10 Common Voice Problems
10 Common Voice Problems
10 Common Voice Problems
In dealing with the physical production ofthe singng voice, one en@unte$ many problems, aII of
which se intenelated, and often addressed simultaneously. The ten problems listed below are
prevalent in different t),pes of singers, regardless oftraining and orperience.
1. POOR POSTURE: The efficient alignment ofthe body is of primary importance to voice
production. Problems in posnre range from ncollapsen ofthe chest and rlb with conesponding
downward nfalln ofthe head and neck, to the hlper-ortende4 "stifl posture ""gg
of some singers, that
results in tension throughout the entire body. Effective poshre evolves from the kinesthetic
awareness, that may be developed through the study of a physical discipline zuch as Hatha yoga or
Alexander Technique.
4. POOR TONE QUALITY: Many terms are commonly used to describe a singer's tone, and
among those faniliar to singers are: clear, riclq resonant, bright, . . . darlq rough" thirq breathy, and
nasal. Althougfu ngood tone" is highly zubjective, according to the 6pe of singng and personal
preference of the listener, in general, a tone that is nclear" (without extra "noise") and "resonant"
(abundant in harmonic partials) is acknowledged as 'healthy" and naturally will have zufficient
intensity for projection without electric amplification. Opera singers strive to develop a "ringn
(acoustic resonance at 2,500-3,000 Hz), that enables the voice to projec't over a full orchestr4 even in
a large hall. However, for other styles of singing the use of amplification may allow a singer the
choice of employing a less acoustically efficient vocal tone for reasons of artistic expression. A
tne ru Most uommon rroolems ot Dmgers P8$e./ or:
breathy tone, for example, may be perceivd by the listener as "intimaten or "sexy", and even a
'roughn soun4 zuch as was used by Louis Armstrong (false.vocal cord voice), may represent a t}re
unique persona of a performer.
Singing requires transitions from one register to another; each ofthese transitions is called a
'passaggion ("passageway'). Lack of coordination ofthe laryngeal musculature with the breath
support may resrlt in a "register breakn, or obvious shift from one tone quality to another. Untrained
male voices and female tend to 'breaku into falsetto/head voice in the upper range.
Regardless ofthe style of singing a nblendn, or smooth transition between the registers is desirable.
7. POOR ARTICULATION: Pronunciation with excessive tension in the jaw, lips, palate, etc.,
adversely affects the tonal production of the voice. Problems of articulation also occur when singers
carry certain speech habits into singing.
The longer duration of vowel sounds in singing necessitates modification of pronunciation; the
increased nopening" of certain vowels in the high soprano voice, or elongation of the first vowel in a
nl") need
diphthong are examples. Retroflex and velar consonants (such as the American nr" and
careful modification to allow sufficient pharyngeal opening for best resonance, and the over
anticipation of nasal consonants (nm", "n", "ngn) may result in a'stifl soft palate and unpleasant
9. POOR HEALTH, I{YGIENE, VOCAL ABUSE: Many students ignore common sense
and good vocal hygiene. The physical demands of singing necessitate optimal healttt, beginning with
adequate est, aerobic exercise, a moderate diet (and alcohol consumption), and absolute avoidance of
rne ru Most Lonrmon rroolefl$ Or Dulgers f .169 J vr J
smoking. College voice students often test the limits of their vocal health by overindulgence in
i "partyingn, alcohol or drugs, and by screaming at sports events. tvlany singers are careful with their
/ uoi.er but abuse their voice by employing poor speaking technique (see, for example, Bogart-Bacall
Syndrome in this issue).
Professional singers who travel are frequently confronted with changes in their sleep and eating
patterns. (Specifically, singers should avoid talking excessively on airplanes that are both noisy and
dry). Performing in dry, dusry concert halls, or singng over the din in smoke-filled clubs increases the
risk ofvocal fatigue and infection. A minor cold or allergy can be devastating to a professional singer,
who is obliged to perform with swollen (edematous) vocal cords. Good vocal hygiene, good travel
habits, and vigilant protection of ones instrument (good judgment) is an important responsibility of
every singer.
Teresa Radomski, MM, is an accomplished operatic soloist otd Assistqrt Professor of Voice od
Theatrical Singrng at Walre Forest (Iniversity. In addition, Ms Rsdomski is a consltortfor the
Center For Voice Disorders, and a contributing editor of this nantsletter. Her column, "A Singer's
Notes" will qppear as a regularfeature of ME WSIBLE I/OICE. M
Reflux and Voice Disorders I Sineers and Sinsine O Vocal Nodules and PollPs