VFR 135 Soru Questions Atpl
VFR 135 Soru Questions Atpl
VFR 135 Soru Questions Atpl
c) 'ervice messages.messages.
light regularity
d) light safety messages.
Answer ;
d) light safety messages.
0007. Aircraft /-BC has been instructed to contact 'tephenville %01$& on frequency 223.4. 1hat is the correct response to
indicate that it #ill follo# this instruction 5
a) 223.4 /-BC.
b) 1ill change to %01$& /-BC.
c) 'tephenville %01$& /-BC.
d) Changing over /-BC.
Answer ;
a) 223.4 /-BC.
0008. Aircraft /-BC has been instructed to listen on A%6' frequency 278.79 , on #hich information are being broadcast. 1hat is
the correct response to indicate that it #ill follo# this instruction 5
a) Chec:ing 278.79 /-BC.
b) (onitoring 278.79 /-BC.
c) 1ill contact 278.79 /-BC.
d) Changing to 278.79 /-BC.
Answer ;
b) (onitoring 278.79 /-BC.
0014. An aircraft
a) is squa#:ing 4<.immediate
it is requesting %his indicates
level; change.
b) it is unable to establish communication due to radio equipment failure.
c) it is about to ma:e a forced landing.
d) it is diverting to the alternate aerodrome.
Answer ;
b) it is unable to establish communication due to radio equipment failure.
0015. An aircraft station fails to establish radio contact #ith an aeronautical station on the designated frequency. 1hat action is
required by the pilot ;
a) ?and at the nearest airport #ithout an A%C unit.
b) Continue the flight to the destination airport #ithout any communication.
c) &eturn to the airport of departure.
d) Attempt to establish contact #ith the station on an alternative frequency.
Answer ;
d) Attempt to establish contact #ith the station on an alternative frequency.
0016. An urgency message shall be preceded by the radiotelephony urgency signal ;
a) A+ A+ , spo:en three times.
b) A?$&A , spo:en three times.
c) U&*$+C) , spo:en three times.
d) (A)DA) , spo:en three times.
Answer ;
a) A+ A+ , spo:en three times.
0022. =o# can aviation routine #eather reports ($%A& of specific airports be obtained by aircraft in flight 5
a) 0?($%
b) '6*($%
c) A%6'
d) A6'
Answer ;
a) 0?($%
0023. =o# is the visibility in an aviation routine #eather report ($%A& epressed in plain language 5
a) 6n feet and nautical miles.
b) Up to 29 m in metres , above in :ilometres.
c) 6n nautical miles only.
d) Up to 9 m in metres , above in :ilometres.
Answer ;
d) Up to 9 m in metres , above in :ilometres.
0024. =o# shall a pilot as: for a $ 5
a) &equest uebec otrot $cho.
b) &equest uebec o $asy.
c) &equest ueen o $asy.
d) &equest uebec o $cho.
Answer ;
a) &equest uebec otrot $cho.
b) 'tephenville %01$&
%01$& /-BC.
c) 'tephenville
d) %01$& /)-ABC.
Answer ;
b) 'tephenville %01$& /)-ABC.
0029. 6f all attempts to establish radio contact #ith a ground station fail , the pilot of an aeroplane shall transmit messages preceded
by the phrase ;
a) !=o# do you read 5".
b) A+ A+ , A+ A+ , A+ A+.
c) !&ead you one , read you one".
d) !%ransmitting blind".
Answer ;
d) !%ransmitting blind".
b) /-BC
/-BC is
is requested
requested to
to s#itch toas
stand by stand by position.
the radar controller is busy.
c) /-BC is requested to stand by on the frequency.
d) /-BC is requested to stand by for radar vectors.
Answer ;
a) /-BC is requested to s#itch to stand by position.
0039. &ADA& instructs aircraft /)-ABC ; !/-BC reset squa#: 229". 1hat does this mean 5
a) /-BC has been identified by ''& code 229.
b) /-BC has been identified at 2E29 U%C .
c) /-BC is requested to set ne# code 229.
d) /-BC is requested to reselect ''& code 229.
Answer ;
d) /-BC is requested to reselect ''& code 229.
0040. &egardless of your position , time figures are transmitted #ith reference to ;
a) U%C.
b) 1inter time.
c) *reen#ich time.
d) ?ocal time.
Answer ;
a) U%C.
b) an unauthoried message.
c) a flight safety message.
d) a flight regularity message.
Answer ;
c) a flight safety message.
0045. %he distress message shall contain as many as possible of the follo#ing elements@details ;
a) aircraft call sign , present position , assistance required.
b) aircraft call sign , route of flight , destination airport.
c) aircraft call sign , aerodrome of departure , position and level.
d) aircraft call sign , nature of distress , pilotFs intention , present position , level and heading.
Answer ;
d) aircraft call sign , nature of distress , pilotFs intention , present position , level and heading.
0046. %he frequency used for the first transmission of a !(A)DA)" call shall be ;
b) the
anydistress frequency 272.9
other international (=. frequency.
c) any frequency at pilotGs discretion.
d) the frequency currently in use.
Answer ;
d) the frequency currently in use.
0047. %he message addressed to an Area Control Centre !request radar vectors to circumnavigate adverse #eather" is ;
a) a flight safety message.
b) a message relating to direction finding.
c) an urgency message.
d) a meteorological message.
Answer ;
a) a flight safety message.
0048. %he message to an aeronautical ground station !please call a tai-cab for us. 1e #ill arrive at 2>9" is ;
a) a flight safety messages.
b) an unauthoried message.
c) an urgency message.
d) a flight regularity message.
Answer ;
b) an unauthoried message.
b) %#o ero this hour.
c) +ine t#enty A.(.
d) %#o ero.
Answer ;
d) %#o ero.
0055. %o #hich frequency bands do the frequencies 223. - 28<.H49 (= of the Aeronautical (obile 'ervice belong 5
a) ?o# frequency.
b) ery lo# frequency.
c) ery high frequency.
d) (edium frequency.
Answer ;
c) ery high frequency.
0056. Under #hich of the follo#ing circumstances may you epect a solid reception of the %01$& frequency 223.7 (= 5
a) Aircraft at lo# level , far a#ay from the ground station , in the radio shado# one of a hill.
b) Aircraft at lo# level , in the vicinity of the ground station , in the radio shado# one of a hill.
c) Aircraft at high level in the vicinity of the ground station.
d) Aircraft at lo# level but far a#ay from the ground station.
Answer ;
c) Aircraft at high level in the vicinity of the ground station
0060. 1hat action is required by the pilot of an aircraft station if he@she is unable to establish radio contact #ith an aeronautical
station 5
a) ?and at the nearest aerodrome appropriate to the route of flight.
b) %ry to establish communication #ith other aircraft or aeronautical stations.
c) 'qua#: mode A code 49.
d) Divert to the alternate airport.
Answer ;
b) %ry to establish communication #ith other aircraft or aeronautical stations.
0061. 1hat action should be ta:en by the aircraft station first receiving a distress message 5
a) 6mmediately ac:no#ledge the distress message.
b) &equest position of the station in distress.
c) As: the station to change to frequency 272.9 (=.
d) &equest the nature of emergency in progress , and request further intentions.
b) +o specific
'unrise #or:ing hours.
to sunset.
c) 'unset to sunrise.
d) Continuous day and night service.
Answer ;
a) +o specific #or:ing hours.
0070. 1hat does the instruction !*o around" mean 5
a) Carry out a missed approach.
b) roceed #ith your message.
c) 0verta:e the aircraft ahead.
d) (a:e a 8<J turn.
Answer ;
a) Carry out a missed approach.
0071. 1hat does the instruction !0rbit right" mean 5
a) ?eave the run#ay to the right.
b) %urn right to avoid other traffic.
c) (a:e 8<J turns to the right.
d) &ight-hand circuits are in use.
Answer ;
c) (a:e 8<J turns to the right.
b) =otel
=otel Bravo
Bravo 6ndia
c) =otel Bravo 6ndia )an:ee Charlie.
d) =otel Bravo Iuliett 6ndia Kilo.
Answer ;
b) =otel Bravo Iuliett )an:ee Charlie.
0085. 1hat is the correct #ay of transmitting 22 as a += 5
a) += one ero ero one.
b) += one thousand and one.
c) += one double ero one.
d) += one double !0" one.
Answer ;
a) += one ero ero one.
0086. 1hat is the correct #ay of transmitting the number 89 #hen indicating an altitude or an height 5
a) %hree five double ero.
b) %hree five ero ero.
c) %hree five hundred.
d) %hree thousand five hundred.
Answer ;
d) %hree thousand five hundred.
c) 6+0&(A%60+
?6*=% C$+%&$
d) ?6*=% 6+0&(A%60+ C$+%&$
Answer ;
b) 6+0&(A%60+
0093. 1hat is the radiotelephony call sign for the aeronautical station providing surface movement control of aircraft on the
manoeuvring area 5
a) *&0U+D
b) C0+%&0?
c) A&0AC=
d) %01$&
Answer ;
a) *&0U+D
0094. 1hat is the radiotelephony call sign suffi for the aeronautical station indicating aerodrome control service 5
a) %01$&
b) A&0+
c) C0+%&0?
d) A$&0D&0($
Answer ;
a) %01$&
0098. 1hen is an aircraft station allo#ed to use its abbreviated call sign 5
a) 0nly after satisfactory communication has been established.
b) After it has been addressed in this manner by the aeronautical ground station.
c) rovided no confusion is li:ely to result.
d) 6n dense traffic.
Answer ;
b) After it has been addressed in this manner by the aeronautical ground station.
0099. 1hen may the name of the location or the call sign suffi in the call sign of an aeronautical station be omitted 5
a) 0nly after the aeronautical station has used the abbreviated call sign.
b) +ever.
c) 1hen satisfactory communication has been established and provided it #ill not be confusing to do so.
d) 6n dense traffic during rush hours.
Answer ;c) 1hen satisfactory communication has been established and provided it #ill not be confusing to do so.
0100. 1hen shall the pilot of an aircraft eperiencing communications failure :eep a #atch for instructions passed by visual
signals 5
a) 1hen entering a C%&.
b) 1hen flying #ithin a control area.
c) 1hen crossing a 6& boundary.
d) 1hen the aircraft is forming part of the aerodrome traffic at a controlled aerodrome.
Answer ;
d) 1hen the aircraft is forming part of the aerodrome traffic at a controlled aerodrome.
0101. 1hen shall the pilot of an aircraft eperiencing communications failure :eep a #atch for instructions passed by visual
signals 5
a) 1hen flying & above clouds.
b) 1hen entering a 6& during an 6& flight.
c) 1hen the aircraft is entering the traffic pattern of an uncontrolled airport.
d) 1hen the aircraft is forming part of the aerodrome traffic at a controlled aerodrome.
Answer ;
d) 1hen the aircraft is forming part of the aerodrome traffic at a controlled aerodrome.
0107. 1hen
the aircraft transmitting
station shall also a; message preceded by the phrase !%ransmitting blind due to receiver failure" during an en-route flight ,
a) advise the time of its net intended transmission.
b) return to the airport of departure.
c) land at the nearest airfield@airport.
d) Noin base leg #hen approaching the airfield for landing.
Answer ;
a) advise the time of its net intended transmission.
0108. 1hen transmitting time , #hich time system shall be used 5
a) ?ocal time ?% , 7>-hour cloc:.
b) Co-ordinated universal time U%C .
c) ?ocal time ?% A.(. and .(..
d) +o specific system , as only the minutes are normally required.
Answer ;
b) Co-ordinated universal time U%C .
0109. 1hich abbreviation is used for !Co-ordinated universal time" 5
a) CU%.
b) U%C.
c) C0U%.
d) *(%.
Answer ;
b) U%C.
b) ermission
Continue ongranted
presentfor actionand
heading proposed.
listen out.
c) 1ait and 6 #ill call you.
d) 'elect '%A+DB) on the ''& transponder.
Answer ;
c) 1ait and 6 #ill call you.
0124. 1hich phenomena #ill normally influence the reception of = transmission 5
a) %he ionosphere.
b) Day-and night effect.
c) $lectrical discharges as they happen frequently in thunderstorms.
d) ?evel of aircraft and terrain elevations.
Answer ;
d) ?evel of aircraft and terrain elevations.
0125. 1hich phrase shall be used if the repetition of an entire message is required 5
a) &epeat your last transmission.
b) &epeat your message.
c) 1hat #as your message 5
d) 'ay again.
Answer ;
d) 'ay again.
b) Affirm.
%hat is right.
c) Correct.
d) %hat is affirmative.
Answer ;
c) Correct.
0132. 1hich phraseology is to be used to as: the control to#er for permission to tai on a run#ay in the direction opposite to that
in use 5
a) !Clearance to bac:trac:".
b) !Bac:trac: clearance".
c) !&equest bac:trac: on run#ay".
d) !%o enter bac: run#ay".
Answer ;
c) !&equest bac:trac: on run#ay".
0133. 1hich -code is used to report altitude 5
a) +I
c) +=
d) $
Answer ;
c) +=