Concentration of Random Graphs and Application To Community Detection

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P .I .C . M .

– 2018
Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 4 (2943–2962)



C M. L , E L R V

Random matrix theory has played an important role in recent work on statistical
network analysis. In this paper, we review recent results on regimes of concentration
of random graphs around their expectation, showing that dense graphs concentrate
and sparse graphs concentrate after regularization. We also review relevant network
models that may be of interest to probabilists considering directions for new random
matrix theory developments, and random matrix theory tools that may be of interest
to statisticians looking to prove properties of network algorithms. Applications of
concentration results to the problem of community detection in networks are discussed
in detail.

1 Introduction
A lot of recent interest in concentration of random graphs has been generated by problems
in network analysis, a very active interdisciplinary research area with contributions from
probability, statistics, physics, computer science, and the social sciences all playing a role.
Networks represent relationships (edges) between objects (nodes), and a network between
n nodes is typically represented by its n  n adjacency matrix A. We will focus on the
case of simple undirected networks, where Aij = 1 when nodes i and j are connected
by an edge, and 0 otherwise, which makes A a symmetric matrix with binary entries. It
is customary to assume the graph contains no self-loops, that is, Ai i = 0 for all i, but
this is not crucial. In general, networks may be directed (A is not symmetric), weighted
(the entries of A have a numerical value representing the strength of connection), and/or
signed (the entries of A have a sign representing whether the relationship is positive or
negative in some sense).
Viewing networks as random realizations from an underlying network model enables
analysis and inference, with the added difficulty that we often only observe a single re-
alization of a given network. Quantities of interest to be inferred from this realization
MSC2010: primary 05C80; secondary 05C85, 60B20.


may include various network properties such as the node degree distribution, the network
radius, and community structure. Fundamental to these inferences is the question of how
close a single realization of the matrix A is to the population mean, or the true model, E A.
If A is close to E A, that is, A concentrates around its mean, then inferences drawn from
A can be transferred to the population with high probability.
In this paper, we aim to answer the question “When does A concentrate around E A?”
under a number of network models and asymptotic regimes. We also show that in some
cases when the network does not concentrate, a simple regularization step can restore
concentration. While the question of concentration is interesting in its own right, we espe-
cially focus on the implications for the problem of community detection, a problem that
has attracted a lot of attention in the networks literature. When concentration holds, in
many cases a simple spectral algorithm can recover communities, and thus concentration
is of practical and not only theoretical interest.

2 Random network models

Our concenrtation results hold for quite general models, but, for the sake of clarity, we
provide a brief review of network models, starting from the simplest model and building
up in complexity.

The Erdős–Rényi (ER) graph. The simplest random network model is the Erdős–Rényi
graph G(n; p) Erdős and Rényi [1959]. Under this model, edges are independently drawn
between all pairs of nodes according to a Bernoulli distribution with success probability p.
Although the ER model provides an important building block in network modeling and is
attractive to analyze, it almost never fits network data observed in practice.

The stochastic block model (SBM). The SBM is perhaps the simplest network model
with community structure, first proposed by Holland, Laskey, Leinhardt, and and [1983].
Under this model, each node belongs to exactly one of K communities, and the node
community membership ci is drawn independently from a multinomial distribution on
f1; : : : ; Kg with probabilities 1 ; : : : ; K . Conditional on the label vector c, edges are
drawn independently between each pair of nodes i; j , with

P (Aij = 1) = Bci cj ;

where B is a symmetric K  K matrix controlling edge probabilities. Note that each

community within SBM is an ER graph. The main question of interest in network analysis
is estimating the label vector c from A, although model parameters  and P may also be
of interest.

The degree-corrected stochastic block model (DCSBM). While the SBM does incorpo-
rate community structure, the assumption that each block is an ER graph is too restrictive
for many real-world networks. In particular, ER graphs have a Poisson degree distribu-
tion, and real networks typically fit the power law or another heavy-tailed distribution
better, since they often have “hubs”, influential nodes with many connections. An ex-
tension removing this limitation, the degree-corrected stochastic block model (DCSBM)
was proposed by Karrer and Newman [2011]. The DCSBM is like an SBM but with each
node assigned an additional parameter i > 0 that controls its expected degree, and edges
drawn independently with
P (Aij = 1) = i j Bci cj :
Additional constraints need to be imposed on i for model identifiability; see Karrer and
Newman [2011] and Zhao, Levina, and Zhu [2012] for options.

The latent space model (LSM). Node labels under the SBM or the DCSBM can be
thought of as latent (unobserved) node positions in a discrete space of K elements. More
generally, latent positions can be modeled as coordinates in Rd , or another set equipped
with a distance measure. The LSM Hoff, Raftery, and Handcock [2002] assumes that
each node i is associated with an unknown position xi and edges are drawn independently
between each pair of nodes i; j with probability inversely proportional to the distance
between xi and xj . If latent positions xi form clusters (for example, if they are drawn
from a mixture of Gaussians), then a random network generated from this model exhibits
community structure. Inferring the latent positions can in principle lead to insights into
how the network was formed, beyond simple community assignments.

Exchangeable random networks. An analogue of de Finetti’s theorem for networks,

due to Hoover and Aldous Hoover [1979] and Aldous [1981], shows that any network
whose distribution is invariant under node permutations can be represented by

Aij = g(˛; i ; j ; ij );

where ˛, i and j are independent and uniformly distributed on [0; 1], and g(u; v; w; z)
= g(u; w; v; z) for all u; v; w; z. This model covers all the previously discussed models as
special cases, and the function g, called the graphon, can be estimated up to a permutation
under additional assumptions; see Olhede and Wolfe [2013], Gao, Lu, and Zhou [2015],
and Y. Zhang, Levina, and Zhu [2017].

Network models with overlapping communities. In practice, it is often more reason-

able to allow nodes to belong to more than one community. Multiple such models have

been proposed, including the Mixed Membership Stochastic Block Model (MMSBM)
Airoldi, Blei, Fienberg, and Xing [2008], the Ball-Karrer-Newman Model (BKN) Ball,
Karrer, and Newman [2011], and the OCCAM model Y. Zhang, Levina, and Zhu [2014].
MMSBM allows different memberships depending on which node the given node inter-
acts with; the BKN models edges as a sum of multiple edges corresponding to different
communities; and OCCAM relaxes the membership vector c under the SBM to have en-
tries between 0 and 1 instead of exactly one “1”. All of these models are also covered by
the theory we present, because, conditional on node memberships, all these networks are
distributed according to an inhomogeneous Erdős–Rényi model, the most general model
we consider, described next.

The inhomogeneous Erdős–Rényi model. All models described above share an impor-
tant property: conditioned on node latent positions, edges are formed independently. The
most general form of such a model is the inhomogeneous Erdős–Rényi model (IERM)
Bollobás, Janson, and Riordan [2007], where each edge is independently drawn, with
P (Aij = 1) = Pij , where P = (Pij ) = E A. Evidently, additional assumptions have to
be made if latent positions of nodes (however they are defined) are to be recovered from
a single realization of A. We will state concentration results under the IERM as generally
as possible, and then discuss additional assumptions under which latent positions can also
be estimated reliably.

Scaling. We have so far defined all the models for a fixed number of nodes n, but in
order to talk about concentration, we need to determine how the expectation Pn = E An
changes with n. Most of the literature defines

Pn = n P

where P is a matrix with constant non-negative entries, and n controls the average ex-
pected degree of the network, d = dn = nn . Different asymptotic regimes have been
studied, especially under the SBM; see Abbe [2017] for a review. Unless n ! 0, the av-
erage network degree d = Ω(n), and the network becomes dense as n grows. In the SBM
literature, the regime dn  log n is sometimes referred to as semi-dense; dn ! 1 but
not faster than log n is semi-sparse; and the constant degree regime dn = O(1) is called
sparse. We will elaborate on these regimes and their implications later on in the paper.

3 Useful random matrix results

We start from presenting a few powerful and general tools in random matrix theory which
can help prove concentration bounds for random graphs.

Theorem 3.1 (Bai-Yin law Bai and Y. Q. Yin [1988]; see Füredi and Komlós [1981] an for
earlier result). Let M = (Mij )1 i;j =1 be an infinite, symmetric, and diagonal-free random
matrix whose entries above the diagonal are i.i.d. random variables with zero mean and
variance  2 . Suppose further that E Mij4 < 1. Let Mn = (Mij )ni;j =1 denote the principal
minors of M . Then, as n ! 1,
(3-1) p kMn k ! 2 almost surely.
Theorem 3.2 (Matrix Bernstein’s inequality). Let X1 ; : : : ; XN be independent, mean zero,
n  n symmetric random matrices, such that kXi k  K almost surely for all i . Then, for
every t  0 we have

n X
N o  t 2 /2 

P Xi  t  2n exp :
 2 + Kt /3
i =1
Here  2 = Ni =1 E Xi is the norm of the “matrix variance” of the sum.

Corollary 3.3 (Expected norm of sum of random matrices). We have

XN p

E Xi .  log n + K log n:

The following result gives sharper bounds on random matrices than matrix Bernstein’s
inequality, but requires independence of entries.

Theorem 3.4 (Bandeira-van Handel Bandeira and van Handel [2016] Corollary 3.6). Let
M be an n  n symmetric random matrix with independent entries on and above the
diagonal. Then
X 1/2 p
E kM k . max ij2 + log n max Kij ;
i i;j

where ij2 = E Mij2 are the variances of entries and Kij = kMij k1 .

Theorem 3.5 (Seginer’s theorem Seginer [2000]). Let M be a n  n symmetric random

matrix with i.i.d. mean zero entries above the diagonal and arbitrary entries on the diag-
onal. Then
E kM k  E max kMi k2

where Mi denote the columns of M .


The lower bound in Seginer’s theorem is trivial; it follows from the fact that the operator
norm of a matrix is always bounded below by the Euclidean norm of any of its columns.
The original paper of Seginer Seginer [2000] proved the upper bound for non-symmetric
matrices with independent entries. The present statement of Theorem 3.5 can be derived
by a simple symmetrization argument, see Hajek, Wu, and Xu [2016, Section 4.1].

4 Dense networks concentrate

If A = An is the adjacency matrix of a G(n; p) random graph with a constant p, then the
Bai-Yin law gives q
p kA E Ak ! 2 p(1 p):
In particular, we have
(4-1) kA E Ak  2 d

with probability tending to one, where d = np is the expected node degree.

Can we expect a similar concentration for sparser Erdős–Rényi graphs, where p is al-
lowed to decrease with n? The method of Friedman, Kahn, and Szemeredi [1989] adapted
by Feige and Ofek [2005] gives
(4-2) kA E Ak = O( d )

under the weaker condition d & log n, which is optimal, as we will see shortly. This
argument actually yields (4-2) for inhomogeneous random graphs G(n; (pij )) as well, and
for d = maxij npij , see e.g. Lei and Rinaldo [2015] and Chin, Rao, and V. Vu [2015].
Under a weaker assumption d = np  log4 n, Vu V. H. Vu [2007] proved a sharper
bound for G(n; p), namely
(4-3) kA E Ak = (2 + o(1)) d ;

which essentially extends (4-1) to sparse random graphs. Very recently, Benaych-Georges,
Bordenave, and Knowles [2017b] were able to derive (4-3) under the optimal condition
d  log n. More precisely, they showed that if 4  d  n2/13 , then
p log n
E kA E Ak  2 d + C :
1 + log(log(n)/d )

The argument of Benaych-Georges, Bordenave, and Knowles [ibid.] applies more gen-
erally to inhomogeneous random graphs G(n; (pij )) under a regularity condition on the

connection probabilities (pij ). It even holds for more general random matrices that may
not necessarily have binary entries.
To apply Corollary 3.3 to the adjacency matrix A of an ER random graph G(n; p),
decompose A into a sum of independent random matrices A = i j Xij , where each
matrix Xij contains a pair of symmetric entries of A, i.e. Xij = Aij (ei eiT + ej ejT ) where
(ei ) denotes the canonical basis in Rn . Then apply Corollary 3.3 to the sum of mean zero
matrices Xij p. It is quick to check that  2  pn and obviously K  2, and so we
conclude that
(4-4) E kA E Ak . d log n + log n;

where d = np is the expected degree. The same argument applies more generally to
inhomogeneous random graphs G(n; (pij )), and it still gives (4-4) when
d = max pij

is the maximal expected degree.

The logarithmic factors in bound (4-4) are not optimal, and can be improved by apply-
ing the result of Bandeira and van Handel (Theorem 3.4) to the centered adjacency matrix
A E A of an inhomogeneous random graph G(n; (pij )). In this case, ij2 = pij and
Kij  1, so we obtain the following sharpening of (4-4).

Proposition 4.1 (Concentration of inhomogeneous random graphs). Let A be the adja-

cency matrix of an inhomogeneous random graph G(n; (pij )). Then
p p
(4-5) E kA E Ak . d+ log n;
where d = maxi j pij is the expected maximal degree.

In particular, if the graph is not too sparse, namely d & log n, then the optimal concen-
tration (4-3) holds, i.e. p
E kA E Ak . d :
This recovers a result of Feige and Ofek [2005].
A similar bound can be alternatively proved using the general result of Seginer (Theo-
p 3.5).
rem p If A is the adjacency matrix of G(n; p), it is easy to check that E maxi kAi k2 .
d + log n. Thus, Seginer’s theorem implies the optimal concentration bound (4-5) as
well. Using simple convexity arguments, one can extend this to inhomogeneous random
graphs G(n; (pij )), and get the bound (4-5) for d = maxij npij , see Hajek, Wu, and Xu
[2016, Section 4.1].

One may wonder if Seginer’s theorem holds for matrices with independent but not
identically distributed entries. Unfortunately, this is not the case in general; a simple
counterexample was found by Seginer Seginer [2000], see Bandeira and van Handel [2016,
Remark 4.8]. Nevertheless, it is an open conjecture of Latala that Seginer’s theorem does
hold if M has independent Gaussian entries, see the papers Riemer and Schütt [2013] and
van Handel [2017a] and the survey van Handel [2017b].

5 Sparse networks concentrate after regularization

5.1 Sparse networks do not concentrate. In the sparse regime d = np  log n, the
Bai-Yin’s law for G(n; p) fails. This is because in this case, degrees of some vertices are
much higher than the expected degree d . Thispcauses some rows of the adjacency matrix
A to have Euclidean norms much larger than d , which in turn gives
kA E Ak  d :
In other words, concentration fails for very sparse graphs; there exist outlying eigenvalues
that escape the interval [ 2; 2] where the spectrum of denser graphs lies according to
(3-1). For precise description of this phenomenon, see the original paper Krivelevich and
Sudakov [2003], a discussion in Bandeira and van Handel [2016, Section 4] and the very
recent work Benaych-Georges, Bordenave, and Knowles [2017a].

5.2 Sparse networks concentrate after regularization. One way to regularize a ran-
dom network in the sparse regime is to remove high degree vertices altogether from the
network. Indeed, Feige and Ofek [2005] showed that for G(n; p), if we drop all ver-
tices with degrees, psay, larger than 2d , then the remaining part of the network satisfies
kA E Ak = O( d ) with high probability. The argument in Feige and Ofek [ibid.]
is based on the method developed by Friedman, Kahn, and Szemeredi [1989] and it is
extended to the IERM in Lei and Rinaldo [2015] and Chin, Rao, and V. Vu [2015].
Although removal of high degree vertices restores concentration, in practice this is a
bad idea, since the loss of edges associated with “hub” nodes in an already sparse network
leads to a considerable loss of information, and in particular community detection tends to
break down. A more gentle regularization proposed in Le, Levina, and Vershynin [2017]
does not remove high degree vertices, but reduces the weights of their edges just enough
to keep the degrees bounded by O(d ).
Theorem 5.1 (Concentration of regularized adjacency matrices). Consider a random
graph from the inhomogeneous Erdős–Rényi model G(n; (pij )), and let d = maxij npij .
Consider any subset of at most 10n/d vertices, and reduce the weights of the edges
incident to those vertices in an arbitrary way, but so that all degrees of the new (weighted)

network become bounded by 2d . For any r  1, with probability at least 1 n the
adjacency matrix A0 of the new weighted graph satisfies
kA0 E Ak  C r 3/2 d :

Proving concentration for this kind of general regularization requires different tools.
One key result we state next is the Grothendieck-Pietsch factorization, a general and well-
known result in functional analysis Pietsch [1980], Pisier [1986], Tomczak-Jaegermann
[1989], and Pisier [2012] which has already been used in a similar probabilistic context
Ledoux and Talagrand [1991, Proposition 15.11]. It compares two matrix norms, the spec-
tral norm `2 ! `2 and the `1 ! `2 norm.

Theorem 5.2 (Grothendieck-Pietsch factorization). Let B be a k  m real matrix. Then

there exist positive weights j with mj =1 j = 1 such that

kBk1!2  kBD k  2kBk1!2 ;

where D = diag(j ) denotes the m  m diagonal matrix with weights j on the diago-

Idea of the proof of Theorem 5.1 by network decomposition. The argument in Feige
and Ofek [2005] becomes very complicated for handling the general regularization in The-
orem 5.1. A simpler alternative approach was developed by Le, Levina, and Vershynin
[2017] for proving Theorem 5.1. The main idea is to decompose the set of entries [n]  [n]
into different subsets with desirable properties. There exists a partition (see Figure 1c for
[n]  [n] = N [ R [ C
such that A concentrates on N even without regularization, while restrictions of A onto
R and C have small row and column sums, respectively. It is easy to see that the degree
regularization does not destroy the properties of N , R and C. Moreover, it creates a new
property, allowing for controlling the columns of R and rows of C. Together with the
triangle inequality, this implies the concentration of the entire network.
The network decomposition is constructed by an iterative procedure. We first estab-
lish concentration of A in `1 ! `2 norm using standard probability techniques.p Next,
we upgrade this to concentration in the spectral norm k(A E A)N0 k = O( d ) on an
appropriate (large) subset N0  [n]  [n] using the Grothendieck-Pietsch factorization
(Theorem 5.2). It remains to control A on the complement of N0 . That set is small; it
can be described as a union of a block C0 with a small number of rows, a block R0 with
a small number of columns and an exceptional (small) block (see Figure 1a). Now we


R0 R0
N0 N0 R
n/d C0 C0 C



(a) First step (b) Iterations (c) Final decomposition

Figure 1: Constructing network decomposition iteratively.

repeat the process for the exceptional block, decomposing it into N1 , R1 , and C1 , and so
on, as shown in Figure 1b. At the end, we set N = [i Ni , R = [i Ri and C = [i Ci .
The cumulative error from this iterative procedure can be controlled appropriately; see Le,
Levina, and Vershynin [2017] for details.

5.3 Concentration of the graph Laplacian. So far, we have looked at random graphs
through the lens of their adjacency matrices. Another matrix that captures the structure
of a random graph is the Laplacian. There are several ways to define the Laplacian; we
focus on the symmetric, normalized Laplacian,

L(A) = D 1/2
AD 1/2
Here D = diag(di ) is the diagonal matrix with degrees di = nj=1 Aij on the diagonal.
The reader is referred to F. R. K. Chung [1997] for an introduction to graph Laplacians
and their role in spectral graph theory. Here we mention just two basic facts: the spectrum
of L(A) is a subset of [ 1; 1], and the largest eigenvalue is always one.
In the networks literature in particular, community detection has been mainly done
through spectral clustering on the Laplacian, not on the adjacency matrix. We will discuss
this in more detail in Section 6, but the primary reason for this is degree normalization: as
discussed in Section 2, real networks rarely have the Poisson or mixture of Poissons degree
distribution that characterizes the stochastic block model; instead, “hubs”, or high degree
vertices, are common, and they tend to break down spectral clustering on the adjacency
matrix itself.
Concentration of Laplacians of random graphs has been studied by S. Yin [2008],
Chaudhuri, F. Chung, and Tsiatas [2012], Qin and Rohe [2013], Joseph and Yu [2016],
and Gao, Ma, A. Y. Zhang, and Zhou [2017]. Just like the adjacency matrix, the Lapla-
cian is known to concentrate in the dense regime d = Ω(log n), and it fails to concentrate
in the sparse regime. However, the reasons it fails to concentrate are different. For the

adjacency matrix, as we discussed, concentration fails in the sparse case because of high
degree vertices. For the Laplacian, it is the low degree vertices that destroy concentration.
In fact, it is easy to check that when d = o(log n), the probability of isolated vertices is
non-vanishing; and each isolated vertex contributes an eigenvalue of 0 to the spectrum of
L(A), which is easily seen to destroy concentration.
Multiple ways to regularize the Laplacian in order to deal with the low degree vertices
have been proposed. Perhaps the two most common ones are adding a small constant to all
the degrees on the diagonal of D Chaudhuri, F. Chung, and Tsiatas [2012], and adding a
small constant to all the entries of A before computing the Laplacian. Here we focus on the
latter regularization, proposed by Amini, Chen, Bickel, and Levina [2013] and analyzed
by Joseph and Yu [2016] and Gao, Ma, A. Y. Zhang, and Zhou [2017]. Choose  > 0
and add the same number  /n to all entries of the adjacency matrix A, thereby replacing
it with

(5-1) A := A + 11

Then compute the Laplacian as usual using this new adjacency matrix. This regularization
raises all degrees di to di + , and eliminates isolated vertices, making the entire graph
connected. The original paper Amini, Chen, Bickel, and Levina [2013] suggested the
choice  = d̄ , where d̄ is the average node degree and  2 (0; 1) is a constant. They
showed the estimator is not particularly sensitive to  over a fairly wide range of values
away from 0 (too little regularization) and 1 (too much noise). The choice of  = 0:25
was recommended by Amini, Chen, Bickel, and Levina [ibid.] but this parameter can also
be successfully chosen by cross-validation on the network T. Li, Levina, and Zhu [2016].
The following consequence of Theorem 5.1 shows that regularization (5-1) indeed
forces the Laplacian to concentrate.

Theorem 5.3 (Concentration of the regularized Laplacian). Consider a random graph

drawn from the inhomogeneous Erdős–Rényi model G(n; (pij )), and let d = maxij npij .
Choose a number  > 0. Then, for any r  1, with probability at least 1 e r we have

C r2  d 5/2
kL(A ) L(E A )k  p 1 + :

In the next section, we discuss why concentration of the adjacency matrix and/or its
Laplacian is important in the context of community detection, the primary application of
concentration in network analysis.

6 Application to community detection

Concentration of random graphs has been of such interest in networks analysis primarily
because it relates to the problem of community detection; see Fortunato [2010], Golden-
berg, Zheng, Fienberg, Airoldi, et al. [2010], and Abbe [2017] for reviews of community
detection algorithms and results. We should specify that, perhaps in a slight misnomer,
“community detection” refers to the task of assigning each node to a community (typically
one and only one), not to the question of whether there are communities present, which
might be a more natural use of the term “detection”.
Most of the theoretical work linking concentration of random graphs to community
detection has focused on the stochastic block model (SBM), defined in Section 2, which
is one of the many special cases of the general IERM we consider. For the purpose of this
paper, we focus on the simplest version of the SBM for which the largest number of results
has been obtained so far, also known as the balanced planted partition model G(n; na ; nb ).
In this model, there are K = 2 equal-sized communities with n/2 nodes each. Edges
between vertices within the same community are drawn independently with probability
a/n, and edges between vertices in different communities with probability b/n. The task
is to recover the community labels of vertices from a single realization of the adjacency
matrix A drawn from this model. The large literature on both the recovery algorithms
and the theory establishing when a recovery is possible is very nicely summarized in the
recent excellent review Abbe [2017], where we refer the reader for details and analogues
for a general K (now available for most results) and the asymmetric SBM (very few are
available). In the following subsections we give a brief summary for the symmetric K = 2
case which does not aim to be exhaustive.

6.1 Community detection phase transition. Weak recovery, sometimes also called
detection, means performing better than randomly guessing the labels of vertices. The
phase transition threshold for weak recovery was first conjectured in the physics literature
by Decelle, Krzakala, Moore, and Zdeborová [2011], and proved rigorously by Mossel,
Neeman, and Sly [2013, 2015, 2014], with follow-up and related work by Abbe, Bandeira,
and Hall [2016], Massoulié [2014], and Bordenave, Lelarge, and Massoulié [2015]. The
phase transition result says that there exists a polynomial time algorithm which can classify
more than 50% of the vertices correctly as n ! 1 with high probability if and only if
(a b)2 > 2(a + b):
Performing better than random guessing is the weakest possible guarantee of performance,
which is of interest in the very sparse regime of d = (a + b)/2 = O(1); when the degree
grows, weak recovery becomes trivial. This regime has been mostly studied by physicists
and probabilists; in the statistics literature, consistency has been of more interest.

6.2 Consistency of community detection. Two types of consistency have been dis-
cussed in the literature. Strong consistency, also known as exact recovery, means labeling
all vertices correctly with high probability, which is, as the name suggests, a very strong
requirement. Weak consistency, or “almost exact” recovery, is the weaker and arguably
more practically reasonable requirement that the fraction of misclassified vertices goes to
0 as n ! 1 with high probability.
Strong consistency was studied first, in a seminal paper Bickel and Chen [2009], as
well as by Mossel, Neeman, and Sly [2014], McSherry [2001], Hajek, Wu, and Xu [2016],
and Cai and X. Li [2015]. Strong consistency is achievable, and achievable in polynomial
time, if ˇr s ˇ
ˇ a b ˇˇ p
ˇ ˇ> 2
ˇ log n log n ˇ
ˇp p ˇ p
ˇ ˇ
and not possible if ˇ a/n b/nˇ < 2. In particular, strong consistency is normally
only considered in the semi-dense regime of d / log n ! 1.
Weak consistency, as one would expect, requires a stronger condition than weak recov-
ery but a weaker one than strong consistency. Weak consistency is achievable if and only
(a b)2
= !(1)
see for example Mossel, Neeman, and Sly [2014]. In particular, weak consistency is
achievable in the semi-sparse regime of d ! 1.
Partial recovery, finally, refers to the situation where the fraction of misclassified ver-
tices does not go to 0, but remains bounded by a constant below 0.5. More specifically,
partial recovery means that for a fixed " > 0 one can recover communities up to "n mis-
labeled vertices. For the balanced symmetric case, this is true as long as

(a b)2
= O(1)
which is primarily relevant when d = O(1). Several types of algorithms are known to suc-
ceed at partial recovery in this very sparse regime, including non-backtracking walks Mos-
sel, Neeman, and Sly [2013], Massoulié [2014], and Bordenave, Lelarge, and Massoulié
[2015], spectral methods Chin, Rao, and V. Vu [2015] and methods based on semidefinite
programming Guédon and Vershynin [2016] and Montanari and Sen [2016].

6.3 Concentration implies recovery. As an example application of the new concentra-

tion results, we demonstrate how to show that regularized spectral clustering Amini, Chen,
Bickel, and Levina [2013] and Joseph and Yu [2016], one of the simplest and most popular

algorithms for community detection, can recover communities in the sparse regime of con-
stant degrees. In general, spectral clustering works by computing the leading eigenvectors
of either the adjacency matrix or the Laplacian, or their regularized versions, and running
the k-means clustering algorithm on the rows of the n  k matrix of leading eigenvectors
to recover the node labels. In the simplest case of the balanced K = 2 model G(n; na ; nb ),
one can simply assign nodes to two communities according to the sign of the entries of the
eigenvector v2 (A0 ) corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue of the (regularized)
adjacency matrix A0 .
Let us briefly explain how concentration results validate recovery from the regularized
adjacency matrix or regularized Laplacian. If concentration holds and the regularized
matrix A0 is shown to be close to E A, then standard perturbation theory (i.e., the Davis-
Kahan theorem, see e.g. Bhatia [1997]) implies that v2 (A0 ) is close to v2 (E A), and in
particular, the signs of these two eigenvectors must agree on most vertices. An easy calcu-
lation shows that the signs of v2 (E A) recover the communities exactly: the eigenvector
corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue of E A (or the second largest of L(A))
is a positive constant on one community and a negative constant on the other. Therefore,
the signs of v2 (A0 ) recover communities up to a small fraction of misclassified vertices
and, as always, up to a permutation of community labels. This argument remains valid if
we replace the regularized adjacency matrix A0 with regularized Laplacian L(A ).
Corollary 6.1 (Partial recovery from a regularized adjacency matrix for sparse graphs).
Let " > 0 and r  1. Let A be the adjacency matrix drawn from the stochastic block
model G(n; na ; nb ). Assume that

(a b)2 > C (a + b)

where C is a constant depending only on " and r. For all nodes with degrees larger than
2a, reduce the weights of the edges incident to them in an arbitrary way, but so that all
degrees of the new (weighted) network become bounded by 2a, resulting in a new matrix
A0 . Then with probability at least 1 e r , the signs of the entries of the eigenvector
corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue of A0 correctly estimate the partition
into two communities, up to at most "n misclassified vertices.
Corollary 6.2 (Partial recovery from a regularized Laplacian for sparse graphs). Let " >
0 and r  1. Let A be the adjacency matrix drawn from the stochastic block model
G(n; na ; nb ). Assume that

(6-1) (a b)2 > C (a + b)

where C is a constant depending only on " and r. Choose  to be the average degree of
the graph, i.e.  = (d1 +    + dn )/n. Then with probability at least 1 e r , the signs

of the entries of the eigenvector corresponding to the second largest eigenvalue of L(A )
correctly estimate the partition into the two communities, up to at most "n misclassified

Figure 2: Three leading eigenvectors (from top to bottom) of the Laplacian (left) and
the regularized Laplacian (right). The network is generated from G(n; na ; nb ) with
n = 50, a = 5 and b = 0:1. Nodes are labeled so that the first 25 nodes belong
to one community and the rest to the other community. Regularized Laplacian is
computed from A + 0:1d̄ /n11T .

As we have discussed, the Laplacian is typically preferred over the adjacency matrix
in practice, because the variation in node degrees is reduced by the normalization factor
D 1/2 Sarkar and Bickel [2015]. Figure 2 shows the effect of regularization for the Lapla-
cian of a random network generated from G(n; na ; nb ) with n = 50, a = 5 and b = 0:1.
For plotting purposes, we order the nodes so that the first n/2 nodes belong to one commu-
nity and the rest belong to the other community. Without regularization, the two leading
eigenvectors of the Laplacian localize around a few low degree nodes, and therefore do
not contain any information about the global community structure. In contrast, the second

leading eigenvector of the regularized Laplacian (with  = 0:1d̄ ) clearly reflects the com-
munities, and the signs of this eigenvector alone recover community labels correctly for
all but three nodes.

7 Discussion
Great progress has been made in recent years, and yet many problems remain open. Open
questions on community detection under the SBM, in terms of exact and partial recovery
and efficient (polynomial time) algorithms are discussed in Abbe [2017], and likely by
the time this paper comes out in print, some of them will have been solved. Yet the focus
on the SBM is unsatisfactory for many practitioners, since not many real networks fit this
model well. Some of the more general models we discussed in Section 2 fix some of the
problems of the SBM, allowing for heterogeneous degree distributions and overlapping
communities, for instance. A bigger problem lies in the fixed K regime; it is not realis-
tic to assume that as the size of the network grows, the number of communities remains
fixed. A more realistic model is the “small world” scenario, where the size of commu-
nities remains bounded or grows very slowly with the number of nodes, the number of
communities grows, and connections between many smaller communities happen primar-
ily through hub nodes. Some consistency results have been obtained for a growing K, but
we are not aware of any results in the sparse constant degree regime so far. An even bigger
problem is presented by the so far nearly universal assumption of independent edges; this
assumption violates commonly observed transitivity of friendships (if A is friends with B
and B is friends with C, A is more likely to be friends with C). There are other types of
network models that do not rely on this assumption, but hardly any random matrix results
apply there. Ultimately, network analysis involves a lot more than community detection:
link prediction, network denoising, predicting outcomes on networks, dynamic network
modeling over time, and so on. We are a long way away from establishing rigorous the-
oretical guarantees for any of these problems to the extent that we have for community
detection, but given how rapid progress in the latter area has been, we are hopeful that
continued interest from the random matrix community will help shed light on other prob-
lems in network analysis.

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Received 2017-12-22.

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