EE 220: Signals and Systems Tutorial-8

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EE 220: Signals and Systems

Q1. Determine the Nyquist rate corresponding to each of the following signals.
a) x(t) = 1 + cos (2000πt) + sin (4000πt)

sin (4000πt)
b) x(t) =
c) x(t) =

Q2. The sampling theorem states that a signal x(t) must be sampled at rate greater than its
bandwidth (or equivalently, a rate greater than twice of its highest frequency). This implies that
if x(t) has a spectrum as indicated in Figure 1 (a), then x(t) must be sampled at a rate greater
than 2ω2 . However, since the signal has most of its energy concentrated at the narrow band, it
would seem reasonable to expect that a sampling rate lower than twice the highest frequency
could be used. A signal whose energy is concentrated in a frequency band is often referred to as
bandpass signal. There are variety of techniques for sampling such signals, generally referred
to as bandpass sampling techniques.
To examine the possibility of sampling a bandpass signal at a rate less than the total band-
width, consider the system shown in Figure 1 (b), where p(t) = δ(t − nT ). Assuming that
ω1 > ω2 − ω1 , find the maximum value of T and the values of the constants A, ωa and ωb such
that xr (t) = x(t).
Q3. Consider a real, odd, and periodic signal x(t) whose Fourier series representation may
be expressed as

5 !k
X 1
x(t) = sin(kπt)

Let d
x(t) represent the signal obtained by performing impulse-train sampling on x(t) using a
sampling period of T = 0.2
(a) Does aliasing occur when this impulse-train sampling is performed on x(t)?
(b) If x(t) is passed through an ideal low-pass filter with cutoff frequency π/T and passband
gain T , determine the Fourier series representation of the output signal g(t).
Q4. The signal y(t) is generated by convolving a band-limited signal x1 (t) with another
band-limited signal x2 (t), that is,
Figure 1: Given signal and representations

y(t) = x1 (t) ∗ x2 (t),

where, X1 ( jω) = 0 for |ω| > 1000π and X2 ( jω) = 0 for |ω| > 2000π. Impulse-train sampling

is performed on y(t) to obtain y p (t) = y(nT )δ(t − nT ). Specify the range of values for the
sampling period T which ensures that y(t) is recoverable from y p (t).
Q5. In the system shown in Figure 2, two functions of time, x1 (t) and x2 (t) are multiplied
together, and the product w(t) is sampled by a periodic impulse train. Given that x1 (t) is band
limited to ω1 , and x2 (t) is band limited to ω2 , that is

X1 ( jω) = 0 for |ω| ≥ ω1 ,

X2 ( jω) = 0 for |ω| ≥ ω2 ,

Determine the maximum sampling interval T such that w(t) is recoverable from w p (t) through
the use of an ideal lowpass filter. The p(t) is given as p(t) = +∞
n=−∞ δ(t − nT ).
x 1(t)

X X w p(t)

x 2(t)

X 1(jw) X 2(jw)

-w 1 w1 w -w 2 w2 w

Figure 2

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