Circular No. 04 - Tech - 2005 PDF

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DGMS (Tech) Circular No.

04 of 2005 Dhanbad dated the 18th May, 2005

Subject: Recommendations of Godavarikhani No. 7 (LEP) Court of Inquiry,

Owners, Agents & Managers of all belowground Coal Mines

The Court of Inquiry appointed under Section 24 of the Mines Act 1952 to inquire into the
cause and circumstances attending the accident that occurred in Godavarikhani No. 7(LEP)
colliery of M/s Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd. on 16th June,2003 causing loss of 17 lives due to
inundation, had made, inter-alia, the following recommendations:-

1 As it is not possible to check the efficacy of stowing once the mouth of a gallery or
mouth of a district is filled with sand, it is essential to device a system to ensure
proper effective stowing and tix the accountability. It is recommended that the Asst.
Manager and Overman, apart from the Surveyor, should record the actual amount of
void filled up together with the efficacy of the stowing. When stowing in a district is
completed, the Asst. Manager and Manager should certify in writing the actual status
of stowing in the district. The volume of sand stowed in should invariably be
recorded at the time of closing the District.

2 Before starting a new district, clearance from the Internal Safety Organization must
be taken in writing by the local mine management.

3 Detailed planning for production in different districts must be done at corporate level
and projections given should not be altered at the mine level.

4 Owners must monitor important Safety functions, including stowing in districts at

regular intervals.

5 Safety in mines is a very complex phenomenon and support from the highest quarter
is needed for implementation of safety measures in the mines. If the person with the
maximum power does not have the highest responsibility for safety, there is always a
possibility of miscued stress on the production, sometimes at the cost of safety. So it
is recommended that the Chief Executive or the company should be nominated as
the owner under Section 76 of the Mines Act, 1952.

6 Key personnel in the mines like agents, managers and Surveyors, who have a strong
bearing on the safety in mine, should not be transferred frequently.

Before positing such key personnel due diligence should be undertaken to ascertain
the suitability of the persons for the post, so that they do not have to be transferred
after a short time except on rare occasions.

7 During our deliberations we were of the view that information technology could be
used for efficiency, increasing production and also mine safety. But we are of the
view that this is altogether a different subject, although we are convinced that
information technology can be used for mine safety, but it needs a details study and
experts need to be grafted into a study team, which could study the subject.
Singareni Collieries are being operated by adopting the old age methods of mining
almost 100 years and there are not significant changes either in management or in
mining. Information technology is being used successfully in every filed. Therefore
we have no doubt in our mind than it proper information technology is used mine
would be much safer.

Proper implementation of this recommendation can bring about definite improvement in the
safety standards in the mines, especially against the danger of inundation.

You are requested to take suitable steps to implement the above-mentioned

recommendations of the Godavarikhani No. 7(LEF) Court of Inquiry in all mines under your

( B. Bhattacharjee )
Director General of Mines Safety

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