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Crossroads, Directions and A New Critical Race Theory

Francisco Valdes, Angela Harris, Jerome Mccristal Culp

Published by Temple University Press

Valdes, F. & Harris, A. & Culp, J. M..

Crossroads, Directions and A New Critical Race Theory: And A New Critical Race Theory.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2002.
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Beyond, and Not Beyond,

Black and White:
Deconstruction Has a Politics
Mar; Matsuda

A PRESIDENT'S CONVERSATION on race is trying to advise the President's Initiative. At

going on right now, accompanied by a new the first opportunity to speak, I said, "It's
McCarthyism that excludes a radical cri- your job to assert that there is racism in
tique of American racism. No one affiliated America, because there are still a lot of peo-
with Critical Race Theory sits on the Presi- ple out there who believe that racism does-
dent's Commission, and that is not an acci- n't exist. You have to make it plain to them
dent. It is impossible to have a conversation that it is not a colorblind world." Immedi-
about race in America without critical race ately after I spoke, a Native American activist
theorists unless the omission is deliberate. jumped into the conversation to say, "Well,
Our work is a looming absence as the I hope you understand that racial discrimi-
national conversation grows in confusion. nation is not the first problem that my peo-
I heard the confusion all of this week. On ple face. Our first issue is sovereignty." On
Monday, I was discussing the President's Ini- Thursday, I came to Yale for the CRT Con-
tiative on Race with an Asian American civil- ference, and I met with Asian American stu-
rights lawyer. She said that she was worried dents. They were angry because there is no
that the President's Initiative had gotten Asian American studies program at one of
stuck on the Black-white paradigm. On the so-called finest universities in the so-
Tuesday, I ran into a prominent African called free world. One of the students said to
American veteran of the Civil Rights Move- me, "How do you ever figure out if your work
ment, and she said, "If you are going to talk is any good when none of your professors
about race in America you can't avoid the are in a position to evaluate your work
Black-white paradigm, and I wish you'd because they don't know anything about
explain this to people, since you are so good what you are trying to do? If they talk about
at explaining things." On Wednesday, I went race here at Yale, all they know is Black and
to a meeting with a group of people who are white." Now it's Friday, and I need to dis-

CUSS this racial-paradigm business as a chal- American community. Travel around the
lenge for CRT generally, as the challenge and world and talk to people my age, in corners
the politics of deconstruction. of Africa, the Pacific, Asia. Go to Aotearoa
We in CRT made a choice to put race at (New Zealand) and talk to the Maori people,
the center of our analysis for reasons his- and they will tell you, "We· heard this mes-
torical, political, and analytical, and that sage, 'I'm Black and I'm proud,' and we
meant that initially we were talking prima- translated it and formed our own struggle
rily about African American history and of liberation around it." The idea that one
experience. Several years ago at Yale, Profes- can develop self-respecting love of Black-
sor Harlon Dalton introduced me as "some- ness, tie it to a broader, popularized culture,
one who knows more about my people than transmute it over to politics so that it
I could ever hope to know about her peo- teaches a critique of colonialism, of capi-
ple." This was a profound compliment. It talism, and of racism, created the most
also included a little bit of the self-critique exciting personal and political moment of
that is just one page out of the Harlon Dal- my lifetime.!
ton school-of-charm book. The reason his Out of this confluence of culture and pol-
compliment resonated so deeply is embed- itics came the Asian American Movement,
ded in the social history ofJapanese Amer- Asian American Studies, and Asian Ameri-
icans of a certain age. can membership in the Third World coali-
A streetwise cousin of mine, when he was tion. The Black-white paradigm therefore
a teenager, showed me sketch books he was feels like the old home to me. I read W.E.B.
developing through participation in the Yel- Du Bois and Paul Robeson and others in
low Brotherhood, which, depending on your the Black intellectual tradition and feel val-
perspective, was either a gang or a political idated by their analysis of what happened in
formation. He had sketched Malcolm, Fred- this country, not just in the late twentieth
erick Douglass, Ho Chi Minh, and Che in century, but if you look back to what they
profile, marching off into the future, facing were writing about in the nineteenth and
a big rising sun. This was an iconic, early earlier twentieth century: They included
1970S vision shared not just by intellectuals. Asians. They talked about what was then
In this particular time, people you might called "Coolie Labor," and they understood
call the grassroots, the lumpen, shared the that the quasi-chattel status of contract
politics of liberation. We were children in laborers from Asia was the global equiva-
Los Angeles when Black nationalist graffiti lent of the quasi-chattel status of Black
first started appearing on the walls and we sharecroppers in the American South. They
heard phrases like "Black is beautiful." For critiqued this as part of a critique of global
Asian Americans, this remarkable inversion capitalism, and they tied these forms of
meant yellow was also, possibly, beautiful. indentured servitude to the history of slav-
This was a time when young Asian girls were ery. These intellectual links are quite pow-
saving money to get their eyelids slit by plas- erful for understanding not just the Black
tic surgeons so they could look more white. experience but the Asian experience, as well.
On television, Asian men were portrayed as We cannot understand American racism
bucktoothed, idiotic houseboys. The idea unless we understand African American his-
that someone could say, "I'm Black and I'm tory as American history. Asian Americans
proud," was deeply subversive not just in the need to know how the fear of a Black planet
African American community, but also in was real for planters in many areas of the
the Chicano community and in the Asian South where the enslaved far outnumbered

the free, and how the fear of Blackness bur- Hawaii, Guam, Micronesia, Okinawa, and
rowed into the collective unconscious of the Philippines-all these places that don't
this nation. There have been times in my have independence from U.S. military dom-
own life when I transgressed boundaries ination today-would have true sovereignty.
and found that I was feared as a Black per- We need to know how racism in all its vari-
son. In the fifth grade, I defied a teacher ant forms has played out in our history, how
because she made a pronouncement that inter- and intragroup oppression makes a
was unfair. She said to me in a bitter tone people-of-color coalition a fantasy in many
that I was not used to hearing from her, "I contemporary parts of the United States,
thought you were different." I had become and as we complexify, we have a challenge.
to her like the Black kids in the class. This When we say we need to move beyond
is no inconsequential position for Asians, Black and white, this is what a whole lot of
because fear of Blackness kills. When the people say or feel or think: "Thank good-
Los Angeles Police Department gunned ness we can get off that paradigm, because
down a Korean American traffic violator;2 those Black people made me so uncomfort-
when police in Northern California mur- able. I know all abour Blacks, but I really
dered an unarmed Chinese American man don't know anything about Asians, and
who was drunk on his own front lawn;3 while we're deconstructing that Black-white
when a Louisiana jury acquitted a Louisiana paradigm, we also need to reconsider the
homeowner who had shot a Japanese category of race all together, since race, as
teenager who came to the door to ask for you know, is a constructed category, and
directions 4 -these are real instances, not thank God I don't have to take those angry
metaphors, of fear of Blackness killing Black people seriously anymore."
somebody. This is not to say that xenopho- I am an intellectual. Theory is important.
bic, yellow-peril, Asian-specific forms of I don't want my comments taken as anti-
racism are absent in these cases. Rather, I intellectual, anti-theory, or anti-decon-
submit that the quick finger on the trigger struction in particular. My attack is on
traces back in history to a whispered name, deconstruction that comes without a pro-
Nat Turner, and a legacy of terror inflicted gressive politics and without a material
by the terrified. It says "shoot first," and component. Professor Lawrence speaks of
White Supremacy shoots in fear of what its Griggss as the doctrinal culmination of the
own evil has wrought on this continent. Civil Rights struggle, a high point before we
When I say "fear of Blackness," I don't sank back to where we are now. I am a mate-
mean that this is all we need to understand. rial girl, and Griggs is my case. For those of
I don't want to use up what little time I have you who are not lawyers, let me just explain
left to say it five times, but I must be under- briefly: The Griggs case says that if we see an
stood as though I said it five times: That's end result of racial exclusion, we will pre-
not all we need to understand. We need to sume that racism is there, and we're not
see the blood soaking our land from the going to require proof that someone
genocide that strips sovereignty, home, and intended to get to this racist place. If you
family from Indian people. We need to see have 500 job openings and you haven't hired
that without U.S. imperial campaigns of any of the 500 qualified Black people who
westward expansion that intended to go all applied, your statement that this exclusion
the way to Asia, we would be speaking Span- just happened by accident is not tenable.
ish at half the panels at this conference. We're going to take the result as evidence of
Without that imperialism, the nations of what you intended.

The Griggs test is how to achieve equality does an antiessentialist analysis of race,
if you believe that the real world counts. I challenging the university's goal of diver-
want to look at the effects of any given sity. By bringing in Black people or bringing
deconstruction, whether it's of the in Latino/Latina people, you don't get diver-
Black-white paradigm or of the notion of sity, the court says, because those groups
race itself. Is the effect of your deconstruc- themselves are diverse to the point of being
tion to give aid and comfort to the enemies non-existent. The court concluded by crim-
of racial justice? Is your deconstruction of inalizing any further efforts to integrate the
race further obfuscating deep racial strati- University of Texas. Admit a Mexican, go to
fication and white supremacy? If so, you're jail is the result; antiessentialism is the jus-
engaging in reactionary politics, whether tification.
you intend to or not. Similarly, when I speak This Hopwood form of deconstruction
loudly and clearly on behalf of racial justice and antiessentialism is, of course, simplistic
and I'm attacked, I notice that the same and reactionary, but I think too often it is
people who are attacking me are attacking aligned with more sophisticated theoretical
Catharine MacKinnon when she speaks forms. I see a similar groundswell happen-
loudly and clearly on the subject of the sex- ing with gender. When structuralist
ual abuse of women. When the same people thinkers identify patriarchy and describe
are attacking us, when we have the same the subordination of women, they immedi-
enemies, we are allies. Working backward ately face the charges of "vulgar," "simplis-
from that and working very hard to under- tic," or simply "excluding my experience."
stand Professor MacKinnon's work, I have To the extent that this critique is used
come to see why her work is true in theo- against a writer such as MacKinnon, I think
retical terms. I start from a material place. it misreads her work. The power of her
The people who want to annihilate her also model is that it encompasses a multiplicity,
want to annihilate me when we demand an and it still exists. The women in this room,
end to their position of domination. There- as diverse as they are, or the women on this
fore, she is my sister. panel, as diverse and individually unique as
I have come to a Griggs test for decon- they are, are nevertheless understood by the
struction theory out of my struggle around broader powers of patriarchy as available for
the issue of affirmative action. When I'm use and abuse by men. They are systemati-
defending affirmative action, as I've tried to cally devalued as social, economic, intellec-
do in my writing and in speaking to all tual, and political agents because of that
kinds of groups all over the country, I find reality. That many of us manage to rise
that deconstruction walks into the room, above in one way or another doesn't erase
and usually not in ways that are useful to the reality.
the project of racial justice. I run into liber- The reluctance to accept this powerful
als questioning whether affirmative action description of patriarchy within CRT some-
makes any sense, because only privileged times, I think, comes from the same affin-
people of color get to take advantage of it. ity that I articulated earlier for myself
By the way, in empirical terms, this is a lie. around the Black-white paradigm. To do
I run into people who question inclusion of cross-cutting analysis, as critical race femi-
Asian Americans in affirmative-action pro- nists have tried to do, feels like a dilution to
grams because "Asian" is an artificial cate- people who have struggled all their lives for
gory comprising diverse and oppositional liberation of their people, as constructed by
groups. I run into the Hopwood court6 that race, not gender. In other words, when Pro-

fessor MacKinnon says, "It's sex, it's sex, it's thing you need to know about white over
sex," that's heard as saying, "It's not race, Black as a metaphenomenon, you need to
it's not race, it's not race." She never said, go back to CRT 101. If you think that you've
"It's not race," and if you read her work you done that and that's all you need to do, the
can underline and highlight all the places in train is leaving the station; please get on
which she says, "And if you think that this board. If you are tired of pulling others out
is bad try multiplying it by racial oppres- of their ignorance about your own libera-
sion and see what you get." But maybe she tion struggle, all I can say is, I'm sorry, but
can't physically say that enough times in a that burden is your gift. You'll have to find
world in which any move to gender is taken some place to rest when weary, and you will
as an excuse to drop race, and vice versa. have to come back to the table and ask,
Disaggregation, antiessentialism, post- "Whom can I struggle with who will bring
structuralism-whatever theoretical move their ignorance in good faith and hear what
you make, I'll be watching you. A sophisti- they can learn from me as this train pulls
cated, nuanced, thick understanding of away?" Can you do two things that are dif-
human life may call for breaking out of cat- ferent at the same time? Can you drive while
egories and examining exceptionality. Read you talk on your cellular phone? No. Can
MacKinnon. She does this. Any theory that you say, "I love you, and I am angry at you?"
seeks structure, that can call oppression just Yes. Can you say, "The institution of slavery
that, lacks power if it cannot account for is foundational in American racism, and the
the outlier. And what if we are all outliers- struggle against American racism encom-
if race is nothing but variability and gender passes much beyond the Black-white para-
nothing but theater? What if we could digm"? Can you say, "The sexual abuse of
choose, invent, and dance up, down, and all women and girls of all races is an epidemic
around categories? If you love human in this country, and the present rate of
beings, you see this transcendent potential. incarceration of Black men is genocidal, and
If you love them under present political cir- the fact that these two are gendered phe-
cumstances, you see their unbearable vul- nomena indicates that patriarchy is after
nerability. Count the bodies as they fall, Black men as well as all women, and just
even as you imagine freedom from the tem- because I said 'Black' does not mean you
plate they fall through. should forget about Asian, Latino, Latina,
What does this mean for the future of gay, Indian, poor, working class, disabled,
CRT? I see an emerging consensus among and, this is not a laundry list?" This is some-
the progressive wing of this band that race, body's body, and at the end of the line there
gender, class, ethnicity, and sexuality are is liberation, and that is what gives meaning
complex, interlinked and indisputable loca- to all we do.
tions of oppression, and any attempt to
erase or dilute one analysis in order to do
another is a reactionary move. This makes Notes
our work incredibly hard, but the theoreti-
cal practice of disaggregation for its own Editor's note: This chapter is a transcription of
sake, without attention to political effects, remarks given at the November 1997 CRT Confer-
ence at Yale University while President Bill Clinton's
is ultimately going to serve interests that are Initiative on Race was conducting a national
not our own. If you think that sexual abuse inquiry into the state of race relations in America:
of women is a side issue, please read Mac- See President's Advisory Board, One America in the
Kinnon again. If you think you know every- 2ISt Century: Forging a New Future (Washington, D.C.:

u.s. President's Advisory Board, 1998). It should be 2. See Renee Tawa, "Korean Groups Want
read with the chapters by Professor Catharine Answers on Police Killing," Los Angeles Times, Feb-
MacKinnon and Professor Kimberle Crenshaw in ruary 17, 1997, BI.
this book as part of an organic whole on the ques- 3. See Rohnert Park, "Man Fatally Shot by Cops,"
tion of theory, community, and power. San Francisco Chronicle, April 30, 1997, A18.
1. For an account of this period by an African 4. See Adam Nossiter, "Student's Trust in People
American who became active in the Puerto Rican Proved Fatal," New York Times, October 23,1992, AI2.
liberation movement, see James Early, "An African- 5. Griggs v. Duke Power Company, 401 U.S. 424
American Puerto Rican Connection," in Andres Tor- (1971), as discussed in Charles R. Lawrence Ill's
res and Jose E. Velazques, The Puerto Rican Movement Foreword in this volume.
(Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998), 316-28. 6. Hopwood v. Texas, 78 F. 3d 932 (5th Cir. 1996).

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