1st Long Test MAPEH For Upload

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Name: _______________________________ Grade & Section: __________________

=============================== MUSIC ===============================

I. Circle the letter of your answer.

1. A concerto referring to a presentation with full orchestra and a soloist.
a. Concerto Grosso b. Solo Concerto c. Basso Continu d. Tutti
2. The period also known as the Middle Ages.
a. Medieval Period b. Renaissance Period c. Baroque Period d. Primitive Period
3. A baroque music style developed mainly by imitative counterpoint.
a. Fugue b. Toccata c. Oratorio d. Chorale
4. The event that paved the way for a wide distribution of Renaissance Period’s composition.
a. The event of printing b. Martin Luther’s protestant reformation
c. The discovery of earth’s actual position in the Solar System
d. The invention of compass that enhanced navigation
5. The following statements are the characteristics of a Gregorian chant, EXCEPT;
a. Plainsong b. Free in Tiempo c. Used Neumes d. Polyphonic texture
6. Popular music during the latter part of Medieval period which is not bound by Catholic traditions.
a. Sacred music b. Secular music c. Instrumental music d. Solo music
7. Believed to have marked the Renaissance music.
a. The music of Lute instrument c. Start of secular music compositions
b. The birth of Gregorian chants d. Establishments of concerto
8. Most of mass music’s text were set to melismatic. Melismatic means…..
a. One note set to one syllable c. One note set to many syllable
b. Few note set to one syllable d. Many notes set to one syllable
9. Which statement is true about Baroque Period?
a. Known for the simplicity of the musicians c. Early composers favoured homophonic texture
b. Music compositions are accessible d. Melodies are less dynamic
10. Refers to the primary form of sacred vocal polyphony.
a. Motet b. Mass c. Madrigal d. Troubadour

=============================== ARTS ===============================

II. Identify the period or era of each artwork. Choose your answer from the box.
______________________ 11. Pitsa Panel Painting Prehistoric
______________________ 12. Paintings from the Sarcophagus of Tutankhamen Ancient Egypt
Greek Classical
______________________ 13. Fresco from the Villa of Mysteries Roman Classical
______________________ 14. Rose window Romanesque
______________________ 15. Paintings cave of Lascaux Byzantine
III. Choose the letter of your answer from the box.

A. Pre-historic C. Ancient Egypt E. Byzantine G. Romanesque

B. Greek Classical D. Roman F. Gothic

________ 16. In this period, emperors eructed huge halls and arenas for public games,
baths, and processions.
________ 17. They developed a form of architecture based on Megaliths.
________ 18. The court of Empress Theodora mosaic is an example of an artwork during this period.
________ 19. Their paintings were found inside caves.
________ 20. Their sculptures show perfect human anatomy and proportions.
________ 21. The architectural design, in this era depicts pointed arches,high ceiling vaults, and vaulting.
________ 22.Venus of Willendorf and Venus of Brassempouy is a sculpture that exists from this era.
________ 23. The Last Judgement, Tymapnum of the West Portal, Catehdral of
Saint – Lazare are examples of sculptures from what era.
________ 24. The emphasizes of their art depicts the importance of life after death.
________ 25. Temples were designed in one of the three architectural styles or orders.

IV. Choose the correct answer.

________ 26. It is a method of applying pigments mixed with beeswax and fixed with heat after its
a. Encaustic b. Fresco c. Acrylic d. Trompe – l’ – oeil

________ 27. It is a colored glass used to form decorative or pictorial designs.
a. encaustic b. mosaic c. stained glass d. collage
________ 28. It is a stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with a sculpture.
a. tomb b. megaliths c. pyramid d. sarcophagus
________ 29. It is the method of painting water – based pigments on a fleshy applied plaster usually
on on wall surfaces.
a. Encaustic b. Fresco c. Acrylic d. Tropme – l’ – oeil
________ 30. It is an art process where you create an image using an assemblage of small pieces of
colored glass, stones, or other materials.
a. satined glass b. collage c. mosaic d. sarcophagus

================================= PE =================================

V. Draw the following hand signals in basketball. (use the back page of your paper)
31. 24 – second violation 32. Travelling 33. Pushing foul 34. Jump-ball 35. Blocking foul

VI. Circle the letter of your answer.

36. Why do we need to give an immediate and temporary care to a person who has been injured?
a. to be famous b. to be rich c. to prolong life d. to kill
37. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fitness in implementing rules.
a. Sports officiating b. Sports psychology c. Sports science d. Sports youth
38. Officiating officials must know how to deal with others at any given situation.
a. mental qualities b. emotional qualities c. social qualities d. physical qualities
39. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes.
Sports officials do not have the luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body,
what is the best drink to take?
a. energy drinks b. soft drink c. juices d. coffee
40. In games which requires the official to run continuously, what fitness components should the
official possess?
a. balance b. endurance c. power d. strength

=============================== HEALTH ===============================

VII. Draw a  if the statement is CORRECT and a if it is incorrect.

_________41. Coral Reef degradation is considered as a global environmental problem
_________42. Light can also be a potential type of pollution.
_________43. Maternal Health Program caters Prenatal and Tooth Extraction services in the community.
_________44. Deforestation happens when soil and rock are moved from one place to another
by wind, water and gravity.
_________45. Rubbish consists of all the things that are not in a house, shop or factory and are
regularly thrown away.

VIII. Choose the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer on the blank.

________ 46. Providing for the protection of coral ecosystems.

a. P.D.1067 b. P.D. 8749 c. P.D. 463 d. P.D. 1219
________ 47. What environmental problem reduces the ability to support biodiversity?
a. Soil Erosion b. Oil Spill c. Illegal Mining d. Deforestation
________ 48. Which best describes community health as an art and science?
a. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community through
organized and sustained community efforts.
b. It maintains and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and
sustained community efforts.
c. It protects and improves the health of all members of the community through organized and
sustained community efforts.
d. It maintains, protects and improves the health of all members of the community
________ 49. The Pollution Control Law
a. P.D. 984 b. P.D. 856 c. P.D. 1251 d. P.D. 704
________ 50. It is a sudden flood of great volume, usually caused by a heavy rain.
a. mining b. pollution c. flash flood d. deforestation

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