The Trumpet: Musical Art Series Katie Mahan, Piano May 12 at 3:30

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The Trumpet May 2019 Volume 36 Issue 5

Firelands Presbyterian Church

2626 East Harbor Road

Port Clinton, Ohio 43452


Fax 419-734-5411

Rev. Mark Cooper, Pastor

Ed Bettendorf, Clerk of Session

Susan Larcey and Kay McIntosh, Musicians Musical Art Series

Darrell Brand, Treasurer Katie Mahan, Piano
Rachel Johnson, May 12 at 3:30 PM
Preschool Director International Steinway Artist. This concert is sponsored
Janine Dress, by The Stouffer Family and the Catawba Island Club
Administrative Assistant Following the concert, there will be a reception for the
audience to meet the artists. Tickets are available at the
Mark Owen, Custodian door for $15 ($12 for Firelands members); students are
admitted free of charge.

Table of Contents
News, Notes & Upcoming Events ....... 2 & 3
Celebrating Jeanne Black & Project Linus
May Lectionary .................................... 4 Quilt Blessing
Pastor’s Page ........................................ 5 Sunday May 19
Preschool ............................................. 6 Pastor Mark will be blessing
May Celebrations & the Project Linus quilts
Monthly Prayer list ................................ 7 during worship on Sunday
Calendar .............................................. 8 May 19. If you would like to
make a donation to this
Ministry Schedule ................................. 9 ministry of Firelands, there
Musical Arts 2017-2018 Season ............ 10 are envelopes and forms on
Easter Flower Order............................. 12 the gathering table.

Sunday Worship Time Change

Memorial Day Sunday
Our summer worship time begins Sunday May 26.
Worship will be 9:30 am.
May 2019 Page 2

Pastor Mark on Vacation

Pastor Mark will be on vacation May 23 – June 12. If you
have an emergency call Janine at 419-265-7298.
Baby Bottle Campaign 2019
May 12th (Mother’s Day) - Mission Committee
June 16th (Father’s Day) "Thank you all for your contributions to One Great Hour
“Heartbeat of Ottawa County has been standing firm for of Sharing during Lent. Please take a look at the
the sanctity of human life for over 25 years. The funds newsletter from our Thailand mission co-worker Esther
we (they) collect stay in our area helping young women that's on the bulletin board. She has lots to say about
and men to more fully embrace the life God has given her last 40 years serving in Thailand.
them, and to help them embrace the roles they hold in
A donation has been sent to Stein Hospice to assist 10
their families.”
children with enrollment for 'Camp Good Grief' this
It is so very easy: summer.

Take a bottle home and fill it with checks, cash or 'Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep' received $350 from
change. Portage Resale Center's Youth Council for bedding
purchases. The Council held a very nice reception at the
Then return the bottle by Father’s Day
Sutton Center in April for the awardees. The youth are
Your Mission Committee thanks you for your support of impressive and serve for their junior and senior year
this campaign! with the guidance of Heather Stouffer and the Portage
Resale staff. Two students serve on the Council from
each of our local high schools: Genoa, Oak Harbor,
Easter Flowers Note from the Port Clinton, Woodmore, and Danbury. Together they
Landscapers are learning firsthand about community needs and
If you choose to donate flowers to decorate the church
for Easter, the order forms are on the Opportunity Table Till next time,
as you enter the church and were in March’s trumpet.
Blessings, Ginny
Orders are due by April 7th.
IF you do not plan to plant them after they stop
blooming, you can bring tulips, daffodils and hyacinths
to church and we will plant them here for folks to enjoy Sometimes Serendipity Singers
next spring. Spring Mums and hydrangeas are really We will be singing on Sunday May 26 at our 9:30
houseplants and we have enough lilies. service. All are welcome to join us. Our Practice will be
Enjoy the spring flowers and cross your fingers that the Friday May 24 at 3:00 PM.
magnolia and crabapple trees give us a beautiful spring
show this year.

Thanks, Karen Coffin

Last Sunday School Class for
the Season is May 12
Highlights of Stated Session
Meeting of April 9 Church Movie Night!
1. Received Darrell Brand's Treasurer's Report
Friday May 17, 7:30 PM
(showing continued favorable status of our financial A great old classic, Sergeant York! Starring Gary
position); Cooper and a bunch of other people. Nominated for
eleven Oscars, including Best Picture in 1942, winning
2. Authorized the Pre-School to retain a collection
two, including Best Actor for Gary Cooper. Popcorn will
agency and/or legal counsel to undertake collection
be provided. Bring whatever snacks you’d like for
efforts, if
yourself and to share with others, if you wish. Please,
necessary, to support the program's new tuition
somebody, bring some 2 liter bottles of “sody-pop!”
and attendance policies and practices; and,

3. Commenced "looking into" the feasibility

of electrifying our Route 163 signage.
May 2019 Page 3


TAKE an early morning walk
SEARCH out a long-lost friend
POLISH your shoes
TELL someone you love him or her
LOOK at the stars
SPEND an afternoon with a child
TURN off the TV and talk
LISTEN to Yo-Yo Ma's recording of "The Swan" by Saint-Seans
SEND a card to someone for no reason
VOLUNTEER some time to a good cause
READ a poem out loud
EAT lunch in a park
PAY someone a compliment
FORGET an old grudge
PRACTICE courage in one small way
ENJOY silence
TRY a new herb tea
COUNT your blessings - you'll always find some
WATCH the sunset

Red Geraniums for Pentecost

Orders due May 19, 2019


In Memory of____________________________________________________________

In Honor of______________________________________________________________

All orders must be placed by Sunday, May 19, 2019. Payment is due at time of order

Please make checks payable to Firelands Presbyterian Church

Flowers Numbered Total Price


4 ½ Pot @ $4.00 In Red Foil

6½” Pot @ $7.00 in Red Foil

May 2019 Page 4


The Firelands family recently celebrated the 100th birthday of our
delightful Jeanne Black during coffee hour after church. She has been
a loyal part of the congregation since 1998 when she and her
husband, Robert, moved here to live at the Vineyard on Catawba. She
officially joined in 2002 and has always been an active participant in
the life of Firelands Presbyterian Church. Jeanne and Eleanor Eddings
(Joyce Jagucki’s mother) used to attend every activity together and
charmed everyone with their good humor and wise observations about

Jeanne has been very active at the Vineyard as well. Anne Butcher
fondly remembers Jeanne ‘s advocacy for the Health and Wellness
Program there and at the corporate level as well. Her work as the
Executive Secretary to the terminal superintendent of the Norfolk
Southern railroad in Bellevue honed her organizational skills and sharp
business acumen. She has been a positive force for good to all who
know her.

Jeanne was married to Robert Black for 50+ years and they had one
son, Bob, who is also a member of Firelands. She has 4 grandsons and 3 great grandchildren. She currently lives in
Assisted Living at the Chalet at the Vineyard and attends church whenever possible. We are so blessed to have her in
our midst. We celebrate worshiping with Jeanne Black!

May Lectionary
May 5, 2019 *Acts 9:1-6, (7-20) Psalm 30 Revelation 5:11-14 John 21:1-19
Third Sunday of Easter

May 12, 2019 *Acts 9:36-43 Psalm 23 Revelation 7:9-17 John 10:22-30
Fourth Sunday of Easter

May 19, 2019 *Acts 11:1-18 Psalm 148 Revelation 21:1-6 John 13:31-35
Fifth Sunday of Easter

May 26, 2019 *Acts 16:9-15 Psalm 67 Revelation 21:10, 22- John 14:23-29
Sixth Sunday of Easter 22:5 or
John 5:1-9

May 30, 2019 *Acts 1:1-11 Psalm 47 Ephesians 1:15-23 Luke 24:44-53
Ascension of the Lord or
Psalm 93

May 31, 2019 *1 Samuel 2:1-10 Psalm 113 Romans 12:9-16b Luke 1:39-57
Visitation of Mary to
May 2019 Page 5

Pastor’s Page

I have heard many people say that as we grow older time seems to move by much more rapidly than it did in earlier
years. I’ve noticed it my own life, too. A few years ago I was talking to a high school classmate, who just happened to
be a stand-up comedian, about this phenomenon. He said, “I have it figured out. We’re going downhill, and we’re
picking up speed.” I know that an hour is still an hour and a year is still a year, but for whatever reason they do
seem to fly by very quickly now. (Is it only me?)

This month marks the 40th anniversary of my seminary graduation. (Wonderful day, with a very memorable ceremony
in the beautiful Princeton University chapel.) It is easy to look back and wonder where all those years went. They did
seem to go by quickly, but on the other hand so many, many things happened during that time. There were lots of
laughter and lots of tears. Church followed church, and kids grew up and somebody different began to look back at
me from my mirror.

When I was a much younger minister, I was afraid of reaching this point in my career. I had the impression that by
this time for many ministers the fire had gone out and they were stuck. I thought that, perhaps, for many of them the
work was no longer meaningful and that they were miserable, or that they had already happily hung up their cleats
and gone off into retirement. The fear of ever being in that position was actually part of my decision to at one point
leave pastoral ministry and become a consultant.

Now, here I am in the place I was fearful about. I am happy to be able to report that my fears have not been realized.
I do not feel stuck. In fact, here I am working past the time when I expected that I would be completely retired,
feeling more energized, more positive about ministry, than perhaps I did even in those earliest days. A large part of
that, no doubt, has to do with being here at Firelands Presbyterian Church. (More than four years now! Who knew?)
Jill and I have found it to be such a pleasure to have become part of this community of faith. This church is full of
wonderful people who have made us feel so welcome, and we feel humbled and honored to be here. This congregation
is so to be admired for its wonderful, loving spirit, its commitment to mission, its intimate worship, and so much

Faith is an adventure. I hope you see and welcome the possibilities for faithful adventure right here at Firelands
Presbyterian Church. I hope you share my enthusiasm about the days ahead. Things could get pretty exciting around
here. Let’s make exciting things happen. It is entirely up to us.


May 2019 Page 6

Preschool News
April was a busy month filled with lots of fun and learning. We learned about Outer
Space, Easter, Earth Day, and Bugs

Outer Space week would not have been complete without our very own Space
Station! The kids got to dress up like astronauts, "walk on the moon", and work the
command center. The rest of the room was set up with Space themed activities
including letter identification, measuring, sorting, building and much much more!

During Easter week we learned about the true meaning of Easter as well as the
talking about the Bunny! We ended the week with a celebration which included Peep
tasting, Easter Bingo and an egg hunt!

We celebrated Earth Day for an entire week by learning about recycling and taking
care of Planet Earth. The kids practiced sorting recyclable and non recyclable items
and they learned how items are reused to make new ones.

The last week of the month was all about Bugs! We sorted bugs, searched for bugs,
created bugs and of course learned about bug. We are waiting to receive our
caterpillars and ladybugs to put in the science/bug center.

As we get closer to the end of the school year, we are starting to work on
our Spring Program and Graduation which will be held May 29, 2019 @
6pm in the Sanctuary.

Rachel Johnson Firelands Preschool Program Director and Teacher

May 2019 Page 7


Bill Sharp 6 Pat True 16 Bob and Kaye Elliott 5

Alison Falls 10 Ginny McCook 24 Alan and Karen Salzgeber 6

Kay McIntosh 12 Jordan Moore 25 Tim and Deb Flora 26

Alex Viery 15 Sonja Kristensen 28

Is your birthday or anniversary

missing or incorrect? Contact the
office so we can make the
changes to the list!

Ongoing Prayer Concerns

For those receiving medical treatment or therapy, or undergoing medical tests:

Debbie Ballinger, Jenatha Boose, Harold, Kim Hudson, Diane Jordan, Craig Kaiser, Arlene Kakareka, Stephen
Kessler, Angjuli Lele, John McLaughlin, Ele McLaughlin, Simon Mercurio, Michael, Jordan Moore, Sarah, Sue, Jack
Schmidt, Justin Waugh, Gary Waugh, Ann Wagnitz.

For those facing the infirmities of age:

Wilma Cooper, Jamie Petty, Betty Rodwancy, Bob Rodwancy, and Irene Wilson

For those seeking freedom, security, and hope:

Bobby, Justin, Sara, Val, and CASA Families

For those in the service of our country:

SMGT Jeff Bundy, Steven Coffin, FBI; Brant Crandall, USA; Cole Daniel, USCG; Matthew Devries, USAF;
Stu Gliwa, USMC; Aaron Haynes, USA; Andrew Hogue, USA, Ted Livingstine, USMC; Sanju Shinde, USMC;

For those in mission for our Lord:

Esther Wakeman, our co-mission worker in Thailand:

Elizabeth Prasad with Witnessing Ministries of Christ;
The National Presbyterian Church of Mexico, Berea Presbytery;
The Rev. Hazael Compuzano; Dios es Amor congregation in Mexico City;

To add or delete someone from this list, please contact Janine Dress in the church office.
May 2019 Page 8

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


AND FRIDAY UNLESS NOTED ON THE CALENDAR 10 Bible Study @Fulton 3-5 Bistro Snack &
Café Study

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
9:15 Sunday 4 MAS 10 Bible Study @Fulton 1:30 Pastoral
School Committee Café Friends
10:30 Worship 3-5 Bistro Snack &

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
9:15 Sunday OFFICE CLOSED 10-2 OFFICE OPEN 3-5 Bistro Snack 7 :30 Church Set Up Quilts
School 5 – 7 Free 9:00 Quilting @ 10 Bible Study @Fulton & Study Movie Night for Project
10:30 Worship Community Wilsons Café 6-9 Susan Larcey Linus
3:30 MAS Dinner @ 7 Session Piano Recital
Concert Bistro163

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
9:15 Sunday 1:30 Pastoral 10 Bible Study @Fulton 3-5 Bistro Snack &
School Friends Café Study
10:30 Worship
Blessing of
Project Linus
26 27 28 29 30 31
9:30 Worship MEMORIAL DAY 9:00 Quilting @ 10 Bible Study @Fulton 3-5 Bistro Snack &
OFFICE CLOSED Wilsons Café Study

Pastor Mark on Vacation May 23– June 12

May 2019 Page 9

Don’t Forget Your Time to Serve!

Ministry Names
Monthly Deacon of the Month Joyce DellaSantina
Communion Steward Karen Salzgeber
May 5 Greeter(s) Jean Witkowski
Reader Karen Coffin
Communion Assistant Nila McCullough
Servers Chuck Coykendale, Jean Witkowski, Dave Moore, Tim Flora
Nursery Volunteer Debbie Flora
Pianist Kay McIntosh
May 12 Greeter(s) Ernie & Nila McCullough
Reader Anita Fisher
Communion Assistant Bill Sharp
Servers Ernie McCullough, Karen Coffin, Dick Coffin, Nila McCullough
Nursery Volunteer
Pianist Kay McIntosh
May 19 Greeter(s) Marsha Bordner
Reader Dick Dietz
Communion Assistant Alison Falls
Servers Bob Black, Maxine & Bob Wilson, Marilyn Umlauf
Nursery Volunteer Susan Rogers
Pianist Susan Larcey
May 26 Greeter(s) Wayne & Sally Walter
Reader Shirley Carlson
Communion Assistant Karen Coffin
Servers Dave & Sally Wahlers, Sally Walter, Chuck Coykendale
Nursery Volunteer Anne O’Malley
Pianist Susan Larcey
May 2019 Page 10

The Musical Art Series / Port Clinton, OH

2018- 2019 Season
September 16, 2018 Jimmy Thompson, violin – Jonathan Mak, piano
3:30 PM Sponsored by
Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick and Jack Hilbert
October 13, 2018 Music of the English Baroque
7:30 PM Sponsored by
Arby’s Port Clinton
November 10, 2018
7:30 PM An Evening with Dave Brubeck
Sponsored by
Crown Battery
December 13, 2018 Our Christmas gift to the community
7:00 P.M. *****At St. John Lutheran Church*****
Sponsored by
Bassett’s Market and The Stensen Foundation/Key Bank
January 6, 2019 All First Chair Players:
3:30 PM Violin, viola, & ‘cello
Sponsored by
1812 Food & Spirits and Rosie’s Bar & Grill
March 24, 2019 Sponsored by
3:30 P.M. Frederick Agency and Neidecker, LeVeck & Crosser


April 14, 2019 Returning By Popular Demand
3:30 P.M. Sponsored by
Dr. Jay M. Mann and Miller Ferries to Put-in-Bay
May 12, 2019 International Steinway Artist
3:30 PM. Sponsored by
The Stouffer Family and Catawba Island Club
June 2, 2019 Rupert Boyd, guitar, Laura Metcalf, ‘cello
3:30 PM Husband and wife make beautiful music together
Sponsored by
Dubbert’s Outdrive Service

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