Movie Production Termsheets

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What Does 'Pay or Play' Really Mean?

Essentially, pay or play is the commitment by a producer -- a studio,

network, production company, or individual -- to pay the artist even if the
producer later decides that the artist's services won't be required.
In other words, whether or not the production goes forward, and whether
or not the artist is ultimately required to render services, he or she will
be paid the negotiated fee.
This is subject to limited exceptions, typically including the artist's
disability, force majeure (an unexpected or uncontrollable event, also
known as an "act of God"), and/or the artist's breach of the agreement.

The expression is a bit confusing, as it implies that the artist is either

"paid" or "played." Obviously, if the artist is played, he or she must also
be paid.

A typical pay-or-play provision protects not only the artist but the
producer too, as it allows the producer to terminate an artist's services
for any reason whatsoever -- with or without cause -- without the threat
of a lawsuit for loss of opportunity or a similar claim, as long as the
agreed-upon compensation is paid. The producer doesn't even have to
proceed with the production.
For the artist, pay or play offers security from loss of compensation if he
or she is replaced at the director's whim after the artist took him- or
herself off the market in anticipation of the production. It also acts as
incentive for the producer to utilize the artist, as the producer must pay
him or her anyway.

Pay or play is akin to a "run of the play" contract in theatre, which says
that if an actor is replaced, he or she will still get paid for as long as the
show runs.

Memoirs of a Geisha is an example of a film on which the provision

came into play. Several years before it was finally produced and
released in 2005 with Rob Marshall directing, the movie was slated to be
shot with Steven Spielberg at the helm. At that time, several actors were
hired by the studio under pay-or-play deals. When the contracted start
date came and went, those actors began receiving their full salary as if
they were rendering services.

A related but rarely employed concept is pay and play. This is a

commitment by a producer both to pay the artist and to use the artist's
services in the production, barring any of the typical contingencies
mentioned above.

In other words, the producer agrees not to produce the project without
the artist's participation. A producer is usually loath to make such a
commitment except under exceptional circumstances.

It is rumored that Sylvester Stallone would not sell the rights to his
screenplay for Rocky unless he was attached to star in it. He was
purportedly made pay and play to render acting services in the film.

Because pay-or-play clauses can have a significant financial impact on

a producer, most won't deem an actor pay or play until the picture has
been green-lighted, a firm start date has been set, and the other
principal cast members have been made pay or play.
Independently financed pictures often try to avoid pay-or-play provisions
altogether or delay them until the start of principal photography, so they
can be assured the movie is fully funded and will proceed.
Most working actors in film and TV won't consider an offer unless it is
pay or play, as they won't tie up their schedule if they aren't certain to be
compensated for it.
In any event, it is important -- on both sides of the bargaining table -- to
be clear as to what preconditions must be satisfied before the pay-or-
play obligations kick in.

Dina Appleton is co-author of 'Hollywood Dealmaking: Negotiating

Talent Agreements' and is special counsel in the Entertainment Media
and Communications Group at the law firm Sheppard Mullin Richter &
Hampton LLP in Los Angeles. She previously headed business and
legal affairs at the now defunct talent agency Writers and Artists

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