CX1100-00xx: Hardware Documentation

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Hardware Documentation



Version: 2.1
Date: 2015-08-19
Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Foreword .................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Notes on the documentation.............................................................................................................  5
1.2 Safety instructions ............................................................................................................................  6
1.3 Documentation Issue Status.............................................................................................................  6

2 Product overview....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Appropriate Use................................................................................................................................  8
2.2 System Overview..............................................................................................................................  8
2.3 Architecture of the power supply units............................................................................................  10
2.4 Adapter RAM Hardware address overview.....................................................................................  15
2.5 Display ............................................................................................................................................  18
2.5.1 Display setup ...................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.2 Representing text on the display......................................................................................... 19
2.5.3 LC Display........................................................................................................................... 23
2.6 4 + 1 navigation switch ...................................................................................................................  24
2.6.1 Operating principle of the switch......................................................................................... 24
2.7 CX1100-0001..................................................................................................................................  26
2.7.1 CX1100-0001 connections.................................................................................................. 26
2.7.2 Technical data CX1100-0001 ............................................................................................. 27
2.7.3 Architecture of power supply CX1100-0001 ....................................................................... 28
2.8 CX1100-0002 / CX1100-0012 ........................................................................................................  29
2.8.1 CX1100-00x2 connections.................................................................................................. 29
2.8.2 Technical data CX1100-0002 ............................................................................................. 30
2.8.3 Technical data CX1100-0012 ............................................................................................. 31
2.8.4 Architecture of power supply CX1100-00x2........................................................................ 32
2.9 CX1100-0003 / CX1100-0013 ........................................................................................................  36
2.9.1 CX1100-00x3 connections.................................................................................................. 36
2.9.2 Technical data CX1100-0003 ............................................................................................. 37
2.9.3 Technical data CX1100-0013 ............................................................................................. 38
2.9.4 Architecture of power supply CX1100-00x3........................................................................ 39
2.10 CX1100-0004 / CX1100-0014 ........................................................................................................  43
2.10.1 CX1100-00x4 connections.................................................................................................. 43
2.10.2 Technical data CX1100-0004 ............................................................................................. 44
2.10.3 Technical data CX1100-0014 ............................................................................................. 45
2.10.4 Architecture of power supply CX1100-00x4........................................................................ 46

3 Transport.................................................................................................................................................. 47
3.1 Unpacking, installation and transport..............................................................................................  47

4 Fitting and wiring .................................................................................................................................... 48

4.1 Mechanical assembly .....................................................................................................................  48
4.1.1 Dimensions ......................................................................................................................... 48
4.1.2 Mechanical assembly of the basic module ......................................................................... 51
4.2 Commissioning ...............................................................................................................................  53
4.2.1 Electrical connections ......................................................................................................... 53

5 Error handling and diagnostics ............................................................................................................ 56

5.1 Terminal Bus Analysis in PLC-Program .........................................................................................  56
5.2 CX1100-0001 power supply LEDs..................................................................................................  61
5.3 CX1100-0002 power supply LEDs..................................................................................................  61
5.4 CX1100-0012 power supply LEDs..................................................................................................  63
5.5 CX1100-0003 power supply LEDs..................................................................................................  64
5.6 CX1100-0013 power supply LEDs..................................................................................................  67

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 3

Table of contents

5.7 CX1100-0004 power supply LEDs..................................................................................................  70

5.8 CX1100-0014 power supply LEDs..................................................................................................  71

6 Decommissioning.................................................................................................................................... 72
6.1 Removal and disposal ....................................................................................................................  72

7 Appendix .................................................................................................................................................. 75
7.1 ADS Return-Codes .........................................................................................................................  75
7.2 Certifications ...................................................................................................................................  77
7.3 Support and Service .......................................................................................................................  78

4 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx


1 Foreword

1.1 Notes on the documentation

This description is only intended for the use of trained specialists in control and automation engineering who
are familiar with the applicable national standards.
It is essential that the following notes and explanations are followed when installing and commissioning
these components.

The responsible staff must ensure that the application or use of the products described satisfy all the
requirements for safety, including all the relevant laws, regulations, guidelines and standards.

The documentation has been prepared with care. The products described are, however, constantly under
For that reason the documentation is not in every case checked for consistency with performance data,
standards or other characteristics.
In the event that it contains technical or editorial errors, we retain the right to make alterations at any time
and without warning.
No claims for the modification of products that have already been supplied may be made on the basis of the
data, diagrams and descriptions in this documentation.

Beckhoff®, TwinCAT®, EtherCAT®, Safety over EtherCAT®, TwinSAFE®, XFC®and XTS® are registered
trademarks of and licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH.
Other designations used in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own
purposes could violate the rights of the owners.

Patent Pending
The EtherCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following patent applications and
EP1590927, EP1789857, DE102004044764, DE102007017835
with corresponding applications or registrations in various other countries.

The TwinCAT Technology is covered, including but not limited to the following patent applications and
EP0851348, US6167425 with corresponding applications or registrations in various other countries.

EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH,

© Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.
The reproduction, distribution and utilization of this document as well as the communication of its contents to
others without express authorization are prohibited.
Offenders will be held liable for the payment of damages. All rights reserved in the event of the grant of a
patent, utility model or design.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 5


1.2 Safety instructions

Safety regulations
Please note the following safety instructions and explanations!
Product-specific safety instructions can be found on following pages or in the areas mounting, wiring,
commissioning etc.

Exclusion of liability
All the components are supplied in particular hardware and software configurations appropriate for the
application. Modifications to hardware or software configurations other than those described in the
documentation are not permitted, and nullify the liability of Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG.

Personnel qualification
This description is only intended for trained specialists in control, automation and drive engineering who are
familiar with the applicable national standards.

Description of symbols
In this documentation the following symbols are used with an accompanying safety instruction or note. The
safety instructions must be read carefully and followed without fail!

Serious risk of injury!

Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol directly endangers the
life and health of persons.

Risk of injury!
Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol endangers the life and
health of persons.

Personal injuries!
Failure to follow the safety instructions associated with this symbol can lead to injuries to

Damage to the environment or devices

Failure to follow the instructions associated with this symbol can lead to damage to the en-
vironment or equipment.

Tip or pointer
This symbol indicates information that contributes to better understanding.


1.3 Documentation Issue Status

Version Changes
0.1 preliminarily  version

6 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx


Version Changes
0.2 revised version
description of four power supplies
CX10xx architecture description
1.0 memory mapping / fieldbus connections
1.1 library for 4 + 1 navigation switch added
1.2 Blink codes for CX1100-0004 (EtherCAT) extended
1.3 Changes in  GCB - Watchdog Error Counter
1.4 Display access via ADS added
1.5 Blink codes for IP-Link errors added
1.6 Notes on hardware revision added
1.7 Terminal bus diagnosis in PLC program added
1.8 Notes on terminal bus diagnosis with firmware > B7
1.9 Notes on wire installation added
2.0 Notes on new power supplies for CX1030 added
2.1 Revised version

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 7

Product overview

2 Product overview

2.1 Appropriate Use

The CX1020 device series is a modular control system designed for top-hat rail installation. The system is
scalable, so that the required modules can be assembled and installed in the control cabinet or terminal box
as required.

2.2 System Overview

CX1100-00xx  power supply units and I/O interfaces

One of four power supply modules can be selected for a CX10x0 system. The power supply of all other
system components is ensured via the internal PC104 bus; no separate supply lines are required. However,
the CX1100 components offer further important characteristics that go beyond a pure power supply: an
integrated NOVRAM enables the fail-safe storage of process data, an LCD display with two lines of 16
characters each is used for displaying system and user messages.

Local I/O signals are connected via the CX1100-0002 power supply variant, to which all Beckhoff Bus
Terminals can be connected, or via CX1100-0003, which in addition to the Bus Terminals enables the
connection of Extension Box IExxxx type Beckhoff Fieldbus Box modules. The option to connect Bus
Terminals or Fieldbus Box modules creates a control system with a very variable, expandable I/O level with
large signal variety. The I/O data are stored in a DPRAM, which is accessible by the CPU via the system
bus. The power supplies of the CX system can be changed in the field: If, for example, local I/O via Bus
Terminals is required, CX1100-0001 can be replaced with CX1100-0002 in the field. Local I/O signals are
connected via the CX1020 and the CX1100-0002 power supply variants (Bus Terminals), CX1100-0003 (Bus
and Fieldbus Box modules via IP-Link) or CX1100-0004 for EtherCAT Terminals. With CX1100-0004 the I/O

8 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

data are stored directly in the main memory of the CPU; a DPRAM is no longer required. The CX1100-0004
power supply unit for EtherCAT Terminals can only be connected in conjunction with the basic CX1020/
CX1000/CX1010 CPU module.

For the CPU CX1030  a modified power supply unit is necessary. For this use the modules CX1100-001x .
The functions are similar to the modules CX1100-000x.

The technical data are as follows:

• CX1100-0001
• CX1100-0002 / CX1100-0012
• CX1100-0003 / CX1100-0013
• CX1100-0004 / CX1100-0014

An overview about architecture with the common system components GCB, ACB, NOVRAM, display and
switch are described together in one chapter. Special interfaces are described in the power supply units
containing the interfaces.

Also see about this

2 Architecture of the power supply units [} 10]
2 Display setup [} 18]
2 Operating principle of the switch [} 24]

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 9

Product overview

2.3 Architecture of the power supply units

The four power supply units for the CX10x0-System accomplish more task than supporting the system with
power. Each module has three basic functions. Additional each model supports different connection to
communication busses. Caused by these different connections the internal architecture differ. At first the
common functions are described.

All power supply feature, except for power supply, the following functions:

1. Display 2 x 16 characters
2. 4+1 navigation switch
3. Non Volatile RAM

These functions are managed by the control program via the PC104 bus. The structure of the CX1100-0001
is shown in the following figure:

"General Control Block" (GCB)

The top 16 byte of the system control area (starting at the physical hex address D0000 + Offset FF0) form
the general control block GCB, which holds the control byte required to start the I/O processing of the K-Bus
and IP-Link.

The CPU of the main module controls the whole architecture. With memory mapped I/O regions data can be
exchanged. The data needed to run the system is  combined in the  "General Control Block" (GCB). Its base
address is "0xD1000".  The figure shows the Data and the offset. Some registers are not needed in all units.
So only the requested registers are mapped other addresses are masked out.

10 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

Firmware Version:
These two bytes contain the hex decimally coded version number of the CX1100 firmware. E.g. the first byte
could show B3(hex): this results in firmware version B3.

Firmware Revision:
These two bytes contain the hex decimally coded revision number of the CX1100 firmware. E.g. the byte
could show 00: this results in revision 00.

Service Request / Response Bitfield: (only for CX1100-0002 / -0003)

These two bytes contain a sequence of bits, by which certain service functions may be executed. The
service function is invoked by setting the appropriate request bit, the controller executes and sets the
response bit. Before the same function can be invoked again, the request bit must be set to zero and wait
until the response bit is also set to zero. An execution error is signaled by raising response bit 7.

Bitfeld Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Request - - - - - Link Remap Reset
Images Node
Response Error - - - - Images Remapped Reset
Linked Done

Reset Node:
with this bit, a software reset of the 80C165 microcontroller can be performed. This is different from the
hardware reset which may be performed in the Auxiliary Control Block (ACB).

with this bit, the two-byte PLC interfaces normally residing in the input/output process areas can be
remapped into the general control block for K-Bus and IP-Link. Thus the input/output process image areas
can be kept clean and for the sole purpose of storing I/O-data.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 11

Product overview

Link Images:
if set, this bit links the K-Bus logically to the IP-Link in the case of error occurrence - meaning that if one of
them stops operating, the other one is stopped as well. By default, this bit is set so stopping both I/O
systems in case of error is the standard behavior.

Watchdog Time:
With the request of an I/O cycle through "PD cycle request", a watchdog timer with this specified millisecond
time is started. If the cycle is not being restarted by a next "PD cycle request", the watchdog elapses and as
a consequence the output process image is zeroed. This resets all outputs to a safe state (OFF). It also
increments the value in "Watchdog Error Counter" by one. If another value than the default 100ms is written
to this cell, a "Reset node" is needed to activate the change.

Cycle Time:
This is the time elapsed between the initiation and termination of an I/O process image update (K-Bus + IP-
Link ). The time is recorded in units of microseconds and starts with writing a new cycle request to the field
"PD cycle request" and it stops with the termination response in the field "PD cycle ready". For CX1100-0002
this time reflects the K-Bus update time, for CX1100-0003 it is the sum of K-Bus update time and IP-Link
update time.

Watchdog Error Counter:

If the Watchdog Time exceeds the value in this register is increased by one. In this way the user can get the
numbers of watchdog-time errors. (available since firmware revision B6)

Processdata Error:
This byte contains the information on the error status of the I/O blocks. The possible bit codes are:

Bitfeld Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Processdat - - - - - - IP-Link K-Bus
a Error Error Error

The bit is set  to "TRUE", if an error occurred. If both bits are zero, there is no error on either bus system.
Error recovery may be attempted by invoking the "Reset bus" service in the corresponding CB of either K-
Bus or IP-Link.

Processdata Cycle Overrun:

This byte contains a counter, which is incremented each time a new process data cycle is requested
although the previous cycle has not yet completed. This can happen only due to a handshake programming
error or if the user task cycle time is shorter than the time for I/O update.

PD Cycle Ready / PD Cycle Request:

These two bytes contain the request value and the ready value for operating a process data (PD) I/O cycle.
The user program is supposed to write a pattern (e.g. an up-counter value ) to the request byte, thus
triggering the I/O cycle. Once the I/O cycle is finished, the microcontroller will set the ready byte to match the
request byte. A new request can then be written to the request byte.

"Auxiliary Control Block" (ACB)

The Auxiliary Control Block of CX1100 is a block of 16 bytes and starts at address D1000 (hex). It is a
miscellaneous control block for controlling:

- the 2x16char FSTN LCD Display

- the navigation switch
- the hardware reset of the 80C165 microcontroller

12 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

The following schematic shows the layout of the ACB and is followed by a description of the single bits
contained in it.

Display Cmd Register:

R/#W:               This bit control the Read or Write operation for programming the display2x16 char LCD

DATA/#CMD:   This bit controls whether the byte "Display Data Reg" holds a command or display data.

EN:                    This is the enable bit for executing the operation with the display controller.

BL OFF:            If set, this bit turns of the backlight of the LCD Display. This feature may be used for blinking
with the backlight, thus attracting the users attention to an important message on the display. It may also be
                          used to save power in the case of power loss and UPS operation.

Display Data Register:

These are the data bits for issuing commands or reading/writing data to the display controller. These bits are
operated in conjunction with bits 0,1,2 of the Display Cmd Reg. For more detailed information please refer to
the display controller documentation.

In Register:
These bits reflect the contact status of the 4+1 direction navigation switch on the front side of the CX1100
unit. These events may be used by a software for implementing a menu driven data input/output together
with the LCD display.

Bit 0 UP
Bit 1 DOWN
Bit 2 LEFT
Bit 5 PWR-FAIL (reserved for future use - do not use)

An example for access the switch is given in the detailed description of the switch.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 13

Product overview

Out Register:
Bit 0 RES C165
This bit resets the microcontroller 80C165 and restarts the initialization of the K-Bus and IP-Link circuit. For
doing the reset, this bit must be set high and then set back to low. There is no need for an explicit hold time.
This bit may be used to recover from K-Bus faults such as removing a terminal during operation. It needs to
be set at least once at startup or initialization of the user software before operating the k-Bus.

Bit 1 IRQ0 (reserved for future use - do not enable)

Bit 2 IRQ1 (reserved for future use - do not enable)
Bit 3 IRQ2 (reserved for future use - do not enable)

Memory region 0xD1004 to 0xD1008:

In this region the type of the power supply module is encoded. By adding the four registers the type
description is given:

CX1101    CX1100-0001 power supply unit with display, 4 + 1 navigation switch and  NOVRam

CX1102    CX1100-0002 power supply unit with display, 4 + 1 navigation switch,  NOVRam and K-bus

CX1103    CX1100-0003 power supply unit with display, 4 + 1 navigation switch,  NOVRam, K-bus-
connection and IP-Link-connection

CX1104    CX1100-0004 power supply unit with display, 4 + 1 navigation switch,  NOVRam and E-bus

The Non Volatile RAM

The NOVRAM is one of the most important functions of the power supply unit. The access is realized via the
PC104 bus. The mapping to PLC is realized by TwinCAT System Manager. Here needed variables can be
defined and mapped to memory. Further details are given in the TwinCAT documentation.

K-BUS and IP-LINK Operation

This section describes how to trigger the K-Bus (and in the case of CX1100-0003 also the I/O-boxes
connected to IP-Link) in order to read input values and write output values. The procedure is the same for IP-
Link, the description limits itself to K-Bus for textual simplicity.

The I/O operation is done through the bytes named "PD cycle ready" and "PD cycle request" in the GCB.
The K-Bus cycle is triggered by a write operation to the byte "PD cycle request". Although the value being
written to this byte does not matter (it is only the write operation which is important), it is recommendable
write a counter-up value to this byte. The microcontroller for the K-Bus will react to the write operation by
performing a K-Bus cycle and gathering the I/O data. Once the cycle is completed and the electrical signal
input data are written to the DP-RAM, the microcontroller will set the content of byte "PD cycle ready" equal
to the content of "PD cycle request", thus signaling the completion of the I/O cycle. The time required to run a
K-Bus cycle depends on the number of terminals attached to CX1100: it is minimum 700 microseconds and
typically well below 5 milliseconds. The K-Bus cycle time can be viewed by using the TwinCAT System
Manager tool, by entering the exact terminal configuration.

At startup of the user program, before going into cyclic operation, it is mandatory to reset the K-Bus
controller by triggering the "RES C165" bit in the Auxiliary Control Block section of CX1100. Please refer to
the description of the ACB for how to do this.

The sequence of operating the K-Bus can be explained by assuming a cyclic automation task executed each
10 ms on the main CX1000 CPU:

Task cycle "n":

- check if K-Bus operation of previous cycle has finished: is "PD cycle ready" = "PD cycle request" ? Proceed
if yes, issue error message and abort cyclic task operation if not, because a K-Bus cycle does not need 10
milliseconds to finish !

14 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

- read the input data from the DP-RAM (these are the input data gathered by the previous cycle "n-1" )
- write the output data to the DP-RAM (these are the outputs calculated by the previous cycle "n-1" ).
- increment and write the new value to "PD cycle request"
- perform task user code

Task cycle "n+1":

- check if K-Bus operation of previous cycle has finished: is "PD cycle ready" = "PD cycle request" ? Proceed
if yes, issue error message and abort cyclic task operation if not, because a K-Bus cycle does not need 10
milliseconds to finish !
- read the input data from the DP-RAM (these are the input data gathered by the previous cycle "n" )
- write the output data to the DP-RAM (these are the outputs calculated by the previous cycle "n" ).
- increment and write the new value to "PD cycle request"
- perform task user code

Of course only the I/O bytes needed should be copied to or from the DP-RAM, since each read or write
operation over PC104 is time consuming. Please note that the terminal outputs need a K-Bus refresh no
later than 100 milliseconds, otherwise the watchdog in each terminal will shut off the outputs. This means
that the task cycle time should be below 100 milliseconds. Also, if more than one cyclic automation task
needs access to K-Bus I/O, it is important that only one task operates the K-Bus and the other tasks
implement an I/O buffering in order to have a consistent I/O image. In this scenario, the task with the highest
priority has the shortest cycle time and will trigger the K-Bus.

Please note also that it is assumed that in each cycle the integrity of the K-Bus is being checked by
examining the "Processdata error" field in the GCB. Cyclic operation should be aborted in the case of an I/O
error and user should be prompted for corrective actions. Cyclic operation can be resumed after resetting the
faulty bus over the service request fields of the control block.

2.4 Adapter RAM Hardware address overview

available memory addresses CX1020: D0000-DFFFF (hex)
Base Address End Address (hex) Size(Bytes)(hex) Access Type Description
D0000 D0FFF 1000 R/W CX1100-0002/3
Dual Ported RAM
D1000 D100F 10 R/W CX1100 Auxiliary
Control Block( LCD
Display, misc.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 15

Product overview

Base Address End Address (hex) Size(Bytes)(hex) Access Type Description

D1010 D101F 10 R/W CX1100-0900 UPS
Control Block
D2000 D3FFF 2000 R/W CX1100 Non Volatile
D4000 D5FFF 2000 R/W CX1500-M310
Profibus Master
D6000 D7FFF 2000 R/W CX1500-M510
CANopen Master
D8000 D9FFF 2000 R/W CX1500-M520
DeviceNet Master
DA000 DBFFF 2000 R/W CX1500-M200
Lightbus Master
DC000 DDFFF 2000 R/W CX1500-M750
Sercos Master

For some fieldbus connections (all Slave modules) the base addresses are mapped in the memory region
upper DFFFF(hex). So this modules must be ordered with other base addresses. The same situation takes
place if more than two or  more master modules of same type are used (for more see note below).  The order
numbers for the modules are:

order number alternative ISA address

Master connection
CX1500-Mxxx-0001 D4000
CX1500-Mxxx-0002 D6000
CX1500-Mxxx-0003 D8000
CX1500-Mxxx-0004 DA000
CX1500-Mxxx-0005 DC000
Slave connection
CX1500-Bxxx-0001 D4000
CX1500-Bxxx-0002 D6000
CX1500-Bxxx-0003 D8000
CX1500-Bxxx-0004 DA000
CX1500-Bxxx-0005 DC000

Replace xxx with the following number for the requested fieldbus system:
• 200 for Lightbus
• 310 for Profibus
• 510 for CAN-open
• 520 for DeviceNet
• 750 for Sercos (only Master connection available)

16 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

Two connection modules (master or slave) can be used simultaneously. If more than two
connections are needed call Beckhoff Automation GmbH for further information.


CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 17

Product overview

2.5 Display

2.5.1 Display setup

The display built-in the CX1100-000x units, is a LCD display. It features 2 lines with 16 characters. Each
character has a resolution of 5 x 8 pixel. The font is named SPLC780C-11 and is fixed. The following figure
shows the  the font with all available characters.

18 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

For easy reading a background illumination is integrated to the display. The illumination can be switch on
and off. This blinking can be used to attract the user in certain situations. The state can be set via the
controller. The controller reads the registers in "Auxiliary Control Block" and addresses the display in the
desired manner.

2.5.2 Representing text on the display

The display can be controlled in two ways with the aid of TwinCAT. One version is programming through the
System Manager. A second possibility is for the display to be written by a function block directly from the
PLC program.

Settings in the System Manager

When the TwinCAT system starts, the text specified in the configuration can be written to the display. This
text is set in the System Manager.

This is done by selecting the CX10x0 device in the hierarchy browser. Under the CX1100 tab it is possible to
write both lines of the display in the "Display settings" area. This requires the fields at the location for
initialisation and writing to be selected. The changes only take effect after the configuration has been written.
When TwinCAT restarts, the set text is then displayed.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 19

Product overview

The display can be controlled directly through the Display tab. The corresponding functions are carried out
immediately through the switches. It is possible to execute the following functions:
• Switch the display on/off (text is displayed/hidden)
• Background illumination on/off
• Clear the display (text is cleared, and must be re-entered)
• Cursor on/off (the cursor is displayed)
• Cursor flash on/off (the cursor flashes)

The desired text is entered into the text input field. The "Write current" switch inserts the text at the current
position of the cursor.

20 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

Using the "Write At" switch, the numerical input box and the "Second Line" check box, it is possible to write
to a specified position on the display. The useful range of values for the position extends from 0 to 15. The
user should also, however, consider the length of the text. (Each line has 16 characters!) In the example
illustrated below, the text "CX1100-000x" is written to Position 0 (the start of the line) on Line 2.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 21

Product overview

Settings in the PLC program

The function block FB_CX1000SetTextDisplay is provided in the library for the CX family
(TcCX1000System.lib) in order to operate the display from a PLC program. All the functions of the display
can be manipulated from this function block. The library must, however, be integrated through the library
administrator. If this has been done, the block is available as a function block. It is instanced as such in the
declarations part of the program.
    Display_0 :  FB_CX1000SetTextDisplay;

It is then called from the program with its parameters. There are five parameters for this function block:
• bExecute      : BOOL
• nDevID         : UDINT
• nMode          : E_CX1000_DisplayModes
• stLine           : STRING(20)
• nCursorPos : DWORD

The command is executed in response to a rising edge at "bExecute". "nDevID" provides the Device ID of
the CX1100 that is to be written to. The ID is displayed in the System Manager. (The General tab for the
CX1100, top right). The parameter "stLine" is used to pass a text of at most 20 characters. Only the first 16
of these characters, however, will be displayed. The writing position of the text uses quoted through
"nCursorPos". 0 to 15 is a useful range for this value. "nMode" selects the operating mode of the function
block. The modes are:
• e_CX1000_DisplayNoAction     : No action.
• e_CX1000_DisplayOn                : Switch on the display.
• e_CX1000_DisplayOff                : Switch off the display.
• e_CX1000_CursorOn                : Switch on the cursor.
• e_CX1000_CursorOff                : Switch off the cursor.
• e_CX1000_CursorBlinkOn       : Switch on the cursor flashing.
• e_CX1000_CursorBlinkOff       : Switch off the cursor flashing.
• e_CX1000_BackLightOn           : Switch on the background illumination.
• e_CX1000_BackLightOff           : Switch off the background illumination.
• e_CX1000_ClearDisplay            : Clear the content of the screen.
• e_CX1000_WriteLine1               : Write to the first line.
• e_CX1000_WriteLine1               : Write to the second line.

The call then looks like this:

    bExecute := write_now,      (* write_now is a boolean value, and functions as switch)
    nDevID  := 1,           (* DeviceID of the CX1100 *)
    nMode   := e_CX1000_WRITELine1, (* Write to the first line of the display *)
    stLine  := 'Beckhoff CX1100',   (* Fixed text, although variable can also be put here *)
    nCursorPos := 0         (* Writing position is 0, i.e. the start of the line *)

The block supplies a few status signals for evaluating the program environment. These can be used to
provide feedback to the PLC program. There are three response signals from the function:
• bBusy : BOOL
• bErr : BOOL
• nErrorID : UDINT

"bBusy" indicates that the command is at present being transferred by ADS. No new command will be
accepted as long as "bBusy" remains TRUE. "bErr" reports an error in a call to a function block. (The signal
becomes TRUE). "nErrorID" permits the error that has occurred to be analysed by means of an error
number. The error number [} 75] refers to an error in the ADS protocol.

22 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

2.5.3 LC Display
The LC Display of the power supply units has two rows of 16 characters each and is used for displaying
system and user messages.

"Index-Group/Offset" Specification for the LC Display

ADS Port 300

Index Index Off- Access Data type Phys. Unit Def. Range Description Remarks
Group set
0x00005000 0xFFFF90F R&W Cursor OFF
+ DeviceID F
0x00005000 0xFFFF91F R&W Cursor ON
+ DeviceID F
0x00005000 0xFFFF92F R&W Cursor
+ DeviceID F blink OFF
0x00005000 0xFFFF93F R&W Cursor
+ DeviceID F blink ON
0x00005000 0xFFFF94F R&W Display
+ DeviceID F OFF
0x00005000 0xFFFF95F R&W Display ON
+ DeviceID F
0x00005000 0xFFFF96F R&W Backlight
+ DeviceID F OFF
0x00005000 0xFFFF97F R&W Backlight
+ DeviceID F ON

0x00005000 0xFFFFA0F R&W Write Text

+ DeviceID F line 1
0x00005000 0xFFFF00F R&W Write Text
+ DeviceID F line 2

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 23

Product overview

2.6 4 + 1 navigation switch

2.6.1 Operating principle of the switch

The CX1100-000x power supply units all have 4 + 1 navigation switches. The switches can therefore be
used to input five basic states:

1. UP

Combined inputs, such as UP + RIGHT or UP + RIGHT + SELECT can also be entered. The values of the
switches are stored in a register of the "Auxiliary Control Block", ACB. Details may be referred to in the
architectural description.

The register can be accessed from within a PLC program, and the value can be assessed. This requires a
variable of type USINT first to be created in the PLC program. This is then linked in the TwinCAT System
Manager to the IN-register of the CX1100.

The figure shows the linked signals (with a bright red background). The switch can be accessed from the
PLC program through the Switch variable. The PLC program takes the form described below. To begin an
external variable is declared as an input. (In this example it is at address 0)
    Taster AT %IB0 : USINT;

A simple CASE statement can then be used to evaluate the switch, and the desired function can be initiated,

24 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

CASE Taster OF
0:      ACTION := NONE;
1:      ACTION := UP;
2:      ACTION := DOWN;
4:      ACTION := LEFT;
8:      ACTION := RIGHT;
16:     ACTION := SELECT;

In this case, "ACTION" is a newly defined ENUM type. It is also possible for the desired action to be
activated immediately.

The sum of the numerical values is used for the combined functions. In other words, UP (1) and RIGHT (8)
would be 8 + 1 = 9. In this way, only sensible combinations are possible. In other words, switch positions that
are opposite to one another cannot be selected without damaging the switch.

If the programmer does not want to carry out the evaluation, the TwinCAT System provides a library function
that implements conversion of the switch input into an ENUM type. For this purpose, the library for the CX
Systems, TcSystemCX.lib, must be integrated into the library manager. The function is called
"F_CXNaviSwitch(iCX1100_IN : USINT)", and returns an ENUM type. This encodes the direction of the
switch that has been pressed as names, for example e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_MIDDLE for <Middle>. The full
list of valid possibilities is:
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_IDLE
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_MIDDLE
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_TOP
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_TOPRIGHT
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_RIGHT
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_BOTTOMRIGHT
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_BOTTOM
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_BOTTOMLEFT
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_LEFT
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_TOPLEFT
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_MIDDLE_TOP
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_MIDDLE_TOPRIGHT
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_MIDDLE_RIGHT
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_MIDDLE_BOTTOM
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_MIDDLE_LEFT
• e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_MIDDLE_TOPLEFT

Further details on the function can be read in the TwinCAT documentation. The function can be used in a
program as follows: (The declaration and linking are as given in the example above)
CASE F_CXNaviSwitch(Taster) OF
e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_IDLE            :;          (* do nothing *)
e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_MIDDLE              :call_select;   (* select item *)
e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_TOP             :call_prev_item;(* previous menue item *)
e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_RIGHT               :call_inc_value;(* increase value *)
e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_BOTTOM              :call_next_item;(* next menue item *)
e_CX1100_NaviSwitch_LEFT            :call_dec_value;(* decrease value *)

Further evaluation of the switch inputs is then done later in the program.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 25

Product overview

2.7 CX1100-0001

2.7.1 CX1100-0001 connections

This power supply unit does not have an I/O interface. The power supply is therefore connected through the
5-pin open pluggable connector. The power supply unit supplies all further system components with a
voltage of 24 V DC (-15 %/+20%) via the PC104 bus. The dielectric strength of the power supply unit is 500
The integrated NOVRAM permits storage of process data that is safe against power failure.

Table 1: Pin Allocation Open Style Connector:

Pin Assignmnet
1 +24 V DC
2 0 V DC
4 reserved / don't use
5 reserved / don't use

With proper connection of the power supply unit and with power supply turned on, the power LED (PWR)
lights up green. In the case of a short-circuit, it lights up red.

26 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

2.7.2 Technical data CX1100-0001

Technical  data CX1100-0001

Power supply 24 VDC (-15%/+20%) To meet the UL requirements
use a 4 A fuse or a power supply that has to satisfy
NEC class 2!

Dielectric strength 500 Veff (supply / internal electronics)

Max. power consumption 2.5 W
Recommended fuse at 24 V 4A
K-bus connection -
E-bus connection -
IP-Link connection -
K-bus power supply to -
connection type 1 x Open Pluggable Connector, 5-pin
NOVRAM 8 kByte
Display FSTN display 2 lines x 16 characters of text,
Diagnose LED 1 x PWR
Dimensions (W x H x D) 45 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
weight app.180 g
operating/storage temperature 0° C ... +55° C / -25° C ... +85° C
Relative humidity 95% no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to  EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27/29
EMC resistance burst / ESD conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
protection class IP 20

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 27

Product overview

2.7.3 Architecture of power supply CX1100-0001

This power supply features, except for power supply, the following functions:

1. Display 2 x 16 characters
2. 4+1 navigation switch
3. Non Volatile RAM

These functions are managed by the control program via the PC104 bus. The structure of the CX1100-0001
is shown in the following figure:

This power supply unit features only the basic functions. These functions are described in the architecture

Also see about this

2 Architecture of the power supply units [} 10]

28 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

2.8 CX1100-0002 / CX1100-0012

2.8.1 CX1100-00x2 connections

This power supply unit is equipped with an I/O interface, which permits connection of the Beckhoff Bus
Terminals. The power is supplied via the upper spring-loaded terminals labelled “24V” and “0V”.
The supply voltage feeds the CX system and supplies a voltage of 24 V DC (-15 %/+20%) to the Bus
Terminals via the K-Bus. The dielectric strength of the power supply unit is 500 Vrms. Since the K-Bus does
no more than pass data on, a further power supply is necessary for the Bus Terminals. This is provided by
means of the power contacts, which are not connected to the power supply.
The integrated NOVRAM permits storage of process data that is safe against power failure.

CX1100-0002 for CX1000, CX1010 und CX1020 CX1100-0012 for CX1030

With proper connection of the power supply unit and with power supply turned on, the power LED (PWR)
lights up green. In the case of a short-circuit, it lights up red.

The I/O LEDs display the operation status of the Bus Terminals. Error-free start-up of the configuration is
signalled by the red "I/O ERR" LED being extinguished. If the ”I/O ERR" LED blinks, an error in the area of
the terminals is indicated. The error code can be determined from the frequency and number of blinks.

PE power contacts
The ”PE" power contact must not be used for other potentials.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 29

Product overview

2.8.2 Technical data CX1100-0002

Technical  data CX1100-0002

Power supply 24 VDC (-15%/+20%) To meet the UL requirements
use a 4 A fuse or a power supply that has to satisfy
NEC class 2!

Dielectric strength 500 Veff (supply / internal electronics)

Max. power consumption 3.5 W
Recommended fuse at 24 V 4A
K-bus connection yes (adapter terminal)
E-bus connection -
IP-Link connection -
K-bus power supply to 1.75 A
connection type Cage-Clamp (adapter terminal)
NOVRAM 8 kByte
Display FSTN display 2 lines x 16 characters of text,
I/O-DPRAM 2 kByte
Diagnose LED 1 x PWR, 1 x I/O Run, 1 x 1/O Err
Dimensions (W x H x D) 40 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
weight app.250 g
operating/storage temperature 0° C ... +55° C / -25° C ... +85° C
Relative humidity 95% no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to  EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27/29
EMC resistance burst / ESD conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
protection class IP 20

30 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

2.8.3 Technical data CX1100-0012

Technical  data CX1100-0012

Power supply 24 VDC (-15%/+20%) To meet the UL requirements
use a 4 A fuse or a power supply that has to satisfy
NEC class 2!

Dielectric strength 500 Veff (supply / internal electronics)

Max. power consumption 3.5 W
Recommended fuse at 24 V 4A
K-bus connection yes (adapter terminal)
E-bus connection -
IP-Link connection -
K-bus power supply to 1.75 A
connection type Cage-Clamp (adapter terminal)
NOVRAM 8 kByte
Display FSTN display 2 lines x 16 characters of text,
I/O-DPRAM 2 kByte
Diagnose LED 1 x PWR, 1 x I/O Run, 1 x 1/O Err
Dimensions (W x H x D) 42 mm x 109 mm x 92 mm
weight app.250 g
operating/storage temperature 0° C ... +55° C / -25° C ... +85° C
Relative humidity 95% no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to  EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27/29
EMC resistance burst / ESD conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
protection class IP 20

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 31

Product overview

2.8.4 Architecture of power supply CX1100-00x2

This power supply features, except for power supply, the following functions:

1. Display 2 x 16 characters
2. 4+1 navigation switch
3. Non Volatile RAM
4. K-bus connections

These functions are managed by the control program via the PC104 bus. The structure of the CX1100-00x2
is shown in the following figure:

This power supply unit features the basic functions. These functions are described in the architecture
overview. Further the k-bus is supported. The access to the bus is managed by a 4 KB dual-ported-RAM
(DPRAM). A microcontroller (80C165) manages the data transfer to the k-bus. The DPRAM is accessed by
the CPU (via PC104 bus) and the microcontroller.

32 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

The following figure shows the memory setup of the DPRAM:

The memory image of the K-bus resides in the lower memory region (D000 to D0400). This region separates
in input and output region. Since firmware version ≥ B3 it is possible to shift the I/O regions. In this way the
process image can be adapted to the needed space. To each I/O-region the is a control block. Each block
consists of 8 byte for diagnosis purpose. These regions can be shifted, too. The following table shows the
structure of the interface. The offset addresses are default values.

Legacy PLC interface (inputs)

Offset Default
0x1F8 [2] Diagnosis CX1100-0002 to K-Bus
0x1FA [2] 2 Byte PLC Interface from CX1100-0002 to K-Bus
0x1FC [4] reserved
Legacy PLC interface (outputs)
Offset Default
0x3F8 [2] Diagnosis K-Bus to  CX1100-0002
0x3FA [2] 2 Byte PLC Interface from K-Bus to CX1100-0002
0x3FC [4] reserved

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 33

Product overview

The K-Bus Control Block (CB K-Bus)

This section describes the layout of the control block for the K-bus portion of a CX1100-0002 or
CX1100-0003. This control block is located in the memory just below the General Control Block GCB.

CB K-Bus
Offset Default
0xFD0[2] K-Bus 2 byte plc interface to
0xFD2[2] K-Bus 2 byte plc interface from
0xFD4[2] K-Bus diagnosis to CX1100-0002/3
0xFD6[2] K-Bus diagnosis from
0xFD8 K-Bus service request bitfield
0xFD9 K-Bus service response bitfield
0xFDA K-Bus error code
0xFDB K-Bus error argument
0xFDC[2] K-Bus base ptr Inputs 0x000
0xFDE[2] K-Bus base ptr Outputs 0x200
0xFE0-0xFE1 K-Bus cycle count
0xFE2-0xFE3 K-Bus cycle time [µs]
0xFE4 K-Bus bus status
0xFE5-0xFEE Reserved
0xFEF Retry counter

K-Bus 2 byte plc interface to CX1100-0002/3 / K-Bus 2 byte plc interface from
These two bytes for each direction - from the main CPU to CX1100 and back - special communication with
the register model of the I/O microcontroller. Through this interface, a communication to K-Bus terminals can
take place. The so called register model description can be found in the hardware description manuals of the
terminals and bus couplers. This communication is typically used for extended diagnosis or configuration of
terminals if they need to deviate from the delivery standard, e.g. changing the baud rate for RS232-terminals
or gain/offset values with analog terminals.

K-Bus diagnosis to CX1100-0002/3  / K-Bus diagnosis from CX1100-0002/3

With these two bytes in each direction it is possible to retrieve diagnostic information from the attached
terminals. Since the same diagnostic information is reflected in the process image input area per each
terminals, there is in general no need to use this interface.

K-Bus service request bitfield  / K-Bus service response bitfield

IThese two bytes contain a sequence of bits, by which certain service functions may be executed. The
service function is invoked by setting the appropriate request bit, the controller executes and sets the
response bit. Before the same function can be invoked again, the request bit must be set to zero and wait
until the response bit is also set to zero. An execution error is signaled by raising response bit 7.

Bitfeld Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Request - - - - - - Free Run Reset Bus
Response Error - - - - - Free Run Reset
Active Done

34 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

Reset Bus:
with this bit, a reset of the K-Bus may be performed. This is necessary after the occurrence of an error
(detected by examination of the "Processdata error"-byte in the GCB) e.g. after a terminal has been pulled
out. After performing the K-Bus reset, the error code and error argument may be read from the locations "K-
Bus error code" and "K-Bus error argument" in the CB K-Bus. If there is no error after reset, the K-Bus is
ready for operation again.

Free Run:
not implemented. Reserved for future use..

K-Bus error code K-Bus error argument

If the K-Bus operation fails (bad terminal, missing end-terminal, severe EMC interference), an error flag is
raised in the GCB and after a K-Bus reset, these two bytes contain the error code and error argument of the
occurred fault - if it still persists.

K-Bus base ptr Inputs / K-Bus base ptr Outputs

These two byte values contain the starting offset for the K-Bus input and output process image area. In most
cases the default offsets should be left unchanged. When changing one of these offsets, a "Remap" or
"Reset node" in the GCB service is needed. Also care must be taken not to overlap with the IP-Link process
image area, because in the CB IP-Link the offset pointers for these areas may also be changed. The
Beckhoff automation software TwinCAT makes use of this base ptr feature and compacts the I/O images in
the best way possible.

K-Bus cycle count

This two-byte counter is incremented with each I/O-cycle.

K-Bus cycle time

This is the time elapsed between the initiation and termination of an I/O process image update (K-Bus + IP-
Link ). The time is recorded in units of microseconds and starts with writing a new cycle request to the field
"PD cycle request" and it stops with the termination response in the field "PD cycle ready", in case of
CX1100-0002. In case of CX1100-0003, this time reflects only the K-Bus portion of the total I/O time.

K-Bus bus status

This byte value can take only two states:

1. Byte = 0   →  K-bus is ok

2. Byte ≠ 0   →  K-bus fault

This information is also reflected in the "Processdata error" field (bit0) of the GCB.

Retry counter
This is a retry counter which is incremented each time the microcontroller needs to redo a cycle because of a
communication error. This counter can be used for judgment of the K-Bus signal quality.

Also see about this

2 Architecture of the power supply units [} 10]

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 35

Product overview

2.9 CX1100-0003 / CX1100-0013

2.9.1 CX1100-00x3 connections

This power supply unit permits not only the connection of the Beckhoff Bus Terminals, but also the serial
connection of the Beckhoff fieldbus box modules of the type extension box IExxxx. The power is supplied via
the upper spring-loaded terminals labeled “24V” and “0V”.
The supply voltage feeds the CX system and, over the K-Bus, the Bus Terminals. Since the K-Bus does no
more than pass data on, a further power supply is necessary for the Bus Terminals. This is provided by
means of the power contacts, which are not connected to the power supply.

CX1100-0003 for CX1000, CX1010 und CX1020 CX1100-0013 for CX1030

Fieldbus connection:
Plug the IP link connector into the respective connections, i.e. one fibre-optic cable each into IN (x03) and
OUT (x04). You then connect the other end with the corresponding IP link interface of the extension box. The
connection must be made so that the output of the fieldbus connection is connected to the input of the
extension box and vice versa.

With proper connection of the power supply unit and with power supply turned on, the power LED (PWR)
lights up green. In the case of a short-circuit, it lights up red. The I/O LEDs display the operation status of the
Bus Terminals. Error-free start-up of the configuration is signaled by the red "I/O ERR" LED being
extinguished. If the ”I/O ERR" LED blinks, an error in the area of the terminals is indicated. The error code
can be determined from the frequency and number of blinks.

PE power contacts
The ”PE" power contact must not be used for other potentials.

36 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

2.9.2 Technical data CX1100-0003

Technical  data CX1100-0003

Power supply 24 VDC (-15%/+20%) To meet the UL requirements
use a 4 A fuse or a power supply that has to satisfy
NEC class 2!

Dielectric strength 500 Veff (supply / internal electronics)

Max. power consumption 4W
Recommended fuse at 24 V 4A
K-bus connection yes (adapter terminal)
E-bus connection -
IP-Link connection yes
K-bus power supply to 1.75 A
connection type Cage-Clamp (adapter terminal)
NOVRAM 8 kByte
Display FSTN display 2 lines x 16 characters of text,
I/O-DPRAM 4 kByte
Diagnose LED 1 x PWR, 1 x I/O Run, 1 x 1/O Err
Dimensions (W x H x D) 58 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
weight app.350 g
operating/storage temperature 0° C ... +55° C / -25° C ... +85° C
Relative humidity 95% no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to  EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27/29
EMC resistance burst / ESD conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
protection class IP 20

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 37

Product overview

2.9.3 Technical data CX1100-0013

Technical  data CX1100-0013

Power supply 24 VDC (-15%/+20%) To meet the UL requirements
use a 4 A fuse or a power supply that has to satisfy
NEC class 2!

Dielectric strength 500 Veff (supply / internal electronics)

Max. power consumption 4W
Recommended fuse at 24 V 4A
K-bus connection yes (adapter terminal)
E-bus connection -
IP-Link connection yes
K-bus power supply to 1.75 A
connection type Cage-Clamp (adapter terminal)
NOVRAM 8 kByte
Display FSTN display 2 lines x 16 characters of text,
I/O-DPRAM 4 kByte
Diagnose LED 1 x PWR, 1 x I/O Run, 1 x 1/O Err
Dimensions (W x H x D) 58 mm x 109 mm x 92 mm
weight app.350 g
operating/storage temperature 0° C ... +55° C / -25° C ... +85° C
Relative humidity 95% no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to  EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27/29
EMC resistance burst / ESD conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
protection class IP 20

38 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

2.9.4 Architecture of power supply CX1100-00x3

This power supply features, except for power supply, the following functions:

1. Display 2 x 16 characters
2. 4+1 navigation switch
3. Non Volatile RAM
4. K-bus connections
5. IP-Link bus connection

These functions are managed by the control program via the PC104 bus. The structure of the CX1100-00x3
is shown in the following figure:

This power supply unit features the basic functions. These functions are described in the architecture
overview. Further the k-bus is supported. This interface is described in the architecture of the CX1100-0002
unit. This unit also features the access to the IP-Link bus. A fiber optics ring can be connected to the power
supply The access is realized by a 4 KB dual-ported RAM. A microcontroller (80C165) manages the data
transfer to the IP-Link-bus. The DPRAM is accessed by the CPU (via PC104 bus) and the microcontroller.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 39

Product overview

The following figure shows the memory setup of the DPRAM:

The memory image of the IP-Link bus resides in the lower memory region (D400 to D0A00). This region
separates in input and output region. Since firmware version ≥ B3 it is possible to shift the I/O regions. In this
way the process image can be adapted to the needed space. Each block jhas a size of 768 bytes. The
following table shows the structure of the interface. The offset addresses are default values.

The IP-Link Control Block (CB IP-Link)

This section describes the layout of the control block for the IP-Link bus of CX1100-0003. This control block
is located in the memory just below the I/O region of the K-bus interface.

CB IP-Link
Offset Default
0xFB0[2] IPL 2 byte plc interface to
0xFB2[2] IPL 2 byte plc interface from
0xFB4[2] IPL diagnosis to CX1100-0002/3
0xFB6[2] IPL diagnosis from CX1100-0002/3
0xFB8 IPL service request bitfield
0xFB9 IPL service response bitfield
0xFBA IPL error code
0xFBB IPL error argument
0xFBC[2] IPL base ptr Inputs 0x400
0xFBE[2] IPL base ptr Outputs 0x700
0xFC0-0xFC1 IPL cycle count
0xFC2-0xFC3 IPL cycle time [µs]
0xFC4 IPL bus status
0xFC5-0xFCE Reserved
0xFCF Retry counter

40 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

IP-Link 2 byte plc interface to CX1100-0003 / IP-Link 2 byte plc interface from
These two bytes for each direction - from the main CPU to CX1100 and back - special communication with
the register model of the I/O microcontroller. Through this interface, a communication to K-Bus terminals can
take place. The so called register model description can be found in the hardware description manuals of the
terminals and bus couplers. This communication is typically used for extended diagnosis or configuration of
terminals if they need to deviate from the delivery standard, e.g. changing the baud rate for RS232-terminals
or gain/offset values with analog terminals.

IP-Link diagnosis to CX1100-0003  / IP-Link diagnosis from CX1100-0003

With these two bytes in each direction it is possible to retrieve diagnostic information from the attached
terminals. Since the same diagnostic information is reflected in the process image input area per each
terminals, there is in general no need to use this interface.

IP-Link service request bitfield  / IP-Link service response bitfield

IThese two bytes contain a sequence of bits, by which certain service functions may be executed. The
service function is invoked by setting the appropriate request bit, the controller executes and sets the
response bit. Before the same function can be invoked again, the request bit must be set to zero and wait
until the response bit is also set to zero. An execution error is signaled by raising response bit 7.

Bitfeld Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

Request - - - - - - Free Run Reset Bus
Response Error - - - - - Free Run Reset
Active Done

Reset Bus:
with this bit, a reset of the K-Bus may be performed. This is necessary after the occurrence of an error
(detected by examination of the "Processdata error"-byte in the GCB) e.g. after a terminal has been pulled
out. After performing the K-Bus reset, the error code and error argument may be read from the locations "K-
Bus error code" and "K-Bus error argument" in the CB K-Bus. If there is no error after reset, the K-Bus is
ready for operation again.

Free Run:
not implemented. Reserved for future use..

IP-Link error code K-Bus error argument

If the K-Bus operation fails (bad terminal, missing end-terminal, severe EMC interference), an error flag is
raised in the GCB and after a K-Bus reset, these two bytes contain the error code and error argument of the
occurred fault - if it still persists.

IP-Link base ptr Inputs / K-Bus base ptr Outputs

These two byte values contain the starting offset for the K-Bus input and output process image area. In most
cases the default offsets should be left unchanged. When changing one of these offsets, a "Remap" or
"Reset node" in the GCB service is needed. Also care must be taken not to overlap with the IP-Link process
image area, because in the CB IP-Link the offset pointers for these areas may also be changed. The
Beckhoff automation software TwinCAT makes use of this base ptr feature and compacts the I/O images in
the best way possible.

IP-Link cycle count

This two-byte counter is incremented with each I/O-cycle.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 41

Product overview

IP-Link cycle time

This is the time elapsed between the initiation and termination of an I/O process image update (K-Bus + IP-
Link ). The time is recorded in units of microseconds and starts with writing a new cycle request to the field
"PD cycle request" and it stops with the termination response in the field "PD cycle ready", in case of
CX1100-0002. In case of CX1100-0003, this time reflects only the K-Bus portion of the total I/O time.

IP-Link bus status

This byte value can take only two states:

1. Byte = 0   →  K-bus is ok

2. Byte ≠ 0   →  K-bus fault

This information is also reflected in the "Processdata error" field (bit0) of the GCB.

Retry counter
This is a retry counter which is incremented each time the microcontroller needs to redo a cycle because of a
communication error. This counter can be used for judgment of the K-Bus signal quality.

Also see about this

2 Architecture of the power supply units [} 10]

42 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

2.10 CX1100-0004 / CX1100-0014

2.10.1 CX1100-00x4 connections

This power supply unit is equipped with an I/O interface, which permits connection of the Beckhoff Bus
Terminals. The power is supplied via the upper spring-loaded terminals labeled “24V” and “0V”.
The supply voltage feeds the CX system and supplies a voltage of 24 V DC (-15 %/+20%) to the Bus
Terminals via the E-Bus. The dielectric strength of the power supply unit is 500 Vrms. Since the E-Bus does
no more than pass data on, a further power supply is necessary for the Bus Terminals. This is provided by
means of the power contacts, which are not connected to the power supply.
The integrated NOVRAM permits storage of process data that is safe against power failure.

CX1100-0004 for CX1000, CX1010 und CX1020 CX1100-0014 for CX1030

With proper connection of the power supply unit and with power supply turned on, the power LED (PWR)
lights up green. In the case of a short-circuit, it lights up red.

PE power contacts
The ”PE" power contact must not be used for other potentials.

This power supply is designed for use with CX1020 systems only.  Operation with CX1000
systems is not possible because the EtherCAT protocol is not implemented / designed in
the hardware of the CX1000 systems.

The power supply CX1100-0004 can only be used instead and not simultaneously with sys-
tem interface CX1020-N060


It is important to keep attention to the hardware revision of the power supply. Power sup-
plies with a hardware revision  > 2.0 only work with  CX1020 systems with a hardware revi-
sion  > 2.1 !

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 43

Product overview

2.10.2 Technical data CX1100-0004

With the CX1100-0004 power supply  EtherCAT Terminals can be connected to the CX1020-System. With
CX1100-0004 the I/O data are stored directly in the main memory of the CPU; a DPRAM is no longer
required. The CX1100-0004 power supply unit for EtherCAT Terminals can only be connected in conjunction
with the basic CPU modules CX1010/CX1020/CX1030. The combination with CX1000/CX1001 is not

Technical  data CX1100-0004

Power supply 24 VDC (-15%/+20%) To meet the UL requirements
use a 4 A fuse or a power supply that has to satisfy
NEC class 2!

Dielectric strength 500 Veff (supply / internal electronics)

Max. power consumption 3.5 W
Recommended fuse at 24 V 4A
K-bus connection -
E-bus connection yes (adapter terminal)
IP-Link connection -
E-bus power supply to 2A
connection type Cage-Clamp (adapter terminal)
NOVRAM 8 kByte
Display FSTN display 2 lines x 16 characters of text,
Diagnose LED 1 x PWR, 1 x L/A Run, 1 x RUN
Dimensions (W x H x D) 40 mm x 100 mm x 91 mm
weight app.250 g
operating/storage temperature 0° C ... +55° C / -25° C ... +85° C
Relative humidity 95% no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to  EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27/29
EMC resistance burst / ESD conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
protection class IP 20

44 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Product overview

2.10.3 Technical data CX1100-0014

The CX1100-0014 power supply is designed for CX1030.

With the CX1100-0014 power supply  EtherCAT Terminals can be connected to the CX10x0-System. With
CX1100-0004 the I/O data are stored directly in the main memory of the CPU; a DPRAM is no longer
required. The CX1100-0014 power supply unit for EtherCAT Terminals can not be connected in conjunction
with the basic CX1000 CPU module.

Technical  data CX1100-0014

Power supply 24 VDC (-15%/+20%) To meet the UL requirements
use a 4 A fuse or a power supply that has to satisfy
NEC class 2!

Dielectric strength 500 Veff (supply / internal electronics)

Max. power consumption 3.5 W
Recommended fuse at 24 V 4A
K-bus connection -
E-bus connection yes (adapter terminal)
IP-Link connection -
E-bus power supply to 2A
connection type Cage-Clamp (adapter terminal)
NOVRAM 8 kByte
Display FSTN display 2 lines x 16 characters of text,
Diagnose LED 1 x PWR, 1 x L/A Run, 1 x RUN
Dimensions (W x H x D) 42 mm x 109 mm x 92 mm
weight app.250 g
operating/storage temperature 0° C ... +55° C / -25° C ... +85° C
Relative humidity 95% no condensation
Vibration/shock resistance conforms to  EN 60068-2-6 / EN 60068-2-27/29
EMC resistance burst / ESD conforms to EN 61000-6-2 / EN 61000-6-4
protection class IP 20

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 45

Product overview

2.10.4 Architecture of power supply CX1100-00x4

This power supply features, except for power supply, the following functions:

1. Display 2 x 16 characters
2. 4+1 navigation switch
3. Non Volatile RAM
4. E-bus connection

These functions are managed by the control program via the PC104 bus. The structure of the CX1100-0004
is shown in the following figure:

This power supply unit features the basic functions. These functions are described in the architecture
overview. Further the E-bus is supported. The access to the bus is transparent for the user. The unit
transfers the signals from EtherCAT-bus to E-bus. The control is managed by the CPU. The E-bus terminals
are accessed by TwinCAT similar to the K-bus terminals.

Also see about this

2 Architecture of the power supply units [} 10]

46 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx


3 Transport

3.1 Unpacking, installation and transport

The specified storage conditions must be adhered to (see "Technical data").

Dimensions and weight of the individual modules:

Module CX1100-0001 CX1100-0002 CX1100-0003 CX1100-0004
Dimensions (W x H x 45 mm x 100 mm x 40 mm x 100 mm x 58 mm x 100 mm x 40 mm x 100 mm x
D) 91 mm 91 mm 91 mm 91 mm
Weight app. 180 g app. 209 g app. 260g app.193 g

Module CX1100-0012 CX1100-0013 CX1100-0014

Dimensions (W x H x 40 mm x 100 mm x 58 mm x 100 mm x 40 mm x 100 mm x
D) 91 mm 91 mm 91 mm
Weight app. 240 g app. 235 g app. 235 g

Proceed as follows to unpack the unit:
1. Remove packaging.
2. Do not discard the original packaging. Keep it for future relocation.
3. Check the delivery for completeness by comparing it with your order.
4. Please keep the associated paperwork. It contains important information for handling the unit.
5. Check the contents for visible shipping damage.
6. If you notice any shipping damage or inconsistencies between the contents and your order, you should
notify Beckhoff Service.

Danger of damage to the unit!


During transport in cold conditions, or if the unit is subjected to extreme temperature swings, condensation
on and inside the unit must be avoided.
Prior to operation, the unit must be allowed to slowly adjust to room temperature. Should condensation
occur, a delay time of approximately 12 hours must be allowed before the unit is switched on.

The devices are designed for installation in control cabinets.  You will find installation instructions in the
chapter mechanical mounting.

Shipping and relocation

Despite the robust design of the unit, the components are sensitive to strong vibrations and impacts. During
transport, your computer should therefore be protected from excessive mechanical stress. Therefore, please
use the original packaging.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 47

Fitting and wiring

4 Fitting and wiring

4.1 Mechanical assembly

4.1.1 Dimensions
The CX family product range is characterized by small overall installed size and high modularity. For project
planning purposes, a CPU module, a power supply unit and the associated system interfaces and fieldbus
interfaces have to be provided. The overall width of the application is made up of the individual modules.
With a height of 100 mm, the module dimensions exactly match those of the Beckhoff Bus Terminals.
Together with the lowered connector surfaces, this means that it can be used in a standard terminal box with
a height of 120 mm.



48 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Fitting and wiring




CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 49

Fitting and wiring



50 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Fitting and wiring

4.1.2 Mechanical assembly of the basic module

Assembly of the CPU and the power supply unit

The individual modules are simply plugged together. The PC104 connector plugs should be handled
carefully in order to avoid damage. When correctly assembled, no significant gap can be seen between the
attached housings.

Engaging on the top-hat rail

On the bottom of the modules, there is a white tension strap, which is connected with a latching mechanism.
These tension straps must be pulled down before attaching to the top-hat rail. This can be done using an
ordinary screwdriver and a slight turn.

Then fix the CX1020 block on the top hat-rail using the latching straps. You should hear a soft click.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 51

Fitting and wiring

Do not force the module or apply excessive pressure!


Only apply pressure at insensitive points of the housing (edges). Never apply pressure on the display, the
buttons or movable parts of the CX10x0 system.  After successful latching on the top-hat rail the straps
should be pushed back to their original position.

At least the power connections must be installed. The upper connections "24v" and "0V" must be connected
to power supply. If the power supply CX1100-0001 is used the power supply is connected via the 5-pin open
style connector. (see connections / wiring)

52 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Fitting and wiring

4.2 Commissioning

4.2.1 Electrical connections

The power connections for the power supplies slightly differs. All units are powers by 24 V DC. A tolerance of
-15% u to +20 % is possible. The ground connection has to be installed, too. The following figures show the
different connection variations.

CX1100-0001 connections
This power supply unit has no I/O interface. Though it is connected via a 5-pin "Open Pluggable Connector".
In older versions of the unit the lower inputs are labeled with UPS+/-. These inputs are not in use and must
not be connected.

CX1100-00x2 connections
This power supply unit has a k-bus interface. The k-bus will be connected separately to the power supply. It
is possible  to disable control and bus electronic separately.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 53

Fitting and wiring

CX1100-00x3 connections

This power supply unit has also a k-bus interface. Additional it has an IP-Link interface. The power supply is
equal to CX1100-0002.

CX1100-00x4 connections
This power supply unit was especially designed to connect E-bus terminal to the CX1020-system. The upper
connections supply the CX-System and the E-bus. The lower power connections can be connected to +24V.

54 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Fitting and wiring

UL requirements

Art und Quelle der Gefahr

• by a 24 VDC supply voltage, supplied by an isolating source and protected by means of
a fuse (in accordance with UL248), rated maximum 4 Amp.
• by a 24 VDC power source, that has to satisfy NEC class 2.
A NEC class 2 power supply shall not be connected in series or parallel with another
(class 2) power source!

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 55

Error handling and diagnostics

5 Error handling and diagnostics

5.1 Terminal Bus Analysis in PLC-Program

To analyze the terminal bus (K-Bus and IP-Link) the programmer can access the registers described in the
architecture. The access to the PLC-program is realized via TwinCAT. To have the access to the necessary
registers the extended DPRAM model has to be activated (only in Firmware > B3). The registers are
described in the architecture of the terminal bus connectors.

Though the handling is identical for both sub busses the explaination is done generally.

For analysis four signals / variables are used:

• BusState (describes the state of the bus: 0 -> no error, 1 -> bus error)
• ErrorCode (same error code as the LED blink code)
• ErrorArg (same argument code LED blink code)
• Request[0] (output to request error codes / reset bus)

In the PLC program some external variables must be defined :


    k_bus_request AT %QX0.0     : BOOL;

    k_bus_err_code AT %IB0  : USINT;
    k_bus_err_arg AT %IB1   : USINT;
    k_bus_state AT %IB2     : USINT;

    ip_bus_request AT %QX0.1    : BOOL;

    ip_bus_err_code AT %IB3     : USINT;
    ip_bus_err_arg AT %IB4  : USINT;
    ip_bus_state AT %IB5    : USINT;


 In the PLC program the analysis can be done as follows:  (this is only  pseudo code)

IF k_bus_state = 1       THEN       (* an error occured on K-Bus*)

   k_bus_request := TRUE;           (* request vaules for ErrCode and ErrArg *)

   CASE k_bus_err_code OF
     0 : return;            (* should not happen, though an error occured *)
     1 : CASE k_bus_arg OF
      0 : report error;     (* EEPROM checksum error *)
      1 : report error;     (* overflow in code buffer *)

56 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Error handling and diagnostics

      2 : report error;     (* unknown datatype *)
     2 : CASE k_bus_arg OF
      0 : report error;     (* programmed configuration, wrong table entry *)
      ELSE report error;    (* wrong table entry *)
     3 : report error       (* K-Bus command error *)
     4 : CASE k_bus_arg OF
      0 : report error;     (* break after power supply *)
      ELSE report error;    (* break after terminal 'k_bus_arg' *)
     5 : report error       (* K-Bus-error during register-communication with termi-
nal 'k_bus_arg' *)
     9 : CASE k_bus_arg OF
      0 : report error;     (* checksum error in program flash *)
      ELSE report error;    (* terminal 'k_bus_arg' does not exist in boot configuration *)
    14 : report error       (* 'k_bus_arg'-th terminal has wrong format *)
    15 : report error       (* wrong number of bus terminals *) 
    16 : report error       (* length of K-Bus data is invalid *)   

   k_bus_request := TRUE;           (* reset bus, if reason for error is re-
moved, bus starts again *)


To make the control work, the register and the program must be linked in System Manager. If the PLC
program is attached in System Manager the following signals are available:

Analog the registers of the terminal bus are shown in System Manager :

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 57

Error handling and diagnostics

Link signals and variables :

        k_bus_err_code      with     ErrorCode

        k_bus_err_arg         with     ErrorArg

        k_bus_state             with   BusState


        k_bus_request        with   Request[0]

The same handling for IP-Link signals:

58 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Error handling and diagnostics

                     ip_bus_err_code      with    ErrorCode

                     ip_bus_err_arg         with    ErrorArg

                     ip_bus_state             with    BusState

                     ip_bus_request        with    Request[0]

If all  signals are linked the programmer can load configuration and  PLC program onto the system.

Firmware > B7
With a new firmware release B7 it is easier to access the diagnosis values. The solution described above
clears the error code if the reason for the error is no longer present. With the firmware > B7 its possible to
get the error codes directly in the case of the error. To access the error codes the Bit 4 in GCB must be set
to 1. So for diagnosis its a good idea to set the bit in the initialization of error routine or PLC program. The bit
must be linked to the bit 4 in GCB:

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 59

Error handling and diagnostics

60 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Error handling and diagnostics

5.2 CX1100-0001 power supply LEDs

Display LED Meaning
Power The LED lights up green when the
power supply is correct, but red if
there is a short circuit.

5.3 CX1100-0002 power supply LEDs

After switching on, the power supply immediately checks the connected Bus Terminal configuration. Error-
free start-up is signalled by the red "I/O ERR” LED being extinguished. If the ”I/O ERR" LED blinks, an error
in the area of the terminals is indicated. The error code can be determined from the frequency and number of
blinks. This permits rapid rectification of the error.

Display LED Meaning

Power Power supply
The LED lights up green when the
power supply is correct, but red if
there is a short circuit.
I/O Run K-Bus diagnostics
The green LED lights up in order to
indicate fault-free operation. "Fault-
free" means that the
communication with the fieldbus
system is also running.
I/O Error K-Bus diagnostics
The red LED flashes to indicate an
error. The red LED blinks with two
different frequencies.

Table 2: The I/O error LED blink code

Fast blinking Start of the error code

First slow sequence Error code
Second slow sequence Error code argument

LEDs for K-Bus diagnosis

Error code Error code argument Description Remedy
Persistent, EMC problems - Check power supply for
continuous overvoltage or undervoltage peaks
blinking - Implement EMC measures
- If a K-Bus error is present, it can
be localised by a restart of the
power supply (by switching it off
and then on again)

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 61

Error handling and diagnostics

Error code Error code argument Description Remedy

1 pulse 0 EEPROM checksum Revert to the manufacturer’s setting
1 Code buffer overflow Insert fewer Bus Terminals. The
programmed configuration has too
many entries in the table
2 Unknown data type Software update required for the
power supply
2 pulses 0 Programmed Check programmed configuration
configuration has an for correctness
incorrect table entry
n (n > 0) Table comparison (Bus Incorrect table entry
Terminal n)
3 pulses 0 K-Bus command error - No Bus Terminal inserted
- One of the Bus Terminals is
defective; halve the number of Bus
Terminals attached and check
whether the error is still present with
the remaining Bus Terminals.
Repeat until the defective Bus
Terminal is located.
4 pulses 0 K-Bus data error, break Check whether the n+1 Bus
behind the power supply Terminal is correctly connected;
replace if necessary.
n Break behind Bus Check whether the Bus End
Terminal n Terminal 9010 is connected.
5 pulses n K-Bus error in register Exchange the nth bus terminal
communication with Bus
Terminal n
9 pulses 0 Checksum error in Flash Revert to the manufacturer’s setting
n (n>0) Bus Terminal n is not Revert to the manufacturer's setting
consistent with the which will clear the boot project.
configuration that
existed when the boot
project was created
14 pulses n nth Bus Terminal has Start the power supply again, and if
the wrong format the error occurs again then
exchange the Bus Terminal.
15 pulses n Number of Bus Start the power supply up again.
Terminals is no longer
16 pulses n Length of the K-Bus Start the power supply up again.
data is no longer correct

Error code argument

The number of pulses indicates the position of the last Bus Terminal before the fault. Passive Bus Terminals,
such as a power feed terminal, are not included in the count.

In the case of some errors, rectification does not cause the power supply to leave the blink sequence. The
power supply can only be restarted by switching its supply voltage off and on again.

The supply voltage of the power supply unit, which is necessary to supply power to the CX1000 system,
must not be interrupted in the middle of operation. Switching off the supply voltage to the power supply unit
refers here to the power supply on the power contacts.

62 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Error handling and diagnostics

5.4 CX1100-0012 power supply LEDs

After switching on, the power supply immediately checks the connected Bus Terminal configuration. Error-
free start-up is signaled by the red "I/O ERR” LED being extinguished. If the ”I/O ERR" LED blinks, an error
in the area of the terminals is indicated. The error code can be determined from the frequency and number of
blinks. This permits rapid rectification of the error.

Display LED Meaning

Power Power supply
The LED lights up green when the
power supply is correct, but red if
there is a short circuit.
I/O Run K-Bus diagnostics
The green LED lights up in order to
indicate fault-free operation. "Fault-
free" means that the
communication with the fieldbus
system is also running.
I/O Error K-Bus diagnostics
The red LED flashes to indicate an
error. The red LED blinks with two
different frequencies.

Table 3: The I/O error LED blink code

Fast blinking Start of the error code

First slow sequence Error code
Second slow sequence Error code argument

LEDs for K-Bus diagnosis

Error code Error code argument Description Remedy
Persistent, EMC problems - Check power supply for
continuous overvoltage or undervoltage peaks
blinking - Implement EMC measures
- If a K-Bus error is present, it can
be localised by a restart of the
power supply (by switching it off
and then on again)
1 pulse 0 EEPROM checksum Revert to the manufacturer’s setting
1 Code buffer overflow Insert fewer Bus Terminals. The
programmed configuration has too
many entries in the table
2 Unknown data type Software update required for the
power supply
2 pulses 0 Programmed Check programmed configuration
configuration has an for correctness
incorrect table entry
n (n > 0) Table comparison (Bus Incorrect table entry
Terminal n)

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 63

Error handling and diagnostics

Error code Error code argument Description Remedy

3 pulses 0 K-Bus command error - No Bus Terminal inserted
- One of the Bus Terminals is
defective; halve the number of Bus
Terminals attached and check
whether the error is still present with
the remaining Bus Terminals.
Repeat until the defective Bus
Terminal is located.
4 pulses 0 K-Bus data error, break Check whether the n+1 Bus
behind the power supply Terminal is correctly connected;
replace if necessary.
n Break behind Bus Check whether the Bus End
Terminal n Terminal 9010 is connected.
5 pulses n K-Bus error in register Exchange the nth bus terminal
communication with Bus
Terminal n
9 pulses 0 Checksum error in Flash Revert to the manufacturer’s setting
n (n>0) Bus Terminal n is not Revert to the manufacturer's setting
consistent with the which will clear the boot project.
configuration that
existed when the boot
project was created
14 pulses n nth Bus Terminal has Start the power supply again, and if
the wrong format the error occurs again then
exchange the Bus Terminal.
15 pulses n Number of Bus Start the power supply up again.
Terminals is no longer
16 pulses n Length of the K-Bus Start the power supply up again.
data is no longer correct

Error code argument

The number of pulses indicates the position of the last Bus Terminal before the fault. Passive Bus Terminals,
such as a power feed terminal, are not included in the count.

In the case of some errors, rectification does not cause the power supply to leave the blink sequence. The
power supply can only be restarted by switching its supply voltage off and on again.

The supply voltage of the power supply unit, which is necessary to supply power to the CX1000 system,
must not be interrupted in the middle of operation. Switching off the supply voltage to the power supply unit
refers here to the power supply on the power contacts.

5.5 CX1100-0003 power supply LEDs

After switching on, the power supply immediately checks the connected Bus Terminal configuration. Error-
free start-up is signalled by the red "I/O ERR” LED being extinguished. If the ”I/O ERR" LED blinks, an error
in the area of the terminals is indicated. The error code can be determined from the frequency and number of
blinks. This permits rapid rectification of the error. Though the power supply supports two bus systems both
bus errors are reported by the "I/O-Err" LED. An error ob K-Bus is reported by rapid blinking. One long flash
(app. 2 sec.) reports errors on IP-Link-bus.

64 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Error handling and diagnostics

Display LED Meaning

Power Power supply
The LED lights up green when the
power supply is correct, but red if
there is a short circuit.
I/O Run K-Bus diagnostics / IP-Link
The green LED lights up in order to
indicate fault-free operation. "Fault-
free" means that the
communication with the fieldbus
system is also running.
I/O Error K-Bus diagnostics  / IP-Link
The red LED flashes to indicate an
error. The red LED blinks with two
different frequencies.

Table 4: The I/O error LED blink code

Fast blinking Start of the error code

First slow sequence Error code
Second slow sequence Error code argument

LEDs for K-Bus diagnosis

Error code Error code argument Description Remedy
Persistent, EMC problems - Check power supply for
continuous overvoltage or undervoltage peaks
blinking - Implement EMC measures
- If a K-Bus error is present, it can
be localised by a restart of the
power supply (by switching it off
and then on again)
1 pulse 0 EEPROM checksum Revert to the manufacturer’s setting
1 Code buffer overflow Insert fewer Bus Terminals. The
programmed configuration has too
many entries in the table
2 Unknown data type Software update required for the
power supply
2 pulses 0 Programmed Check programmed configuration
configuration has an for correctness
incorrect table entry
n (n > 0) Table comparison (Bus Incorrect table entry
Terminal n)
3 pulses 0 K-Bus command error - No Bus Terminal inserted
- One of the Bus Terminals is
defective; halve the number of Bus
Terminals attached and check
whether the error is still present with
the remaining Bus Terminals.
Repeat until the defective Bus
Terminal is located.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 65

Error handling and diagnostics

Error code Error code argument Description Remedy

4 pulses 0 K-Bus data error, break Check whether the n+1 Bus
behind the power supply Terminal is correctly connected;
replace if necessary.
n Break behind Bus Check whether the Bus End
Terminal n Terminal 9010 is connected.
5 pulses n K-Bus error in register Exchange the nth bus terminal
communication with Bus
Terminal n
9 pulses 0 Checksum error in Flash Revert to the manufacturer’s setting
n (n>0) Bus Terminal n is not Revert to the manufacturer's setting
consistent with the which will clear the boot project.
configuration that
existed when the boot
project was created
14 pulses n nth Bus Terminal has Start the power supply again, and if
the wrong format the error occurs again then
exchange the Bus Terminal.
15 pulses n Number of Bus Start the power supply up again.
Terminals is no longer
16 pulses n Length of the K-Bus Start the power supply up again.
data is no longer correct

Error code argument

The number of pulses indicates the position of the last Bus Terminal before the fault. Passive Bus Terminals,
such as a power feed terminal, are not included in the count.

In the case of some errors, rectification does not cause the power supply to leave the blink sequence. The
power supply can only be restarted by switching its supply voltage off and on again.

The supply voltage of the power supply unit, which is necessary to supply power to the CX1000 system,
must not be interrupted in the middle of operation. Switching off the supply voltage to the power supply unit
refers here to the power supply on the power contacts.

LEDs for IP-Link-Bus-Diagnosis

After a long flash (app.. 2 sec.) an IP-Link-Bus error has occurred. The following tables describe the error
codes and help to find the reason for the error. IP-Link errors most often turn out to be a result of
inappropriate use of the optical fiber.
I/O Err Description Remedy
off No data exchange Module in synchronous mode or -
activate Profibus cyclic data
1 0 EEPROM checksum error Set manufacturer’s setting with the
KS2000 software
2 Reserved -
3 Break location has been interruption  before the master's
recognized receiver
3 n Break location has been n-th module before the master's
recognized receiver
3 n m Break location has been (n*10)+m-th module before the
recognized master's receiver

66 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Error handling and diagnostics

I/O Err Description Remedy

4 n Too many faulty telegrams have The optical fiber wiring in front of
been detected (more than 25%) the nth extension module should be
5 n Register access to complex Check the nth module
modules has failed
11 n Complex module working Exchange the nth module
12 n More than 120 modules in the ring Connect fewer modules
13 n nth module unknown Firmware update required
off Module is exchanging data no error

If an error occurs on both terminal busses (K-Bus and IP-Link-Bus)  the error on K-Bus is
reported at first. The  IP-Link-Bus error is reported as second. Both error codes are intro-
duced by their typical blink signal.

5.6 CX1100-0013 power supply LEDs

After switching on, the power supply immediately checks the connected Bus Terminal configuration. Error-
free start-up is signaled by the red "I/O ERR” LED being extinguished. If the ”I/O ERR" LED blinks, an error
in the area of the terminals is indicated. The error code can be determined from the frequency and number of
blinks. This permits rapid rectification of the error. Though the power supply supports two bus systems both
bus errors are reported by the "I/O-Err" LED. An error on K-Bus is reported by rapid blinking. One long flash
(app. 2 sec.) reports errors on IP-Link-bus.

Display LED Meaning

Power Power supply
The LED lights up green when the
power supply is correct, but red if
there is a short circuit.
I/O Run K-Bus diagnostics / IP-Link
The green LED lights up in order to
indicate fault-free operation. "Fault-
free" means that the
communication with the fieldbus
system is also running.
I/O Error K-Bus diagnostics  / IP-Link
The red LED flashes to indicate an
error. The red LED blinks with two
different frequencies.

Table 5: The I/O error LED blink code

Fast blinking Start of the error code

First slow sequence Error code
Second slow sequence Error code argument

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 67

Error handling and diagnostics

LEDs for K-Bus diagnosis

Error code Error code argument Description Remedy
Persistent, EMC problems - Check power supply for
continuous overvoltage or undervoltage peaks
blinking - Implement EMC measures
- If a K-Bus error is present, it can
be localised by a restart of the
power supply (by switching it off
and then on again)
1 pulse 0 EEPROM checksum Revert to the manufacturer’s setting
1 Code buffer overflow Insert fewer Bus Terminals. The
programmed configuration has too
many entries in the table
2 Unknown data type Software update required for the
power supply
2 pulses 0 Programmed Check programmed configuration
configuration has an for correctness
incorrect table entry
n (n > 0) Table comparison (Bus Incorrect table entry
Terminal n)
3 pulses 0 K-Bus command error - No Bus Terminal inserted
- One of the Bus Terminals is
defective; halve the number of Bus
Terminals attached and check
whether the error is still present with
the remaining Bus Terminals.
Repeat until the defective Bus
Terminal is located.
4 pulses 0 K-Bus data error, break Check whether the n+1 Bus
behind the power supply Terminal is correctly connected;
replace if necessary.
n Break behind Bus Check whether the Bus End
Terminal n Terminal 9010 is connected.
5 pulses n K-Bus error in register Exchange the nth bus terminal
communication with Bus
Terminal n
9 pulses 0 Checksum error in Flash Revert to the manufacturer’s setting
n (n>0) Bus Terminal n is not Revert to the manufacturer's setting
consistent with the which will clear the boot project.
configuration that
existed when the boot
project was created
14 pulses n nth Bus Terminal has Start the power supply again, and if
the wrong format the error occurs again then
exchange the Bus Terminal.
15 pulses n Number of Bus Start the power supply up again.
Terminals is no longer
16 pulses n Length of the K-Bus Start the power supply up again.
data is no longer correct

Error code argument

The number of pulses indicates the position of the last Bus Terminal before the fault. Passive Bus Terminals,
such as a power feed terminal, are not included in the count.

68 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Error handling and diagnostics

In the case of some errors, rectification does not cause the power supply to leave the blink sequence. The
power supply can only be restarted by switching its supply voltage off and on again.

The supply voltage of the power supply unit, which is necessary to supply power to the CX1000 system,
must not be interrupted in the middle of operation. Switching off the supply voltage to the power supply unit
refers here to the power supply on the power contacts.

LEDs for IP-Link-Bus-Diagnosis

After a long flash (app.. 2 sec.) an IP-Link-Bus error has occurred. The following tables describe the error
codes and help to find the reason for the error. IP-Link errors most often turn out to be a result of
inappropriate use of the optical fiber.
I/O Err Description Remedy
off No data exchange Module in synchronous mode or -
activate Profibus cyclic data
1 0 EEPROM checksum error Set manufacturer’s setting with the
KS2000 software
2 Reserved -
3 Break location has been interruption  before the master's
recognized receiver
3 n Break location has been n-th module before the master's
recognized receiver
3 n m Break location has been (n*10)+m-th module before the
recognized master's receiver
4 n Too many faulty telegrams have The optical fiber wiring in front of
been detected (more than 25%) the nth extension module should be
5 n Register access to complex Check the nth module
modules has failed
11 n Complex module working Exchange the nth module
12 n More than 120 modules in the ring Connect fewer modules
13 n nth module unknown Firmware update required
off Module is exchanging data no error

If an error occurs on both terminal busses (K-Bus and IP-Link-Bus)  the error on K-Bus is
reported at first. The  IP-Link-Bus error is reported as second. Both error codes are intro-
duced by their typical blink signal.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 69

Error handling and diagnostics

5.7 CX1100-0004 power supply LEDs

Display LED Meaning
PWR power supply
The LED lights up green
when the power supply is
correct, but red if there is
a short circuit.
L/A off E-Bus is not connected
on E-Bus is connected  / no
data traffic on E-bus
blink E-Bus is connected  / data
traffic on E-bus
RUN Indicates the state of the
EtherCAT bus:
off INIT
(frequency:  200 ms on  /
200 ms off)
(frequency: 200 ms on /
1000ms off)
flickering BOOTSTRAP
(frequency: 50 ms on / 50
ms off)
double reserved for future use
flash (frequency: 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
1000 ms off)
triple reserved for future use
flash (frequency: 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
1000 ms off)
quadruple reserved for future use
flash (frequency: 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
1000 ms off)

The functions for L/A and RUN LED are available in hardware revision > 2.0. The LEDs have no function in
older revisions.

70 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

Error handling and diagnostics

5.8 CX1100-0014 power supply LEDs

Display LED Meaning
PWR power supply
The LED lights up green
when the power supply is
correct, but red if there is
a short circuit.
L/A off E-Bus is not connected
on E-Bus is connected  / no
data traffic on E-bus
blink E-Bus is connected  / data
traffic on E-bus
RUN Indicates the state of the
EtherCAT bus:
off INIT
(frequency:  200 ms on  /
200 ms off)
(frequency: 200 ms on /
1000ms off)
flickering BOOTSTRAP
(frequency: 50 ms on / 50
ms off)
double reserved for future use
flash (frequency: 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
1000 ms off)
triple reserved for future use
flash (frequency: 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
1000 ms off)
quadruple reserved for future use
flash (frequency: 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
200 ms off / 200 ms on /
1000 ms off)

The functions for L/A and RUN LED are available in hardware revision > 2.0. The LEDs have no function in
older revisions.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 71


6 Decommissioning

6.1 Removal and disposal

A CX10x0 hardware configuration is dismantled in 2 stages:

0. Switching off and disconnecting the power supply

Before a CX10x0 system can be dismantled, the system should be switched off, and the power supply
should be disconnected.

1. Removing from the top-hat rail:

Before the individual CX10x0 modules are disconnected, the whole CX1020 hardware block should be
removed from the top-hat rail. Proceed as follows:

1.1. Release and remove the first Terminal next to the power supply unit on the top-
hat rail.
First remove any wiring from power supply unit and then from the first terminal on the top-hat rail next to the
power supply unit. If the wiring is to be reused for another system, it is advisable to make a note of the
connections. Then pull the orange terminal release (see arrow) to release the terminal and pull it out.

1.2. Releasing the CX10x0 system

In order to release the CX10x0 block, pull the white straps at the bottom of the module in the direction of the
arrows. They will lock in the extended position. After pulling the terminal release of the power supply unit, the
block can be removed carefully from the top-hat rail.

72 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx


2. Separating the individual modules

2.1. Separating the power supply unit, the CX10x0 CPU and other components
Place the CX10x0 block onto a suitable support with the front facing down. Then insert a flat screwdriver with
dimensions 1.0 x 5.5 x 150 mm into the locking mechanism, and then operating the slider by turning it about
90 degrees.

The locking mechanism on the rear affects an approx. 2-3 mm wide clearance of the module latching
mechanism, pushing them apart. The plug connectors of the PC 104 interface can then be pulled apart

Only modules (CPU, fieldbus connections and UPS modules) that can be separated non-destructively
feature a release device. Modules that cannot be separated only feature a marking point (with or without red
paint seal). Applying force to these elements will destroy them.

Forcibly opening the module housing (e.g. removing the cover) will destroy the housing.


CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 73


The device must be fully dismantled in order to dispose of it.

Electronic parts must be disposed of in accordance with national electronics scrap regulations.

74 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx


7 Appendix

7.1 ADS Return-Codes

Hex Dec Description
0x000 0 no error
0x001 1 Internal error
0x002 2 No Rtime
0x003 3 Allocation locked memory error
0x004 4 Insert mailbox error
0x005 5 Wrong receive HMSG
0x006 6 target port not found
0x007 7 target machine not found
0x008 8 Unknown command ID
0x009 9 Bad task ID
0x00A 10 No IO
0x00B 11 Unknown AMS command
0x00C 12 Win 32 error
0x00D 13 Port not connected
0x00E 14 Invalid AMS length
0x00F 15 Invalid AMS Net ID
0x010 16 Low Installation level
0x011 17 No debug available
0x012 18 Port disabled
0x013 19 Port already connected
0x014 20 AMS Sync Win32 error
0x015 21 AMS Sync Timeout
0x016 22 AMS Sync AMS error
0x017 23 AMS Sync no index map
0x018 24 Invalid AMS port
0x019 25 No memory
0x01A 26 TCP send error
0x01B 27 Host unreachable
0x500 1280 Router: no locked memory
0x502 1282 Router: mailbox full
0x700 1792 error class <device error>
0x701 1793 Service is not supported by server
0x702 1794 invalid index group
0x703 1795 invalid index offset
0x704 1796 reading/writing not permitted
0x705 1797 parameter size not correct
0x706 1798 invalid parameter value(s)
0x707 1799 device is not in a ready state
0x708 1800 device is busy
0x709 1801 invalid context (must be in
0x70A 1802 out of memory
0x70B 1803 invalid parameter value(s)

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 75


Hex Dec Description

0x70C 1804 not found (files, ...)
0x70D 1805 syntax error in command or file
0x70E 1806 objects do not match
0x70F 1807 object already exists
0x710 1808 symbol not found
0x711 1809 symbol version invalid
0x712 1810 server is in invalid state
0x713 1811 AdsTransMode not supported
0x714 1812 Notification handle is invalid
0x715 1813 Notification client not registered
0x716 1814 no more notification handles
0x717 1815 size for watch too big
0x718 1816 device not initialized
0x719 1817 device has a timeout
0x71A 1818 query interface failed
0x71B 1819 wrong interface required
0x71C 1820 class ID is invalid
0x71D 1821 object ID is invalid
0x71E 1822 request is pending
0x71F 1823 request is aborted
0x720 1824 signal warning
0x721 1825 invalid array index
0x740 1856 Error class <client error>
0x741 1857 invalid parameter at service
0x742 1858 polling list is empty
0x743 1859 var connection already in use
0x744 1860 invoke ID in use
0x745 1861 timeout elapsed
0x746 1862 error in win32 subsystem
0x748 1864 ads-port not opened
0x750 1872 internal error in ads sync
0x751 1873 hash table overflow
0x752 1874 key not found in hash
0x753 1875 no more symbols in cache

76 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx


7.2 Certifications
All products of the Embedded PC family are CE, UL and GOST-R certified. Since the product family is
continuously developed further, we are unable to provide a full listing here. The current list of certified
products can be found at

FCC Approvals for the United States of America

FCC: Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses,
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the
interference at his own expense.

FCC Approval for Canada

FCC: Canadian Notice

This equipment does not exceed the Class A limits for radiated emissions as described in the Radio
Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.

CX1100-00xx Version: 2.1 77


7.3 Support and Service

Beckhoff and their partners around the world offer comprehensive support and service, making available fast
and competent assistance with all questions related to Beckhoff products and system solutions.

Beckhoff's branch offices and representatives

Please contact your Beckhoff branch office or representative for local support and service on Beckhoff

The addresses of Beckhoff's branch offices and representatives round the world can be found on her internet

You will also find further documentation for Beckhoff components there.

Beckhoff Headquarters
Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG

Huelshorstweg 20
33415 Verl

Phone: +49(0)5246/963-0
Fax: +49(0)5246/963-198
e-mail: [email protected]

Beckhoff Support
Support offers you comprehensive technical assistance, helping you not only with the application of
individual Beckhoff products, but also with other, wide-ranging services:
• support
• design, programming and commissioning of complex automation systems
• and extensive training program for Beckhoff system components

Hotline: +49(0)5246/963-157
Fax: +49(0)5246/963-9157
e-mail: [email protected]

Beckhoff Service
The Beckhoff Service Center supports you in all matters of after-sales service:
• on-site service
• repair service
• spare parts service
• hotline service

Hotline: +49(0)5246/963-460
Fax: +49(0)5246/963-479
e-mail: [email protected]

78 Version: 2.1 CX1100-00xx

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