Quarter 1 - MAPEH 9 Summative Test

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Cabagdalan, Balamban, Cebu

First Quarter Test in MAPEH (G9) Arts-
S.Y. 2022-2023 PE-

Name: _____________________________ Yr. & Section: IX PLATINUM___ Date: ______________

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

a. Music of the Medieval Period b. Music of the Renaissance Period c. Music of the Baroque Period
______1. Secular Music which was not bound by Catholic traditions emerged during the latter part of this period that were
Performed across Europe.

______2. Arts highlighted grandiose and elaborate ornamentation were clearly seen in the musical compositions.

______3. Lute was the prominent instrument in this period.

______4. It is a period of” looking back” to the Golden Age of Greece and Rome.

______5. Music in this period became popular as entertainment and activity for amateurs and the educated.

______6. Monophonic Plainchant was the approved music of this period named after Pope Gregory I.

______7. Major and minor tonality was also created in this period.

______8. The invention of printing in the 1400s paved the way for a wide distribution of compositions in this era.

______9. It is also known as the Middle Ages or Dark Ages that started with the fall of the Roman Empire.

Directions: Encircle the letter of your answer.

10. Four Seasons : ______________________

a. George Friedrich Handel b. Antonio Vivaldi c. Thomas Morley d. Adam de la Halle
11. ______________ : Adam de la Halle
a. Messiah b. Masses c. Jeu de Robin et de Marion d. Musica Transalpina
12. Messiah: ________________________
a. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina b. Antonio Vivaldi c. Thomas Morley d. George Friedrich Handel

13. _______________: Musica Transalpina

a. Johann Sebastian Bach b. Adam de la Halle c. George Friedrich Handel d. Thomas Morley
14. Masses: ______________________
a. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina b. Antonio Vivaldi c. George Friedrich Handel d. Adam de la Halle
15. Johann Sebastian Bach: _________________________
a. Samson b. Hallelujah c. Concerto Grosso d. Spring

Directions: write the letter of the correct answer.

a. Paintings from the Pre-Historic Era b. Paintings from the Ancient Egypt c. Paintings from Classical Greek Era
d. Paintings from the Roman Era e. Romanesque Painting f. Paintings from the Gothic Era

_________1. Paintings that have been confined in the illumination of manuscript pages and frescoes on the walls of
churches in cosmopolitan style, elegant manner, and sophistication.
_________2. These paintings were more on artifact of archeological evidence that mostly found inside the caves.
_________3. The purpose of this painting is to make the deceased afterlife place pleasant.
_________4. The development of landscape painting is its main innovation.
_________5. Paintings during this era were most commonly found in vases, panels, and tomb.

Directions: write the letter of the correct answer.

a. Byzantine Sculpture b. Greek Sculpture c. Gothic Sculpture d. Roman Sculpture e. Romanesque Sculpture

________6. These sculptures were tensed and stiff that has emphasis on the representation of movement for dramatic
________7. Sculpture themes are religious, everyday life scenes, and motifs from nature.
________8. Most sculptures are made of monumental terra-cota.
________9. Sculptural pieces are reliquaries, altar frontals, crucifixes, and devotional images that were costly made.
________10. These sculptures have greater freedom of style which being set into particular patterns and realistic.

Directions: encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not a type of megalith stones?

a. Menhir b. Cromlech c. Stitium d. Dolmens
2. These are the most substantial ancient structures of the world.
a. The Parthenon b. Mastaba c. Pyramids of Giza d. Hagia Sophia
3. Which of the following doesn’t belong to architectural style of Greek Architecture?
a. Gothic b. Doric c. Corinthian d. Ionic
4. It means “holy wisdom”. It narrates how a magnificent construction transformed from being church into a mosque.
a. The Colosseum b. Cathedral of Chartres c. Mastaba d. Hagia Sophia
5. It is the greatest classical temple which ingeniously engineered to correct an optical illusion.
a. Hagia Sophia b. The Parthenon c. Mastaba d. Pyramids of Giza

Directions: Choose what qualities of an officiating official the statement denotes. Write the letter of the correct answer in the
space provided.

A. Physical Qualities b. Emotional Qualities c. Mental Qualities d. Social Qualities

_____1. It refers to the ability to deal with others at any given situation.
_____2. It refers to the readiness of an official to perform his or her role in a game.
_____3. It can be achieved by having a thorough knowledge on rules of the game.
_____4. The official should possess confidence.
_____5. It refers to official who has a high level of fitness to be able to perform his job.
_____6. Officiating Official needs to catch up with every detail of what the athletes or players do on court.
_____7. It is pertaining to official who could stay focused, regulates one’s performance, and ability to handle pressure.
_____8. It is the ability of an official to settle disputes without sacrificing the integrity of the game.
_____9. It is the ability of an official to make wise decisions.

_____10. It is the capacity of an official to perform his task without fatigue and still has extra energy for emergencies.

Directions: Write t if the statement is true. Write f if the statement is false.

_______11. Officials are allowed to delay competitions needlessly.

_______12. Officials should arrive in time for the competition.
_______13. Officials should provide an athlete with illegal substances.
_______14. Officials must criticize in constructive manner and at appropriate time.
_______15. Officials can use profane, insulting, harassing and offensive language in the conduct of their duties.

Directions: Choose what REFUSE MATERIALS the following COMPOSITIONS belong. Write the letter of your
answer in the space provided.

a. Garbage b. Rubbish c. Ashes d. Street Refuse e. Abandoned Vehicles

f. Industrial Wastes g. Demolition Wastes h. Construction Wastes

i. Special Wastes j. Sewage treatment residue

_______1. Waste from preparation, cooking and serving of food, market wastes from handling, storage
_______2. Solids from coarse screening and from grit chambers; septic tank sludge
_______3. Food processing wastes, boiler house cinders, lumber scraps, metal scraps, shavings
_______4. Lumber, pipes, bricks, masonry, materials from razed buildings and other structures
_______5. Unwanted cars and trucks left on public property
_______6. Hazardous solids and liquids, explosives, pathological waste, radioactive materials, batteries
_______7. Sweepings, dirt, leaves, catch basin dirt, contents of litter receptacles
_______8. Scrap lumber, pipes, other building materials
_______9. Residue from fires used for cooking and heating and from on-site incineration
_______10. Combustible: paper, cartons, boxes, barrels, wood, tree branches, wood furniture

What services do the following Primary Health Care Programs offer?

a. Pre-Natal b. Adolescent Counseling Centers c. Free Family Planning d. Tooth Extraction

e. Immunization f. Operation Timbang g. Blood Pressure Screening

________1. Child Health Care

________2. Mental Hygiene
________3. Maternal Health Care
________4. Dental Health Program
________5. Nutrition Program
Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others,
not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.

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