Uttarakhand Technical University: Suddhowala, Prem Nagar, Dehradun248007Uttarakhand, India

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Uttarakhand Technical University

Suddhowala, Prem Nagar, Dehradun248007Uttarakhand, India

Website: http://www.uktech.ac.in

Advertisement No.: UTU/Recr/01/2019

Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for appointment to the posts of
Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor in various disciplines in the university.
Minimum qualifications and experience are included in Annexure I herewith.
The candidates are required to apply in prescribed format, with all pages including annexures
to be numbered serially starting from 1 (one) and with complete signature of applicant on all
pages (including all pages of annexures).The completed applications should be sentby speed
post with requisite certificates, as annexures, in support of qualifications and experience.
Application forms to be submitted to Registrar, Uttarakhand Technical University,
Suddhowala, Premnagar, Dehradun 248007 so as to reach by 25Apr 2019, 4:30 PM.
Incomplete, unsigned and late applications will be rejected. Applicant is required to submit
separate application forms for each position applied and the same should be sent by separate
speed-post. The speed-post envelop must clearly include “APPLICATION for the post of
……. (as applicable) in the discipline of …….. (as applicable), and the sealed envelop must
include complete signature of the applicant along with date. Applicant is also required to
email the details of application form (Full Name, Application for the post of ………..,… in
the Discipline……., Category, Date of posting of application form with Speed post receipt
No. and .doc file of filled application form).Additionally, the applicant is required to e-mail,
on the email id: [email protected], with the subject matter containing: “Name of
Candidate, Discipline and the post applied for”, andthe MS-Word doc file of filled
application form as attachment as well as included in email body, the speedpost receipt
number, Name of Candidate, Discipline and the post applied for, and including the contents
of MS-Word doc file as copy-pasted.
Details of posts in various disciplines are as follows:
S.No. Discipline Faculty Posts with Category
Professor Associate AssistantProfessor
(Rs. 37400- Professor (Rs. 15600-39100)
67000) (Rs. 37400-67000) AGP Rs. 6000/-
AGP Rs. 10000/- AGP Rs. 9000/-
1 Civil Engineering 01 SC 01 UR
2 Computer Science & 01 UR 01 UR
3 Electrical Engineering 01 UR
4 Electronics & Comm. 01 UR 01 UR
5 Mechanical Engineering 01 OBC
6 Pharmacy 01 SC
Total Post: 01 03 05
Abbreviations used:UR: Unreserved, SC: Scheduled Caste; OBC: Other backward class;
(EWC: Economically weak class, to be included in the application as category in the
application form, in case the candidate wishes to avail this benefit. EWC benefit shall be
given as per Uttarakhand Govt.’s GO No. 65/XXX(2)/2019-53 (01) 2001,
KarmikAvumSatarkataAnubhag 2, i.e.Personnel and Vigilance Dept.-2, dated 22 Feb. 2019
as applicable.)

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Salary and allowances: Salary and allowances will be as per University norms as
applicable from time to time.


1. Applications only on prescribed format shall be accepted. The application form can be
downloaded from the University website (www.uktech.ac.in). Candidates are advised to
fill the form completely. Incomplete applications shall be rejected. No objection
certificate from the present employer along-with the certificate to the effect that there is
no departmental enquiry pending or contemplated, together with vigilance clearance
certificate should be included. The persons employed in Govt./Public sector should
send the completed application through proper channel.
2. In case a candidate wishes to apply for more than one position, separate applications are
to be submitted for each position, and each such separate application must be
sentindividually by separate speed-post (the reason for this is, separate speed-post
number for individual position would identify the concerned position you have applied
for). Candidate must write Discipline and post applied for on top of the envelope.
3. The application form must be supported by self-attested copies of all
certificates/testimonials failure which the application shall be rejected.
4. The applicant will be responsible for the authenticity of submitted information, other
documents and photograph. Furnishing of any false information/ concealment of
informationregarding any facts shall lead to rejection/cancellation of
selection/recruitment at any stage of process and any point of time even after he/she has
been appointed.
5. Bearing minimum qualifications/eligibility criteria does not mean that the candidate will
be called for interview. The university has right to raise (fix the threshold) of the
minimum criteria: qualifications, index, experience, etc., separately for each discipline
and for each post. Mere fulfilment of the required qualifications and experience etc.,
does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview/selection. Short listing criteria for
calling for interview will be teaching Experience/written test in case number of
applications are large. GATE syllabus shall be applicable for written test if written test
is held for qualifying for interview.
6. The complete Application Form must reach Registrar, Uttarakhand Technical
University, Suddhowala, Prem Nagar, Dehradun -248007 (Uttarakhand) latest by 25-04-
2019 (4:30PM) by Speed Post. Additionally, the applicant is required to e-mail, on the
email id: [email protected], with the subject matter containing: “Name of
Candidate, Discipline and the post applied for”, and the MS-Word doc file of filled
application form as attachment as well as included in email body, the speedpost receipt
number, Name of Candidate, Discipline and the post applied for, and including the
contents of MS-Word doc file as copy-pasted.
7. The list of shortlisted candidates will be displayed on University website by their speed
post ID/No. only. No separate email or speed-post communication shall be made for call
for interview.
8. Candidates may be required to make short technical presentation(s) involving teaching
and/or research topic(s) before the selection committee (these topic(s) for the same may
be decided by the selection committee at the time of interview). The candidates are
expected to be prepared for the same.
9. Candidates must bring all relevant certificates/testimonials at the time of interview
(Original and one set of attested copies).
10. Number and nature of posts shown above may change and vary at the time of
selection/recruitment. Further the University reserves the right to fill only some or not to
fill any post(s).
11. All Degree Certificates should be from recognized Universities/Institutes and AICTE
approved courses only. Further, attach conversion criteria of CGPA to percentage (%)
from the University/Institution/Board, failing which the Institute will apply its own
conversion criteria as per AICTE norms.
12. Candidates are advised to browse the University Website: www.uktech.ac.in regularly
for updates.
13. The decision of the competent authority will be final in the matter of selection.

Annexure I

Minimum Qualifications and Experience


Candidates assigned to these posts shall perform similar functions such as: teaching, research,
extension, continuing education, scientific and industrial consultancy,various examination
activities, and others that include administrative responsibilities like wardenship/assistant
wardenship, faculty-incharge for various maintenance activities, purchases, etc., which may
be assigned to them by the University from time to time. They may also be delegated certain
administrative and/or other functions/responsibilities at the University. The status, perks,
service conditions and responsibilities of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor,
shall be as per decisions of the University in accordance to the norms of the University and
regulatory bodies.
Eligibility Criteria:
(i) Ph. D. degree in relevant branch and First class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or
Master’s level in the relevant branch of engineering$.
(ii) Teaching/Research/Industrial experience in the relevant discipline for a minimum of
10 years, out of which minimum 8 years shall be Post-Ph.D. experience at the level of
Assistant Professor and above, that includes minimum three years at Associate
Professor and above.
(iii) At least six research publications (with substantial citations for each publication) at
the level of Associate Professor and above in SCI journals
(iv) At least two successful Ph.D.s guided as Supervisor/Co-supervisor till the date of
At least 10 research publications (with substantial citations for each publication) at
the level of Associate Professor and above in SCI journals till the date of eligibility.

(i) At least one published patent in the relevant branch of Engineering$
(ii) Evidence of having taken up sponsored research, continuing education and/or
industrial consultancy;
(iii) Participation in professional society activities;
(iv) Good knowledge of technical education system in the country and its development
(v) Consultancy and other methods of fund raising for the Institute shall be preferred
(vi) Creation of at least one course (minimum 20 lectures of 50 minutes duration, or
equivalent) on MOOCs, SWAYAM and other open source platforms of
• Essential:
(i) Ph.D. degree in the relevant branch and first class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or
Master’s level in the relevant branch of engineering$.
(ii) At least 6 research publications (with reasonable number of citations for each
publication) in SCI journals
(iii) Minimum of 8 years of experience in teaching/research/industry out of which
minimum 5 years shall be Post-Ph.D. experience at the level of Assistant Professor
and above. The experience less than one year at one institute and duration of M.Tech.
and Ph.D. will not be counted.
(iv) Post Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) and other higher qualification shall be given

• Desirable:

(i) Evidence of having taken up sponsored research, continuing education and/or

industrial consultancy;
(ii) Proven record of guiding UG/PG and Ph.D. students and team work
(iii) Participation in professional society activities; and organisation of conferences and


• Essential:

(i) Ph.D. Degree in relevant discipline of Engineering with B.E./B.Tech/equivalent and

M.E./M Tech. in the relevant discipline$ with a First Class at either level. All degrees
should be from courses approved by AICTE or technological institutes of national
(ii) Ph.D. degree in relevant discipline after B.E./B.Tech. with First Class from
technological institutes of national importance with GATE qualification are also
(i) Teaching/Research/Industrial experience in the relevant discipline;
(ii) Publications record in refereed scientific/professional SCI journals (with some
citations for each publication).

 If a class division is not awarded, minimum of 60% marks in aggregate shall be

considered equivalent to first class/division. If a Grade Point System is adopted the
CGPA will be converted into equivalent marks as below.

Grade Point Equivalent Percentage

6.25 55%
6.75 60%

7.25 65%

7.75 70%

8.25 75%

Note: $: For Relevant branch(es) of Engineering, please refer to The Gazette of India
(Extraordinary), No. 175 dated 28 April, 2017 signed by Prof. Alok Prakash Mittal,
Member Secretary, of AICTE (available on the website: https://www.aicte-
india.org/downloads/175649.pdf ).

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