacing: distance between every two rows.

Figure 5-3 Circle Array

Clockwise: copy in clockwise direction.

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Anticlockwise: copy in anticlockwise direction.
Array Number: the number of arrays being copied.
Radius: set the radius of circular arrays
Start angle: set the starting rotation angle of the circular arrays.
Angular Spacing: rotation angles between adjacent circular arrays.
E.g., applying "Circle array" operation on a rectangular array in anticlockwise direction with the
number of arrays of 3, a radius of 10mm, the starting angle of 0 degree and 30 degrees of angle
interval, and the result is shown in Figure 5-4.

Figure 5-4 Effect Drawing of Circle Arrays


In the "Modify" menu bar, click "Go to origin" or icon on toolbar to relocate the center point
coordinate of the selected object to the origin point of the drawing board, as shown in Figure 5-5.

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Figure 5-5 Operation of "Go to Origin"


"CConvert to Multiline" is to transform the attribute of the selected graph object to multiline types

and remove its own attribute. When the image has been transformed to curves, click the icon in
the drawing toolbar so that the node can be edited. As shown in Figure 5-6 and 5-7.

Figure 5-6 The Original Image Figure 5-7 Node Adjust after Transforming the Image To Curves

Node Adjust includes adding, reducing, fusing, separating node. You could make corresponding
operations to the multiline according to your own needs.

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Scatter multiline is to scatter the selected object to various multiline types. If the object is not the
multiline type, transform it to curve first, the steps could be seen in 5.3, then click the function button
of "Break up Multiline" to operate the scattering. At the point, the object list would show all the
scattered multilines.

Figure 5-8 Operation of "Break up Multiline"


The function of "Transform" refers to the operation of the selected object such as translation,

dimension, rotation, inclination, zooming, mirror image and the icon is . When you have clicked
the button of "Transform", the dialog box would appear as shown in Figure 5-9.

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Figure 5-9 Transform Function

5.5.1 Pan
In the pop-up transformation window, set the X, Y distance of translation object. When you have
clicked the "Apply" button, the absolute position translation could be realized.
If you have clicked the "Relative position", the selected object would translate the X, Y distance with
respect to the current center point coordinates.

The is the icon for translation. You can also translate the selected object manually by clicking
the icon.
5.5.2 Size
You could set the absolute dimension of the current selected object (X, Y) and relative dimension.
The absolute dimension means the length and width of the biggest rectangular frame of any outer
sides of a graph, while the relative position refers to the increased corresponding X, Y dimensions
compared to the current graph dimension.
5.5.3 Rotate
By setting arbitrary rotation angle, you could "Rotate" the selected graph. It could also achieve a
clockwise, anticlockwise rotation by using the shortcut keys "Ctrl" + up, down, left and right buttons
on the keyboard. For instance, rotation a rectangle with 60 degrees, and the effect is shown in Figure

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Figure 5-10 Rotate of 60 Degrees for the Rectangle

5.5.4 Tilt
Inclination transformation command is to incline the selected object to the specific angel.
When you have clicked the inclination command, it would pop up the dialog box as shown in Figure
5-11. Set the inclination angle of X, Y coordinates, and then click "Apply".

Figure 5-11 Tilt Setting

5.5.5 Zoom
In the dialog box of "Transform", you could set the dimension (X, Y axis) ratio of zooming for the
object, and then click "Apply" to realize zooming operation. (See Figure 5-12).

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Icon means "Zoom InZoom In", while icon means "Zoom Out". You could also click the
icon of "Zoom InZoom In" and "Zoom Out" to zoom the graph.

is the icon of "Zoom pick", which is the amplification and view operation of the specific position

of the graph and it would not change the original dimension the object.

Figure 5-12 Zooming Setting

5.5.6 Mirror
In "Transform" dialog, you could set the horizontal and vertical mirror image of the selected graph to
achieve the marking effect you want. Figure 5-13 and 5-14 show the contrast diagram before and
after vertical mirror image.

Figure 5-13 The Original Image Figure 5-14 Vertical Mirror Image Effect Drawing

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You could operate "Plastic" to the crossed graphs and the icon is . When you have selected the
function, it would pop up the dialog box as shown in Figure 5-15.

Figure 5-15 Plastic Setting

For example, Figure 5-16 is consisted of circles and polygons, the results of welding; pruning and
crossings operation are as follows: (set the circle as the original object and the polygon as the target

Figure 5-16 The Original Image

Welding: keep the original object (or the target object) and the areas that these two parts are
not coincided, and combine the parts to a new graph.
Steps: first, select the original object (the circle), and then enter the Plastic - Weld window, check the
"Keep the original object", and then press the "Weld" button to operate the function. After closing the
window, select the target object (the polygon), and then the welding of the two graphs has been
operated. The graph after welding is defaulted as multiline type, as shown in Figure 5-17.

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Figure 5-17 Welding Effect Drawing

Trim: keep the original object and the parts where the original object and the target object are
not overlapped or keep the target object and the overlap part of the original object and the
target object.
Steps: first, select the original object (the circle), and then enter the Plastic - Trim window, check the
"Keep the target object", and then press the "Trim" button to operate the function. After closing the
window, select the target object (the polygon), and then the trim of the two graphs has been operated.
The graph after trim is defaulted as multiline type, as shown in Figure 5-18.

Graph 5-18 Trim Effect Drawing of Keep the Target Object

If you want to keep the original object, select the circle first, and then enter the Plastic-Trim window,
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check the "Keep the original object", and then press the "Trim" button to operate the function. After
closing the window, select the target object (the polygon), and then the pruning of the two graphs has
been operated.
Intersect: keep the original object (or the target object) and the cross parts of the two objects.
Steps: first, select the original object (the circle), and then enter the Plstic - Intersect window, check
the "Keep the original object", and then press the "Intersect" button to operate the function. After
closing the window, select the target object (the polygon), then the cross of the two graphs has been
operated, as shown in Figure 5-19.

Figure 5-19 Intersect Effect Drawing of Keep the Original Object

When you have selected two or more objects in the work space, the alignment menu is available. The
menu could be used to align the selected objects in the two-dimensional plane. There are several ways
for Alignment (Figure 5-20):

Figure 5-20 Alignment Methods

 Left: align the left edge of all objects.

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 Right: align the right edge of all objects.
 Vertical center: align the center vertical lines of all objects. All the three ways of alignment above
are only available to the objects moving in the horizontal direction.
 Top: align the top edge of all objects.
 Bottom: align the bottom edge of all objects.
 Horizontal center: align the center horizontal lines of all objects. All the three ways of alignment
above are only available to the objects moving in the vertical direction.
 Center: align the center points of all objects. The center alignment put the object moved in both
vertical and horizontal directions.


"Offset" mainly could realize the narrow and expand functions of the selected graph. The pop-up
window is as follows:

Figure 5-21 Offset Setting

When you have set the offset distances, you could choose whether to "Delete old curve" and then
press the "OK" button, and then click the intended offset position of the object to realize the offset
operation. Figure 5-22 shows the offset of expanding the rectangular.

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Figure 5-22 Rectangle Offset

5.9 TRIM

Trim is to trim the object of multiline types. If the object is not multiline type, you need to transform
the object to multiline types first and then do the trim. As shown in Figure 5-23, when the vector
diagram has been transformed into multiline, click the " Trim " button and then use the mouse to
select the position of the multiline to be pruned, at last left click the mouse and the pruning is being

Figure 5-23 MultiLine Trim

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Split text means to separate the object of a text type into various text types. As shown in Figure 5-24.

Figure 5-24 Split Text


In View menu, it mainly includes "Pan", "Zoom In", "Zoom Out", "Zoom Pick", "Zoom All", "Zoom
Selected", "View Workspace", "Scale", "Grid", "Cross center line", "Object list", "1 Marking
parameters", "Attribute" and other functions. You could decide which could stay in the software
interface by checking or canceling the items. See Figure 6-1.

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Figure 6-1 View Menu


Translation, amplification, shrink and Zoom Pick are the basic transformation of the selected graph;
you could also select the corresponding icon in the toolbar to operate. Each icon is illustrated as

Move the current view and not make operations to the graph itself.

Zoom In for the current view

Zoom Out for the current view

Zoom Pick for the current view First, select the current graph, click the icon, drag the
box to select the graph area in the drawing board, then the amplification of the current view can be
realized. As shown in Figure 6-2.

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Figure 6-2Zoom Pick for the Current View


Zoom All. All the objects in the work space could be observed by fulfilling the whole view area.

Zoom Selected. It can make the selected object fill the whole view area in order to observe easily.

View Workspace. It can make all the objects in the current work space display in the view area
to observe.


Whether display the horizontal and vertical rulers, grid points and center cross line in the work space.

The software of MAXMARKING 2 provides the toolbar with lots different functions such as "Object
list", "Property", "Parameter" column. You could select to display or hide these windows by checking
the selections in the "View" menu or close the toolbar window by clicking .
The object list has recorded all the names and types of the object (Figure 6-3). You could edit the
name of the object directly. When you are operating one of the objects, the software would select the

name and type of the object in the list automatically. The icon means to display or hide the

current object.

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Figure 6-3 Object List

In the right-click menu of the object list, there are the functions commonly used such as cut, copy,
paste, select all, delete, a layer forward, a layer backward, undo and redo.

In MAXMARKING 2, each file has 256 pens and corresponds to 256 pens on top of the marking
parameter bar with the pen number from 1 to 256.
Each pen number corresponds to a color, and you can set its on/off state (Figure 6-4).

Figure 6-4 Pen Number Setting

It means the current pen to be processed, i.e., when the object to be processed corresponds
to this pen number, it will be processed. It can be changed after clicking the icon.
It means the current pen not to be processed, i.e., when the object to be processed corresponds
to this pen number, it will not be processed.
Color: it refers to the color of the current pen number. After the operational object is selected, the
pen number corresponding to the object will be automatically selected. Double click other pen number
and the object color can be changed.
Choosing pen number: when you select the operational object, select the button of choosing pen
number, and the pen number of the object will change (as shown in Figure 6-5).

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Figure 6-5 Choosing Pen Number

In addition to the pen number setting, the marking parameter list also includes the commonly used
marking parameter setting (Figure 6-6). The specific meaning of each parameter will be introduced
below in detail.

Figure 6-6 Marking Parameter

Use default: use all the default parameter values of the current system.
Current pen: which group of processing parameters is currently used. In MAXMARKING 2
software, the concept of "pen" equal to a group of given processing parameters
Select pen: select all the objects of the current pen number. Note: a pen number corresponds to a map
Mark times: It shows the processing times of all the objects which use the current pen number.
Speed: it refers to the current marking speed.
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Power: it refers to the power percentage of the current processing parameter, and 100% indicates the
maximum power of the current laser.
Frequency: it refers to the frequency of the laser under the current processing parameter.
Open delay: the delay time in laser opening when the marking starts. Appropriately set light-opening
delay can eliminate the "Match end" incurred at the beginning of marking. But if the parameter of
light-opening delay is too large, it can cause a lack of pens in the beginning section. It can be a
negative value which shows that the laser gives out light in advance.
Close delay: the time delay in laser closing when the marking is finished. The appropriately set light-
closing delay can eliminate the non-closing phenomenon when the marking is finished, but if the
parameter of light-closing delay is too large, it can cause "Match end" in the finishing section. It
cannot be negative values.
Corner Delay: it refers to the delay time between marking sections. Appropriately set time delay at
corner can eliminate the rounded corner during right angle marking, but if the parameter of time delay
at corner is too large, it can marking time, and large dots may appear at corner.
Jump Delay: set the time delay in jumping of the marking.
End Delay: Generally after the command of laser closing is given, it needs the response time to stop
laser totally. The appropriately set time delay in ending can give the laser adequate response time for
stopping laser, so that the next marking can start after the laser is closed totally to prevent laser leakage
and point throwing.
Jumping Speed: set the jumping velocity corresponding to the current parameters.
Select From Library: in the parameter base, such operations can be conducted to the current
parameters as save as, delete, set as default value, determine application, cancel, and sequence the
parameter base by name as shown in Figure 6-7.

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Figure 6-7 Choosing from Parameter Base

Set as default: set the current parameter as default value.

Below MAXMARKING 2 object list is the object property bar as shown in Figure 6-8. The position
dimension and filling are the common attributes of all the marking objects and will be introduced
below one by one.

Figure 6-8 Attribute List

6.6.1 Position Size

The position Size attributes include the settings of center point coordinate (X, Y) and graphic
dimension. You can set the center point position and dimension according to the specific requirements,
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and just click "Apply".

shows the coordinate datum point of the object. You can choose different datum points as the

position coordinates of the center point of the object.

shows the lock state, which only takes effect on the dimension setting. When you change the value

of either length or width, the software will automatically calculate the other parameter value
according to the ratio of the original length to width of the graphic.

Click to release this lock relationship and change it into unlocked state with the icon as .

After unlocking, you can set the length and width of the graph according to need.
6.6.2 Fill
Filling can realize the filling operation of different pen numbers, different shapes, different angles
and different intervals of the current selected graphs.
The graph for filling must be closed curve. If you select several objects to fill, these objects can be
nested or irrelevant. The objects of groups or combined objects can also be filled. Various types of
filling objects are as shown in Figure 6-9.

Figure 6-9 Filling Objects

After you select the operational object, check the "Enable", and the "Filling" parameter setting will

display in the attribute bar on the left side of the software including "Mark outline", "Frame

first", "Clear filling", "Filling pen number", "Filling Shape", "Angle", "Space", "Overall Calculate",
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as shown in Figure 6-10.

Figure 6-10 Filling Parameters

Mark outline: it refers to whether to display and mark the outline of the original graph, namely,
whether the filling graph retains the original outline.

Frame first: mark the object frame first, and then conduct the filling operation with the icon as .

After clicking, the reverse operation can be performed.

Clear: remove the filling parameter setting of current selected object.
Enable: whether to allow the current filling parameter to be valid.
Filling 1, filling 2 and filling 3: they refer to three sets of irrelevant filling parameters can be used
simultaneously and can realize cross filling at any angles, and each filling can support four kinds of
different filling types (four filling types: line, double line, bow and annular).
Pen number: there are totally 256 filling pen numbers, and each pen number corresponds to one
Shape: it refers to the filling shape type of the object, and it includes one-way filling, two-way filling,
arch filling and annular filling.
Line filling: the filling line always fills from the left to the right.
Double Line filling: the filling line shall fill from the left to the right and from the right to the left,
and the operation is repeated till the filling is over.
Bow filling: it is similar to the two-way filling, but there are connecting lines between the tail ends
of filling lines.
Annular filling: the filling line conducts the cycle offset filling in the outline of the object from the
outside to the inside.

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Angle: it refers to the included angle between the filling line and the X axis.
Space: it refers to the distance between neighboring filling lines.
Calc All: all filling parameter setting is valid for the current selected graph integrally.
When you conduct the filling operation, check the "Enabled" button firstly, conduct the parameter
setting such as pen numbers filling (256 pen numbers totally), shape filling, angle filling and interval,
determine for overall computing or not and realize the filling of current selected graphs after clicking
"Apply", as shown in Figure 6-11.

Figure 6-11 Filling Effect of Group Object

The special menu bar includes the operation of "Replace Text" and "SN".
Replace Text: search the original text, replace it with other texts and check whether to "Match whole

Figure 7-1 Replace Text

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SN: it includes the functions of serial number increasing, serial number decreasing and serial number
reset. The function is only for the object of serial number text and realizes the operation of increasing
and decreasing one by one and reset.


The marking menu bar mainly includes five submenus: device management (Ctrl+Q), device
connecting, connection closing, red light preview and marking start.
Before the formal marking, add the name of device, set the IP of device (as shown in Figure 8-1) and
conduct the marking operation after the "Connection" is successful.

In the toolbar, the icon indicates to connect the device, indicates to disconnect the
device, and you can conduct relevant operation of device management by clicking the above icons.

Figure 8-1 Device Management

The current marking specific status information is located under the work space of the software
interface, as shown in the Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2 Window of Marking Status

Preview (F1): when the outer frame of graphs is marked but no laser is sent out, it indicates the
processing area and facilitates the locating of processing parts. The function is used for the marking

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machine with the red indicator light.
Marking (F2): start the marking operation
Dontinuously: it indicates to the repeat processing of the current file without any pause in the process.
Mark Selected: only process the selected object
Count: it indicates the total quantity of the current processed parts.
Total: it indicates the total quantity of the current parts to be processed. It is invalid under the
continuous processing mode. When it is not under the continuous processing mode, if the total
quantity of the parts is larger than 1, repeat the processing constantly till the quantity of the processed
parts equals to the total quantity of parts and stop.
Reset: conduct the zero clearing operation on the processed quantity.
Start: start the pedal mode.
End: complete the pedal mode.
Param: set the configuration parameters of marking, including the area setting, laser test, red light
indication and correction.

Figure 8-3 Window of Configuration Parameters

Region Size: the actual maximum marking range corresponds to the galvanometer.
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Offset X: it indicates the X-direction distance of the galvanometer center offsetting the field mirror
Offset Y: it indicates the Y-direction distance of the galvanometer center offsetting the field mirror
Golvo 1=X: it indicates that the galvanometer output signal 1 of control card is used as the X axis of
the user's coordinate system.
Golvo 2=X: it indicates that the galvanometer output signal 2 of control card is used as the X axis of
the user's coordinate system.
Golvo X Reverse: it refers that the output of the current galvanometer X is in reverse direction.
Golvo Y Reverse: it refers that the output of the current galvanometer Y is in reverse direction.
Laser test: click "Open laser" by setting the parameter values such as frequency and power, and test
the laser exit situation after single clicking "OK".
Offset position X: it refers to the X-direction distance offsetting the actual marking area during red
light preview.
Offset position Y: it refers to the Y-direction distance offsetting the actual marking area during red
light preview.
Size ratio (X, Y): it refers to the ratio between the X-direction and Y-direction with the actual marking
area during red light preview.
Lens correction: correct the galvanometer with the correction program to reduce the error of marking.
Simple correction: correct the deformed marking object by setting the scaling ratio of X and Y for
the barrel-shaped, diamond-shaped and trapezoidal galvanometer.
Ratio: the default of the graph scaling ratio is 100%. When the graphs actually marked are different
from the dimension of the original drawing, the parameter shall be modified with the ratio range of

: it indicates the correction coefficient of the barrel-shaped galvanometer, its default is 1, and the
parameter range is 0.5-1.5.

: it indicates the correction coefficient of the rhombus-shaped galvanometer, its default is 1, and
the parameter range is 0.5-1.5.

[ ]: it indicates the correction coefficient of the trapezoidal galvanometer, its default is 1, and the
parameter range is 0.7-1.3.
Correction of 25 points: correct the deformed marking object by setting the X and the Y coordinates
of 25 corresponding points, wherein the thirteenth point is the center point (0, 0).


The "Laser" menu includes the Rotary Marking, Split Marking and pedal marking mode.


Click "Rotary Marking" so as to pop up the following window (Figure 9-1)

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Figure 9-1 Rotary Marking

Under the mode of Rotary Marking, set the parameters of work piece such as the diameter, perimeter,
marking height and maximum width, and click "OK".


Under the mode of Split Marking, set the partition angle parameters except setting the parameters of
work piece such as the diameter, perimeter, marking height and maximum width, and click "OK".

Figure 9-2 Split Marking


The system defaults that the pedal marking mode is in the starting state, if you want to close the

pedal marking mode, click the button " " in the marking status information bar.


The "Help" menu is used for displaying some relevant information of the MAXMARKING 2 software,
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including help, version updating and instruction of software copyright information, as shown in
Figure 10-1.

Figure 10-1 Explanation Menu

10.1 HELP

When you click "Help", the system will skip to the User Manual v1.0 of MAXMARKING 2
automatically, and the document discusses the explanations of all functional modules to help you to
solve the problems during the software using. You can also give some feedback to our technical
support personnel so that they will provide help to you.


The "Update" is a submenu that the system can conduct automatic networking to check whether the
software has the newest version, and it will update automatically if the newest version exists.

10.3 ABOUT

When you click the "About" submenu, the window shown in Figure 10-2 will occur, the dialog box
displays the Logo, name, version, developer and copyright warning information of the
MAXMARKING 2 software, and the address of the product developer will also be shown in the
dialog box.
If you want to modify the information of software such as the Logo and copyright, replace "About",
"APP_Icon" and "Startpage" in the "Images\CopyRigh" under the installation catalogue of
MAXMARKING 2, and restart the software directly.

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Figure 10-2 "About" Window

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