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Oxford Physics

M. Phys. Major Option C1

Problem Sets 2018-2019

Dr G. Cotter, Dr J. Devriendt, & Prof. Ph. Podsiadlowski

Denys Wilkinson Building, Keble Road,

Oxford OX1 3RH1

[email protected]

JD—29th September 2018

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Chapter 1

Introductory problems

For Tutorial 1

You will need to refer to courses from previous years including the 1st and
3rd year astrophysics short options.

1.1 Blackbody spectra and magnitude sys-

Explain what is meant by a black-body and describe applications of this
concept in astrophysics.
The intensity of radiation emitted per unit wavelength interval by a black-
body of temperature T is given as a function of wavelength by
2hc2 1
B(λ) = 5
λ exp(hc/λkT) − 1
Obtain an approximation for this formula appropriate for wavelengths such
that hc/λkT << 1. In what region of the electromagnetic spectrum would
you expect this approximation to apply to the radiant emission from stars?
The apparent magnitude m of a hot star of surface temperature 40 000 K
is measured at the two wavelengths 440 nm and 550 nm, corresponding to
the colour filters known as B and V. The colour index mB − mV is found
to be -0.35. Compare this with the theoretical colour index expected for a
black-body at this temperature.
[The apparent magnitude is related to the observed flux f by m = −2.5log10 f +
k where k is a constant for a given wavelength. The colour index for a star

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

of surface temperature 11 700 K is zero.]

1.2 Optics and spectroscopy

Explain what is meant by the angular resolution and magnification of a
telescope. Show that the limit of resolution is given approximately by λ/D
where λ is the wavelength of the incident radiation and D is the diameter
of the telescope aperture. What is the typical angular resolution (in seconds
of arc) achieved with a large ground-based telescope operating at visible
wavelengths from a good site?
Give expressions for the resolving power and angular dispersion of a diffrac-
tion grating, defining all quantities.
In order to study the internal motion of galaxies astronomers often need to
measure velocity differences differences of order 10 km s−1 . Consider a grating
spectrograph equipped with a camera of focal length 2 m and a CCD detector
of pixel size 20 µm. The spectrograph is used to study galaxies in the [Oiii]
emission line whose wavelength is 500.7 nm. Given that the light is incident
normally on the grating and the first-order spectrum falls on the detector,
estimate the minimum grating ruling, in lines per mm, required to give the
desired velocity resolution.

1.3 Stellar Structure

Explain what is meant by the term hydrostatic equilibrium in stellar structure
and discuss its importance. Derive an expression for the timescale on which
changes occur if equilibrium conditions are disturbed.
A star is completely supported by radiation pressure, and transport of energy
is by radiation only. Use the equation of state p = aT 4 /3 and the radiative
transport equation
16πr2 acT 3 dT
3κρ dr
(where L is the luminosity, κ the opacity, ρ the density, r the radius, c
the speed of light and a the radiation constant) to show that in hydrostatic
equilibrium the luminosity is given by
4πGM c
where G is the gravitational constant and M is the total mass of the star.
What would happen if L were suddenly increased beyond this value?

Tutorial 1: Introduction

1.4 Accretion
Explain what is meant by escape velocity and device an expression for the
escape velocity of a particle at distance R from a compact object of mass M .
By assuming that the maximum escape velocity is the speed of light, c, obtain
an expression for the radius, RS of a black hole of mass M . Evaluate this
radius for the cases M = 10M and M = 106 M .
What rate of matter infall (in units of M per year) would be needed to power
a quasar of luminosity 1039 W if a black hole of mass 106 M lay at the quasar
core? Assume conversion of gravitational potential energy into luminosity
with 100% efficiency. Does your answer support accretion of matter by a
black hole as a likely model for quasar energy generation?

1.5 Cosmological models

State the cosmological principle and define the terms homogeneity and iso-
tropy. Give an example showing that a homogeneous universe need not be
The Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric for a homogeneous and isotropic
universe is given by

" #
2 2 2 2
ds = −c dt + a(t) 2
+ r2 (dθ2 + sin2 θdφ2 )
1 − kr

where ds is the proper time interval between two events, t is the cosmic time,
k measures the spatial curvature, and r thea and φ are the radial, polar
and azimuthal co-ordinates respectively. Discuss the physical significance of
a(t), the scale factor, sketching its form for the three cases of a matter-only
universe with positive, zero, and negative spatial curvature.
Define the term luminosity distance. By considering the amount of radiation
which is received in a unit area located a co-moving distance away from a
source, show that the luminosity distance dlum is given by the formula

dlum = a0 r0 (1 + z)

where r0 is the co-moving distance and z is the red-shift.

Describe how the luminosity distance of Type Ia supernova might be used to
constrain cosmological parameters, and discuss the observations which are
required and any key assumptions of the method.

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

1.6 High-redshift galaxies

Discuss the significance of the observation that special lines of distant galaxies
are redshifted compared to their rest wavelengths.
For what range of redshifts would the hydrogen Lyman-α line (rest wavelength
121.6 nm) be redshifted in to the visible part (400–700 nm) of the spectrum?
What particular problems are encountered in attempting to detect Lyman-α
from galaxies with redshifts greater than about 7?
Assuming the Hubble constant H0 to be 70 km s−1 Mpc−1 , determine the
range of distances (in Mpc) corresponding to the range of redshifts you have
calculated. You may take the relationship between distance d and redshift z
to be
cz (1 + z2 )
d= .
H0 (1 + z)2
What sort of celestial objects are observed with redshifts z > 2? Outline
further evidence which favours these objects being located at cosmological

1.7 Early Universe

Give an account of the observational evidence for the hot Big Bang model of
the Universe.
The Friedmann and fluid equations respectively are given by
ȧ 8πG kc2
= ρ− 2
a 3 a
ȧ p
ρ̇ + 3 ρ+ 2 =0
a c
where a is the scale factor, ρ is the density and p is the pressure (ȧ and ρ̇ are
the derivatives of these quantities with respect to time.) Use these equations
to derive the acceleration of the Universe.
Hence demonstrate that it the Universe is homogeneous and the strong energy
condition ρc2 + 3p > 0 holds, the Universe must have undergone a Big Bang.

Chapter 2

Radiative Processes I

For Tutorial 2

2.1 Emission lines in planetary nebulae

Explain why most of the bright emission lines in the spectrum of a planetary
nebula arise from elements whose abundances are small compared to hydro-
gen. What determines the relative brightness of lines from different elements
and from different stages of ionization of a given element, and what quantit-
ies need to be estimated or measured in order to estimate the abundance of
the elements that produce the emission lines?
How do observations made in different spectral regions contribute to our
knowledge of the processes that produce the spectrum and the conditions in
the nebula?

2.2 Critical density of a planetary nebula

An element of total number density nE exists mainly in two stages of ion-
ization, i and i + 1, with number densities ni and ni+1 . Express ni /nE and
ni+1 /nE in terms of the ionization rate βi (from i) and the recombination rate
γi (to i). In a planetary nebula what processes are the main contributors to
βi and γi ? How do ni /nE and ni+1 /nE vary if the electron number density
ne is increased?
Consider a forbidden transition in the optical spectrum of a planetary neb-
ula. The transition occurs between an excited level (2), with number density
n2 , and the ground level (1), with number density n1 . Write down the ap-

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

propriate form of n2 /n1 . Hence explain what is meant by the critical density.
Two such lines occur in an ion, from levels 3 and 2 to level 1. Assuming that
the wavelengths λ21 ' λ31 , show that their flux ratio is given by

F31 g3 A31 (n∗e (2) + ne )

' ,
F21 g2 A21 (n∗e (3) + ne )

where Aji is the spontaneous transition probability, gj is the statistical weight

of level j and n∗e (j) is the critical density for a transition from level j.
Using the data for singly ionized sulphur (S II) given in the table below, find

(a) the values of F31 /F21 when (i) ne  n∗e (2) and (ii) when ne  n∗e (3)

(b) the value of ne at which F31 /F21 has its greatest dependence on ln(ne ),
and the corresponding value of F31 /F21 .
Show that if this value of F31 /F21 can be measured to within ±10% then
log10 (ne ) can be determined to within ±0.18.

Table: Data for S II lines.

λji /nm Transition (ji) Aji /s−1 Critical density n∗e (j)/m−3
673.1 2
D3/2 − 4 S3/2 (21) 1.7 × 10−3 3 × 1010
671.6 2
D5/2 − 4 S3/2 (31) 6.3 × 10−4 1 × 1010

[At a fixed electron temperature Te the collisional excitation rate is

exp(−hc/λij kB Te )
Cij ∝ ]

2.3 Detailed balance and coronal approxima-

Discuss what is meant by detailed balance and the coronal approximation in
the context of processes that determine the number density N2 of an excited
state in a two level atom. In each case give the expression for N2 /N1 , where
N1 is the ground state number density.
Emission lines arising from permitted and spin-forbidden electric dipole trans-
itions to a common atomic energy level are observed in stellar transition re-
gions. Explain how their relative intensities can be used to determine the

Tutorial 2: Radiative Processes I

electron number density Ne . Explain why there is an electron density below

which this method cannot be used.
The diagram shows some transitions observed in Fe XIV.

Transition λ /nm Cij (relative) Aji (relative)

D5/2 → 2 P3/2 21.9 9 6
D3/2 → 2 P1/2 21.1 10 5
D3/2 → 2 P3/2 22.0 1 1

Using the relative collisional excitation rate coefficients Cij and the relative
probabilities Aji given in the table, derive an expression for the relative
intensities of the lines at wavelengths λ = 21.9 nm and λ = 21.1 nm in terms
of the population ratio N (2 P3/2 )/N (2 P1/2 ). What relative intensity would be
expected if the 2 P3/2 and 2 P1/2 level number densities were determined by
detailed balance at a temperature Te = 2 × 106 K?
In a solar active region the observed intensity ratio of the above lines is 0.15.
Use the collisional excitation rate coefficient Cij = 7 × 10−15 m3 s−1 and the
transition probability Aji = 60 s−1 for the 2 P3/2 → 2 P1/2 transition to show
that N (2 P3/2 )/N (2 P1/2 ) depends on Ne . Find the value of Ne .
[The relation between the collisional de-excitation and excitation rate coef-
ficients is Cji = (gi /gj )Cij exp (Wij /kB Te ) where gi and gj are the statistical
weights of the lower and upper levels respectively and Wij is the excitation
energy of level j above level i.]

2.4 Intersystem lines of cool stars

Using a model for a two-level ion (ground state plus one excited state), discuss
the processes which should be included when considering the formation of an
intersystem (semi-forbidden) line in a cool-star transition region. Hence show
that the rate at which energy is emitted in an intersystem line of wavelength
λ21 is given by
hc NE Z Nion f1 (Ne , Te )NH
E21 = A21 dV ,
λ21 NH NE A21 + f1 (Ne , Te ) + f2 (Ne , Te )
where A21 is the spontaneous transition probability, Te is the electron tem-
perature and NE , NH , Nion and Ne are the number densities of the element
under consideration, hydrogen, ions and electron s, respectively.

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Show that

f1 (Ne , Te ) = C12 Ne and f2 (Ne , Te ) = C21 Ne ,

where C12 and C21 are rate coefficients for collision and excitation.
Intersystem lines of Si III and C III are observed in spectra of cool stars
with a range of surface gravities. Assuming that both lines are formed at
Te = 4.5 × 104 K, use the data in the table below to calculate the maximum
and minimum values of the ratio E(Si III)/E(C III).
In the spectrum of a planetary nebula, the ratio E(Si III)/E(C III) is ob-
served to be less than 0.1. Discuss the differences between the physical
conditions in planetary nebulae and cool star transition regions and suggest
the main cause of this small energy ratio.
Data for Si III and C III

Ion Transition λ (nm) Ω A21 (s−1 ) NE /NH Nion /NE

Si III 3s2 1 S0 −3s3p 3 P◦1 189.2 2.8 1.5 × 104 3.5 × 10−5 0.79

C III 2s2 1 S0 −2s2p 3 P◦1 190.9 0.32 1.0 × 102 3.5 × 10−4 0.46

The ionization potentials of Si III and C III are 33.5eV and 47.9eV, respect-

[ The rate coefficient for collisional excitation is

h i

8.63 × 10−12 Ω 10 λ21 Te

C12 = 1/2
m3 s−1 ,
g1 Te
where Ω is the collision strength given in the table, g1 is the statistical weight
of the lower level, λ21 is in nm and Te is in K. ]

Tutorial 2: Radiative Processes I

2 5/2
3d D

2 3/2
3p P 1/2

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Chapter 3

Radiative Processes II

For Tutorial 3

1. A hot star is embedded in a dusty region. Silicate dust grains have a

radius of 0.1µm and have an efficiency Qν ∝ ν, such that the efficiency ratio
<QIR > / <QUV > = 2×10−2 a Tgr , while carbon grains have a radius of
0.01µm and have an efficiency Qν ∝ ν 2 , such that the efficiency ratio <QIR >
/ <QUV > = 4×10−4 a2 T2gr , where a is in µm . Calculate the temperatures
that these grains will attain at a distance of 20 AU from the central star
of a planetary nebulae with a temperature of 40 000 K and a luminosity of
104 L . Comment on these temperatures and the possib le behaviour as a
function of distance from the star in this object.
Observations in the mid-infrared at λ = 10µm show emission extending to
distances of 0.01pc from the central star. What is the likely explanation for
this emission.

2. Describe the main sources of opacity at visible wavelengths in the pho-

tospheres of hot (B-type) stars, solar-type stars and cool stars. Explain the
physical conditions that give rise to the different opacity sources.
Estimate the temperature at which the number of hydrogen atoms in the first
excited state is equal to the number in the ground state for a thermal distribu-
tion. Is this level population likely to be realised in practice?
Without detailed derivation, justify the following expression for a grey
atmosphere, defining all terms used and stating any assumptions made:
3 2
S(τ ) = 4π
τ+ 3

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Adopting a grey atmosphere approximation, estimate the temperature ranges

which may be investigated by measurements at the limb and at the centre of
the solar disk.

3. Observations of a HII region in a galaxy at a distance of 3Mpc give the

following values for the intensities of Hydrogen recombination lines:

Line Wavelength Observed Intensity Relative Intrinsic Intensity

(µm) Iν (10−18 Wm−2 )
H(Gamma) 0.434 0.0119 47
H(Beta) 0.486 0.0455 100
H(alpha) 0.656 0.702 285

Theoretical line intensities relative to Hβ = 100 calculated by Hummer &

Storey are also listed.
The extinction expressed in magnitudes relative to an extinction of A(V)=
1 magnitude in the optical can be approximated by:
A(x) = 1.0 + 0.826(x-1.83) - 0.320(x-1.83)2
where x is the inverse wavelength 1/λ in units of µm−1 .

What is the extinction, expressed as magnitudes of visual extinction A(V)

towards the emitting region?
What information can be obtained from the extinction-corrected hydrogen
line fluxes, and how might the calculated value of the extinction be checked?
Give an estimate of the total number of ionizing photons emitted by the
stars, and estimate the size of the resulting HII region, assuming an electron
density ne ∼ 1010 m−3 .
The hydrogen recombination coefficient α = 2.6 × 10−19 m3 s−1

4. Rest-frame ultraviolet absorption lines from the ground state of C II have

been detected towards the QSO 0347 - 3819 at a redshift of 3.025. The
ground state of the C+ ion consists of two levels 2s2 2p 2P01/2,3/2 with an e
nergy separation of ∆E = 63.42 cm−1 .

Tutorial 3: Radiative Processes

Assuming thermal equilibrium, obtain an expression for the level population

of the ground and excited fine structure levels within the ground state, and
estimate the excitation temperature using the column densities in the two
levels and the oth er information below. Comment on the value of Tex found.
The column densities estimated from the transitions from the ground and
excited levels within the ground state are 5.05 ±0.28 × 1015 cm−2 and 1.92
±0.1×1013 cm−2 respectively. For the ground level J=1/2 and for the excited
level J=3/2.

Appendix: Useful Constants and Unit Conver-

• G = 6.673 10−8 cm3 g−1 s−2

• mH = 1.673 10−24 g

• 1 pc = 3.086 1016 m

• 1 yr = 3.160 107 s

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Chapter 4

High-Energy Astrophysics I

For Tutorial 4

4.1 Flux density, brightness and temperature

In the lectures we discussed the core of the quasar 3C273, an extremely bright
radiosource. Consider now a less-extreme example, where a source has a flux
density of 10 Jy at 178 MHz and subtends a solid angle of one arcmin2 .

(a) What is the brightness temperature of the radiosource at 178 MHz?

(b) You may be surprised that the temperature is not dramatically higher
than that of very hot stars. Why then is it so difficult to observe stars
at radio wavelengths?

(c) For enthusiasts only, and strictly non-examinable! If you’ve grasped the
essential point in part (b), consider this question: What magnitude is
the faintest astronomical object that can be seen by the human eye in
daylight? Google for quantities that you think are relevant.

4.2 Shocks
Using the ideal gas law and the strong shock jump conditions, show that the
temperature of gas downstream of a shock is given by

3 mvu2
Td =
16 kB

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Figure 4.1: Brightness temperature.

Tutorial 4: High-Energy I

where m is the mean particle mass in the gas and vu2 is the bulk speed of the
gas upstream of the shock.
Why do the temperature and density of the upstream gas not appear in this
In the lectures we considered the blast wave of SN1993J, which had an ini-
tital expansion speed of 20 000 km s−1 . Assuming the interstellar medium
around the supernova to be hydrogen plasma, estimate the initial temperat-
ure behind the blast wave.
Hydrogen plasma falls radially onto a white dwarf, passing through a shock
very close to the surface. Show that the temperature behind the shock is
given by

kB T 3 mp RS
me c 32 me R∗

where R∗ is the radius of the star and RS is its Schwarzschild radius. What
is kB T if R∗ = 6000 km and M = M ?

4.3 Particle acceleration

Outline the physical mechanism by which it is thought that electrons are
accelerated to ultra-relativistic energies in strong non-relativistic shocks such
as are found in supernova remnants.
Suppose that an electron is involved in a collision which increases the elec-
tron’s total energy by a factor β. Suppose further that there is a probability
p that this electron remains within the region where further collisions may
occur. Show that the expected distribution of electron energies is

N (E)dE ∝ E k dE

Where k = −1 + (ln p/ ln β).

Assuming that k = −2 and that the electrons are accelerated to energies at
which they emit synchrotron radiation, show that the power-law region of
the synchrotron spectrum will have a form

Sν ∝ ν −0.5

You may assume that a synchrotron electron emits almost all its radiation
γ 2 eB
at a characteristic frequency νcrit ∼ 2πm e
and that the power radiated is
4γ 2 β 2 cσT B 2
P = 3µ0

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

4.4 Synchrotron spectrum

Describe, with the aid of an annotated sketch, the shape of the spectrum
of continuum radio emission from the lobes of a powerful extragalactic ra-
diosource. Include in your discussion the optically thick and optically thin
regions of the spectrum, along with an explanation of these terms, and de-
scribe how the shape of the spectrum is modified by radiation losses as the
radiosource ages.
Show that a relativistic electron with Lorentz factor γ, passing through a
region containing a uniform magnetic flux density B, has a gyrofrequency

Hence show that such an electron emits radiation whose spectrum is strongly
peaked at a characteristic frequency νcrit which is given by

γ 2 eB
νcrit ∼
The power radiated by the electron is given by

4γ 2 β 2 cσT B 2
P =

where β is the speed of the electron relative to the speed of light and σT is
the Thomson cross section. Using these formulae for P and νcrit , calculate a
characteristic timescale for the synchrotron lifetime of the electron.
The powerful giant radiosource 3C236 is 6 Mpc across, with the host galaxy
at the centre. The radio spectrum of the lobes close to the host galaxy shows
a cut-off in emission, assumed to be due to radiative losses, at frequencies
above about 1 GHz. Taking the magnetic flux density in this region to be
0.3 nT, estimate the age of the synchrotron plasma near the host galaxy.
On the assumption that this plasma was left behind near the host galaxy by
the radiosource jets just as they began to expand into intergalactic space,
estimate the expansion speed of the radiosource. What factors may cause
these estimates of age and expansion speed to be unreliable?

4.5 Equipartition/Minimum Energy

Describe the evidence that the radio emission from powerful extragalactic
radio sources is produced by the synchrotron mechanism.

Tutorial 4: High-Energy I

A radio source contains a population of relativistic electrons with Lorentz

factors γ  1 and a uniform magnetic flux density of magnitude B. The
number density of electrons with Lorentz factors in the range γ to γ + dγ is
given by
n(γ)dγ = n1 dγ
for γ greater than some limit γ1 , where n1 is a constant and k is a constant
greater than 2. Show that Jν , the power emitted per unit volume per unit
frequency interval, is given by

Jν ∝ n1 γ1k γ 1−k B.

You may assume that each electron emits all its synchrotron radiation at a
frequency ν = γ 2 eB/2πme and that the power radiated by each electron is
P = 43 cσT um γ 2 where um is the energy density of the magnetic field and σT
is the Thomson scattering cross-section.
If the energy density stored in relativistic electrons, ue , is

n1 γ12 me c2
ue =
show that, for a given observed value of Jν , the total energy density in the
source in the form of relativistic electrons and magnetic field has a minimum
value which occurs when
ue = um .
The radio source Cygnus A is about 100 kpc across. The flux density of the
magnetic field in the radio source is thought to be about 6 nT. Estimate a
lower limit to the total energy content of the radio source and explain what
implications this has for how Cygnus A is powered.

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Chapter 5

High-Energy Astrophysics II

For Tutorial 5

5.1 Accretion discs

Describe four methods used to determine the masses of black holes in galactic
What is the physical significance of the Eddington luminosity, LEdd ? Derive
the express ion
4πGmp M c
LEdd =
for pure hydrogen plasma accreting onto an object of mass M , where σT is
the Thomson cross-section, clearly stating any assumptions made.
Assume that the emission from a geometrically-thin, optically-thick accretion
disc is dominated by a component from its innermost part. Take this to be
a uniform circular region of radius r ∼ 6GM/c2 . By equating the luminosity
emitted from this region to the Eddington luminosity, derive an approximate
expression for the black-body temperature of radiation from the inner disc.
Estimate the temperatures for black holes of 10 M and 108 M and comment
on your results in the context of the observed spectra of X-ra y binaries and
active galaxies.
The galaxy NGC 4258 contains a black hole of mass 3.5 × 107 M . Calculate
the Eddington luminosity and compare it with the observed X-ray luminosity
of 4 × 1033 W.
Contrast the properties of accretion discs with Ṁ ∼ ṀEdd and Ṁ  ṀEdd .
[ σT = 6.6 × 10−29 m2 . ]

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

5.2 Doppler beaming and boosting

In the lectures we derived the formula for the apparent projected velocity
βapp c of material in a jet with velocity βc at an angle θ to the line of sight,
β sin θ
βapp =
1 − β cos θ
Use this formula to show that for any particular jet, the maximum apparent
speed is
βapp = γβ,
which is seen when the jet is viewed from a direction such that
β = cos θ.
Now a demonstration of the relativistic abberation of solid angle.
Suppose a source is moving along the θ = 0 axis (spherical polar coordinates).
If the source emits photons isotropically in its rest frame (the S 0 frame) then
the angular distribution of photons in an annulus of solid angle between θ0
and θ0 + dθ0 will be given by
P (θ0 ) dθ0 = sin θ0 dθ0 .
(Recall this from you old kinetic theory notes if you have forgotten it!). Use
the relativistic abberation formulae to transform θ0 to the observer’s (S)
frame θ and hence show that the distribution of photons in the S frame is
given by
P (θ) dθ = D2 sin θ dθ,
where D is the relativistic Doppler factor, [γ(1 − βcosθ)]−1 .
Figure 5.1 shows how the Doppler factor varies as a function of γ and θ.
There are couple of points to note.
First, D varies with cos(θ), so for a receding source you can calculate it as
[γ(1 − βcosθ)]−1 with 90 < θ < 180, or you can say [γ(1 + βcosθ)]−1 with
0 < θ < 90. Be alert!
Second, D becomes less than one while the jet is still pointing towards you!
The peak of the boosting is occuring off to the side; you’re looking at the
fainter “shoulder” of the boosted beam.
Now a calculation. Detailed study of the single-sided jet in the quasar 3C273
suggests that the jet is pointing towards us, at about 10◦ from the line-of-
sight, has a bulk Lorentz factor γ = 11, and a synchrotron spectral index of
0.5. The deepest radio maps of 3C273 have a dynamic range of about 5000
and show no sign whatsoever of a counterjet. Is this surprising?

Tutorial 5: High-Energy II

Figure 5.1: Doppler boosting of a relativistic jet.

5.3 Inverse-Compton scattering

Explain what is meant by Thomson scattering and inverse-Compton scatter-
ing. Give two examples where inverse-Compton scattering is important in
The power P in scattered radiation due to Thomson scattering is given by

P = cσT U

where σT is the Thomson scattering cross-section and U is the energy dens-

ity of incident radiation. Use this relation to derive an expression for the
average power of radiation inverse Compton scattered by a population of
relativistic electrons with Lorentz factors γ ∼ 1000. Assume that the distri-
bution of electrons is isotropic and that the radiation being scattered is at
radio frequencies. Justify each step in your derivation.
Ultra-relativistic electrons of energy 1011 eV are observed at the Earth. By
considering the effect on the electrons of inverse Compton scattering of the
microwave background radiation, calculate the maximum length of time for
which the electrons could have had energies larger than the observed value.
Given that the age of the Galaxy is ∼ 1010 years, what does this imply?
Suggest some possible sources of such high-energy electrons.
[The energy density of the microwave background is 2.6 × 105 eV m−3 ; σT =
6.6 × 10−29 m2 .]

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

5.4 Self-absorbed Synchrotron

By considering the intensity of radiation emitted by a black body, show how
an estimate of the magnetic flux density in a compact radio source can be
obtained from a measurement of its surface brightness at a frequency at which
the source is optically thick.
[You may assume that in the Rayleigh-Jeans part of the spectrum of a black
body at temperature T , the intensity per unit frequency interval Sν is given
by Sν = 2kB T ν 2 /c2 ]

5.5 Thermal Bremsstrahlung

What is the mechanism that produces bremsstrahlung radiation?
Beginning with the result that an interaction between a stationary proton and
an electron with speed v at impact parameter b emits a total energy ∝ 1/b3 v,
show that the spectral energy distribution of bremsstrahlung radiation in a
hydrogen plasma as a function of frequency ν is given by

n2 mv 2
jν dν ∝ e ln dν,
v 2hν

where ne is the electron density.

The integrated bremsstrahlung emissivity  (the power per unit volume) for
a hydrogen plasma is given by

 = 1.7 × 10−40 T 1/2 n2e W m−3 ,

where T is the temperature of the plasma in units of K and ne is in units of

m−3 . Considering a virialized cluster of galaxies with a gas mass of 1014 M
and a size of 1 Mpc, estimate the time it takes for the gas to cool, explaining
quantitatively any assumptions you need to make.
Why is this estimate an upper limit to the cooling time? What are the
implications for the existence of such clusters in the local Universe, given
that the time since the Big Bang is approximately 13.7 Gyr?
The central galaxy in such a cluster is found to harbour a black hole of mass
109 M . Describe, with a quantitative calculation, how this may reconcile
any difficulties implied by your previous calculations.

5.6 Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect and H0

What is meant by the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect? How is it measured?

Tutorial 5: High-Energy II

Under certain conditions, the magnitude of the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect is

δI Z
σT ne kB Te
= −2 dl.
I m e c2
Give an account of the physical origin of this effect that qualitatively explains
why δI/I is given by this formula. Estimate the frequency at which this
formula is invalid.
The galaxies of the Coma cluster have a mean recession velocity with re-
spect to Earth of 6900 km s−1 . Observations of the Coma cluster with X-ray
telescopes show that the intracluster plasma has an angular extent of 30 ar-
cminutes, a temperature of 108 K and an electron density of ∼ 4000 m−3 .
Observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background toward the cluster at
30 GHz show a diminution in temperature of 0.6 mK. Use these data to make
an estimate of the Hubble parameter, describing any assumptions made.
Identify two difficulties involved in the measurement of the Hubble parameter
via the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich effect, and describe how their influence may be
[σT = 6.6 × 10−29 m2 ; the mean temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Back-
ground is 2.73 K.]

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Chapter 6

Avanced Stellar Astrophysics I

For Tutorial 6

6.1 Core-Collapse Supernovae

Consider the final iron core of a massive star with a mass MFe ' 1.5 M and
radius RFe ' 3 × 106 m, spinning with a spin period P ' 500 s and having a
magnetic field at its outer edge BFe ' 2 × 103 T.

a) Stating your assumptions, estimate the final spin and the strength of
the magnetic field of the neutron star that forms from the collapse of
such a core. Compare the spin period to the minimum spin period for
a neutron star.

During the collapse phase, the initial collapse stops when the central core
with a mass Mcore ' 0.7 M reaches a mass density ρ ' 3 × 1016 kg m−3 . At
this density the core bounces driving a shock with an energy Ebounce ∼ 1044 J
into the infalling outer core.

b) Estimate the energy that is required to photodissociate 0.1 M of Fe

into neutrons and protons. Compare this energy to the bounce shock
energy and comment on the fate of the shock. [Remember that ∼ 0.8 %
of the rest mass energy of protons is released in the conversion 561 H →

c) In the proto-neutron star (with an initial radius ∼ 30 km), the mean

free path of neutrinos is lν ∼ 0.3 m. Estimate the diffusion time for
neutrinos to escape from the proto-neutron star and hence estimate
the neutrino luminosity during the initial neutron-star cooling phase.

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

[Hint: assume that all the gravitational potential energy escapes in

the form of neutrinos and use a standard random-walk argument to
estimate the neutrino diffusion time.]

d) Assuming that 5 to 10 % of the neutrino luminosity is absorbed by the

infalling outer core, estimate how long it takes to absorb enough neut-
rino energy to reverse the infall of the outer core and drive a successful
supernova explosion (with a typical explosion energy of 1044 J). Com-
pare this time to the dynamical timescale of the proto-neutron star.

6.2 The Binary Pulsar PSR J0737-3039: Su-

pernova Kicks
Recently, the first binary pulsar was discovered (Lyne, A.G. et al. 2004,
Science, 303, 1153), which provides a rare laboratory for relativistic physics.
The system consists of two pulsars (A and B) in a mildly eccentric orbit with
an orbital period Porb ' 2.4 hr and eccentricity e ' 0.088. The spin periods
and spin-down rates of the two pulsars have been measured to be PA '
22.7 ms, PB ' 2.77 s, ṖA ' 1.7 × 10−18 s s−1 and ṖB ' 0.88 × 10−15 s s−1 and
the masses have been determined to be MA ' 1.34 M and MB ' 1.25 M ,

a) Making reasonable assumptions about the pulsar properties, estimate

the spin-down luminosities and the spin-down ages (i.e. P/2Ṗ ) for both
pulsars. Considering the evolutionary history of the system, explain
why the spin-down ages should roughly agree.

b) Assuming that the spin-down is caused entirely by magnetic dipole

radiation, show that the magnetic field of the pulsars can be estimated
from v !
1 u 3c3 µ0
B' 3 t P Ṗ I,
R sin θ 32π 3

where R is the radius of the pulsar, θ the (generally unknown) inclina-

tion of the magnetic axis with respect to the rotation axis and I is the
moment of inertia of the pulsar (µ0 is the magnetic permeability and
c the speed of light in vacuo). Estimate the magnetic fields of the two

Tutorial 6: Advanced Stellar I

c) It is believed that Pulsar A was spun up by accretion of matter from the

progenitor of Pulsar B. Neglecting magnetic fields during the accretion
phase, estimate how much mass Pulsar A would have had to accrete
from an accretion disc to be spun-up to the observed spin period. How
does the actual magnetic field of Pulsar A affect this estimate?

It is reasonable to assume that before the second supernova, in which Pulsar

B was formed, the immediate pre-supernova binary system was circular and
had an orbital separation a0 ' 1.4 R .

d) Assuming that in the second supernova an amount of mass ∆M was

instantaneously ejected and that Pulsar B did not receive a recoil in its
own frame, show that the post-supernova eccentricity e, post-supernova
semi-major axis aPSN and post-supernova system velocity vsys (i.e. the
velocity of the new centre-of-mass (CM) frame defined by the two
pulsars relative to the pre-supernova CM frame) are given by

e= ,

aPSN = ,

0 ∆M MA
vsys = vorb ,
MA + MB MHe + MA
where MHe is the mass of the progenitor of Pulsar B just before the
supernova (i.e. MB +∆M ) and vorb is the pre-supernova orbital velocity.
Determine ∆M assuming that the post-supernova eccentricity was e '
0.1 and estimate vsys .
[Hint: You need to compare the energies and momenta of the system
before and after the supernova. The eccentricity e and semi-major axis
a of an eccentric orbit are related to the distance of closest approach,
the periastron separation, rp by rp = (1 − e) a, and the total energy of
an eccentric binary is

GM1 M2 GM1 M2 1 M1 M2 2
Ebinary = − =− + v ,
2a r 2 M1 + M2

where r is the separation and v the relative orbital velocity at a particu-

lar binary phase, and M1 and M2 are the masses of the two components.
See, e.g., Carroll & Ostlie, Chapter 2.3.]

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

e? ) Show that in the limit, where there is no mass loss associated with
the second supernova but where Pulsar B received an asymmetric su-
pernova kick of magnitude vkick , the post-supernova system velocity is
given by
vsys = vkick .
What is vsys in this case for a typical vkick ' 250 km s−1 ?

f? ) Discuss how the observed eccentricities and system velocities of systems

like the double pulsar may be used to constrain supernova kicks.

6.3 The Last Stable Circular Orbit

In General Relativity, the equation for the radial coordinate r of a test
particle orbiting a non-rotating black hole of mass M can be written as

L2 1 E2
1 2 1 2GM
ṙ + 1− 2 + c = , (6.1)
2 2 cr r2 2 c2

where ṙ = dr/dt and L and E are the angular momentum per unit rest
mass and the energy per unit rest mass of the particle, respectively (the
particle is assumed to have non-zero rest mass). This equation resembles the
energy conservation equation in Newtonian dynamics, EN = 1/2 ṙ2 + Veff (r),
except for the additional term −GM L2 /c2 r3 in the effective potential Veff
that becomes dominant at small radii.

a) Treating the problem like a Newtonian one, sketch the effective po-
tential for a particle near a black hole as a function of radius, both
for a small and a large value of L. Characterize the possible types of
trajectories/orbits in both cases.

b) Show that for each value of L there are two possible circular orbits
L2 ± [L4 − 12G2 M 2 L2 /c2 ]
r± = , (6.2)
provided that L2 > 12G2 M 2 /c2 .
c) Show that the r+ solution has a minimum value of r+ = 6GM/c2 and
argue that this is a stable orbit (i.e. corresponds to a minimum of the
effective potential). What does this imply for the r− solution?

Tutorial 6: Advanced Stellar I

d) Calculate the energy E of a particle at this innermost stable circular

orbit and show that it’s binding energy per unit rest mass EB is

EB = (1 − (8/9)1/2 ) c2 ' 0.06 c2 .

e) Discuss briefly what happens as matter orbiting a black hole in an

accretion disc approaches the innermost stable orbit. Compare this
case to accretion onto a non-magnetic neutron star.

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Chapter 7

Advanced Stellar Astrophysics


For Tutorial 7

7.1 Gamma-Ray Bursts

A popular model for long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is the col-
lapsar model, in which a massive, relatively rapidly rotating helium (or car-
bon/oxygen) star collapses to form a compact object (e.g. a black hole) sur-
rounded by a disc of matter at nuclear density. Subsequent accretion from
the disc causes the formation of a relativistic jet that penetrates the remain-
ing infalling envelope and generates a gamma-ray burst at a large distance
away from the star by internal and/or external shocks.
For this problem consider a collapsing helium star of mass MHe = 10 M and
radius RHe = 5 × 108 m where the inital mass of the central black hole is
MBH = 2 M .

a) Show that the specific angular momentum of the infalling material has
to be larger than 2 × 1012 m2 s−1 , the specific angular momentum at
the last stable orbit for a 2 M black hole, so that an accretion disc
can form. Estimate the characteristic dynamical timescales both for
the inner disc and the collapsing helium star. How do these timescales
determine the observable characteristics of GRBs?

b) Assume that an amount of relativistic energy E = 1044 J is injected

by the central engine of the GRB, driving an expanding relativistic
fireball. Estimate the radius at which the fireball becomes optically

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

thin to MeV gamma rays, i.e. the radius at which the optical depth to
) e+ +e− becomes less than 1. [You may assume that
pair creation γ γ *
the cross section for pair creation is given by the Thomson cross section
σT ' 6.6×10−29 m2 and that the typical photon energy is 1 MeV; argue
that the optical depth is then given by τγ ∼ nγ σT R.]

While massive stars are known to be rapidly rotating on the main sequence,
they are believed to be spun down efficiently during their evolution by hy-
drodynamical and magnetohydrodynamical effects and develop cores that are
not rotating sufficiently fast to be consistent with the collapsar model. One
way of spinning up a helium star is if it is a member of a close binary where
it can be spun up by the tidal interaction with a companion star.

c) Consider a 10 M helium star in a close orbit with a compact star

(most likely a neutron star or a black hole) with an orbital period Porb .
Assume that the spin angular velocity of the helium star is synchronized
with the orbital angular velocity of the binary and that the helium star
is in solid body rotation. Estimate the maximum orbital period for
which the core is sufficiently rapidly rotating that only the innermost
2 M can collapse directly, while the rest collapses first into a disc [take
the typical radius of the inner 2 M core as 8×107 m). [Answer: ∼ 5 hr]

d) Sketch briefly the evolutionary path that can lead to the formation of
such a system.

Tutorial 7: Advanced Stellar II

7.2 Mass-Transfer Driving Mechanisms

Consider a binary consisting of two stars of mass M1 and M2 with an orbital
separation A and orbital period P .

a) Show that the total angular momentum of the binary can be written
2π q
J = µ A2 = µ G (M1 + M2 ) A,
where µ ≡ M1 M2 /(M1 + M2 ) is the reduced mass of the system. Show
that for conservative mass transfer (where the total mass and the total
angular momentum of the system remains constant), the orbital sep-
aration is a minimum when M1 = M2 . Sketch the evolution of A as
a function of time assuming that M1 > M2 initially and that mass is
transferred from star 1 to star 2. How does this behaviour of A affect
the mass-transfer rate, assuming that star 1 attempts to expand at a
steady rate?

b) Even in the absence of mass transfer, the orbit of a binary will shrink
due to the emission of gravitational waves, which causes the loss of
orbital angular momentum at a rate

dJ 32 G7/2 µ2 M 5/2
=− ,
dt 5 c5 A7/2
where M = M1 + M2 is the total mass of the binary. Show that this
implies that the orbital period decreases as

1 dP 96 G3 M 2 µ
=− .
P dt 5 c5 A4

By setting the orbital period decay time (P/Ṗ ) equal to the age of
the Galaxy (∼ 1010 yr), determine the maximum separation and hence
maximum orbital period for which a binary consisting of (i) two low-
mass helium white dwarfs with M1 = M2 = 0.3 M , (ii) two massive
carbon/oxygen white dwarfs with M1 = M2 = 1 M and (iii) two
neutron stars with M1 = M2 = 1.4 M are driven into contact by
gravitational wave emission within the age of the Galaxy. Discuss the
likely/possible fate of the systems in the three cases.

c? ) Assume that star 1 loses mass in a stellar wind at a wind mass-loss rate
Ṁ = 10−10 M yr−1 and that the wind is magnetically coupled to the
spin of star 1 up to a radius 10 R away from the star (where R is the

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

radius of the star). Assume further that due to the tidal interaction
with the companion star, the spin of star 1 is synchronized with the
orbital period (i.e. Pspin = Porb ). Estimate the orbital period decay
time (P/Ṗ ) due to this magnetic braking for a system with M1 = M2 =
1 M and A = 3R. [Hint: what is the specific angular momentum lost
in the stellar wind?]

7.3 Neutron-Star Spin-Up by Wind Accre-

Consider a massive X-ray binary consisting of a 20 M star and a 1.4 M
neutron star in a relatively wide orbit where the radius of the massive star
is much smaller than its Roche lobe radius. Assume that the massive star
loses mass in a steady spherical wind with a wind mass-loss rate Ṁwind =
10−7 M yr−1 and a wind velocity vwind = 103 km s−1 and that the neutron
star has a magnetic field B = 108 T (assumed to be dipolar) and is spun up
(or spun down!) by accretion of some of the wind material.

a) Explain the meaning of Alfvén radius (rAlf ) and Bondi-Hoyle radius

(rBH ). Calculate rBH for the above system and show that the fraction
of the wind that is accreted by the neutron star is given by (rBH /2A)2
where A is the orbital separation of the binary.

The matter that is accreted by Bondi-Hoyle accretion typically has a specific

angular momentum that is 1/4 of the specific Keplerian angular momentum
at the Bondi-Hoyle radius.

b) Estimate the characteristic size of a disc that would form around the
neutron star in the absence of a magnetic field.

c? ) Now considering the actual magnetic field of the pulsar, estimate the
maximum orbital separation A for which a disc can form around the
pulsar (i.e. for which the accreted specific angular momentum is larger
than the Keplerian specific angular momentum at the Alfvén radius).
Determine the equilibrium spin period of the pulsar for this case.

7.4 Star Formation

a) Explain the concept of the Jeans mass and its importance for star
formation. Consider two dense cores in a cloud of molecular hydrogen

Tutorial 7: Advanced Stellar II

(with µ = 2): (i) a cool core with temperature T = 10 K and (ii) a

warm core with T = 100 K. Taking the number density of molecular
hydrogen to be n = 1010 m−3 in both cases, estimate the Jeans mass
for both cores.

b) Assume that the pre-collapse core is in hydrostatic equilibrium and

can be treated as an isothermal sphere, i.e. a sphere of gas at constant
temperature T where q the supporting thermal pressure is given by P =
ρ cs and where cs = kT /µmH is the isothermal sound speed of the
gas. Show that the density as a function of radius r from the centre of
the sphere is approximately given by

c2s 1
ρ= ,
4πG r2
and the mass enclosed within a radius r by

M (r) = r.

c) The collapse of an unstable isothermal molecular cloud core occurs from

the inside out. Assume that the innermost mass m(r) within a radius
r has already collapsed and that the infall velocity at r is given by cs .
Show that the mass-infall rate Ṁ is given by

Ṁ =
and is independent of r. What is Ṁ for the cases (i) and (ii) in part

d? ) Now consider an unstable molecular cloud core of 1 M and initial ra-

dius R = 106 R which is in solid body rotation with angular velocity
ω = 10−13 Hz. Assuming that the size of the protostar forming at the
centre of the collapsing core has a radius of 5 R and using angular
momentum considerations, estimate what fraction of the mass of the
core can collapse directly onto the protostar. Estimate the character-
istic size of the proto-stellar disc that forms from the collapse of the
bulk of the molecular core. [To obtain these estimates, you may take
the density to be constant in the core and ignore factors of order unity.]
Comment on the implications of these estimates for the outcome of the
star-formation process.

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Chapter 8

Early Universe / Large Scale


For Tutorial 8

8.1 Units (optional)

It is often useful to change between different units when looking at a prob-
lem. A common practice is to convert a quantity into completely different
units by multiplying by the fundamental constants such as c, h̄, kB and unit
For example, take the Hubble constant
H0 = 100hkm s−1 Mpc−1 .
We can re-express it as a length by dividing by c to get
= 3.334 × 10−4 M pc−1 .
To re-express as an energy (in eV) we must first multiply by h̄ to get
h̄H0 = 1.05h × 10−32 K m J Mpc−1 .
We then need to convert Mpc to Km and J to eV to get
h̄H0 1.01h × 10−34 .
Finally to convert it into an inverse timescale (in years) we can simply convert
Mpc to Mm and s into yr
H0 = 1.02h × 10−10 yr−1 .

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

These correspond to an upper limit on the mass of the dark energy particle,
the inverse Hubble length, inverse approximate age.
Now do the same for the following quantities. Note that you will have to
look up the values of the fundamental constants and the conversions between
• ρcrit = 3H02 /8πG into (a) g cm−3 , (b) GeV4 , (c) eV cm−3 , (d) protons
cm−3 , (e) M Mpc−3 . If the cosmological constant has ρΛ = 2ρcrit /3,
what is its energy scale in eV (i.e. ρΛ ). Compare to the Planck mass,
MP l = (8πG)−1/2
• The photon temperature, TCM B =2.728K to (a) eV4 . Assuming a black
body distribution, convert this to a number density, nγ in photons cm−3
and energy density, ργ in (a) eV, (b) g cm−3 and Ωγ = ργ /ρcrit .
• The neutrino temperature, Tν = (4/11)1/3 TCM B . Use this to express nν ,
ρν and Ων in the above units assuming that the neutrinos are relativistic
(and have three species).
• With the above relic number density, now consider the case where one
out of three neutrino species has a mass of 1 eV and the rest are mass-
less. What is the energy density of relic neutrinos in units of the critical
density, Ων,massive . For what mass is the energy density at the critical

8.2 Expansion of the Universe

In the lectures you have been given an expression for the evolution of the
Hubble constant, H = aȧ as a function of the scale factor. It can depend on a
number of constants that encode the fractional energy density in the various
energy species. These are the fractional energy density in non-relativistic
matter, ΩM 0 , in relativistic matter, ΩR0 , in the cosmological constant, ΩΛ0
and in curvature, ΩK0 . You will use the evolution equation for H(a) to solve
the following problems.
• Assume the universe today with no curvature or relativistic matter, but
with both non-relativistic matter and a cosmological constant. Write
an expression for the age of the universe. Note that you cannot solve
this exactly.
• Assume instead that the universe is open (hyperbolic) with non-relativistic
matter but no cosmological constant or relativistic matter. Once again
you cannot solve this exactly.

Tutorial 8: Early Universe / LSS

• Assume that there is only relativistic (radiation) and non-relativistic

matter in the universe (no cosmological constant) and that the universe
is flat. Integrate the age equation to determine the time at which the
cosmic temperature was 109 K (remember that the temperature of the
Universe today is 2.7 K) and when it was 1/3 eV (1 eV is approximately
11600 K). In this case you can solve the integral exactly. Assume that
the ratio of radiation energy density to non-relativistic matter energy
density today, ΩR0 /ΩM 0 ' 2.5h−2 × 10−5 where the Hubble constant
today is H0 = 100hkm s−1 Mpc−1 .

8.3 Growth of inhomogeneities

The equation for the evolutions of small perturbations in an expanding back-
ground is:
ȧ c2 3 ȧ
δ̈ + 2 δ̇ − s2 ∇2 δ − Ωδ = 0
a a 2 a
where a is the scale factor, c2s is the speed of sound, and Ω is the fractional
energy density in non-relativistic matter.
a) In a Universe dominated by non-relativistic matter (or dust), we have
that a ∝ t2/3 and c2S ' 0. Find the solutions to δ. Which one domin-
b) The Newton-Poisson equation in an inhomogeneous universe can be
rewritten as
∇2 Φ = 4πGa2 ρ̄δ
where ρ̄ is the mean energy density, and (as above) the gradient is taken
in terms of conformal coordinates (i.e. coordinates which are fixed on
the expanding space time). From what you know about the evolution
of the energy-density of non-relativistic matter, find the time evolution
of Φ, the Newtonian potential.
c) Assume that the universe is a mixture of dust and cosmological con-
stant and that the cosmological constant is constant over all of space.
Furthermore, assume that the cosmological constant dominates, so that
the fractional energy density in dust is effectively zero. Explain why
the the equation for the evolution of perturbations in the dust is given

δ̈ + 2 δ̇ = 0
C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Find the solution of δ as a function of time.

d) Compare a Universe in which the cosmological constant dominates with
one in which it is absent. Consider a structure with a density contrast
δ(t0 ) today. It can be a galaxy or a cluster of galaxies. Will it have
been around for longer in the Universe with or without the cosmological
constant? Think of a way for testing for the presence of delayed growth
of structure by looking for galaxies at large redshifts.

8.4 A baryon dominated Universe

In the very early Universe, before recombination, baryons and photons in-
teract very strongly to form a tightly coupled fluid. Let us assume that
the transition between radiation and matter domination occurs at the same
time as recombination. Before recombination, the evolution equation for the
perturbations in the baryon/photon fluid is
a0 1 a0
δ + δ 0 − ∇2 δ − 4
δ=0 (8.1)
a 3 a
with a ∝ η. After recombination the evolution equation is
a0 3 a0
δ + δ0 −
δ=0 (8.2)
a 2 a

with a ∝ η 2 .
• Rewrite these equations in Fourier space by replacing ∇ by −i~k.
• Solve both of these equations in the long wavelength limit.
• Before recombination, there is a scale (let us call it kJ = 2π/λJ where
λJ is the Jeans length) that separates the large k behaviour from the
small k behaviour. What is it? How does it evolve with time? (Please
show the time evolution for the physical and conformal Jeans wave
A very rough approximation to the solution of the evolution equations before
recombination on small wavelengths is
! !
1 1
δ = C1 cos √ kη + C2 sin √ kη
3 3
where C1 and C2 are constants.

Tutorial 8: Early Universe / LSS

• In the pre-recombination period, how does a perturbation that starts

off with a k < kJ evolve (answer this question qualitatively)? What
type of behaviour will it have at sufficiently late times?

• (This is hard). Start off with a perturbation with an amplitude A

on scales much larger than Jeans scale at some very early time. Fol-
low its evolution until today. You should find two types of behaviour:
modes whose wavenumber k are smaller than kJ at recombination and
modes whose wave numbers are greater than kJ . By matching the large
wavelength solutions to short wavelength solutions at the time when
kJ = k you can get a solution that covers all times. What form will it
have at late times? (No need to do the full calculation, just figure out
what kind of solution will be picked out at late times.)

• (This is hard). Define the power spectrum of perturbations to be

P (k) ≡ |δ(t0 , ~k)|2

Sketch what you expect the power spectrum of perturbations to be

today if we assume that initially all modes had the same amplitude at
some early time.

8.5 Neutrinos and free streaming

Consider a universe with critical density full of nonrelativistic matter. The
evolution equation for density perturbations, is
ȧ 3 ȧ
δ̈ + 2 δ̇ − δ = 0.
a 2 a
with δ = δρ/ρ0 , where we have expanded the total density ρ = ρ0 + δρ into a
homogeneous (ρ0 ) and imhomogeneous (δρ) part. Find the solution for the
evolution of δ as a function of time.

Now consider a critical density universe which has a mixture of massive neut-
rinos (with fractional density Ων ) and non-relativistic matter (with fractional
density ΩM ) so that Ων + ΩM = 1. It will expand at the same rate as in
the case considered above. On large scales δ will evolve as above but on
scales smaller than about 40h−1 Mpc, the evolution of perturbations in the
nonrelativistic matter is set by
ȧ 3 ȧ
δ̈ + 2 δ̇ − ΩM 0 δ = 0.
a 2 a

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Find the solution for the evolution of δ as a function of time.

What is the difference in the growth rate of density perturbations on small

scales for these two perturbations? Explain the reason for the difference in
terms of the behaviour of the neutrinos.

We are now able to measure the angular positions and redshifts, z of millions
of galaxies in the universe. In some cases we are even able to measure their
distances from us. At low redshifts, a measurement of the distance, d and
the redshift of a galaxy can be used to determine its peculiar velocity away
from us, v, through

cz = H0 d + v

where H0 is the Hubble constant today and c is the speed of light. From
conservation of energy we have that the peculiar velocity and the density
contrast at a given point are related through:
~ · ~v = −δ̇

Show that, in regions of equal δ, galaxies will have on average lower peculiar
velocities in a universe with massive neutrinos as compared to a universe
with only non-relativistic matter.

Chapter 9

Galaxies I

For Tutorial 9

9.1 Basic Definitions

In a galaxy located at a distance d Mpc from our own Milky Way, what
would be the apparent B−magnitude of a star like our Sun? Show that in
such a galaxy, an angle of 1 arcsec on the sky corresponds to a length of 5d
pc. If its surface brightness is IB = 27 mag arcsec−2 , how much B−band
light does a patch of one square arcsecond of this galaxy emit? Show that
although this is equivalent to ∼ 1 L pc−2 in the B−band, it drops to ∼ 0.3
L pc−2 in the I−band.

Data: MV = 4.83; B − V = 0.65; V − I = 0.72; mB = -2.5 log10 (FB ) + 8.29

if the B−band flux FB is in 10−12 erg/s/cm2 /Å units.

9.2 Principles of Galactic Dynamics - Spher-

The Plummer sphere of total mass MP and scale radius aP is a simple if
crude model for star clusters and round galaxies. Its gravitational potential:

ΦP (r) = − q , (9.1)
r2 + a2P

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

approaches that of a point mass when r  aP . Show that its density is given:

3a2P MP
ρP (r) = . (9.2)
4π(r2 + a2P )5/2

and calculate UP , its potential energy. What is the mass M (< R) enclosed
within a Plummer sphere of radius R? When viewed from a great distance
along the z-axis, what is its surface density ΣP (R) at a distance R from the
center? Check that the core radius rc , where ΣP (R) drops to half its central
value, is rc ≈ 0.644 aP .

9.3 Principles of Galactic Dynamics - Disks

A simple disk model potential is that of the Kuzmin disk of total mass MK
and scale length aK , which reads, in cylindrical polar coordinates:

ΦK (R, z) = − q . (9.3)
R2 + (aK + |z|)2

Irrespective of whether z is positive or negative, this is the potential of a

point mass MK at R = 0, displaced by a distance aK along the z-axis, on the
opposite side of the z = 0 plane (i.e. negative if z is positive and positive if
z is negative). Show that ∇2 ΦK = 0 everywhere except in the plane z = 0
and use the divergence theorem to obtain the surface density ΣK (R) there.

9.4 Introduction to Hierarchical Galaxy Form-

ation: Dark Matter Halos
The Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) model is used to describe the density pro-
file of cold dark matter halos with characteristic scale lengths aN and densities
ρN that form in cosmological N-body simulations:
ρN F W (r) = . (9.4)
(r/aN )(1 + (r/aN ))2

Note the cusp in the center where the density diverges like 1/r and the rapid
fall off in r−3 at large radii. Calculate the associated gravitational potential,
as a function of aN and the characteristic velocity dispersion σN = 4πGρN a2N .
Use this result to obtain the speed V (r) of a test particle on a circular orbit
at radius r in this potential.

Tutorial 9: Galaxies I

9.5 The Milky Way: Our Very Own Super

Massive Black Hole
Using an 8-metre telescope to observe the Galactic center regularly over two
decades, you notice that one star moves back and forth across the sky in a
straight line: its orbit is edge on. You take one spectra to measure its radial
velocity Vr , and find that this repeats exactly each time the star is at the same
point in the sky. You are in luck: the furthest points of the star’s motion on
the sky are also when it is closest to the black hole (pericenter) and furthest
from it (apocenter). You measure s = 0.248 arcsec, the separation of these
two points on the sky, and the orbital period P = 15.24 yr. Assuming that
the black hole provides all the gravitational force, determine the properties
of the elliptical orbit of the star around it (eccentricity e and semi-major axis
a), to find both the mass MBH of the black hole, and its distance dBH from us.

Data: Vrapocenter = 473 km/s; Vrpericenter = 7326 km/s.

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Chapter 10

Galaxies II

For Tutorial 10

10.1 The Milky Way and the Local Group:

Collision with Andromeda
Collision in the local group: the case of the Milky Way and the Andromeda
galaxy. The distance r of separation between two point masses m1 and m2
moving under their mutual gravitational attraction obeys the same equation
as a body of much smaller mass attracted by a mass M = m1 + m2 . Now
the trajectory of a body orbiting in the plane z = 0 around this much larger
mass M changes according to:
d2 r L2z GM
− 3 =− 2 . (10.1)
dt r r
where Lz is the conserved z angular momentum. Show that the solution to
this equation is an ellipse of eccentricity e and semi-major axis a, which can
be written in the parametric form
r = a(1 − e cos η) ; t= (η − e sin η) (10.2)
with a = L2z /(GM (1 − e2 )) and time t is measured from one of the pericenter
passages where η = 0. Taking e = 1 and giving r and dr/dt their current
measured values of 770 kpc and -120 km/s respectively, show that η = 4.2
corresponds to t0 ≈ 12.5 Gyr and a ≈ 517 kpc for the Milky Way/Andromeda
galaxy system. What is the combined mass M then and why is it the smallest
possible? Repeat the calculation for η = 4.25: what conclusion can you draw

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

from this exercise? Show that the Milky Way and M31 will again come close
to each other in about 3 Gyr.

10.2 The Main Types of Galaxies: Tully-Fisher

Ignoring the presence of a bulge, explain why we might expect the mass M
of a spiral galaxy to follow approximately
M ∝ Vmax hR (10.3)

where Vmax is the maximum of the rotation curve of the disk and hR its scale
length (see formula for surface brightness profile I(R) below). Show that if
the surface brightness (averaged over features like spiral arms) in a spiral
galaxy follows the exponential profile:

I(R) = I(0) exp(−R/hR ) (10.4)

then its luminosity is given by L = 2πI(0)h2R and hence that if the ratio
M/L and central surface brightness are constants then L ∝ Vmax . In fact,
I(0) is lower in low-surface-brightness galaxies: show that if these objects are
to follow the same Tully-Fisher relationq they must have higher mass-to-light
ratios, with approximately M/L ∝ 1/ I(0)

10.3 The Main Types of Galaxies: Spheroids

in the Sky
Looking from a random direction, the fraction of galaxies that we see at an
angle between i and i + ∆i to the polar axis is just sin i∆i, i.e. the fraction
of a sphere around each galaxy corresponding to this viewing directions. If
they are all oblate with axis ratio B/A, then the fraction of galaxies fobl ∆q
with apparent axis ratios between q and q + ∆q is given by:
sin i∆q q∆q
fobl (q)∆q = =q q (10.5)
|dq/di| 1 − (B/A)2 q 2 − (B/A)2

What is the fraction of oblate elliptical galaxies with true axis ratio B/A that
appear more flattened than axis ratio q? If these galaxies have B/A = 0.8,
show that the number seen in the range 0.95 < q < 1 should be about one
third that of those with 0.8 < q < 0.85. Finally, show that for smaller values
of B/A, an even higher proportion of the images will be nearly circular, with
0.95 < q < 1.

Tutorial 10: Galaxies II

10.4 Galaxy Clustering: Clusters and Lens-

For a dark halo potential defined by
4πGρH (r) = (10.6)
r2 + a2H
where aH and VH are constants, obtain the surface density Σ(R) projected in
a circle of radius R on the sky and derive the corresponding projected mass
M (< b) within radius b. The angle bending of a ray of light passing at radius
b from a gravitational lens writes:
4G M (< b)
α(b) = . (10.7)
c2 b
Show that when both the distance to the source and the lens-source distance
are much larger than the distance to the lens, a light ray passing far enough
from the center of the halo, so that b is much larger than aH is bent by an
α≈ radians. (10.8)
A distant source exactly aligned with the center of the “dark halo” or cluster,
will appear as a ring of radius θE ≈ α on the sky. Abell 383 shows a large
tangential arc 16 arcsec from its center, corresponding to VH ≈ 1800 km/s.
What is the kinetic energy of a particle in circular orbit in this potential?
To what virial temperature does this correspond? Show that this is similar
to the observed X-ray temperature TX ≈ 6 × 107 K.

10.5 High-z Galaxies: Intergalactic Medium

You are observing a high redshift (z ≥ 5) quasar. Suppose that there are
n(z) = n0 (1 + z)3 damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) clouds per Mpc3 at redshift
z, each with cross-sectional area σ. Explain why we expect to see through
n(z)σl of them along a length l of the path towards the quasar. What is the
variation ∆l of the path l between z and z + ∆z? Deduce from it the number
dN/dz∆z of DLAs per unit redshift. Show that in the case of a flat Universe
(Ωk = 0, Ωm + ΩΛ = 1) and at high redshift i.e. when (1 + z)3  ΩΛ /Ωm you
can express dN/dz as a function of Ωm only. Locally we find dN/dz ≈ 0.045.
If the cross section σ does not change, what is the value we expect at z = 5?
We measure dN/dz ≈ 0.4. How does this compare to the expected value and
what is the interpretation of this result?

C1 Astrophysics problems 2018-2019

Suppose that these clouds are uniform spheres of radius r with density nH
hydrogen atoms cm−3 . Their mass is given by M = (4/3)πr3 nH µmH where
the mean mass per hydrogen atom is µmH (µ ≈ 1.3 for a 75 % hydrogen 25
% helium mix by weight), and the average column density N (HI) ≈ rnH .
Show that, for neutral clouds, M ≈ σµmH N (HI). What is the density ρg of
neutral gas at redshift z? If this gas survived unchanged to the present day,
what fraction Ωg of the critical density ρcrit = 3H02 /(8πG) would it represent
now if N (HI) = 1021 cm−2 on average?

Data: H0 = 70 km/s/Mpc, Ωm = 0.25, ΩΛ = 0.75


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