Division of Batangas: Republic of The Philippines Department of Education Region Iv-A Calabarzon

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Batangas
Puting Bato East, Calaca, Batangas


“Utilizing best practices in my classroom positively impacts students by providing motivation to

learn and promoting success in a global world”.
NC Teacher, Public School

Best practices are an inherent part of a curriculum that exemplifies the connection and relevance
identified in educational research. They interject rigor into the curriculum by developing thinking and
problem- solving skills through integration and active learning. Araling Panlipunan Department continues to
motivate, engage and prompt students to learn and achieve. Relationships are built through opportunities
for communication and teamwork.

The Best Practices are the following:

1. Division Write Shop (Daily Lesson Log, Instructional Materials and Videos)

A lesson plan is a step-by-step guide that provides a structure for an essential learning. Before
planning a lesson, it is essential to classify the learning outcomes for the class. It is important because it
helps the teacher in maintaining a standard teaching pattern and does not let the class deviate from the
In accordance with this, Araling Panlipunan- Education Program Supervisor, Rolando S. Casanova,
facilitate and conducted a Write Shop Seminars to all Araling Panlipunan Teachers in the Division of
Batangas to help all the AP teachers to have an effective and inter-active Lesson Plan with Instructional
Materials that enhanced the quality education that can create a sense of purpose and progress in teaching-
learning process.
Complete Lesson Plan and instructional Materials from Grade 7 to Grade 10 level were distributed
in all Areas in Batangas and used daily by the AP teachers successfully.

2. Supreme Student Government (Action Plan)

Supreme Student Government is an organization conducted by students and supervised by adults.

The purpose of the student government is to give students an opportunity to develop leadership by
organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that
contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the student government is the voice of the student body.
They help share student ideas, interests and concerns with the school wide community.
The table below is the Action Plan prepared by the SSG Officers S.Y 2019-2020:

Activities/Programs Objectives People Involved Time Frame

1. Brigada Eskwela Maintain the cleanliness of SSG Officers, Students and May
the school and ensure that Teachers
it is well prepared School
Year 2019-2020.
2. Student and School Engage students to Students Everyday
Development interact with co-students (June-March)
and improve their well-
a. Daily Cleaning being physically and
b. Flag Raisin Ceremony mentally.
c. Monitoring of Class

3. Health is Wealth Conduct feeding program SSG Officers, Students and Monthly
at least once a month for Teachers
4. Nutrition Month Create a nutritional SSG Officers, Students and July
program to give valuable Teachers
lessons and have fun
5. Clean and Green Maintain a clean and green SSG Officers, Students and July
Campaign surrounding in and outside Teachers
the campus
6. Care to Share Have a leadership training SSG Officers, Students and August
(Leadership Training) for students to share and Teachers
teach them to be a leader
of their own
7. School Intramurals Have a sporty program and SSG Officers, Students and August
provide a healthy pastime Teachers
for each students
8. Teacher’s Day To recognize teachers Students and Teachers October
effort for teaching
students academic
performance and behavior
9. Christmas Spirit To give simple gifts to Students, Teachers and December
fellow classmates, teachers Staff
and staffs as an act of
10. Valentine’s Day Sending messages of love Students, Teachers and February
and affection to partners, SSG Officers
family and friends/ to have
some fun
11. Recognition and To give an honor to all Students and Teachers March
Moving Up Ceremony students


February 1, 2019 to February 28, 2019

Pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 682, signed by then President Corazon Aquino on
28 January 1991, celebration of Civil Registration Month is observed this February.

The celebration aims to remind the citizenry of their duty to register acts and events
concerning status of persons and enhance nationwide awareness and appreciation of the legal,
administrative and statistical values of civil registry documents.
This year’s theme, “Inclusive and responsive CRVS: Working smarter Through Innovation”.

In line with the above celebration, the Office of the Municipal Civil Registrar conducted a
Quiz Bee and Slogan and Poster Making Contest open to all secondary schools in Calaca District
last February 06, 2019 at the Municipal Training Room, Municipal Hall, Calaca, Batangas.
Our school Pedro A. Paterno have entered in Quiz Bee (Rholan James Pascual Grade 10 student )
and Slogan and Poster Making Contest ( Justine Reyes Grade 10 student) together with their coaches
Ms. Harlene Riz A. Bautista and Mrs. Catherine H. Laco.

The said contest was inline in register acts and events concerning status of persons and enhances
nationwide awareness and appreciation of the legal, administrative and statistical values of civil registry

After all the questions had raises in Quiz Bee, Rholan James Pascual (Grade 10) of P.A. Paterno
NHS got the 1st place. Medal and Certificate was awarded by the Municipal Mayor Boogle Ona and other
Municipal Staff.

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