Dilaton Generation in Propagation of Magnetic Dipole Waves of Pulsar in A Galactic Magnetic Field

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arXiv:2405.13070v1 [astro-ph.

HE] 20 May 2024

Dilaton generation in propagation of magnetic

dipole waves of pulsar in a galactic magnetic
M.O.Astashenkov, A.V.Bedda, K.V.Parfenov and P.A.Vshivtseva
Physics Department, Moscow State University, Moscow 119991 Russia

May 24, 2024

This study is devoted to dilaton generation in propagation of mag-
netic dipole waves of pulsar in a galactic magnetic field. It is shown
that in this process it’s necessary to take into account the presence of
a reflective index of matter distributed in the galaxy.
According to obtained estimates influence of the gravitational field
of pulsars and magnetars on radiation of magnetic dipole waves is
negligible and tends to a small change of their amplitude, near about
1 per cent. That’s why in this study one can neglect the impact of
gravitational field on process of dilaton generation.
Exact solution of the dilaton equation is found and angular dis-
tribution of dilaton radiation is obtained in propagation of magnetic
dipole waves of pulsar in galactic magnetic field.

Dilaton is hypothetical scalar field which is predicted by various theories
of gravitation with extra dimensions. For example, Kaluza-Klein theory [1]
which unify gravitational and electromagnetic interactions, and also super-
string theory [2].
Various properties of dilatons are being actively studied in the scientific
literature. [3, 4], as well as other undiscovered particles described by axial
scalar fields - axions and arions [5, 6, 7].
Following the study [8], density of the Lagrange function for the dilaton
field Ψ interacting with an electromagnetic field can be expressed in the form:
L = a0 (∂Ψ)2 + a1 e−2KΨ Fnm F nm , (1)
where a0 , a1 and K are gauge constant and Fnm is Maxwell tensor.
Value of the constant K = 1 is predicted by superstring theory.
√ The 5-th
dimentional Kaluza-Klein theory result gives the value K = 3. It should
be noted that in theoretical physics there are other theories which predict
existence of dilaton, but they don’t have any common with gravity [9, 10].
In this study constant K is believed to be arbitrary.
The field equations obtained from the density of the Lagrange function
(1) have the form:
1 ∂2 a1 K −2KΨ 2a1 K −2KΨ  2
Fnm F nm = B − E2 .

(∆ − 2 2
)Ψ = e e (2)
c ∂t a0 a0
In the expression (2) E and B are the electric field strength and magnetic
induction correspondingly. It is expected that dilaton field is weak and one
can put: |KΨ| << 1. In this case the equation of dilaton field (2) will take
the form:
1 ∂2 2a1 K  2
B − E2 .

(∆ − 2 2 )Ψ = (3)
c ∂t a0
According to the equation (3) in considered approximation the source of
dilaton field can be only such electromagnetic fields, which invariantB2 − E2
is not equal 0.
As many elementary particles have been discovered in cosmic ray, it is
interesting to consider generation of dilatons in astrophysical conditions and
study angular distribution of emitted dilaton energy. Especially interesting
to consider pulsars and magnetars as the sources of electromagnetic coherent
radiaton and correspondingly the possible sources of dilatons. In this study
the dilaton generation in propagation magnetic dipole radiation of pulsars
and magnetars in galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields is considered.
One should note that galactic and intergalactic magnetic fields can be ap-
proximately constant for a quite long distances near about coherence length
Lcoh . For galactic magnetic field Lcoh ∼ 100 pc, for intergalactic magnetic
field Lcoh ∼ 103 , 104 pc.

1 Basic equations
Suppose that at the origin of Cartesian coordinate there is a rotating neutron
star (pulsar or magnetar) with magnetic dipole momentum m. This star has
a gravitational field. Beside distribution of matter in neutron stars is close
to spherically symmetrical, one can consider Schwarzschild solution as the
metric tensor of pseudo-Riemannian space. It is convenient to write down this
solution in isotropic coordinates. In these coordinates non-zero components
of the metric tensor take the form:
(4r − rg )2 rg 4
g00 = , gxx = gyy = gzz = −(1 + ), (4)
(4r + rg )2 4r

where rg ∼ 10 km p is the Schwarzschild radius and the following notation is

introduced: r = x2 + y 2 + z 2 .
According to the expression (4), influence of gravitational field on process
of dilaton generation can be limited to a sphere of the radius for example near
106 rg . Dilaton generation in galactic magnetic field occurs in region of space
with linear size of about 100 pc. Correspondingly, the influence of gravita-
tional field of pulsars and magnetars on radiation of magnetic dipole waves
tends to negligible change of amplitudes of these waves, near about 1 per
cent. For this reason in this study one can neglect of impact of gravitational
field on the process of dilaton generation.
As it’s known, the equation for magnetic vector potential A of an elec-
tromagnetic field in Minkowski space has the form:

1 ∂2  4π
△− 2 2
A = − j(r, t), (5)
c ∂t c
where j is a current density inside of neutron star and c is speed of light in
Suppose that electromagnetic field outside star is analogous to field cre-
ated by rotating around axis z magnetic dipole momentum m = {mx , my , mz }
with frequency ω:

m(t) = |m|{cos(ωt) sin α, sin(ωt) sin α, cos α} . (6)

In the expression (6) α is an angle between magnetic dipole momentum

m and axis z. In this case neutron star radiates electromagnetic waves in

magnetic dipole approximation. One can write magnetic vector potential A
in the following way:
(ṁ(τ ) × r) (m(τ ) × r)
Aw (r, τ ) = + . (7)
cr 2 r3
The dot above vector m represent the derivative on relative time τ = t − r/c.
Electric strength and magnetic induction corresponding to magnetic vector
potential Aw (7) can be expressed as:
1 ∂Aw (r, τ ) (r × ṁ(τ )) (r × m̈(τ ))
Ew (r, τ ) = − = + (8)
c ∂τ cr 3 c2 r 2

3(m(τ ) · r)r − r 2 m(τ )

Bw (r, τ ) = rotAw =
ṁ(τ ) 3(ṁ(τ ) · r)r (m̈(τ ) · r)r − r 2 m̈(τ )
− 2 + + . (9)
cr cr 4 c2 r 3
Dilaton generation by electromagnetic fields Ew and Bw of rotating mag-
netic dipole momentum of pulsar or magnetar in the expressions (8), (9)
occurs at frequencies ω and 2ω [8]. Interesting to note, that the arion gener-
ation by the same electromagnetic fields has the same spectrum [11].
Assume that there is a constant magnetic field B0 in the considered area
of space:
B0 = {B0x , B0y , B0z } . (10)
Such a magnetic field can be galactic and intergalactic fields which can
be considered constant at the distances smaller then coherence length Lcoh .
In considered configuration of electromagnetic fields the invariant Fnm F nm
is equal:
Fnm F nm = 2 B2 − E2 = 2 B2w − E2w + 4(B0 · Bw ) .
The dilaton generation by electromagnetic fields Ew and Bw is studied in
detail in [8]. This work will be focused on dilaton generation in a constant
magnetic field, which is provided by term (B0 Bw ) in the expression (11).

2 Solution of the dilaton field equation

The dilaton generation in propagation magnetic dipole radiation (8),(9) in
constant magnetic field occurs in correspondence with equation:

1 ∂2 4a1 K
(∆ − 2 2 )Ψ = (B0 · Bw ) . (12)
c ∂t a0
Taking into account expression (7), one can rewrite (9) in the following
m(τ )
Bw (r, t) = rot rot . (13)
Putting the expression (13) into equation (12), one can obtain:

1 ∂2 4Ka1 m(τ )
(∆ − 2 2
)Ψ = (B0 · rot rot ). (14)
c ∂t a0 r
It is easily to find a solution of the equation (14) in the following form:

Ψ= B0 · rot rot F(r, t) . (A1)
Thus equation for vector-function F will take the form:

1 ∂2 m(τ )
(∆ − 2 2
)F(r, t) = . (A2)
c ∂t r
Put expression (6) in the right part of the equation (A2) and rewrite it
in the complex form:

1 ∂2 1
(∆ − 2 2
)F(r, t) = |m| sin α(ex + iey ) e−i(ωt−kr) , (A3)
c ∂t r
where k = ω/c.
One can find solution of the equation (A3) in the form:

F(r, t) = |m| sin α(ex + iey )Q(r) . (A4)

In this case one can obtain following equation for function Q:

1 ∂2 1
(∆ − 2 2 )Q(r, t) = e−i(ωt−kr) . (A5)
c ∂t r
Solving equation (A5), find unknown function Q:
1 −i(ωt−kr)
Q(r, t) = e . (A6)
Finally, exact solution of the equation (14) takes the form:
2Ka1 m sin α n
Ψ= k(B0x − (B0 · N)Nx ) sin(kr − ωt)
+k(B0y − (B0 · N)Ny ) cos(kr − ωt)
− (B0x + (B0 · N)Nx ) cos(kr − ωt)
1 o
+ (B0y + (B0 · N)Ny ) sin(kr − ωt) . (15)
In the expression (15) it is introduced following notation: N = rr = {sin θ cos φ, sin θ sin φ, cos θ}.
It should be noted that when r → ∞ dilaton field Ψ is oscillating function
and doesn’t tend to 0.

3 Angular distribution of the dilaton gener-

By defenition amount of dilaton energy dI emitted by source per unit of time
through solid angle dΩ is given by formula:
= lim r(W · r) ,
dΩ r→∞
where W is the energy flux density vector. The vector W is associated
with components of stress-energy tensor T ik in a following way: W α = T 0α .
Stress-energy tensor of the free dilaton field has the form:
 ∂Ψ ∂Ψ 1 ∂ψ ∂ψ
T ik = 2a0 g in g km − gmn g sq s q .
∂x ∂x
n m 2 ∂x ∂x
The angular distribution of dilaton generation can be calculated as the same
way as in [3]:
dI ∂Ψ
= −2a0 r(r · ∇Ψ) .
dΩ ∂t
In this case the angular distribution of the dilaton generation in propa-
gation spherical electromagnetic wave in a constant magnetic field averaged
over the period of electiromagnetic wave is equal:

dI 4K2 a21 m2 kω sin2 α n 2 2 di1 di2 di3 o

= k r + 4kr +2 , (16)
dΩ a0 dΩ dΩ dΩ

where the following notations are introduced:
di1 2 2
= B0x + B0y − 2(B0 · N)(B0x Nx + B0y Ny ) + (B0 · N)2 (Nx2 + Ny2 ) , (i1)
= (B0 · N)(B0x Ny − B0y Nx ) , (i2)
di3 2 2
= B0x + B0y + (B0 · N)(B0x Nx + B0y Ny ) . (i3)
The expression (i1) can be considered as lead term of the angular distri-
bution of dilaton generation (16) at r → ∞:

dI 4K2 a21 m2 k 3 ωr 2 sin2 α h 2 2

= B0x + B0y − 2(B0 · N)
dΩ a0
2 2 2
×(B0x Nx + B0y Ny ) + (B0 · N) (Nx + Ny ) . (17)

Now let us analyze maximal and minimal values of the function dI/dΩ (16) of
variables θ and φ. For this purpose denote by θB0 , φB0 the azimuth and polar
angles correspondingly, along which the magnetic field B0 (10) is directed:

B0 = B0 {sin θB0 cos φB0 , sin θB0 sin φB0 , cos θB0 }; .

For definiteness, let θB0 ≤ π2 and φ ≤ π.

The expression (17) becomes 0 for the following values θ and φ:

θ = θB0 , φ = φB0 ,
θ = π − θB0 , φ = φB0 + π,
θ = , φ = φB0 ,
θ = , φ = φB0 + π
and has a maximum value at:
θB0 3π
θ= + , φ = φB0 ,
2 4
π θB
θ = − 0 , φ = φB0 + π .
4 2

The term (i2) doesn’t give impact to total intensities. The term (i3) has
maximum values in the following values of θ and φ:
θB0 π
θ= + , φ = φB0 ,
2 4
3π θB0
θ= − , φ = φB0 + π .
4 2
By integrating the expression (16) over the angles θ and φ, one can obtain
total intensities of dilaton radiation in all directions:
16πK2 a21 m2 kω sin2 α n 1 2 2 2 2 2

I= k r 9(B0x + B0y ) + 2B0z
3a0 5
2 2
+8(B0x + B0y ) . (18)

As one can see, the intensities of dilaton radiation (18) in propagation

magnetic dipole waves in a constant magnetic field increases proportional r 2 .
However, under astrophysical conditions, galactic (intergalactic) magnetic
fields can be represented in the form (10) only at distances r smaller than
the coherence length of the galactic (intergalactic) magnetic field Lcoh . Thus,
the expression (16), (18) are applicable only when r < Lcoh < ∞.
The coherence lengths Lcoh of the galactic magnetic field and the inter-
galactic one are estimated at 100 pc and 103 - 104 pc respectively.
One should note that there is approximately 1 atom in 1 cm3 of outer
space environment. Therefore, in this work cosmic space is considered to
be filled rarefied neutral gas with very low density distributed uniformly. In
this case, the outer space environment has a refractive index n, which differs
little from 1. As we will see below, this fact will have a strong influence on
the behavior of dilaton field Ψ at r → ∞, and the radiation intensity will
become finite.

4 Dilaton generation in propagation magnetic

dipole waves in constant magnetic field in
rarefied neutral gas with low density
Assume that outer space is filled with rarefied neutral gas with low density
distributed uniformly and, accordingly, having a refractive index of n, little
different from 1.

In this case the equation for magnetic vector potential Ãw (5) have the
n2 ∂ 2  4π
△ − 2 2 Ãw (r, t) = − j(r, t) . (19)
c ∂t c
It follows from the equation (19) that speed of electromagnetic waves
is equal c/n which is less then speed of light in vacuum. Magnetic vector
potential Ãw created by a rotating magnetic dipole moment m (6) in an
environment with n > 1 will look like:
n(ṁ(τ̃ ) × r) (m(τ̃ ) × r)
Ãw (r, t) = + . (20)
cr 2 r3
In the expression (20) magnetic dipole momentum m (6) depends on τ̃
τ̃ = t − ,
but not on τ .
Thus, the equation (14) will take the form:

1 ∂2 4Ka1 m(τ̃ )
(∆ − 2 2
)Ψ = (B0 · rot rot ). (21)
c ∂t a0 r
Making analogous calculations as for case environment with n = 1(see (A1)
- (A4)) one can obtain the following equation for function Q:

1 ∂2 1
(∆ − 2 2
)Q(r, t) = e−i(ωt−nkr) . (A7)
c ∂t r
The particular solution of the equation (A7) is found to be:
1 1 −i(ωt−nkr)
Qp = − e . (A8)
(n2 − 1)k 2 r

The obtained particular solution (A8) tends to ∞ at n → 1. But as one

can see from the expression (A6), there is no singularity at condition n = 1.
For this reason it’s necessary to add solution of homogeneous equation Q0 to
eliminate this singularity. Thus, the final expression for function Q is found
to be:
1 1 −iωt  inkr
− eikr .

Q=− 2 2
e e (A8)
(n − 1)k r

One should note, that obtained solution (A8) at n → 1 tends to expression
Thus, the exact solution of the dilaton field equation (21) in the complex
form is found to be:
4Ka1 m sin α −iωt n k 2 
Ψ = −Re e B0x + iB0y
a0 (n2 − 1)k 2 r
−(B0 · N)(Nx + iNy ) n2 einkr − eikr + 2 B0x + iB0y

 inkr 1
− eikr − 3 B0x + iB0y

−3(B0 · N)(Nx + iNy ) ne
 inkr ikr
−3(B0 · N)(Nx + iNy ) e −e . (22)

In contrast to (15), dilaton field Ψ in the expression (22) teds to 0 at r →

∞ in inverse proportion to r. In this case the dilaton field Ψ is a superposition
of dilaton waves propagating with different speeds: c and c/n. Therefore the
resulted wave can be either be strengthened or weakened depending of phase
Since n differs little from 1, one can put n = 1 + χ, χ ≪ 1. Then the
expression (22) can be represented as follows:

2Ka1 m sin α −i(ωt−kr) n k 2 

Ψ = −Re e B0x + iB0y
a0 χk 2 r
−(B0 · N)(Nx + iNy ) (1 + 2χ)eiχkr − 1 + 2 B0x + iB0y

−3(B0 · N)(Nx + iNy ) (1 + χ)eiχkr − 1 − 3 B0x + iB0y
 iχkr o
−3(B0 · N)(Nx + iNy ) e −1 . (23)

Let us analyze the obtained expression (23) in detail. In case χkr ≪ 1 one
can obtain the expression (15) by expanding in Teylor series and neglecting
terms of order χ and higher. Otherwise dilaton field Ψ will have oscillating
For observation points which χkr is a multiple of π the superposition of
dilaton waves propagating with speeds c and c/n turns out to be in phase and
there is a maximum. In case χkr is a multiple of 2π then it is in anti-phase
and there is a minimum.

For further investigation of angular distribution of dilaton energy one can
consider dilaton field Ψw in the wave zone which consists of terms inverse
proportional r:
2Ka1 m sin α n 
Ψw = − B0x − (B0 · N)Nx
a0 χr
× (1 + 2χ) cos(kr − ωt + χkr) − cos(kr − ωt)
− B0y − (B0 · N)Ny (1 + 2χ) sin(kr − ωt + χkr)
− sin(kr − ωt) .

In a result the average over the period of magnetic dipole wave angular
distribution of the dilaton generation in propagation of magnetic dipole waves
in a constant magnetic field is equal:

dI 8K2 a21 kωm2 sin2 α h ih 2 2

= 1 − cos χkr B0x + B0y
dΩ a0 χ2
−2(B0 · N)(B0x Nx + B0y Ny ) + (B0 · N)2 (Nx2 + Ny2 ) . (24)

One should note, that at χ → 0 expression (24) tends to (17).

Total intensities of such dilaton generation averaged over the period of
magnetic dipole wave is equal:

32πK2 a21 kωm2 sin2 α h i

I¯ = 1 − cos χkr
15a0 χ2
2 2 2
× 9(B0x + B0y ) + 2B0z . (25)

As one can see, cos(χkr) in the expression (25) can be expanded in Tey-
lor series at χkr ≪ 1 and total intensities of dilaton generation increases
proportionally r 2 . But at some distance r0 (χkr0 ∼ 1) total intensities will
have an oscillating behavior.

In this study dilaton generation in propagation of magnetic dipole radia-
tion of pulsars and magnetars (8), (9) in a constant magnetic field (10) is

It was shown, that total intensities of dilaton generation (18) increases
proportionally to the square of distance r 2 from the pulsar to observation
16πK2 a21 m2 kω sin2 α n 1 2 2 2 2 2

I= k r 9(B0x + B0y ) + 2B0z
3a0 5
2 2
+8(B0x + B0y ) .

Hence intergalactic and galactic magnetic fields can be considered con-

stant (10) only at distances smaller then the coherence length Lcoh . It means
that obtained result is applicable at distances r < Lcoh < ∞. For the galactic
magnetic field Lcoh ≈ 100 pc, for the intergalactic Lcoh ≈ 103 − 104 pc.
It should be taken into account that outer space environment is filled
with particles, mainly hydrogen, which leads to a refractive index n = 1 + χ,
χ ≪ 1. Taking this into account, the quadratic increase in intensity of dilaton
generation stops at distances r ≈ r0 = kχ and is replaced by oscillations:

32πK2 a21 kωm2 sin2 α h i

I¯ = 1 − cos χkr
15a0 χ2
2 2 2
× 9(B0x + B0y ) + 2B0z
Considering outer space environment to be a rarefied neutral gas dis-
tributed uniformly, one can estimate χ ≈ 10−15 . In this case, r0 ≈ 103 pc,
which correlates with the coherence length of the intergalactic magnetic field.

5 Acknowledgements
This study was conducted within the scientific program of the National
Center for Physics and Mathematics, section #5 <<Particle Physics and
Cosmology>> . Stage 2023-2025.

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