3.iwori Odi

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Some of the key situations and advice covered include offering ebo to avoid having a deformed child, not making love on an empty stomach, turning an unworthy person into a significant community member, helping a barren woman have children, finding a compatible spouse and being blessed with many children.

Some of the ebo offerings mentioned include rams, hens, pigeons, guinea fowls, rats, fish, and money. Materials vary depending on the situation but generally include some combination of animals and money.

Ifa advises a couple wanting children to offer ebo with three roosters, three hens and money. They are told to feed Ifa with pounded yam and egusi soup and never allow a situation where there is no food in their house.



1. Ifa advises a pregnant woman to offer ebo in order to avoid a situation where she will give
birth to a monster or a deform child. This child is a male child. Ebo material: two matured
rams and money. They also need to feed one of their male ancestor as prescribed by Ifa.
On this, Ifa says:

Osaka so baba
Eruku, owogbe
Tefetefeni Baba Ofo
Dia fun Aniwin-nikunomoOlofin
Eboni won nikowaa se
O kotiogbonyinsebo
Kodide, ko mama rin
Baba wa
Kodide, ko mama rin

She who gathers the maize and the guinea-corn
When the slaves dies
The money got lost
Totally is the father of loss
Ifa’s message for Aniwinniku, she who has a fetus of a monster in her womb, the daughter
of Olofin
She was advised to offer ebo
She refused to comply
Aniwinnikun the daughter of Olofin
Let the child rise up and walk
Our father let the child rise up and walk
2. Ifa warns a man where this Odu is revealed never to make love without eating first. He
must not make love on empty stomach. Ifa also advises a couple to offer ebo in order to
receive the blessing of the fruit of the womb. Ebo materials: three roosters, three hens
and money for the couple. They also need to feed Ifa with pounded yam and Egusi soup.
They must never allow a situation where there will be no food in their house. On this, Ifa

Allele le
A o gboporoporoodo
A o gbowoyowoyokonkoso
Owa di irolededeede, a o gbosinringunsinobeninaawo
Dia fun Iwori
Ti nloreewo’dilebi
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Iwori o je
Iwori o mu
Iwori senwodilebi?

In the evening time
We did not hear the sound of pounded yam preparation
In the dead of the night
We did not see that yam flour meal is being prepared
Even during mid afternoon we did not see any soup being prepared
This were ifa’s declarations for Iwori
When going to make love to odi with empty stomach
He was advised to offer ebo
Iworidid not eat
Neither did he drink
How can iwori make love to Odi on empty stomach
3. Ifa says that there is a man where this Odu is revealed who everybody had written off that
he could never become a worthy person in life. Ifa assures this person that ifa will turn
him to a significant person in his community. Ifa advises this person to offer ebowith
three roosters, three hens, three pigeons, three guinea-fowls and money. He also needs to
feed ifa with two rats, and two fish. After this, this person needs to be initiated into ifa. on
this, ifa says;

Ibeerukii je k’omode o rokoidiagbon
Ko ma baa fi ibiiyiharaharaba won letu
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Taaleleyii o somo o
O di igbeyin
Ki e too m’Eduni Baba o
O di igbeyin

Fear does not allow a child to weed the grass under a coconut tree
So that the coconut will not fall on him
Ifa’s message for Olanikun
Who had being declared to be a worthless person
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
It is in the end
That you will know ifa has the father of all
It is in the end
4. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of childbearing for a barren woman here. Ifa advises this
woman to offer ebo with four rats, four fish, two hens and money. She also needs to feed
Ifa with two rats, two fish and one hen. On this, ifa says;

Ojumomo, mi o gboporoporoodo
Oorunkantari, mi o gbowoyowoyokonkoso
Osanpongeregere, mi o gbosinrigunsiringunobetiigbe n sasun
Dia fun Poroye
Ekunomoni n sun o
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Kope, kojinna
E banibajebutuomo

In the evening time
We did not hear the sound of pounded yam preparation
In the dead of the night
We did not see that yam flour meal is being prepared
Even during mid afternoon we did not see any soup being prepared
This were ifa’s declaration to Poroye
Who was the wife of Agbonniregun
When she was lamenting her inability to have her own babies
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of children
5. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of compatible spouse for a man. The relationship will be
blessed with children. Ifa advises this man to offer ebo with two hens, four rats and four
fish. On this, ifa says:

Idi nimo n wo
Ni mo fi sifa da
Dia fun Orunmila
Ifa n sunkunalailobinrin
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Kope, kojinna
E baninijebutuaya

I was looking at a woman’s buttocks
And I made mistake during ifa consultation
Ifa’s message for Orunmila
When lamenting his inability to have a compatible spouse
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of good wife
6. Ifa says that this person will be blessed with many children. The woman in question is too
beauty and fashion cautious. There is the need for her to reduce this in order to have her
babies in time. Ifa advises this woman to offer ebo with two hens and money. She also
needs to feed ifa with one hen. On this, Ifa says;

Ejaniisenu u meperes’alate
Dia fun Esi
Ti n komo lo Ipagunagbala
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Kinla n bomoEsilori ate?
LaabomoEsilori Ate o

The fish turn a lifeless mouth towards the fish seller
Ifa’ messafe for Esi
When going to carry her children at the edge of the compound
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
How do we meet the children of Esi
Bouncing and healthy
That we how we met the children of Esi
7. Ifa says that this person is suffering from two different ailments. With ebo the two
ailments will disappear. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with two giant roosters, two
pigeons and money. on this, ifa says:

Dia fun Iwori
Ti n lo reewodinlara
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Aworeren’Iworiti n wodin

The black Koro-isin the resident awo of Alara
Ebureteyinkosun the awo of ijero hill
Ifa’s message for Iwori
When going to take care of Odi’s health
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Odi regains his eye sight
And the Elephantiasis of is scrotum disappear
Iwori who cure Odi of his ailments is a great Awo
8. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo so that he/she will not lose her eyes sight. Ebo
materials here are three roosters and money. He/she also needs to feed Ifa with one
Okete, giant rats. On this, Ifa says:

Korosinduduniigbamo fun won nileAlara

Kakansuni o see ka’moeni
Dia fun Iwori
Ti nloreewodinloju
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Ojuidin la

The black korosin is the awofoAlara household
Ebure is it that paint it back with camwood
One cannot fold one’s child like a clothe
Ifa’s message for Iwori
When going to cure the problem of Odi
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
The eyes of Idin opened
And Idin regained his eyes sight
And Iwori who cured Odi is a great awo

1. Ifa – for direction, guidance, protection, success, victory, elevation, progress, support and
overall well being
2. Ori – for fulfillment of destiny, protection, victory, peace and harmony, love, victory,
elevation, progress, security and self actualization
3. Esu-Odara – for sanctuary, protection, support, victory, joy, contentment, and general
1. Must never use waist beads – to avoid problem of childbearing and agony
2. Must never be promiscuous – to avoid problem of childbearing and agony
3. Must never eat Akee fruit – to avoid unconsummated fortune, failure and disappointment
1. Ifa/Orisa Priest/Priestess
2. Entertainer, comedian, dramatist, artist, musician.


1. Olaninkun - honour is abundant in my home

1. Orimidara – my destiny is good

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