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Designation: E 107 – 88 (Reapproved 1998)


100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Test Methods for

Chemical Analysis of Electronic Nickel1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 107; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope Magnesium by the 8-Hydroxyquinoline (Photometric)

Method 93 to 102
1.1 These test methods cover photometric procedures for
the chemical analysis of nickel, intended primarily for use in 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
electronic devices, having a chemical composition within the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
following limits: responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
Element Concentration Range, % priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
Nickel 94 to 100 bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific hazard
Copper 0.005 to 0.3
Iron 0.0035 to 0.3
statements are given in Section 5.
Cobalt 0.05 to 1.0
Manganese 0.02 to 0.5 2. Referenced Documents
Titanium 0.0005 to 0.5
Silicon 0.001 to 0.3
2.1 ASTM Standards:
Aluminum 0.01 to 0.35 E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
Carbon 0.001 to 0.10 Determine Conformance With Specifications2
Hydrogen 0.0001 to 0.01
Nitrogen 0.0001 to 0.01
E 39 Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel3
Oxygen 0.001 to 0.10 E 50 Practices for Apparatus, Reagents, and Safety Precau-
Tungsten 3.0 to 5.0 tions for Chemical Analysis of Metals3
Magnesium 0.005 to 0.2
E 55 Practice for Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and
1.2 The techniques and procedures covered in these test Alloys for Determination of Chemical Composition3
methods have been chosen so as to keep the consumption of E 60 Practice for Photometric and Spectrophotometric
sample to a minimum. Methods for Chemical Analysis of Metals3
1.3 The analytical procedures appear in the following order:
(This standard contains more than one test method for some 3. Significance and Use
elements. In some cases, the use of multiple test methods is 3.1 These test methods for the chemical analysis of metals
needed to cover the concentration range of the scope of the and alloys are primarily intended to test such materials for
standard; in others, multiple test methods are supplied to allow compliance with compositional specifications. It is assumed
for variations in availability of instruments and other facilities that all who use these test methods will be trained analysts
among laboratories.) capable of performing common laboratory procedures skill-
Sections fully and safely. It is expected that work will be performed in
Copper by the Hydrobromic Acid (Photometric) Method 8 to 15 a properly equipped laboratory.
Iron by the Thiocyanate (Photometric) Method 16 to 24
Cobalt by the Nitroso-R-Salt (Photometric) Method 25 to 32
Manganese by the Periodate (Photometric) Method 33 to 40
4. Photometric Practice, Apparatus, and Reagents
Titanium by the Tiron (Photometric) Method 41 to 48 4.1 Photometers and Photometric Practice—Photometers
Silicon by the Molybdenum Blue (Photometric) Method 49 to 56
Aluminum by the Aluminon (Photometric) Method 57 to 64
and photometric practice prescribed in these test methods shall
Carbon by the Low-Pressure Combustion Method 65 to 73 conform to Practice E 60.
Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Oxygen by the Vacuum Fusion 4.2 Apparatus other than photometers, standard solutions,
Method 74 to 78
Copper by the Neocuproine (Photometric) Method 79 to 87
and certain other reagents used in more than one procedure are
Tungsten by the Acid Digestion-Cinchonine (Gravimetric) referred to by number and shall conform to the requirements
Method 88 to 92 prescribed in Practices E 50.
5. Hazards
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-1 on 5.1 For precautions to be observed in the use of certain
Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials and are the direct reagents in these test methods, reference shall be made to
responsibility of Subcommittee E01.08 on Ni and Co and High Temperature Alloys. Practices E 50.
Current edition approved Dec. 30, 1988. Published February 1989. Originally
published as E 107 – 54 T. Last previous edition E 107 – 83.
These test methods were developed in cooperation with ASTM Committee F-1 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
on Electronics. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.05.

E 107
6. Sampling 13. Preparation of Calibration Curve
6.1 The sample shall be selected so as to be representative 13.1 Calibration Solutions:
of the material to be analyzed. 13.1.1 Transfer 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, and 8.0 mL of
6.2 For the determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, copper solution (1 mL 5 0.1 mg Cu) to 125-mL conical flasks.
and oxygen, wrought products shall be sampled in accordance Add 3 mL of HClO4 and dilute to 40 mL.
with Practice E 55, with the exception that for the determina- 13.1.2 Add 1 g of test lead, cover, and boil at a moderate
tion of hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen solid pieces are rate for 15 min to displace all the copper. Cool somewhat,
preferred to millings or drillings, if representative, so as to remove the solution by decantation, and wash once with water,
minimize the effect of surface area. decanting thoroughly. Heat the flask gently to remove mois-
7. Rounding Calculated Values 13.1.3 Add 10 mL of HBr − Br2 mixture to the flask, cover,
7.1 Calculated values shall be rounded to the desired num- and heat gently to dissolve the metal. Boil to expel the excess
ber of places in accordance with the rounding method given in bromine. Cool to room temperature. Transfer 10 mL of H3PO4
Section 3.4 and 3.5 of Practice E 29. and 1 drop (0.05 mL) of HBr − Br2 mixture to a dry 25-mL
COPPER BY THE HYDROBROMIC ACID volumetric flask (Note 2). Transfer the sample solution to a
(PHOTOMETRIC) TEST METHOD volumetric flask, washing with a few millilitres of HBr. Dilute
to the mark with HBr and mix.
8. Summary of Test Method
NOTE 2—Partial reduction of the copper to the cuprous state may occur
8.1 Cupric copper in a mixture of HBr and H3PO4 forms a when a bromine-free HBr solution of cupric copper is boiled. For this
red-violet colored complex. Photometric measurement is made reason, it is necessary to add a small amount of bromine to oxidize any
at approximately 600 nm. cuprous copper before photometric measurement is made. Bromine in
small amounts does not absorb appreciably at 600 nm.
NOTE 1—By calibrating the system using a light band centered at
approximately 600 nm, this test method can be used to determine higher 13.2 Reference Solution—Transfer 40 mL of water and 3
concentrations of copper, if necessary. Under these conditions, the range mL of HClO4 to a 125-mL flask and proceed as directed in
is from 0.15 to 3.0 mg of copper in 25 mL of solution, using a cell depth 13.1.2 and 13.1.3.
of 2 cm. 13.3 Photometry—Transfer a suitable portion of the refer-
ence solution to an absorption cell and adjust the photometer to
9. Concentration Range the initial setting, using a light band centered at approximately
9.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.05 to 600 nm. While maintaining this photometer adjustment, take
0.8 mg of copper per 25 mL of solution, using a cell depth4 of the photometric readings of the calibration solutions.
2 cm. 13.4 Calibration Curve—Plot the photometric readings of
10. Stability of Color the calibration solutions against milligrams of copper per 25
mL of solution.
10.1 The color develops immediately and is stable for
several days. 14. Procedure
14.1 Sample Solution:
11. Interfering Elements
14.1.1 Transfer 1.000 g of the sample to a 125-mL conical
11.1 Gold and the platinum group metals interfere if flask and add 10 mL of HNO3(1 + 1). Cover and warm gently
present. Provision is made in this test method to eliminate other to dissolve the sample.
interfering elements that might be present in nickel. 14.1.2 When dissolution is as complete as possible, add 6
12. Reagents mL of HClO4 and heat while swirling over an open flame until
the volume of the solution has been reduced to about 3 mL
12.1 Copper, Standard Solution (1 mL 5 0.1 mg Cu)—
(Note 3). Cool, add 10 mL of water plus 2 drops of H2O3(3 %),
Dissolve 0.1000 g of high-purity copper (99.9 % Cu and over)
and heat to boiling (Note 4). Dilute to 40 mL with water. If
in 3 mL of HNO3 by heating gently in a 125-mL conical flask.
necessary, filter through a fine paper into a 150-mL flask or
Add 10 mL of HClO4 and heat to copious fumes to expel
beaker (Note 5). Wash once or twice with water and discard the
HNO3. Cool and add 10 mL of water. Transfer to a 1-L
paper and precipitate.
volumetric flask, dilute to the mark, and mix.
12.2 Hydrobromic Acid - Bromine Mixture—Add 1 volume NOTE 3—It is essential that the fuming operation completely remove
of bromine to 16 volumes of HBr and mix. the HNO3, yet care should be used to avoid evaporation of too much
HClO4, lest an insoluble nickel oxide be formed.
12.3 Hydrogen Peroxide (3 %)—Dilute 1 mL of H2O2
NOTE 4—The H2O2 is added to destroy any MnO2 or HMnO4 that
(30 %) to 10 mL with water. Prepare fresh before use. might be present.
12.4 Test Lead—Finely granulated test lead containing less NOTE 5—If more than a small amount of tungsten is present, as
than 0.0001 % of copper and less than 0.001 % of iron or indicated by a colored precipitate at this point, the subsequent method for
nickel. the determination of iron should not be used, as the precipitate tends to
hold iron. No apparent difficulties are encountered in the determination of
copper, cobalt, or manganese.
These procedures have been written for a cell having a 2-cm light path. Cells
having other dimensions may be used, provided suitable adjustments can be made 14.1.3 Add 1 g of test lead to the flask or beaker. Cover and
in the amount of sample and reagents used. boil gently for 15 min to collect the copper on the lead. Decant

E 107
the filtrate. Quickly wash the container and test lead twice by 20.2 Hydrogen Peroxide Solution (1.5 %)—Dilute 1 mL of
decantation with water. Cool the decanted solution and wash H2O2(30 %) to 20 mL with water. Prepare fresh before use.
water to room temperature, transfer to a 100-mL volumetric 20.3 Iron, Standard Solution (1 mL 5 0.025 mg Fe)—
flask, dilute to the mark, and mix. Reserve this solution for the Dissolve 0.1756 g of Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 6H2O in 10 mL of
determination of cobalt, iron, and manganese (see Note 5). HNO3(1 + 1). Heat to gentle boiling to expel brown fumes.
14.1.4 Add 10 mL of HBr − Br2 mixture to the lead remain- Cool, dilute to 1 L in a volumetric flask, and mix.
ing in the flask or beaker, cover, and heat gently to dissolve. 20.4 Nickel Nitrate, Ni(NO3)2·6H2O.
Proceed as directed in 13.1.3.
14.2 Reference Solution—Carry a reagent blank through the 21. Preparation of Calibration Curve A
entire procedure, using the same amount of all reagents, for use 21.1 Calibration Solutions:
as a reference solution. 21.1.1 Transfer 5.0 g of Ni(NO3)2·6H2O to each of two
14.3 Photometry—Take the photometric reading of the 125-mL conical flasks. Add 3 mL of water and warm to
sample solution as described in 13.3. dissolve most of the sample. Add 6 mL of HClO4 and heat over
14.4 Calculation—Convert the photometric reading of the an open flame until the volume of the solution has been
sample solution to milligrams of copper by means of the reduced to 3 mL. Add 10 mL of water and heat to boiling.
calibration curve. Calculate the percentage of copper as fol- Combine the two solutions, transfer to a 200-mL volumetric
lows: flask, dilute to the mark, and mix.
Copper, % 5 A/~B 3 10! (1)
21.1.2 Transfer 5.0-mL portions of the nickel solution to
seven 50-mL beakers, and add 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, and
where: 6.0 mL of iron solution (1 mL 5 0.025 mg Fe).
A 5 copper found, g, and 21.1.3 Add 5 mL of HNO3(1 + 3) to each beaker and boil
B 5 sample used, g. for 1 min to expel brown fumes. Cool, transfer to 50-mL
volumetric flasks, and dilute to approximately 35 mL. Add 1
15. Precision and Bias mL of H2O2 solution and then add 10 mL of NH4CNS solution.
15.1 This test method was originally approved for publica- Dilute to the mark and mix.
tion before the inclusion of precision and bias statements 21.2 Reference Solution—Transfer a 5-mL aliquot of the
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory nickel solution (21.1.1) to a 50-mL beaker and proceed as
test data for this test method are no longer available. The user directed in 21.1.3.
is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if 21.3 Photometry—Transfer a suitable portion of the refer-
available, that the precision and bias of this test method are ence solution to an absorption cell and adjust the photometer to
adequate for the contemplated use. the initial setting, using a light band centered at approximately
470 nm. While maintaining this photometer adjustment, take
IRON BY THE THIOCYANATE (PHOTOMETRIC) the photometric readings of the calibration solutions.
TEST METHOD 21.4 Calibration Curve—Plot the photometric readings of
the calibration solutions against milligrams of iron per 50 mL
16. Summary of Test Method
of solution.
16.1 Ferric iron forms a red-brown soluble complex with
thiocyanate in acid solution. Photometric measurement is made 22. Preparation of Calibration Curve B
at approximately 470 nm. 22.1 Repeat the preparation of a calibration curve, as
directed in 21.1.2 to 21.4, except to use 20-mL portions of a
17. Concentration Range nickel solution prepared as directed in 21.1.1.
17.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.007
NOTE 6—The presence of varying amounts of nickel affects the ferric
to 0.14 mg of iron in 50 mL of solution, using a cell depth3 of thiocyanate color, and necessitates the preparation of two calibration
2 cm. curves to cover the analytical range indicated in 1.1.

18. Stability of Color 23. Procedure

18.1 The color develops immediately and is reasonably 23.1 Sample Solution—Depending on the iron content of
stable for 30 min in the presence of H2O2. the sample, transfer a 5.0 or 20.0-mL aliquot portion of the
solution reserved as directed in 14.1.3 to a 50-mL beaker and
19. Interfering Elements continue as described in 21.1.3.
19.1 The elements ordinarily present in electronic nickel do 23.2 Reference Solution—Transfer a corresponding aliquot
not interfere with this test method. This test method, however, of the reagent blank solution reserved from the copper deter-
is not applicable to alloys containing appreciable amounts of mination to a beaker and carry through all the steps of the
tungsten (see Note 5). procedure for use as a reference solution.
23.3 Photometry—Take the photometric reading of the
20. Reagents sample solution as described in 21.3.
20.1 Ammonium Thiocyanate Solution (115 g/L)—Dissolve 23.4 Background Color—Transfer a corresponding aliquot
115 g of NH4CNS in 300 mL of water. Filter and dilute to 1 L. of the sample solution to a 50-mL beaker, and continue as
Store in a dark bottle. directed in 21.1.3 but omit the addition of NH4CNS solution.

E 107
Take the photometric reading, using a corresponding aliquot of Transfer 100 mL of this solution to a 1-L volumetric flask,
the reagent blank solution, similarly treated, as the reference dilute to the mark, and mix.
solution. 29.1.2 Alternatively, transfer 0.4770 g of CoSO4·7H2O to a
NOTE 7—This background correction may be of considerable magni-
1-L volumetric flask. Add 75 mL of water and 4 mL of
tude and cannot be ignored. H2SO4(1 + 1). Swirl until the salt dissolves, dilute to the mark,
and mix. Standardize the solution as follows: Transfer a
23.5 Calculations—Convert the photometric readings of the 100-mL aliquot to a 400-mL beaker, add 10 mL of HCl, and
sample solution and the background color solution to milli- dilute to 200 mL. Proceed as described in Methods E 39. For
grams of iron by means of the appropriate calibration curve, use, dilute 100 mL of this solution to 1 L in a volumetric flask
based on the size aliquot used. Calculate the percentage of iron and mix.
as follows: 29.2 Nitroso-R-Salt Solution (7.5 g/L)—Dissolve 0.75 g of
Iron, % 5 ~A – B!/~C 3 10! (2) nitroso-R-salt in water, filter, and dilute to 100 mL. Do not use
solutions more than 1 week old.
29.3 Sodium Acetate Buffer Solution (500 g/L)—Dissolve
A 5 iron found in the aliquot used, g,
B 5 background color correction, in milligrams of iron, 500 g of sodium acetate trihydrate in about 600 mL of water,
and add 30 mL of acetic acid, filter, and dilute to 1 L.
C 5 sample represented in the aliquot used, g.
30. Preparation of Calibration Curve
24. Precision and Bias 30.1 Calibration Solutions:
24.1 This test method was originally approved for publica- 30.1.1 Transfer 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, and 10.0 mL of
tion before the inclusion of precision and bias statements cobalt solution (1 mL 5 0.010 mg Co) to seven 50-mL beakers
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory and dilute to 10 mL.
test data for this test method are no longer available. The user 30.1.2 Add 5 mL of sodium acetate buffer solution, fol-
is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if lowed by 2.0 mL of nitroso-R-salt solution, mixing the solution
available, that the precision and bias of this test method are after each addition. (The pH of the solutions at this point
adequate for the contemplated use. should be about 5.5.) Cover the beaker, heat to boiling, and
maintain just under the boiling temperature for 1 to 2 min. Add
COBALT BY THE NITROSO-R-SALT 5.0 mL of HNO3(1 + 2) and boil gently for 1 to 2 min. Cool to
(PHOTOMETRIC) TEST METHOD room temperature, transfer to a 50-mL volumetric flask, dilute
to the mark, and mix.
25. Summary of Test Method 30.2 Reference Solution—Transfer 10 mL of water to a
25.1 Cobalt in a hot solution buffered with sodium acetate 50-mL beaker and proceed as directed in 30.1.2.
forms an orange-colored complex with nitroso-R-salt. The 30.3 Photometry—Transfer a suitable portion of the refer-
addition of a controlled amount of HNO3 destroys interfering ence solution to an absorption cell and adjust the photometer to
complexes and stabilizes the cobalt complex. Photometric the initial setting, using a light band centered at approximately
measurement is made at approximately 515 nm. 515 nm. While maintaining this photometer adjustment, take
the photometric readings of the calibration solutions.
26. Concentration Range 30.4 Calibration Curve—Plot the photometric readings of
26.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.005 the calibration solutions against milligrams of cobalt per 50 mL
to 0.10 mg of cobalt in 50 mL of solution, using a cell depth3 of solution.
of 2 cm.
31. Procedure
27. Stability of Color 31.1 Sample Solution—Transfer 1.0 mL of the sample
27.1 The color is stable for more than 2 h. solution reserved as directed in 14.1.3 to a 50-mL beaker, dilute
to 10 mL, and proceed as directed in 30.1.2.
28. Interfering Elements 31.2 Reference Solution—Transfer a 1.0-mL aliquot of the
28.1 The elements ordinarily present in electronic nickel do corresponding reagent blank to a 50-mL beaker and proceed as
not interfere if their contents are under the maximum limits directed in 30.1.2.
shown in Section 1. Excessive amounts of nickel interfere with 31.3 Photometry—Take the photometric reading of the
full color development, and therefore the recommended aliquot sample solution as directed in 30.3.
of the sample solution should not be exceeded. 31.4 Calculation—Convert the photometric reading of the
sample solution to milligrams of cobalt by means of the
29. Reagents calibration curve. Calculate the percentage of cobalt as fol-
29.1 Cobalt, Standard Solution (1 mL 5 0.01 mg Co): lows:
29.1.1 Transfer 0.1000 g of high-purity cobalt (99.9 % Co Cobalt, % 5 A/~B 3 10! (3)
and over) to a 1-L volumetric flask. Add 10 mL of
HNO3(1 + 1), heat gently until action ceases, and then boil where:
until free of brown fumes. Cool, dilute to the mark, and mix. A 5 cobalt found in the aliquot used, mg, and

E 107

B 5 sample represented in the aliquot used, g. then an additional 5 min. When color development is complete,
cool, transfer to a 50-mL volumetric flask, dilute to the mark,
32. Precision and Bias and mix.
32.1 This test method was originally approved for publica- 38.2 Reference Solution—Transfer 20 mL of water to a
tion before the inclusion of precision and bias statements 100-mL beaker and proceed as directed in 38.1.1
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory 38.3 Photometry—Transfer a suitable portion of the refer-
test data for this test method are no longer available. The user ence solution to an absorption cell and adjust the photometer to
is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if the initial setting, using a light band centered at approximately
available, that the precision and bias of this test method are 540 nm. While maintaining this photometer adjustment, take
adequate for the contemplated use. the photometric readings of the calibration solutions.
38.4 Calibration Curve—Plot the photometric readings of
MANGANESE BY THE PERIODATE the calibration solutions against milligrams of manganese per
(PHOTOMETRIC) TEST METHOD 50 mL of solution.
33. Summary of Test Method 39. Procedure
33.1 Manganese in acid solution is oxidized to permangan- 39.1 Sample Solution—Transfer a suitable aliquot, up to 20
ate by means of KIO4. Photometric measurement is made at mL in volume, of the solution reserved as directed in 14.1.3 to
approximately 540 nm. a 100-mL beaker, dilute to 20 mL, and proceed as directed in
34. Concentration Range 39.2 Reference Solution—Transfer a suitable amount (ap-
34.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.035 proximately 15 mL) of the sample solution in which the color
to 0.73 mg of manganese in 50 mL of solution, using a cell has been developed to a clean, dry, 50-mL beaker. Add 1 drop
depth of 2 cm. of NaNO2 solution and swirl the solution until the permanga-
nate is completely reduced.
35. Stability of Color 39.3 Photometry—Take the photometric reading of the
35.1 The permanganate color is stable indefinitely in the sample solution as described in 38.3.
absence of reducing agents. 39.4 Calculation—Convert the photometric reading of the
sample solution to milligrams of manganese by means of the
36. Interfering Elements calibration curve. Calculate the percentage of manganese as
36.1 The elements ordinarily present in electronic nickel do follows:
not interfere. Manganese, % 5 A/~B 3 10! (4)

37. Reagents where:

37.1 Manganese, Standard Solution (1 mL 5 0.05 mg A 5 manganese found in the aliquot used, g, and
Mn): B 5 sample represented in the aliquot used, g.
37.1.1 Dissolve 0.500 g of high-purity manganese (contain- 40. Precision and Bias
ing not less than 99.5 % Mn) in 10 mL of HNO3 (1 + 1) and 40.1 This test method was originally approved for publica-
boil to expel brown fumes. Cool, dilute to 1 L in a volumetric tion before the inclusion of precision and bias statements
flask, and mix. Dilute 100 mL of this solution to 1 L in a within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
volumetric flask and mix. test data for this test method are no longer available. The user
37.1.2 Alternatively, the solution may be prepared as fol- is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if
lows: Dissolve 1.440 g of KMnO4 in 200 mL of water, add 20 available, that the precision and bias of this test method are
mL of H2SO4(1 + 1), and reduce the permanganate by addi- adequate for the contemplated use.
tions of Na2SO3 or H2O2. Boil to remove excess SO2 or H2O2.
Cool, dilute to 1 L in a volumetric flask, and mix. Dilute 100 TITANIUM BY THE TIRON (PHOTOMETRIC)
mL of this solution to 1 L in a volumetric flask and mix. TEST METHOD
37.2 Potassium Periodate Solution (7.5 g/L)—Dissolve 7.5 41. Summary of Test Method
g of KIO4 in 200 mL of hot HNO3(1 + 1), add 400 mL of
H3PO4, cool, dilute to 1 L, and mix. 41.1 Titanium, in a solution buffered to a pH of approxi-
37.3 Sodium Nitrite Solution (20 g/L)—Dissolve 0.2 g of mately 4.5, forms a yellow complex with tiron (disodium-1,2-
NaNO2 in water and dilute to 10 mL. Do not use solutions dihydroxybenzene-3,5-disulfonate). Photometric measurement
more than 1 day old. is made at approximately 400 nm.
42. Concentration Range
38. Preparation of Calibration Curve
42.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.005
38.1 Transfer 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0, and 14.0 mL to 0.08 mg of titanium in 50 mL of solution, using a cell depth3
of manganese solution (1 mL 5 0.05 mg Mn) to 100-mL of 2 cm.
beakers. Dilute to 20 mL.
38.1.1 Add 10 mL of KIO4 solution. Heat to boiling and 43. Stability of Color
digest just below the boiling point until the color develops, and 43.1 The colored complex is stable for at least 24 h, but

E 107
since there is some instability in the other reagents used, the the calibration solutions against milligrams of titanium per 50
measurement should be made as soon as possible after the mL of solution.
colored solutions are prepared. 47. Procedure
44. Interfering Elements 47.1 Sample Solution:
47.1.1 Transfer a 0.500-g portion of the sample to a 150-mL
44.1 Provision is made in this test method to eliminate
beaker, cover, and dissolve with 10 mL of HNO3(1 + 1). When
interference by elements ordinarily present in electronic nickel.
dissolution is complete, boil to expel brown fumes, cool, and
45. Reagents dilute to about 50 mL. Add 5.0 mL of Fe(NO3)3 solution and
make ammoniacal in order to precipitate iron and titanium.
45.1 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid. Allow the solution to stand on the warm plate until the
45.2 Ferric Nitrate Solution (1 mL 5 approximately 0.1 mg precipitate coagulates. Filter and wash with NH4OH (1 + 49),
Fe)—Dissolve 0.100 g of Fe (free of titanium) in 20 mL of making sure that all blue coloration is washed from the paper.
HNO3. Boil off the fumes, cool, and dilute to 1 L. 47.1.2 Transfer the paper and precipitate back into the
45.3 Sodium Acetate—Acetic Acid Buffer Solution— original beaker and add 10 mL of HNO3 and 5 mL of HClO4
Dissolve 270 g of anhydrous sodium acetate in 500 mL of (Warning, see Section 5). Heat gently until the paper is
water, add 240 mL of acetic acid, cool, and dilute to 1 L. Filter consumed, and continue heating until copious fumes are
if necessary. evolved. Cool, dilute somewhat, and filter if necessary. Trans-
45.4 Sodium Dithionite—Sodium hydrosulfite (Na2S2O4). fer to a 50-mL volumetric flask, dilute to approximately 20 mL,
45.5 Tiron Solution (40 g/L)—Dissolve 4 g of disodium- and proceed as directed in 46.1.2.
1,2-dihydroxybenzene-3,5-disulfonate in water and dilute to 47.2 Reference Solution—Carry a reagent blank through the
100 mL. When the water-cooled solution becomes pale yellow entire procedure, using the same amount of all reagents, for use
on standing for several weeks, it should be discarded. as a reference solution.
45.6 Titanium, Standard Solution (1 mL 5 0.001 mg Ti)— 47.3 Photometry—Take the photometric reading of the
Fuse 0.1668 g of TiO2 with 2 g of KHSO4 in a platinum sample solution as described in 46.3.
crucible. Dissolve the fusion in 50 mL of H2SO4 and carefully
add 100 mL of water. Cool to room temperature and dilute to NOTE 9—If the titanium content is so high as to make the photometric
reading fall outside the recommended range, an aliquot of the colored
1 L in a volumetric flask. Transfer 100 mL of this solution to
solution may be diluted to 50 mL with water, after adding a further 5 mL
a 1-L volumetric flask and dilute to the mark with of buffer. It will sometimes be necessary to add a few more milligrams of
H2SO4(1 + 19). dithionite to overcome the reoxidation of the iron. Likewise, the range
may be extended by taking a larger portion of the sample.
46. Preparation of Calibration Curve
47.4 Calculation—Convert the photometric readings of the
46.1 Calibration Solutions: sample solution to milligrams of titanium by means of the
46.1.1 Transfer 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, and 10.0 mL of calibration curve. Calculate the percentage of titanium as
titanium solution (1 mL 5 0.01 mg Ti) to 50-mL volumetric follows:
flasks. Add 1 mL of Fe(NO3)3 solution, and dilute to approxi-
Titanium, % 5 A/~B 3 10! (5)
mately 20 mL.
46.1.2 Add 1 mL of tiron solution, followed by NH4OH where:
added dropwise until the color changes to a deep red. Cool if A 5 titanium found, mg, and
necessary, add 10 mL of buffer solution, dilute to the mark, and B 5 sample used, g.
mix. Add a minimum amount (10 to 20 mg) of solid ethylene-
48. Precision and Bias
diaminetetraacetic acid and shake well to bleach the iron-tiron
complex. Then add a similar small amount of solid sodium 48.1 This test method was originally approved for publica-
dithionite and shake to complete the bleaching operation. tion before the inclusion of precision and bias statements
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
NOTE 8—The amount of sodium dithionite used should be kept to a test data for this test method are no longer available. The user
minimum and the photometric readings should be taken as rapidly as
is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if
possible, due to the instability of the dithionite and the possible formation
of a turbidity due to the liberation of sulfur. available, that the precision and bias of this test method are
adequate for the contemplated use.
46.2 Reference Solution—Transfer 1 mL of Fe(NO3)3 solu-
tion to a 50-mL volumetric flask, dilute to approximately 20 SILICON BY THE MOLYBDENUM BLUE
mL, and proceed as directed in 47.1.2. (PHOTOMETRIC) TEST METHOD
46.3 Photometry—Transfer a suitable portion of the refer- 49. Summary of Test Method
ence solution to an absorption cell and adjust the photometer to 49.1 After solution in HNO3 and adjustment of acidity,
the initial setting, using a light band centered at 400 nm. While ammonium molybdate is added and the resultant molybdisilicic
maintaining this photometer adjustment, take the photometric acid reduced with SnCl2. The molybdenum blue color pro-
readings of the calibration solutions, making the observation as duced is measured photometrically at 765 nm.
rapidly as possible after bleaching of the iron complex (see
Note 8). 50. Concentration Range
46.4 Calibration Curve—Plot the photometric readings of 50.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.0035

E 107
to 0.07 mg of silicon in 100 mL of solution, using a cell depth3 H2SO4(1 + 3). The total volume of the solutions at this point
of 2 cm. should not be more than about 55 mL. Remove the Congo
51. Stability of Color 54.1.3 Add 10 mL of ammonium molybdate solution, mix,
51.1 The color develops within 5 min and is stable for at and allow to stand 5 min. Add 30 mL of H2SO4(1 + 3) and mix.
least an additional 5 min. A uniform time for color develop- Add 1 mL of SnCl2 solution directly to the solution and mix.
ment should be used for both calibration solutions and samples. (The SnCl2 solution must not be allowed to come in contact
with nonacidified ammonium molybdate on the walls of the
52. Interfering Elements beaker; otherwise some reduction of the molybdate will result.)
52.1 Provision is made in this test method for the elimina- Transfer the solutions to 100-mL volumetric flasks, dilute to
tion of interference from the elements normally present in the mark, and mix well by inverting four or five times.
electronic nickel. 54.2 Reference Solution—Transfer 5 mL of HNO3(1 + 1)
and 5 mL of sulfamic acid solution to a 150-mL beaker and
53. Reagents dilute to approximately 45 mL. Proceed as directed in 54.1.2
NOTE 10—Due to the contamination of the reagents, excessive reagent
and 54.1.3.
blank readings may be encountered unless special precautions are taken to 54.3 Photometry—Transfer a suitable portion of the refer-
purify the reagents. It is suggested in this case that the distilled water be ence solution to an absorption cell and adjust the photometer to
redistilled, condensing the steam in a block tin pipe and storing the water the initial setting, using a light band centered at approximately
in polyethylene bottles. This water should be used in preparing the 765 nm. While maintaining this photometer adjustment, take
reagents as well as subsequent operations of calibrating and analysis. the photometric readings of the calibration solutions. The
Deionizing water from a monobed system is also satisfactory if properly
various operations should be organized in such a way that the
Since reagent grade NH4OH often exhibits silicon contamination, the photometric readings are taken about 5 min after the addition
NH4OH (2 + 3) (53.1) may be prepared by passing pure gaseous tank of the SnCl2 solution.
ammonia through a plug of cotton to a piece of polyethylene tubing that 54.4 Calibration Curve—Plot the photometric readings of
dips into 200 mL of redistilled water contained in a polyethylene bottle the calibration solutions against milligrams of silicon per 100
resting in an ice bath. Bubble the gas at a moderate rate for 10 min. Keep mL of solution.
capped with a polyethylene cap when not in use and prepare fresh when
too much ammonia has escaped. 55. Procedure
53.1 Ammonium Hydroxide (2 + 3)—Prepare NH4OH 55.1 Sample Solution:
(2 + 3) free of silicon and store so as to avoid silicon 55.1.1 Transfer a portion of the sample (0.200 g for nickel
contamination. containing more than 0.005 % of silicon or 0.500 g for nickel
53.2 Ammonium Molybdate Solution (50 g/L)—Dissolve 10 low in silicon) to a 150-mL beaker and add 5 mL of
g of the larger crystals of (NH4)6Mo7O24·4H2O in water and HNO3(1 + 1). Cover and warm gently to dissolve the sample,
dilute to 200 mL. Store in a polyethylene bottle. avoiding, as much as possible, the loss of HNO3 by evapora-
53.3 Silicon, Standard Solution (1 mL 5 0.01 mg Si)—Fuse tion. When dissolution is complete, heat gently to expel most
0.107 g of pure anhydrous SiO2 with 1 g of anhydrous Na2CO3 of the brown fumes. Cool, wash down the cover, add 5 mL of
in a covered platinum crucible. Cool the melt, dissolve sulfamic acid solution, and dilute to approximately 45 mL.
completely in water, and dilute to 500 mL in a volumetric flask. Proceed as directed in 54.1.2 and 54.1.3.
Transfer at once to a polyethylene bottle. Dilute 50 mL of this 55.1.2 If the sample contains more than 0.025 % of silicon,
solution to 500 mL in a volumetric flask and transfer at once to cool the solution, following the removal of the brown fumes,
a second polyethylene bottle. transfer to a 100-mL volumetric flask, and mix. Transfer an
53.4 Stannous Chloride Solution (10 g/L)—Transfer 1 g of aliquot, preferably containing from 0.02 to 0.05 mg of silicon,
the larger crystals of SnCl2·2H2O to a 100-mL volumetric flask to a 150-mL beaker and add sufficient HNO3(1 + 1) to make
and add 2 mL of HCl. Warm gently until the crystals dissolve the total content 5 mL. Add 5 mL of sulfamic acid solution,
and a clear solution is obtained. Cool, dilute to the mark with dilute to approximately 45 mL, and proceed as directed in
water, and mix. Prepare fresh each day as required. 54.1.2 and 54.1.3.
53.5 Sulfamic Acid Solution (100 g/L)—Dissolve 10 g of 55.2 Reference Solution—Carry through a reagent blank,
sulfamic acid (H2N·SO3H) in water and dilute to 100 mL. following the same procedure and using the same amount of all
Prepare fresh each day, as required. reagents, for use as a reference solution.
55.3 Photometry—Take the photometric reading of the
54. Preparation of Calibration Curve sample solution as directed in 54.3.
54.1 Calibration Solutions: 55.4 Background Color—Transfer a similar sample portion
54.1.1 Transfer 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, and 7.0 mL of silicon (55.1.1) or a similar aliquot of the sample solution (55.1.2) to
solution (1 mL 5 0.01 mg Si) to 150-mL beakers. Add 5 mL of a 150-mL beaker and proceed as described in 55.1.1 or 55.1.2,
HNO3(1 + 1) and then 5 mL of sulfamic acid solution. Dilute to omitting the addition of ammonium molybdate solution and
approximately 45 ml. SnCl2 solution. Take the photometric reading of this solution,
54.1.2 Neutralize carefully with NH4OH (2 + 3) added using a similarly treated reagent blank as a reference solution.
dropwise (preferably from a plastic dropper) until Congo red 55.5 Calculation—Convert the photometric reading of the
paper just turns red (see Note 10). Immediately add 1 mL of sample solution and of the background color solution to

E 107
milligrams of silicon by means of the calibration curve. completely. Pour the warm gelatin solution into 500 mL of
Calculate the percentage of silicon as follows: water while stirring. Cool to room temperature, dilute to 1 L in
Silicon, % 5 ~A – B!/~C 3 10! (6) a volumetric flask, and mix. Transfer the aluminon and gelatin
solutions to a 4-L, chemically resistant, glass-stoppered bottle,
where: mix well, and keep in a dark place when not in use.
A 5 silicon found in the sample or aliquot used, mg, 61.2 Aluminum, Standard Solution (1 mL 5 0.01 mg Al)—
B 5 background color correction, mg of silicon, and Dissolve 0.0200 g of aluminum in 20 mL of HCl by heating
C 5 sample represented in the sample or aliquot used, g. gently. Dilute to 2 L in a volumetric flask.
61.3 Cupferron Solution (10 g/L)—Dissolve 1 g of a fresh
56. Precision and Bias
supply of cupferron in 100 mL of water. Prepare fresh daily as
56.1 This test method was originally approved for publica- needed.
tion before the inclusion of precision and bias statements 61.4 Meta-Cresol Purple Indicator Solution (1 g/L)—
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory Dissolve 0.1 g of meta-cresol purple in 10 mL of water
test data for this test method are no longer available. The user containing one pellet of NaOH. Cool and add 90 mL of water.
is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if 61.5 Thioglycolic Acid Solution—Dilute 10.0 mL of
available, that the precision and bias of this test method are thioglycolic acid to 250 mL with water in a volumetric flask
adequate for the contemplated use. and mix well. Keep stoppered when not in use.
ALUMINUM BY THE ALUMINON 62. Preparation of Calibration Curve
(PHOTOMETRIC) TEST METHOD 62.1 Calibration Solutions:
57. Summary of Test Method 62.1.1 Transfer 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0. 8.0, and 10.0 mL of
aluminum solution (1 mL 5 0.01 mg Al) to 100-mL beakers.
57.1 After the removal of interfering elements by mercury Add 1 mL of HClO4, and dilute to 50 mL with water.
cathode separation and cupferron - chloroform extraction, the 62.1.2 Add 2.0 mL of thioglycolic acid solution plus 1 drop
aluminum is determined photometrically by the aluminon of meta-cresol purple indicator solution and neutralize care-
method. fully with NH4OH (using a comparison solution) until a
definite lightening of the pink color results. Do not carry the
58. Concentration Range
neutralization of the orange color of the indicator for fear of
58.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.010 approaching too closely the point where partial hydrolysis of
to 0.090
mg of aluminum in 100 mL of solution, using a cell the aluminum occurs. Transfer the solution to a 100-mL
depth of 2 cm. volumetric flask and add 15.0 mL of aluminon—buffer com-
posite solution. Swirl, place the flask in 300 mL of vigorously
59. Stability of Color
boiling water in a 400-mL beaker, and allow to remain exactly
59.1 The color is stable for at least 10 min. 5 min. Remove to the bench for a minute or so and then place
in a cold-water bath. Cool to room temperature, dilute to the
60. Interfering Elements
mark with water, and mix well.
60.1 Provision has been made for the removal of all 62.2 Reference Solution—Transfer 1 mL of HClO4 to a
commonly encountered interfering elements. This test method 100-mL beaker, dilute to 50 mL with water, and continue as
is not suitable for samples that contain beryllium, scandium, or directed in 62.1.2.
appreciable amounts of vanadium. 62.3 Photometry—Transfer a suitable portion of the refer-
ence solution to an absorption cell and adjust the photometer to
61. Reagents the initial setting, using a light band centered at approximately
61.1 Aluminon—Buffer Composite Solution—Add 500 g of 525 nm. While maintaining this photometer adjustment, take
ammonium acetate to 1 L of water in a 2-L beaker. Add 80 mL the photometric readings of the calibration solutions, allowing
of acetic acid and stir to dissolve the ammonium acetate. Filter each to stand 1 or 2 min before making the reading.
if necessary. Dissolve 1.000 g of a suitable grade of aluminon 62.4 Calibration Curve—Plot the photometric readings of
(aurin tricarboxylic acid-ammonium salt) in 50 mL of water the calibration solutions against milligrams of aluminum per
and add to the buffer solution.5 Dissolve 2 g of benzoic acid in 100 mL of solution.
20 mL of methanol and pour into the buffer solution while
stirring. Dilute the mixture to 2 L in a volumetric flask and mix. 63. Procedure
Transfer 10 g of gelatin5,6 to 250 mL of water in a 400-mL 63.1 Sample Solution:
beaker. Place the beaker in a boiling water bath and allow to 63.1.1 Transfer 0.025 to 0.150 g of the milled, sawed, or
remain, with occasional stirring, until the gelatin has dissolved rolled sample, preferably containing 0.010 to 0.090 mg of
aluminum, to a 125-mL conical flask. Add 2 mL of
HNO3(1 + 1), cover, and warm to dissolve the sample. Ignore
For detailed information of suitable grades of aluminon and gelatin, see Luke, insoluble silicon or tungsten precipitates.
C. L., and Braun, K. C., “Photometric Determination of Aluminum in Manganese
Bronze, Zinc Die-Casting Alloy and Magnesium Alloys,” Analytical Chemistry,
63.1.2 Add 2 mL of HClO4, and while swirling without a
ANCHA, Vol 24, 1952, p. 1120. cover, heat over a Meker Type flame until the volume is
Knox gelatin has been found satisfactory for this purpose. reduced to 1 mL in order to expel HNO3. Cool, add 10 mL of

E 107
water, and heat to boiling to expel chlorine. Dilute the sample shown schematically in Fig. 1. It shall consist of the following
to 40 mL with water. Filter, if necessary, through a 9-cm parts or their equivalents:
fine-texture paper and wash well with water. Discard the paper 68.1.1 Vacuum Sources—A mechanical pump7 connected at
and precipitate. E, Fig. 1, coupled with a single-stage mercury diffusion pump,
63.1.3 Transfer the sample to a 100-mL mercury cathode T. (The diffusion pump is shown in detail in Fig. 2.) A
beaker containing about 30 mL of mercury. Electrolyze with mechanical pump8 for back vacuum, connected to B and C.
stirring and at a current of 4 or 5 A until the solution is colorless 68.2 Induction Heater—Vacuum-tube oscillator, 500 Hz, 2
and then for 10 or 15 min longer. When the electrolysis is kW output, connected to a heater coil 80 mm in inside diameter
complete, siphon off the solution while washing the electrodes and 75-mm high, designed to efficiently couple the induction
and beaker walls with small portions of water. heater with the crucible. The design of the coil will vary with
63.1.4 Transfer the solution to a 150-mL Squibb-type sepa- the make of induction heater but must be adequate to heat the
ratory funnel, add 2 mL of cupferron solution, swirl, add 15 mL crucible to at least 1200°C.
of chloroform, stopper, and shake vigorously for 1 min. Allow 68.3 Oxygen Purification Furnace—Resistance furnace
the layers to separate and then drain off and discard the lower 305-mm (12-in.) long with a 25.4-mm (1-in.) diameter open-
layer. Wash the solution free of cupferron by repeating the ing, F.
extraction with a 5-mL portion of chloroform. Transfer the 68.4 Furnace Assembly—A special glass furnace containing
aqueous solution to a 150 mL beaker and heat to boiling to evacuation port, D, sample storage, Q, and crucible suspension,
expel chloroform. Cool. Proceed as directed in 62.1.1. P. In an alternative type of furnace construction, preferred by
63.2 Reference Solution—Carry a reagent blank through the some users, the crucible is supported on a pedestal from the
entire procedure for use as a reference solution. bottom. The furnace is heated with an induction heater (68.2)
63.3 Photometry—Take the photometric readings of the and cooled by a high-speed blower connected to a glass funnel
sample solution, using the reagent blank solution as a refer- at R with a flexible fabric hose. The blower should be equipped
ence, as directed in 62.3. with a means of speed variation.
63.4 Calculation—By means of the calibration curve, con- 68.5 McLeod Gage, M, with 1-mm tubing, volume of bulb
vert the photometric readings of the sample solution to about 120 mL, range from 0.00002 to 0.7 mm. Calibrate the
milligrams of aluminum. Calculate the percentage of alumi- gage by weighing before and after filling with mercury and
num as follows: thus determine the volume of the bulb.9
Aluminum, % 5 A/~B 3 10! (7) 68.6 Mercury Wells, W1, W2, W3, and W4.
68.7 Stopcocks, vacuum grade. One two-way, 2-mm,
where: oblique-bore stopcock, S1, with mercury seal and evacuated
A 5 aluminum found in sample, mg, and closed end; one two-way, 15-mm, oblique-bore stopcock, S7;
B 5 sample used, g. four three-way, 2-mm stopcocks, S3 to S6; one two-way, 4-mm
64. Precision and Bias stopcock, S2.
68.8 Adapter, A, for Connection of Apparatus of Oxygen
64.1 This test method was originally approved for publica-
Pressure Regulator—All-metal flexible tubing having a flared
tion before the inclusion of precision and bias statements
nut connector on one end and a copper-to-glass seal on the
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
opposite end.
test data for this test method are no longer available. The user
68.9 Clear Quartz Tube, F—1, 10 mm in diameter by
is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if
400-mm long with three-step seals on each end for sealing to
available, that the precision and bias of this test method are
borosilicate glass.
adequate for the contemplated use.
68.10 Platinum Crucible, with reinforced rim10 (Fig. 3).
CARBON BY THE LOW-PRESSURE 68.11 Ceramic Crucible Liner11 (Fig. 3).
COMBUSTION TEST METHOD 68.12 Radiation Shield10 (Fig. 3).
68.13 Optical Pyrometer.
65. Summary of Test Method
68.14 Palladium-on-Alumina Catalyst.
65.1 This test method is based on the combustion of the 68.15 Liquid Nitrogen.
sample in oxygen at low pressure, freezing the carbon dioxide, 68.16 Dewar Flasks, wide-mouth, borosilicate glass.
and then measuring it in the gas phase and in a known volume
by means of a McLeod gage. 69. Assembly of Apparatus
66. Concentration Range 69.1 Using suitable support frame, assemble the apparatus
66.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.005
to 0.500 mg of carbon in a 0.5-g sample (0.0001 to 0.10 %). 7
Cenco Hypervac No. 25, or its equivalent, has been found satisfactory for this
67. Interfering Elements 8
Cenco Hyvac, or its equivalent, has been found satisfactory for this purpose.
67.1 The elements ordinarily present in nickel do not For information on calibration see Dushman, S., Vacuum Technique, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, NY 10016, 1949, Chapter 6.
interfere. 10
The Baker and Co., B.T.L., special crucible has been found satisfactory for this
68. Apparatus purpose.
Coors A1200, high-alumina, or the equivalent, has been found satisfactory for
68.1 The special apparatus required for this determination is this purpose.

E 107

FIG. 1 Diagram of Apparatus for Determining Carbon by the Low-Pressure Method

as shown in Fig. 1 and as described in the following 69.2 to differential. With the gas trapped off in the bulb, open the cutoff
69.4. All tubing shall be borosilicate glass, with seals carefully K to the pump to remove all of the oxygen external to the bulb.
made to ensure freedom from leaks. Raise cutoffs J and K to the calibration lines, just below
69.2 The palladium-alumina catalyst shall be packed into atmospheric level, and lower the mercury in the McLeod gage
quartz tube F1, and held in place with fragments of quartz below the point of cutoff. After the oxygen has expanded in the
extending to the glass bends at either end. The tube is located volume between the calibrated marks, remeasure the pressure
in the furnace, F, Fig. 1. after pumping out the gas left when the mercury is raised in the
69.3 The crucible assembly, Fig. 3, shall be suspended from McLeod gage. Calculate the volume as follows:
a glass tripod with 1.27-mm (0.050-in.) platinum wire and this Vx 5 ~Pb 3 Vb!/Px (8)
assembly inserted through the top of the furnace. The length of
the platinum wire shall be so adjusted that the crucible is just where:
below the sample chute and centrally located within the Vx 5 unknown volume,
furnace. The top of the furnace shall then be resealed with a Px 5 the pressure in volume Vx, mm Hg,
torch. Vb 5 previously calibrated volume of bulb of McLeod
69.4 The mercury cut-offs connected to stopcocks S3 to S6, gage, and
Fig. 1, shall be filled with triple-distilled mercury and con- Pb 5 pressure in bulb, mm Hg.
nected to the system. All stopcocks shall be carefully greased12 70.2 In a similar manner, an aliquot of CO2 may be taken
and the system shall then be evacuated and tested for leaks as when the initial pressure of gas evolved from a sample is too
described in 72.3. Any leaks shall be repaired before proceed- high to measure. The amount of gas measured in the aliquot is
ing with the calibration of the measuring volume (Section 70). then multiplied by the ratio of the volume of the bulb V6 to the
total volume Vx between the cutoffs.
70. Calibration of Apparatus
70.1 Calibrate the volume in which the CO2 is to be 71. Preparation of Sample
measured as follows: Admit the maximum amount of oxygen 71.1 Secure the sample in the form of fine millings, nib-
to the system that can be measured by the gage. Record this blings, or clippings so as to facilitate complete combustion.
Remove any trace of grease or oil by washing with acetone or
fresh, dry trichloroethylene and store the cleaned samples in
Apiezon L or N, or its equivalent, has been found satisfactory for this purpose. glass protected from dust.

E 107

FIG. 2 Diffusion Pump

72. Procedure
72.1 Weigh 0.5 g of the nickel sample and mix with 0.5 g of
silicon steel (carbon less than 0.003 %)13 to serve as a flux.
Nickel is very difficult to burn completely without the iron. The
heat evolved as a result of the combustion of the steel raises the
temperature sufficiently above the temperature of the crucible
to burn the nickel. Load the sample mixture into the sample
holder by heating and blowing out the end of the tube, Q, Fig.
1, and then inserting the sample. Then reseal the top of the tube
with a torch. Likewise place other samples one in each
side-arm of the tube, Q. As many as 12 to 15 samples may be
loaded into the side-arms at one time. In an alternative
arrangement, the samples are loaded into a “tree” through a
side-arm fitted with a ground glass plug sealed with hard
vacuum wax. In this arrangement 25 to 30 samples can be
loaded at one time without any glass-working.
72.2 Close stopcocks S1, S2, and S7, and turn stopcocks S3,
S4, S5, and S6 to connect the mercury wells to the rough
vacuum manifold. Turn on the mechanical pumps. Slowly open
stopcock S7 until the mercury begins to rise in the tubes.

National Institute of Standards and Technology standard sample of silicon FIG. 3 Crucible Assembly
steel No. 131 is recommended for this purpose.

E 107
Counteract this rise by opening stopcock S2 to the mechanical between calibration lines on cutoffs J and K, by means of the
pump attached at C, thus keeping the mercury below the level McLeod gage, M. The value of the blank should not exceed
of cutoff. After the system has been evacuated, close stopcocks 0.0002 % carbon based on a 0.5-g sample. If the blank is too
S3, S4, S5, and S6. Turn on the heater for the diffusion pump, high, repeat the above procedure. After obtaining a satisfactory
and adjust the heater voltage to provide a rapid stream of blank, evacuate the gas through the pump.
mercury vapor through the jet. Turn on the catalyst furnace, F, NOTE 11—The carbon dioxide is frozen out in trap T5 and the water
and raise the temperature of the catalyst to about 1100°C. vapor and any sulfur compounds are frozen out in trap T4.
Evacuate the entire system for at least 30 min. Then lower the
72.5 In like manner, burn the samples. Remove a sample
voltage of the furnace, F, until the temperature of the catalyst
from the side-arm with a magnet and allow it to drop into the
is about 400 to 500°C. Raise the mercury in cutoff I by opening
crucible. Follow the conditions described for the blank during
stopcock S3 to the atmosphere.
the combustion of the sample.
72.3 Purify the oxygen by placing Dewar flasks containing
liquid nitrogen on traps T1, T2, and T3 and slowly admitting NOTE 12—Excess oxygen in the purification train must be removed at
the close of each day. This is accomplished by opening S1 to B, which is
oxygen by means of a diaphragm valve through stopcock S1.
connected to the Hyvac pump. The oxygen may be removed during the
After the pressure of oxygen exceeds 160 mm Hg the oxygen combustion of the last sample.
will liquefy in trap T1. After about 10 mL of liquid has been
formed, close stopcock S1. Partially lower the Dewar flask 72.6 Calculation—Calculate the percentage of carbon in the
from trap T1, thus permitting the major portion of oxygen to sample as follows:
distill over the catalyst and recondense in traps T2 and T3. Then Carbon, % 5 @~AB – CB 3 0.64593 10–6 3 100!/D# – E (9)
replace the Dewar flask around trap T1. Maintain liquid
nitrogen in these flasks throughout the day. where:
A 5 pressure, mm of CO2 generated from the sample
72.4 Heat the crucible assembly for an hour or more until a
in volume B,
satisfactory blank (0.0002 % carbon, or less) is obtained by the B (Bx) 5 volume, mL containing the CO2,
following procedure: C 5 pressure, mm of CO2 generated from the blank,
72.4.1 Raise the induction coil about the furnace to a point D 5 grams of sample used, and
where the top of the coil is about 3.2 mm (|n! in.) below the top E 5 percentage of carbon added in 0.5 g of silicon
of the platinum crucible. Turn on the induction heater and steel flux.
increase the power slowly until the temperature of the crucible If this work is carried out at some temperature other than
has reached 1150 to 1200°C. Measure the crucible temperature 25°C (at the McLeod gage), suitable corrections must be
with an optical pyrometer and exercise caution in heating to applied to change the volume of gas to 25°C.
avoid melting the crucible rim.
73. Precision and Bias
72.4.2 Raise the mercury in the capillary cutoff, K, and the
McLeod gage, M, by opening stopcocks S6 and S5 to the 73.1 This test method was originally approved for publica-
atmosphere. Also open stopcock S4 to the air until the mercury tion before the inclusion of precision and bias statements
reaches a height just below the cutoff, J. Then admit purified within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
oxygen by lowering the mercury in the capillary cutoff, I, by test data for this test method are no longer available. The user
turning stopcock S3 to the vacuum manifold until the oxygen is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if
bubbles through the capillary into the combustion furnace. available, that the precision and bias of this test method are
Admit oxygen to a pressure of about 160 mm Hg (vapor adequate for the contemplated use.
pressure of oxygen at liquid nitrogen temperature) as indicated HYDROGEN, NITROGEN, AND OXYGEN BY THE
by the mercury differential on cutoff K. Then raise the mercury VACUUM FUSION TEST METHOD
in I by opening stopcock S3 to the atmosphere. Place a bath
consisting of solid carbon dioxide and ethylene glycol mono- 74. Summary of Test Method
ethyl ether acetate about trap T4 and liquid nitrogen about trap 74.1 This test method is based on the fusion of the metal in
T5. Maintain the temperature of the crucible at 1150 to 1200°C the presence of carbon in a vacuum. Under these conditions, all
for 10 min, then turn off the power. Remove the excess oxygen oxides present are reduced to carbon monoxide, and nitrogen
by turning stopcock S6 to the manifold, thus lowering the and hydrogen are liberated. The evolved gases are collected
mercury sufficiently to allow the oxygen to escape slowly and analyzed by low-pressure techniques. The hydrogen is
through the capillary to the pump (Note 11). When the mercury oxidized to water and absorbed in anhydrous magnesium
levels are about equal, open stopcock S6 to the pump manifold. perchlorate. The carbon monoxide is converted to carbon
This lowers the mercury in cutoff K below all points of cutoff dioxide and frozen out in liquid nitrogen. The residual gas is
and permits rapid evacuation. After the system has been nitrogen.
evacuated for 10 min, raise the mercury in cutoff K above the
point of cutoff to the calibrated volume level. Also raise the 75. Apparatus and Materials
mercury in cutoff J above the cutoff to the marked level. 75.1 Vacuum Fusion Apparatus—Apparatus No. 16.
Remove the liquid nitrogen from trap T5 and allow sufficient
time for the trap to reach room temperature. Then measure the 76. Preparation of Sample
amount of CO2 in the calibrated volume, that is, the volume 76.1 The sample is used in chunk form when possible or in

E 107
the form submitted for test such as wire, sheet, tubing, rod, or opened to the air. Now, turn on the manifold pump. Next, turn
powder. If the sample is in the form of powder, compress into on the forepump. Allow this pump to run until it is operating
pellets, using only sufficient pressure to make the powder quietly (about 2 min). Next, with extreme caution, very slowly
adhere. Do not mill ingot samples, since it is important to open the large right-angle stopcock, S13, located above the
minimize the effect of surface and possible oxide films. Cut the metal diffusion pump, until the mercury begins to rise slowly in
sample in the form of a cube or similar shape and to proper size the various tubes. Leave the stopcock in this position. In no
for loading in the furnace and to avoid sticking in the graphite case shall the system be pumped down in less than 5 min; 6 to
funnel. Remove outer heavy scale with abrasive cloth or by 10 min is preferable. If the pump-down is too rapid, the fine
slowly turning on a lathe. Remove any grease or oil present in graphite in the crucible will fluff and may be blown into the
a vapor degreaser using clean, dry trichloroethylene or equiva- system, thus rendering the apparatus useless until all the
lent. graphite has been removed. The mercury will rise slowly and
76.2 Remove light scale by immersion in a mixture of 750 uniformly in all the tubes. When a height of about 76 to 102
mL of acetic acid, 250 mL of HNO3, and 15 mL of HCl at 50 mm (3 to 4 in.) has been reached, lower the mercury column
to 60°C for a limited time, the time being dependent on the carefully by turning the stopcocks momentarily to connect the
thickness of the scale. Samples that should not be acid-cleaned mercury-reservoir bulbs with the vacuum manifold. Leave
or abraded, such as finished cathodes, should be degreased in stopcock S2 open to the atmosphere at all times. It will be found
a vapor degreaser using trichloroethylene or equivalent, fol- that U-tubes C1, C2, C4, C7, C8, C9, C10, C11, and C12 will need
lowed by a Soxhlet extraction with acetone until no residue can no further attention, since the mercury will not now reach the
be detected on a watch glass when the acetone extract is cutoff. Cutoffs C3, C5, and C6 will require attention during
evaporated to dryness. Do not touch the samples with the pump-down to keep mercury from rising into the bulbs of the
fingers during or after the final stages of cleaning. Use clean Toepler pump, T, McLeod gage, M, and into the sidearm of the
rubber gloves, or preferably clean tweezers, for handling the gas addition tube, C6. The cutoff, C5, on the McLeod gage is
specimens. the lowest and will require the most attention. Keep manipu-
77. Procedure lating stopcocks S3, S5, and S6 in such a fashion that the
mercury does not reach the cutoff in any case. When no further
77.1 Place about 38 mm (11⁄2 in.) of graphite powder in the upward movement is visible in the U-tube C2, the main
bottom of the quartz tube. Be very careful not to compact the stopcock may be fully opened. Do this slowly. Next turn on the
graphite. Place the graphite crucible with funnel on top of this main diffusion pump and the transfer and circulating mercury
lightly and coaxially to the quartz tube. Place a close-fitting diffusion pumps. At this point it is good practice to adjust the
metal cap on top of the funnel and pour graphite powder into height of all the mercury columns (with the exception of C2,
the quartz tube until the top of the funnel is reached. Remove which is left all the way up) to a point just below the cutoff.
the cap and blow out any fine graphite that may have fallen into The special cutoff, C6, may be permanently closed and the
the graphite crucible with a glass tube connected to a low- mercury sealed off by closing the stopcock in the stem. After
pressure air line. The removal of this graphite is important
30 to 45 min, the pressure in the system as checked by the
because any powder left inside the crucible will outgas
McLeod gage should be so low that the McLeod gage shows no
incompletely and will introduce error into the initial samples.
differential in the heights of the mercury in the two capillary
Now hook the special lifting rod (Fig. 22, Practice E 50) into
columns. Pumping for a minimum of 1 h is necessary before
the two loops in the platinum wire and carefully lift the
applying heat to the furnace. Fine graphite outgasses very
crucible assembly into place through the ground joint in the
rapidly when first heated and may fluff out and into the system
bottom of the furnace. Make sure the hooks are secure before
if caution is not used.
removing the lifter. If the crucible does not hang straight,
remove it by lifting out with the other holder shown in Fig. 22, 77.4 Outgas the furnace assembly by heating the graphite
of Practice E 50, and bend the platinum hooks to correct the crucible to a temperature of 2400°C for at least 2 h by means
misalignment. Coat the glass plug for the bottom closure with of the high-frequency induction heater. Turn on the air blower
high-vacuum wax by warming in a soft flame. Also warm the at the same time as the induction heater. Raise the temperature
outer joint with a soft flame, and slip the wax-coated plug into slowly to permit evacuation of the gases evolved and, also, to
place and rotate until well seated. avoid displacement of the carbon powder. Measure the tem-
77.2 Weigh 2 g of the sample and insert into the sample perature of the crucible with an optical pyrometer directed
loading arm on the furnace, F, Fig. 18. At any one time at least through the right-angle prism and optical flat (Fig. 19, Practice
ten 2-g samples may be loaded into the sidearm. Close the E 50).
sidearm by sealing the cap at the end with high-vacuum wax. 77.5 Make a blank determination by lowering the tempera-
77.3 Set the blower and blower guide in place. Check the ture of the crucible to 1650°C and collecting the gas evolved
blower to make sure the air flow around the furnace is uniform. during a period of 20 to 30 min. This blank heating period
Make sure that all the three-way stopcocks are in a position should correspond to the time the sample is to be heated. Close
such that the mercury bulbs are isolated both from the all mercury cutoffs. Set the timer for the desired time interval
atmosphere and from the vacuum manifold. Close the large and open cutoff C2. Lower the mercury in the Toepler pump
right-angle stopcock above the main evacuating pumping below the bulb. Maintain the mercury in the McLeod gage
system and close the air release valve on the foreline of the above the sidearm to the expansion bulbs but below the inlet
oil-diffusion pump, DP3. Stopcock S2 on cutoff C2 may be from the Toepler pump. Gas evolved from the furnace is

E 107
pumped through pumps DP1 and DP2 into the Toepler pump. in the usual manner and measure the PV product of the
At the end of the collection period, close cutoff C2 and open nitrogen. Allow the nitrogen to remain in the McLeod gage.
C1. Transfer the gas collected in the Toepler pump to the Lower the mercury level in the Toepler pump below the
McLeod gage measuring system by manual operation of the sidearm, then remove the liquid nitrogen-filled flask from the
Toepler pump, until the amount of gas measured in the trap, J, releasing CO2 from the trap. Allow 5 to 10 min for the
McLeod capillary shows no further increase. Measure the CO2 to collect in the Toepler pump. Transfer the gas into the
amount of gas collected by reading the mercury level in the McLeod gage as before, and measure the PV product of the
McLeod capillary from which the pressure-volume (PV) prod- combined CO2 and nitrogen. The operation is now completed.
uct is calculated. Analyze the gas for CO, hydrogen, and The analytical system is exhausted by opening cutoffs C10, C11,
nitrogen as described in 77.7. It is possible to obtain a blank and C12 to prepare to run the next sample. The Mg(ClO4)2 can
level that will amount to approximately 0.0001 to 0.0002 % be kept in a baked-out condition by maintaining at 250°C
oxygen for a 2-g sample. during overnight periods with the system under vacuum.
77.6 The fusion of the sample is carried out at the same Activation or replacement of the copper oxide is required at
temperature and length of time as the blank. Turn off the power intervals. Activation is accomplished by repeated reductions
to the furnace and allow the furnace to cool 200 to 300°C. with hydrogen followed by an oxidation and vacuum bake.
Introduce the sample by moving it by means of a magnet until 77.9 Calculations—The difference between the sum of the
it drops down the vertical tube into the crucible. Again turn on PV products for CO2 and nitrogen and the original PV product
the induction heater and continue the fusion for 20 to 30 min of the combined CO, nitrogen, and hydrogen represents the PV
at 1650°C. Completeness of removal of gas from the sample is product of water vapor, which is also equivalent to the PV
readily confirmed by successive readings of the PV product product of hydrogen. Measure the gas PV evolved as a result of
during the collection period. Should an abnormally long time the fusion in units of millilitres and millimetres. In each case
period be required, a blank correction for a corresponding time correct the amount of gas collected from the sample for the
must be made. Collect the gas as in the case of the blank. After blank determination on the apparatus. Calculate the percent-
the gas is collected from the sample, raise cutoff C2, lower ages of nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen as follows:
cutoff C1, and allow the furnace to exhaust to the main Nitrogen (measured as N2):
evacuation line until the next sample is dropped. Transfer the Nitrogen, % 5 @~A 3 1.51!/B#3 100 (10)
gas collected in the Toepler pump to the McLeod gage, Oxygen (converted to CO and measured as CO2):
compress into the capillary pipet, and measure the PV product.
Oxygen, % 5 @~A 3 0.86!/B# 3 100 (11)
If more gas is collected that can be measured in the capillary
pipet, allow it to expand into expansion bulb H1 or H2, or both, Hydrogen:
by lowering the mercury in the McLeod gage below the Hydrogen, % 5 @~A 3 0.1084!/B# 3 100 (12)
sidearm level. Since the total volume of the system including
expansion bulbs, McLeod gage, and connecting tubing has where:
been previously calibrated, the PV product of the gas may be A 5 pressure-volume (PV) product for the gas in question,
determined. A total of 3000 mL·mm of gas can be measured in mL and mm at 25°C, and
B 5 micrograms of sample used.
the system shown. The gas is now ready for analysis.
77.7 Condition the reagents prior to an analysis as follows: 78. Precision and Bias
First adjust the mercury cutoffs to open all reagents to vacuum. 78.1 This test method was originally approved for publica-
Use electric furnaces or heating mantles to bake out the tion before the inclusion of precision and bias statements
reagents under vacuum, each adjusted by variable autotrans- within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
formers to the proper temperature—copper oxide at 325°C, and test data for this test method are no longer available. The user
Mg(ClO4)2 at 240°C. Place a Dewar flask containing liquid is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if
nitrogen to cover trap J before the analysis is begun. available, that the precision and bias of this test method are
77.8 After transferring the gas by means of the Toepler adequate for the contemplated use.
pump to the McLeod gage and determining the PV product of COPPER BY THE NEOCUPROINE
the combined CO, hydrogen, and nitrogen, lower the mercury (PHOTOMETRIC) TEST METHOD
in the McLeod gage below the cutoff. Open cutoffs C7 and C4
79. Summary of Test Method
to permit the gas to be pumped into the analytical system.
Check the McLeod gage reading after a few minutes to be sure 79.1 Cuprous copper is reacted with neocuproine. The
all gas has been pumped out; then raise the mercury level in the colored complex is extracted with chloroform and measured
McLeod gage to just above the cutoff level. Then close cutoff photometrically at approximately 455 nm.
C7. Open cutoff C11 to permit the gas to circulate through the 80. Concentration Range
copper oxide tube, the Mg(ClO4)2 trap, and the trap cooled 80.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.002
with liquid nitrogen. Circulate the gas for not less than 10 min. to 0.15 mg of copper in 25 mL of solution, using a cell depth
Close cutoff C4 and lower the mercury in the Toepler pump, C3, of 1 cm.
to just below the cutoff point. With the cutoffs in these
positions, pump the residual nitrogen into the Toepler bulb. 81. Stability of Color
After ten minutes, transfer this nitrogen into the McLeod gage 81.1 The color is stable for at least 4 days.

E 107
82. Interferences 84.4 Calibration Curve—Plot the photometric readings of
82.1 None of the elements present in electronic nickel the calibration solutions against milligrams of copper per 25
interfere with this test method, as written. Traces of cyanide mL of solution.
and sulfide interfere, but 5 mL of H3PO4 can be tolerated.
85. Procedure
83. Reagents 85.1 Test Solution:
83.1 Chloroform. 85.1.1 Transfer 0.25 g of the sample, weighed to the nearest
83.2 Copper, Standard Solution (1 mL 5 0.010 mg Cu)— 1 mg, to a 250-mL beaker and add 10 mL of HNO3 and 5 mL
Transfer 0.1 g of electrolytic copper, weighed to the nearest 0.1 of H3PO4. Cover, and heat gently until the sample has
mg, to a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask. Add 10 mL of dissolved. Wash the cover and sides of the beaker, add 10 mL
HNO3(1 + 1), cover, and heat gently until dissolved. Add 5 mL of HClO4, and evaporate to fumes. Fume gently for 5 min and
of HClO4 and evaporate to fumes. Fume gently for 5 min and cool. Dissolve the salts in 75 mL of water and transfer to a
cool. Add 25 mL of water, heat to boiling, and boil gently for 250-mL volumetric flask. Dilute to the mark and mix.
2 min to evolve chlorine. Cool, transfer to a 1000-mL volu- 85.1.2 By means of a pipet, transfer a 25-mL aliquot to a
metric flask, dilute to the mark, and mix. Transfer 100 mL to a 150-mL beaker. Proceed in accordance with 84.1.2 and 84.1.3.
second 1000-mL volumetric flask, dilute to the mark, and mix. 85.2 Reference Solution—Add 50 mL of water to a 150-mL
This final solution contains 0.010 mg Cu per mL. beaker and proceed in accordance with 84.1.2 and 84.1.3.
83.3 Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride Solution (100 g/L)— 85.3 Photometry—Take photometric readings of the test
Dissolve 10 g of hydroxylamine hydrochloride (NH2OH· solution as described in 84.3.
HCl) in water and dilute to 100 mL.
83.4 Neocuproine Solution (1 g/L)—Dissolve 0.1 g of 86. Calculation
neocuproine in ethanol (Note 13) and dilute to 100 mL with 86.1 Convert the photometric reading of the test solution to
ethanol. milligrams of copper by means of the calibration curve.
Calculate the percentage of copper as follows:
NOTE 13—Some grades of denatured ethanol form unsuitable turbid
solutions. Absolute methanol may be used, if desired. Copper, % 5 A/~B 3 10! (13)
83.5 Sodium Citrate Solution (300 g/L)—Dissolve 300 g of where:
sodium citrate in 600 mL of water and dilute to 1 L. A 5 copper found, mg, and
B 5 sample represented in the aliquot used, g.
84. Preparation of Calibration Curve
84.1 Calibration Solutions: 87. Precision and Bias
84.1.1 Transfer 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, and 15 mL of copper 87.1 This test method was originally approved for publica-
solution (1 mL 5 0.010 mg Cu) to eight 150-mL beakers. tion before the inclusion of precision and bias statements
84.1.2 Dilute each solution to 50 mL with water. Add 1 mL within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
of H3PO4, 10 mL of sodium citrate solution, and 5 mL of test data for this test method are no longer available. The user
hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution. Stir well for 30 s and is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if
add 10 mL of neocuproine solution (Note 14). Again stir and, available, that the precision and bias of this test method are
using a pH meter, adjust the pH of the solution to about 5 with adequate for the contemplated use.
NH4OH (1 + 1) (Note 15).
NOTE 14—Use of a magnetic stirrer is recommended for the stirring
NOTE 15—Since the reaction of copper with the reagent is complete
within the pH range of 2.3 to 9.0, this adjustment can be made with pH 88. Summary of Test Method
paper; however, in highly colored solutions, use of a pH meter is 88.1 Tungsten is first separated as tungstic acid after acid
preferable. attack and cinchonine digestion. The acid is purified by a
84.1.3 Transfer the solution to a 250-mL pear-shape sepa- sodium carbonate fusion and reprecipitation, and weighed.
ratory funnel, add 10 mL of chloroform, and shake for 30 s.
After the aqueous and organic layers have separated, transfer 89. Reagents
the chloroform layer into a 25-mL volumetric flask containing 89.1 Cinchonine Solution (125 g/L)—Reagent No. 113.
4 mL of ethanol. Make a second extraction with 5 mL of 89.2 Cinchonine Wash Solution—Dilute 30 mL of cincho-
chloroform and separate as before. Dilute to the mark with nine solution (89.1) to 1 L.
ethanol and mix. 89.3 Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3) anhydrous.
84.2 Reference Solution—Carry a reagent blank through all
the steps of 84.1 for use as a reference solution. 90. Procedure
84.3 Photometry—Transfer a portion of the reference solu- 90.1 Transfer 2.0 g of the sample, weighed to the nearest 0.1
tion to the absorption cell and adjust the photometer to the mg, to a 400-mL beaker and add 20 mL of HNO3. Cover and
initial setting, using a light band centered at approximately 455 heat gently until the sample has dissolved. Add 10 mL of HCl
nm. While maintaining this adjustment, take the photometric and evaporate to about 10 mL. Dilute to 150 mL with hot water
readings of the calibration solutions. and add 5 mL of cinchonine solution and a small amount of

E 107
paper pulp. Digest at 90 to 95°C for 1 h. Allow to stand at room to 0.10 mg of magnesium per 20 mL of chloroform using a cell
temperature overnight. depth of 1 cm.14
90.2 Filter through a fine paper and wash with hot cincho-
95. Stability of Color
nine wash solution. Remove the last traces of tungstic acid
from the beaker walls with a small piece of filter paper 95.1 The color is stable for at least 1 h.
moistened with NH4OH. Place the precipitate in a platinum
96. Interferences
crucible, carefully char the paper at low temperature, and
finally ignite at 750°C. 96.1 Calcium, zinc, cadmium, or gallium in amounts greater
90.3 Fuse the impure tungstic acid with 2 g of anhydrous than 0.01 mg may interfere; however, these elements are not
likely to be present in sufficiently high concentration in
Na2CO3. Leach the melt with hot water, transfer to a 250-mL
electronic nickel to cause difficulty.
beaker, rinse and remove the crucible, and dilute to about 50
mL. Digest for 5 min and filter through a medium paper into a 97. Apparatus
400-mL beaker. Wash the paper thoroughly with hot water.
97.1 Separatory Funnels, conical-type 125-mL capacity.
Discard the residue.
Funnels with TFE-fluorocarbon valves, which need no lubri-
90.4 Carefully neutralize the filtrate with HCl and add 10 cation, are preferred.
mL in excess. Evaporate to about 10 mL. Dilute to 150 mL
with hot water and add a small amount of filter pulp. Add 5 mL 98. Reagents
of cinchonine solution, while stirring, digest at 95°C for 20 98.1 Ammonium Persulfate Solution (10 g/L)—Dissolve 1 g
min, and allow to stand at room temperature overnight. of ammonium persulfate (NH4)2S2O8) in 100 mL of water.
90.5 Filter through a fine paper and wash with hot cincho- Prepare a fresh solution each day as needed.
nine wash solution. Place the precipitate in a tared platinum 98.2 Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Solution (1 + 1)—
crucible, char the paper at low temperature, and finally ignite at Mix 100 mL of ethylene glycol monobutyl ether15 with 100 mL
750°C. of water.
90.6 Cool and treat the residue with 2 drops of H2SO4 and 98.3 Ferric Nitrate Solution (10 g/L)—Dissolve 2 g of
1 mL of HF. Evaporate to dryness and ignite again at 750°C. electrolytic iron wire in 25 mL of HNO3(1 + 1), heat to expel
Cool in a desiccator and weigh as tungsten trioxide (WO3). oxides of nitrogen, and cool. Dilute to 200 mL with water and
91. Calculation 98.4 8-Hydroxyquinoline Solution (30 g/L)—Transfer 3.00
g of 8-hydroxyquinoline to a dry, 100-mL volumetric flask and
91.1 Calculate the percentage of tungsten as follows: dissolve in 50 mL of chloroform. Dilute to the mark with
Tungsten, % 5 @~A 3 0.793!/B#3 100 (14) chloroform and mix. Prepare a fresh solution just before use.
98.5 Magnesium, Standard Solution (1 mL 5 0.01 mg
where: Mg)—Dissolve 0.0500 g of pure magnesium (not less than
A 5 WO3, g, and 99 % Mg) by warming gently with 5 mL of HNO3(1 + 2) in a
B 5 sample used, g. covered conical flask. When dissolution is complete, heat to
expel oxides of nitrogen and cool. Transfer to a 500-mL
92. Precision and Bias volumetric flask, dilute to the mark and mix. Dilute 100 mL of
92.1 This test method was originally approved for publica- this solution to 1 L in a volumetric flask and mix.
tion before the inclusion of precision and bias statements 98.6 Nickel—Nickel for use in preparation of the calibration
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory curve and the reagent blank shall contain not more than
test data for this test method are no longer available. The user 0.001 % of magnesium and a total of not more than 0.005 % of
is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if calcium, zinc, cadmium, and gallium.
available, that the precision and bias of this test method are 98.7 Sodium Cyanide Solution (100 g/L)—Transfer 20 g of
adequate for the contemplated use. sodium cyanide (NaCN) to a 500-mL polyethylene bottle. Add
200 mL of water and swirl to dissolve. Keep stoppered when
99. Preparation of Calibration Curve
93. Summary of Test Method 99.1 Calibration Solutions:
99.1.1 Transfer six 100-mg portions of nickel (98.6) to
93.1 Magnesium, in a ammoniacal solution, is reacted with 125-mL conical flasks and dissolve in 2 mL of HNO3(1 + 1)
8-hydroxyquinoline. The colored complex is extracted with a using gentle heat. Keep the flasks covered and take care to
chloroform-ethylene glycol monobutyl ether mixture and mea-
sured photometrically at approximately 400 nm.
This test method has been written for a cell having a 1-cm light path. Cells
94. Concentration Range having other dimensions may be used, provided suitable adjustments can be made
in the amounts of sample and reagents used.
94.1 The recommended concentration range is from 0.001 15
Butyl Cellosolve has been found satisfactory for this purpose.

E 107
avoid unnecessary loss of acid. When dissolution is complete, 100. Procedure
blow out the brown fumes and cool the solutions.
100.1 Test Solution—Depending upon the magnesium con-
99.1.2 Add 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, and 10.0-mL portions of
tent, transfer 10 to 100 mg of the sample to a 125-mL conical
magnesium solution (1 mL 5 0.01 mg Mg) to the flasks and
flask. If less than 100 mg of sample is used add sufficient nickel
dilute each to 35 mL.
99.1.3 Add 1 mL of ferric nitrate (Fe(NO3)3) solution and 1 (98.6) to make a total of 100 mg. Dissolve the sample in 2 mL
mL of (NH4)2S2O8 solution. Add fresh, full-strength NH4OH of HNO3(1 + 1), dilute to 35 mL and proceed in accordance
(Note 4) dropwise while swirling the flask until iron begins to with 99.1.3 and 99.1.4.
precipitate; then add 1 mL in excess. Warm the solution to 100.2 Reference Solution—Transfer a 100-mg portion of
approximately 65°C and filter through a rapid paper into a nickel to a 125-mL conical flask, dissolve in 2 mL of
125-mL Squibb-type separatory funnel. Lift one corner of the HNO3(1 + 1), and carry through all steps of the procedure for
filter paper to allow the funnel stem to drain, but do not wash use as a reference solution.
the precipitate. 100.3 Color Development—Proceed in accordance with
NOTE 16—It is important that the NH4OH be full strength and that the 99.3.1 and 99.3.2.
excess be very carefully controlled. 100.4 Photometry—Take photometric readings of the test
99.1.4 Stopper the separatory funnel and cool under running solution as described in 99.4.
water. Rinse the outside surfaces of the separatory funnel,
including the stem bore, with water. 101. Calculation
99.2 Reference Solution—Transfer a 100-mg portion of
101.1 Convert the photometric reading of the test solution to
nickel to a 125-mL conical flask and proceed in accordance
milligrams of magnesium by means of the calibration curve.
with 99.1.1, 99.1.3, and 99.1.4.
99.3 Color Development: Calculate the percentage of magnesium of follows:
99.3.1 Add successively to each funnel, mixing between Magnesium, % 5 A/~B 3 10! (15)
additions, 10 mL of NH4OH, 5 mL of NaCN solution and 5.0
mL of ethylene glycol monobutyl ether. Add 20.0 mL of where:
A 5 magnesium in the test solution, mg, and
8-hydroxyquinoline solution from a pipet. Stopper the separa-
B 5 sample used, g.
tory funnel, shake the solution momentarily, release the pres-
sure carefully, and then shake vigorously for 1 min.
99.3.2 After the layers have separated, drain 2 or 3 mL of 102. Precision and Bias
the chloroform layer through the funnel stem and discard.
102.1 This test method was originally approved for publi-
Then, drain all but about 2 mL of the remaining chloroform
cation before the inclusion of precision and bias statements
extract through a dry, rapid filter paper into a dry, 50-mL
within standards was mandated. The original interlaboratory
conical flask.
99.4 Photometry—Transfer a portion of the reference solu- test data for this test method are no longer available. The user
tion to an absorption cell and adjust the photometer to the is cautioned to verify by the use of reference materials, if
initial setting using a light band centered at approximately 400 available, that the precision and bias of this test method are
nm. While maintaining this adjustment, take the photometric adequate for the contemplated use.
readings of the calibration solutions.
99.5 Calibration Curve—Plot the photometric readings of 103. Keywords
the calibration solutions against milligrams of magnesium per 103.1 electronic nickel
20 mL of solution.

The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
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