PMDC Motor Modeling and Parameter Identification For Control Purpose
PMDC Motor Modeling and Parameter Identification For Control Purpose
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Abstract - This paper presents mathematical modelling and applied the inverse theory, [8] used the least square
parameter identification of PMDC motor for control method, [9] applied the moment method and [10] used
purpose. Accurate mathematical models and their Pasek’s method. These methods are complex in
parameters are essential for designing controllers because calculation because of using many algorithms. It should
they are used to predict the closed loop behaviour of the
be noted that the different methods of model parameter
plant. Some of the motors are not completely expressed the
parameter values from the manufacturer. Therefore, the identification reported [5]-[8] are similar to a curve fitting
parameters are necessary to obtain for control purpose and that has multiple solutions and Pasek’s method has some
other lab experiments in university. The armature instrumentation problems [10]. This means that there are
resistance and inductance are obtained from direct infinite sets of values that would yield error percentages
measurement of the motor armature circuit. The moment of between the model and experimental responses. In this
inertia, motor constant and viscous friction coefficient are paper uses the first order transfer function and state space
calculated from motor step response. The experimental and equation under steady state condition in order to ensure
simulation works will be performed to identify the motor the identified DC motor parameters which can yield
suitable solution.
In this paper, PMDC motor parameters based on first
Keywords - Parameters Identification, PMDC Motor, State- order transfer function and steady state equation of the
Space Equation, Step-Response, Transfer motor speed response under a constant input voltage is
Function presented. Then, the DC motor mechanical and electrical
constant can be computed from the first quadrant motor
equation. The friction coefficient and motor inertia can be
I. INTRODUCTION calculated from transfer function and state space
DC motors are widely used in industry today because equation.
of their low cost, higher efficiency compared to AC This paper presents the comparison of real and model
machines [1], less complex control structure and wide response of PMDC motor speed to estimate the motor
range of speed and torque [2]. Permanent magnet DC parameters. Section II describes the equivalent circuits
motors do not need field excitation arrangement and less operation and mathematical model of PMDC motor and
input power is consumed. Because of these advantages, generator set. Section III gives the motor parameters
permanent magnet DC motors have a wide range of estimation from mathematical equation. Section IV,
applications where constant speed is to be maintained at experimental results are illustrated and compared to the
varying loads or where different speeds are to be obtained simulation results for identification of motor parameters.
at constant load [3]. They are commonly used as starter Finally, conclusions of the paper are summarized in
motors in automobiles, windshield wipers, washer, Section V.
conveyor belts, elevators cranes and sewing machines for
blowers used in heaters and air conditioners due to
precise, wide, simple and continuous control II. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF PMDC MOTOR
characteristics [4]. DC motor and generator are the examples of
For analytical control system design and optimization, electromechanical system which are used in various
sometimes a precise model of the PMDC motor used in a control system applications. PMDC machine used in
control system must be needed. Although the values for electrical systems and mechanical systems which is
reference of the motor parameters given in the motor composed of field poles, armature winding and later
usually provided by the motor manufacturer, but for comprises of commutator and load. This inhibits low
cheaper DC motors which not tend to have relatively inertia, high starting torque and starting current. The
tolerances in their electrical and mechanical parameters. mechanical and electrical properties of electromechanical
Different parameter identification techniques and devices are needed to derive mathematical models.
algorithms have been developed and used by different
researchers to determine some important mechanical and A. PMDC motor schematic diagram
electrical properties of various models of Figure 1 shows the electromechanical device, the
electromechanical systems. In literatures, general system motor and generator set from power electronic lab,
identification methods needed for DC motor parameter Electrical Power Department at MTU, which is presented
identifications; that are [5] the algebraic identification in this paper. If the load is connected to the generator, the
method, [6] used the recursive least square method, [7] motor can be affected by the action of the load.
By applying Laplace transform of (5) and (6), the block
diagram model of the PMDC motor shown in Figure 3 is
Va(s) 1 Ia(s)
Te(s) - 1
+ + B J eq s
- Ra La s
For mechanical component of PMDC motor, the C. State Space Model of PMDC Motor
mathematical equations can be applied Newton’s second The state equation is expressed as follow.
x (t ) Ax(t ) Bu(t ) (11)
Te J eq B TL (3)
dt The state space model of the PMDC is given below by
Te K t ia (4) using (5) and (6). In this model, x1(t) =ω (t), x2(t) =ia (t),
are expressed in (12).
According to the Faraday’s laws, the torque generated
by the motor is proportional to the armature current and B Kt 1
- -
the motor’s back emf is proportional to the angular speed. x 1 ( t ) J eq J eq x 1 ( t ) J eq TL ( t )
x ( t ) K
R a x 2 ( t ) 1 Va ( t )
The numerical value of Kb and Kt are equal in SI units (12)
2 - b
(the international system of units) Kt = Kb. L L a L
Equations (1) through (4) can be rearranged as (5) and a a
The state matrixes A, B and U can be expressed as
di a ( t ) R a K 1
i a ( t ) b ( t ) Va ( t ) (5) B Kt 1
dt La La La - J
J eq - J T
A eq
, B eq , U L
d( t ) K t B 1 K b R a 1 Va
ia (t ) ( t ) TL ( t ) (6) - L
dt J eq J eq J eq a La La
The output equation is presented as following. step response of the motor is used to find the moment of
inertia is shown in Figure 4.
y(t ) Cx(t ) Du (t ) (13)
Time Series Plot:
x ( t ) 0
y( t ) 1 0 1 u(t)
Steady-State Value
(14) 1400
x 2 ( t ) 0 1200
τ X: 11.28
Y: 963.5
At steady state condition, the state space model can be 1000
expressed as (15) and (16): 63.2% of Steady-State Value
System Gain
AX BU 0 (15) 400
00 5
5 10
10 1515 20
20 2525
Time (seconds)
Equations (17) and (18) can be easily obtained from Time(sec)
Figure 4. Step Response of PMDC Motor
K t Va
KtKb RaB The steady state value of the time constant has in
BVa 63.2% [3]. According to the step response, the time
Ia (18) constant is 1.16 sec and the gain of the PMDC motor is
KtKb RaB 166.5 rad/sec. In order to (8) and Figure 5, the first order
Equations (17) and (18) are equal; the viscous friction system can be described in the form of
coefficient can be illustrated as (19).
(s) 166.5
KI (21)
B t a (19) Va (s) 1.16s 1
In this section, the transfer function and state-space
The inertia of the motor (5.902x10-4 Kg.m2) is obtained
equation have presented. The moment of inertia and
from (9) and calculated parameters.
viscous friction coefficient are obtained by these
equations. The calculations of required parameters from The collection of motor parameter values such as
step response can be seen in next section. armature resistance, armature inductance, torque constant,
back-electromotive force constant, viscous friction
coefficient and moment of inertia are described in Table
The armature resistance and the armature inductance in PMDC MOTOR PARAMETER VALUES
the required parameters can be measured from the motor
armature circuit by LC meter and multimeter. The No Parameters Values Unit
armature inductance is 5.621 mH and armature resistance
1 Ra 8.5 Ohm
is 8.5 ohm.
The back emf constant can be obtained from the first 2 La 5.621 mH
quadrant chopper drive [1].
3 Kt, Kb 0.062 N.m/A,V.s/rad
dVa Ia R a 5.663x10-5
Kb (20) 4 B N.m.sec/rad
When the motor is supplied the armature voltage Va is 5 Jeq 5.902x10-4 Kg.m2
24 V, the armature current Ia has 0.22 A. The duty cycle d
is 0.7 due to direct supplied DC voltage. In this condition, These calculated motor parameters may be applied to
the measurement of the motor speed is 240.86 rad/sec. generate the simulation results of motor speed and current
Therefore, Kb= 0.062 Vs/rad can be obtained from (20). response. In next section, the comparison of simulation
In equilibrium condition, mechanical power output and experimental results are described to identify the
equals to electrical power input. Therefore, motor parameters.
Pm Pe
Therefore Kb=Kt=0.062 N.m/A The motor parameters can be used in the dynamic
Substituting Kt in (19), the viscous friction coefficient model, transfer function and state space model to obtain
is 5.663x10-5 N.m.sec/rad. The required motor parameters the simulation results. Table 2 is the comparison of
have been obtained except the moment of inertia. The experimental and simulation results of dynamic model,
transfer function and state space equation.
TABLE II The speed response curve of the motor which is tested
by varying the loads is illustrated in Figure 6 and Figure
Time Series Plot:
Experimental State- 1610rpm
Dynamic Transfer Error 1600
Test Space
Model Function
Va Model 1400
(V) 1200rpm at TL=0.01Nm
ω ω ω ω 1200
(rad/s) (rad/s) (rad/s) (rad/s) % 1000
6.49 74.61 86 86 86 0.114
780rpm at TL=0.02Nm
7.78 94.09 103 103 103 0.089
9.08 113.57 120 120 120 0.065 200
is decreased. However the motor running speed is
800 800
600 600
be seen that the larger the load torque, the smaller the
400 400
motor speed. According to the experimental results, the
200 200 motor decreases only about 4% as long as the load torque
00 22 44 66 88 1010
00 1 22 3 44 5 66 7 88 9 10
10 is increased. The simulation and experimental results are
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
Time(sec) Time(sec) slightly different due to the voltage instability and other
(a) (b) effect. Therefore, the motor parameters are suitable to use
Time Series Plot:
in control purpose. By the motor parameter values are
Motor Speed(rpm) 1600
Motor Speed(rpm) substituted in (7), the motor plant model Gp(s) is in the
1400 1400
form of
1200 1200
1000 1000
800 800
G p (s) (22)
600 600
0.005621s 8.501s 7.329
400 400
200 200
0 0
This plant model can be used for the closed loop
0 2
2 4
4Time 6
6 8
8 10 00 55 10
Time(sec) control system.
(c) (d)
Figure 5. Comparison of Speed Response at Armature Voltage 12.97V
(a) Dynamic Model (b) State-Space Model (c) Transfer Function The mechanical and electrical parameters (moment of
(d) Experimental Test Result inertia J, armature resistance Ra, armature inductance La,
motor constant Kb, Kt, viscous friction coefficient B) of
The simulation results of the dynamic model, state PMDC motor were obtained from state space and motor
space and the transfer function are the same in speed step response. These parameters are not supported in the
response. By comparing the experimental curves and user manual for the device by the manufacturer.
simulation results, it can be seen that there is However, the parameters are needed for a proper design
approximately equal in the motor speed responses. and testing of speed and current controller for the PMDC
motor to promote student’s learning. Laboratory
experiments were performed to obtain the step response
of the PMDC motor and a mathematical model was also
derived for the motor in terms of six unknown
parameters. The parameters were obtained from the
experimental step response and system steady state
equations. The estimated parameters can be used to
generate simulation curves for current and speed step
response. According to the experimental test, the transfer
function is reduced to first order system flexible. Error
percentage between the experimental result and
simulation result approaches to negligible value. As a
future work, the motor parameters can be used in the
fields of feedback control applications and to validate the
DC motor performance.
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