VoLTE One Pager Retainability DriveBased

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Check Distance B/W Site and PA.

Terrain Profile. Tilt Adjustment/CRS Gain changes.

Call Dragging due to HO Issue. Optimize Filter Coefficient EUtran (Change from 4 to higher values to delay HO to overshooting cells).
VoLTE_One_Pager_Retainability_DriveBased Tunnel Areas /Sudden Changes in RF.
Antenna height,Azimuth,Tilt,Gain,Not radiated Properly.
Check HO parameters and thresholds.
Check Neighbour HO Definitions, TAC Definition.
LTE Border Site/ Inter Frequecy Border Sites. Check Part of sector Power, Config Power, CRS Gain, PDCCH Power Boost.
TX Power (Part of Sector power). Need to report high VSWR (More than 1.5) to customer.
Coverage Issue (poor RSRP) RSRP < -114dBm VSWR is High. (>1.5) / Service affecting Alarm) Long Term Recommendation : New Site Planning, Antenna Height, Antenna Gain needs to change.
Poor RF Condition Pilot Pollution (4 or more Cells Serving the same location within the RSRP window of 5dB) Reduce Pilot Pollution.
Overshooting cells Tilt Adjustment/CRS Gain/Part of sector Power changes, Antenna Azimuth changes.
Quality Issue (Poor SINR) SINR <3dB MIMO Swap/Tx-Imbalance To make single dominance Cell in PA Location.
SRVCC service is not subscribed for this UE in HSS, that is HSS lacking of STN-SR.
Add STN-SR value in ISM.
Check for any recent UMTS RNC rehomes & make sure new UMTS Freq is defined as Freq relation under UtranFrequencyRelation MO.
eNB send “HandoverRequired” to MME. Verify UMTS information(LAC, RNCID, UARFCN) under ExternalUtranCellFDD matches with information in UMTS network.
PRE-Fail MME send “HandoverPreparationFailure” to eNB with cause ”ho-failure-in-target-EPC-eNB-or-target-system(6)”. Check "srvcccapability" setting for UMTS neighbors, should be set to 1(CS_ONLY_SUPPORTED).
SRVCC Enabled Optimize A2/B2 thresholds specific to QCI1(a2ThresholdRsrpPrimOffset,b2Threshold1RsrpUtraOffset,b2Threshold2RscpUtraOffset) if triggerQuantity is RSRP to trigger SRVCC in
UE unable to tune to UTRAN/GERAN after receiving "HO from EUtran Command" from LTE cell. optimal conditions on LTE & UMTS for successful handover. (If triggerQuantity is RSRQ optimize the same parameters mentioned above related to RSRQ).
SRVCC Exec-Fail Check L3 messages on successful call setup on UTRAN/GERAN. Check which particular cell SRVCC is being attempted & see if that UMTS cell has any performance issues or congestion.
SRVCC not Enabled Recommend SRVCC Activation on site with high inter site distance/LTE Border Site.)
If UL RSSI ( if its not due to High traffic ,report to Customer).
Change Pzeronominal PUCCH/PUSCH.
Check External Interference (Airport, Events, Repeater).
Check VSWR, Antenna not radiating Properly, Connector/feeder issue.

Check Service Affecting Alarm.
Soft reset/Hard Reset can help to clear Alarm.
For H/W alarm report to Customer for rectifying it.

TX Imbalance/VSWR:
In Drive Plots (Check through different Antenna Ports Signal Strength, both Antenna Signal Strength mean difference should be less than 5 dB. If its more than 5dB then report as TX-imbalance.
Check Feeder Cable Loss/VSWR/Connector Issue.

Need to Clear Sector/MIMO Swap (Report to Customer to clear this swap).

Cell Down /Site Down:

Check if the Site is frequently Switching ON & OFF.
Check any activity is going on this site.
Check any Power Issue at this Site. (Check with Customer).

Sleeping Cells :
UL RSSI(> -110dBm) High No RACH Failures (Need to do soft Reset/hard reset/Change RRU).
H/W Alarm
TX-Imbalance /VSWR Parameters Setting :
Sector Swap/MIMO Swap tinactivity Timers.
Cell Down /Site Down Target site Setting (PLMN Reserved, Cell Barred).
Sleeping Cell Power (Config, Part f sector Power).
Parameters Settings Pzeronominal PUCCH/PUSCH.
Site Issue Target Site Setting. HO Parameters(A3, A5 & B2), Cell designation.
RETAINABILITY If Re-establishment is not attempted on same cell:
Check if MT-RRC feature is activated.
Check for EUTRAN frequency relation missing.
Check if TermPointToENB is unlocked & enabled.
RRC Re-establishment Reject UE sends RRC Re-establishment Request, but e-NodeB rejects it by sending RRC Connection Re-establishment reject Check for missing cell relation.
Check QCI-1 Profile is defined on target cell.
After successful handover QCI-1 is not given back to UE in RRC Reconfiguration message. Check whether RLC mode is set same on source & target cell.
Partial H/O Check RRC Reconfiguration message. (DRB Id & EPS Id for QCI-1 is not available). Check PdcpSnLength & RlcSnLength is set same on source & target cell.
RF/SIP Signature
HOF Cause#
Sub Issue 1 Overshooting:
Overshooting from a distance beyond cell range.
Sub Issue 2 In Dense urban overshooting from beyond 3rd tier.
Need to Check Terrain Profile, Overshooting Samples Count/Strength,Water bodies.
Tilt Adjustment/CRS gain/part of sector Power.
Observation CIO make it "Negative" to delay HO.
Disable the HO relation.
Action Plan
PCI Conflict:
In OSS/ERTT to check EUtrancellFDD-->PCI Conflict. or check PCI conflict in MapInfo. Change PCI

Cell range:-
If there is a need to increase CellRange beyond 15, check whether Maximum Cell Range feature is active.

Delayed HO:-
Check SINR (Might be its very poor).
Delayed HO due to IFHO settings.
Change ->A3/A2 Offset/A5offset/Hysteresis/timeToTrigger for A3 &A5.

Poor RF:-
Both Serving and Neighbours are in poor RF.

No response from UE to RRC Reconfiguration(HO Command) message sent by source cell. Target Site issue :
HO-Execution Failure UE not receiving RRC Reconfiguration message sent by target cell. Alarm/UL-RSSI/VSWR/Sleeping Cell, H/W Issue.
L3 : UE is out of Sync/Restablishment Reject/TAU reject (If TAU is
rejected all bearers will be teared)
"503 Service Unavailable" SIP : UE sending Contionusly Packets in U/L and not received any Packets in D/L & after RTP timer expiry,
IMS sends 503 Service unavailabl to UE .
RF Issues
L3 : Check for any abnormal events occured & RF Condition
"481 Call/Transcation not Exist" Both UE intiated BYE message,MT UE receives bye message first but for the 2nd Bye msg IMS replies with 481. SIP : After Call Completed, MO/MT send BYE after 1 more BYE rx
in MO/MT, then IMS sends "481 Transaction Doesn't exit"
L3 : Check for any abnormal events occured & RF Condition
SIP-Cause "481 Call/Transcation not Exist" Both UE intiated BYE message,MT UE receives bye message first but for the 2nd Bye msg IMS replies with 481. SIP : After Call Completed, MO/MT send BYE after 1 more BYE rx
in MO/MT, then IMS sends "481 Transaction Doesn't exit"
L3 : Check for any abnormal events & RF Condition
"BYE/200 OK" Missing SIP : MO/MT UE did not receive BYE message or 200 OK (Pegged as a drop
in pp tool)
Non RF Issues
"500 Server Internal Error" L3 : Check previous Call not successfully de-activated then for the next call Bearer is modifed to 72 KBps
Multiple Bearer Activated/Hung Bearer SIP : Multiple Invite ,then multiple 183 Session Progress, then "500 Internal Error and followed by "480
Temporary Unavailable"
"3 Way Calling" L3 : No abnormal / No RF Bad events/ Modified Bearer messages observed.
MO is on call with MT, 3rd Party try to make call to MO or MT. SIP : Check successful call establishment between MO & MT.During ongoing call one more Invite received in MO/MT
from third Party Number

RF Issue --->Refer Poor RF Condition/Site issue above.

NON RF Issue-->Need to raise ticket with IMS Core Team.

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