50kl OHWT Design

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50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final


1 Dimensions of Tank proper : FLAT SLAB with bolcony

Capacity of OHSR 50000 Lts 52.03 kL OK

Assume dia of OHSR 5.00 Mts
Height of tank required 2.55 Mts
Providing Dead storage of 0.15 Mts
And Free board of 0.20 Mts
Overall depth of tank required 2.9 Mts
Say 3.00 Mts

2 Deign of Top Slab :

Assume thickness of top slab 0.125 Mts

Also assume the thickness of Sidewall 0.15 Mts
Providing overhang beyond the ext face of side wall 0.30 Mts
Dia of Top slab 5.90 Mts
And effective span of Top slab 5.15 Mts
Radius of top slab inscribed in eff span 2.575 Mts

Self weight of slab 3.13 Kn/Sqm

Allowing acces to to top slab,Live load 1.50 Kn/Sqm
Assume finishes etc 0.50 Kn/Sqm
w= 5.13 Kn/Sqm

Assume that that the top slab is partially fixed at the supports.As the vertical rft of side wall is
usually extended into the top slab,the assumption of top slab with partial fixidity at periphery of
slab is justified.

Calculation of Radial moments :

Radial Moments at Edges -1/16*w*r2 -2.12 Kn-m

Radial Moments at centre +2/16*w*r 4.25 Kn-m

Calculation of Circumferential moments :

Circumferential moments at Edges +1/16*w*r2 2.12 Kn-m

Circumferential moments at Centre +2/16*w*r 4.25 Kn-m

Point of Contraflexure : r *sqrt(2/3) 2.1 From slab centre

0.48 From Sidewall centre
Design Constants :

Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Permissible stress in concrete in bending compression 10 N/Sqmm
Permissible stress in steel in tension 130 N/Sqmm
Modular ratio 9.33
Depth of Neutral axis 0.418 d
Depth of lever arm 0.861 d
Moment of Resistance 1.799 bd

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

Max BM induced in the slab 4.25 Kn-m

Equating Max BM to Moment of Resistance
Effective depth of section required 48.6 mm
Assume the dia of reinforcement MIN 10 mm
And clear cover to the reinforcement at 45 mm
Overall depth of section required 98.6 mm
Overall depth of section provided OK 125 mm
Therefore Eff depth of section provided 75.00 mm

Steel reinforcement at centre of slab :

Radial moment at centre of slab 4.25 Kn-m

Circumferential moment at centre of slab 4.25 Kn-m
Max of Radial & Circumferential moments 4.25 Kn-m
Area of steel required Ast 506.46 sqmm
Min Area of steel required at 0.24% GCA Ast Min 300.00 sqmm
Hence Area of steel to be provided 506.46 sqmm
Area of 10 mm bar 10 78.54 sqmm
Spacing of 10 mm dia bars 155 mm
Ceiling to 25 Say 125 mm

So Provide 10 mm dia bars 125 mm spacings in the form of mesh at right angles to each other at
bottom face of slab

Steel reinforcement at Edge of slab :

a. Top Radial moment at the edges -2.12 Kn-m

Negative sign means,it is defeloping tension at top face of slab

Area of steel required in radial direction 252.64 sqmm

But Min area of steel to be provided @ 0.24% GCA 300.00 sqmm

Hence Area of steel to be provided for radial moment 300.00 sqmm

Providing 8 mm dia Top radial bars MIN 8 mm
Spacing of 8 mm bars 167.55 mm

Spacing should not be more than D 125 mm

or 300 mm
Therefore Spacing should not be more than 125 mm
Ceiling to 25 Say 125 mm

These bars shall extend beyond the point of contraflexure by a distance equal to greater of
Ld of Top radial bars required from slab outer edge for 8 mm is 163 mm
Effective depth of section 75 mm
12*Dia of bar 96 mm
i.e 96 mm

Hence the length of Top Radial bar required from slab outer edge 1100 mm
provided Say 1100 mm
So Provide Top Radial bars of length 1100mm with 8 mm dia of 125 mm c/c

Circumferential steel shall also be provided underneath the radial bars to knit them in
position.Hence provide min area of circumferential reinforcement at 0.24% of GCA
Min area of steel required 300 sqmm

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

Providing 8 mm dia Top circumferential steel 8 mm

Spacing of 8 mm bars 167.55 mm

Spacing should not be more than D 125 mm

or 300 mm

Therefore Spacing should not be more than 125 mm

Ceiling to 25 Say 125 mm

So Provide Top circuference steel with 8 mm dia of 125 mm c/c under the radials

b. Circumferential moment at the edges for Bottom face 2.12 Kn-m

Area of steel required in radial direction 252.64 sqmm

But Min area of steel to be provided @ 0.24% GCA 300.00 sqmm

Hence Area of steel to be provided for radial moment 300.00 sqmm

Providing 8 mm dia circumferential steel MIN 8 mm
Spacing of 8 mm bars 167.55 mm

Spacing should not be more than D 125 mm

or 300 mm

Therefore Spacing should not be more than 125 mm

Ceiling to 25 Say 125 mm

However mesh reinforcement is provided for bottom .But this mesh rft do not have proper
anchorage at edges.There will be slipping tendency and the mesh bars will not be capable of
developing sufficient tension.The tendency of slipping can be countered by providing hoop steel at
edges in a width equal to development length required for bars at edges

Development length for bars at centre of slab

Permissible stress in steel in tension 130.00 N/Sqmm For Fe 415
Permissible stress in concrete in bond 1.00 N/Sqmm For M 30
For HYSD Bars,the bond stress is increased by 60%

Development length of bottom bars required for 8 mm is 163 mm

Circumferential moments at Edges 2.12 Kn-m

Circumferential moments at Centre 4.25 Kn-m
So the circumferential steel is to be provided in a width equal to 250 mm
Say 375 mm from the end of slab
No.of rings required 4 No.s

Provide 4 nos of 8 mm dia rings @ bottom in a width of 375 mm from the end of slab

C. Check for Shear V = 1/2 * w * r 6.6 Kn

Nominal shear stress 0.09 N/Sqmm
Permissible shear with Min rft at 0.15% 0.20 N/Sqmm
The depth of section provided is safe from shear criteria.
3 Design of Side walls :
The side wall is designed for condition of
1.Fixed base and free at top for Max Moment
2.Hinged base and fee at Top for Max Hoop tension.

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

a. Design for Hoop tension : Hinged at Bottom & Free at Top

Internal Dia of Side wall D 5.00 Mts
Height of water in the tank H 2.80 Mts
Assume thickness of Side wall at t 0.15 mts
H2/Dt 10.45
lowerside 10.00 12 higher side
Max Hoop force coefficient= 0.73 0.75
Referring to Table 12 of IS:3370 (Part IV ) - 1967
Max Hoop force coefficient 0.750 at
Max Hoop Force = coefficient * WHD/2 52.5 Kn
Permissible stress in steel in direct tension 130 N/Sqmm
So area of steel required for direct tension 404 sqmm
Min areaof steel required at 0.24% 0.24% 360 sqmm
Hence Hoop steel to be provided 404 sqmm
Area of Hoop steel per each face 202 sqmm

Assuming 10 mm dia Hoop steel MIN 10 mm

And providing a clear cover to the rft at 45 mm
Effective depth of side wall 100 mm

Spacing of Hoop steel per face 389 mm

The spacing should not be more than D 150 mm
or 300 mm
Hence adopt a spacing of 150 mm
Ceiling to 25 Say 150 mm

Therefore Provide 10 mm dia Hoops at a spacing of 150 mm c/c on each face

Actual area of steel provided per metre height of wall 1047.16 sqmm

Check for side wall thickness from cracking stress criteria

Permissible stress in concrete in direct tension 1.5 N/Sqmm

Tensile resistance of equivalent section 238 Kn
Max Hoop force due to water pressure 53 Kn
The side wall thickness is sufficient
b. Design for Moment : Fixed at base and Free at Top

For H2/Dt = 10.00 12.00

Referring to Table 10 of IS:3370 Part IV-1967 max
Max Negative Moment Coefficient at water face 0.0122 0.0104 0.0122 1.0H
Max Positive Moment Coefficient away from water face 0.0029 0.0026 0.0029 0.7H
Max Negative Moment 2.678 Kn-m
Max Positive Moment 0.637 Kn-m
Check for side wall thickness from uncracked section criteria in bending

Permissible stress in bending in concrete M30 2.0 N/Sqmm

Moment of resistance of section 3.33 Kn-m
The section is safe from cracking stresss in bending >= 2.68 O.K
c. Area of steel calculations for moment
Minimum steel calculation
For dia of < 15m dia 0.24%
Min area of rft required 150 360 sqmm
Min area of rft required on one face 180 sqmm
Design Constants : on water face

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Permissible stress in concrete in bending compression 10 N/Sqmm
Permissible stress in steel in tension 130 N/Sqmm
Modular ratio 9.33
Depth of Neutral axis 0.418 d
Depth of leverarm 0.861 d
Moment of Resistance 1.799 bd2
maximum Area of steel required at water face 239 sqmm
Min area of rft required on one face 180 sqmm
Hence adopt an area of rft of 239 sqmm
Assuming 10 mm dia vertical steel MIN 10 mm
And providing a clear cover to the rft at 45 mm
Effective depth of side wall 100 mm

Spacing of vertical steel on water face 328 mm

The spacing should not be more than D 150 mm
or 300 mm
Hence adopt a spacing of 150 mm
Ceiling to 25 Say 150 mm
Curtailment of reinforcement on water face

Max Negative moment is at 1.0H 0.0122 2800 From surface of water

Max NPositive moment is at 0.7H 0.0029 1960 From surface of water
So the point of contraflexure is approximately at 2380 mm from surface of water i.e 420 MM from
These bars shall extend beyond the point of contraflexure point by a distance equal to
Effective depth of sidewall d 100 mm or
12* Dia of reinfocement 120 mm whichever is more
i.e 120 mm

Hence actual point of cutoff from bottom 540.00 mm from bottom

say 600.00 mm from bottom

Provide 10 mm dia inside verticals on inner face at 150 mm C/C for TOTAL height of side wall as
spacing should not exceed the thichness of member

Design Constants :side wall outer face

Max Positive Moment 0.637 Kn-m

Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Permissible stress in concrete in bending compression 10 N/Sqmm
Permissible stress in steel in tension 130 N/Sqmm
Modular ratio 9.33
Depth of Neutral axis 0.418 d
Depth of leverarm 0.861 d
Moment of Resistance 1.799 bd2
Area of steel required away from water face 57 sqmm
Min area of rft required on one face 180 sqmm
Hence adopt an area of rft of 180 sqmm
Assuming 10 mm dia vertical steel 10 mm
And providing a clear cover to the rft at 45 mm
Effective depth of side wall 100 mm

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

Spacing of vertical steel on outside face of side wall 436 mm

The spacing should not be more than D 150 mm
or 300 mm
Hence adopt a spacing of 150 mm
Ceiling to 25 Say 150 mm
Curtailment of reinforcement on outer face of wall

Max Positive moment is at 0.7H 0.0029 1960 From surface of water

Max Negative moment is at 1.0H 0.0122 2800 From surface of water
So the point of contraflexure is approximately at 2380 mm from surface of water i.e 420 from
These bars shall extend beyond the point of contraflexure point by a distance equal to
Effective depth of sidewall d 100 mm or
12* Dia of reinfocement 120 mm whichever is more
i.e 120 mm
Hence actual point of cutoff from bottom 300 mm from bottom
Ceiling to 25 say 300 mm from bottom

Note : In this particular case already we are providing min area of reinforcement as main steel
and hence no curtailment of outer steel is allowed.
Provide 10 mm dia verticals on outer face at 150 mm for full height with out curtailment FOR
4 Design of Bottom Slab
Loads on Bottom slab

a. Thickness of Top slab 0.125 mts

Dia of Top slab 5.90 mts
So weight of Top slab+LL+finishes 140.12 Kn

This load will be shared by side wall all along the circumference as line load
which is equal to 8.66 Kn/m
b. Weight of side wall+finishings per running metre 15.00 Kn/m

c. Total line load acting on the c/line of bottom ring beam 23.66 Kn/m
eccentricity of line load on c/line of beam 0.075 m
Torsional moments on Beam due to line load (side walls) eccentricity
1.77 Kn-m/m
d. Assume thickness of Bottom slab 0.350 mts
Weight of Bottom slab+finishes 10.25 Kn/Sqm
thickness of projection slab from ring beam 0.150 mts
width of projection slab from ring beam 0.900 mts
Weight of Projection slab+finishes 5.25 Kn/Sqm
e. Providing a free board of 0.20 mts
total depth of water 3.00 mts
Weight of water 30.00 Kn/Sqm
***to be checked for empty condition
f. UDL on the bottom slab 40.25 Kn/Sqm
Total UDL on bottom slab 838.44 Kn
Total line load on Bottom ring beam 382.8 Kn
Total load on Ring beam 1221.24 Kn

This load shall be born by the circular ring beam at the bottom slab
Let the Columns are placed under the bottom ring beam at 5.00 mts Dia
Then Line load shared/supported by ring beam 77.75 Kn/m

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

g. moment at the support from projection slab due to the point load +UDL & other moments
The cantilever BM at support of projection slab 3.814 Kn-m/m Hogging
moments on Beam due to line load (side walls) eccentricity 1.775 Kn-m/m Hogging
Total Tortional moments on Ring Beam from outer side= 5.588 Kn-m/m Hogging

Now the Bottom slab can be assumed to be acted upon by

1.Circular slab subjected to a UDL of 40.25 Kn/Sqm
Case-I : Circular slab subjected to UDL w 40.25 Kn/Sqm
partially fixed supports assumed as Ring Beam & Bolcony projection rigid connections
Dia of Circular slab 5.15 mts
Radius of circular slab R 2.58 mts
partially fixed supports assumed
Circumferential moment Mo = 2/16 *w*(R2-r2)
Radial moment Mr=1/16*w*(2R2-3r2)
Shear force Fr=1/2*w*r
where " r " is the radial distance from centre of slab

Radial distance from centre Mr Mo Fr

0.00 mts 33.49 33.49 0.00 0.00
0.50 mts 31.60 32.23 10.06 10.06
1.00 mts 25.94 28.46 20.13 20.13
1.50 mts 16.51 22.17 30.19 30.19
2.00 mts 3.30 13.37 40.25 40.25
2.50 mts -13.68 2.04 50.31 50.31
2.58 mts -16.75 0.00 51.92 51.92

All Moments are of Positive sign i.e the slab is subjected to tension at bottom due to radial and
circumferential moments
Tortional moments 5.588 Kn-m/m Hogging outer side of Ring Beam
Net Forces on the Bottom slab :

Radial distance from centre Mr Mo Fr

0.00 mts 33.49 33.49 0.00 0.00
0.50 mts 31.60 32.23 10.06 10.06
1.00 mts 25.94 28.46 20.13 20.13
1.50 mts 16.51 22.17 30.19 30.19
2.00 mts 3.30 13.37 40.25 40.25
2.50 mts -13.68 2.04 50.31 50.31
2.58 mts -16.75 0.00 51.92 51.92

Differential flexural rigidity/fixity moments at ring beam from bottom slab large cantilever edge
moment := {Mr at cantilever edge+side wall eccenrticity }-{ wr2/16 inside edge(partial fixed)}
Torsional moments on ring beam=edge M less than inner resistance
= +5.59-13.68 -8.09 Kn-m/m imbalance moment
Note :May be countered by side walls regidity
Area of reinforecement calculations :
+ ve of moments : Sagging and tension is at bottom
- ve of moments : Hogging and tension is at top
Max sagging moment 33.49 Kn-m/m @ r = 0.00 mts
Max hogging moment 13.68 Kn-m/m @ r = 2.5 mts
Max of moments 33.49 Kn-m/m
Check for depth of slab assumed from uncracked section point of view :

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

Uncracked moment of resistance =1/6 x b x d2 x f

f= 2.00 N/Sqmm for M30 Concrete
Equating Uncracked moment of resistance to External moment
Depth of section required 317 mm provided 350 mm
Bottom slab thick is OK
Assuming dia bars FOR BOTTOM 12 mm
And clear cover of 45 mm
Effective depth of section 299 mm

Maximum SAGGING moment : of Mr and Mo at centre 33.49 Kn-m

Area of steel required 1001.07 sqmm Tension in BOTTOM face
Assuming dia bars FOR BOTTOM 12 mm
Spacing of 12 mm dia bars 112 mm
Ceiling to 25 Say 100 mm
Hence provode 12 mm dia bars at 100 mm c/c in the form of mesh at BOTTOM Layer

Development length of bottom bars required for 12 mm is 244 mm

Circumferential moments at Edges 0 Kn-m
Circumferential moments at Centre 33.49 Kn-m
Area of MIN steel required 420 sqmm 0.24%
Assuming dia HOOP bars
Spacing of 10 mm dia bars 186 mm
Ceiling to 50 Say 150 mm
So the circumferential steel is to be provided in a width equal to 300 mm
Say 300 mm from the end of slab
No.of rings required 3 No.s
Provide 3 nos of 10 mm dia rings @ bottom in a width of 300 mm from the ends of Bottom slab

Maximum Hogging moment 13.68 Kn-m Mr @ r = 2.5 mts tension at water face
Area of steel required 420 sqmm
Assuming dia bars FOR TOP 10 mm
Spacing of 10 mm dia bars 185 mm
Ceiling to 50 Say 150 mm

From Radial Bending Moment values in the table ,the moment values are
Positive at r= 2.00 mts
Negative at r= 2.50 mts
so the point of contraflexure occurs nearly at 2.00 mts
But during curtailment,the theoritical point of cut off should be extended by
Effective depth of section 299 mm
12*Dia of bar 144 mm
whichever is more 299 mm
Therefore actual point of cutoff from centre of slab 1.70 mts
Say 1.50 mts
L= 2.25 m length
Hence provide radial bars of 10 mm @ 150 mm in the top region r = 3.55 mts to 1.5 mts
Circumferential steel at top to tie the radial bars :
Provide min steel @ 0.12% of GCA 420 sqmm
Spacing of 10 mm dia bars 10 185 mm
Ceiling to 50 say 150 mm

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

Provide Top circumferential steel 10 mm dia at 150 mm centre to centre in the region of r = 3.55
mts to r = 1.5 mts
Check for Shear V = 1/2 * w * r 51.92 Kn
Nominal shear stress 0.17 N/Sqmm
Permissible shear with Min rft at 0.15% 0.20 N/Sqmm
The depth of bot. slab provided is safe from shear criteria.

5 Design of Bottom ring beam :

Total load acting on ring beam 1221.24 Kn
Let the web portion depth of ring beam 300 mm
and width of ring beam 300 mm
effective flenge width of ring beam 2/3 of bf 953 mm as L beam
Weight of web portion 35.34 Kn
Total load acting on ring beam 1256.58 Kn
Radius of ring beam R 2.50 mts
Equivalent line load 80 Kn/m

No.of supports 4 no.s

2θ 90 degrees
θ 45 degrees
0.785 radians
Max torsion position φm 19.20 degrees

Shear force diagram : Fφ = w R ( θ - φ )

Angular distance Fφ

φ 0.00 157.08
9.00 125.66
13.50 109.96
18.00 94.25
22.50 78.54
27.00 62.83
31.50 47.12
36.00 31.42
40.50 15.71
45.00 0.00
φm 19.20 90.06

Bending Moment diagram : Mφ = w.R2[θ Sinφ+θ Cotθ Cosφ - 1 ]

Angular distance Mφ

φ 0.00 -107.30
9.00 -50.70
13.50 -26.48
18.00 -5.17
22.50 13.09
27.00 28.18
31.50 40.02
36.00 48.52
40.50 53.65
45.00 55.36
φm 19.20 0.00

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

Twisting Moment diagram : Mtφ = w.R2[θ cosφ-θ Cotθ Sinφ - (θ- φ)]

Angular distance Mtφ

φ 0.00 0.00
9.00 12.27
13.50 15.29
18.00 16.51
22.50 16.18
27.00 14.54
31.50 11.84
36.00 8.34
40.50 4.30
45.00 0.00
φm 19.20 16.56 Kn-m

Summary of analysis :

Angular distance Fφ Mφ Mtφ

φ 0.00 157.08 -107.30 0.00 At supports

9.00 125.66 -50.70 12.27
13.50 109.96 -26.48 15.29
18.00 94.25 -5.17 16.51
22.50 78.54 13.09 16.18
27.00 62.83 28.18 14.54
31.50 47.12 40.02 11.84
36.00 31.42 48.52 8.34
40.50 15.71 53.65 4.30
45.00 0.00 55.36 0.00 at centre of beam
φm 19.20 90.06 0.00 16.56 at point of max torsion

Depth of ring beam from max bending criteria :

Max BM for entire ring beam 107.3 Kn-m

Uncracked moment of resistance =1/6 x bf x d2 x f
f= 2.00 N/Sqmm for M30 Concrete
Equating Uncracked moment of resistance to External moment
Depth of section required 581 mm provided 650 mm
depth of Beam is OK
Equating MR to BM : 1.172 b d2 =M
Effective depth of section required d 445.89 mm
Providing 20 mm dia bars 20 mm
Providing clear cover of 45 mm
Overall depth of section required for double layer 526 mm
Overall depth of section provided OK 650 mm
Hence effective depth of section provided 570 mm
Hence effective depth of section for single layer 595 mm
Check for section from max torsional point of view :
Max torsion 16.56 Kn-m
Shear at max torsion 90.06 Kn
Equivalent shear force 178.37 Kn
Equivalent Nominal shear stress 1.04 N/Sqmm

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

Max permissible shear stress beams for M30 Concrete 2.2 N/Sqmm
No need to revise the depth of section
Design of longitudinal reinforcement
a. Section at point of max sagging moment : at centre of beam

Shear force V 0.00 Kn

Bending moment M 55.36 Kn-m
Twisting moment T 0.0 Kn-m
Equivalent Bending Moment Me' = M + Mt
Mt = T[1+D/b]/1.70 0.00 Kn-m
So Equivalent BM 55.36 Kn-m
Check for longitudinal comp reinforcement requirement
Mt 0.00
M 55.36 Kn-m
Mt < M
No longitudinal compression reinforcement is needed
Area of steel required Ast 831.57 sqmm
Providing 20 mm dia bars 20 mm
No.of bars required 2.65 no.s
Say 3 no.s
Hence provide 3 no.s of 20 mm dia bars at bottom face of beam at centre.
These bars can be curtailed at a point where they are not required.However let us decide this
curtailment a little later after designing the reinforcement at salient points.
b. Section at point of max hogging moment : at supports

Shear force V 157.08 Kn

Bending moment M 107.30 Kn-m
Twisting moment T 0.0 Kn-m
Equivalent Bending Moment Me' = M + Mt
Mt = T[1+D/b]/1.70 0.00 Kn-m
So Equivalent BM 107.30 Kn-m
Check for longitudinal comp reinforcement requirement
Mt 0.00
M 107.30 Kn-m
Mt < M
No longitudinal compression reinforcement is needed
Area of steel required Ast 1682.47 sqmm 1885.0
Providing 20 mm dia bars extra dia 20 20 mm OK
No.of bars required 2.36 no.s
Say 3 3 no.s
Hence provide 3 no.s of 20 mm dia bars at top face of at supports.
These bars can be curtailed at a point where they are no longer required.However let us decide this
curtailment a little later after designing the reinforcement at salient points.
c. Section at point of max torsion moment : at 19.25 degrees from supports

Shear force V 90.06 Kn

Bending moment M 0.00 Kn-m
Twisting moment T 16.6 Kn-m
Equivalent Bending Moment Me' = M + Mt
Mt = T[1+D/b]/1.70 30.84 Kn-m
So Equivalent BM 30.84 Kn-m
Check for longitudinal min reinforcement requirement
Mt 30.84
M 0.00 Kn-m

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

Mt > M
min Longitudinal reinforcement is required
for a moment equal to Mt-M 30.84 Knm
Area of steel required Ast 483.57 sqmm
Providing 20 mm dia bars 20 mm
No.of bars required 1.54 no.s
Say 2 no.s

Hence provide 2 no.s of 20 mm dia bars at top and also at bottom at 19.25 degrees from one of the
supports from bending and torsion point of view.
These bars can be curtailed at a point where they are no longer required.However let us decide this
curtailment a little later after designing the reinforcement at salient points.

Summary of reinforcement calculations :

Rft at top face Rft at bottom face

No.of bars Dia of bar No.of bars Dia of bar
for max sagging moment
- - 3 20
at centre bet supports

for max hogging moment 3 20

- -
over supports extra + 3 20
L= 2m
for max torsion
2 20 2 20
at 19.25 degrees from support

Curtailment of reinforcement :

a. for max hogging moment 3 20 mm bars at supports

The BM 0 @ 19.20 degrees from centre of supports

The radius if column centre line R 2500 mm
So the 1/2 distance bet centre of suppoert and zero BM Point 418.86 mm
However the curtailment is extended beyond theoritical point of cut off by
1.Effective depth of setion 570.00 mm
2.12 x Dia of bar 240.00 mm
whichever is more 570.00 mm

Actual point of cut off from centre of column 989 mm

say 1000 mm

So 3 no.s of 20 mm bars provided at top for hogging moment may be curtailed at a distance of 1000
mm on either side of each column

However it is proposed to top extra bars 3-20 mm dia bars at supports for lenght of 2000mm and
the other 3-20 mm dia bars continue on TOP throughout the beam ,for bottom layer 3-20 mm dia
bars throughout the beam and 1 no 16mm for each side face

Design of transverse reinforcement :

a. at point of max torsion
Max torsion 16.56 Kn-m
Shear at max torsion 90.06 Kn
Equivalent shear force 178.37 Kn
Equivalent Nominal shear stress 1.043 N/Sqmm

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

Max permissible shear stress for M30 Concrete 2.200 N/Sqmm OK

Width of ring beam b 300.00 mm
Effective depth of ring beam d 570.00 mm
Overall depth of ring beam D 650.00 mm
Permissible stress in steel 130 N/sqmm
Area of tension steel available at max torsion 3 20 mm
= 942.45 sqmm
Percentage of steel available p 0.55

for M30 Concrete p 0.500 0.31

p 0.750 0.37
p 0.55 0.322 < 1.043 N/Sqmm
Provide shear rft
Providing 12 mm dia 2 legged vertical stirrups 12 mm
Asv 226.19 sqmm
Asv = T Sv/b1.d1.σsv + V Sv/2.50.d1.σsv
b1= c/c distance bet corner bars in width direction 190 mm
d1=c/c distance bet corner bars in depth direction 515 mm
Sv = 123 mm
Also Asv=[( τv-τc ) / σsv]*b.Sv Sv = 136 mm
Also " Sv " should not be more than
a. x1 = distance bet c/c of stirrups in width direction 202 mm
b. y1 = distance bet c/c of stirrups in depth direction 527 mm

( x1 + y1 ) / 4 182 mm
c. 300 mm
So spacing of vertical stirrups from torsion point of view 123 mm
b.at point of max shear
Maximum shear force V= 157.08 Kn at supports
Nominal shear stress tv 0.92 N/Sqmm
Area of tension steel available at max shear
= 1885.0 sqmm
Percentage of steel available p 1.1

for M30 Concrete p 1.000 0.41

p 1.250 0.45
p 1.1 0.426 < 0.92 N/Sqmm
The section is unsafe in shear.Provide shear rft

Shear carried by the concrete alone 72.85 Kn

Shear to be carried by steel 84.23 kn
Providing 12 mm dia 2 legged vertical stirrups 12 mm
Asv 226.19 sqmm
Sv 199 mm
Also " Sv " should not be more than 0.75d Sv 428 mm
Sv 300 mm
So spacing of vertical stirrups from max shear point of view 199 mm

Spacing of stirrups from max torsion and max shear point of view 123 mm
Ceiling to 25 say 100 mm
2 legged stirrups with 12 mm dia bars spacing @ 100mm c/c

50kl ohsr top-wt-projn -5mdia-final

Top slab 1100 mm 5.9m Bot hoops 4 -8 mm dia

10@ 125 mm c/c Bot.Mesh 0.125 m
8@ 125 mm c/c Top radials
8@ 125 mm c/c Top&bot hoops
side walls
thickness= 0.15 m 5m
verticals 3m
inside 10@150 mm c/c
outside 10@150 mm c/c 10@ 150 mm c/c Top Radials & hoops bot hoops
hoops 10@150 mm c/c Bottom slab Top Radials L=2.25 m 3nos 10 mm
Bolcony slab 0.9m Bot slab thick= 0.35 m
0.15 m
Bolcony Bottom Radials L=1.3 m 4.7 m 0.65 m
Bolcony Bottom hoops & radials 0.3 m
8mm @ 150 mm c/c c/c columns 5m
Bot slab
12@ 100 mm c/c Bottom Mesh RING BEAM
10@ 150 mm c/c Top Radials TOP st.Bars 3-20
3nos 10 mm dia End Bottom hoops TOP extra.Bars + 3-20 0.65 m
2Lgd stirrups 12@100
M30 side st. Bars 1-12 BOT st.Bars 3-20
IS 3370 (2009) 0.3 m


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